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No resource items are available for this committee.
The House is called to order and organizes itself; a resolution is proposed creating a Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction.
Papers on contested elections in Pennsylvania, Michigan, and New York are presented; E.D Holbrook from Idaho and Francis Thomas from Maryland enter the House; H. R. 1 is introduced and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary
Rev. Boynton enters his duties as Chaplain; Lovell H. Rousseau from Kentucky enters the House; H. Res. 8 and H. Res. 9 are proposed and referred
Daniel Voorhees from Indiana enters the House; standing and select committees are appointed
Credentials from those claiming seats in Tennessee are referred to the Joint Committee on Reconstruction
The Senate amendments to the resolution for the appointment of a Joint Committee on Reconstruction are concurred in
The members of the Joint Committee on Reconstruction are appointed; resolutions are offered in memory of Senator Jacob Collamer and the House adjourns to show respect
Benjamin G. Harris, Samuel McLean, and William H. Hooper take their oaths and enter the House; the credentials of James M. Johnson of Arkansas are presented and referred to the Joint Committee on Reconstruction; the Committee on the Judiciary reports back H. R. 1 with an amendment
Credentials from Louisiana are presented; H. Res. 9 is reported back from the Committee of the Judiciary
Credentials of G. H. Kyle from Arkansas and documents on H. C. Warmoth of Louisiana are referred to the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction; the death of Orlando Kellogg is announced
Delos R. Ashley of Nevada enters the House; the House is informed of the Senate appointments to the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction
The House resolves into Committee of the Whole on consideration of the President's Annual Message
H. Res. 30 and H. R. 88 are proposed and referred to Committee on the Judiciary; H. Res. 31 is proposed and referred to Joint Committee on Reconstruction
Mr. Broomall submits a series of resolutions referred to the Joint Committee on Reconstruction
Mr. Finck presented the memorial of Charles Follett; Morgan Jones from New York is sworn into the House; Mr. Noell's resolution, proposed on December 11, 1865, is referred to the Joint Committee on Reconstruction; the House continues to consider H. R. 1
The Speaker lays before the house credentials for John D. Kennedy and James Farrow, which are referred to Joint Committee on Reconstruction; the House continues to consider H. R. 1
The House continues to consider H. R. 1
Mr. Delano presented the credentials of members-elect from the State of Arkansas; Mr. Conkling submits a resolution to be referred to the Joint Committee on Reconstruction; Mr. Orth submits joint resolution H. Res. 39; the House continues to consider H. R. 1
Mr. Conkling presents resolutions to be referred to the Joint Committee on Reconstruction; the House continues to consider H. R. 1
John N. Goodwin enters the House; H. Res. 43 is proposed and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary; Mr. Grider submits resolutions to be referred to the Joint Committee on Reconstruction; the House continues to consider H. R. 1
H. R. 1 is considered and passed
The House resolves into Committee of the Whole on consideration of the President's Annual Message
Mr. Stevens submits a resolution to have the Committee of Judiciary inquire on the enforcement of law no matter race or color; Mr. Grider submits resolutions that are referred to Joint Committee on Reconstruction; Mr. Stevens reports on H. Res. 51
Mr. Henderson submits resolutions on secession; the House continues debate on H. Res. 51
The House continues to consider H. Res. 51
Mr. Fink submits a resolution for Hon. Charles Follett's election; debate on H. Res. 51 continues
The Committee of Elections reports a resolution declaring Mr. Coffroth entitled to take the vacant seat; debate on H.Res. 51 continues.
