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A selection of material relating to the Northern Irish Peace Process scanned at The National Archives of the UK. The files are mainly taken from the CJ 4 series (Northern Ireland Office records) and the PREM series (Office of the Prime Minister...
An amendment to the Constitution of the United States that granted citizenship and equal rights, both civil and legal, to Black Americans, including those who had been emancipated by the thirteenth amendment.
Monica McWilliams is Emeritus Professor in the Transitional Justice Institute at Ulster University, and has campaigned tirelessly for peace and human rights in both Northern Ireland and the wider world for more than four decades. As co-founder of...
Idaho's Constitutional Convention went from July 4, 1889 - August 6, 1889. Using the work that began in the standing committees, drafted reports or articles became the ratified Idaho Constitution in November 1889.
This collection is one box (P254) from a larger selection of Dermot Nally's papers held in the University College Dublin Archives. The documents in the box relate to the development of the Downing Street Joint Declaration, made by the British and...
A series of talks launched by Peter Brooke, Secretary of State for Northern in Ireland, which began in April 1991, and were carried on intermittently by Brooke and his successor, Patrick Mayhew, until November 1992.
This collection contains documents held by the National Archives of Ireland (NAI) relating to the peace process in Northern Ireland. It currently comprises a small selection of files from the Office of the Taoiseach, the Deparment of Justice and...
A selection of mini-models designed to provide an insight into the ongoing work of 'Writing Peace' and to demonstrate Quill's approach to visualising the archive material and tracking the process of negotiation. This collection is still under...
The Forum for Political Dialogue met between 1996 and 1998 in Belfast alongside the negotiations that led to the Good Friday Agreement. The Records of Debate were originally posted on the Forum's website, which has since been archived. Lord...
Following the rejected 'Sioux Falls' Convention of 1885, the South Dakota Convention met and began the drafting process in July of 1889. They used the articles of the Sioux Falls Convention as starting propositions to begin the amendment process....
This negotiation contains a selection of mini-models designed to provide an insight into the ongoing work of PACT and to demonstrate Quill's approach to visualising the archive material and tracking the process of negotiation. It differs from our...
The Dakotas Joint Committee for the Division of Property began on July 16, 1889 and dissolved on July 31, 1889. It allowed for delegates from both the North and South Conventions to meet in Bismarck and negotiate the splitting of the Territory of...
This negotiation contains a selection of mini-models designed to provide an insight into the ongoing work of PACT and to demonstrate Quill's approach to visualising the archive material and tracking the process of negotiation. It differs from our...
This collection of treaties, agreements, legislation, and joint statements relating to the status of Northern Ireland was commissioned by ARINS. The primary source materials in this resource collection were compiled by Harriet Carter and Ruth...
{"184": {"top_level_match": "false", "sessions": [], "committees": [], "delegations": [], "people": [], "events": [{"id": 124931, "title": "IMPORT_FROM", "description": "H. R. 374: Committee Amendment to the", "url": "/m2/session/12279#124931", "type": "IMPORT_FROM", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-amend-import.svg", "session_id": 12279}, {"id": 820605, "title": "CREATE", "description": "S. No.", "url": "/m2/session/12012#820605", "type": "CREATE", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-subtype-script-add.svg", "session_id": 12012}, {"id": 822100, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. GREEN. In drawing that resolution, Mr. President, as a matter of course, it was suggest-ive. The details and the precise manner in which it is to be carried out, I leave for the committee on", "url": "/m2/session/12010#822100", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 12010}, {"id": 822120, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "The VICE PRESIDENT. The Senator from Mississippi. \n\nMr. DAVIS. Mr. President, if the political firmament seemed to me dark before, there has been little in the discussion this morning to cheer or", "url": "/m2/session/12010#822120", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 12010}, {"id": 822127, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. LATHAM. Mr. President, my friend from Mississippi, in his allusion to me, either misunderstood me or unintentionally did me great injustice. I did not say, because I did not think it\u2014and if I did", "url": "/m2/session/12010#822127", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 12010}, {"id": 822601, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. WADE. I called upon them to specify what they complained of in regard to the fugitive slave bill, and the gentleman has got up a case where he says the Governor of Ohio refused to issue his", "url": "/m2/session/12466#822601", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 12466}, {"id": 822616, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. SEWARD. With the honorable Senator\u2019s permission, 1 beg leave to ask him to state the grounds of the declaration he has just made? \n\nMr. WIGFALL. I will state to the Senator. I do not keep scrap", "url": "/m2/session/12011#822616", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 12011}, {"id": 823477, "title": "DEBATE_MOTION", "description": "STATE OF THE UNION. \n\n \n\nSPEECH OF HON. S. A. DOUGLAS, \nOF ILLINOIS, \nIn the Senate, January 3, 1861. \n\n \n\nThe Senate having under consideration the following resolution reported by the select", "url": "/m2/session/12398#823477", "type": "DEBATE_MOTION", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-procedure-debate.svg", "session_id": 12398}, {"id": 824048, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. CRITTENDEN. It is through a long train of events, of party controversies, that the country has been brought to its present deplor-able condition. It would be idle to say that in the course of", "url": "/m2/session/12395#824048", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 12395}, {"id": 824056, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. TOOMBS. That was very adroitly done, or very ignorantly done, I do not know which; but I want to set that portion of our record right. This was the act to which I referred, and upon which", "url": "/m2/session/12395#824056", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 12395}, {"id": 826077, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. GREEN. I was just remarking that I con-sidered the present Constitution of the United States good enough, ample in all its provisions, if enforced and adhered to in good faith; and if there is a", "url": "/m2/session/12541#826077", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 12541}, {"id": 826315, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. SIMMONS. I have seen it somewhere in the printed proceedings. That would certainly be the way. There is no other way to do it un-der the Constitution. Every suggestion, every argument made use of", "url": "/m2/session/12511#826315", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 12511}, {"id": 826406, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. BIGLER. After the solemn scene presented here this morning, I confess I scarcely have the heart to approach the consideration of this subject. The solicitude\u2014the universal and solemn solicitude,", "url": "/m2/session/12513#826406", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 12513}, {"id": 826445, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "STATE OF THE UNION. \n\nSPEECH OF HON. L. W. POWELL, \n\nOF KENTUCKY, In the Senate, January 22, 1861. \n\nThe Senate, as in Committee of the Whole, having resumed the consideration of the joint resolution", "url": "/m2/session/12545#826445", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 12545}, {"id": 826449, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. POWELL. I have given the Senator the evidence. It is a written statement of one of his own colleagues, made a few days ago. I gave to the Senator, not long since, a specific charge against the", "url": "/m2/session/12545#826449", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 12545}, {"id": 826548, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. WILSON. Mr. President, Bancroft, in the last volume of his History of the United States, has drawn, with graphic pen, the character of George Mason, one of the noblest of that illustrious band of", "url": "/m2/session/12519#826548", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 12519}, {"id": 828017, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "THE PRESERVATION OF OUR UNION ON PRINCIPLES OF FRATERNITY, EQUALITY, AND JUSTICE TO ALL. \n\n \nSPEECH OF HON. THOMAS B. FLORENCE \nof Pennsylvania, \n\nIn the House of Representatives, \n\nFebruary 27th,", "url": "/m2/session/11970#828017", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 11970}, {"id": 829188, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "STATE OF THE UNION.\n\nSPEECH OF HON. JNO. S. MILLSON, of Virginia,\n\nIn the House of Representatives,\n\nJanuary 21, 1861.\n\nThe House having under consideration the report from the select committee of", "url": "/m2/session/11969#829188", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 11969}, {"id": 834114, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "STATE OF THE UNION. \n \nSPEECH OF HON. T. A. R. NELSON, Of Tennessee, \nIn the House of Representatives, \nJanuary 25, 1861. \n \nThe House having under consideration the report from the select committee", "url": "/m2/session/12621#834114", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 12621}, {"id": 834404, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. CLARK, of Missouri. No, sir; I cannot yield further. Mr. Speaker, I was going on to remark that, notwithstanding all these complaints, which, in our judgment, we have abundant cause to make, the", "url": "/m2/session/12622#834404", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 12622}, {"id": 834418, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. GILMER. I decline to yield. What is said now? What is the course pursued by them now? To give the country time for reflection? To give the country time to consider? Are the people allowed to", "url": "/m2/session/12622#834418", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 12622}, {"id": 834466, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. WINSLOW. When I took service upon the committee of the States, to which position you had kindly assigned me, I confess I did so with but slight hope that its efforts would avail to the", "url": "/m2/session/12624#834466", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 12624}, {"id": 834498, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. VAN WYCK. This week completes the nineteenth anniversary of one of the most exciting scenes witnessed in the American Congress. On the 25th day of January, 1842, John Quincy Adams introduced the", "url": "/m2/session/12624#834498", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 12624}, {"id": 835058, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. CONKLING. Mr. Speaker, with this view of our predicament, its origin, its history, and its authors, I saw little, from the outset, that we could do, except to abide the issue. On the President of", "url": "/m2/session/12625#835058", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 12625}, {"id": 835069, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. HOWARD, of Ohio. Mr. Speaker, we have arrived at a period in the history of our country which was never even dreamed of by the gallant and far-seeing men who signed the Declaration of", "url": "/m2/session/12625#835069", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 12625}, {"id": 835081, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "STATE OF THE UNION. \n\nSPEECH OF HON. E. JOY MORRIS, \n\nOF PENNSYLVANIA, \n\nIn the House of Representatives, January 30, 1861. \n\nThe House having under consideration the report from the select committee", "url": "/m2/session/12625#835081", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 12625}, {"id": 835357, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "STATE OF THE UNION. \n\nSPEECH OF HON. C. F. ADAMS, OF MASSACHUSETTS, \n\nIn the House of Representatives, January 31, 1861. \n\nThe House having under consideration the report from the select committee of", "url": "/m2/session/12626#835357", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 12626}, {"id": 835370, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "STATE OF THE UNION. \n\nSPEECH OF HON. S. EDGERTON, OF OHIO, \n\nIn the House of Representatives, January 31,1861. \n\nThe House having under consideration the report from the select committee of", "url": "/m2/session/12626#835370", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 12626}, {"id": 835418, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "STATE OF THE UNION. \n\nSPEECH OF HON. W. B. STOKES, OF TENNESSEE, \n\nIn the House of Representatives, February 1, 1861. \n\nThe House having under consideration the report from the select committee of", "url": "/m2/session/12627#835418", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 12627}, {"id": 835422, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. KILLINGER obtained the floor. \n\nThe SPEAKER stated that, the hour of four o\u2019clock having arrived, under the order of the House there would be a recess taken until seven o\u2019clock, p. m. \n\nEVENING", "url": "/m2/session/12627#835422", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 12627}, {"id": 835428, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "STATE OF THE UNION. \n\nSPEECH OF HON. J. M. QUARLES, OF TENNESSEE, \n\nIn the House of Representatives, February 1, 1861. \n\nThe House having under consideration the report from the select committee of", "url": "/m2/session/12627#835428", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 12627}, {"id": 835436, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "STATE OF THE UNION. \n\nSPEECH OF HON. JAMES WILSON, OF INDIANA, \n\nIn the House of Representatives, February 1, 1861. \n\nThe House having under consideration the report from the select committee of", "url": "/m2/session/12627#835436", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 12627}, {"id": 835487, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. TAPPAN, Mr. Speaker, as one of members of the committee of thirty-three, I joined with the gentleman from Wisconsin [Mr. WASH-BURN] in submitting a minority report, and in recommending the", "url": "/m2/session/12628#835487", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 12628}, {"id": 835502, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "AN UNDIVIDED COUNTRY. \n \nSPEECH OF HON. L. T. MOORE, Of Kentucky, \n\nIn the House of Representatives, \nFebruary 5, 1861. \n\nThe House having under consideration the report from the select committee of", "url": "/m2/session/12628#835502", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 12628}, {"id": 835504, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "STATE OF THE UNION. \n\nSPEECH OF HON. C. A. TRIMBLE, Of Ohio, \nIn the House of Representatives, \n \nFebruary 5, 1861. \nThe House having under consideration the report from the select committee of", "url": "/m2/session/12628#835504", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 12628}, {"id": 836212, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. KUNKEL. So far as Maryland is concerned, the gentleman from New York is in error. That State declined to ratify and sign the Articles of Confederation, and remained out of the Confederacy long", "url": "/m2/session/12629#836212", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 12629}, {"id": 836226, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "STATE OF THE UNION. \n\nSPEECH OF HON. JOHN T. HARRIS, OF VIRGINIA, \n\nIn the House of Representatives, February 6, 1861. \n\nThe House having under consideration the report from the select committee of", "url": "/m2/session/12629#836226", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 12629}, {"id": 836243, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "STATE OF THE UNION. \n\nSPEECH OF HON. ALFRED WELLS, OF NEW YORK, \n\nIn the House of Representatives, February 6, 1861. \n\nThe House having under consideration the report from the select committee of", "url": "/m2/session/12629#836243", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 12629}, {"id": 836280, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "EVENING SESSION. \n\nThe House resumed its session al seven o \u2019clock, p. in., (Mr. Niblack in the chair as Speaker pro tempore,) and continued the consideration of the special order, being the report", "url": "/m2/session/12630#836280", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 12630}, {"id": 836367, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "STATE OF THE UNION. \n\nSPEECH OF HON. W. N. H. SMITH, OF NORTH CAROLINA, \n\nIn the House of Representatives, February 8, 1861. \n\nThe House having under consideration the report from the select", "url": "/m2/session/12631#836367", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 12631}, {"id": 836381, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "STATE OF THE UNION. \n\nSPEECH OF HON. CHARLES CASE, OF INDIANA, \n\nIn the House of Representatives, February 8, 1861. \n\nThe House having under consideration the report from the select committee of", "url": "/m2/session/12631#836381", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 12631}, {"id": 836682, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "CONDITION OF THE COUNTRY. \nMr. CAMPBELL. Mr. Speaker, it was officially announced yesterday in this Hall that Abraham Lincoln, a worthy, patriotic, and intelligent citizen of the State of Illinois,", "url": "/m2/session/12632#836682", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 12632}, {"id": 836986, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. VANDEVER. The gentleman and his friends, some of them, in this emergency, have regarded it as their duty to support principles which they have heretofore repudiated, establishing new guarantees", "url": "/m2/session/12633#836986", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 12633}, {"id": 837032, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "EVENING SESSION. \n\nThe House reassembled at seven o\u2019clock, p. m., (Mr. Aldrich occupying the Chair as Speaker pro tempore,) and immediately resumed the consideration of the special order, being the", "url": "/m2/session/12634#837032", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 12634}, {"id": 837042, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. WALDRON. Mr. Speaker, the topics of this discussion are novel and strange to an American Congress. They are such as were never dreamed of by the patriots and statesmen who framed our Government.", "url": "/m2/session/12634#837042", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 12634}, {"id": 837047, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. BEALE. Mr. Speaker, the great question which has for the last twelve years agitated the country is that of human freedom and slavery. Increasing year by year, and election after election, in", "url": "/m2/session/12634#837047", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 12634}, {"id": 837053, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. DUELL. Mr. Speaker, the secession of six States from the Federal Union brings us face to face with grave issues, fraught with results of the most momentous importance. The unavoidable duty now", "url": "/m2/session/12634#837053", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 12634}, {"id": 837101, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "EVENING SESSION \n\nThe House reassembled at seven o\u2019clock, p. m., (Mr. Aldrich occupying the chair as Speaker pro tempore,) and immediately resumed the consideration of the special order, being the", "url": "/m2/session/12635#837101", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 12635}, {"id": 837105, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. EDWIN R. REYNOLDS. Mr. Speaker, having had but little experience in legislative assemblies, I have hesitated long before asking the attention of the House to my views on the present unhappy and", "url": "/m2/session/12635#837105", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 12635}, {"id": 837108, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "STATE OF THE UNION. \n\nSPEECH OF HON. ALFRED ELY, OF NEW YORK, \n\nIn the House of Representatives, February 18, 1861. \n\nThe House having under consideration the report from the select committee of", "url": "/m2/session/12635#837108", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 12635}, {"id": 837112, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "UNION AND DISUNION. \n\nSPEECH OF HON. JAS. B. McKEAN, \n\nOF NEW YORK, \n\nIn the House of Representatives, February 18, 1861. \n\nThe House having under consideration the report from the select committee", "url": "/m2/session/12635#837112", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 12635}, {"id": 837129, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. STEWART, of Pennsylvania. I am willing to agree that any fair proposition shall be submitted to the people; but I am not willing to touch the present Constitution. It is a Constitution that", "url": "/m2/session/12636#837129", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 12636}, {"id": 837130, "title": "PROCEDURE", "description": "Motion to", "url": "/m2/session/12636#837130", "type": "PROCEDURE", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-procedure-motion.svg", "session_id": 12636}, {"id": 837266, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "FIRST, KEEP OLD COMPROMISES. \n\nSPEECH OF HON JOHN U. PETTIT, \n\nOF INDIANA, \n\nIn the House of Representatives, February 19, 1861. \n\nThe House having under consideration the report from the select", "url": "/m2/session/12636#837266", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 12636}, {"id": 837268, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "STATE OF THE UNION. \n\nSPEECH OF HON. EDWARD WADE, \n\nOF OHIO, \n\nIn the House of Representatives, February 19, 1861. \n\nThe House having under consideration the report from the select committee of", "url": "/m2/session/12636#837268", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 12636}, {"id": 837269, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "FREEDOM TAKES \u201cNO STEP BACKWARDS.\u201d \n\nSPEECH OF HON. H. G. BLAKE, \n\nOF OHIO, \n\nIn the House of Representatives, February 19, 1861. \n\nThe House having under consideration the report from the select", "url": "/m2/session/12636#837269", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 12636}, {"id": 837278, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "THE GREAT AMERICAN REVOLUTION OF 1861. \nSPEECH OF HON. C. L. VALLANDIGHAM, \nOf Ohio, \n\nIn the House of Representatives, \nFebruary 20, 1861. \n \nThe special order\u2014namely, the report of the committee of", "url": "/m2/session/12637#837278", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 12637}, {"id": 837304, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. BARRET. I decline yielding. the floor. I say most prominent among this Abolition class, are preachers of the Gospel, men making pretense of much true piety and Christian charity. \n\n\u201cWhen devils", "url": "/m2/session/12638#837304", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 12638}, {"id": 837313, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Any Compromise A Surrender. \n\nSPEECH OF HON. D. W. GOOCH, \n\nOf Massachusetts, \n\nIn the House of Representatives, \n\nFebruary 23, 1861 \n\nThe House having under consideration the report from the select", "url": "/m2/session/12639#837313", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 12639}, {"id": 837314, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. FENTON. Mr. Speaker, I blush to see the record of our proceedings on this question which now agitates the country. They resemble the advertisements of patent medicines\u2014each man adjuring you to", "url": "/m2/session/12639#837314", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 12639}, {"id": 837315, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "THE CRISIS. \n\nSPEECH OF HON. JNO. B. HASKIN, \n\nOF NEW YORK, \n\nIn the House of Representatives, February 23, 1861, \n\nIn favor of the Union, the Constitution, and the enforcement of the laws. \n\nMr.", "url": "/m2/session/12639#837315", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 12639}, {"id": 837317, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "STATE OF THE UNION. \n\nSPEECH OF HON. S. S. BLAIR, \n\nOF PENNSYLVANIA, \n\nIn the House of Representatives, February 23, 1861. \n\nThe House having under consideration the report from the select committee", "url": "/m2/session/12639#837317", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 12639}, {"id": 837319, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "STATE OF THE UNION. \n\nSPEECH OF HON. F. W. KELLOGG, OF MICHIGAN, \n\nIn the House of Representatives, February 23, 1861. \n\nThe House having under consideration the report from the select committee of", "url": "/m2/session/12639#837319", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 12639}, {"id": 837920, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. FERRY. Mr. Speaker, I recognize; to-day, but two parties in this country: the party of law and order, and the party of revolution; the party which would preserve the Federal Govern-ment and the", "url": "/m2/session/12620#837920", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 12620}, {"id": 838887, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "STATE OF THE UNION. \n\nSPEECH OF HON. J. A. BINGHAM, of Ohio, \n\nIn the House of Representatives, \n\nJanuary 22, 1861. \n\nThe House having under consideration the report from the select committee of", "url": "/m2/session/12618#838887", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 12618}, {"id": 839465, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. WASHBURN. After the eloquent speech of the gentleman from Virginia [Mr. CLEMENS] who has just taken his seat, and the equally eloquent remarks of the gentleman from Ohio [Mr. BING-HAM] who", "url": "/m2/session/12618#839465", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 12618}, {"id": 846296, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "STATE OF THE UNION. \n \nSPEECH OF HON. ALEX H. RICE, \nOf Massachusetts, \nIn the House of Representatives, \nFebruary 26th, 1861. \n\n \n\nThe House having under consideration the report from the select", "url": "/m2/session/12642#846296", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 12642}, {"id": 850054, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. SPINNER. Has that paper been re-ceived, Mr. Speaker? and does it go on the Jour-nal? \n\n \n\nThe SPEAKER. It does not. It is read as part of the remarks of the gentleman from Lou-isiana. \n\n \n\nMr.", "url": "/m2/session/12628#850054", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 12628}, {"id": 850060, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. TAYLOR. I was just proceeding to state that whatever might be the opinions of gentle-men in respect to abstract questions of constitu-tional law, there is but one opinion in the whole world in", "url": "/m2/session/12628#850060", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 12628}, {"id": 850079, "title": "LEAVE", "description": "Mr. TAYLOR. Mr. Speaker, and gentlemen of the House of Representatives, the act which it is my purpose to perform, of withdrawing from this assemblage of the Representatives of the American people,", "url": "/m2/session/12628#850079", "type": "LEAVE", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-people-leave.svg", "session_id": 12628}, {"id": 861384, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. WILKINSON. I understand the question to be upon the adoption of the amendment just read, which is the proposition of the Senator from Kentucky, as a substitute for the House resolution? \n\nThe", "url": "/m2/session/13851#861384", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 13851}, {"id": 861388, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. DOUGLAS. I rise to express the hope that we may be permitted to get a vote on these resolutions. We are now expending the whole night\u2014all the time we have left of this session\u2014in discussing these", "url": "/m2/session/13851#861388", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 13851}, {"id": 861430, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. CRITTENDEN. Mr. President, it is an admitted fact that our Union, to some extent, has already been dismembered; and that further dismemberment is impending and threatened. It is a fact that the", "url": "/m2/session/13855#861430", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 13855}, {"id": 862126, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "STATE OF THE UNION. \n\nThe PRESIDING OFFICER. The joint resolution (H. R. No. 80) proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States, is before the Senate as in Committee of the Whole;", "url": "/m2/session/13855#862126", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 13855}, {"id": 869493, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. SLIDELL. Mr. President, the document which the Secretary has just read, and which places on the files of the Senate official information that Louisiana has ceased to be a component part of these", "url": "/m2/session/14011#869493", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 14011}, {"id": 870939, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. WILLEY. Mr. President, I listened yesterday with a great deal of pleasure to many of the remarks and arguments of the Senator from Wisconsin, [Mr. Doolittle.] I concur entirely in one of the", "url": "/m2/session/11950#870939", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 11950}, {"id": 870975, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. DAVIS. Mr. President, I have had some experience in legislation, and I have always made it a principle to guide my course, that where a measure was objectionable to me and I intended to vote", "url": "/m2/session/11963#870975", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 11963}, {"id": 871105, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "THE STATE OF THE UNION \n \nThe House resumed the consideration of the special order, being to the report of the special committee of thirty-three, on which Mr. PRYOR was entitled to the floor. \n\nMr.", "url": "/m2/session/14062#871105", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 14062}, {"id": 871112, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. KENNEDY. Mr. President, I did not design offering any remarks upon this bill, being willing to (rust to the greater experience of my colleague to do justice to the cause of our State; but I", "url": "/m2/session/11964#871112", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 11964}, {"id": 871139, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. SUMNER. Mr. President\u2014\n\nMr. DAVIS. Will the honorable Senator allow me just a minute to suggest a matter to him before he proceeds?\n\nMr. SUMNER. Certainly.\n\nMr. DAVIS. It may be that the speech", "url": "/m2/session/11980#871139", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 11980}, {"id": 871148, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. WRIGHT. Mr. President, I can assure the gentleman who introduced this bill that I will not embarrass the action of the Senate by a lengthy speech upon it. I feel somewhat embarrassed, however,", "url": "/m2/session/11981#871148", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 11981}, {"id": 871166, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The question is on the amendment of the Senator from New Hampshire, as amended, as a substitute for the original bill.\n\nMr. CLARK. Mr. President, I feel some delicacy in", "url": "/m2/session/11981#871166", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 11981}, {"id": 871169, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Had the Chair been aware of the nature of the amendment offered by the Senator from Virginia, he would have ruled it to be in order to offer it after the substitute of the", "url": "/m2/session/11981#871169", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 11981}, {"id": 871188, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "The PRESIDENT, pro tempore. The amendment offered by the Senator from New Hampshire to the original bill, by way of perfecting that bill will be read.\n\nThe Secretary read the amendment of Mr. Clark,", "url": "/m2/session/11984#871188", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 11984}, {"id": 871189, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. COLLAMER. The gentleman has a peculiar way of reading that decision.\n\nMr. DAVIS. I read it according to the letter.\n\nMr. COLLAMER. Gentlemen who are tenacious about that particular form of", "url": "/m2/session/11984#871189", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 11984}, {"id": 871201, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. McDOUGALL addressed the Senate. [His remarks will be found in the Appendix.]\n\nSLAVERY IN THE DISTRICT.\n\nSPEECH OF HON. J. A. McDOUGALL,\n\nOF CALIFORNIA,\n\nIn the Senate, April 3, 1862.\n\nThe Senate", "url": "/m2/session/11985#871201", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 11985}, {"id": 871203, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. TEN EYCK. I do not rise at this time for the purpose of making a speech, yet I trust the Senate will extend to me their indulgence for a few minutes while I submit my views, partly on the measure", "url": "/m2/session/11985#871203", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 11985}, {"id": 887723, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. SHERMAN. My friend did not hear me exactly, or did not understand me aright. I said that Washington was already the paradise of free negroes in this country; because here they now enjoy more", "url": "/m2/session/11986#887723", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 11986}, {"id": 888949, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. THOMAS, of Massachusetts. Mr. Chairman, I avail myself of the indulgence of the committee to make some suggestions upon subjects now attracting the attention of Congress and of the country\u2014the", "url": "/m2/session/12161#888949", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 12161}, {"id": 888950, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. COX. Mr. Chairman, some weeks since I introduced certain resolutions respecting maritime rights. They were referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. That committee have directed me to report", "url": "/m2/session/12161#888950", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 12161}, {"id": 889068, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "SLAVERY IN THE DISTRICT.\n\nSPEECH OF HON. BURT VAN HORN, OF NEW YORK,\n\nIn the House of Representatives,\n\nApril 11, 1862,\n\nOn the bill for the release of certain persons held to service or labor in the", "url": "/m2/session/12189#889068", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 12189}, {"id": 896968, "title": "CREATE_FROM", "description": "H. R.", "url": "/m2/session/12279#896968", "type": "CREATE_FROM", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-subtype-script-import.svg", "session_id": 12279}, {"id": 896978, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "PROHIBITION ON SLAVERY\u2014AGAIN.\n\nMr. DIVEN. I say that my opinion in regard to it is, that when we acquire land for the purpose of a navy-yard, and exclude the States ceding that land from any civil", "url": "/m2/session/12281#896978", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 12281}, {"id": 896979, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. OLIN. Like many others, I voted against laying this bill upon the table, and I voted also against seconding the demand for the previous question, which would cut off all debate upon and", "url": "/m2/session/12281#896979", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 12281}, {"id": 896980, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. CRISFIELD obtained the floor.\n\n... Mr. CRISFIELD. Mr. Speaker, I have not risen for the purpose of entering on the line of debate which the gentleman from Illinois [Mr. Arnold] has invited us to.", "url": "/m2/session/12281#896980", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 12281}, {"id": 896987, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. FISHER. Mr. Speaker, I have perhaps trespassed upon the patience and attention of this House almost as seldom as any one of its members. During the extraordinary session of July and August last,", "url": "/m2/session/12318#896987", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 12318}, {"id": 899271, "title": "DEBATE_MOTION", "description": "The VICE PRESIDENT. As it lacks but a minute or two of the time when the special order is to be called up, if there be no objection, the Chair will call it up now. Strictly, the Pacific railroad bill", "url": "/m2/session/12492#899271", "type": "DEBATE_MOTION", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-procedure-debate.svg", "session_id": 12492}, {"id": 899273, "title": "DEBATE_MOTION", "description": "Mr. GREEN. Does the Senator know\u2014and if he does, will he give me the information\u2014on what ground there was any just apprehension on the part of Major Anderson for the movement he made? \n\nMr. TRUMBULL.", "url": "/m2/session/12492#899273", "type": "DEBATE_MOTION", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-procedure-debate.svg", "session_id": 12492}, {"id": 899320, "title": "DEBATE_MOTION", "description": "Mr. SEWARD. Mr. President, Congress adjourned last summer amid auspices of national abundance, contentment, tranquillity, and happiness. It was reassembled this winter in the presence of derangement", "url": "/m2/session/14263#899320", "type": "DEBATE_MOTION", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-procedure-debate.svg", "session_id": 14263}, {"id": 900052, "title": "DEBATE_MOTION", "description": "Mr. CLINGMAN. I ask the Senator, when he concludes, to move to postpone it in the manner I have indicated. \n\nMr. HEMPHILL. Yes, sir. \n\nThe PRESIDING OFFICER. The question now is on ordering an extra", "url": "/m2/session/12019#900052", "type": "DEBATE_MOTION", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-procedure-debate.svg", "session_id": 12019}, {"id": 900213, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. WIGFALL. Mr. President, I desire to say a few words, and but very few, in reference to the matters that have been under discussion this morning; and I obtrude upon the Senate for the reason that", "url": "/m2/session/13993#900213", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 13993}, {"id": 900248, "title": "DEBATE_MOTION", "description": "ORDER OF BUSINESS. \n\nThe VICE PRESIDENT. The hour of one o\u2019clock having arrived, the Chair must call up the special order. The special order for this hour is the message of the President,", "url": "/m2/session/13994#900248", "type": "DEBATE_MOTION", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-procedure-debate.svg", "session_id": 13994}, {"id": 900284, "title": "DEBATE_MOTION", "description": "MISSION OF PEACE FROM VIRGINIA. \n\nThe VICE PRESIDENT. The special order for to-day is the message of the President of the United States, communicating the resolutions of Virginia. The Chair will", "url": "/m2/session/14011#900284", "type": "DEBATE_MOTION", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-procedure-debate.svg", "session_id": 14011}, {"id": 900322, "title": "DEBATE_MOTION", "description": "MISSION OF PEACE FROM VIRGINIA. \n\nThe VICE PRESIDENT. The Chair will now call up the special order, being the message of the President of the United States, communicating the resolutions of the", "url": "/m2/session/14025#900322", "type": "DEBATE_MOTION", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-procedure-debate.svg", "session_id": 14025}, {"id": 900331, "title": "DEBATE_MOTION", "description": "Mr. JOHNSON, of Tennessee. I would rather go on, sir. Why, then, answer positions I did not assume, or attribute to me language that I did not use? Was it in the speech? No. Why, then, use language", "url": "/m2/session/14025#900331", "type": "DEBATE_MOTION", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-procedure-debate.svg", "session_id": 14025}, {"id": 900466, "title": "DEBATE_MOTION", "description": "MISSION OF PEACE FROM VIRGINIA. \n\nThe PRESIDING OFFICER. The Chair will now call up the unfinished business of yesterday, being the motion to print additional copies of the President\u2019s message", "url": "/m2/session/14027#900466", "type": "DEBATE_MOTION", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-procedure-debate.svg", "session_id": 14027}, {"id": 900489, "title": "DEBATE_MOTION", "description": "Mr. WIGFALL. Mr. President, I was speaking, at the time of the interruption, of the distinguished Senator from Mississippi, and what more I might have said I do not know; it has escaped me. I did", "url": "/m2/session/14027#900489", "type": "DEBATE_MOTION", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-procedure-debate.svg", "session_id": 14027}, {"id": 900664, "title": "CREATE", "description": "The President's Annual", "url": "/m2/session/13904#900664", "type": "CREATE", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-subtype-script-add.svg", "session_id": 13904}, {"id": 900665, "title": "CREATE_FROM", "description": "The President's Annual", "url": "/m2/session/12008#900665", "type": "CREATE_FROM", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-subtype-script-import.svg", "session_id": 12008}, {"id": 900758, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. HUNTER. Mr. President, I have offered this amendment, as the first of a series which I shall offer, for the purpose of carrying out the will of my State, as it has been expressed through its", "url": "/m2/session/14318#900758", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 14318}, {"id": 900766, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. WILKINSON. I understand him as saying that the whole of the twenty States which were assembled in this peace convention agreed to this proposition. \n\nMr. BAKER. My distinguished friend was", "url": "/m2/session/14318#900766", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 14318}, {"id": 900803, "title": "DEBATE_MOTION", "description": "Mr. HALE. I have uniformly voted for enforcing the rules of the Senate, and clearing the galleries, when any of these manifestations of applause have been made; but the applause has generally been", "url": "/m2/session/13851#900803", "type": "DEBATE_MOTION", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-procedure-debate.svg", "session_id": 13851}, {"id": 901414, "title": "CREATE", "description": "Resolution to Instruct the Committee of Five to Inquire into the Emancipation of Slaves in Border", "url": "/m2/session/14102#901414", "type": "CREATE", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-subtype-script-add.svg", "session_id": 14102}], "session_ids_for_event_results": [12279, 12012, 12010, 12466, 12011, 12398, 12395, 12541, 12511, 12513, 12545, 12519, 11970, 11969, 12621, 12622, 12624, 12625, 12626, 12627, 12628, 12629, 12630, 12631, 12632, 12633, 12634, 12635, 12636, 12637, 12638, 12639, 12620, 12618, 12642, 13851, 13855, 14011, 11950, 11963, 14062, 11964, 11980, 11981, 11984, 11985, 11986, 12161, 12189, 12281, 12318, 12492, 14263, 12019, 13993, 13994, 14025, 14027, 13904, 12008, 14318, 14102], "session_data_for_event_results": {"12279": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "08 May 1862, 12:00"}, "12012": {"committee_name": "The Senate", "session_date": "18 Dec 1860, 12:00"}, "12010": {"committee_name": "The Senate", "session_date": "10 Dec 1860, 12:00"}, "12466": {"committee_name": "The Senate", "session_date": "17 Dec 1860, 12:00"}, "12011": {"committee_name": "The Senate", "session_date": "12 Dec 1860, 12:00"}, "12398": {"committee_name": "The Senate", "session_date": "03 Jan 1861, 12:00"}, "12395": {"committee_name": "The Senate", "session_date": "07 Jan 1861, 12:00"}, "12541": {"committee_name": "Senate Committee of the Whole", "session_date": "15 Jan 1861, 12:00"}, "12511": {"committee_name": "Senate Committee of the Whole", "session_date": "16 Jan 1861, 12:00"}, "12513": {"committee_name": "Senate Committee of the Whole", "session_date": "21 Jan 1861, 12:00"}, "12545": {"committee_name": "Senate Committee of the Whole", "session_date": "22 Jan 1861, 12:00"}, "12519": {"committee_name": "Senate Committee of the Whole", "session_date": "21 Feb 1861, 12:00"}, "11970": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "27 Feb 1861, 12:00"}, "11969": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "21 Jan 1861, 12:00"}, "12621": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "25 Jan 1861, 12:00"}, "12622": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "26 Jan 1861, 12:00"}, "12624": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "29 Jan 1861, 12:00"}, "12625": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "30 Jan 1861, 12:00"}, "12626": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "31 Jan 1861, 12:00"}, "12627": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "01 Feb 1861, 12:00"}, "12628": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "05 Feb 1861, 12:00"}, "12629": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "06 Feb 1861, 12:00"}, "12630": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "07 Feb 1861, 12:00"}, "12631": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "08 Feb 1861, 12:00"}, "12632": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "14 Feb 1861, 12:00"}, "12633": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "15 Feb 1861, 12:00"}, "12634": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "16 Feb 1861, 12:00"}, "12635": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "18 Feb 1861, 12:00"}, "12636": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "19 Feb 1861, 12:00"}, "12637": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "20 Feb 1861, 12:00"}, "12638": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "21 Feb 1861, 12:00"}, "12639": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "23 Feb 1861, 12:00"}, "12620": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "24 Jan 1861, 12:00"}, "12618": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "22 Jan 1861, 12:00"}, "12642": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "26 Feb 1861, 12:00"}, "13851": {"committee_name": "Senate Committee of the Whole", "session_date": "02 Mar 1861, 00:00"}, "13855": {"committee_name": "Senate Committee of the Whole", "session_date": "03 Mar 1861, 07:00"}, "14011": {"committee_name": "The Senate", "session_date": "04 Feb 1861, 00:00"}, "11950": {"committee_name": "Senate Committee of the Whole", "session_date": "20 Mar 1862, 12:00"}, "11963": {"committee_name": "Senate Committee of the Whole", "session_date": "24 Mar 1862, 12:00"}, "14062": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "28 Jan 1861, 12:00"}, "11964": {"committee_name": "Senate Committee of the Whole", "session_date": "25 Mar 1862, 12:00"}, "11980": {"committee_name": "Senate Committee of the Whole", "session_date": "31 Mar 1862, 12:00"}, "11981": {"committee_name": "Senate Committee of the Whole", "session_date": "01 Apr 1862, 12:00"}, "11984": {"committee_name": "Senate Committee of the Whole", "session_date": "02 Apr 1862, 12:00"}, "11985": {"committee_name": "Senate Committee of the Whole", "session_date": "03 Apr 1862, 12:00"}, "11986": {"committee_name": "The Senate", "session_date": "03 Apr 1862, 12:00"}, "12161": {"committee_name": "Committee of the Whole on the State of the Union of the House of Representatives", "session_date": "10 Apr 1862, 12:00"}, "12189": {"committee_name": "Committee of the Whole on the State of the Union of the House of Representatives", "session_date": "11 Apr 1862, 12:00"}, "12281": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "09 May 1862, 12:00"}, "12318": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "12 May 1862, 12:00"}, "12492": {"committee_name": "The Senate", "session_date": "10 Jan 1861, 12:00"}, "14263": {"committee_name": "The Senate", "session_date": "12 Jan 1861, 00:00"}, "12019": {"committee_name": "The Senate", "session_date": "28 Jan 1861, 00:00"}, "13993": {"committee_name": "The Senate", "session_date": "31 Jan 1861, 00:00"}, "13994": {"committee_name": "The Senate", "session_date": "01 Feb 1861, 00:00"}, "14025": {"committee_name": "The Senate", "session_date": "05 Feb 1861, 00:00"}, "14027": {"committee_name": "The Senate", "session_date": "07 Feb 1861, 00:00"}, "13904": {"committee_name": "President of the United States", "session_date": "03 Dec 1860, 00:00"}, "12008": {"committee_name": "The Senate", "session_date": "04 Dec 1860, 12:00"}, "14318": {"committee_name": "Senate Committee of the Whole", "session_date": "01 Mar 1861, 00:00"}, "14102": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "11 Feb 1861, 12:00"}}}, "145": {"top_level_match": "false", "sessions": [], "committees": [], "delegations": [], "people": [], "events": [{"id": 126137, "title": "DEBATE_MOTION", "description": "'Mr. PAGE begged gentlemen to consider that the motion tended to deprive the members of that freedom of debate which they had heretofore been indulged in, and prevented the Speaker from giving his", "url": "/m2/session/4897#126137", "type": "DEBATE_MOTION", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-procedure-debate.svg", "session_id": 4897}, {"id": 126553, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "'Mr. SHERMAN said, if they were now forming a constitution, he should be in favor of one representative for forty thousand, other than thirty thousand\u2026So far was he from thinking a hundred and", "url": "/m2/session/4931#126553", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 4931}, {"id": 126584, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "'Mr. TUCKER then moved to insert these words, \u201cto instruct their Representatives.