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Record of a Stocktaking Meeting (ST194) on 6 January 1994

Writing Peace: The National Archives of the UK (TNA)


A widely-attended meeting, the main purpose of which was 'to take stock of events following the Joint Declaration'. Reports made on security, prisons, reactions to the Joint Declaration, policing structures (including report on the RUC), justice, political development, the information service, and anglo-irish cooperation. Potential difficulties of the latter included extradition and Gerry Adams' US visa. Conclusion on the Join Declaration generally that it looked likely to cause a split in the PIRA, which made it likely that they would not be able to accept it.

downing street declaration paramilitary activity (republican) security prisoners policing and justice east/west cooperation

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CJ 4/10946
24 1993 - 1994
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The National Archives of the UK (TNA), digitzed by the Quill Project at

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