The House resolves into Committee of the Whole on consideration of the President's Annual Message
The House resumes consideration of H. Res. 51
Mr. Delano submits a resolution for William Byers, G. H. Kyle and James M. Johnson to occupy the vacant Arkansas seats; House resumes consideration of H. Res. 51
H. Res. 51 is passed and sent to the Senate for concurrence
The Speaker names Elihu Washburne to perform the duties of the Chair tomorrow
A message from the Senate informs the House that S. 61 requires concurrence
S. 61 is referred to the Committee on the Judiciary; the Committee on Elections reports on the Michigan Baldwin V. Trowbridge contested election
Mr. Wilson moves to reconsider the vote in which referred S. 61 to the Committee on the Judiciary; Mr. Morris proposes H. R. 256
Mr. Brooks presents the credentials of those claiming seats from the state of Alabama
The minority report of the Committee of Elections in the Michigan Baldwin V. Trowbridge contested election is reported to the House
The House resolves into Committee of the Whole on consideration of the President's Annual Message
The Joint Committee on Reconstruction reports H. Res. 63
The Michigan Baldwin V. Trowbridge contested election is resolved in Mr. Trowbridge's favor
The House resolves into Committee of the Whole on consideration of the President's Annual Message
The Committee of Elections reports resolutions in the Pennsylvania Coffroth V. Koontz contested election; Mr. Orth submits a resolution to instruct the Joint Committee on Reconstruction
The House resolves into Committee of the Whole on consideration of the President's Annual Message
Mr. McKee introduces H. Res. 70; The Committee on Elections reports on the Indiana Washburn V. Voorhees contested election; The Pennsylvania Coffroth V. Koontz contested election is resolved in Mr. Coffroth's favor
The Committee on Elections submits the minority report on the Indiana Washburn V. Voorhees contested election
The consideration of the Indiana Washburn V. Voorhees contested election is postponed until Friday next
The Indiana Washburn V. Voorhees contested election is resolved in Mr. Washburn's favor
The House resolves into Committee of the Whole on consideration of the President's Annual Message
The Joint Committee on Reconstruction reports back H. Res. 63
The House resumes consideration of H. Res. 63
The House continues consideration of H. Res. 63; consideration of the joint resolution is postponed until the second Tuesday in April
The House consider S. 61
Mr. Baker proposes a joint resolution to amend the Constitution denying anyone who had been in the service of the confederacy a seat in American government; S. 61 continues to be considered
The House resolves into Committee of the Whole on consideration of the President's Annual Message
Mr. James M. Ashley submits a concurrent resolution regarding the civil rights of freedmen
An amendment to S. 61 is proposed and ordered to be printed
The House continues to consider S. 61
The House continues to consider S. 61
The House resolves into Committee of the Whole on consideration of the President's Annual Message
Mr. Shellabarger submits a Resolution denying anyone who had been in the service of the confederacy a seat in American government
S. 61 is considered and passed by the House; the Committee on the Judiciary reports back H. Res. 43; H. Res. 89 is proposed
Mr. G. Clay Smith's resolutions from December are discussed; the House receives a message from the Senate confirming their agreement to the amendments to S. 61
S. 61 is duly enrolled and sent to the Senate to be signed
The House resolves into Committee of the Whole on consideration of the President's Annual Message
Mr. James M. Ashley's resolution on the civil rights of freedmen is taken up and referred to the Joint Committee on Reconstruction; Mr. Roger's submits a resolution on the issue of rebel debt
Motion to reconsider the vote by which the House recommitted to the Committee on the Judiciary H. Res. 43 was not agreed to
The House resolves into Committee of the Whole on consideration of the President's Annual Message
Mr. Roger's Resolution on rebel debt is taken up
The House mourns the death of Senator Foot from Vermont
H. R. 437 is proposed and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary; consideration of the New York Contested Election is temporarily postponed
The House considers the Resolutions reported from the Committee on Elections on the New York Dodge V. Brooks contested election
The House considers the Resolutions reported from the Committee on Elections on the New York Dodge V. Brooks contested election
The House resolves the New York Dodge V. Brooks contested election in Mr. Dodge's favor; Mr. Dodge takes the oath and his seat in the House
The House resolves into Committee of the Whole on consideration of the President's Annual Message
S. 61 returns to the House after the Presidential veto
Mr. Cullom and Mr. Driggs discuss their votes on the S. 61 decision from the previous day
Mr. Ingersol makes a personal explanation regarding his actions on April 9th on S. 61