\u201d\n\nMr. HARTLEY wished the motion had not been made, for gentlemen acquainted with the circumstances of this country,", "url": "/m2/session/4932#126584", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 4932}], "session_ids_for_event_results": [4897, 4931, 4932], "session_data_for_event_results": {"4897": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "15 Aug 1789, 11:00"}, "4931": {"committee_name": "House: Committee of the Whole", "session_date": "14 Aug 1789, 11:00"}, "4932": {"committee_name": "House: Committee of the Whole", "session_date": "15 Aug 1789, 11:00"}}}, "143": {"top_level_match": "false", "sessions": [], "committees": [], "delegations": [], "people": [], "events": [{"id": 664491, "title": "DEBATE_MOTION", "description": "Mr. BINGHAM. Is that designed to cutoff amendments? \n\nThe SPEAKER. It will have that effect. \n\nMr. BINGHAM. Then I object. \n\nThe SPEAKER. The gentleman from Iowa has the right to enter the motion.", "url": "/m2/session/5583#664491", "type": "DEBATE_MOTION", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-procedure-debate.svg", "session_id": 5583}, {"id": 666163, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. ROGERS. Mr. Speaker, there is no one in the House more thankful than I am for the courtesy which has been extended to me by both sides in being heard during this session. Nor do I offer these", "url": "/m2/session/5595#666163", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 5595}, {"id": 666600, "title": "DEBATE_MOTION", "description": "Mr. ELDRIDGE. Mr. Speaker, I do not intend to make an argument on the merits of this joint resolution on the present occasion. On the 25th of January last I gave my views and made such arguments as", "url": "/m2/session/5609#666600", "type": "DEBATE_MOTION", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-procedure-debate.svg", "session_id": 5609}, {"id": 666615, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. RANDALL, of Pennsylvania. If the gentleman will insert the words \u201cthe loyal people\u201d I think he will state the position some democratic gentlemen take. \n\nMr. BOUTWELL. That is the difference", "url": "/m2/session/5609#666615", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 5609}, {"id": 680778, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. JOHNSON. There are questions that I think this bill will give rise to, on which it is very desirable that the deliberation of the Senate should be very calmly advised. The bill may have been very", "url": "/m2/session/6880#680778", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 6880}, {"id": 680790, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. SUMNER. I come, then, to the precise question.\n\nAll must admit that the bill of my colleague is excellent in purpose. It proposes nothing less than to establish Equality before the Law, at least", "url": "/m2/session/6881#680790", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 6881}, {"id": 738966, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. CONKLING. Mr. Speaker:\n\n\"Representatives and direct taxes shall be apportioned among the several States which may be included within this Union according to their respective numbers, which shall", "url": "/m2/session/5480#738966", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 5480}, {"id": 739007, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. LE BLOND obtained the floor.\n\nMr. TRIMBLE. I ask the gentleman to yield me the floor for a little while.\n\nMr. LE BLOND. I will.\n\nMr. TRIMBLE. Mr. Speaker, I am exceedingly gratified at the", "url": "/m2/session/5495#739007", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 5495}, {"id": 739015, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. SHELLABARGER. Now, Mr. Speaker, the following are the suggestions which I make\u2014make doubtingly, but still make\u2014as objections to the report of the committee on reconstruction:\n\n1. It contemplates", "url": "/m2/session/5496#739015", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 5496}, {"id": 739047, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. BROMWELL resumed the floor.\n\nMr. MARSHALL. I ask my colleague to yield to me.\n\nMr. BROMWELL. I will yield to my colleague the remainder of my time.\n\nMr. MARSHALL. Mr. Speaker, I desire, as I have", "url": "/m2/session/5496#739047", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 5496}, {"id": 739064, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. BINGHAM. Mr. Speaker, I am for the pending amendment to the Constitution of my country, and the other amendments to which I have already referred. I am for this and for the other essential", "url": "/m2/session/5498#739064", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 5498}, {"id": 739078, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. HARDING, of Kentucky. Mr. Speaker, the country as a general thing has been deceived and misled in regard to the troublesome and vexed question of the negro. The great mass of the people labored", "url": "/m2/session/5513#739078", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 5513}, {"id": 739093, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "BASIS OF REPRESENTATION \u2013 AGAIN. \n\nMr. RAYMOND. Mr. Speaker, this joint resolution now under consideration, as I understand it, comes to us for our action from the joint committee appointed, at the", "url": "/m2/session/5525#739093", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 5525}, {"id": 739096, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. RAYMOND. Mr. Dana says on this subject:\n\n\"In closing, I offer the following synopsis of what I understand the court did and did not decide.\"\n\n\"What the court did not decide:\"\n\"1. The court did", "url": "/m2/session/5525#739096", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 5525}, {"id": 739135, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. Sumner concluded the speech which he began yesterday. To preserve the continuity of his argument, the speech is now published complete, as follows:\n\nMr. SUMNER. Mr. President, I begin by", "url": "/m2/session/5679#739135", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 5679}, {"id": 739137, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. SUMNER. Mr. President, in opening this great question, I begin by expressing a heartfelt aspiration that the day may soon come, when the States lately in rebellion may be received again into the", "url": "/m2/session/5679#739137", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 5679}, {"id": 739152, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. LANE, of Indiana. Mr. President, I need not assure you that I approach the investigation of the grave subjects now before the Senate with constraint and embarrassment. No graver subjects have", "url": "/m2/session/5681#739152", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 5681}, {"id": 739176, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. CLARK. Mr. President, we are now considering (for that is the real question) whether we shall recommend to the States of the Union an amendment of the Constitution granting to all the people of", "url": "/m2/session/5684#739176", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 5684}, {"id": 739234, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. HENDRICKS. Mr. President, it has been the boast of the people of the United States that they are in the enjoyment of consti\u00adtutional liberty, not liberty depending upon the will and pleasure of", "url": "/m2/session/5686#739234", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 5686}, {"id": 739248, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. SUMNER. With the indulgence of the Senator from Pennsylvania, I should like to say that there is important public business in executive session which ought to be acted on to-day. I shall not make", "url": "/m2/session/5688#739248", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 5688}, {"id": 739255, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. SUMNER. Mr. President, I hesitate to intrude again into this debate, which now, after the interjection of another debate on another question, is again renewed. I do it with unfeigned reluctance,", "url": "/m2/session/5690#739255", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 5690}, {"id": 739261, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. WILSON. Mr. President, there are indications not to be mistaken that this amendment is doomed to defeat. To me this result will be a subject of sincere and profound regret. My heart, my", "url": "/m2/session/5691#739261", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 5691}, {"id": 839516, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. BOYER. Mr. Speaker, however atrocious some gentlemen in this House may pronounce the sentiment that this is a white man's Government, and although I have lately heard in this Hall even the spirit", "url": "/m2/session/5467#839516", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 5467}, {"id": 839522, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. KELLEY obtained the floor. \n\nMr. STEVENS. If my colleague will yield to me, I will move an adjournment. \n\nMr. KELLEY. I would be obliged if the gentleman would permit me to go on this afternoon.", "url": "/m2/session/5467#839522", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 5467}, {"id": 839684, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. ROGERS. Mr. Speaker, in the remarks which I intend to submit to the House upon the consideration of this most important question, I shall endeavor to confine myself strictly to the subject under", "url": "/m2/session/5468#839684", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 5468}, {"id": 839688, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. ROGERS. Another evidence that this is a Federal Government, or a Government of States, is that each State is entitled to two United States Senators, and as to that the Constitution prohibits an", "url": "/m2/session/5468#839688", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 5468}, {"id": 839690, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. FARNSWORTH. Mr. Speaker\u2014\u2014\n\nMr. BANKS. I desire the gentleman from Illinois [Mr. Farnsworth] to allow me to state a fact relating to the legislation of some of the New England States upon the", "url": "/m2/session/5468#839690", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 5468}, {"id": 839923, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. JULIAN obtained the floor.\n\nMr. PRICE. I ask the unanimous consent of the House to make a personal explanation.\n\nMr. JULIAN. I will yield to the gentleman for that purpose.\n\nNo objection was", "url": "/m2/session/5469#839923", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 5469}, {"id": 839932, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. JULIAN. Mr. Speaker, whatever doubts may arise as to the authority of Congress to regulate the right of suffrage in the districts lately in revolt, none can exist as to such authority within the", "url": "/m2/session/5487#839932", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 5487}, {"id": 839995, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. CLARKE, of Kansas. Mr. Speaker, I have no apologies to offer for addressing the House on this subject. As the only Representative upon this floor of a State whose whole history has been a", "url": "/m2/session/13017#839995", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 13017}, {"id": 839996, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. JOHNSON. Mr. Speaker, I had not intended to participate in the discussion of the propositions embraced in this bill. It had not occurred to me there was such a diversity of opinion on the", "url": "/m2/session/13017#839996", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 13017}, {"id": 839997, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. BOUTWELL. Mr. Speaker, it is only recently that I entertained the purpose to speak at all upon this bill, and it was my expectation to avail myself of the kindness of the chairman of the", "url": "/m2/session/13017#839997", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 13017}, {"id": 843564, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. HENDRICKS. Is it competent for the Senator from Illinois to make that a part of his original amendment?\n\nThe PRESIDING OFFICER. It is competent for the Senator from Illinois to modify his own", "url": "/m2/session/5675#843564", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 5675}, {"id": 843566, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "The PRESIDING OFFICER, (Mr. DOOLITTLE in the chair.) The question is on agreeing to the amendment of the Senator from Illinois, upon which the yeas and nays have been ordered.\n\nMr. TRUMBULL. I ask", "url": "/m2/session/5676#843566", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 5676}, {"id": 843576, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. DAVIS. Mr. President, I will state the various points which I made yesterday in the course of the desultory and running conversation between various Senators and myself, and shall then proceed to", "url": "/m2/session/5676#843576", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 5676}, {"id": 843670, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. BROOMALL. Probably, since the last election in New Jersey, I ought to treat the gentleman's constituents with a little more consideration; but whether I ought to apologize to them or not will", "url": "/m2/session/5587#843670", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 5587}, {"id": 847259, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. J. L. THOMAS. Mr. Speaker, before the vote is taken on the proposition now before the House, I desire to state the reasons that will influence me in my action.\n\nAlthough the bill only goes to the", "url": "/m2/session/5487#847259", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 5487}, {"id": 847585, "title": "DEBATE_MOTION", "description": "Mr. ROGERS. Mr. Speaker, I, as one of the committee from which this bill was reported, deem it my duty, as I have had probably more opportunity to investigate the character of it than some other", "url": "/m2/session/5583#847585", "type": "DEBATE_MOTION", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-procedure-debate.svg", "session_id": 5583}, {"id": 847586, "title": "DEBATE_MOTION", "description": "Mr. COOK. Mr. Speaker, in listening to the very eloquent remarks of the gentleman from New Jersey, [Mr. Rogers,] I have been astonished to find that in his apprehension this bill is designed to", "url": "/m2/session/5583#847586", "type": "DEBATE_MOTION", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-procedure-debate.svg", "session_id": 5583}, {"id": 848980, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. COWAN. I had not intended, sir, to say a word further in this discussion, and I only rise now to enter my solemn protest against and my solemn dissent from the doctrines advanced by the honorable", "url": "/m2/session/5677#848980", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 5677}, {"id": 867173, "title": "DEBATE_MOTION", "description": "Mr. WADE. Mr. President, if this was a question in the ordinary course of legislation, I certainly would not object to the proposition which the gentlemen on the other side makes; but I view it as", "url": "/m2/session/5528#867173", "type": "DEBATE_MOTION", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-procedure-debate.svg", "session_id": 5528}, {"id": 867191, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. DOOLITTLE. Mr. President, the late amendment to the Constitution of the United States gives rise to the same struggle which has marked our whole history \u2014 a struggle between two tendencies or", "url": "/m2/session/5536#867191", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 5536}, {"id": 868534, "title": "DEBATE_MOTION", "description": "Mr. COWAN. Mr. President, I am not disposed to allow the speech of the honorable Senator from Massachusetts [Mr. Sumner] to go to the country without a very brief reply. If that speech be true, and", "url": "/m2/session/6881#868534", "type": "DEBATE_MOTION", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-procedure-debate.svg", "session_id": 6881}, {"id": 869245, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. DAVIS. Mr. President, the bill just read is properly and in its order before the Senate. On yesterday morning it and all the other orders were set aside by the request of the honorable Senator", "url": "/m2/session/13103#869245", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 13103}, {"id": 869268, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. SUMNER. I should like to have the attention of the Senator from Maine for one moment. It seems to me there is some misunderstanding in regard to the bill now before the Senate. If I remember", "url": "/m2/session/13105#869268", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 13105}, {"id": 869277, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. WILLEY. Mr. President, the discussions which the bill now under consideration has excited, both in Congress and in the country, have embraced a wider range of thought and argument than was", "url": "/m2/session/13105#869277", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 13105}, {"id": 869336, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. DAVIS. Mr. President, I expressed my opinions in relation to the pending measure at considerable length during the last session of Congress. It is my purpose now to repeat my protest against the", "url": "/m2/session/13116#869336", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 13116}, {"id": 869357, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. WILSON. Mr. President, I am always glad to hear the honorable Senator from Connecticut, [Mr. Foster,] for he states his views with great clearness, precision, accuracy, and candor; but certainly", "url": "/m2/session/13118#869357", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 13118}, {"id": 869359, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. LANE. Mr. President, at this stage of the debate, when the Senate are exceedingly anxious to vote, in which anxiety I certainly participate, I shall content myself rather with stating my", "url": "/m2/session/13118#869359", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 13118}, {"id": 869481, "title": "CREATE", "description": "President Johnson's S. 1 Veto", "url": "/m2/session/14108#869481", "type": "CREATE", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-subtype-script-add.svg", "session_id": 14108}, {"id": 870134, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. STEWART. Mr. President, sentiments having been announced on the motion to refer this bill which I cannot indorse, I am compelled by a sense of duty to make a few observations. I ask the", "url": "/m2/session/6882#870134", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 6882}, {"id": 870357, "title": "ADOPT_PROPOSAL", "description": "The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The morning hour having expired, it becomes the duty of the Chair to call up the unfinished business of Friday; but prior to that, with the permission of the Senate, the", "url": "/m2/session/13126#870357", "type": "ADOPT_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-decision-adopt.svg", "session_id": 13126}, {"id": 870363, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. JOHNSON. This is the only opportunity which I have had of giving, as I shall do in a very few words, my reason for not being enabled to vote for the bill. My friend, the chairman of the committee", "url": "/m2/session/13126#870363", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 13126}, {"id": 870381, "title": "ADOPT_PROPOSAL", "description": "The message was read, as follows:\n\nTo the Senate of the United States.\n\nI have received and considered a bill entitled \u201cAn act to regulate the elective franchise in the District of Columbia,\u201d passed", "url": "/m2/session/8642#870381", "type": "ADOPT_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-decision-adopt.svg", "session_id": 8642}, {"id": 889003, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. ELIOT. Mr. Speaker, when the resolution was offered by the committee, and the amendment was proposed which has been the subject of discussion for two or three days, I was very much inclined to", "url": "/m2/session/5496#889003", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 5496}, {"id": 896860, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "RECONSTRUCTION AGAIN.\n\nMr. STEVENS. The short time allowed by our resolution will suffice to introduce this debate. If unexpectedly there should be any objection to the proposed amendment to the", "url": "/m2/session/5608#896860", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 5608}, {"id": 896862, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. FINCK. Mr. Speaker, I promise to trespass upon the attention of the House but a very few minutes in what I have to say on this question.\n\nAn amendment to the Constitution is at all times a matter", "url": "/m2/session/5608#896862", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 5608}, {"id": 896863, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "RECONSTRUCTION\u2014AGAIN.\n\nMr. GARFIELD. Mr. Speaker, I do not rise to speak at length upon the pending measure, but for the purpose of entering a motion and submitting a few practical suggestions on the", "url": "/m2/session/5608#896863", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 5608}, {"id": 896869, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. THAYER obtained the floor.\n\nMr. FINCK. Will the gentleman allow me just one moment?\n\nMr. THAYER. I will yield to the gentleman for a moment.\n\nMr. FINCK. I desire to say to my colleague, for whom", "url": "/m2/session/5608#896869", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 5608}, {"id": 896878, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. SMITH obtained the floor.\n\n[...]\n\nRECONSTRUCTION AGAIN.\n\nMr. SMITH. I have always felt that when a crime has been committed, an absolute violation of law, upon a proper arraignment and trial and", "url": "/m2/session/5608#896878", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 5608}, {"id": 896884, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "RECONSTRUCTION\u2014AGAIN.\n\nMr. RAYMOND. Mr. Speaker, I took occasion at an early stage of the session, while making some remarks on the general subject of restoration, to say that, in my judgment, the", "url": "/m2/session/5609#896884", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 5609}, {"id": 896908, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. BANKS. Mr. Speaker, the measure before the House presents a basis upon which it is proposed the insurgent States shall be restored to the Union. It is, therefore, the most important question", "url": "/m2/session/5610#896908", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 5610}, {"id": 896910, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. LONGYEAR. Mr. Speaker, the questions before the House are not so much whether the rebellious States are in or out of the Union; or whether the Government has or has not the right to impose", "url": "/m2/session/5610#896910", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 5610}, {"id": 896913, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. FARNSWORTH. Mr. Speaker, in my half hour I shall confine myself to the amendments of the Constitution now under consideration. When the bill reported by the committee of fifteen comes up for", "url": "/m2/session/5610#896913", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 5610}, {"id": 897069, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. HOWARD. Mr. President, I regret that the state of the health of the honorable Senator from Maine [Mr. Fessenden] who is chairman, on the part of the Senate, of the joint committee of fifteen, is", "url": "/m2/session/5692#897069", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 5692}, {"id": 897075, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. WADE. I do not rise now for the purpose of arguing this question at any length; and it is with very great deference that I offer an amendment to the proposition reported by the committee who have", "url": "/m2/session/5692#897075", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 5692}, {"id": 897109, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. STEWART. Mr. President, I am satisfied that it is impossible for this Congress to fully agree as to what is expedient to be done to harmonize factions and restore peace to our distracted country.", "url": "/m2/session/5693#897109", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 5693}, {"id": 898358, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. DOOLITTLE. I will state briefly why I cannot vote for this amendment as a substitute for the third section of the resolution which has been stricken out. My first reason is that by a law of", "url": "/m2/session/5695#898358", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 5695}, {"id": 898407, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. HENDRICKS. Mr. President, nothing but a sense of imperative duty induces me to address the Senate upon this occasion. The Constitution is to be changed; the foundations of the Government are to", "url": "/m2/session/5697#898407", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 5697}, {"id": 898455, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. DOOLITTLE. [...] I shall not go into any lengthy argument on the subject of this amendment, but simply state in the briefest words possible the grounds upon which I offer it. In the first place,", "url": "/m2/session/5697#898455", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 5697}, {"id": 898595, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "The CHAIRMAN. In the absence of the gentleman from Illinois, [Mr. Wentworth,] who is entitled to the floor, the Chair recognizes the gentleman from New York, [Mr. Ward.] \n\nMr. WARD, of New York. Mr.", "url": "/m2/session/14220#898595", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 14220}, {"id": 898607, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Reconstruction. \n\nSPEECH OF HON. E. DUMONT, OF INDIANA, \n\nIn the House of Representatives, February 16, 1867. \n\nThe House having under consideration the President's annual message. \n\nMr. DUMONT said:", "url": "/m2/session/14222#898607", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 14222}, {"id": 898704, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. McDOUGALL. It is a work of labor to speak after the eloquent remarks of the Senator from Maryland, who has better expressed what I think than I can express it in any form of words; and yet I", "url": "/m2/session/5701#898704", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 5701}, {"id": 898709, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. HENDERSON. I propose to discuss the first section only so far as citizenship is involved in it. I desire to show that this section will leave citizenship where it is now. It makes plain only what", "url": "/m2/session/5701#898709", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 5701}, {"id": 898717, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. YATES. At the beginning of the session I took the ground that already by the Constitution of the United States, as amended, every man in the United States, without regard to color or caste of any", "url": "/m2/session/5701#898717", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 5701}, {"id": 898845, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "RECONSTRUCTION.\n\n\u2028Mr. FINCK. Mr. Chairman, when the Thirty-Eighth Congress adjourned, large armies were in thE field resisting the authority and jurisdiction of the United States. We were then in the", "url": "/m2/session/14234#898845", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 14234}, {"id": 898867, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "RECONSTRUCTION.\n\nMr. BAKER. Mr. Chairman, I rise to the question of reconstruction. In the very opening of my remarks I will say that on the present occasion I must firmly decline to yield the floor", "url": "/m2/session/14237#898867", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 14237}, {"id": 898877, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "ADMISSION OF THE SOUTHERN STATES, ETC.\n\nMr. RANDALL, of Pennsylvania. Mr. Chairman, the subject now agitating the public mind is the reconstruction of the late rebel States governments. In", "url": "/m2/session/14240#898877", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 14240}, {"id": 898929, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. WILLIAMS. Mr. Speaker, nearly two years ago, and while the war was flagrant, I felt it my duty as a member of this body to look into the question of the relations that had been produced by it,", "url": "/m2/session/14243#898929", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 14243}, {"id": 899069, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. STROUSE. Mr. Speaker, in discussing the important question of the reconstruction of the States lately in rebellion, a subject, which not only agitates Congress but the whole people of our", "url": "/m2/session/14247#899069", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 14247}, {"id": 899080, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "RECONSTRUCTION.\n\nMr. COOK. Every individual citizen of each State in the Union has rights in every other State\u2014the right to acquire, possess, and dispose of property: the right to fix his domicile in", "url": "/m2/session/14251#899080", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 14251}, {"id": 899086, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. LAWRENCE, of Ohio. The overthrow of the military power of the great rebellion devolved upon the President and Congress and the country duties of unparalleled magnitude.\n\nWith all lawful civil", "url": "/m2/session/14251#899086", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 14251}, {"id": 899117, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. PLANTS. I will yield to my colleague [Mr. Clarke] for the present, with the hope that I may obtain the floor after he shall have concluded his remarks.\n\nRECONSTRUCTION.\n\nMr. CLARKE, of Ohio. Mr.", "url": "/m2/session/14254#899117", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 14254}, {"id": 899128, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. PLANTS. Mr. Speaker, this day having been set apart for general discussion upon the state of the Union, I shall not confine my remarks to any single proposition before Congress, no one of which", "url": "/m2/session/14254#899128", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 14254}, {"id": 899166, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. BEAMAN. Mr. Speaker, in the adoption of ordinances of secession, and in the formation of a pretended confederacy with pretensions to sovereignty\u2014steps preliminary to the war\u2014the seceding States", "url": "/m2/session/14254#899166", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 14254}, {"id": 899172, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. BROMWELL. Mr. Speaker, as there seems to be an opportunity at this time, I beg leave to submit a few remarks upon some of the matters which at present are pressing upon the attention of this", "url": "/m2/session/14254#899172", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 14254}, {"id": 899181, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. BROMWELL. I am truly thankful to the House for this courtesy, and I will try and not trespass upon their patience long.\n\nAs I was saying, I would like to know what State government this is which", "url": "/m2/session/14254#899181", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 14254}, {"id": 899218, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. BROOMALL. I trust that the gentleman will confine himself to the bill before the House.\n\nMr. SCHENCK. Will the gentleman from New Jersey allow me to make a single inquiry?\n\nMr. ROGERS. Yes,", "url": "/m2/session/5579#899218", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 5579}, {"id": 899244, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. THORNTON. Mr. Speaker, the absorbing question since our assemblage here is, in one view of it, a question of union or disunion, and in another view it is a question of absolute power in the", "url": "/m2/session/14257#899244", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 14257}, {"id": 899253, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. KUYKENDALL. Mr. Speaker, I need not assure you that I approach the investigation of the many grave and important subjects treated in the message of the President of the United States, at the", "url": "/m2/session/14257#899253", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 14257}, {"id": 899259, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. FINCK. Mr. Speaker, having some weeks since introduced into this House a bill which has for its purpose to prescribe the oath of office, so as to make it conform to the requirements of the", "url": "/m2/session/14257#899259", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 14257}, {"id": 899347, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. KELLEY. Mr. Speaker, I shall support this proposed amendment of the Constitution of the United States, not because I believe it to be absolutely needed, but because there are those, and some of", "url": "/m2/session/5580#899347", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 5580}, {"id": 899348, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. KELLEY. Most of the proposed amendments were subsequently incorporated in some shape into the Constitution. They were mainly designed to guaranty to the people the right of petition, freedom of", "url": "/m2/session/5580#899348", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 5580}, {"id": 899349, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. HALE. Mr. Speaker, it is with great hesitation I rise to address the House to-day, for the reason especially that in the brief time allotted for the purpose, I feel that I have been entirely", "url": "/m2/session/5580#899349", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 5580}, {"id": 899352, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "RIGHTS OF CITIZENS.\n\nThe House then resumed the consideration of the following joint resolution (H. R. No. 63) proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States:\n\nResolved by the Senate", "url": "/m2/session/5582#899352", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 5582}, {"id": 899414, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. ASHLEY, of Nevada. Mr. Speaker, I am ill fitted to-day to speak, having a sore throat which almost prevents my talking at all. And I am unprepared, not knowing until this morning that the sun", "url": "/m2/session/14262#899414", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 14262}, {"id": 899423, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. HOLMES. Mr. Speaker, the policy to be pursued by Congress with the States and people lately in rebellion is brought to our notice by the annual message of the President, now under consideration,", "url": "/m2/session/14262#899423", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 14262}, {"id": 899448, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "RECONSTRUCTION.\n\nMr. HILL. Mr. Speaker, I thank God, sir, that the Thirty-Ninth Congress of the United States of America has been permitted to assemble in this magnificent temple of liberty, and", "url": "/m2/session/14268#899448", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 14268}, {"id": 899531, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. DUMONT. Mr. Speaker, as many suppose that the powers of Congress to deal with the rebel States according to their demerits, and the deeds done in the body depend upon the question whether a State", "url": "/m2/session/14268#899531", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 14268}, {"id": 899594, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "RECONSTRUCTION.\n\nMr. MOULTON. Mr. Speaker, a great variety of opinions upon the great questions growing out of the rebellion, and which have arisen since the surrender of the rebel armies, have been", "url": "/m2/session/14276#899594", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 14276}, {"id": 899624, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "RECONSTRUCTION\u2014ADMISSION OF TENNESSEE.\n\nMr. BUCKLAND. Mr. Speaker, thus far I have been a silent listener to the able and interesting discussions in this House upon the important and intricate", "url": "/m2/session/14276#899624", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 14276}, {"id": 899630, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "RECONSTRUCTION.\nMr. HART. Mr. Speaker, the pestilent heresy of Calhoun found its culmination in States discordant and belligerent, which with force of arms sought to establish a new dominion where", "url": "/m2/session/14276#899630", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 14276}, {"id": 899701, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "PAYMENT FOR SLAVES.\n\nMr. LAWRENCE, of Ohio. Mr. Speaker, the social and political changes effected as a consequence of the rebellion require some amendments to the great charter of our liberties, the", "url": "/m2/session/14276#899701", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 14276}, {"id": 899787, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "CIVIL RIGHTS.