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Correspondence between the Peter Westmacott and John Holmes regarding lobbying the US to designate PIRA as a terrorist organisation

Writing Peace: The National Archives of the UK (TNA)


A series of memos and telegrams between the British Embassy in the US, John Holmes and the FCO discussing whether the US might be persuaded to designate of the PIRA as a terrorist group. It was felt that peruading the US to take this step would have been of great symbolic value. It was doubtful whether it would make a great deal of practicial difference, although it might strengthen Adams's hand. They agreed that it would be best to try to privately persuade Lake and Clinton of the value of the approach, and that the recent Manchester and Adare attacks made this an opportune moment to do so.

paramilitary activity (republican)

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PREM 19/5711
49 1996 - 1996
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  • British Government

The National Archives of the UK (TNA), digitzed by the Quill Project at