H. Res. 109 and H. Res. 110 are proposed and referred to the Joint Committee on Reconstruction.
Mr. Kasson submits a Resolution demanding Presidential communication on the issue of rebel debt
The Joint Committee on Reconstruction reports H. Res. 127, H. R. 543, and H. R. 544
The House receives a message from the President in response to the Resolution from April 25th; H. R. 543 continues to be considered
The House resolves into Committee of the Whole on consideration of the President's Annual Message
Mr. Boyer submits a Resolution to dissolve the Joint Committee on Reconstruction; Mr. Stevens submits a resolution limiting the length of speeches on H. Res. 127 to thirty minutes; A substitute for H. R. 437 is reported and recommitted to the Committee on the Judiciary
The House considers H. Res. 127
The House continues consideration of H. Res. 127; Mr. Stevens announces his intent to call the previous question to force a vote on H. Res. 127 the next day
H. Res. 127 progresses to its third reading and is passed; it is sent to the Senate for concurrence
The Committee of Elections reports on the Ohio Follet vs. Delano contested election
The House takes up H. R. 543 and H. R. 544
Mr. Dawes from the Committee on Elections announces his intent to introduce the Ohio Follet vs. Delano contested election tomorrow
The House considers the Ohio Follett v. Delano contested election
The House resolves into Committee of the Whole on consideration of the President's Annual Message
H. R. 603 is presented
Mr. Stevens introduces H. R. 623
The House continues to consider H. R. 543
The House continues to consider H. R. 543
The House continues to consider H. R. 543
The House considers H. Res. 63; H. Res. 63 is indefinitely postponed
Mr. Boutwell gives notice that the House is to take up H. Res. 127 on the next Wednesday
Mr. Raymond submits a resolution on rebel debt; the House continues to consider H. R. 543
The House moves to print the Senate amendments to H. Res. 127
Mr. Stevens gives notice of a substitue for H. R. 623; the House considers H. Res. 127
The credentials of Lewis Hawes of South Carolina are presented; The Committee on Enrolled Bills reports on H. Res. 127; the House continues to consider H. R. 543
The House continues to consider H. R. 543
The House resolves into Committee of the Whole on consideration of the President's Annual Message
The Committee on Enrolled Bills reports on H. Res. 127; Mr. Bingham submits a resolution on Rebel Debt; the House continues to consider H. R. 543
The House resolves into Committee of the Whole and refuses to consider S. 623
The Committee of Elections report on the Contested Election of Coffroth vs Koontz
The House decides the Contested Election of Coffroth vs Koontz in favour of Mr. Koontz, who is sworn in.
Mr. Stevens tries to report H. 543 again as H. R. 790, but the House votes to lay it on the table.
Members from Tennessee are sworn in to the House.
The House resolves into Committee of the Whole and briefly considers H. R. 623.
The first session of the Thirty-Ninth Congress adjourns
The second session of the Thirty-Ninth Congress is called to order
Members of the House continue to arrive
Members of the House continue to arrive
Members of the House continue to arrive
Members of the House continue to arrive; standing committees are appointed
Delos R. Ashley enters the House
John Hogan, Thomas T. Davis, Demas Hubbard and Charles Denison enter the House
The House considers the President's Annual Message in Committee of the Whole
The House receives S. 1 from the Senate; the bill is considered and passes in the House
S. 1 is enrolled, signed by the Speaker of the House, and sent to the Senate to be signed by the President pro tempore
Charles H. Winfield enters the House
The House lays H. R. 543 on the table until the House reconvenes after the holidays
W. A. Burleigh enters the House; H. R. 543 is considered
Mr. Bingham declines to submit remarks on H. R. 543; the House resolves into Committee of the Whole to consider the President's Annual Message.
The House resolves itself into Committee of the Whole to consider the President's annual message.
The House continues to consider H. R. 543
William Radford enters the House; the House receives the President's veto of S. 1 and passes it notwithstanding
Philip Johnson enters the House
The House continues to consider H. R. 543
The House continues to consider H. R. 543
The House continues to consider H. R. 543
The House continues to consider H. R. 543
Ebenezer Dumont enters the House; the House continues to consider H. R. 543
The House continues to consider H. R. 543
The House continues to consider H. R. 543
H. R. 543, and its pending amendments, are referred to the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction
The death of Philip Johnson is announced
The Joint Committee on Reconstruction reports H. R. 1143
The House continues to consider H. R. 1143
The House continues to consider H. R. 1143
The House continues to consider H. R. 1143
Amendments are offered to H. R. 1143
The House continues to consider H. R. 1143
The House continues to consider the H. R. 1143
The House continues to consider the President's Annual Message in Committee of the Whole
The House receives H. R. 1143 from the Senate, with amendments
The House non-concurs in the Senate amendments to H. R. 1143
The House amends H. R. 1143 and refers it to the Senate to be concurred in
H. R. 1143 is enrolled
Morgan Jones enters the House
H. R. 1143 is vetoed by the President of the United States and sent back to the House; the second session of the Thirty-Ninth Congress adjourns