\n\nMr. LAWRENCE, of Ohio. Mr. Speaker, the President in his annual message said to us\u2014\n\n\u201cThat good faith requires the security of the freedmen in their liberty, their light to labor, and", "url": "/m2/session/14287#899787", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 14287}, {"id": 899798, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. CLARKE, of Kansas. Mr. Speaker, [approach the discussion of the question of reconstruction with anxious solicitude. Results momentous to the interests of civil liberty, and affecting the weal or", "url": "/m2/session/14287#899798", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 14287}, {"id": 899838, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. BROMWELL. Mr. Speaker, I deem myself fortunate in being permitted to take any part in the work of pacification and restoration of the Government upon which we have entered. I would even deem", "url": "/m2/session/8668#899838", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8668}, {"id": 899843, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. INGERSOLL. I had fondly hoped, Mr. Speaker, when Lee surrendered to General Grant, and Johnston surrendered to General Sherman, the last armies of the rebellion, that we had heard the last of", "url": "/m2/session/14293#899843", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 14293}, {"id": 899900, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. WINDOM. Mr. Speaker, after the thorough discussion this question has received I can hardly expect to add anything new. But at a time like this silence is akin to cowardice; indifference is", "url": "/m2/session/5617#899900", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 5617}, {"id": 899902, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. ROGERS. Mr. Speaker, I did not intend when I came here to-day to participate in this debate, nor did I expect when I came here to be entertained with debate of the character of that indulged in", "url": "/m2/session/14293#899902", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 14293}, {"id": 899924, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. PATTERSON. Mr. Speaker, the able and protracted debate on this floor and in the Senate upon the subject of reconstruction has been of an extraordinary character. It has involved largely first", "url": "/m2/session/14300#899924", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 14300}, {"id": 899928, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. ROSS. Mr. Speaker, it is known, at least by my constituents, that I was not a supporter of the last Administration, and did not cast my vote for the election of the present incumbent of the", "url": "/m2/session/14300#899928", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 14300}, {"id": 899933, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. RAYMOND. Mr. Speaker, I regard the action which this House may take upon the bill now before it as of very great importance. The bill embodies principles which touch very nearly the fundamental", "url": "/m2/session/5618#899933", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 5618}, {"id": 899935, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. RAYMOND. I have no objection to a colloquy of that kind. I think it perhaps the best way to get at the truth. I am indebted to the House for its courtesy, though I am very much afraid I shall", "url": "/m2/session/5618#899935", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 5618}, {"id": 899959, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. CLARKE, of Ohio, obtained the floor.\n\nMr. HUBBARD, of Iowa. With the consent of the gentleman from Ohio, I desire to say that I may not have fully understood the purport of the various statements", "url": "/m2/session/14301#899959", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 14301}, {"id": 899976, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. RAYMOND. Mr. Speaker, I do not propose to discuss this general subject in any formal manner, but merely to make a few remarks, which I fear will prove rather desultory, upon the necessity which", "url": "/m2/session/8719#899976", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8719}, {"id": 899990, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. ALLISON. Mr. Speaker, when the question of the reorganization of these States, known as House bill No. 543, was under consideration a few days ago in this House, I voted with the distinguished", "url": "/m2/session/8742#899990", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8742}, {"id": 900074, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "RECONSTRUCTION.\n\nMr. VAN AERNAM. Mr. Speaker, I need not assure this House that I approach the investigation of the subject under consideration with hesitation and embarrassment. With hesitation,", "url": "/m2/session/14301#900074", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 14301}, {"id": 900084, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "RECONSTRUCTION.\n\nMr. JULIAN. Mr. Speaker, the conflict going on to-day between Conservatism and Radicalism is not a new one. It only presents new phases, and more decided characteristics in its", "url": "/m2/session/14308#900084", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 14308}, {"id": 900087, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "INDIANA POLICY.\n\nMr. NIBLACK. Mr. Speaker, the Constitution and laws of Indiana relating to negroes and mulattoes have been so often referred to in the debates during the present session of Congress,", "url": "/m2/session/14308#900087", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 14308}, {"id": 900097, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "POWERS OF CONGRESS.\n\nMr. KERR. Mr. Speaker, under the parliamentary discipline which prevails in this House, it is impossible very often for members to get permission to discuss measures of the", "url": "/m2/session/14308#900097", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 14308}, {"id": 900103, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. STEVENS. Mr. Speaker, I am very anxious that this bill should be proceeded with until finally acted upon. I desire that as early as possible, without curtailing debate, this House shall come to", "url": "/m2/session/8640#900103", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8640}, {"id": 900134, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. HENDRICKS. [...] The effect of this amendment will be to provide for impartial, instead of universal suffrage. As the original amendment now reads, I suppose it would not allow the States to", "url": "/m2/session/8755#900134", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8755}, {"id": 900135, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The question is on the amendment of the Senator from Indiana to the amendment of the Senator from Maryland.\n\nMr. DOOLITTLE. I should like to know of the Senator from", "url": "/m2/session/8755#900135", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8755}, {"id": 900161, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. POMEROY. Why not insert \u201cin accordance with the provisions of an act of Congress,\u201d or \u201cin accordance with law?\u201d\n\nMr. VAN WINKLE. I wish to call the attention of the Senator from Maine to the fact", "url": "/m2/session/8755#900161", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8755}, {"id": 900214, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. SAULSBURY. Mr. President, the formation of one Confederacy or Federal Union did not prevent the manifestation of a disposition on the part of the northern people which was predicted by Mr. Jay in", "url": "/m2/session/8762#900214", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8762}, {"id": 900269, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. VAN WINKLE. As this preamble has been brought into discussion, I wish to say a few words upon it. I have waited till it should come up regularly. I have no motion to make in reference to it; but", "url": "/m2/session/8762#900269", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8762}, {"id": 900392, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. DAWSON again resumed the floor, and addressed the House as follows:\n\nMr. Speaker, I have watched the proceedings of this body with deep interest. No one has been a more attentive listener or more", "url": "/m2/session/8673#900392", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8673}, {"id": 900401, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. BINGHAM. I yield to my friend from Pennsylvania, [Mr. Broomall.] \n\nMr. BROOMALL. Mr. Speaker, in the spring of 1865 the military forces of the late confederate States of America surrendered", "url": "/m2/session/8642#900401", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8642}, {"id": 900526, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. STEVENS. I yield the remainder of my time, which is only five minutes, to the gentleman from California, [Mr. Higby.]\n\nMr. HIGBY. Mr. Speaker I could not let this measure go to a vote without", "url": "/m2/session/8765#900526", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8765}, {"id": 900538, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. COOK. Mr. Speaker, in separating as I must from some with whom I have uniformly acted in the House upon political questions, I desire to state in a word the reasons which induce me to vote to", "url": "/m2/session/8765#900538", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8765}, {"id": 900572, "title": "DEBATE_MOTION", "description": "Mr. SHERMAN. With the consent of my friend, I will state that I have no doubt that with moderation on the part of both Houses this measure can be passed with the assent of both Houses without any", "url": "/m2/session/8773#900572", "type": "DEBATE_MOTION", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-procedure-debate.svg", "session_id": 8773}, {"id": 900677, "title": "CREATE", "description": "President Johnson's H. R. 1143 Veto", "url": "/m2/session/14317#900677", "type": "CREATE", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-subtype-script-add.svg", "session_id": 14317}, {"id": 900694, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. DIXON. Mr. President, it is not my purpose at this time to go into this discussion at any length. I desire merely to state in the briefest possible terms some of the reasons that compel me to", "url": "/m2/session/8854#900694", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8854}, {"id": 900882, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "RECONSTRUCTION.\n\nMr. McKEE. I ask the Clerk to read the joint resolution which I send to the Clerk's desk.\n\nThe Clerk read, as follows:\n\nMr. McKEE. Mr. Speaker, it is my purpose at present to submit", "url": "/m2/session/14257#900882", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 14257}, {"id": 900910, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. DONNELLY. Mr. Speaker, I desire to express myself in favor of the main purposes of the bill now under consideration.\n\nThrough the clouds of a great war and the confusion of a vast mass of", "url": "/m2/session/8675#900910", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8675}, {"id": 900911, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. ELDRIDGE. Mr. Speaker, it is of little avail, idle perhaps, to attempt any resistance of a caucus measure of the majority of this House. But it is hard, sad to stand Silently by and see the", "url": "/m2/session/8675#900911", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8675}, {"id": 900915, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. KOONTZ. Mr. Speaker, I do not propose to examine in detail the bill now under discussion, but will occupy a portion of the time allotted me in discussing the general principles involved therein.", "url": "/m2/session/8676#900915", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8676}, {"id": 900924, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "RECONSTRUCTION.\n\nThe House resumed the consideration of House bill No. 543, to provide for restoring to the States lately in insurrection their full political rights.\n\nMr. KERR. Mr. Speaker, it is", "url": "/m2/session/8643#900924", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8643}, {"id": 900929, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "RECONSTRUCTION-\u2014AGAIN.\n\nThe Committee of the Whole on the state of the Union resumed its session.\n\nMr. RAYMOND. Mr. Chairman, I should be glad, if it meet the sense of those members who are present,", "url": "/m2/session/14234#900929", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 14234}, {"id": 900933, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. STEVENS. I do not propose at present to call the previous question, but will leave the bill open for discussion to-day. I now yield to the gentleman from New York, [Mr. Raymond.]\n\nMr. RAYMOND.", "url": "/m2/session/8677#900933", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8677}, {"id": 900936, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. ROSS. In view of the magnitude and importance of the legislation proposed by the bill now before us I have thought it my duty to submit a few considerations to the House upon the subject. The", "url": "/m2/session/8678#900936", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8678}, {"id": 901160, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "RECONSTRUCTION\n\nMr. SHELLABARGER. Mr. Chairman, I shall inquire whether the Constitution deals with States. I shall discuss the question whether an organized rebellion against a Government is an", "url": "/m2/session/14337#901160", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 14337}, {"id": 901492, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Reconstruction.\nSPEECH OF HON. G. CLAY SMITH\nOf Kentucky,\nIn the House of Representatives,\nJanuary 19, 1866.\n\nThe House being in the Committee of the Whole on the state of the Union\u2014\n\nMr. SMITH", "url": "/m2/session/14366#901492", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 14366}, {"id": 901703, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. GARFIELD. Would it not be sufficient to allow to-day and this evening for debate?\n \nMr. LE BLOND. That is what I am speaking about. I am trying to show the impossibility of our being urged to", "url": "/m2/session/8698#901703", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8698}, {"id": 901887, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. BINGHAM [...] Mr. Speaker, I respectfully ask attention to the importance of allowing the vote to be taken on the amendment proposed. Here is a bill the object of which, as I said when I had the", "url": "/m2/session/8743#901887", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8743}, {"id": 901954, "title": "DEBATE_MOTION", "description": "The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Senator from Ohio [Mr. Sherman] has already made a motion to take up another bill. \n\nMr. SHERMAN. I withdraw that motion for the present, to allow the Senator from Oregon", "url": "/m2/session/8655#901954", "type": "DEBATE_MOTION", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-procedure-debate.svg", "session_id": 8655}, {"id": 902000, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. HOWARD. Mr. President, I do not rise to discuss the merits of the bill, particularly at this time; I do not know that I shall feel it my duty to do so during the debate in this body; but I wish", "url": "/m2/session/8755#902000", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8755}, {"id": 902530, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. LAWRENCE, of Ohio. Mr. Speaker, I desire to state very briefly my views on reconstruction and the duty of Congress, and to explain some votes which, standing alone, are liable to be", "url": "/m2/session/8765#902530", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8765}, {"id": 902549, "title": "DEBATE_MOTION", "description": "Mr. HENDRICKS. Reference has been made by several Senators to the possible failure to pass this bill so that it may become a law. I suppose the Senator from Massachusetts and the Senator from Kansas", "url": "/m2/session/8773#902549", "type": "DEBATE_MOTION", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-procedure-debate.svg", "session_id": 8773}, {"id": 902550, "title": "DEBATE_MOTION", "description": "Mr. WADE. Mr. President, I am very sorry that so disagreeable a topic should come up this morning for discussion, but 1 am very well compensated for it by what has fallen from the Senator from Maine.", "url": "/m2/session/8773#902550", "type": "DEBATE_MOTION", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-procedure-debate.svg", "session_id": 8773}, {"id": 902859, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. NEWELL. Mr. Speaker, I propose to submit a few remarks for the consideration of the House upon the annual message of the President of the United States. \n\nIn doing so allow me to call attention", "url": "/m2/session/14425#902859", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 14425}, {"id": 904069, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. SHERMAN. The first clause of the addition to the fifth section is a proper one, I think. It simply applies the constitutional amendment in fixing the qualifications of delegates to a convention.", "url": "/m2/session/8842#904069", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8842}, {"id": 904090, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. DOOLITTLE. Mr. President, for the good faith of this Government I hope that I can get the ear of the Senate and the ear of every Senator; for I believe that if this amendment be considered in the", "url": "/m2/session/8842#904090", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8842}, {"id": 904099, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. HENDERSON. I do not desire to take the time of the Senate at this hour of the night, and yet I confess I am not pleased with the measure before us. When it was here as a purely military measure,", "url": "/m2/session/8842#904099", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8842}, {"id": 904134, "title": "OTHER", "description": "GOVERNMENT OF REBEL STATES.\n\nThe SPEAKER also laid before the House the following veto message of the President of the United States:\n\nTo the House of Representatives:\n\nI have examined the bill \u201cto", "url": "/m2/session/8849#904134", "type": "OTHER", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-decision-forward.svg", "session_id": 8849}, {"id": 904153, "title": "OTHER", "description": "The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The message of the President of the United States will be read.\n\nThe Secretary read the message, as follows: To the House of Representatives:\n\nI have examined the bill \u201cto", "url": "/m2/session/8854#904153", "type": "OTHER", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-decision-forward.svg", "session_id": 8854}], "session_ids_for_event_results": [5583, 5595, 5609, 6880, 6881, 5480, 5495, 5496, 5498, 5513, 5525, 5679, 5681, 5684, 5686, 5688, 5690, 5691, 5467, 5468, 5469, 5487, 13017, 5675, 5676, 5587, 5677, 5528, 5536, 13103, 13105, 13116, 13118, 14108, 6882, 13126, 8642, 5608, 5610, 5692, 5693, 5695, 5697, 14220, 14222, 5701, 14234, 14237, 14240, 14243, 14247, 14251, 14254, 5579, 14257, 5580, 5582, 14262, 14268, 14276, 14287, 8668, 14293, 5617, 14300, 5618, 14301, 8719, 8742, 14308, 8640, 8755, 8762, 8673, 8765, 8773, 14317, 8854, 8675, 8676, 8643, 8677, 8678, 14337, 14366, 8698, 8743, 8655, 14425, 8842, 8849], "session_data_for_event_results": {"5583": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "01 Mar 1866, 12:00"}, "5595": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "26 Mar 1866, 12:00"}, "5609": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "09 May 1866, 12:00"}, "6880": {"committee_name": "Senate Committee of the Whole ", "session_date": "13 Dec 1865, 12:00"}, "6881": {"committee_name": "Senate Committee of the Whole ", "session_date": "20 Dec 1865, 00:00"}, "5480": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "22 Jan 1866, 12:00"}, "5495": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "23 Jan 1866, 12:00"}, "5496": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "24 Jan 1866, 12:00"}, "5498": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "25 Jan 1866, 12:00"}, "5513": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "26 Jan 1866, 12:00"}, "5525": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "29 Jan 1866, 12:00"}, "5679": {"committee_name": "Senate Committee of the Whole ", "session_date": "06 Feb 1866, 00:00"}, "5681": {"committee_name": "Senate Committee of the Whole ", "session_date": "08 Feb 1866, 00:00"}, "5684": {"committee_name": "Senate Committee of the Whole ", "session_date": "14 Feb 1866, 00:00"}, "5686": {"committee_name": "Senate Committee of the Whole ", "session_date": "16 Feb 1866, 00:00"}, "5688": {"committee_name": "Senate Committee of the Whole ", "session_date": "21 Feb 1866, 00:00"}, "5690": {"committee_name": "Senate Committee of the Whole ", "session_date": "07 Mar 1866, 00:00"}, "5691": {"committee_name": "Senate Committee of the Whole ", "session_date": "08 Mar 1866, 00:00"}, "5467": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "10 Jan 1866, 12:00"}, "5468": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "11 Jan 1866, 12:00"}, "5469": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "15 Jan 1866, 12:00"}, "5487": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "16 Jan 1866, 12:00"}, "13017": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "18 Jan 1866, 12:00"}, "5675": {"committee_name": "Senate Committee of the Whole ", "session_date": "31 Jan 1866, 00:00"}, "5676": {"committee_name": "Senate Committee of the Whole ", "session_date": "01 Feb 1866, 00:00"}, "5587": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "08 Mar 1866, 12:00"}, "5677": {"committee_name": "Senate Committee of the Whole ", "session_date": "02 Feb 1866, 00:00"}, "5528": {"committee_name": "The Senate", "session_date": "05 Apr 1866, 12:00"}, "5536": {"committee_name": "The Senate", "session_date": "06 Apr 1866, 12:00"}, "13103": {"committee_name": "Senate Committee of the Whole ", "session_date": "16 Jan 1866, 12:00"}, "13105": {"committee_name": "Senate Committee of the Whole ", "session_date": "27 Jun 1866, 12:00"}, "13116": {"committee_name": "Senate Committee of the Whole ", "session_date": "12 Dec 1866, 12:00"}, "13118": {"committee_name": "Senate Committee of the Whole ", "session_date": "13 Dec 1866, 12:00"}, "14108": {"committee_name": "President Andrew Johnson", "session_date": "05 Jan 1867, 00:00"}, "6882": {"committee_name": "Senate Committee of the Whole ", "session_date": "21 Dec 1865, 00:00"}, "13126": {"committee_name": "The Senate", "session_date": "07 Jan 1867, 12:00"}, "8642": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "08 Jan 1867, 12:00"}, "5608": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "08 May 1866, 12:00"}, "5610": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "10 May 1866, 12:00"}, "5692": {"committee_name": "Senate Committee of the Whole ", "session_date": "23 May 1866, 00:00"}, "5693": {"committee_name": "Senate Committee of the Whole ", "session_date": "24 May 1866, 00:00"}, "5695": {"committee_name": "Senate Committee of the Whole ", "session_date": "30 May 1866, 00:00"}, "5697": {"committee_name": "Senate Committee of the Whole ", "session_date": "04 Jun 1866, 00:00"}, "14220": {"committee_name": "Committee of the Whole on the State of the Union of the House of Representatives", "session_date": "13 Dec 1866, 12:00"}, "14222": {"committee_name": "Committee of the Whole on the State of the Union of the House of Representatives", "session_date": "16 Feb 1867, 19:00"}, "5701": {"committee_name": "Senate Committee of the Whole ", "session_date": "08 Jun 1866, 00:00"}, "14234": {"committee_name": "Committee of the Whole on the State of the Union of the House of Representatives", "session_date": "21 Dec 1865, 12:00"}, "14237": {"committee_name": "Committee of the Whole on the State of the Union of the House of Representatives", "session_date": "27 Jan 1866, 12:00"}, "14240": {"committee_name": "Committee of the Whole on the State of the Union of the House of Representatives", "session_date": "05 Feb 1866, 19:30"}, "14243": {"committee_name": "Committee of the Whole on the State of the Union of the House of Representatives", "session_date": "10 Feb 1866, 12:00"}, "14247": {"committee_name": "Committee of the Whole on the State of the Union of the House of Representatives", "session_date": "15 Feb 1866, 19:30"}, "14251": {"committee_name": "Committee of the Whole on the State of the Union of the House of Representatives", "session_date": "17 Feb 1866, 12:00"}, "14254": {"committee_name": "Committee of the Whole on the State of the Union of the House of Representatives", "session_date": "24 Feb 1866, 12:00"}, "5579": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "26 Feb 1866, 12:00"}, "14257": {"committee_name": "Committee of the Whole on the State of the Union of the House of Representatives", "session_date": "03 Mar 1866, 12:00"}, "5580": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "27 Feb 1866, 12:00"}, "5582": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "28 Feb 1866, 12:00"}, "14262": {"committee_name": "Committee of the Whole on the State of the Union of the House of Representatives", "session_date": "10 Mar 1866, 12:00"}, "14268": {"committee_name": "Committee of the Whole on the State of the Union of the House of Representatives", "session_date": "17 Mar 1866, 12:00"}, "14276": {"committee_name": "Committee of the Whole on the State of the Union of the House of Representatives", "session_date": "24 Mar 1866, 12:00"}, "14287": {"committee_name": "Committee of the Whole on the State of the Union of the House of Representatives", "session_date": "07 Apr 1866, 12:00"}, "8668": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "30 May 1866, 12:00"}, "14293": {"committee_name": "Committee of the Whole on the State of the Union of the House of Representatives", "session_date": "05 May 1866, 12:00"}, "5617": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "14 Jun 1866, 12:00"}, "14300": {"committee_name": "Committee of the Whole on the State of the Union of the House of Representatives", "session_date": "19 May 1866, 12:00"}, "5618": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "18 Jun 1866, 12:00"}, "14301": {"committee_name": "Committee of the Whole on the State of the Union of the House of Representatives", "session_date": "09 Jun 1866, 12:00"}, "8719": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "08 Feb 1867, 12:00"}, "8742": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "12 Feb 1867, 12:00"}, "14308": {"committee_name": "Committee of the Whole on the State of the Union of the House of Representatives", "session_date": "16 Jun 1866, 12:00"}, "8640": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "03 Jan 1867, 12:00"}, "8755": {"committee_name": "Senate Committee of the Whole ", "session_date": "15 Feb 1867, 12:00"}, "8762": {"committee_name": "Senate Committee of the Whole ", "session_date": "16 Feb 1867, 12:00"}, "8673": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "16 Jan 1867, 12:00"}, "8765": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "18 Feb 1867, 12:00"}, "8773": {"committee_name": "The Senate", "session_date": "19 Feb 1867, 12:00"}, "14317": {"committee_name": "President Andrew Johnson", "session_date": "02 Mar 1867, 00:00"}, "8854": {"committee_name": "The Senate", "session_date": "02 Mar 1867, 11:00"}, "8675": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "18 Jan 1867, 12:00"}, "8676": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "19 Jan 1867, 12:00"}, "8643": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "21 Jan 1867, 12:00"}, "8677": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "24 Jan 1867, 12:00"}, "8678": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "26 Jan 1867, 12:00"}, "14337": {"committee_name": "Committee of the Whole on the State of the Union of the House of Representatives", "session_date": "08 Jan 1866, 12:00"}, "14366": {"committee_name": "Committee of the Whole on the State of the Union of the House of Representatives", "session_date": "19 Jan 1866, 12:00"}, "8698": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "07 Feb 1867, 12:00"}, "8743": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "13 Feb 1867, 12:00"}, "8655": {"committee_name": "The Senate", "session_date": "14 Feb 1867, 12:00"}, "14425": {"committee_name": "Committee of the Whole on the State of the Union of the House of Representatives", "session_date": "04 Jan 1867, 00:00"}, "8842": {"committee_name": "The Senate", "session_date": "20 Feb 1867, 12:00"}, "8849": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "02 Mar 1867, 11:00"}}}, "156": {"top_level_match": "false", "sessions": [], "committees": [], "delegations": [], "people": [], "events": [{"id": 672543, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. Pinkney \u3008spoke as follows\u3009. \u2014 The efficacy of the System will depend on this article. In order to form a right judgmt. in the case it will be proper to examine the situation of this Country more", "url": "/m2/session/6223#672543", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 6223}, {"id": 672637, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Doctr. Johnson. The controversy must be endless whilst Gentlemen differ in the grounds of their arguments; Those on one side considering the States as districts of people composing one political", "url": "/m2/session/6227#672637", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 6227}, {"id": 675335, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. Gerry sees no necessity for so great a controul over the legislature as the best men in the Community would be comprised in the two branches of it.\n\nDocr. Franklin, said he was sorry to differ", "url": "/m2/session/6292#675335", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 6292}, {"id": 675583, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. Hamilton, had been hitherto silent on the business before the Convention, partly from respect to others whose superior abilities age & experience rendered him unwilling to bring forward ideas", "url": "/m2/session/6302#675583", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 6302}, {"id": 675589, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. M\u3008adison\u3009. Much stress had been laid by some gentlemen on the want of power in the Convention to propose any other than a federal plan. To what had been answered by others, he would only add,", "url": "/m2/session/6303#675589", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 6303}, {"id": 675611, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "[Editors' note: In his State of Facts (1788), included in a letter from 21 January 1788 to the Vice President of the Convention of Massachusetts, Elbridge Gerry recollects the debate on this report", "url": "/m2/session/6304#675611", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 6304}, {"id": 741969, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. Sherman was of the same opinion; adding that the States would not like to see so small a minority and the President, prevailing over the general voice. In making laws regard should be had to the", "url": "/m2/session/6281#741969", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 6281}], "session_ids_for_event_results": [6223, 6227, 6292, 6302, 6303, 6304, 6281], "session_data_for_event_results": {"6223": {"committee_name": "The Convention", "session_date": "25 Jun 1787, 11:00"}, "6227": {"committee_name": "The Convention", "session_date": "29 Jun 1787, 10:00"}, "6292": {"committee_name": "Committee of the Whole House", "session_date": "04 Jun 1787, 11:00"}, "6302": {"committee_name": "Committee of the Whole House", "session_date": "18 Jun 1787, 11:00"}, "6303": {"committee_name": "Committee of the Whole House", "session_date": "19 Jun 1787, 11:00"}, "6304": {"committee_name": "First Committee on Representation", "session_date": "03 Jul 1787, 11:00"}, "6281": {"committee_name": "The Convention", "session_date": "12 Sep 1787, 10:00"}}}, "162": {"top_level_match": "false", "sessions": [], "committees": [], "delegations": [], "people": [], "events": [{"id": 692732, "title": "ADOPT_PROPOSAL", "description": "The memorial was read as follows:\nTo the Honorable Members of the Constitutional Convention of Utah:\nWe, your petitioners and memorialists representing the great majority of the women of Utah, and", "url": "/m2/session/7355#692732", "type": "ADOPT_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-decision-adopt.svg", "session_id": 7355}, {"id": 693696, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. THURMAN. Mr. President, if any of these proposed amendments prevail, I hope it will be the last one proposed. There is something in that that has the true ring. I cannot say that I am exactly in", "url": "/m2/session/7372#693696", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 7372}, {"id": 693704, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. KIMBALL (Weber). Mr. President, I do not desire to make a speech at this time on my substitute for the section that is now under consideration and all the amendments, but I do desire\n\nthis, as", "url": "/m2/session/7372#693704", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 7372}, {"id": 693707, "title": "DEBATE_MOTION", "description": "Mr. ROBERTS. Mr. President, I hope that motion will not prevail, for the reason that I believe that this house is prepared to settle this question now. We have been making slow progress and I think", "url": "/m2/session/7372#693707", "type": "DEBATE_MOTION", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-procedure-debate.svg", "session_id": 7372}, {"id": 694013, "title": "DEBATE_MOTION", "description": "Mr. SNOW. And this comes from those who are opposed to it. It has been interjected into this debate and into the proceedings of this house, and by those who are vehemently opposed to woman suffrage.", "url": "/m2/session/7375#694013", "type": "DEBATE_MOTION", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-procedure-debate.svg", "session_id": 7375}, {"id": 694339, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. VARIAN. I move its adoption. Personally, I entertain the conviction that the principle underlying this apportionment is utterly vicious and wrong, but I also recognize the fact that it is in", "url": "/m2/session/7377#694339", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 7377}, {"id": 694547, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. BOWDLE. Mr. President, I am opposed to striking out that section. North Dakota adopted a constitution without any section pertaining to lotteries in it. I am informed by gentlemen who lived in", "url": "/m2/session/7380#694547", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 7380}, {"id": 694696, "title": "REPORT_PROPOSAL", "description": "The roll was then called with the following result:\nAYES_72.\nNOES_22.\nABSENT_12.\nMr. BOWDLE. Mr. President, I vote aye on all of the sections but this last one.\nMr. BRANDLEY. Mr. President, I will", "url": "/m2/session/7382#694696", "type": "REPORT_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-decision-refer.svg", "session_id": 7382}, {"id": 694850, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. ROBERTS. Mr. President, it has not been my intention to re-open the debate on the general proposition involved this question. I think I can get through the course of two or three minutes with", "url": "/m2/session/7385#694850", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 7385}, {"id": 695588, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. JAMES. Then, I am speaking on the entire business.\nMr. EVANS (Utah). Mr. President, I submit to you that I made a motion to strike out.\nMr. HART. Did the chair rule that that motion to strike out", "url": "/m2/session/7392#695588", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 7392}, {"id": 695708, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. MALONEY. Mr. President, supposing that the ordinance of the city or town or incorporated village through which this railroad or telegraph line is proposed to be extended should require that", "url": "/m2/session/7394#695708", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 7394}, {"id": 695710, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. EVANS (Weber). Mr. Chairman, I want to make a suggestion before the vote is taken. This thing is so far reaching, that I want the gentlemen to understand it; that before a franchise could be", "url": "/m2/session/7394#695710", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 7394}, {"id": 698525, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. VAN HORNE. Mr. Chairman, I was going to move as an amendment to that that the amendment I propose be inserted in place of the section.\nMr. KIMBALL (Weber). I second that.Mr. VARIAN. That presents", "url": "/m2/session/7645#698525", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 7645}, {"id": 698539, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. PARTRIDGE. We had considerable discussion here yesterday in regard to taking property for public uses without just compensation being first made, and I was in favor that it should not be done.", "url": "/m2/session/7646#698539", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 7646}, {"id": 698770, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. CHIDESTER. Mr. Chairman and gentlemen of the committee, I do not deem it necessary to enter into a full discussion of this question now, for the reason that I believe that the question has been", "url": "/m2/session/7651#698770", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 7651}, {"id": 698786, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. THURMAN. Will the gentleman yield to me for a question_I am very sorry for this interruption, but I want to ask if the plank put in the democratic platform raised any issue between the parties? I", "url": "/m2/session/7652#698786", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 7652}, {"id": 698799, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "The CHAIRMAN. Gentlemen of the committee, when we adjourned yesterday, I believe we had under consideration, the article on elections and right of suffrage.\nMr. ELDREDGE. Mr. Chairman, at first I did", "url": "/m2/session/7653#698799", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 7653}, {"id": 698823, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. BARNES. Matters have assumed a shape in this Convention which I think calls forth some remarks from me as a delegate from Davis County. It may be somewhat presumptuous on my part to take up the", "url": "/m2/session/7653#698823", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 7653}, {"id": 698837, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. JOLLEY. Mr. Chairman, I seconded the motion on Saturday. Mr. Roberts had all the time that he wished in the closing of this debate. This is my first speech, gentlemen, upon this floor since the", "url": "/m2/session/7654#698837", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 7654}, {"id": 698843, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. HILL. May I proceed, or am I ruled out?\nThe CHAIRMAN. Go on, Mr. Hill.\nMr. HILL. It was stated here on Saturday, by some party, that during our entire campaign it was presented before the", "url": "/m2/session/7654#698843", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 7654}, {"id": 698850, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. LAMBERT. Mr. Chairman, I have sat here patiently and listened to these long discussions, and this is the first time I have attempted to trespass upon your attention, but this is a question of", "url": "/m2/session/7654#698850", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 7654}, {"id": 698889, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. WHITNEY. Mr. Chairman, I do not deem it an unreasonable request that I have made.\nIt was I who seconded the motion giving to the gentleman from Davis County the privilege of closing the debate", "url": "/m2/session/7655#698889", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 7655}, {"id": 699361, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. ROBERTS. Of course, Mr. Chairman, I look for the fate which has be-fallen the amendments offered or rather sections offered by the minority, for the reason that it involves a question of", "url": "/m2/session/7660#699361", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 7660}, {"id": 699368, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. ROBERTS. Now, Mr. Chairman, I trust the gentlemen have not forgotten the remarks of Chief Justice Miller, relative to the very great power of the government in the matter of taxing its people. It", "url": "/m2/session/7660#699368", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 7660}, {"id": 699384, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "The committee of the whole then proceeded to the consideration of the article on executive.\nThe CHAIRMAN. The chair is informed that we had progressed to the twelfth section of the article on", "url": "/m2/session/7660#699384", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 7660}, {"id": 699470, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. SQUIRES. Mr. Chairman, I just rise to a question of information. We have got down now to a thousand dollars for the state treasurer. If we adopt this proposition, I expect the next proposition", "url": "/m2/session/7661#699470", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 7661}, {"id": 699692, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. IVINS. I am coming to the gentleman a little later on. The idea, gentlemen, is that an unjust system of taxation is designed by this article. I have been in the committee, was a member of the", "url": "/m2/session/7663#699692", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 7663}, {"id": 699937, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. SQUIRES. Mr. Chairman, I listened with a great deal of pleasure this morning to the eloquent speech of the gentleman from Cache. I was charmed by the graces of oratory and delighted with the", "url": "/m2/session/7665#699937", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 7665}, {"id": 699992, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. RALEIGH. Mr. Chairman, I would like to say that an institution is located and built for the deaf and dumb in this city, and I do not see the propriety of naming some other place. Hence, I am", "url": "/m2/session/7666#699992", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 7666}, {"id": 700247, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "The CHAIRMAN. The question is upon the substitute offered by Mr. Howard.