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Enclosure: Covering Letter to Roderic Lyne Giving an Account of Recent Developments in the Talks Process and the Joint Declaration Initiative

Writing Peace: The National Archives of the UK (TNA)


Jonathan Stephens sets the scene for the upcoming speech by giving a précis of the context in the peace talks. The main blockages to roundtable talks are elucidated. They include the Irish Government's attitude towards Article 2 & 3 of the constitution and the shadow of John Hume's talks with Gerry Adams. Bilateral talks overseen by Michael Ancram are thought to have been productive. The British are keen to continue along this path and eventually expand to multilateral discussions. A key issue in this is thought to be the position of the Irish Government, particularly their view of the separation between the Talks process and the Joint Declaration Initiative (JDI).

downing street decalaration anglo-irish agreement articles 2 & 3/irish constitution ground rules and procedural challenges in the talks north/south cooperation

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CJ 4/10648
38 1993 - 1993
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The National Archives of the UK (TNA), digitzed by the Quill Project at

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