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(2010) Agreement on Co-Operation on Criminal Justice Matters

Writing Peace: Treaties and Agreements


Treaty Series No. 35 (2011). Notifications of the completion of the procedures necessary for the entry into force of the Agreement exchanged on 2 December 2010 and 14 December. Entered into force on 22 December 2010

An updated version of the Agreement on co-operation on Criminal Justice Matters (2005) which entered into force in 2008.

This treaty aimed to further secure North-South and East-West cooperation on Criminal Justice Matters.

It takes into account developments in cooperation between agencies in Ireland and Northern Ireland on policing and security matters, as well as developments within the European Union.

Provisions included Ministerial Meetings; Establishment of a Working Group on Criminal Justice Cooperation; and Operations of the Agreement insofar as they relate to the devolution of powers to the Northern Ireland Executive.

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Treaties and Agreements
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