\nMr. EVANS (Utah). Mr. Chairman, I think that this matter was thoroughly discussed when we had it under consideration in the", "url": "/m2/session/7668#700247", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 7668}, {"id": 700327, "title": "DROP_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. ROBERTS. Mr. Chairman, it is not my purpose to detain this committee in the consideration of this question, as I believe that the mind of the committee is made up as to the action it will take in", "url": "/m2/session/7669#700327", "type": "DROP_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-decision-drop.svg", "session_id": 7669}], "session_ids_for_event_results": [7355, 7372, 7375, 7377, 7380, 7382, 7385, 7392, 7394, 7645, 7646, 7651, 7652, 7653, 7654, 7655, 7660, 7661, 7663, 7665, 7666, 7668, 7669], "session_data_for_event_results": {"7355": {"committee_name": "The Convention", "session_date": "18 Mar 1895, 14:00"}, "7372": {"committee_name": "The Convention", "session_date": "03 Apr 1895, 10:00"}, "7375": {"committee_name": "The Convention", "session_date": "05 Apr 1895, 14:30"}, "7377": {"committee_name": "The Convention", "session_date": "09 Apr 1895, 10:00"}, "7380": {"committee_name": "The Convention", "session_date": "12 Apr 1895, 10:00"}, "7382": {"committee_name": "The Convention", "session_date": "15 Apr 1895, 10:00"}, "7385": {"committee_name": "The Convention", "session_date": "18 Apr 1895, 16:00"}, "7392": {"committee_name": "The Convention", "session_date": "26 Apr 1895, 09:00"}, "7394": {"committee_name": "The Convention", "session_date": "29 Apr 1895, 09:20"}, "7645": {"committee_name": "Committee of the Whole", "session_date": "25 Mar 1895, 15:00"}, "7646": {"committee_name": "Committee of the Whole", "session_date": "26 Mar 1895, 14:00"}, "7651": {"committee_name": "Committee of the Whole", "session_date": "28 Mar 1895, 14:00"}, "7652": {"committee_name": "Committee of the Whole", "session_date": "29 Mar 1895, 10:15"}, "7653": {"committee_name": "Committee of the Whole", "session_date": "30 Mar 1895, 10:20"}, "7654": {"committee_name": "Committee of the Whole", "session_date": "01 Apr 1895, 10:20"}, "7655": {"committee_name": "Committee of the Whole", "session_date": "02 Apr 1895, 10:20"}, "7660": {"committee_name": "Committee of the Whole", "session_date": "11 Apr 1895, 00:00"}, "7661": {"committee_name": "Committee of the Whole", "session_date": "15 Apr 1895, 14:10"}, "7663": {"committee_name": "Committee of the Whole", "session_date": "17 Apr 1895, 10:00"}, "7665": {"committee_name": "Committee of the Whole", "session_date": "20 Apr 1895, 09:00"}, "7666": {"committee_name": "Committee of the Whole", "session_date": "22 Apr 1895, 09:40"}, "7668": {"committee_name": "Committee of the Whole", "session_date": "24 Apr 1895, 09:35"}, "7669": {"committee_name": "Committee of the Whole", "session_date": "26 Apr 1895, 00:00"}}}, "158": {"top_level_match": "false", "sessions": [], "committees": [], "delegations": [], "people": [], "events": [{"id": 705158, "title": "CREATE", "description": "H. Res.", "url": "/m2/session/6449#705158", "type": "CREATE", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-subtype-script-add.svg", "session_id": 6449}, {"id": 706096, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. DAWES. Will the gentleman yield to me for a moment? \n\nMr. BROOKS. I beg that the gentleman will not interrupt me until I state my proposition. \n\nMr. DAWES. If there is to be a lengthy discussion", "url": "/m2/session/6451#706096", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 6451}, {"id": 724349, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. HENDRICKS. Mr. President, I ask for the yeas and nays on the passage of this bill; and I desire to say but a very few words. I was a little surprised to hear the Senator from Kansas say that he", "url": "/m2/session/8202#724349", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8202}, {"id": 724448, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. SUMNER. I find that the objects which I seek to accomplish in reconstruction are regarded in very different lights by myself and by Senators who have spoken. The Senator from New Jersey, the", "url": "/m2/session/8326#724448", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8326}, {"id": 724851, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. HOWE. Mr. President, I shall vote for this amendment, but I intended to give a silent vote for it, and in case it was defeated, as I supposed it would be, I intended to give a silent vote against", "url": "/m2/session/6539#724851", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 6539}, {"id": 845224, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. KNOTT. Mr. Speaker, as the other provisions of this measure will no doubt be fully and ably discussed by other gentlemen on this side of the House, I will confine myself in what I shall have to", "url": "/m2/session/7967#845224", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 7967}, {"id": 845231, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "SUFFRAGE AGAIN.\n\nMr. BECK. Mr. Speaker, I propose to reply to the argument of the gentleman from Massachusetts, [Mr. Boutwell,] who introduced, and in his elaborate and carefully considered speech", "url": "/m2/session/6512#845231", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 6512}, {"id": 845233, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. McKEE. Mr. Speaker, it is not my purpose to-night or at any time hereafter in discussing this subject to enter at any length upon a discussion of the constitutional question involved in the bill", "url": "/m2/session/6512#845233", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 6512}, {"id": 845235, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. BURR. Mr. Speaker, it has been truly said that the Republican party is a party of progress. Whether its progress is in the direction of the greatest good of the greatest number is quite a", "url": "/m2/session/6512#845235", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 6512}, {"id": 845237, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. BOUTWELL obtained the floor, and yielded ten minutes to Mr. Jones, of Kentucky.\n\nMr. JONES, of Kentucky. Mr. Speaker, I do not propose to make an argument upon the important questions involved in", "url": "/m2/session/6513#845237", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 6513}, {"id": 849653, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. MUNGEN. Mr. Speaker, the bill now before the House is supplemental, as its title indicates, to \u201cAn act to provide for the more efficient government of the rebel States,\u201d passed on the 2d day of", "url": "/m2/session/6446#849653", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 6446}, {"id": 849656, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "The SPEAKER. On this bill the gentleman from New York [Mr. Brooks] is entitled to the floor.\n\nMr. BROOKS. I have no desire to address the House, and I do not flatter myself that anything which", "url": "/m2/session/8140#849656", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8140}, {"id": 849694, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "The SPEAKER. The gentleman from Pennsylvania [Mr. Stevens] has now remaining twenty-eight minutes of his hour.\n\nMr. STEVENS, of Pennsylvania. I trust that in that time I shall be able to state the", "url": "/m2/session/8140#849694", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8140}, {"id": 849743, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. SCHENCK. Mr. Speaker, I desire to ascertain, if there be no impropriety in knowing, what is in this bill before we pass upon it from some of these three or four gentlemen who had some twenty or", "url": "/m2/session/6448#849743", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 6448}, {"id": 849956, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "RECONSTRUCTION\u2014AGAIN.\n\nThe House resumed the consideration of the reconstruction bill.\n\nMr. LOGAN addressed the House. [His remarks will be published in the Appendix.]\n\nReconstruction.\n\nSPEECH OF", "url": "/m2/session/8204#849956", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8204}, {"id": 850393, "title": "DEBATE_MOTION", "description": "Mr. SUMNER. I hope that will not be done. I hope that the Senate will take up the different propositions and will proceed with them one by one, and when we have arrived at any point on which we", "url": "/m2/session/6543#850393", "type": "DEBATE_MOTION", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-procedure-debate.svg", "session_id": 6543}, {"id": 851041, "title": "DEBATE_MOTION", "description": "Mr. LOAN. Mr. Speaker, the first section of the bill declares that the so-called civil governments in the ten unreconstructed States shall not be recognized as valid or legal State governments either", "url": "/m2/session/8480#851041", "type": "DEBATE_MOTION", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-procedure-debate.svg", "session_id": 8480}, {"id": 851045, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. WOOD. I yield to the gentleman from Delaware [Mr. NICHOLSON] for five minutes.\n\nMr. NICHOLSON. I rise not for the purpose of discussing the bill under consideration any further than to call the", "url": "/m2/session/8483#851045", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8483}, {"id": 851046, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "RECONSTRUCTION\u2013AGAIN.\n\nMr. ROSS. I rise to a question of order. The gentleman from New York having paid the penalty, is he not entitled to the balance of his hour? [Laughter.]\n\nThe SPEAKER. The House", "url": "/m2/session/8483#851046", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8483}, {"id": 851055, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "RECONSTRUCTION\u2014AGAIN.\n\nThe House resumed the consideration of the bill reported by the Committee on Reconstruction.\n\nMr. KERR. Mr. Speaker, the depth and earnestness of the conviction on my mind that", "url": "/m2/session/8487#851055", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8487}, {"id": 851056, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. HIGBY. Mr. Speaker, I have been drawn into this debate more from the peculiar turn it has taken within the last two days than from any previous intention to discuss the questions involved, and I", "url": "/m2/session/8487#851056", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8487}, {"id": 851057, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. NIBLACK next addressed the House. His speech will appear in the Appendix.\n\n(Vol. 39, Part 1, Pg. 589)\n\nReconstruction.\n\nSPEECH OF HON. W. E. NIBLACK,\n\nOF INDIANA,\n\nIn the House of", "url": "/m2/session/8487#851057", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8487}, {"id": 851059, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. BOUTWELL. This bill has been so long under discussion that I have hardly the amount of assurance necessary to enable me to address the House at this time. I have observed that many persons in the", "url": "/m2/session/8488#851059", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8488}, {"id": 851061, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "The SPEAKER. There are twenty-three minutes of the gentleman\u2019s time unexpired.\n\nMr. HUBBARD, of Connecticut, then addressed the House. His speech will appear in the Appendix.\n\n(Vol. 39, Part 1, Pg.", "url": "/m2/session/8488#851061", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8488}, {"id": 851070, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "RECONSTRUCTION.\n\nMr. PHELPS resumed the floor upon House bill No. 439, additional and supplementary to an act entitled \u201cAn act to provide for the more efficient government of the rebel States,\u201d", "url": "/m2/session/6468#851070", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 6468}, {"id": 851256, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "SUPPLEMENTARY RECONSTRUCTION BILL.\n\nThe PRESIDENT pro tempore. The bill (H. R. No. 439) additional and supplementary to an act entitled \"An act to provide for the more efficient government or the", "url": "/m2/session/8492#851256", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8492}, {"id": 851264, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. BUCKALEW. Mr. President, one aspect of the general subject of reconstruction has not been made prominent in this debate so far as it has progressed. I think we should take up this great subject", "url": "/m2/session/8496#851264", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8496}, {"id": 851267, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. CRAGIN. Mr. President, when the question of the life or death of the Republic was presented to the loyal people of this land they bravely and patriotically resolved to accept war and all its", "url": "/m2/session/8497#851267", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8497}, {"id": 851268, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. HENDRICKS. Mr. President, the policy and measures of Congress in relation to the South are maintained in this debate upon two propositions: first, that at the end of the war there were no", "url": "/m2/session/8497#851268", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8497}, {"id": 851271, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. FERRY. Mr. President, it will perhaps be well to recur for a moment to the origin of this debate in order to obtain a clear apprehension of the issue which is now under consideration. A few days", "url": "/m2/session/8499#851271", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8499}, {"id": 851275, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. WILLIAMS. When an amendment is proposed in the Senate, it seems to me that a Senator can choose between the proposed amendment and the original bill without committing himself as to the question", "url": "/m2/session/8500#851275", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8500}, {"id": 851276, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. MORRILL, of Maine, addressed the Senate. His speech will be published in the Appendix.\n\n(Vol. 39, Part 1, Pg. 984)\n\nReconstruction.\n\nSPEECH OF HON. LOT M. MORRILL,\n\nOF MAINE,\n\nIn the Senate of", "url": "/m2/session/8501#851276", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8501}, {"id": 851289, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. DAVIS proceeded to address the Senate on the general subject of reconstruction, but, without concluding, gave way to Mr. MORRILL, of Maine, who moved that the Senate proceed to the consideration", "url": "/m2/session/8505#851289", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8505}, {"id": 851292, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. DOOLITTLE. Mr. President, all persons must feel the gravity of the present situation, and it is in that feeling that I come to the consideration of the question before the Senate.\n\nIt will be", "url": "/m2/session/8515#851292", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8515}, {"id": 851294, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. DOOLITTLE. I am arguing with my friend from Kansas.\n\nNeither has the education of my colleague in this respect been altogether neglected. Side by side with me and with the majority he stood", "url": "/m2/session/8515#851294", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8515}, {"id": 851295, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. PATTERSON, of New Hampshire. Mr. President, a fatal fallacy underlies and vitiates all the anti-reconstruction literature which the fertile intellect of the double-headed Opposition has produced", "url": "/m2/session/8371#851295", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8371}, {"id": 851298, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. SAULSBURY. Mr. President, the bill under consideration and the act of which it is amendatory are, in my judgment, measures which, if administered in accordance with their intent and meaning, will", "url": "/m2/session/8377#851298", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8377}, {"id": 851299, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. FESSENDEN. My friend will allow me to ask him a question on the point of law he is now stating. I have listened to his argument with a great deal of interest. His argument applies to all", "url": "/m2/session/8377#851299", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8377}, {"id": 851305, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. BURR then addressed the House. His remarks will appear in the Appendix.\n\n(Vol. 39, Part 1, Pg. 583)\n\nReconstruction.\n\nSPEECH OF HON. ALBERT G. BURR,\n\nOF ILLINOIS,\n\nIn the House of", "url": "/m2/session/8487#851305", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8487}, {"id": 851306, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. WARD. Mr. Speaker, I have examined with some degree of care the important bill under consideration, and have come to the conclusion it will become my duty to support it. One thing is evident,", "url": "/m2/session/8487#851306", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8487}, {"id": 865693, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. SUMNER. I shall vote for this bill; not because it is what I desire, but because it is all that Congress is disposed to enact at the present time. I do not like to play the part of Cassandra; but", "url": "/m2/session/8404#865693", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8404}, {"id": 865696, "title": "DEBATE_MOTION", "description": "Mr. TRUMBULL. [...] and on that question I desire to say a word. I appeal to Senators to consider for a moment what is done by that amendment. I voted for it with a view to make the motion to", "url": "/m2/session/8404#865696", "type": "DEBATE_MOTION", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-procedure-debate.svg", "session_id": 8404}, {"id": 865703, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. TRUMBULL. While the Secretary is preparing that amendment, I desire to say that the amendment being changed in this form, I prefer the bill as it was reported by the Committee on the Judiciary,", "url": "/m2/session/8404#865703", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8404}, {"id": 865725, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The question is on the amendment of the Senator from Indiana.\n\nMr. HOWARD. It seems to me that that amendment changes the purpose of the bill at the present time. As the", "url": "/m2/session/8390#865725", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8390}, {"id": 865755, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. FRELINGHUYSEN. Mr. President, I have a word to say on this amendment. I take it for granted that the object of the reconstruction measure which the Senate adopted was the admission and not the", "url": "/m2/session/8388#865755", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8388}, {"id": 865757, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. WILSON. Mr. President, in the spring of 1865 the rebel cause went down, and in a few months the President of the United States permitted the rebels to use the machinery of their old governments,", "url": "/m2/session/8388#865757", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8388}, {"id": 865772, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. CONKLING. Mr. President, I have sent for the case to which I referred; and before making a remark about it I wish to say to the Senator from Missouri that I understood him to consent, upon my", "url": "/m2/session/8387#865772", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8387}, {"id": 865773, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. DRAKE. [...] Mr. President, I have offered this amendment because of my knowledge from actual observation during a large portion of my life of the power which the minority of the people have", "url": "/m2/session/8387#865773", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8387}, {"id": 865775, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. DOOLITTLE. It seems to me there is a practical difficulty in the way of the adoption of this amendment. It says that if a majority of the whole number of voters registered vote for a convention", "url": "/m2/session/8387#865775", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8387}, {"id": 865779, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. DRAKE. [...] It will be seen, Mr. President, by reference to the third section of the substitute presented by the Judiciary Committee, in lines fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, and seventeen, that it", "url": "/m2/session/8387#865779", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8387}, {"id": 865794, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. WOOD. I desire to ask the gentleman whether he designs to take a vote on this today?\n\nMr. WILSON, of Iowa. It is my design to ask the House to come to a vote on it within an hour.\n\nMr. WOOD. Mr.", "url": "/m2/session/6438#865794", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 6438}, {"id": 866351, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. STEVENS, of Pennsylvania. Mr. Speaker, there is always some objection to everything I ever heard of on the earth or in heaven. [Laughter.] Now, sir, here is a bill which we have been petitioned", "url": "/m2/session/7825#866351", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 7825}, {"id": 866354, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. BROOKS obtained the floor.\n\nMr. MAYNARD. Will the gentleman from New York [Mr. Brooks] yield to me that I may offer the amendment which I have already indicated?\n\nMr. BROOKS. I will yield to the", "url": "/m2/session/7825#866354", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 7825}, {"id": 866417, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. CONKLING. Mr. President, the Senator having this bill in charge has ushered in its consideration by a somewhat particular narration of the positions held by the two Houses and by individual", "url": "/m2/session/8369#866417", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8369}, {"id": 866821, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Leave was granted to Mr. Bowen and Mr. Loughridge to print speeches. [See Appendix.]\n\n(Vol. 40, Part 1, Pg. 722)\n\nSuffrage.\n\nSPEECH OF HON. C. C. BOWEN,\n\nOF SOUTH CAROLINA,\n\nIn the House of", "url": "/m2/session/6513#866821", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 6513}, {"id": 866822, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Leave was granted to Mr. Bowen and Mr. Loughridge to print speeches. [See Appendix.]\n\n(Vol. 40, Part 1, Pg. 722)\n\nSuffrage Constitutional Amendment.\n\nSPEECH OF HON. W. LOUGHRIDGE,\n\nOf Iowa,\n\nIn the", "url": "/m2/session/6513#866822", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 6513}, {"id": 866829, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. Van Horn, of Missouri, and Mr. Hamilton, by unanimous consent, were granted leave to print their remarks as part of the debate. [See Appendix.]\n\n(Vol. 40, Part 1, Pg. 725)\n\nSuffrage.\n\nSPEECH OF", "url": "/m2/session/6513#866829", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 6513}, {"id": 866830, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. BOUTWELL. Mr. Speaker, this debate has demonstrated two facts: one is, there is a very general agreement that it is desirable to submit an amendment to the Constitution, and the other is, that", "url": "/m2/session/6513#866830", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 6513}, {"id": 866849, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Constitutional Amendment.\n\nREMARKS OF HON. J. M. BROOMALL, OF PENNSYLVANIA,\n\nIn the House of Representatives, January 30, 1869,\n\nOn the joint resolution (H. B. No. 402) proposing an amendment to the", "url": "/m2/session/6514#866849", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 6514}, {"id": 866919, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. FERRY. Mr. President, it was my intention, when I sought the floor upon this resolution as reported by the Committee on the Judiciary, to address myself to a considerable degree to the merits of", "url": "/m2/session/6610#866919", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 6610}, {"id": 866920, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. DIXON. I am sorry to interrupt my colleague, but if he will allow me, as he has appealed to me on this subject, I will say a word.\n\nMr. FERRY. Certainly.\n\nMr. DIXON. Mr. President, my Colleague", "url": "/m2/session/6610#866920", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 6610}, {"id": 866935, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. SUMNER. In the construction of a machine the good mechanic seeks the simplest process, producing the desired result with the greatest economy of time and force. I know no better rule for Congress", "url": "/m2/session/6611#866935", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 6611}, {"id": 866938, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. WILLEY. Mr. President, I will at once relieve the apprehensions of the Senate by stating that it is not ray purpose to detain them more than a very few minutes. I do not intend to protract this", "url": "/m2/session/6611#866938", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 6611}, {"id": 866953, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. DAVIS. Mr. President, I feel too much indisposed to discuss the subject under consideration, and I therefore decline to make any speech upon it. \n\nMr. DOOLITTLE. Mr. President, I do not intend to", "url": "/m2/session/6612#866953", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 6612}, {"id": 866958, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The question is on the amendment of the Senator from Oregon, [Mr. Williams.]\n\nMr. SUMNER. What has become of the amendment of the Senator from Connecticut, [Mr.", "url": "/m2/session/6612#866958", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 6612}, {"id": 866976, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "SUFFRAGE CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT.\n\nMr. RAMSEY. With the consent of the Senator from Nevada I have a small bill which I should like to pass while the Senate is collecting. Does the Senator assent to", "url": "/m2/session/6613#866976", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 6613}, {"id": 866983, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. ROSS. Mr. President, conscious of my inability to handle instructively a subject of such magnitude as the one under consideration, I had determined to remain a listener, and to cast a silent vote", "url": "/m2/session/6613#866983", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 6613}, {"id": 866984, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. FOWLER proceeded to address the Senate at length. [See Appendix.] \n\n(Vol. 40, Part 2, Pg. 985)\n\nSuffrage Constitutional Amendment.\n\nSPEECH OF HON. J. S. FOWLER,\n\nOF TENNESSEE,\n\nIn the Senate of", "url": "/m2/session/6613#866984", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 6613}, {"id": 866985, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. HOWARD. Mr. President, I do not intend at this late hour of the night to enter largely into the discussion of this question, but rise rather for the purpose of presenting, as briefly as possible,", "url": "/m2/session/6613#866985", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 6613}, {"id": 866986, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. MORTON. Mr. President, we have just heard from ray distinguished colleague, we heard it this evening from the Senator from Kentucky, [Mr. Davis,] and this afternoon from the Senator from", "url": "/m2/session/6613#866986", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 6613}, {"id": 866987, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The question is on the amendment offered by the Senator from Oregon to the amendment of the committee.\n\nMr. HOWARD. What is the amendment? Let it be read.\n\nThe Chief Clerk.", "url": "/m2/session/6613#866987", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 6613}, {"id": 866994, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. CRAGIN. Mr. President, I did not think that I could possibly be tempted to say anything in reference to the question now under consideration; but the position taken by the Senator from Vermont", "url": "/m2/session/6613#866994", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 6613}, {"id": 867002, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. FERRY. I am in favor of the proposition of the Senator from Michigan, because it meets and remedies the one existing evil with regard to which there is yet an omission in the Constitution of the", "url": "/m2/session/6613#867002", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 6613}, {"id": 867004, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. DOOLITTLE. As it seems to be the determination of the Senate to go on with this discussion, and as we are now just getting to the point in the case, the Senate will indulge me in a few", "url": "/m2/session/6613#867004", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 6613}, {"id": 867009, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. COLE. I hope the word suggested by the Senator from Ohio will be stricken out. It seems to me it is not called for. The amendment sought to be embodied in the Constitution is intended to meet the", "url": "/m2/session/6613#867009", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 6613}, {"id": 867520, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "[Mr. DIXON.] ... Article five of the Constitution, which relates to the proposition of amendments by Congress, provides that\u2014\n\n\u201cThe Congress, whenever two thirds of both Houses shall deem it", "url": "/m2/session/6607#867520", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 6607}, {"id": 867539, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. DIXON. Mr. President, the importance and the gravity of the subject now under consideration by the Senate ought to lift its discussion out of the region of mere party politics, and elevate the", "url": "/m2/session/7819#867539", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 7819}, {"id": 867540, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. POMEROY. Mr. President, during the discussion of this question yesterday the Senator from Massachusetts [Mr. Wilson} made use of the following words, as reported in the Globe:\n\n\u201cThere is not", "url": "/m2/session/7819#867540", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 7819}, {"id": 867541, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. POMEROY. Mr. President, during the discussion of this question yesterday the Senator from Massachusetts [Mr. Wilson} made use of the following words, as reported in the Globe:\n\n\u201cThere is not", "url": "/m2/session/7819#867541", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 7819}, {"id": 867769, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. WOODWARD addressed the House. [See Appendix.]\n\n(Vol. 40, Part 2, Pg. 1427)\n\nSuffrage Constitutional Amendment. \n\nSPEECH OF HON. G. W. WOODWARD, OF PENNSYLVANIA, \n\nIn the House of Representatives,", "url": "/m2/session/6521#867769", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 6521}, {"id": 867821, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. STEWART. I call for the reading of the joint resolution as it will read if amended.\n\nThe Chief Clerk read as follows:\n\nResolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of", "url": "/m2/session/6602#867821", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 6602}, {"id": 867823, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. STEWART. My motion to concur is pending, and that has precedence.\n\nMr. POMEROY. The question before the Senate on the report of the committee of conference is, of course, to concur with the", "url": "/m2/session/6602#867823", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 6602}, {"id": 867825, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The Senator from Indiana is entitled to the floor on the report of the committee of conference.\n\nMr. HENDRICKS. Mr. President, I shall not occupy the attention of the", "url": "/m2/session/6602#867825", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 6602}, {"id": 867826, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. BUCKALEW. Mr. President, before this question is put to a vote I propose to submit a few observations which seem to me to be timely.\n\nIn the first place I have to observe that what I supposed", "url": "/m2/session/6602#867826", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 6602}, {"id": 868154, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The question is on the amendment offered by the Senator from Massachusetts, [Mr. Wilson.]\n\nMr. HOWE. I do not rise now to say whether I shall vote for or against this", "url": "/m2/session/8135#868154", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8135}, {"id": 868193, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. HOWARD. Mr. President, I am very glad that the Senate consents to proceed at this early moment to the consideration of this bill and the amendments that are pending thereto. The peculiar views", "url": "/m2/session/8141#868193", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8141}, {"id": 868336, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. DAWES. Mr. Speaker, I will content myself with a simple statement of this case, and then, if no one desires to speak upon it, I will ask a vote.\n\nThe claimant, Blakey, claims to have been elected", "url": "/m2/session/6458#868336", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 6458}, {"id": 901011, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "AMERICAN CITIZENSHIP\n\nMr. KERR. Mr. Chairman, it is my purpose on this occasion to discuss at no great length some of the great questions involved in the subject of American citizenship. It is just", "url": "/m2/session/14324#901011", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 14324}, {"id": 901033, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Reconstruction.\n\nSPEECH OF HON. W. WILLIAMS,\nOF INDIANA, \nIN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES,\nJanuary 25, 1868. \n\nThe House being in the Committee of the whole on the state of the Union on the", "url": "/m2/session/14328#901033", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 14328}, {"id": 901034, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "RIGHTS OF CITIZENS\n\nMr. HAWKINS. Men have several great objects in the establishment of governments, and among these are to be found a desire to form a combination which shall have power sufficient", "url": "/m2/session/14328#901034", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 14328}, {"id": 901046, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Reconstruction. \nSPEECH OF HON. AARON F. STEVENS,\nOF NEW HAMPSHIRE, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES,\nFebruary 8, 1868. \nThe House being in the Committee of the whole on the state of the Union on the", "url": "/m2/session/14330#901046", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 14330}, {"id": 901059, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "SUFFRAGE AND RECONSTRUCTION. \n\nMr. WOODWARD. Mr. Speaker, referring myself to several measures now pending in this House, or lately passed, and to various speeches which have been made here, I submit", "url": "/m2/session/14332#901059", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 14332}, {"id": 901081, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. DRAKE. Mr. President, nothing but a sense of duty could have led me to introduce this resolution. If it was a mistaken sense of duty I alone am responsible for it. But I do not apprehend that the", "url": "/m2/session/8238#901081", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8238}, {"id": 903210, "title": "DEBATE_MOTION", "description": "Mr. CONKLING. Well, Mr. President, the Senator from Vermont and the Chair differ upon this question. That grieves me very much on behalf of the Senator from Vermont, but I suppose he will allow me to", "url": "/m2/session/6596#903210", "type": "DEBATE_MOTION", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-procedure-debate.svg", "session_id": 6596}, {"id": 903839, "title": "DEBATE_MOTION", "description": "Mr. CAMERON. I shall vote in favor of the motion now made by the Senator from Nevada. I had no intention to say a word on this subject, and should not have done so but for a remark which fell from my", "url": "/m2/session/6596#903839", "type": "DEBATE_MOTION", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-procedure-debate.svg", "session_id": 6596}], "session_ids_for_event_results": [6449, 6451, 8202, 8326, 6539, 7967, 6512, 6513, 6446, 8140, 6448, 8204, 6543, 8480, 8483, 8487, 8488, 6468, 8492, 8496, 8497, 8499, 8500, 8501, 8505, 8515, 8371, 8377, 8404, 8390, 8388, 8387, 6438, 7825, 8369, 6514, 6610, 6611, 6612, 6613, 6607, 7819, 6521, 6602, 8135, 8141, 6458, 14324, 14328, 14330, 14332, 8238, 6596], "session_data_for_event_results": {"6449": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "13 Jul 1867, 12:00"}, "6451": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "21 Nov 1867, 12:00"}, "8202": {"committee_name": "The Senate", "session_date": "05 Dec 1867, 12:00"}, "8326": {"committee_name": "The Senate", "session_date": "11 Mar 1867, 12:00"}, "6539": {"committee_name": "The Senate", "session_date": "05 Jul 1867, 12:00"}, "7967": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "23 Jan 1869, 12:00"}, "6512": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "28 Jan 1869, 12:00"}, "6513": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "29 Jan 1869, 12:00"}, "6446": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "08 Jul 1867, 12:00"}, "8140": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "09 Jul 1867, 12:00"}, "6448": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "11 Jul 1867, 12:00"}, "8204": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "12 Jul 1867, 12:00"}, "6543": {"committee_name": "The Senate", "session_date": "12 Jul 1867, 12:00"}, "8480": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "14 Jan 1868, 12:00"}, "8483": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "15 Jan 1868, 12:00"}, "8487": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "16 Jan 1868, 12:00"}, "8488": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "17 Jan 1868, 12:00"}, "6468": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "20 Jan 1868, 12:00"}, "8492": {"committee_name": "The Senate", "session_date": "23 Jan 1868, 12:00"}, "8496": {"committee_name": "The Senate", "session_date": "29 Jan 1868, 12:00"}, "8497": {"committee_name": "The Senate", "session_date": "30 Jan 1868, 12:00"}, "8499": {"committee_name": "The Senate", "session_date": "03 Feb 1868, 12:00"}, "8500": {"committee_name": "The Senate", "session_date": "04 Feb 1868, 12:00"}, "8501": {"committee_name": "The Senate", "session_date": "05 Feb 1868, 12:00"}, "8505": {"committee_name": "The Senate", "session_date": "11 Feb 1868, 12:00"}, "8515": {"committee_name": "The Senate", "session_date": "24 Feb 1868, 12:00"}, "8371": {"committee_name": "The Senate", "session_date": "25 Feb 1868, 12:00"}, "8377": {"committee_name": "The Senate", "session_date": "26 Feb 1868, 12:00"}, "8404": {"committee_name": "The Senate", "session_date": "16 Mar 1867, 12:00"}, "8390": {"committee_name": "Senate Committee of the Whole ", "session_date": "16 Mar 1867, 12:00"}, "8388": {"committee_name": "Senate Committee of the Whole ", "session_date": "15 Mar 1867, 12:00"}, "8387": {"committee_name": "Senate Committee of the Whole ", "session_date": "14 Mar 1867, 12:00"}, "6438": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "11 Mar 1867, 12:00"}, "7825": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "18 Dec 1867, 12:00"}, "8369": {"committee_name": "Senate Committee of the Whole ", "session_date": "21 Feb 1868, 12:00"}, "6514": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "30 Jan 1869, 12:00"}, "6610": {"committee_name": "Senate Committee of the Whole ", "session_date": "04 Feb 1869, 12:00"}, "6611": {"committee_name": "Senate Committee of the Whole ", "session_date": "05 Feb 1869, 12:00"}, "6612": {"committee_name": "Senate Committee of the Whole ", "session_date": "06 Feb 1869, 12:00"}, "6613": {"committee_name": "Senate Committee of the Whole ", "session_date": "08 Feb 1869, 12:00"}, "6607": {"committee_name": "Senate Committee of the Whole ", "session_date": "23 Jan 1869, 12:00"}, "7819": {"committee_name": "Senate Committee of the Whole ", "session_date": "29 Jan 1869, 12:00"}, "6521": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "20 Feb 1869, 12:00"}, "6602": {"committee_name": "The Senate", "session_date": "26 Feb 1869, 12:00"}, "8135": {"committee_name": "Senate Committee of the Whole ", "session_date": "09 Jul 1867, 00:00"}, "8141": {"committee_name": "Senate Committee of the Whole ", "session_date": "10 Jul 1867, 12:00"}, "6458": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "05 Dec 1867, 12:00"}, "14324": {"committee_name": "Committee of the Whole on the State of the Union of the House of Representatives", "session_date": "11 Jan 1868, 00:00"}, "14328": {"committee_name": "Committee of the Whole on the State of the Union of the House of Representatives", "session_date": "25 Jan 1868, 00:00"}, "14330": {"committee_name": "Committee of the Whole on the State of the Union of the House of Representatives", "session_date": "08 Feb 1868, 00:00"}, "14332": {"committee_name": "Committee of the Whole on the State of the Union of the House of Representatives", "session_date": "21 Mar 1868, 00:00"}, "8238": {"committee_name": "The Senate", "session_date": "10 Dec 1867, 12:00"}, "6596": {"committee_name": "The Senate", "session_date": "17 Feb 1869, 12:00"}}}, "180": {"top_level_match": "false", "sessions": [], "committees": [], "delegations": [], "people": [], "events": [{"id": 782584, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. KERR. Mr. Speaker, prior to the 25th day of May, 1868, what was called a constitutional convention was organized in the State of Mississippi under one of the reconstruction laws enacted by", "url": "/m2/session/10528#782584", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 10528}, {"id": 789579, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. BAYARD. May I be permitted to ask how that bill just offered by the Senator from Massachusetts can go on the Calendar without a reference? \n\nThe VICE PRESIDENT. The rule does not absolutely", "url": "/m2/session/10649#789579", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 10649}, {"id": 790305, "title": "DEBATE_MOTION", "description": "Mr. EDMUNDS. Now, Mr. President, as I was saying, (and I am obliged to my friend from New York for reading from that case)-- \n\nMr. DAVIS, of Kentucky. With the permission of the Senator from Vermont", "url": "/m2/session/10657#790305", "type": "DEBATE_MOTION", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-procedure-debate.svg", "session_id": 10657}, {"id": 791467, "title": "DEBATE_MOTION", "description": "Mr. STEWART. I wish to make a single remark. If it is not the rule or the precedent now, could we not make a rule that when there is a question before the Senate requiring a two-thirds vote, matters", "url": "/m2/session/11074#791467", "type": "DEBATE_MOTION", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-procedure-debate.svg", "session_id": 11074}, {"id": 794430, "title": "DEBATE_MOTION", "description": "The VICE-PRESIDENT. The question is on the motion of the Senator from Massachusetts. \n\nMr. FERRY, of Connecticut. Mr. President, the Senator from Vermont [Mr. EDMUNDS] yesterday expressed an interest", "url": "/m2/session/10506#794430", "type": "DEBATE_MOTION", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-procedure-debate.svg", "session_id": 10506}, {"id": 830510, "title": "DEBATE_MOTION", "description": "The question was taken; and it was decided in the affirmative\u2014 yeas 76, nays 60, not voting 153; as follows: \n\nYEAS\u2014Messrs. Adams, Archer, Arthur, Ashe, Atkins, Banning, Beck, Bell, Berry, Bland.", "url": "/m2/session/10610#830510", "type": "DEBATE_MOTION", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-procedure-debate.svg", "session_id": 10610}, {"id": 858430, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. MORTON. Mr. President, we do not intend to lose sight of the substance in a mere play upon words. The Senator says the right to go to school is not a civil right. Let us see how it stands. The", "url": "/m2/session/11074#858430", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 11074}, {"id": 858821, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. BECK obtained the floor.\n\nMr. BROMBERG. Before the gentleman from Kentucky [Mr. Beck] proceeds I wish to inquire of the gentleman from Massachusetts [Mr. Butler] whether any evidence was", "url": "/m2/session/10633#858821", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 10633}, {"id": 858827, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. RANSIER. I am obliged to the House for its courtesy in allowing me one hour within which to\u2014\n\nThe SPEAKER. The Chair does not understand that the gentleman was allowed an hour's time.