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Meeting of the Nally/Butler Group on 10 September 1993

Writing Peace: Dermot Nally Collection

Photocopied note by Dermot Nally of his meeting with Robin Butler, on 10 September 1993. Also present at the meeting were Seán Ó hUiginn, and John Chilcot. The note is addressed to Albert Reynolds and marked “secret and personal”. Items discussed include the wording of the draft Joint Declaration; the nature of a referendum to follow the outcome of the present process; and a British Government proposal for the Liaison Group to be mandated to draw up a paper on the position of the two Governments which could be used to develop Joint Declaration language. Further includes a full report by Seán Ó hUiginn of the same meeting, dated 13 September 1993.

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UCD Archives
163 1980 - 2008
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  • Irish Government

IE UCDA P254, Papers of Dermot Nally – Downing Street Declaration, UCD Archives, University College Dublin Library, Ireland, accessed via the Quill Project at