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United States Fourteenth Amendment & The Civil Rights Act of 1866

An amendment to the Constitution of the United States that granted citizenship and equal rights, both civil and legal, to Black Americans, including those who had been emancipated by the thirteenth amendment.

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John B. Alley William B. Allison Oakes Ames Sydenham E. Ancona George W. Anderson Henry B. Anthony Samuel M. Arnell Delos R. Ashley James M. Ashley Jehu Baker John D. Baldwin Nathaniel P. Banks Abraham A. Barker Portus Baxter Fernando C. Beaman John F. Benjamin Teunis G. Bergen John Bidwell John A. Bingham James G. Blaine Henry T. Blow E. G. Bourdoin George S. Boutwell Benjamin M. Boyer Rev. C. B. Boynton Allen A. Bradford Augustus Brandegee Henry P. H. Bromwell James Brooks John M. Broomall B. Gratz Brown Charles R. Buckalew Ralph P. Buckland Hezekiah S. Bundy Walter A. Burleigh William B. Campbell Alexander G. Cattell Zachariah Chandler John W. Chanler J. Francisco Chaves Daniel Clark Reader W. Clarke Sidney Clarke Amasa Cobb Alexander H. Coffroth Schuyler Colfax Roscoe Conkling John Conness Burton C. Cook Edmund Cooper Edgar Cowan Aaron H. Cragin John A. J. Creswell Shelby M. Cullom Charles V. Culver William A. Darling Garrett Davis Thomas T. Davis Henry L. Dawes John L. Dawson Joseph H. Defrees Columbus Delano Henry C. Deming Charles Denison Arthur A. Denny James Dixon Nathan F. Dixon William E. Dodge Ignatius L. Donnelly James R. Doolittle John F. Driggs Ebenezer Dumont Ephraim R. Eckley George F. Edmunds Benjamin Eggleston Charles A. Eldredge Thomas D. Eliot John F. Farnsworth John H. Farquhar Thomas W. Ferry William P. Fessenden William E. Finck George G. Fogg Solomon Foot John W. Forney Lafayette S. Foster Joseph S. Fowler Frederick T. Frelinghuysen James A. Garfield Adam J. Glossbrenner Daniel W. Gooch John N. Goodwin
Charles Goodyear Edgar H. Gray Henry Grider James W. Grimes Josiah B. Grinnell John Augustus Griswold James Guthrie Robert S. Hale Aaron Harding Abner C. Harding James Harlan Benjamin G. Harris Ira Harris Roswell Hart Isaac R. Hawkins Rutherford B. Hayes James H. D. Henderson John B. Henderson Thomas A. Hendricks William Higby Ralph Hill Elijah Hise Phineas W. Hitchcock John Hogan Edward D. Holbrook Sidney T. Holmes Samuel Hooper William H. Hooper Giles W. Hotchkiss Jacob M. Howard Timothy O. Howe Asahel W. Hubbard Chester D. Hubbard John H. Hubbard Demas Hubbard Jr. Edwin N. Hubbell James R. Hubbell Calvin T. Hulburd James Humphrey James M. Humphrey John W. Hunter Ebon C. Ingersoll Thomas Jenckes Andrew Johnson Philip Johnson Reverdy Johnson Morgan Jones George W. Julian John A. Kasson William D. Kelley John R. Kelso Michael C. Kerr John H. Ketcham Samuel J. Kirkwood William H. Koontz Andrew J. Kuykendall Addison H. Laflin Henry S. Lane James H. Lane George R. Latham George V. Lawrence William Lawrence Francis C. Le Blond John W. Leftwich Benjamin F. Loan John W. Longyear Wm. Blair Lord John Lynch Turner M. Marquette Samuel S. Marshall Gilman Marston James M. Marvin Horace Maynard Joseph W. McClurg Hiram McCullough William J. McDonald James A. McDougall Walter D. McIndoe Samuel McKee Samuel McLean Edward McPherson Donald C. McRuer Ulysses Mercur George F. Miller James K. Moorhead Edwin D. Morgan Justin S. Morrill Lot M. Morrill Daniel Morris Samuel W. Moulton Leonard Myers James W. Nesmith
William A. Newell William E. Niblack John A. Nicholson Thomas E. Noell Daniel S. Norton James W. Nye Charles O'Neill Godlove S. Orth Halbert E. Paine David T. Patterson James W. Patterson Sidney Perham Charles E. Phelps Frederick A. Pike Tobias A. Plants Luke P. Poland Samuel C. Pomeroy Theodore M. Pomeroy Hiram Price William Radford Alexander Ramsey Samuel J. Randall William H. Randall Henry J. Raymond Alexander H. Rice John H. Rice George R. Riddle Burwell C. Ritter Andrew J. Rogers Edward H. Rollins Edmund G. Ross Lewis W. Ross Lovell H. Rousseau Willard Saulsbury Philetus Sawyer Robert C. Schenck Glenni W. Scofield George S. Shanklin Samuel Shellabarger John Sherman Charles Sitgreaves Ithamar C. Sloan Green C. Smith Rufus P. Spalding William Sprague John F. Starr Thaddeus Stevens William M. Stewart Thomas N. Stilwell John P. Stockton William B. Stokes Myer Strouse Charles Sumner Stephen Taber Nathaniel G. Taylor Nelson Taylor M. Russell Thayer Francis Thomas John L. Thomas, Jr. Anthony Thornton Lawrence S. Trimble Rowland E. Trowbridge Lyman Trumbull Charles Upson Henry H. Van Aernam Burt Van Horn Robert T. Van Horn Peter G. Van Winkle Daniel W. Voorhees Benjamin Wade Andrew H. Ward Hamilton Ward Sr. Samuel L. Warner Henry D. Washburn William B. Washburn Elihu B. Washburne Martin Welker John Wentworth Kellian Whaley Waitman T. Willey George H. Williams Thomas Williams Henry Wilson James F. Wilson Stephen F. Wilson William Windom Charles H. Winfield Frederick E. Woodbridge Edwin R. V. Wright William Wright Richard Yates

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