\n\nMr. WOOD,", "url": "/m2/session/10583#858827", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 10583}, {"id": 858853, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. HERNDON. Mr. Speaker, I wish in the first place, as preliminary to the argument, to incorporate as part of my remarks the pending bill and amendment, which are as follows:\n\nA bill to protect all", "url": "/m2/session/10634#858853", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 10634}, {"id": 858867, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. BUTLER, of Massachusetts. I yield a short time to the gentleman from Tennessee, [Mr. Atkins.]\n\nMr. ATKINS. Mr. Speaker, in contemplating this subject I am not unmindful that it is particularly", "url": "/m2/session/10635#858867", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 10635}, {"id": 859810, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. CAIN. Mr. Speaker, there are periods in the history of nations and of peoples when it is necessary that men belonging to a race or races whose rights and interests are at stake should lay aside", "url": "/m2/session/10637#859810", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 10637}, {"id": 860042, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. ELDREDGE. I now yield five minutes to the gentleman from Ohio, [Mr. Monroe.]\n\nMr. MONROE. Mr. Speaker, I am suffering so much from hoarseness that I do not know whether it will be in my power to", "url": "/m2/session/11751#860042", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 11751}, {"id": 860151, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. CARPENTER. I understand the Senator from Maryland is willing to yield for a few minutes that I may speak on this bill.\n\nMr. HAMILTON, of Maryland. Very well.\n\nMr. CARPENTER. Mr. President, at the", "url": "/m2/session/10685#860151", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 10685}, {"id": 860657, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. SUMNER. Mr. President, in opening this great question, one of the vastest ever presented to the Senate, I have had but one hesitation, and that is, merely with regard to the order of treatment.", "url": "/m2/session/10485#860657", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 10485}, {"id": 860659, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. VICKERS. It is not my purpose, Mr. President, to follow the Senator from Massachusetts [Mr. Sumner] in the remarks which he has made, because his amendment is not only not germane to the", "url": "/m2/session/10485#860659", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 10485}, {"id": 860661, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. SUMMER. Mr. President, I am very reluctant to intrude again upon the attention of the Senate. Nothing but my sense of the magnitude of the question could induce me to venture upon it. I feel that", "url": "/m2/session/10659#860661", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 10659}, {"id": 860683, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. MORTON. I desire to suggest an amendment to the amendment of the Senator from Massachusetts, for the purpose of perfecting his proposition and getting it as near right as possible. I desire to", "url": "/m2/session/10645#860683", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 10645}, {"id": 861110, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. DAVIS, of Kentucky. Mr. President, I listened with much pleasure to the able Senator from Wisconsin, and I concur in most of what he has said; but in some essential features of his argument 1", "url": "/m2/session/10666#861110", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 10666}, {"id": 861120, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. FRELINGHUYSEN. I have but a word to say. It does not occur to me that the amendment of the Senator from Massachusetts [Mr. Sumner] is subject to the criticism which has been made upon it by the", "url": "/m2/session/10486#861120", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 10486}, {"id": 861133, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. THURMAN addressed the Senate. [His remarks will be published in the Appendix.]\n\n\nRights of Citizens of the United States.\n\nSPEECH OF HON. A. G. THURMAN,\n\nOF OHIO,\n\nIn the Senate of the United", "url": "/m2/session/10667#861133", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 10667}, {"id": 861157, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "The VICE PRESIDENT. The pending question is on the amendment of the Senator from Ohio [Mr. Sherman] to strike out the fifth section of the amendment of the Senator from Massachusetts, [Mr.", "url": "/m2/session/10669#861157", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 10669}, {"id": 861197, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. STEVENSON. Mr. President, I have voted against every amendment but one to this bill, because I thought they tended to embarrass the great subject of amnesty, the success of which I have had so", "url": "/m2/session/10670#861197", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 10670}, {"id": 861198, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. TIPTON. Mr. President, I enter into a brief discussion of the question before the Senate with some degree of reluctance, inasmuch as there is a contrariety of opinion upon the subject, and so", "url": "/m2/session/10670#861198", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 10670}, {"id": 861247, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. HILL. Before the vote is taken I will bring to the attention of the Senate the fact that in the State of Georgia, at the recent sitting of her Legislature, there was a vote taken on the subject", "url": "/m2/session/10670#861247", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 10670}, {"id": 861591, "title": "DEBATE_MOTION", "description": "Mr. SUMNER. Mr. President, there is a very good reason, a very strong reason, why this bill should not be referred to the committee, and it is found in the history of the bill. I have in my hand a", "url": "/m2/session/11221#861591", "type": "DEBATE_MOTION", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-procedure-debate.svg", "session_id": 11221}, {"id": 861592, "title": "DEBATE_MOTION", "description": "Mr. EDMUNDS. May I ask the Senator a question?\n\nMr. SUMNER. Certainly.\n\nMr. EDMUNDS. I should like to ask my friend, the Senator from Massachusetts, as he is now speaking of the character of the", "url": "/m2/session/11221#861592", "type": "DEBATE_MOTION", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-procedure-debate.svg", "session_id": 11221}, {"id": 861631, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. NORWOOD. Mr. President\u2014\n\nMr. FENTON. Mr. President, I inquire of the honorable Senator from Georgia if he is desirous of going on at this time to conclude his remarks this morning? If so, I will", "url": "/m2/session/10675#861631", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 10675}, {"id": 861641, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "[Mr. FLANAGAN addressed the Senate. His remarks will appear in the Appendix.]\n\n\nCivil Rights.\n\nSPEECH OF HON. J. W. FLANAGAN,\n\nOF TEXAS,\n\nIn the United States Senate,\n\nMay 20, 1874.\n\nThe Senate", "url": "/m2/session/10679#861641", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 10679}, {"id": 861645, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. MORTON. I am entitled to the floor on this bill; but the Senator from Virginia [Mr. Johnston] desires to leave on the three o\u2019clock train, and wishes to address the Senate before he goes. I", "url": "/m2/session/10680#861645", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 10680}, {"id": 861650, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. HOWE. Mr. President\u2014\n\nMr. FRELINGHUYSEN. One minute. I feel it my duty, Mr. President, to correct an error that my colleague has fallen into. If there is any obligation on the republican party to", "url": "/m2/session/10681#861650", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 10681}, {"id": 861658, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. SAULSBURY. Mr. President, I am fully aware of the unfavorable circumstances under which I rise to discuss this question. We have already been in session fully nine hours, and human nature cannot", "url": "/m2/session/10681#861658", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 10681}, {"id": 861683, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The Senator from North Carolina will proceed.\n\n[Mr. MERRIMON resumed and concluded his argument. His remarks in full will appear in the Appendix.]\n\n\nCivil Rights.\n\nSPEECH", "url": "/m2/session/10681#861683", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 10681}, {"id": 861870, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. MORGAN. Mr. Speaker, in a government of delegated powers, clearly defined by a written constitution, it matters little what may be the name of the party in power, provided it administers the", "url": "/m2/session/11760#861870", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 11760}, {"id": 861877, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. BECK. Mr. Speaker, the struggle between the gentleman from Massachusetts [Mr. Butler] and those who differed with him and counseled moderation is over; and while I, living in Kentucky, am", "url": "/m2/session/11761#861877", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 11761}, {"id": 861883, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. FARNSWORTH and Mr. BINGHAM addressed the House, in speeches which will be published in the Appendix.\n\n\nEnforcement of Fourteenth Amendment.\n\nSPEECH OF HON. J. F. FARNSWORTH, OF ILLINOIS,\n\nIn the", "url": "/m2/session/11762#861883", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 11762}, {"id": 861885, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. SWANN. Mr. Speaker, I feel gratified to be afforded this opportunity of addressing the House upon the important bill now under consideration. It was remarked by my honorable friend from New York", "url": "/m2/session/11762#861885", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 11762}, {"id": 861887, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "ENFORCEMENT OF FOURTEENTH AMENDMENT\n\nThe SPEAKER pro tempore. The House resumes the consideration of House bill No. 320, to enforce the provisions of the fourteenth amendment to the Constitution of", "url": "/m2/session/11762#861887", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 11762}, {"id": 861891, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. STORM addressed the House in remarks which will appear in the Appendix.\n\n\nEnforcement of Fourteenth Amendment.\n\nSPEECH OF HON. JOHN B. STORM,\n\nOF PENNSYLVANIA,\n\nIn the House of Representatives,", "url": "/m2/session/11762#861891", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 11762}, {"id": 861910, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. KINSELLA. Mr. Speaker, the discussion on the bill now before the House has been so long continued, has been presented for your consideration under so many points of view, by men representing not", "url": "/m2/session/11763#861910", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 11763}, {"id": 861912, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Enforcement of Fourteenth Amendment.\n\nSPEECH OF HON. J. P. C. SHANKS,\n\nOF INDIANA,\n\nIn the House of Representatives, April 3, 1871.\n\nThe House having under consideration the bill (H. R. No. 320; to", "url": "/m2/session/11764#861912", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 11764}, {"id": 861913, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "ENFORCEMENT OF FOURTEENTH AMENDMENT.\n\nThe House resumed the consideration of the bill (H. R. No. 320) for the enforcement of the fourteenth amendment, and for other purposes.\n\nMr. VAN TRUMP. Mr.", "url": "/m2/session/11764#861913", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 11764}, {"id": 861915, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. ELLIS H. ROBERTS. Three facts combine to show the necessity for a bill substantially like that now under consideration. First, the violence and lawlessness, for which it is proposed to provide a", "url": "/m2/session/11764#861915", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 11764}, {"id": 861918, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. BRIGHT. Mr. Speaker, in rising to address this honorable body for the first time, I labor under the double misfortune of having to speak to an exhausted patience and to travel over a burnt", "url": "/m2/session/11764#861918", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 11764}, {"id": 861919, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. CRITCHER was granted unanimous consent to have printed in the Globe some remarks he had prepared on the pending bill. [See Appendix.]\n\n\nEnforcement of Fourteenth Amendment.\n\nSpeech of Hon. John", "url": "/m2/session/11764#861919", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 11764}, {"id": 861921, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "ENFORCEMENT OF FOURTEENTH AMENDMENT.\n\nThe SPEAKER pro tempore. The House resumes the consideration of House bill No. 320, to enforce the provisions of the fourteenth amendment to the Constitution of", "url": "/m2/session/11764#861921", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 11764}, {"id": 861922, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. WINCHESTER. Mr. Speaker, on the 7th of December last the President, in pursuance of his constitutional duty, sent to Congress his annual statement of our affairs, domestic and foreign. The sole", "url": "/m2/session/11764#861922", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 11764}, {"id": 861932, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "ENFORCEMENT OF FOURTEENTH AMENDMENT.\n\nMr. GARFIELD, of Ohio, addressed the House. [His speech will be published in the Appendix.]\n\n\nEnforcement of Fourteenth Amendment.\n\nSPEECH OF HON. J. A.", "url": "/m2/session/11765#861932", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 11765}, {"id": 861933, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "THE DISEASE AND ITS CAUSES.\n\nMr. BUTLER, of Massachusetts. At the surrender of the rebel armies, in the spring of 1865, the officers and soldiers \u201cwere allowed to return to their homes\u201d upon their", "url": "/m2/session/11765#861933", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 11765}, {"id": 861934, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. SLATER asked and obtained unanimous consent to print in the Globe some remarks on the pending bill. [See Appendix.]\n\n\nEnforcement of Fourteenth Amendment.\n\nSPEECH OF HON. J. H. SLATER,\n\nOF", "url": "/m2/session/11765#861934", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 11765}, {"id": 861940, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "The SPEAKER pro tempore. The House will now resume the consideration of House bill No. 320, for the enforcement of the fourteenth amendment, and for other purposes; upon which the gentleman from", "url": "/m2/session/11765#861940", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 11765}, {"id": 861942, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. STEVENSON addressed the House. [His remarks will appear in the Appendix.]\n\n\nKu Klux Klan.\n\nSPEECH OF HON. JOB E. STEVENSON,\n\nOF OHIO,\n\nIn the House of Representatives, April 4, 1871.\n\nThe House", "url": "/m2/session/11765#861942", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 11765}, {"id": 861953, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. BIRD addressed the House. [His speech will be published in the Appendix.]\n\n\nEnforcement of Fourteenth Amendment.\n\nSPEECH OF HON. JOHN T. BIRD,\n\nOF NEW JERSEY,\n\nIn the House of Representatives,", "url": "/m2/session/11766#861953", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 11766}, {"id": 862018, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. SHELLABARGER. Mr. Speaker, I desire, in closing this debate, to say to the House a few things touching the state of the Republic that I did not allude to in opening because I had not time; but it", "url": "/m2/session/11767#862018", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 11767}, {"id": 862298, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. THURMAN. I wish to submit some remarks on this bill, but I prefer not to do it now. If there is any other Senator who wishes to speak I will give way to him.\n\nThe PRESIDING OFFICER. Does the", "url": "/m2/session/11777#862298", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 11777}, {"id": 862314, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. THURMAN addressed the Senate in opposition to the bill. [His speech will be published in the Appendix.]\n\n\nEnforcement of Fourteenth Amendment.\n\nSPEECH OF HON. A. G. THURMAN, of Ohio,\n\nIn the", "url": "/m2/session/11778#862314", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 11778}, {"id": 862316, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. DAVIS, of Kentucky. Mr. President, it is not my purpose to enter into a detailed examination of all the propositions of this bill. They are too extensive and too enormous in their character to", "url": "/m2/session/11778#862316", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 11778}, {"id": 862332, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. VICKERS. Mr. President, it was my purpose merely to record my vote against the passage of this bill. The subject has been so thoroughly discussed that I am sure I can add nothing to its interest", "url": "/m2/session/11778#862332", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 11778}, {"id": 862335, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. BLAIR addressed the Senate. Having spoken one hour, (at eleven o\u2019clock and forty minutes, p. m.) he said:\n\nMr. President, the other day in some remarks that I made I alluded to the State of", "url": "/m2/session/11778#862335", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 11778}, {"id": 864253, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. THURMAN. Mr. President, neither the Senator from Vermont nor any lawyer equally as careful as he would agree to an amendment of the most ordinary pleading in the most inferior court without", "url": "/m2/session/11775#864253", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 11775}, {"id": 864257, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. CASSERLY. Mr. President, what is the pending question?\n\nThe PRESIDING OFFICER, (Mr. Harlan in the chair.) The pending question is on the adoption of the report of the committee of", "url": "/m2/session/11775#864257", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 11775}, {"id": 864334, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. SCOFIELD. I will now yield for five minutes to the gentleman from Pennsylvania, [Mr. Kelley.]\n\nMr. KELLEY. Mr. Speaker, I desire to say, in corroboration of the statement of the gentleman from", "url": "/m2/session/11771#864334", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 11771}, {"id": 864359, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. POLAND. I rise to close debate. I would inquire how much time the gentleman from Indiana desires?\n\nMr. KERR. I wish a few moments, and the gentleman from Kentucky [Mr. Beck] desires a few", "url": "/m2/session/11771#864359", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 11771}], "session_ids_for_event_results": [10528, 10649, 10657, 11074, 10506, 10610, 10633, 10583, 10634, 10635, 10637, 11751, 10685, 10485, 10659, 10645, 10666, 10486, 10667, 10669, 10670, 11221, 10675, 10679, 10680, 10681, 11760, 11761, 11762, 11763, 11764, 11765, 11766, 11767, 11777, 11778, 11775, 11771], "session_data_for_event_results": {"10528": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "04 Mar 1871, 12:00"}, "10649": {"committee_name": "The Senate", "session_date": "10 May 1872, 11:00"}, "10657": {"committee_name": "Senate Committee of the Whole", "session_date": "21 Dec 1871, 00:00"}, "11074": {"committee_name": "Senate Committee of the Whole", "session_date": "08 May 1872, 11:00"}, "10506": {"committee_name": "The Senate", "session_date": "02 Dec 1873, 12:00"}, "10610": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "27 Jan 1875, 12:00"}, "10633": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "19 Dec 1873, 12:00"}, "10583": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "05 Jan 1874, 12:00"}, "10634": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "06 Jan 1874, 12:00"}, "10635": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "07 Jan 1874, 12:00"}, "10637": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "03 Feb 1875, 12:00"}, "11751": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "05 Feb 1875, 10:00"}, "10685": {"committee_name": "Senate Committee of the Whole", "session_date": "27 Feb 1875, 12:00"}, "10485": {"committee_name": "The Senate", "session_date": "15 Jan 1872, 12:00"}, "10659": {"committee_name": "The Senate", "session_date": "17 Jan 1872, 12:00"}, "10645": {"committee_name": "The Senate", "session_date": "22 Jan 1872, 12:00"}, "10666": {"committee_name": "The Senate", "session_date": "01 Feb 1872, 12:00"}, "10486": {"committee_name": "The Senate", "session_date": "05 Feb 1872, 12:00"}, "10667": {"committee_name": "The Senate", "session_date": "06 Feb 1872, 12:00"}, "10669": {"committee_name": "The Senate", "session_date": "08 Feb 1872, 12:00"}, "10670": {"committee_name": "The Senate", "session_date": "09 Feb 1872, 12:00"}, "11221": {"committee_name": "Senate Committee of the Whole", "session_date": "27 Jan 1874, 12:00"}, "10675": {"committee_name": "The Senate", "session_date": "04 May 1874, 12:00"}, "10679": {"committee_name": "The Senate", "session_date": "20 May 1874, 12:00"}, "10680": {"committee_name": "The Senate", "session_date": "21 May 1874, 13:00"}, "10681": {"committee_name": "The Senate", "session_date": "22 May 1874, 11:00"}, "11760": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "29 Mar 1871, 12:00"}, "11761": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "30 Mar 1871, 12:00"}, "11762": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "31 Mar 1871, 12:00"}, "11763": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "01 Apr 1871, 12:00"}, "11764": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "03 Apr 1871, 12:00"}, "11765": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "04 Apr 1871, 11:00"}, "11766": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "05 Apr 1871, 12:00"}, "11767": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "06 Apr 1871, 12:00"}, "11777": {"committee_name": "Senate Committee of the Whole", "session_date": "12 Apr 1871, 11:00"}, "11778": {"committee_name": "Senate Committee of the Whole", "session_date": "13 Apr 1871, 11:00"}, "11775": {"committee_name": "The Senate", "session_date": "18 Apr 1871, 12:00"}, "11771": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "19 Apr 1871, 12:00"}}}, "186": {"top_level_match": "false", "sessions": [], "committees": [], "delegations": [], "people": [], "events": [{"id": 797062, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr Hunter: Was it not Lord Alderdice's party that, a few weeks ago, managed to hold up the progress of the talks for several days by making ludicrous charges against the Ulster Unionist Party in", "url": "/m2/session/11562#797062", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 11562}, {"id": 797304, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr Empey rose.\n\nMr Hugh Smyth: On a point of order, Mr Chairman. Will Mr Empey give way?\n\nThe Chairman: When Members get up to make a point of order, will they please say precisely what they have in", "url": "/m2/session/11562#797304", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 11562}, {"id": 797558, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Lord Alderdice: Quite rightly, a great deal of sympathy has already been expressed for those who were injured and for the family of the young man who was killed. I want to associate myself with those", "url": "/m2/session/11567#797558", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 11567}, {"id": 797932, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr Nesbitt: The thrust of the motion that my party has put forward is really a challenge to Ulster Unionism. The motion challenges us, Alliance, the Women's Coalition and Labour, whose Member has", "url": "/m2/session/11562#797932", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 11562}, {"id": 797934, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr Ian Paisley Jnr: Like many other Members, I am interested in some of the comments made by Mr Nesbitt. Indeed, I look forward to my free autographed copy of his latest book on the situation in", "url": "/m2/session/11562#797934", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 11562}, {"id": 799964, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr Hugh Smyth: I will be very brief. [Laughter]\n\nThe Chairman: It would not be the same if you did not start with those words, Mr Smyth. I am delighted that you are in good form.\n\nMr Hugh Smyth: I'll", "url": "/m2/session/11614#799964", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 11614}, {"id": 800604, "title": "CREATE_FROM", "description": "Motion on All-Ireland", "url": "/m2/session/11634#800604", "type": "CREATE_FROM", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-subtype-script-import.svg", "session_id": 11634}, {"id": 800609, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr Jim Rodgers: Rubbish.\n\nMr McCartney: I hear a nay from Mr Rodgers, which I will ignore.\n\nOn Monday of this week, before Mr Major made his announcement, it was possible for the entire pro-Union", "url": "/m2/session/11634#800609", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 11634}, {"id": 801057, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr McMichael: I am quite reluctant to intervene.\n\nSeveral Members: Sit down then.\n\nMr McMichael: I will not sit down, but, unlike some Members, I will restrict myself to the content of the", "url": "/m2/session/11634#801057", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 11634}, {"id": 801325, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "ALL-IRELAND HARMONIZATION\nDebate resumed on motion:\n\n\nThis Forum, while approving of co-operation with the Irish Republic on matters of mutual interest and benefit, deprecates the attempt to bring", "url": "/m2/session/11634#801325", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 11634}, {"id": 803240, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr Gregory Campbell: The one disconcerting aspect of the Alliance proposal \u2014 and there are a number \u2014 is that it looks to reform an organization which, as Mr Smyth and others have indicated, has", "url": "/m2/session/11688#803240", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 11688}, {"id": 804002, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr McCartney: It seemed to me, on reading the Ulster Unionist Party's amendment, that the only difference of substance was the recognition that Sinn Fein/IRA are irredeemably wedded to violence. I", "url": "/m2/session/11705#804002", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 11705}, {"id": 804010, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "The Chairman: We will resume with Prof Alcock, whom I cut off in his prime the last time he spoke. I hope I can make amends today.\n\nMr Alcock: Two years ago the Dublin Forum \u2014 except Sinn Fein \u2014", "url": "/m2/session/11705#804010", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 11705}, {"id": 804012, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr Eric Smyth: I rise to support the UK Unionist motion.\n\nI could accept what Alliance Members say if they were honest people. But I have not heard one of them admitting to the Orangemen and others", "url": "/m2/session/11705#804012", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 11705}, {"id": 804387, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr McCartney: The Prime Minister by making a seminal speech on his policy for Northern Ireland within two weeks of his party's entry into government underlines the importance that he attributes to", "url": "/m2/session/11711#804387", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 11711}, {"id": 804388, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr Trimble: Mr Chairman, may I say how nice it is to see you back in your place and the Forum resuming its function.\n\nThe analogy with which Mr McCartney closed his speech was a most appropriate one,", "url": "/m2/session/11711#804388", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 11711}, {"id": 804389, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "11.00 am\n\nMr Casey: Mr Blair, at the beginning of his speech, stressed that this was his first official visit outside London. That stresses how important he felt it was to come here and spell out to", "url": "/m2/session/11711#804389", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 11711}, {"id": 804390, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr Alcock: In rising to speak to the motion noting the Prime Minister's publicly stated commitment to the Union, I would like to sound a word of caution. One of Northern Ireland's historians wrote a", "url": "/m2/session/11711#804390", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 11711}, {"id": 804391, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr Brewster: Mr Chairman, as a part of the weak link, may I thank you for inviting me to speak. I hope that you are enjoying your new involvement in the process.\n\nI am quite happy to welcome warmly", "url": "/m2/session/11711#804391", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 11711}, {"id": 804394, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "The Chairman: I am a little late. It is my fault.\n\nMr McBride: Thank you, Mr Chairman. I did not realize I was going to be called this early.\n\nThe Chairman: I am sure it will not affect your", "url": "/m2/session/11711#804394", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 11711}, {"id": 804395, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Rev William McCrea: We have had a serious debate because the very important issues raised by the speech go right to the very heart of the problem that many of us as democrats face. It was good that", "url": "/m2/session/11711#804395", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 11711}, {"id": 804881, "title": "DEBATE_MOTION", "description": "Mr Donaldson: On behalf of the Ulster Unionist Party, I wish to add my voice to those of the people who have, quite rightly, condemned this terrible outrage against these two young men, Const John", "url": "/m2/session/11749#804881", "type": "DEBATE_MOTION", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-procedure-debate.svg", "session_id": 11749}, {"id": 808805, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr Cedric Wilson: \"Ask any activist in the North 'Did Drumcree happen by accident?' and he will tell you 'No. Three years of work on the lower Ormeau Road, Portadown, in parts of Fermanagh and Newry,", "url": "/m2/session/11749#808805", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 11749}, {"id": 808809, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr John White: The UDP took the role and function of the Parades Committee very seriously. From the outset we believed it vital that the Forum deliberate not solely on matters on which there would be", "url": "/m2/session/11749#808809", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 11749}, {"id": 809203, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "The Chairman: Ms McWilliams, I apologize to you on behalf of those who missed the resumption time.\n\nMs McWilliams: Do you want me to start, Mr Chairman, or to wait until everybody is seated?\n\nThe", "url": "/m2/session/11840#809203", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 11840}, {"id": 811471, "title": "DEBATE_MOTION", "description": "Mr McCartney: Let me say at the outset that the attempts to vilify the pro-Union leadership for the part that they allegedly played at Drumcree are totally without foundation.\n\nI share the view,", "url": "/m2/session/11948#811471", "type": "DEBATE_MOTION", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-procedure-debate.svg", "session_id": 11948}, {"id": 828496, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Rev Dr Ian Paisley: This has been a very sobering debate. It has had its light moments, and it is a good thing that a sense of humour is deeply embedded in the Ulster character. I do not know what", "url": "/m2/session/12593#828496", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 12593}, {"id": 829234, "title": "DEBATE_MOTION", "description": "Mr Hussey: I wish to take this opportunity to respond \u2014 [Interruption]. MrChairman, are you calling the Chamber to order?\n\nThe Chairman: Yes, indeed. Please let us hear him because I want to listen", "url": "/m2/session/12598#829234", "type": "DEBATE_MOTION", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-procedure-debate.svg", "session_id": 12598}, {"id": 829238, "title": "DEBATE_MOTION", "description": "12.00\n\nMr John White: The IRA cease-fire which was called last Sunday may just be another tactical cessation of violence. The Republican leadership itself sees it only as a reinstatement of the 1994", "url": "/m2/session/12598#829238", "type": "DEBATE_MOTION", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-procedure-debate.svg", "session_id": 12598}, {"id": 829242, "title": "DEBATE_MOTION", "description": "12.15 pm\n\nMr McMichael: I feel somewhat ambushed by all this talk.\n\nA lot of the debate about decommissioning, particularly in the last few days, has been about the credibility or otherwise of the", "url": "/m2/session/12598#829242", "type": "DEBATE_MOTION", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-procedure-debate.svg", "session_id": 12598}, {"id": 829254, "title": "DEBATE_MOTION", "description": "Mrs Parkes: The present situation that we find ourselves in has been caused by a devious Government whose only objective is to get Sinn Fein/IRA into talks at any price and to keep them there by", "url": "/m2/session/12598#829254", "type": "DEBATE_MOTION", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-procedure-debate.svg", "session_id": 12598}, {"id": 829259, "title": "DEBATE_MOTION", "description": "Mr Poots: I come here today as a somewhat disillusioned person. Democracy has been rejected by the Government and violent Republicanism has been embraced. We opposed the Anglo-Irish Agreement in 1985", "url": "/m2/session/12598#829259", "type": "DEBATE_MOTION", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-procedure-debate.svg", "session_id": 12598}, {"id": 829318, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "This is a very appropriate motion, particularly in view of yesterday's developments, and the Business Committee is to be congratulated on its prescience in choosing it. It is also very appropriate", "url": "/m2/session/12645#829318", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 12645}, {"id": 829319, "title": "PROPOSE_DOCUMENT_AMENDMENT", "description": "Alliance Amendment: Motion on the future governance of Northern Ireland", "url": "/m2/session/12645#829319", "type": "PROPOSE_DOCUMENT_AMENDMENT", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-amend.svg", "session_id": 12645}, {"id": 829320, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Rev Dr Ian Paisley: I am not going to agree with Mr McBride. Anyone who in this grave hour of Ulster's peril says that this motion advocates an independent Ulster has obviously taken leave of his", "url": "/m2/session/12645#829320", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 12645}, {"id": 829323, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr Donaldson: In supporting the motion moved by the Ulster Unionist Party, I want to look briefly at the whole issue of the principle of consent. It is our clear understanding that it is underlined", "url": "/m2/session/12645#829323", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 12645}, {"id": 829324, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr Davis: I want to quote from the House of Commons debate of 27 November 1985 on the Anglo-Irish Agreement. I am sure that Members will know whom I am quoting. We shall be told by the Government", "url": "/m2/session/12645#829324", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 12645}, {"id": 829325, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr Weir: This week we heard one of the least surprising announcements in the history of Northern Ireland \u2014 that the IRA was not committed to non-violence and, indeed, intended to hand in not a single", "url": "/m2/session/12645#829325", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 12645}, {"id": 829326, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr Ken Maginnis: Anyone considering this motion from outside the Chamber might wonder why the obvious has to be restated at this time. But anyone wondering that should examine the actions and the", "url": "/m2/session/12645#829326", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 12645}, {"id": 829452, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "The Chairman: Quite a number of Members \u2014 mostly from the DUP \u2014 have still to speak. Please avoid repetition so that we can finish by about 4 o'clock.\n\nRev Trevor Kirkland: I have found this debate", "url": "/m2/session/12645#829452", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 12645}, {"id": 829453, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr Gibson: Many analogies have been used in this debate, and there have been some interesting contributions. Several were very reasoned; others were perhaps more swashbuckling and forthright.\n\nPeople", "url": "/m2/session/12645#829453", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 12645}, {"id": 829454, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr Calvert: I rise to support the motion, which is very timely. It is short, simple and to the point.\n\nIf you were to take seriously the propaganda which has been pushed out in recent days and weeks", "url": "/m2/session/12645#829454", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 12645}, {"id": 829455, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Rev William McCrea: In winding up for the Ulster Democratic Unionist Party, Iwish to indicate our support for the motion. The future governance of Northern Ireland should be determined by the people", "url": "/m2/session/12645#829455", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 12645}, {"id": 829460, "title": "DROP_PROPOSAL", "description": "Before putting the Question on the amendment may I ask whether Members intend to press it to a vote?\n\nMr Neeson: Alliance still believes very strongly in the amendment partly because of the ambiguity", "url": "/m2/session/12645#829460", "type": "DROP_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-decision-drop.svg", "session_id": 12645}, {"id": 829493, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "[Mr Ian Paisley Jr:] Mr Chairman, it will not have slipped your notice that one of the ironic things about Northern Ireland is that there are many fundamental matters on which, on the surface anyway,", "url": "/m2/session/12648#829493", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 12648}, {"id": 831846, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "[Rev Dr Ian Paisley:] During the first talks, there was a meeting at Downing Street which was attended by the Leader of the Official Unionist Party \u2014 then Mr Molyneaux \u2014 the Leader of the Alliance", "url": "/m2/session/12720#831846", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 12720}, {"id": 831847, "title": "PROPOSE_DOCUMENT_AMENDMENT", "description": "UUP Amendment: Motion on the Republic of Ireland's territorial claim to Northern Ireland", "url": "/m2/session/12720#831847", "type": "PROPOSE_DOCUMENT_AMENDMENT", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-amend.svg", "session_id": 12720}, {"id": 831852, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "[Ms McWilliams:] Strictly speaking, the claim, in article 2, that the national territory consists of the whole island of Ireland is not contrary to international law, as Prof Alcock has just pointed", "url": "/m2/session/12720#831852", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 12720}, {"id": 831853, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr Peter Robinson: I should first explain that we originally considered moving a slightly different motion \u2014 one that referred to articles 2 and 3. However, we settled on the one on the Order Paper,", "url": "/m2/session/12720#831853", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 12720}, {"id": 831856, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Rev Trevor Kirkland: This debate has certainly been revealing. It has flushed out the views of the WC on articles 2 and 3. It has been even more revealing about Mr Brewster's views. He seems to adopt", "url": "/m2/session/12720#831856", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 12720}, {"id": 831871, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "REPUBLIC OF IRELAND CONSTITUTION:\nTERRITORIAL CLAIM TO NORTHERN IRELAND\n\n\n\nDebate resumed on amendments to motion:\n\nThis Forum condemns the illegal and immoral territorial claim contained in the", "url": "/m2/session/12720#831871", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 12720}, {"id": 833849, "title": "PROCEDURE", "description": "Statement by the Secretary of State", "url": "/m2/session/12805#833849", "type": "PROCEDURE", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-procedure-motion.svg", "session_id": 12805}, {"id": 834638, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "[Mr Trimble:] It is my sad duty to propose this motion relating to the Anglo-Irish Agreement. I say \"sad\" because, unfortunately, we have, yet again, reached another anniversary without having seen", "url": "/m2/session/12822#834638", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 12822}, {"id": 836866, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr Trimble: First, may I associate myself with the earlier remarks about your recovery, Mr Chairman, and say how pleased we are to see you back.\n\nWe are appalled at the violence that has occurred", "url": "/m2/session/12893#836866", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 12893}, {"id": 841224, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "[Mr Trimble:] Although it is referred to at the moment as the Castle Buildings Agreement, I expect that history will record this as the Stormont Agreement. That might be more appropriate.\n\nThe", "url": "/m2/session/13086#841224", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 13086}, {"id": 841234, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr Neeson: Surprise, surprise \u2014 the DUP says \"No\". The word \"Yes\" is not and never will be part of its vocabulary. It believes strongly in the principle of consent, so long as that means that it can", "url": "/m2/session/13086#841234", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 13086}, {"id": 841235, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr Foster: It is sad that such a serious debate has deteriorated so much because of the Democratic Unionist Party's antics. The behaviour is atrocious. There is no humility whatsoever. The arrogance", "url": "/m2/session/13086#841235", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 13086}, {"id": 841239, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr Morrow: I want to speak on the DUP amendment to the motion on the iniquitous Agreement signed last Friday.\n\nWhen I got the hold of the Agreement I thought to myself \"Let's see what is in it.