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(2016) Agreement Establishing the Independent Reporting Commission

Writing Peace: Treaties and Agreements


Treaty Series No. 1 (2016)

This Agreement established the Independent Reporting Commission (IRC), following the Fresh Start Agreement (Section A). It was founded to bring an end to paramilitary activity and tackle organised crime in northern Ireland. Further objectives include supporting long term peace, the implementation of measures by the joint governments and Northern Ireland Executive, and progress to a devolved government in Northern Ireland.

The Agreement specified that the Commission was to consist of four members. The Commissioners who would later be nominated were: John McBurney and Monica McWilliams (Northern Ireland Executive); Tim O'Connor (Ireland); and Mitchell Reiss (UK Government).

The IRC publishes its reports online.

Published under Crown Copyright. Free to re-use under the Open Government Licence.

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Treaties and Agreements
41 1800 - 2024
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