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Writing Peace: The National Archives of the UK (TNA)

Memo from Stephen Wall to Robin Butler Providing Instructions for the Butler-Nally Meeting on 7 February 1992

Tuesday, 04 February 1992


Discusses the Irish draft of the Joint Declaration, expressing the opinion that the Irish draft Declaration was unacceptable as it would commit the British to unification. States that this was an issue for the Prime Minister to discuss with the new Taoiseach and after the British General Election.

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Writing Peace: The National Archives of the UK (TNA)

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Thank you for your minute of 30 January with a copy of the Irish draft Declaration.

The Prime Minister discussed this with the Foreign Secretary this evening though the Foreign Secretary had not, and has not, seen the Irish draft.

The Irish draft would commit the Prime Minister to unification (albeit in ambiguous wording). It contains several other unacceptable features.

The Prime Minister would be grateful if, at your meeting with Mr Nally on Friday, you could kick this whole issue into the long grass. He would be grateful if you would say to Mr Nally that this is an issue which will have to be discussed between the Prime Minister and the new Taoiseach. You could also say on your own account that we are now close to a General Election and that the issue should, therefore, be taken up, after the Election, when the Prime Minister and the new Taoiseach meet.

J. S. Wall
4 February 1992