\"", "url": "/m2/session/13086#841239", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 13086}, {"id": 841240, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr Peter Robinson: On a point of order, Mr Chairman. I have been accused of putting an advertisement in the Belfast 'News Letter' and the 'Belfast Telegraph'. I can assure Members that I knew nothing", "url": "/m2/session/13086#841240", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 13086}, {"id": 841582, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr Ian Paisley Jnr: This is a most worthwhile report. Certain sections make very interesting reading. Mr Dodds has just referred to one section which is fascinating.\n\nI was able to be part of the", "url": "/m2/session/13091#841582", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 13091}, {"id": 956735, "title": "DEBATE_MOTION", "description": "12.45 pm\n\nDr Alderdice: On behalf of my colleagues, I wish to express condolences to the family of the young man who has died \u2014 and it looks very much as though he may have been murdered. I", "url": "/m2/session/11536#956735", "type": "DEBATE_MOTION", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-procedure-debate.svg", "session_id": 11536}, {"id": 958593, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr Neeson: At the initial meeting of the Committee I expressed some concerns about this draft Rule. On that occasion 2(7)(a) was used to co-opt three additional members, albeit they do not have", "url": "/m2/session/11623#958593", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 11623}, {"id": 959119, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "The Chairman: Mr McCartney has been trying to catch my eye for a long time.\n\nMr McCartney: I was beginning to think, Sir, that your middle name is Nelson.\n\nI have a healthy regard for the frankness", "url": "/m2/session/11623#959119", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 11623}, {"id": 985123, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "[Mr McFarland:] First, why is it that the Department of Education was not able enthusiastically to come forward with clear, detailed proposals, backed up by a thorough appraisal of the downstream", "url": "/m2/session/11562#985123", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 11562}, {"id": 987211, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr Carrick: Today marks the eleventh anniversary of the signing of the infamous betrayal Agreement. It was signed by the treacherous hand of Thatcher and the cunning hand of FitzGerald, and the", "url": "/m2/session/11614#987211", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 11614}, {"id": 987441, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr Dodds: I welcome the withdrawal of the Ulster Unionist Party's amendment. Mr Nesbitt referred to his dislike of the term \"Anglo-Irish\", though I see that it was the amendment. Maybe that is one of", "url": "/m2/session/11614#987441", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 11614}, {"id": 987442, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Ms Sagar: The Women's Coalition acknowledges the deep concern that has been expressed by Unionists about the Anglo-Irish framework and recognizes that it was imposed without discussion. But we do not", "url": "/m2/session/11614#987442", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 11614}, {"id": 987443, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr Ian Paisley Jnr: I think that every Unionist comes to this debate with a heavy heart. We do not come here in triumphalist mood, as Mr Close would have it. We do not come here to celebrate the", "url": "/m2/session/11614#987443", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 11614}], "session_ids_for_event_results": [11562, 11567, 11614, 11634, 11688, 11705, 11711, 11749, 11840, 11948, 12593, 12598, 12645, 12648, 12720, 12805, 12822, 12893, 13086, 13091, 11536, 11623], "session_data_for_event_results": {"11562": {"committee_name": "The Forum", "session_date": "04 Oct 1996, 10:00"}, "11567": {"committee_name": "The Forum", "session_date": "11 Oct 1996, 10:03"}, "11614": {"committee_name": "The Forum", "session_date": "15 Nov 1996, 10:04"}, "11634": {"committee_name": "The Forum", "session_date": "29 Nov 1996, 10:00"}, "11688": {"committee_name": "The Forum", "session_date": "14 Feb 1997, 10:02"}, "11705": {"committee_name": "The Forum", "session_date": "07 Mar 1997, 10:03"}, "11711": {"committee_name": "The Forum", "session_date": "06 Jun 1997, 10:03"}, "11749": {"committee_name": "The Forum", "session_date": "20 Jun 1997, 10:04"}, "11840": {"committee_name": "The Forum", "session_date": "27 Jun 1997, 10:06"}, "11948": {"committee_name": "The Forum", "session_date": "19 Jul 1996, 10:03"}, "12593": {"committee_name": "The Forum", "session_date": "11 Jul 1997, 10:04"}, "12598": {"committee_name": "The Forum", "session_date": "25 Jul 1997, 10:02"}, "12645": {"committee_name": "The Forum", "session_date": "12 Sep 1997, 10:04"}, "12648": {"committee_name": "The Forum", "session_date": "19 Sep 1997, 10:04"}, "12720": {"committee_name": "The Forum", "session_date": "03 Oct 1997, 10:04"}, "12805": {"committee_name": "The Forum", "session_date": "07 Nov 1997, 10:03"}, "12822": {"committee_name": "The Forum", "session_date": "14 Nov 1997, 00:00"}, "12893": {"committee_name": "The Forum", "session_date": "09 Jan 1998, 10:02"}, "13086": {"committee_name": "The Forum", "session_date": "17 Apr 1998, 10:01"}, "13091": {"committee_name": "The Forum", "session_date": "24 Apr 1998, 10:02"}, "11536": {"committee_name": "The Forum", "session_date": "08 Jul 1996, 10:05"}, "11623": {"committee_name": "The Forum", "session_date": "05 Jul 1996, 10:05"}}}, "193": {"top_level_match": "false", "sessions": [], "committees": [], "delegations": [], "people": [], "events": [{"id": 801923, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "14. The Minister of State observed that the fact was that every piece of legislation since 1920 had contained some element of conditionality; the origin of the current formulation lay in the 1949", "url": "/m2/session/11411#801923", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 11411}, {"id": 828934, "title": "DEBATE_MOTION", "description": "The Secretary of State said that he had no intention of withdrawing the document. The situation was analogous to that in Parliament when an enabling Act had been passed and an Order bringing it into", "url": "/m2/session/12569#828934", "type": "DEBATE_MOTION", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-procedure-debate.svg", "session_id": 12569}, {"id": 833363, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "14. Mr Robinson said that the Unionists' aim in raising the issue and coming forward with a list of names was to be helpful to the process. He said that he had detected suggestions by the SDLP and", "url": "/m2/session/12757#833363", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 12757}, {"id": 836431, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "13. Dr Paisley referred to the Secretary of State's remarks about the status of Northern Ireland in his statement of 5 July 1990. What he had said then was correct, but it was also necessary to take", "url": "/m2/session/11409#836431", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 11409}, {"id": 836790, "title": "ADOPT_PROPOSAL", "description": "4. It was agreed that there should be greater direct local involvement in the business of governing Northern Ireland. There was no dissent from the proposition that any devolved administration should", "url": "/m2/session/11409#836790", "type": "ADOPT_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-decision-adopt.svg", "session_id": 11409}], "session_ids_for_event_results": [11411, 12569, 12757, 11409], "session_data_for_event_results": {"11411": {"committee_name": "All-Party Negotiations", "session_date": "01 Jul 1991, 14:20"}, "12569": {"committee_name": "British-SDLP Talks", "session_date": "20 May 1991, 12:10"}, "12757": {"committee_name": "British-Unionist Talks", "session_date": "03 Jun 1991, 14:37"}, "11409": {"committee_name": "All-Party Negotiations", "session_date": "25 Jun 1991, 10:40"}}}, "129": {"top_level_match": "false", "sessions": [], "committees": [], "delegations": [], "people": [], "events": [{"id": 819652, "title": "DEBATE_MOTION", "description": "Mr. ASHLEY. Mr. Speaker, \"If slavery is not wrong, nothing is wrong.\" Thus simply and truthfully has spoken our worthy Chief Magistrate.\n\nThe proposition before us is, whether this universally", "url": "/m2/session/3534#819652", "type": "DEBATE_MOTION", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-procedure-debate.svg", "session_id": 3534}, {"id": 819653, "title": "DEBATE_MOTION", "description": "Mr. ORTH. Mr. Speaker, we are still grappling with treason and rebellion. Four years of war, desolating, destructive war, with all its attendant sacrifice of life, health, and treasure, have not yet", "url": "/m2/session/3534#819653", "type": "DEBATE_MOTION", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-procedure-debate.svg", "session_id": 3534}, {"id": 819654, "title": "DEBATE_MOTION", "description": "Mr. SCOFIELD. Mr. Speaker, I rise to make some observations in reply to the very remarkable criticism pronounced by the gentleman from New York [Mr. Brooks] on the anti-slavery portion of the", "url": "/m2/session/3534#819654", "type": "DEBATE_MOTION", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-procedure-debate.svg", "session_id": 3534}, {"id": 819657, "title": "DEBATE_MOTION", "description": "Mr. BLISS. Mr. Speaker, I deem it my duty to the people whom I represent as a member of this body, to utter in their name some words of protestation against the immolation of the Constitution of the", "url": "/m2/session/3535#819657", "type": "DEBATE_MOTION", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-procedure-debate.svg", "session_id": 3535}, {"id": 819659, "title": "DEBATE_MOTION", "description": "Mr. ROGERS. Mr. Speaker, it is the first time in the history of this country, until the present party came into power, when any body of men claimed that in the Constitution of the United States, and", "url": "/m2/session/3535#819659", "type": "DEBATE_MOTION", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-procedure-debate.svg", "session_id": 3535}, {"id": 819660, "title": "DEBATE_MOTION", "description": "Mr. DAVIS, of New York. Mr. Speaker, I did not intend to trespass upon the time of this House during the discussion of this bill, but I have heard from the lips of two or three gentlemen whose views", "url": "/m2/session/3535#819660", "type": "DEBATE_MOTION", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-procedure-debate.svg", "session_id": 3535}, {"id": 819662, "title": "DEBATE_MOTION", "description": "LOYALTY. \n\nMr. YEAMAN. Mr. Speaker, our Government being based upon the idea of the right and the capacity of the people to govern themselves, and the whole scheme being but a mean to ascertain and", "url": "/m2/session/3536#819662", "type": "DEBATE_MOTION", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-procedure-debate.svg", "session_id": 3536}, {"id": 819664, "title": "DEBATE_MOTION", "description": "Mr. ODELL. Mr. Speaker, the interest I feel in the important measure now under consideration is my apology for occupying the attention of the House at this time. My belief is that no question of", "url": "/m2/session/3536#819664", "type": "DEBATE_MOTION", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-procedure-debate.svg", "session_id": 3536}, {"id": 819674, "title": "DEBATE_MOTION", "description": "Mr. KASSON. Mr. Speaker, when this question was up at the last session of Congress I had no opportunity, from certain causes then existing, to ask the attention of the House to the views which I", "url": "/m2/session/3537#819674", "type": "DEBATE_MOTION", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-procedure-debate.svg", "session_id": 3537}, {"id": 819678, "title": "DEBATE_MOTION", "description": "Mr. KING. Mr. Speaker, in contemplating the rise, the progress, and rapid development of the grandest system of government ever yet devised, I am led to reflect upon its present condition, and, if", "url": "/m2/session/3537#819678", "type": "DEBATE_MOTION", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-procedure-debate.svg", "session_id": 3537}, {"id": 819680, "title": "DEBATE_MOTION", "description": "Mr. McBRIDE. Mr. Speaker, by the vote on the motion of the gentleman from Ohio [Mr. Ashley] this House will decide whether the proposed amendment to the Constitution, by which slavery shall be", "url": "/m2/session/3537#819680", "type": "DEBATE_MOTION", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-procedure-debate.svg", "session_id": 3537}, {"id": 819683, "title": "DEBATE_MOTION", "description": "Mr. C. A. WHITE. Mr. Speaker, this is a proposition to amend the Constitution of the United States so as to prohibit the existence of the institution of slavery throughout the entire territorial", "url": "/m2/session/3538#819683", "type": "DEBATE_MOTION", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-procedure-debate.svg", "session_id": 3538}, {"id": 819684, "title": "DEBATE_MOTION", "description": "ABOLITION OF SLAVERY\u2014AGAIN.\nMr. SMITHERS. Mr. Speaker, after the elaborate discussion which this question has received, it ought perhaps to be deemed superfluous to add anything to the matter which", "url": "/m2/session/3538#819684", "type": "DEBATE_MOTION", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-procedure-debate.svg", "session_id": 3538}, {"id": 819687, "title": "DEBATE_MOTION", "description": "Mr. HOLMAN. Mr. Speaker, I will not discuss the question of political power involved in this amendment. I will consider only the question of expediency.\n\nIt is not, sir, the hour of peace and", "url": "/m2/session/3538#819687", "type": "DEBATE_MOTION", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-procedure-debate.svg", "session_id": 3538}, {"id": 819690, "title": "DEBATE_MOTION", "description": "Mr. BROOMALL. Mr. Speaker, after the length to which this argument has gone, and the able manner in which the subject has been presented on both sides of the House, it would seem to require some", "url": "/m2/session/3538#819690", "type": "DEBATE_MOTION", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-procedure-debate.svg", "session_id": 3538}, {"id": 819691, "title": "DEBATE_MOTION", "description": "Mr. PENDLETON. Mr. Speaker, I shall not detain the House long to-day. When this subject was under discussion at the last session of Congress I endeavored to maintain by argument that three fourths of", "url": "/m2/session/3538#819691", "type": "DEBATE_MOTION", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-procedure-debate.svg", "session_id": 3538}, {"id": 819695, "title": "DEBATE_MOTION", "description": "Mr. COX obtained the floor.\n\nMr. L. MYERS. I hope that, by unanimous consent, the gentleman from Kentucky [Mr. Smith] will be allowed to proceed.\n\nA MEMBER. For how long?\n\nMr. L. MYERS. For fifteen", "url": "/m2/session/3539#819695", "type": "DEBATE_MOTION", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-procedure-debate.svg", "session_id": 3539}, {"id": 819696, "title": "DEBATE_MOTION", "description": "Mr. FERNANDO WOOD. I desire to call the attention of the gentleman from Ohio to the language of James Madison in the Federalist: \n\"That useful alterations will be suggested by experience, could not", "url": "/m2/session/3539#819696", "type": "DEBATE_MOTION", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-procedure-debate.svg", "session_id": 3539}, {"id": 819697, "title": "DEBATE_MOTION", "description": "Mr. KASSON. I rise in order to ask the gentlemen if at this point, as well as anywhere in his argument, he will permit me to call his attention to a suggestion he made before, and which seems to have", "url": "/m2/session/3539#819697", "type": "DEBATE_MOTION", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-procedure-debate.svg", "session_id": 3539}, {"id": 819698, "title": "DEBATE_MOTION", "description": "Mr. COX. True; like stormy petrels, tossing upon the angry waves of sectional agitation, we are at last overwhelmed in the flood of fanaticism. We are the last roses of the Democratic summer.", "url": "/m2/session/3539#819698", "type": "DEBATE_MOTION", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-procedure-debate.svg", "session_id": 3539}, {"id": 819700, "title": "DEBATE_MOTION", "description": "Mr. THAYER. Mr. Speaker, the discussion of the measure now before the House has been of a very extended and exhaustive character, and the arguments which have been made against it are very numerous", "url": "/m2/session/3539#819700", "type": "DEBATE_MOTION", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-procedure-debate.svg", "session_id": 3539}, {"id": 819704, "title": "DEBATE_MOTION", "description": "Mr. ROLLINS, of Missouri. Mr. Speaker, I desire to submit a few observations to the House upon the important proposition now pending before the final vote is taken upon it. The remarks which I shall", "url": "/m2/session/3540#819704", "type": "DEBATE_MOTION", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-procedure-debate.svg", "session_id": 3540}, {"id": 819711, "title": "DEBATE_MOTION", "description": "Mr. FINCK. Mr. Speaker, the resolution under consideration has been discussed so fully that I shall content myself with stating very briefly some of the reasons why I shall vote against its passage.", "url": "/m2/session/3542#819711", "type": "DEBATE_MOTION", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-procedure-debate.svg", "session_id": 3542}, {"id": 819714, "title": "DEBATE_MOTION", "description": "Mr. PATTERSON. Mr. Speaker, while I yield my convictions to the more experienced judgment of other gentlemen upon this floor with great deference upon most questions, I must be permitted still to", "url": "/m2/session/3542#819714", "type": "DEBATE_MOTION", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-procedure-debate.svg", "session_id": 3542}, {"id": 819715, "title": "DEBATE_MOTION", "description": "Mr. MORRIS, of New York. Mr. Speaker, I do not propose to make a political speech on this occasion, but only to discuss the question of the power of \"the Congress\" over amendments to the Constitution", "url": "/m2/session/3542#819715", "type": "DEBATE_MOTION", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-procedure-debate.svg", "session_id": 3542}, {"id": 819720, "title": "DEBATE_MOTION", "description": "Mr. HERRICK. Mr. Speaker, the joint resolution now before the House submitting to the Legislatures of the several States an amendment to the Constitution of the United States, comes before us under", "url": "/m2/session/3543#819720", "type": "DEBATE_MOTION", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-procedure-debate.svg", "session_id": 3543}, {"id": 850899, "title": "DEBATE_MOTION", "description": "Mr. WADE. That is all true; but I move to postpone that and all other orders. There is no doubt that when that subject comes up again the Senator from Kentucky will be entitled to the floor upon", "url": "/m2/session/8315#850899", "type": "DEBATE_MOTION", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-procedure-debate.svg", "session_id": 8315}, {"id": 851168, "title": "DEBATE_MOTION", "description": "Mr. BAYARD. Mr. President\u2014\u2014\n\nThe VICE PRESIDENT. The Senator from Delaware asks the unanimous consent of the Senate to make some remarks personal to himself. Is there any objection? The Chair hears", "url": "/m2/session/8290#851168", "type": "DEBATE_MOTION", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-procedure-debate.svg", "session_id": 8290}, {"id": 859298, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "LIBERATION AND RESTORATION OF THE SOUTH.\n\nMr. ASHLEY. Mr. Speaker, the hour has come in which Congress must deal with the great crime of the nineteenth century. The leading conspirators must be", "url": "/m2/session/8580#859298", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8580}, {"id": 859834, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "RESTORATION OF THE UNION.\n\nMr. HARDING. Mr. Chairman, at an early day of the present session I submitted to the House this resolution:\n\n\"Resolved, That the Union has not been dissolved; and that", "url": "/m2/session/8569#859834", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8569}, {"id": 859837, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "RECONSTRUCTION\n\nMr. EDEN. Mr. Chairman, I propose to state some of the reasons why I dissent from the views of the President, as expressed in his recent message, and especially some reasons why I", "url": "/m2/session/8569#859837", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8569}, {"id": 859858, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "CONDUCT OF THE WAR.\n\nMr. HUBBARD, of Iowa. It has been asserted upon this floor and elsewhere that thousands of lives have been sacrificed, millions of treasure expended, and an immense amount of", "url": "/m2/session/8573#859858", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8573}, {"id": 859875, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "AMNESTY PROCLAMATION.\n\nMr. HOLMAN. Mr. Chairman, after three years of relentless war, engrossing the attention and commanding the energies of thirty million people, we approach, at least in", "url": "/m2/session/8575#859875", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8575}, {"id": 859876, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "EMANCIPATION PROCLAMATION.\n\nMr. HULBURD. Mr. Chairman, I desire to submit some views on the constitutionality of the President\u2019s emancipation proclamation. I am aware the subject has already been", "url": "/m2/session/8575#859876", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8575}, {"id": 859879, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. GRINNELL. I ask the gentleman from Ohio to yield me the floor for five minutes. \n\nMr. BLISS. The gentleman from Iowa undertook to take the floor from me by discourtesy, and I must decline to", "url": "/m2/session/8575#859879", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8575}, {"id": 859899, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "POSITION OF REBELLIOUS STATES.\n\nMr. WILDER. Mr. Chairman, during the year which has just closed we have made such progress in quelling the rebellion that the minds of all naturally turn to consider", "url": "/m2/session/8578#859899", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8578}, {"id": 859904, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "CONDUCT OF THE WAR. \n\nMr. MOORHEAD. Mr. Chairman, my colleague from the twenty-first district [Mr. Dawson] has made confessedly the ablest speech on the other side of the House, and has stated with", "url": "/m2/session/8579#859904", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8579}, {"id": 859909, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "POLICY OF THE ADMINISTRATION. \n\nMr. HERRICK. Mr. Chairman, in the remarks I design to make upon the President\u2019s message, I do not propose to dwell upon the manifold crimes of the present", "url": "/m2/session/8579#859909", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8579}, {"id": 859917, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "VIOLATED PLEDGES. \n\nMr. HARRINGTON. Mr. Chairman, I address the committee to-day with feelings far from buoyant for the future of the country. At the time I took my seat in this Hall it was not my", "url": "/m2/session/8579#859917", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8579}, {"id": 859930, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. LONG. Mr. Chairman, I speak to-day for the preservation of the Government, and although for the first time within these walls, I propose to indulge in that freedom of speech and latitude of", "url": "/m2/session/8583#859930", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8583}, {"id": 859936, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. LONG proceeded: It is the object of the sword to cut and cleave asunder, but never to unite. What union is there between Russia and Poland, between Austria and Hungary, between England and", "url": "/m2/session/8583#859936", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8583}, {"id": 866679, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. WILKINSON. Mr. President, the Senator from Ohio seems to think that in my speech last week I arraigned every gentleman who voted with him on the propositions to which I then referred. I did not", "url": "/m2/session/8442#866679", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8442}, {"id": 866680, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "THE DEATH OF SLAVERY IS THE LIFE OF THE NATION. \n\nMr. WILSON. Mr. President, \"our country,\" said that illustrious statesman, John Quincy Adams, \"began its existence by the universal emancipation of", "url": "/m2/session/8442#866680", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8442}, {"id": 866775, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. HENDERSON. Mr. President, I dislike very much at present to undertake to argue the question that is now before the body, for the simple reason that Senators must be tired of its discussion. At", "url": "/m2/session/3561#866775", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 3561}, {"id": 866786, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. SUMNER. Mr. President, if an angel from the skies or a stranger from another planet were permitted to visit this earth, and to examine its surface, who can doubt that his eyes would rest with", "url": "/m2/session/3562#866786", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 3562}, {"id": 866790, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. POWELL. Mr. President, it was not my purpose a day or two ago to make any remarks upon the main question; but I beg leave now to trespass on the Senate for a short time while I reply very briefly", "url": "/m2/session/3562#866790", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 3562}, {"id": 867186, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "ABOLITION OF SLAVERY\n\nMr. MORRIS, of New York. Mr. Speaker, the questions which now engross so much of the public attention as to the status of the several States in rebellion, and just what", "url": "/m2/session/3528#867186", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 3528}, {"id": 867187, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "The House reassembled at half past seven o'clock p. m., (Mr. L. Myers occupying the chair as Speaker pro tempore,) and resumed the consideration of joint resolution of the Senate No. 16, submitting", "url": "/m2/session/3528#867187", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 3528}, {"id": 867188, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. KELLOGG, of New York. Mr. Speaker, of all the various measures this Congress has in hand and upon which it must act, the most important in my judgment are those which most directly bear upon the", "url": "/m2/session/3528#867188", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 3528}, {"id": 867194, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. FERNANDO WOOD. Mr. Speaker, this is a proposition to provide by an amendment to the Constitution for the abolition of slavery without compensation in all of the States in the Union. It will be,", "url": "/m2/session/3530#867194", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 3530}, {"id": 867196, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. KALBFLEISCH. Mr. Speaker, I shall not attempt to wander over the road traveled by the gentleman who preceded me, [Mr. Higby,] but will endeavor to take a common-sense view of the subject, and in", "url": "/m2/session/3530#867196", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 3530}, {"id": 867218, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. MARCY. Mr. Speaker, I have sought this opportunity to address the House for the purpose of expressing some general views on the state of the country. In the expression of my sentiments I shall", "url": "/m2/session/3530#867218", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 3530}, {"id": 867219, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. COFFROTH. Mr. Speaker, when I entered this Hall at the opening of this session, I had determined not to participate in any general debate, it was my intention to be a listener and not a talker.", "url": "/m2/session/3530#867219", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 3530}, {"id": 867224, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. HOLMAN. Mr. Speaker, I am reluctant to occupy the attention of the House at this late moment, but I desire to present briefly my views on the ponding question. This bill, having passed the Senate", "url": "/m2/session/3530#867224", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 3530}, {"id": 867229, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. THAYER. Mr. Speaker, it is not my intention to detain the House at this late period of the present discussion with any protracted expression of my views in regard to the measure now before the", "url": "/m2/session/3531#867229", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 3531}, {"id": 867230, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. MALLORY. I not only take issue with the gentleman from Pennsylvania who just addressed the House, on his assertion that this is pre\u00ebminently the time to amend the Constitution, but, sir, I", "url": "/m2/session/3531#867230", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 3531}, {"id": 867232, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. EDGERTON. Mr. Speaker, having on the question of its second reading voted for the rejection of the joint resolution now before the House, and intending to vote against it when put upon its", "url": "/m2/session/3531#867232", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 3531}, {"id": 867239, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. PENDLETON. I agree to no such doctrine. I repudiate it entirely. There is in three fourths of the States neither the power to establish nor to abolish slavery in all the States. The gentleman", "url": "/m2/session/3531#867239", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 3531}, {"id": 868906, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. BEAMAN. Mr. Speaker, the principal features of the proposed legislation now under consideration were before the House nearly two years ago, in the form of a bill reported by Mr. Ashley, chairman", "url": "/m2/session/8364#868906", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8364}, {"id": 868914, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "THE REBEL STATES.\n\nThe morning hour having expired, the House resumed the consideration of the bill relative to the reorganization of the rebel States, on which the gentleman from Illinois [Mr. J. C.", "url": "/m2/session/8383#868914", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8383}, {"id": 868915, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. SMITHERS. Mr. Speaker, it was not my purpose originally to have offered any suggestions in support of the bill now before the House; but the magnitude of the interests involved, and my connection", "url": "/m2/session/8383#868915", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8383}, {"id": 868923, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. BROOMALL. The bill before us provides for the government of the States in rebellion, as fast as they shall be reduced to subjection, by provisional governors; to be appointed by the President,", "url": "/m2/session/8384#868923", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8384}, {"id": 868931, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. WILLIAMS. Mr. Speaker, I have some thoughts on the state of the Union, and the process of bringing back to our system the wandering stars which have shot so madly from their orbits, that I would", "url": "/m2/session/8385#868931", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8385}, {"id": 868935, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. BALDWIN, of Michigan. Mr. Speaker, the bill under consideration is one of serious importance, and involves principles that controvert and overthrow all our preconceived ideas of the admission of", "url": "/m2/session/8385#868935", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8385}, {"id": 868962, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "THE REBELLIOUS STATES.\n\nThe SPEAKER. The House resumes the consideration of the bill in regard to the Rebellious States, upon which the gentleman from Pennsylvania [Mr. Thayer] is entitled to the", "url": "/m2/session/8392#868962", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8392}, {"id": 868966, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. YEAMAN. Mr. Speaker, the bill before us is generally called the reconstruction bill. Viewing it simply in the light of the Constitution, I am unable to see our power to legislate away the laws", "url": "/m2/session/8392#868966", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8392}, {"id": 868969, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. LONGYEAR. Mr. Speaker, it has been my intention, during the present session at least, to content myself with being a silent actor, and not take up the time of the House with speaking while action", "url": "/m2/session/8392#868969", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8392}, {"id": 868984, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. CRAVENS. Mr. Speaker, I have had neither inclination nor ambition during this session of Congress for participating in general debate. On the contrary, I have preferred to remain silent and to", "url": "/m2/session/8393#868984", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8393}, {"id": 868987, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. KERNAN. Mr. Speaker, my remarks will be confined to the bill under consideration, which, in my judgment, involves questions of great importance, and therefore I ask the attention of the House to", "url": "/m2/session/8394#868987", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8394}, {"id": 868988, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "REBELLIOUS STATES. \n\nMr. GOOCH. Mr. Speaker, it is a grave mistake for us to suppose that the contest in which we are now engaged has been going on only since the rebels took up arms against the", "url": "/m2/session/8394#868988", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8394}, {"id": 868992, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. KELLEY. Mr. Speaker, it is not my purpose to follow the gentleman who has just closed, [Mr. Fernando Wood,] or specially to reply to him; but I cannot help, before proceeding to the general", "url": "/m2/session/8394#868992", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8394}, {"id": 868995, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "REBELLIOUS STATES.\n\nThe House then resumed, as a special order, the consideration of the bill (H. R. No. 244) to guaranty to certain States whose governments have been usurped or overthrown a", "url": "/m2/session/8602#868995", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8602}, {"id": 869242, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. BOUTWELL. Mr. Speaker, before any steps can be safely taken for the organization of local governments either by or for the people inhabiting the territory included within the eleven once existing", "url": "/m2/session/8602#869242", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8602}, {"id": 899467, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. YEAMAN.\n\n[...]\n\nDiffering as I do with the President in regard to some of the leading features of his plan, as embodied in the proclamation accompanying his message, I must say I am gratified by", "url": "/m2/session/8523#899467", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8523}, {"id": 900091, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. WILKINSON. Mr. President, I hope that the Senate will adhere to the position it assumed upon the question of suffrage when the bill for the organization of the Territory of Montana was before it,", "url": "/m2/session/14303#900091", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 14303}, {"id": 901172, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. ROSS. [...] Mr. Chairman, the question of slavery was not one of those which were delegated by the States to Congress. Congress has not that power, that power having been reserved to the States", "url": "/m2/session/14339#901172", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 14339}, {"id": 901199, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. CRESWELL. Mr. Chairman, the result of the recent election expresses the deliberate purpose of the American people that slavery shall be abolished. Slowly and painfully, but yet surely, has the", "url": "/m2/session/14340#901199", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 14340}, {"id": 902248, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. KELLEY. Mr. Speaker, these are indeed terrible times for timid people. Use and wont no longer serve us. The guns traitorously fired upon Fort Sumter threw us all out of the well-beaten ruts of", "url": "/m2/session/14389#902248", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 14389}, {"id": 902306, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. ELIOT. I regret that I have not been able to support the bill, with the amendment, as reported from the select committee. If I had been able to give it my support I should not have felt called", "url": "/m2/session/14393#902306", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 14393}, {"id": 902725, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. DAWES. Mr. Speaker, at the commencement of the first session of this Congress, on the reference of the President's first annual message to the appropriate committee, so much as related to the", "url": "/m2/session/14419#902725", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 14419}], "session_ids_for_event_results": [3534, 3535, 3536, 3537, 3538, 3539, 3540, 3542, 3543, 8315, 8290, 8580, 8569, 8573, 8575, 8578, 8579, 8583, 8442, 3561, 3562, 3528, 3530, 3531, 8364, 8383, 8384, 8385, 8392, 8393, 8394, 8602, 8523, 14303, 14339, 14340, 14389, 14393, 14419], "session_data_for_event_results": {"3534": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "06 Jan 1865, 12:00"}, "3535": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "07 Jan 1865, 12:00"}, "3536": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "09 Jan 1865, 12:00"}, "3537": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "10 Jan 1865, 12:00"}, "3538": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "11 Jan 1865, 12:00"}, "3539": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "12 Jan 1865, 12:00"}, "3540": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "13 Jan 1865, 12:00"}, "3542": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "28 Jan 1865, 12:00"}, "3543": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "31 Jan 1865, 12:00"}, "8315": {"committee_name": "The Senate", "session_date": "01 Jul 1864, 12:00"}, "8290": {"committee_name": "The Senate", "session_date": "26 Jan 1864, 12:00"}, "8580": {"committee_name": "Committee of the Whole on the State of the Union of the House of Representatives", "session_date": "30 Mar 1864, 12:00"}, "8569": {"committee_name": "Committee of the Whole on the State of the Union of the House of Representatives", "session_date": "27 Feb 1864, 00:00"}, "8573": {"committee_name": "Committee of the Whole on the State of the Union of the House of Representatives", "session_date": "05 Mar 1864, 00:00"}, "8575": {"committee_name": "Committee of the Whole on the State of the Union of the House of Representatives", "session_date": "12 Mar 1864, 00:00"}, "8578": {"committee_name": "Committee of the Whole on the State of the Union of the House of Representatives", "session_date": "19 Mar 1864, 00:00"}, "8579": {"committee_name": "Committee of the Whole on the State of the Union of the House of Representatives", "session_date": "26 Mar 1864, 00:00"}, "8583": {"committee_name": "Committee of the Whole on the State of the Union of the House of Representatives", "session_date": "08 Apr 1864, 00:00"}, "8442": {"committee_name": "Senate Committee of the Whole", "session_date": "28 Mar 1864, 12:00"}, "3561": {"committee_name": "The Senate", "session_date": "07 Apr 1864, 12:00"}, "3562": {"committee_name": "The Senate", "session_date": "08 Apr 1864, 12:00"}, "3528": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "31 May 1864, 12:00"}, "3530": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "14 Jun 1864, 12:00"}, "3531": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "15 Jun 1864, 12:00"}, "8364": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "22 Mar 1864, 12:00"}, "8383": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "19 Apr 1864, 12:00"}, "8384": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "20 Apr 1864, 12:00"}, "8385": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "29 Apr 1864, 12:00"}, "8392": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "30 Apr 1864, 12:00"}, "8393": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "02 May 1864, 12:00"}, "8394": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "03 May 1864, 12:00"}, "8602": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "04 May 1864, 12:00"}, "8523": {"committee_name": "Committee of the Whole on the State of the Union of the House of Representatives", "session_date": "13 Jan 1864, 00:00"}, "14303": {"committee_name": "Senate Committee of the Whole", "session_date": "12 May 1864, 12:00"}, "14339": {"committee_name": "Committee of the Whole on the State of the Union of the House of Representatives", "session_date": "20 Dec 1864, 12:00"}, "14340": {"committee_name": "Committee of the Whole on the State of the Union of the House of Representatives", "session_date": "05 Jan 1865, 12:00"}, "14389": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "16 Jan 1865, 12:00"}, "14393": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "17 Jan 1865, 12:00"}, "14419": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "20 Feb 1865, 11:00"}}}, "226": {"top_level_match": "false", "sessions": [], "committees": [], "delegations": [], "people": [], "events": [{"id": 937362, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. Kingan of Pima county in the committee of the whole while a motion to recommend the adoption of the committee's substitute for the Baker direct legislation measure was pending presented the", "url": "/m2/session/16030#937362", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 16030}, {"id": 939215, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. Cunningham [...] Now, Mr. Chairman, I am well aware that the judiciary committee are considered hardly sufficient to pass upon any question that is presented to them. I will say this in", "url": "/m2/session/16112#939215", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 16112}, {"id": 945070, "title": "DEBATE_MOTION", "description": "Mr. Wells: Mr. President, this is upon the final passage of the measure, I presume? After this, no further amendments can be made?\n\nMr. Winsor: The gentleman is mistaken. This will be subject to", "url": "/m2/session/16244#945070", "type": "DEBATE_MOTION", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-procedure-debate.svg", "session_id": 16244}, {"id": 945182, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. President: You have hear the motion offered by the gentleman from Maricopa; are you ready for the question?