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(2004) Proposals for a Comprehensive Agreement at Leeds Castle

Writing Peace: Treaties and Agreements


Published following discussions at Leeds Castle, and built upon key issues identified by the Prime Minsiter, the Taoiseach, and the Northern Ireland Parties at Lancaster House in June 2004. These Proposals formed a proposed agreement which the British and Irish governments sent to the DUP and to Sinn Féin, though not all elements were agreed upon.

Key areas were identified as essential for a comprehensive settlement and full implementation of the Belfast Agreement (1985), these included: - an end to paramilitary activity; - decommissioning of paramilitary weapons; - support for policing - restoration of the Assembly - inclusive power-sharing - full operation of North-South and East-West institutions.

Also included was a proposed timetable of actions.

Published under Crown Copyright. Free to re-use under the Open Government Licence.

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Treaties and Agreements
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