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Record of a Meeting between Patrick Mayhew and Jim Molyneaux on 4 October 1993

Writing Peace: The National Archives of the UK (TNA)


Briefing document detailing Jim Molyneaux's concerns about being undercut in the discussions following a joint statement from John Hume and Gerry Adams. Molyneaux fears that this collaboration will lead to grassroots Unionist panic and a reversion to violent methods. Molyneaux confirmed continued UUP participation in exploratory talks but indicated a cooling in relationship with the Irish government.

downing street declaration inclusion/exclusion of parties paramilitary activity (republican) paramilitary activity (loyalist) consent principle

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CJ 4/10647
26 1993 - 1993
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The National Archives of the UK (TNA), digitzed by the Quill Project at

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