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Meeting between Charles Haughey and John Major on 4 December 1991: Tête-à-Tête

Writing Peace: Dermot Nally Collection

Photocopied note by Dermot Nally of Haughey’s meeting (tête-à-tête) with John Major, Government Buildings, Dublin. Albert Reynolds suggests a joint statement from the two Governments to exercise pressure on the PIRA and John Major urging caution agrees to “look at it most confidentially” and have Robin Butler and Dermot Nally discuss it together. ["4 December 1991" has been crossed out and replaced with "3 December 1991" in the annotations. However, since at the end of the meeting they join the plenary meeting held on 4 December 1991, this is an error.]

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UCD Archives
163 1980 - 2008
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  • Irish Government

IE UCDA P254, Papers of Dermot Nally – Downing Street Declaration, UCD Archives, University College Dublin Library, Ireland, accessed via the Quill Project at

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