\n\nMr. Winsor: I just want to say a word. There was a time during the discussion of this", "url": "/m2/session/16263#945182", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 16263}], "session_ids_for_event_results": [16030, 16112, 16244, 16263], "session_data_for_event_results": {"16030": {"committee_name": "Committee of the Whole", "session_date": "04 Nov 1910, 14:00"}, "16112": {"committee_name": "Committee of the Whole", "session_date": "16 Nov 1910, 09:30"}, "16244": {"committee_name": "Convention", "session_date": "28 Nov 1910, 13:30"}, "16263": {"committee_name": "Convention", "session_date": "01 Dec 1910, 09:30"}}}, "230": {"top_level_match": "false", "sessions": [], "committees": [], "delegations": [], "people": [], "events": [{"id": 952012, "title": "CREATE", "description": "Joint Declaration: Published Version", "url": "/m2/session/16456#952012", "type": "CREATE", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-subtype-script-add.svg", "session_id": 16456}, {"id": 954019, "title": "CREATE", "description": "Joint Declaration: JD6 \u2013 6 June", "url": "/m2/session/16452#954019", "type": "CREATE", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-subtype-script-add.svg", "session_id": 16452}, {"id": 1072255, "title": "CREATE", "description": "Joint Declaration: Alternative British Draft (9 November", "url": "/m2/session/17232#1072255", "type": "CREATE", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-subtype-script-add.svg", "session_id": 17232}], "session_ids_for_event_results": [16456, 16452, 17232], "session_data_for_event_results": {"16456": {"committee_name": "Downing Street Joint Declaration (1993)", "session_date": "15 Dec 1993, 12:00"}, "16452": {"committee_name": " Evolution of the Human Rights Language in the Good Friday Agreement", "session_date": "10 Apr 1998, 12:00"}, "17232": {"committee_name": "Downing Street Joint Declaration (1993)", "session_date": "09 Nov 1993, 12:00"}}}, "213": {"top_level_match": "false", "sessions": [], "committees": [], "delegations": [], "people": [], "events": [{"id": 952632, "title": "DEBATE_MOTION", "description": "Mr. CALDWELL. In order that there may be an exact understanding as to the signification of certain references in the report, I would call attention to the fact that there is\u2014that railroad taxes may", "url": "/m2/session/15363#952632", "type": "DEBATE_MOTION", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-procedure-debate.svg", "session_id": 15363}], "session_ids_for_event_results": [15363], "session_data_for_event_results": {"15363": {"committee_name": "The Joint Commission", "session_date": "27 Jul 1889, 14:30"}}}, "212": {"top_level_match": "false", "sessions": [], "committees": [], "delegations": [], "people": [], "events": [{"id": 955418, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. Caldwell: Of course it is evident that the limitation regarding this State indebtedness must be either one of two things; it must mean that the $500,000 limitation is to include the Territorial", "url": "/m2/session/15982#955418", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 15982}, {"id": 955643, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. Anderson (of Hand): I shall not attempt to discuss the legal aspect of this question at this time but I wish to state some of the reasons to this Convention why I am in favor of this amendment.", "url": "/m2/session/16434#955643", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 16434}], "session_ids_for_event_results": [15982, 16434], "session_data_for_event_results": {"15982": {"committee_name": "The Convention", "session_date": "03 Aug 1889, 09:00"}, "16434": {"committee_name": "The Convention", "session_date": "26 Jul 1889, 20:00"}}}, "240": {"top_level_match": "false", "sessions": [], "committees": [], "delegations": [], "people": [], "events": [{"id": 972918, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. WHITTON. The gentleman from Alturas claims that they are overburdened with debt. Now, under this law dividing the county of Alturas, it provides that both Logan and Elmore shall take their part", "url": "/m2/session/17061#972918", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 17061}, {"id": 972942, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. HEYBURN. I would like to have this amendment read. \nSECRETARY reads: Add to the section: \u201cThe county commissioners may employ such clerical assistance for the clerk of the district court and", "url": "/m2/session/17061#972942", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 17061}, {"id": 973245, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "The CHAIR. Gentlemen, it is moved by the gentleman from Bingham and seconded, that in line 21 of Section 1 of the pending measure, the words \u201cand Owyhee\u201d be stricken out, and the word \u201ccounties\u201d be", "url": "/m2/session/17063#973245", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 17063}, {"id": 973458, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "The CHAIR. The suggestion of the chair was made in the interest of conformity. My impression is, that under the power conferred upon congress they established a method of electing United States", "url": "/m2/session/17063#973458", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 17063}, {"id": 973671, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. KING. The second thing in this is, \u201cAnd no person shall be denied any civil or political right, privilege or capacity on account of his religious opinions.\u201d That is a simple statement of fact", "url": "/m2/session/17066#973671", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 17066}, {"id": 973714, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. MORGAN. The section will read if this amendment is adopted as follows: \u201cSection 7. The right of trial by jury shall remain inviolate, but the legislature may provide that in civil cases", "url": "/m2/session/17067#973714", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 17067}, {"id": 973845, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "The CHAIR. Is the amendment offered by the gentleman from Shoshone supported? \nMr. CLAGGETT. Mr. Chairman, the substitute which has been offered by the committee on Bill of Rights\u2014speaking for Mr.", "url": "/m2/session/17068#973845", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 17068}, {"id": 974243, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. KING. I say, Mr. Chairman, that we will meet a great difficulty here. We are proposing to do a thing, I think, that is utterly unjust to the people of this state. We are proposing in the making", "url": "/m2/session/17069#974243", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 17069}, {"id": 974264, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. REID. After the adoption of this substitute for section 2, I don\u2019t think the senator\u2019s terms should be extended to four years; it should be two, the same as the terms of the members of the house", "url": "/m2/session/17069#974264", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 17069}, {"id": 974293, "title": "DEBATE_MOTION", "description": "The CHAIR. The motion was made this morning and was ruled out of order. \nMr. CLAGGETT. By simply acting upon an adverse decision this morning from another chairman, I will have to appeal from the", "url": "/m2/session/17069#974293", "type": "DEBATE_MOTION", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-procedure-debate.svg", "session_id": 17069}, {"id": 975171, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "The CHAIR. The question is first upon the amendment offered by Mr. Parker of Idaho. Let us have the amendment read.\n\nSECRETARY reads Parker\u2019s amendment.\n\nMr. PARKER. I have offered the amendment for", "url": "/m2/session/17073#975171", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 17073}, {"id": 975225, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "[The CHAIR.]...The question now recurs upon the original motion. \nMr. REID. Mr. Chairman, I do not suppose that debate is cut off entirely, and I desire to submit some remarks to the convention. I", "url": "/m2/session/17073#975225", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 17073}, {"id": 975232, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "SECRETARY reads: \u201cThe legislature may prescribe qualifications, limitations and conditions for the right of suffrage additional to those prescribed in this article, to enforce the provisions of", "url": "/m2/session/17073#975232", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 17073}, {"id": 975418, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "The CHAIR. It is the opinion of the chair that we ought to proceed with the adoption of the article. \n\nMr. HEYBURN. It should follow the mining section because it is intended to apply to this. \n\nThe", "url": "/m2/session/17074#975418", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 17074}], "session_ids_for_event_results": [17061, 17063, 17066, 17067, 17068, 17069, 17073, 17074], "session_data_for_event_results": {"17061": {"committee_name": "The Convention", "session_date": "02 Aug 1889, 00:00"}, "17063": {"committee_name": "The Convention", "session_date": "05 Aug 1889, 00:00"}, "17066": {"committee_name": "Committee of the Whole", "session_date": "16 Jul 1889, 10:00"}, "17067": {"committee_name": "Committee of the Whole", "session_date": "18 Jul 1889, 10:00"}, "17068": {"committee_name": "Committee of the Whole", "session_date": "19 Jul 1889, 10:00"}, "17069": {"committee_name": "Committee of the Whole", "session_date": "20 Jul 1889, 09:00"}, "17073": {"committee_name": "Committee of the Whole", "session_date": "25 Jul 1889, 00:00"}, "17074": {"committee_name": "Committee of the Whole", "session_date": "26 Jul 1889, 09:00"}}}, "247": {"top_level_match": "false", "sessions": [], "committees": [], "delegations": [], "people": [], "events": [{"id": 1003126, "title": "PROCEDURE", "description": "Address by Mr.", "url": "/m2/session/18410#1003126", "type": "PROCEDURE", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-procedure-motion.svg", "session_id": 18410}, {"id": 1003244, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. CARLAND. It is perhaps, not necessary that I should address this Convention on the subject of the adoption of the proposed article known as File No. 25, providing for vesting the legislative", "url": "/m2/session/18416#1003244", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 18416}, {"id": 1004883, "title": "CREATE", "description": "Majority Report from the Committee of Five on", "url": "/m2/session/18594#1004883", "type": "CREATE", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-subtype-script-add.svg", "session_id": 18594}, {"id": 1047686, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "While the section was being voted upon, Mr. BEAN said: I wish to explain my vote as regards this article; in fact, all the votes we have taken this evening on this question. When I first came to this", "url": "/m2/session/20748#1047686", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 20748}, {"id": 1047777, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. SCOTT. It seems to me that the section as adopted by the Committee of the Whole is as it should be. The gentleman from Richland refers to the fact that now, while we are a territory, we have a", "url": "/m2/session/18386#1047777", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 18386}, {"id": 1051665, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. BARTLETT of Dickey. I have never known a time that great men did not have the right to change their minds. This man signed the report, and after consideration he thought that he had done wrong,", "url": "/m2/session/18420#1051665", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 18420}], "session_ids_for_event_results": [18410, 18416, 18594, 20748, 18386, 18420], "session_data_for_event_results": {"18410": {"committee_name": "Committee of the Whole", "session_date": "08 Jul 1889, 14:00"}, "18416": {"committee_name": "Committee of the Whole", "session_date": "23 Jul 1889, 14:00"}, "18594": {"committee_name": "Committee of Five on Communications", "session_date": "17 Aug 1889, 14:00"}, "20748": {"committee_name": "The Convention", "session_date": "16 Aug 1889, 20:00"}, "18386": {"committee_name": "The Convention", "session_date": "01 Aug 1889, 14:00"}, "18420": {"committee_name": "Committee of the Whole", "session_date": "31 Jul 1889, 14:00"}}}, "282": {"top_level_match": "false", "sessions": [], "committees": [], "delegations": [], "people": [], "events": [{"id": 1105680, "title": "PROCEDURE", "description": "Motion to Consider the Draft", "url": "/m2/session/23312#1105680", "type": "PROCEDURE", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-procedure-motion.svg", "session_id": 23312}], "session_ids_for_event_results": [23312], "session_data_for_event_results": {"23312": {"committee_name": "Evolution of the Free Speech Clause in the Constituent Assembly", "session_date": "04 Nov 1948, 11:00"}}}, "297": {"top_level_match": "false", "sessions": [], "committees": [], "delegations": [], "people": [], "events": [{"id": 1249656, "title": "PROCEDURE", "description": "Motion to Consider the Draft", "url": "/m2/session/27659#1249656", "type": "PROCEDURE", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-procedure-motion.svg", "session_id": 27659}, {"id": 1282897, "title": "CREATE_FROM", "description": "Draft Constitution by the Drafting", "url": "/m2/session/29081#1282897", "type": "CREATE_FROM", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-subtype-script-import.svg", "session_id": 29081}], "session_ids_for_event_results": [27659, 29081], "session_data_for_event_results": {"27659": {"committee_name": "Negotiation of Article 19 in the Constituent Assembly", "session_date": "04 Nov 1948, 11:00"}, "29081": {"committee_name": "Negotiation of Article 39 in the Constituent Assembly", "session_date": "04 Nov 1948, 11:00"}}}}
{"295": {"top_level_match": "false", "id": 295, "name": "Writing Peace: Monica McWilliams Collection", "items": [{"id": 16785, "title": "UUP paper: 'A Practical Approach to Problem-Solving in Northern Ireland', 21 February 1995", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/16785"}, {"id": 16786, "title": "UUP paper: 'A Practical Approach to Problem-Solving in Northern Ireland', 21 February 1995", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/16786"}, {"id": 16787, "title": "Downing Street Declaration, 15 December 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/16787"}, {"id": 16788, "title": "Frameworks for the Future: A Summary, 1995", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/16788"}, {"id": 16790, "title": "Framework documents, 22 February 1995", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/16790"}, {"id": 16791, "title": "NIWC briefing document on the framework documents, 8 June 1996", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/16791"}, {"id": 16794, "title": "Frameworks for the Future: A Summary", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/16794"}, {"id": 16817, "title": "NIWC paper on political dilemmas in Northern Ireland, November 1997", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/16817"}, {"id": 16818, "title": "NIWC paper on political dilemmas in Northern Ireland, November 1997 [Annotated]", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/16818"}, {"id": 16819, "title": "NIWC paper on political dilemmas in Northern Ireland, November 1997", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/16819"}, {"id": 16820, "title": "NIWC paper on the constitution, democracy and relationsips, November 1996", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/16820"}, {"id": 16821, "title": "NIWC paper on the constitution, democracy and relationsips, November 1996 [Annotated]", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/16821"}, {"id": 16822, "title": "NIWC paper on the constitution, democracy and relationsips, November 1996", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/16822"}, {"id": 16832, "title": "Statement By Peter Brooke To Parliament Announcing Commencement Of Talks In Three Strands - 26 March 1991", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/16832"}, {"id": 16840, "title": "Speech By The Prime Minister At The Royal Ulster Agricultural Show On 16 May 1997", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/16840"}, {"id": 16841, "title": "Hansard Record Northern Ireland: Entry To Negotiations Debate On 2 June 1997", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/16841"}, {"id": 16845, "title": "Tony Blair's Statement To The House Of Commons Regarding Northern Ireland On 25 June 1997", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/16845"}, {"id": 16846, "title": "Tony Blair's Statement To The House Of Commons Regarding Northern Ireland On 25 June 1997. Duplicate", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/16846"}, {"id": 16850, "title": "Meeting Invitation Enclosing New Agenda Discussion Paper - 4 September 1997", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/16850"}, {"id": 16851, "title": "Ray Burke Speech To British-Irish Association Conference - 12 September 1997", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/16851"}, {"id": 16852, "title": "Joint Statement From The Prime Minister And Taoiseach - 15 September 1997", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/16852"}, {"id": 16853, "title": "UDP Statement - 17 September 1997", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/16853"}, {"id": 16854, "title": "Labour Party Conference Motion on Northern Ireland [September Or October 1997?]", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/16854"}, {"id": 16866, "title": "Letter Enclosing Summary Of Strand 2 Points Of Convergence And Divergence - 22 November 1997", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/16866"}, {"id": 16870, "title": "Briefing Note B: NIWC Position On All Three Strands - November 1997", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/16870"}, {"id": 16875, "title": "Irish Talks: Frameworks For The Future As Viewed From the Perspective Of The UK Mainland Taxpayer", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/16875"}, {"id": 16877, "title": "New Agenda Seminar Report: Record Of Meetings On 26 And 27 November 1997 - January 1998", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/16877"}, {"id": 16897, "title": "NIWC Draft Response To BBC On Party Political Broadcasts - 2 April 1998", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/16897"}, {"id": 16902, "title": "The Agreement: It's Your Decision Booklet - 10 April 1998", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/16902"}, {"id": 16998, "title": "Draft Summary Record Of Opening Plenary Session On 15 October 1996 At 1213", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/16998"}, {"id": 17003, "title": "Memorandum: Proposals For Comprehensive Agenda - 15 October 1996", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17003"}, {"id": 17005, "title": "Draft Summary Record Of Opening Plenary Session On 16 October 1996 At 1010", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17005"}, {"id": 17008, "title": "Draft Summary Record Of Opening Plenary Session On 21 October 1996 At 1208", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17008"}, {"id": 17017, "title": "NIWC Opening Statement To Plenary On Decommissioning - 28 October 1996", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17017"}, {"id": 17018, "title": "NIWC Opening Statement To Plenary On Decommissioning - 28 October 1996. Duplicate", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17018"}, {"id": 17019, "title": "NIWC Opening Statement To Plenary On Decommissioning - 28 October 1996. Second Duplicate", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17019"}, {"id": 17020, "title": "NIWC Opening Statement To Plenary On Decommissioning - 28 October 1996. Photocopy Of Annotated Copy", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17020"}, {"id": 17021, "title": "NIWC Opening Statement To Plenary On Decommissioning - 28 October 1996. Fifth Duplicate", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17021"}, {"id": 17022, "title": "SDLP Opening Statement To Plenary On Decommissioning - 28 October 1996", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17022"}, {"id": 17023, "title": "UDP Opening Statement To Plenary On Decommissioning - 28 October 1996", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17023"}, {"id": 17028, "title": "Labour Opening Statement To Plenary On Decommissioning - 29 October 1996", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17028"}, {"id": 17033, "title": "UUP Opening Statement To Plenary On Decommissioning - 30 October 1996", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17033"}, {"id": 17084, "title": "NIWC Address To Plenary On 5 March 1997", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17084"}, {"id": 17085, "title": "NIWC Address To Plenary On 5 March 1997. Double Spaced", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17085"}, {"id": 17086, "title": "NIWC Address To Plenary On 5 March 1997. Annotated Draft", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17086"}, {"id": 17111, "title": "Alliance Paper: Analysis Of The Problem - October 1997", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17111"}, {"id": 17115, "title": "Propositions On Heads Of Agreement - 12 January 1998", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17115"}, {"id": 17116, "title": "Propositions On Heads Of Agreement - 12 January 1998. Duplicate", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17116"}, {"id": 17117, "title": "Propositions On Heads Of Agreement - 12 January 1998. Anne Carr Copy", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17117"}, {"id": 17130, "title": "Summary Record Of Review Plenary Session On 24 March 1998 At 1511", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17130"}, {"id": 17131, "title": "Summary Record Of Review Plenary Session On 24 March 1998 At 1511. Duplicate", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17131"}, {"id": 17140, "title": "Draft Agreement ('Mitchell Draft') \u2013 6 April 1998", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17140"}, {"id": 17142, "title": "Final Agreement - 10 April 1998", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17142"}, {"id": 17178, "title": "Letter To Talks Team From Bronagh Hinds Enclosing Briefing Documents - 12 November 1997", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17178"}, {"id": 17179, "title": "Briefing Note B: NIWC Position On All Three Strands - November 1997", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17179"}, {"id": 17180, "title": "Briefing Note B: NIWC Position On All Three Strands - November 1998. Duplicate Part 1", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17180"}, {"id": 17181, "title": "Briefing Note B: NIWC Position On All Three Strands - November 1998. Duplicate Part 2", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17181"}, {"id": 17185, "title": "Rough Draft Of NIWC Training Strategy Document. Undated", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17185"}, {"id": 17186, "title": "Briefing and Discussion Notes of the NIWC's Constitutional Position in Relation to the Three Strands [1998?]", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17186"}, {"id": 17225, "title": "Letter From Paul Murphy To The NIWC Delegation Regarding Strand One Meeting On 7 October 1997 - 1 October 1997", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17225"}, {"id": 17252, "title": "Strand 1 Policing: A Discussion Paper By the British Government - 2 March 1998", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17252"}, {"id": 17266, "title": "Handwritten Notes: Record Of Strand 1 Meeting On 23 March 1998. KF. (2)", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17266"}, {"id": 17276, "title": "British Government Paper: Strand 1 Principles And Requirements. Undated", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17276"}, {"id": 17277, "title": "Labour Paper: Principles And Requirements Strand 1 - 10 October 1997", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17277"}, {"id": 17278, "title": "NIWC Strand 1 Paper: Principles And Requirements - 10 October 1997", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17278"}, {"id": 17279, "title": "NIWC Strand 1 Paper: Principles And Requirements - 10 October 1997. Duplicate", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17279"}, {"id": 17280, "title": "NIWC Strand 1 Paper: Principles And Requirements - 10 October 1997. Fax Copy", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17280"}, {"id": 17281, "title": "NIWC Strand 1 Paper: Principles And Requirements - 10 October 1997. Fax Copy. Annotated", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17281"}, {"id": 17282, "title": "SDLP Paper: Principles And Requirements - 13 October 1997. Annotated", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17282"}, {"id": 17283, "title": "UDP Paper: Principles And Requirements, Strand 1 - 1997", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17283"}, {"id": 17284, "title": "Alliance Strands 1 And 2 Paper: Constitutional Issues - October 1997", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17284"}, {"id": 17285, "title": "British Government Strands 1 And 2 Paper: Constitutional Issues - 17 October 1997", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17285"}, {"id": 17286, "title": "NIWC Paper: The Constitutional Question Values And Parameters - 20 October 1997. Draft", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17286"}, {"id": 17287, "title": "PUP Strand 1 Paper: Constitutional Issues - 17 October 1997", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17287"}, {"id": 17288, "title": "SDLP Strands 1 And 2 Paper: Constitutional Issues - 20 October 1997", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17288"}, {"id": 17289, "title": "UUP Strand 1 Paper: Constitutional Issues - October 1997", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17289"}, {"id": 17321, "title": "UUP Opening Statement To Strand 2 - 7 October 1997", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17321"}, {"id": 17323, "title": "Opening Statement By Minister For Foreign Affairs - 20 October 1997", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17323"}, {"id": 17325, "title": "Summary Record Of Inaugural Strand 2 Meeting On 7 October 1997 At 1430", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17325"}, {"id": 17326, "title": "Summary Record Of Inaugural Strand 2 Meeting On 7 October 1997 At 1430. Duplicate ", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17326"}, {"id": 17329, "title": "Summary Record Of Strand 2 Meeting On 20 October 1997 At 1130", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17329"}, {"id": 17330, "title": "Summary Record Of Strand 2 Meeting On 28 October 1997 At 1012", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17330"}, {"id": 17331, "title": "Summary Record Of Strand 2 Meeting On 28 October 1997 At 1012. Duplicate", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17331"}, {"id": 17338, "title": "Alliance Paper: Principles And Requirements: Principles And Realities Of A Settlement - 13 October 1997", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17338"}, {"id": 17339, "title": "Alliance Paper: Principles And Requirements: Principles And Realities Of A Settlement. Incomplete Pages 4-5. Undated", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17339"}, {"id": 17340, "title": "British Government Paper: Principles And Requirements. Undated", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17340"}, {"id": 17341, "title": "British Government Paper: Principles And Requirements. Undated", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17341"}, {"id": 17342, "title": "Irish Government Paper: Principles And Requirements - 10 October 1997", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17342"}, {"id": 17343, "title": "Irish Government Paper: Principles And Requirements - 10 October 1997. Incomplete Pages 1 3 And 6", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17343"}, {"id": 17345, "title": "NIWC Paper: Principles And Requirements For Strand 2 - 13 October 1997", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17345"}, {"id": 17346, "title": "NIWC Paper: Principles And Requirements For Strand 2 - 13 October 1997. Duplicate", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17346"}, {"id": 17347, "title": "NIWC Paper: Principles And Requirements For Strand 2 - 13 October 1997. Clean Copy", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17347"}, {"id": 17348, "title": "NIWC Paper: Principles And Requirements For Strand 2 - 13 October 1997. Annotated", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17348"}, {"id": 17349, "title": "PUP Paper: Principles And Requirements For Strand 2 - 14 October 1997", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17349"}, {"id": 17350, "title": "PUP Paper: Principles And Requirements For Strand 2 - 14 October 1997. Duplicate", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17350"}, {"id": 17351, "title": "SDLP Paper: Principles And Requirements For Strand 2 - 13 October 1997", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17351"}, {"id": 17352, "title": "SDLP Paper: Principles And Requirements For Strand 2 - 13 October 1997. Annotated", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17352"}, {"id": 17353, "title": "UDP Paper: Principles And Requirements For Strand 2. Undated", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17353"}, {"id": 17354, "title": "UDP Paper: Principles And Requirements For Strand 2. Undated", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17354"}, {"id": 17355, "title": "UUP Paper: Principles And Requirements For Strands 2 And 3. Undated", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17355"}, {"id": 17356, "title": "Joint Government Paper: Constitutional Issues. Undated", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17356"}, {"id": 17357, "title": "Alliance Paper: Constitutional Issues For Strands 1 And 2. Undated", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17357"}, {"id": 17358, "title": "Alliance Paper: Constitutional Issues For Strands 1 And 2. Undated. Duplicate", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17358"}, {"id": 17359, "title": "British Government Paper: Constitutional Issues For Strands 1 And 2 - 17 October 1997", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17359"}, {"id": 17360, "title": "British Government Paper: Constitutional Issues For Strands 1 And 2 - 17 October 1997. Annotated", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17360"}, {"id": 17361, "title": "Irish Government Paper: Constitutional Issues For Strand 2 - 17 October 1997", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17361"}, {"id": 17362, "title": "Irish Government Paper: Constitutional Issues For Strand 2 - 17 October 1997. Annotated", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17362"}, {"id": 17363, "title": "Irish Government Paper: Constitutional Issues For Strand 2 - 17 October 1997. Clean Copy", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17363"}, {"id": 17368, "title": "PUP Paper: Constitutional Issues - 17 October 1997", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17368"}, {"id": 17369, "title": "PUP Strand 2 Paper: Constitutional Issues - 17 October 1997. Duplicate", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17369"}, {"id": 17370, "title": "PUP And UDP Papers: Constitutional Issues For Strand 2 - 17 October 1997. Annotated", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17370"}, {"id": 17371, "title": "SDLP Paper: Constitutional Issues For Strands 1 And 2 - 20 October 1997", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17371"}, {"id": 17372, "title": "SDLP Paper: Constitutional Issues For Strands 1 And 2 - 20 October 1997. Annotated", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17372"}, {"id": 17373, "title": "UDP Paper: Constitutional Issues For Strand 2 - 17 October 1997", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17373"}, {"id": 17374, "title": "UDP Paper: Constitutional Issues For Strand 2 - 17 October 1997. Duplicate", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17374"}, {"id": 17395, "title": "UDP Paper: Relationships With Other Arrangements For Strands 1 And 2 And Nature Form And Extent Of New Arrangements For Strand 2. Undated", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17395"}, {"id": 17396, "title": "UDP Paper: Relationships With Other Arrangements For Strands 1 And 2 And Nature Form And Extent Of New Arrangements For Strand 2. Undated. Duplicate", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17396"}, {"id": 17416, "title": "SDLP Paper: Rights And Safeguards For Strand 2 - November 1997", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17416"}, {"id": 17417, "title": "SDLP Paper: Rights And Safeguards For Strand 2 - November 1997. Duplicate", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17417"}, {"id": 17418, "title": "SDLP Paper: Rights And Safeguards For Strand 2 - November 1997. Second Duplicate", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17418"}, {"id": 17438, "title": "North South Structures: Labour Paper - 4 February 1998", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17438"}, {"id": 17439, "title": "Summary Record Of Strand Two Meeting On 10 February 1998 At 1040", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17439"}, {"id": 17440, "title": "Summary Record Of Strand Two Meeting On 10 February 1998 At 1040. Duplicate", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17440"}, {"id": 17448, "title": "Summary Record Of Strand Two Meeting On 24 February 1998 At 1043", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17448"}, {"id": 17450, "title": "Summary Record Of Strand Two Meeting On 3 March 1998 At 1040", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17450"}, {"id": 17451, "title": "Summary Record Of Strand Two Meeting On 3 March 1998 At 1040. Duplicate", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17451"}, {"id": 17453, "title": "Summary Record Of Strand Two Meeting On 10 March 1998 At 1041", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17453"}, {"id": 17454, "title": "Summary Record Of Strand Two Meeting On 10 March 1998 At 1041. Duplicate", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17454"}, {"id": 17470, "title": "Summary Record Of Cross Strand Meeting On 2 March 1998 At 1415", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17470"}, {"id": 17472, "title": "Summary Record Of Cross Strand Meeting On 30 March 1998 At 1400", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17472"}, {"id": 17473, "title": "Summary Record Of Cross Strand Meeting On Monday 30 March 1998 At 1400. Duplicate", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17473"}, {"id": 17475, "title": "Joint Government Consultation Paper: A New Agreement for Strand 3 - 14 October 1997", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17475"}, {"id": 17476, "title": "Record Of First Strand 3 Liaison Meeting On 28 October 1997 At 1610", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17476"}, {"id": 17483, "title": "NIWC Response To Joint Government Strand 3 Consultation Paper - October 1997", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17483"}, {"id": 17484, "title": "NIWC Response To Joint Government Strand 3 Consultation Paper - October 1997. Duplicate", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17484"}, {"id": 17485, "title": "NIWC Response To Joint Government Strand 3 Consultation Paper - October 1997. Second Duplicate", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17485"}, {"id": 17486, "title": "NIWC Response To Joint Government Consultation Paper - October 1997. Draft", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17486"}, {"id": 17487, "title": "UUP Response To Joint Government Strand 3 Consultation Paper - 14 November 1997", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17487"}, {"id": 17488, "title": "UUP Response To Joint Government Strand 3 Consultation Paper - 14 November 1997. Duplicate", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17488"}, {"id": 17489, "title": "UDP Strand 3 Paper: All Agenda Items. Undated", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17489"}, {"id": 17498, "title": "UUP Paper: Submission To All Three Strands - 11 February 1998", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17498"}, {"id": 17499, "title": "UUP Paper: Submission To All Three Strands - 11 February 1998. Duplicate", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17499"}, {"id": 17501, "title": "Joint Government Paper: Constitutional Issues. Undated", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17501"}, {"id": 17504, "title": "Alliance Paper Constitutional Issues. Undated", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17504"}, {"id": 17505, "title": "SDLP Strands 1 And 2 Paper: Constitutional Issues - 20 October 1997", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17505"}, {"id": 17529, "title": "Labour Paper: Opening Paper On the Liaison Sub-Committee On Confidence Building Measures - 21 October 1997", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17529"}, {"id": 17610, "title": "NIWC Statement To Plenary On Decommissioning - 1997. Annotated", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17610"}, {"id": 17611, "title": "NIWC Paper: Decommissioning - 13 November 1996 And Statement To Plenary On Decommissioning - 28 October 1996", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17611"}, {"id": 17622, "title": "Joint Government Statement - 15 September 1997", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17622"}, {"id": 17859, "title": "Draft NIWC Declaration - 1 April 1999", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17859"}]}, "303": {"top_level_match": "false", "id": 303, "name": "Writing Peace: Record of Debates in the Forum for Political Dialogue", "items": [{"id": 21662, "title": "Northern Ireland Forum Record Of Debate On 6 June 1997 At 1003", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/21662"}, {"id": 21671, "title": "Northern Ireland Forum Record Of Debate On 12 September 1997 At 1004", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/21671"}, {"id": 21674, "title": "Northern Ireland Forum Record Of Debate On 3 October 1997 At 1004", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/21674"}]}, "351": {"top_level_match": "false", "id": 351, "name": "Writing Peace: The National Archives of the UK (TNA)", "items": [{"id": 22726, "title": "Record of Meeting between John McConnell and Alec Reid on 26 February 1990", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/22726"}, {"id": 22727, "title": "Record of Meeting between British Government Officials on John McConnell's Discussion with Alec Reid on 20 November 1989", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/22727"}, {"id": 22731, "title": "Record of Meeting between John McConnell and Alec Reid on 11 August 1989", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/22731"}, {"id": 22737, "title": "Memo from R O Miles To Jim Daniell with Additional Text for John McConnell's Briefing for His Meeting with Alec Reid", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/22737"}, {"id": 22746, "title": "Letter from Quentin Thomas to Jonathan Stephens Enclosing a Record of the Butler/Nally Meeting on 10 November 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/22746"}, {"id": 22747, "title": "Enclosure: Record of a Butler/Nally Meeting on 10 November 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/22747"}, {"id": 22748, "title": "Joint Declaration Draft (JD14) ", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/22748"}, {"id": 22750, "title": "Letter from David Blatherwick to Graham Archer Recording a Meeting with Martin Mansergh on 10 November 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/22750"}, {"id": 22751, "title": "Enclosure: Commentary on the Joint Declaration (JD13)", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/22751"}, {"id": 22755, "title": "Alternative British Draft of the Joint Declaration (18 November 1993 Draft)", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/22755"}, {"id": 22758, "title": "Enclosure: Joint Declaration as Tabled during the Butler/Nally Meeting on 6 October 1993 by the Irish Government (JD10)", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/22758"}, {"id": 22759, "title": "Enclosure: Aide-M\u00e9moire for Robin Butler in Advance of a Butler/Nally Meeting on 10 November 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/22759"}, {"id": 22761, "title": "Joint Declaration (JD12A) with Further Pencilled Amendments", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/22761"}, {"id": 22771, "title": "Letter from Quentin Thomas to John Chilcot Enclosing an Alternative British Draft of the Joint Declaration (9 November 1993 Draft)", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/22771"}, {"id": 22772, "title": "Enclosure: Gerry Adams' Speech to the Sinn F\u00e9in Women's Conference on 6 November 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/22772"}, {"id": 22773, "title": "Enclosure: Alternative British Draft of the Joint Declaration (9 November 1993 Draft)", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/22773"}, {"id": 22790, "title": "Record of Meeting between British Officials Regarding Political Movement and PIRA", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/22790"}, {"id": 22794, "title": "Memo from Simon Marsh Summarizing Gerry Adams' BBC Radio Ulster Programme Interview on 5 January 1991", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/22794"}, {"id": 22795, "title": "Record of Meeting between Danny McNeill, John Chilcot and John Hume Regarding Hume's Contact with Sinn F\u00e9in on 11 January 1991", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/22795"}, {"id": 22804, "title": "Letter from Anthony Pawson to Charles Powell Regarding Gerry Adams' Letter to John Major Dated 28 November 1990", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/22804"}, {"id": 22807, "title": "Memo from Joseph Pilling to Quentin Thomas Regarding the Note on Amnesty Processes by E C Hallett", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/22807"}, {"id": 22808, "title": "Memo from Kenneth Bloomfield to John Chilcot Proposing a Joint Statement Offering the Release of Prisoners in Exchange for the Cessation of Violence", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/22808"}, {"id": 22812, "title": "Cover Letter Enclosing Gerry Adam's Response to Peter Brooke's Whitbread Speech on 9 November 1990", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/22812"}, {"id": 22813, "title": "Enclosure: Paper Titled \"Release of Prisoners in the Context of Negotiations for Colonial Independence from British Rule\" by E C Hallett", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/22813"}, {"id": 22820, "title": "Memo by Simon Marsh Summarizing Sinn F\u00e9in's Reactions to Peter Brooke's Whitbread Speech on 9 November 1990", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/22820"}, {"id": 22823, "title": "Enclosure: Final Draft of the Whitbread Speech to Be Delivered on 9 November 1990", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/22823"}, {"id": 22824, "title": "Enclosure: Transcript of Statement from Gerry Adams Responding to Peter Brooke's Whitbread Speech on 9 November 1990", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/22824"}, {"id": 22825, "title": "Transcript of Peter Brooke's Whitbread Speech Delivered on 9 November 1990", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/22825"}, {"id": 22829, "title": "Enclosure: Commentary on Alternative British Draft of the Joint Declaration", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/22829"}, {"id": 22834, "title": "Letter to Roderic Lyne Enclosing the Record of a Telephone Conversation between Patrick Mayhew and Robin Eames on 20 November 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/22834"}, {"id": 22844, "title": "Letter from Jonathan Stephens to Quentin Thomas Concerning Telephone Call with Archbishop Robin Eames", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/22844"}, {"id": 22847, "title": "Letter from Albert Reynolds to John Major Concerning Peace Initiative", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/22847"}, {"id": 22857, "title": "Draft Passage of Lord Mayor\u2019s Banquet Speech", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/22857"}, {"id": 22870, "title": "Enclosure: Record of a Butler/Nally Meeting on 10 November 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/22870"}, {"id": 22872, "title": "Letter from David Blatherwick to Graham Archer Recording a Meeting with Martin Mansergh on 10 November 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/22872"}, {"id": 22880, "title": "Enclosure: Talking Points for Meeting with John Hume on 4 November 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/22880"}, {"id": 22882, "title": "Enclosure: Summary of a Meeting between John Major and Patrick Mayhew Discussing