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(2019) Declaration by HMG Concerning the Operation of the 'Democratic Consent In Northern Ireland' Provision of the Protocol on Ireland/Northern Ireland

Writing Peace: Treaties and Agreements


The declaration by Her Majesty’s Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland relates to the operation of the ‘Democratic consent in Northern Ireland’ provision of the Protocol on Ireland/Northern Ireland.

This declaration asserts the commitment of HMG to provide members of the Northern Ireland Assembly (MLAs) with the opportunity to grant their consent to the continued application of the Protocol (Articles 5-10) - which include arrangements for free movement of goods and post-Brexit customs and regulatory checks.

An initial vote on democratic consent is scheduled for the end of 2024.

Published under Crown Copyright. Free to re-use under the Open Government Licence.

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Treaties and Agreements
41 1800 - 2024
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