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Writing Peace: The National Archives of the UK (TNA)

Enclosure: Record of a Butler/Nally Meeting on 6 October 1993

Thursday, 07 October 1993


This document provides an account of the meeting that took place between Robin Butler and Dermot Nally on 6 October 1993. The note records that the Irish Government accepted that contacting Jim Molyneaux of the UUP was necessary to reassure the Unionist side. Butler also set out points of concern for the British Government, and noted that they would require reassurances from the Irish Government on the same. They discussed John Hume and Gerry Adams' joint statement and the purpose of the Joint Declaration Initiative as envisioned by the Irish Government. Nally handed over draft JD10 (enclosed) to Butler, and they discussed the various amendments in the new text. The British Government delegation urged the Irish side for a more stringent constitutional guarantee, and the Irish side expressed concern that this would anger the Provisionals. Both sides discussed the next steps, and on the best time for the Declaration to be released.

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Writing Peace: The National Archives of the UK (TNA)

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