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Writing Peace: The National Archives of the UK (TNA)

Update for John Major on Northern Ireland, 19 July 1996

Friday, 19 July 1996


The document contains a briefing for British Prime Minister John Major on the Inter-Government Conference [IGC] sessions, which was prepared by the Prime Minister's Private Secretary John Holmes on 19 July 1996. Holmes noted that the IGC had four phases, which covered the Belfast talks, cross-border security cooperation, the Drumcree crisis and its aftermath, and the proposed review of parades for the future. Holmes noted that while UUP leader David Trimble appeared prepared to move on the rules of procedures, SDLP leader Seamus Mallon was insisting on the getting through the agenda for the Opening Plenary by the end of July. The briefing also updates Major on Secretary of State Patrick Mayhew's plans for the parades review in Northern Ireland, and the extent of consultations taking place with regards to the Apprentice Boys march.

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Writing Peace: The National Archives of the UK (TNA)

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