the Joint Declaration Initiative", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/22882"}, {"id": 22883, "title": "Record of a Meeting between Patrick Mayhew and Jim Molyneaux on 4 October 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/22883"}, {"id": 22886, "title": "Enclosure: Speaking Note for John Major for a Meeting with Jim Molyneaux in October 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/22886"}, {"id": 22889, "title": "Letter from Robert Renwick Relaying Details of a Meeting with Peter Tarnoff about the British Government Commitment to Peaceful Negotiations", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/22889"}, {"id": 22893, "title": "Enclosure: Joint Declaration Draft Eight Passed To Quentin Thomas by Se\u00e1n \u00d3 hUiginn on 27 September 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/22893"}, {"id": 22894, "title": "Enclosure: Comment by Tony Beeton on Joint Declaration (JD8)", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/22894"}, {"id": 22895, "title": "Letter from Quentin Thomas to Roderic Lyne Discussing New Joint Declaration Draft from the Irish Government and Enclosing Commentary on the Draft", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/22895"}, {"id": 22896, "title": "Enclosure: Annex A To Note For The Record By Quentin Thomas Revising Paragraph 4 And Suggesting Lines To Take For The British Government", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/22896"}, {"id": 22898, "title": "Letter from John Chilcot to Roderic Lyne Enclosing a Requested Draft of a Letter from John Major to Albert Reynolds and Recording a Butler/Nally Meeting on 10 September 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/22898"}, {"id": 22899, "title": "Enclosure: Commentary by Quentin Thomas on Draft Eight of the Joint Declaration Submitted by the Irish Government and Record of Discussion with Se\u00e1n \u00d3 hUiginn ", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/22899"}, {"id": 22901, "title": "Enclosure: Letter from Albert Reynolds to John Major Concerning the Joint Declaration Initiative and the Prospects for and Road to Peace", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/22901"}, {"id": 22903, "title": "Enclosure: Draft Copy of Letter from Quentin Thomas to Roderic Lyne Enclosing Joint Declaration Draft and Note for the Record with Undated Amendments in Pencil", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/22903"}, {"id": 22905, "title": "Letter from Albert Reynolds to John Major Regarding the Anglo-Irish Summit on 3 December 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/22905"}, {"id": 22907, "title": "Handwritten Notes on Joint Declaration Issues ", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/22907"}, {"id": 22908, "title": "Joint Declaration: JD15 (Hand-Annotated Copy)", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/22908"}, {"id": 22909, "title": "Joint Declaration: JD15", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/22909"}, {"id": 22910, "title": "Handwritten Record of Butler/Nally Meeting on 7 December 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/22910"}, {"id": 22911, "title": "Handwritten Record of Plenary Meeting on 3 December 1993 at 14.55", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/22911"}, {"id": 22912, "title": "Handwritten Record of the Reduced Plenary Session of the Anglo-Irish Summit on 3 December 1993 at 17.10", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/22912"}, {"id": 22913, "title": "Note from Patrick Mayhew to John Major Providing Commentary on JD15", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/22913"}, {"id": 22914, "title": "Letter from Jonathan Stephens to Roderic Lyne Regarding EC Summit on 10/11 December 1993 and the Joint Declaration", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/22914"}, {"id": 22917, "title": "Annex B: Notes on JD15 and JD15B for the EC Summit on 10/11 December 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/22917"}, {"id": 22918, "title": "Annex: Amendments Proposed to JD14 on 3 December 1993 at Anglo-Irish Summit", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/22918"}, {"id": 22919, "title": "Joint Declaration: JD15 (Annotated Copy)", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/22919"}, {"id": 22920, "title": "Joint Declaration: Amendment to Paragraph 4 Suggested by Quentin Thomas", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/22920"}, {"id": 22921, "title": "Record of Plenary Session of Anglo-Irish Summit on 3 December 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/22921"}, {"id": 22922, "title": "Joint Declaration: JD14A (Photocopy of Annotated Copy)", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/22922"}, {"id": 22923, "title": "Record of Meeting between Albert Reynolds and John Major at the Anglo-Irish Summit on 3 December 1993 at 11.50", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/22923"}, {"id": 22925, "title": "Joint Declaration: JD14 (Photocopy of Annotated Copy)", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/22925"}, {"id": 22927, "title": "Enclosure: Letter from John Hume to John Major", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/22927"}, {"id": 22928, "title": "Letter from David Cooke to Quentin Thomas Enclosing JD14A", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/22928"}, {"id": 22932, "title": "Enclosure: JD14A", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/22932"}, {"id": 22933, "title": "Record of a Meeting between Michael Ancram and Jim Molyneaux on 30 November 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/22933"}, {"id": 22936, "title": "Record of a Telephone Conversation between Albert Reynolds and John Major on 29 November 1993 at 19.20", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/22936"}, {"id": 22937, "title": "Letter from Quentin Thomas to PS Patrick Mayhew Enclosing the Text of a Unilateral Declaration to Potentially Be Made in Place of the Joint Declaration", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/22937"}, {"id": 22941, "title": "Letter from John Chilcot to PS Patrick Mayhew Regarding the Next Steps on the Joint Declaration", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/22941"}, {"id": 22945, "title": "Letter from David Fell to John Chilcot Suggesting Amendments to the Alternative British Draft of the Joint Declaration", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/22945"}, {"id": 22947, "title": "Enclosure: Briefing for Meeting with Jim Molyneaux Regarding the Joint Declaration", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/22947"}, {"id": 22949, "title": "Enclosure: Commentary on the Alternative British Draft of the Joint Declaration", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/22949"}, {"id": 22951, "title": "Speech Made by John Major to Parliament on 18 November 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/22951"}, {"id": 22953, "title": "Joint Declaration: JD14 as Shown to Jim Molyneaux on 30 November 1993 (Annotated Copy)", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/22953"}, {"id": 22954, "title": "Enclosure: Alternative British Draft of the Joint Declaration as Revised on 25 November 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/22954"}, {"id": 22955, "title": "Enclosure: Alternative British Draft of the Joint Declaration", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/22955"}, {"id": 22956, "title": "Enclosure: Joint Declaration JD6", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/22956"}, {"id": 22957, "title": "Record of a Meeting between Robin Butler and Albert Reynolds on 6 June 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/22957"}, {"id": 22958, "title": "Enclosure: Aide M\u00e9moire from the Irish Government Regarding JD6", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/22958"}, {"id": 22959, "title": "Northern Ireland Office Commentary on Joint Declaration (JD6) and the Accompanying Irish Government Aide-M\u00e9moire", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/22959"}, {"id": 22963, "title": "Letter from John Chilcot to the Staff of the Northern Ireland Office Summarising the Joint Declaration", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/22963"}, {"id": 22964, "title": "Draft Letter from Roderic Lyne to PS Cabinet Members Regarding the Anglo-Irish Joint Declaration Initiative (Incomplete)", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/22964"}, {"id": 22965, "title": "Enclosure: Draft Lines to Take on the Joint Declaration", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/22965"}, {"id": 22966, "title": "Joint Declaration: JD20", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/22966"}, {"id": 22967, "title": "Letter from David Cooke to Quentin Thomas Enclosing the First Draft of a Parliamentary Statement on the Joint Declaration", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/22967"}, {"id": 22968, "title": "Positive Bullet Points on the Joint Declaration", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/22968"}, {"id": 22970, "title": "Transcript of a Newsnight Interview with Patrick Mayhew on the Joint Declaration", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/22970"}, {"id": 22971, "title": "Enclosure: Draft Opening Statement and Q&A Briefing for John Major at the Joint Press Conference", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/22971"}, {"id": 22972, "title": "Revised Supplementary Briefing Lines to Take on the Joint Declaration", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/22972"}, {"id": 22974, "title": "Letter from John Chilcot to the Staff of the Northern Ireland Office Explaining the Joint Declaration", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/22974"}, {"id": 22975, "title": "Letter from Peter Bell to Andrew Wood Enclosing a Draft Letter for Inclusion in the Joint Declaration Booklet", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/22975"}, {"id": 22976, "title": "Transcript of Panorama Interview with Patrick Mayhew on the Joint Declaration", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/22976"}, {"id": 22979, "title": "Joint Declaration: JD20 as Issued by the Northern Ireland Information Service", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/22979"}, {"id": 22981, "title": "Joint Declaration: JD18", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/22981"}, {"id": 22982, "title": "Joint Declaration: JD19", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/22982"}, {"id": 22983, "title": "Joint Declaration: JD17", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/22983"}, {"id": 22985, "title": "Enclosure: Revised Positive Bullet Points on the Joint Declaration", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/22985"}, {"id": 22986, "title": "Transcript of a Joint Press Conference between John Major and Albert Reynolds", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/22986"}, {"id": 22987, "title": "Enclosure: Revised Supplementary Lines to Take on the Joint Declaration", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/22987"}, {"id": 22988, "title": "Annex C: Revised Briefing Notes on the Joint Declaration", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/22988"}, {"id": 22991, "title": "Letter from Quentin Thomas to Michael Ancram Enclosing Joint Declaration (JD15C) and Notes for Meeting with Jim Molyneaux (Duplicate)", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/22991"}, {"id": 22994, "title": "Enclosure: Joint Declaration (JD15C)", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/22994"}, {"id": 22998, "title": "Enclosure: Joint Declaration (Amended Copy of JD15) as Discussed between Butler and Nally on 13 December 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/22998"}, {"id": 22999, "title": "Enclosure: Joint Declaration (JD15C) (Duplicate)", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/22999"}, {"id": 23001, "title": "Lines to Take on the Joint Declaration (JD15) in Brussels on 10/11 December 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23001"}, {"id": 23008, "title": "Note from Tony Beeton to PS Patrick Mayhew Enclosing an Annotated Copy of the Joint Declaration JD15B", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23008"}, {"id": 23012, "title": "Record of a Meeting between Roderic Lyne and Martin Mansergh, Noel Dorr and Se\u00e1n \u00d3 hUiginn on 10 December 1993 at 11.30", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23012"}, {"id": 23014, "title": "Record of a Meeting between Roderic Lyne and Martin Mansergh, Noel Dorr and Se\u00e1n \u00d3 hUiginn on 10 December 1993 at 11.30", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23014"}, {"id": 23016, "title": "Lines to Take on the Joint Declaration (JD15) in Brussels on 10/11 December 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23016"}, {"id": 23022, "title": "Record of Afternoon Plenary Session at the Anglo-Irish Summit on 3 December 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23022"}, {"id": 23023, "title": "List of Amendments Proposed to JD14 at the Anglo-Irish Summit on 3 December 1993 (Two Copies) ", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23023"}, {"id": 23025, "title": "Record of Resumed Plenary Meeting at the Anglo-Irish Summit on 3 December 1993 at 17.10", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23025"}, {"id": 23026, "title": "Joint Declaration: JD13", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23026"}, {"id": 23027, "title": "Joint Declaration: JD8", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23027"}, {"id": 23028, "title": "Joint Declaration: JD12 [Mislabelled as JD11]", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23028"}, {"id": 23029, "title": "Joint Declaration: Alternative British Draft (12 November 1993 Draft)", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23029"}, {"id": 23039, "title": "Letter from Reg Empey to Patrick Mayhew Regarding Joint Declaration", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23039"}, {"id": 23044, "title": "Handwritten Notes on Meetings", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23044"}, {"id": 23045, "title": "Enclosure: JD14 as Shown to Molyneaux with Amendment Locations Marked", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23045"}, {"id": 23051, "title": "Transcript of Joint Press Conference between John Major and Albert Reynolds on 3 December 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23051"}, {"id": 23054, "title": "Record of a Meeting between Patrick Mayhew and Jim Molyneaux on 25 November 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23054"}, {"id": 23059, "title": "Record of a Meeting between John Chilcot and John Hume on 25 November 1993 in the Morning", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23059"}, {"id": 23062, "title": "Commentary on the Alternative British Draft of the Joint Declaration", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23062"}, {"id": 23065, "title": "Joint Declaration: Alternative British Draft", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23065"}, {"id": 23066, "title": "Joint Declaration: Alternative British Draft (Annotated Copies)", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23066"}, {"id": 23085, "title": "Record of a Telephone Conversation between John Chilcot and Mr Loughran on 13 January 1994", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23085"}, {"id": 23092, "title": "Record of Lunch Meeting between John Chilcot and Martin Mansergh on 13 January 1994", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23092"}, {"id": 23107, "title": "Note from Tony Beeton to PS Patrick Mayhew Enclosing an Annotated Copy of the Joint Declaration (JD20)", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23107"}, {"id": 23120, "title": "Letter from Jonathan Stephens to Roderic Lyne Commenting on John Hume's and Gerry Adams' Reactions to the Joint Declaration", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23120"}, {"id": 23134, "title": "Letter from John Major to Ian Paisley Regarding the Joint Declaration", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23134"}, {"id": 23143, "title": "Record of a Meeting between John Major and Party Leaders on 22 December 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23143"}, {"id": 23146, "title": "Letter from Martin Williams to David Brooker Recommending Points for Inclusion in the Private Member's Motion on Northern Ireland Scheduled for 21 January 1994", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23146"}, {"id": 23151, "title": "Note from David Brooker Enclosing a Speech for Patrick Mayhew to Make during a Private Member's Motion on Northern Ireland Scheduled for 21 January 1994", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23151"}, {"id": 23153, "title": "Record of a Meeting between John Dew and Jim Downey on 9 November 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23153"}, {"id": 23154, "title": "Record of a Meeting between John Dew and Geraldine Kennedy on 18 November 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23154"}, {"id": 23156, "title": "Note from David Brooker Enclosing the First Draft of a Speech for Patrick Mayhew To Make during a Private Member's Motion on Northern Ireland Scheduled for 21 January 1994", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23156"}, {"id": 23157, "title": "Note from Chris Maccabe to PS Patrick Mayhew Enclosing a Summary of the Latest Political Developments in Northern Ireland", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23157"}, {"id": 23174, "title": "Briefing for a Private Member's Motion on Northern Ireland Scheduled for 21 January 1994", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23174"}, {"id": 23179, "title": "Letter From Keith Jagelman to Quentin Thomas Recording Michael Ancram's Comments on and Amendments to the 15 April 1994 Draft of the Framework Agreement", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23179"}, {"id": 23184, "title": "Note from C D Kyle to Quentin Thomas Enclosing the 15 April 1994 Irish Draft of the Framework Agreement", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23184"}, {"id": 23189, "title": "15 April 1994 Irish Draft of the Framework Agreement", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23189"}, {"id": 23192, "title": "Letter from Quentin Thomas to PS Patrick Mayhew Enclosing the 15 April 1994 Irish Draft of the Framework Agreement", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23192"}, {"id": 23198, "title": "Record of a Liaison Group Meeting on 29 March 1994 at 11.00", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23198"}, {"id": 23200, "title": "1 March 1994 British Notes for a Framework Agreement Paper", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23200"}, {"id": 23201, "title": "Record of a Liaison Group Meeting on 24 February 1994", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23201"}, {"id": 23202, "title": "4 March 1994 British Draft of the Framework Agreement", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23202"}, {"id": 23206, "title": "7 March 1994 British Draft of the Framework Agreement", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23206"}, {"id": 23208, "title": "1 March 1994 British Notes for a Framework Agreement Paper", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23208"}, {"id": 23210, "title": "Letter from Martin Williams to David Cooke Offering Further Comments on the Irish Leaked Framework Document", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23210"}, {"id": 23214, "title": "Letter from David Watkins to David Cooke Regarding the Irish Leaked Framework Document: A Commentary on Textual Highlights", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23214"}, {"id": 23217, "title": "6 March 1994 British Draft of the Framework Agreement", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23217"}, {"id": 23221, "title": "Letter from David Cooke to PS Michael Ancram Enclosing the Irish Leaked Framework Document: Commentary on Textual Highlights", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23221"}, {"id": 23232, "title": "Letter from David Watkins to Quentin Thomas Regarding the Draft Paper on the Amendment of Articles 2 and 3 of the Irish Constitution", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23232"}, {"id": 23234, "title": "Letter from Quentin Thomas to Mr Williams Enclosing a Draft Paper on the Amendment of Articles 2 and 3 of the Irish Constitution", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23234"}, {"id": 23236, "title": "Letter from Quentin Thomas to David Watkins Regarding the Draft Paper on the Amendment of Articles 2 and 3 of the Irish Constitution", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23236"}, {"id": 23237, "title": "Position Paper on Amendments to Articles 2 and 3 of the Irish Constitution", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23237"}, {"id": 23238, "title": "14 October 1993 British Draft of the Framework Agreement", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23238"}, {"id": 23239, "title": "Letter from Quentin Thomas to David Watkins Regarding the Draft Paper on the Amendment of Articles 2 and 3 of the Irish Constitution", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23239"}, {"id": 23242, "title": "24 September 1993 British Draft of the Framework Agreement (Annotated Copy)", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23242"}, {"id": 23245, "title": "Record of a Liaison Group Meeting on 14 October 1993 at 11.00", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23245"}, {"id": 23249, "title": "Transcript of a Segment of Charles Haughey's Speech on Northern Ireland from 15 November 1989", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23249"}, {"id": 23260, "title": "Enclosure: Proposal for a Democratic Over-All Political and Diplomatic Strategy for Justice, Peace and Reconciliation: A Pastoral Response to the Present Conflict", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23260"}, {"id": 23261, "title": "Enclosure: Letter from Alec Reid and Raymond Murray to John Hume Enclosing the Reid/Murray Proposal", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23261"}, {"id": 23264, "title": "Memo from Danny McNeill to Anthony Pawson Summarizing a Press Article by Anthony Coughlan", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23264"}, {"id": 23287, "title": "Record of a Meeting between the Prime Minister and Archbishop Robin Eames on 18 November 1993 Enclosing JD14 with Revisions Underlined", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23287"}, {"id": 23292, "title": "Letter from Roderic Lyne to Jonathan Stephens Concerning Meeting between John Major and Jim Molyneaux on 9 November 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23292"}, {"id": 23294, "title": "Joint Declaration: JD15B as Amended on 9 December 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23294"}, {"id": 23297, "title": "Joint Declaration: JD12 as Amended to Be Shown to Jim Molyneaux (JD12A)", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23297"}, {"id": 23298, "title": "Briefing Notes on JD14 and the Alternative British Draft in Preparation for the Anglo-Irish Summit on 3 December 1993. Copy Annotated by Quentin Thomas.", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23298"}, {"id": 23304, "title": "Enclosure: Joint Declaration as Amended by the Butler/Nally Meeting on 6 October 1993 (JD11)", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23304"}, {"id": 23313, "title": "Annex B: Draft Statement on Sinn F\u00e9in's Response to the Joint Declaration", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23313"}, {"id": 23319, "title": "Letter from Jonathan Stephens to Roderic Lyne on Sinn F\u00e9in Peace Commission Report and Lines to Take on It", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23319"}, {"id": 23322, "title": "Speech by Patrick Mayhew to a Meeting of the Foreign Policy Association on 12 April 1994", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23322"}, {"id": 23328, "title": "Enclosure: Draft Article for John Major Pressuring Sinn F\u00e9in to Respond to the Joint Declaration", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23328"}, {"id": 23333, "title": "Annex A: Draft Speech by the Secretary of State", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23333"}, {"id": 23343, "title": "Record of a Telephone Conversation between Roderic Lyne and Martin Mansergh on 17 January 1994", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23343"}, {"id": 23345, "title": "Note from John Chilcot Concerning the PIRA Reaction to the Joint Declaration", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23345"}, {"id": 23348, "title": "Annex: Comparison of Basic Principles in Adams' 13 January 1994 Press Release and the Joint Declaration", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23348"}, {"id": 23352, "title": "Letter from Quentin Thomas to PS Patrick Mayhew Recording a Lunch Meeting with Se\u00e1n \u00d3 hUiginn on 12 January 1994", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23352"}, {"id": 23357, "title": "Address by Albert Reynolds to the Irish Association on 10 January 1994 at 17.30", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23357"}, {"id": 23364, "title": "Belfast Newsletter Article Written by John Major", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23364"}, {"id": 23365, "title": "Note from Andrew Wood to PS Patrick Mayhew Enclosing a Typescript of Gerry Adams' Speech on 3 January 1994", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23365"}, {"id": 23366, "title": "Letter from Jonathan Stephens to Roderic Lyne Commenting on John Hume's and Gerry Adams' Reactions to the Joint Declaration", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23366"}, {"id": 23370, "title": "Note from Tony Beeton to PS Patrick Mayhew Enclosing Joint Declaration Follow-Up Lines To Take for PMQs etc.", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23370"}, {"id": 23373, "title": "Extract from Hansard on the Joint Declaration", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23373"}, {"id": 23374, "title": "Transcript of an Interview with Ian Paisley, Joe Hendren and John Taylor for Radio Ulster Newsbreak", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23374"}, {"id": 23375, "title": "Statement by Dick Spring to the D\u00e1il Eireann on Wednesday 15 December 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23375"}, {"id": 23376, "title": "Incomplete: Extract from Draft Follow-Up Lines to Take for PMQs etc.", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23376"}, {"id": 23382, "title": "Statement by Albert Reynolds on the Joint Declaration on 15 December 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23382"}, {"id": 23383, "title": "Note from Tony Beeton to PS Patrick Mayhew Enclosing an Annotated Copy of the Final Joint Declaration (JD20)", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23383"}, {"id": 23387, "title": "Note from Jim Daniell to PS Patrick Mayhew Enclosing Draft Lines to Take on Hume/Adams and a Covering Letter for John Major", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23387"}, {"id": 23546, "title": "Enclosure: Annex C \u2013\u00a0Suggested Sequence of Events for the Joint Declaration Initiative", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23546"}, {"id": 23550, "title": "Enclosure: Annex A \u2013 Background on the Joint Declaration Initiative ", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23550"}, {"id": 23551, "title": "Enclosure: Annex B \u2013 A Brief History of the Joint Declaration Initiative ", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23551"}, {"id": 23552, "title": "Telegram From David Blatherwick Regarding a Gerry Adams Press Conference in Dublin on the 12 October 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23552"}, {"id": 23557, "title": "Enclosure: Annex D \u2013 Paragraph 4 of the Joint Declaration with British Amendments Underlined", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23557"}, {"id": 23558, "title": "Record of a Meeting between John Chilcot and Patrick Mayhew on 12 October 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23558"}, {"id": 23559, "title": "Record of a Meeting between John Chilcot and John Hume on 12 October 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23559"}, {"id": 23560, "title": "Letter from Secretary of State for Northern Ireland Patrick Mayhew to Prime Minister John Major Regarding the Joint Declaration on the 12 October 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23560"}, {"id": 23561, "title": "Enclosure: Minute from David Cooke to John Major Regarding the Joint Declaration Initiative", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23561"}, {"id": 23565, "title": "Record of a Phone Call between Quentin Thomas and Se\u00e1n \u00d3 hUiginn to Discuss JD12", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23565"}, {"id": 23566, "title": "Enclosure: Annex A - Draft Key Considerations for the Joint Declaration", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23566"}, {"id": 23567, "title": "Enclosure: Annex D \u2013\u00a0Background on the Joint Declaration Initiative ", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23567"}, {"id": 23569, "title": "Fax from John Chilcot Regarding a Meeting with the British Ambassador to the United States on 7 October 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23569"}, {"id": 23571, "title": "Enclosure: Joint Declaration as Conveyed on 8 October 1993 (JD12) ", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23571"}, {"id": 23573, "title": "Enclosure: Annex A - Key Considerations for the Joint Declaration", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23573"}, {"id": 23574, "title": "Enclosure: Annex A \u2013\u00a0Annotated Draft Minute to John Major Outlining Key Considerations for the Joint Declaration", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23574"}, {"id": 23575, "title": "Enclosure: Annotated Draft of a Brief History of the Joint Declaration Initiative ", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23575"}, {"id": 23576, "title": "Annotated Joint Declaration (JD11 \u2013 6 October 1993)", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23576"}, {"id": 23577, "title": "Memo from Quentin Thomas to Jonathan Stephens Enclosing a Record of the Butler/Nally Meeting, JD10 and JD11, Dated 7 October 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23577"}, {"id": 23578, "title": "Enclosure: Working Draft of a Minute to John Major Outlining Draft Key Considerations for the Joint Declaration", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23578"}, {"id": 23579, "title": "Enclosure: Roderic Lyne's Note of a Meeting between John Major and Patrick Mayhew on 30 September 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23579"}, {"id": 23580, "title": "Enclosure: Joint Declaration (JD10) as Passed to Robin Butler on 6 October 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23580"}, {"id": 23581, "title": "Joint Declaration (JD9) As Confirmed by the Irish Government on 1 October 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23581"}, {"id": 23582, "title": "Enclosure: Record of a Butler/Nally Meeting on 6 October 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23582"}, {"id": 23583, "title": "Enclosure: Draft Joint Declaration (JD11) Produced During the Butler/Nally Meeting on 6 October 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23583"}, {"id": 23593, "title": "Letter to Roderic Lyne Regarding a Meeting between John Major and Jim Molyneaux", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23593"}, {"id": 23594, "title": "Enclosure: Speaking Note for Meeting between John Major and Jim Molyneaux", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23594"}, {"id": 23595, "title": "Enclosure: Draft Letter to Roderic Lyne Regarding a Meeting between John Major and Jim Molyneaux", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23595"}, {"id": 23596, "title": "Enclosure: Draft Speaking Note for Meeting between John Major and Jim Molyneaux", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23596"}, {"id": 23601, "title": "Enclosure: Lines to Take for Patrick Mayhew for an Interview with the Sunday Telegraph", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23601"}, {"id": 23602, "title": "Letter from Quentin Thomas to Robin Butler Regarding a Meeting with Se\u00e1n \u00d3 hUiginn and the Joint Declaration", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23602"}, {"id": 23613, "title": "Fax from Tony Beeton to Jonathan Stephens Providing Lines to Take for Patrick Mayhew's Interview with the Sunday Telegraph", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23613"}, {"id": 23617, "title": "Enclosure: British Draft of Paragraph 4 of the Joint Declaration as Amended on 30 September 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23617"}, {"id": 23619, "title": "Enclosure: Draft Joint Declaration (JD9)", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23619"}, {"id": 23621, "title": "Enclosure: Document Providing the Background to the Joint Declaration Agreement", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23621"}, {"id": 23623, "title": "Enclosure: Record of a Meeting between Quentin Thomas and Se\u00e1n \u00d3 hUiginn on 1 October 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23623"}, {"id": 23624, "title": "Fax from Tony Beeton to Jonathan Stephens Regarding a Meeting between John Major and Jim Molyneaux", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23624"}, {"id": 23629, "title": "Letter from Jonathan Drew to John McKervill Describing the Irish Outlook on the Upcoming Summit with the British Government after a Meeting with Geraldine Kennedy", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23629"}, {"id": 23630, "title": "Letter from Jonathan Stephens to Quentin Thomas Recording 17 November 1993 Telephone Conversation with Archbishop Eames", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23630"}, {"id": 23643, "title": "Enclosure: Draft of Joint Declaration (JD14) Discussed by Jim Molyneaux and Archbishop Eames on 18 November 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23643"}, {"id": 23647, "title": "Enclosure: Alternative British Draft of the Joint Declaration", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23647"}, {"id": 23666, "title": "Enclosure: Annex A \u2013\u00a0Joint Declaration Draft (JD13)", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23666"}, {"id": 23669, "title": "Enclosure: Annex B \u2013 Alternative British Draft of the Joint Declaration (Early Beeton 12 November 1993 Draft)", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23669"}, {"id": 23674, "title": "Enclosure: Draft Passage on Northern Ireland for the Guildhall Speech on 15 November 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23674"}, {"id": 23705, "title": "Enclosure: Speaking Note for Patrick Mayhew", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23705"}, {"id": 23706, "title": "Enclosure: Letter from Albert Reynolds to John Major", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23706"}, {"id": 23708, "title": "Enclosure: Draft Joint Declaration JD15", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23708"}, {"id": 23709, "title": "Fax from Tony Beeton to Jonathan Stephens Regarding a Future Meeting between John Major and Jim Molyneaux", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23709"}, {"id": 23710, "title": "Fax from John Dew to John McKervill Regarding a Meeting with Geraldine Kennedy of the Irish Times to Discuss her Meeting with Albert Reynolds", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23710"}, {"id": 23711, "title": "Enclosure: Draft Letter by Tony Beeton for Roderic Lyne to be Signed by Jonathan Stephens Regarding a Future Meeting Between John Major and Jim Molyneaux", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23711"}, {"id": 23712, "title": "Fax from Robin Butler to Prime Minister John Major Regarding a Meeting of the Butler/Nally Group and JD15", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23712"}, {"id": 23713, "title": "Fax from Michael Ancram to Jonathan Stephens Regarding a Meeting between Michael Ancram and Jim Molyneaux on 6 December 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23713"}, {"id": 23714, "title": "Enclosure: Draft Speaking Note by Tony Beeton for John Major to Use in a Potential Future Meeting with Jim Molyneaux", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23714"}, {"id": 23715, "title": "Letter from Roderic Lyne to Jonathan Stephens Regarding a Ministerial Meeting on 23 November 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23715"}, {"id": 23716, "title": "Enclosure: Annex A: British Wording of a Draft Paragraph on Self-Determination for the Joint Declaration", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23716"}, {"id": 23717, "title": "Fax from Quentin Thomas to Robin Butler Regarding a Briefing for a Meeting of the Butler/Nally Group on 7 December 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23717"}, {"id": 23718, "title": "Record of a Meeting between Patrick Mayhew and John Hume on 2 December 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23718"}, {"id": 23720, "title": "Enclosure: Annex B: British Wording of a Draft Section on Articles Two and Three and Consent for the Joint Declaration", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23720"}, {"id": 23721, "title": "Letter from Albert Reynolds to John Major Regarding the Alternative British Draft of the Joint Declaration", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23721"}, {"id": 23726, "title": "Enclosure: Commentary on the Alternative British Draft of the Joint Declaration", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23726"}, {"id": 23727, "title": "Speaking Note for Patrick Mayhew for a Cabinet Meeting", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23727"}, {"id": 23728, "title": "Record of a Meeting between Douglas Hurd and Dick Spring on 2 December 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23728"}, {"id": 23730, "title": "Enclosure: Briefing for a Meeting of the Butler/Nally Group on 7 December 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23730"}, {"id": 23735, "title": "Enclosure: Briefing for John Major's Meeting with Jim Molyneaux", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23735"}, {"id": 23736, "title": "Enclosure: Document for John Major Regarding Developments in the Joint Declaration Initiative", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23736"}, {"id": 23737, "title": "Enclosure: Document Summarising the Progress of the Joint Declaration Initiative for a Ministerial Meeting on 23 November 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23737"}, {"id": 23738, "title": "Enclosure: Constitutional Issues Section of the Alternative British Draft of the Joint Declaration", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23738"}, {"id": 23739, "title": "Enclosure: Position Paper on Attempts to End the Violence by the Provisional IRA through Operation Chiffon or via the Joint Declaration Initiative", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23739"}, {"id": 23740, "title": "Enclosure: Alternative British Draft of the Joint Declaration (18 November 1993 Draft)", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23740"}, {"id": 23750, "title": "Enclosure: Draft Letter from Roderic Lyne to Private Secretaries of the Cabinet Regarding Finalisation of the Joint Declaration", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23750"}, {"id": 23751, "title": "Enclosure: Briefing Note \u2013 Lines to Take on the Joint Declaration in Brussels on 10 December 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23751"}, {"id": 23754, "title": "Letter from Jonathan Stephens to Roderic Lyne Regarding a Briefing Note for a Response to the Irish Government's Last Minute Negotiations", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23754"}, {"id": 23755, "title": "Letter from Roderic Lyne to Jonathan Stephens Regarding a Meeting between John Major and Albert Reynolds in Brussels on 10 December 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23755"}, {"id": 23757, "title": "Enclosure: Draft Opening Statement for John Major", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23757"}, {"id": 23759, "title": "Record of a Meeting between Roderic Lyne and Martin Mansergh, Noel Dorr and Se\u00e1n \u00d3 hUiginn on 10 December 1993 at 11.30 ", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23759"}, {"id": 23760, "title": "Enclosure: Letter from Jonathan Stephens to Roderic Lyne drafted by Quentin Thomas Regarding a Meeting Between John Major and Albert Reynolds in Brussels on 10 December 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23760"}, {"id": 23761, "title": "Enclosure: Briefing Note for the Media Response to the Joint Declaration", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23761"}, {"id": 23762, "title": "Enclosure: Annex A \u2013\u00a0Briefing Note for John Major for a Meeting with Albert Reynolds in Brussels on 10 December 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23762"}, {"id": 23763, "title": "Enclosure: Annex C \u2013\u00a0Joint Statement made by John Major and Albert Reynolds on 29 October 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23763"}, {"id": 23764, "title": "Enclosure: Annex B \u2013 Briefing Note for John Major on the Joint Declaration Text for a Meeting with Albert Reynolds in Brussels on 10 December 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23764"}, {"id": 23766, "title": "Joint Declaration Draft (JD15) with Amendments Proposed by Both Sides and Annotations in Pen from 12 December 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23766"}, {"id": 23768, "title": "Enclosure: Joint Declaration Draft (JD15) Emerging from a Meeting of the Butler/Nally Group on 7 December 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23768"}, {"id": 23770, "title": "Enclosure: Possible British Amendments to JD15", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23770"}, {"id": 23772, "title": "Enclosure: Annex A \u2013 Speaking Note for John Major when Meeting Jim Molyneaux ", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23772"}, {"id": 23773, "title": "Enclosure: Draft Paragraph for Jim Molyneaux by Michael Ancram", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23773"}, {"id": 23774, "title": "Fax from Martin Williams to Jonathan Stephens Regarding Potential Unionist Opposition to a Joint Declaration", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23774"}, {"id": 23778, "title": "Enclosure: Joint Declaration Draft (JD15) dated 7 December 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23778"}, {"id": 23779, "title": "Fax from David Fell to Jonathan Stephens Regarding the Handling Plan for the Joint Declaration", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23779"}, {"id": 23780, "title": "Enclosure: Annex A \u2013 Briefing Note for John Major for a Meeting with Albert Reynolds in Brussels on 10 December 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23780"}, {"id": 23782, "title": "Enclosure: Draft Speaking Note for Use in Brussels on 10 and 11 December 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23782"}, {"id": 23784, "title": "Enclosure: Fax from Chris Maccabe to Martin Williams Regarding Concerns over the Possible Unionist Reaction to the Joint Declaration", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23784"}, {"id": 23785, "title": "Note from Nicholas Lyell to John Major Regarding the Joint Declaration Initiative, 9 December 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23785"}, {"id": 23786, "title": " Record of a Ministerial Meeting on the Joint Declaration Initiative on 9 December 1993 at 09.00", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23786"}, {"id": 23787, "title": " Record of a Meeting between John Major, Michael Ancram and Jim Molyneaux on 9 December 1993 at 13.15", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23787"}, {"id": 23789, "title": "Enclosure: Annex B \u2013 Briefing Note for John Major on the Joint Declaration Text for a Meeting with Albert Reynolds in Brussels on 10 December 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23789"}, {"id": 23790, "title": "Enclosure: Briefing Note for the Making of the Joint Declaration", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23790"}, {"id": 23791, "title": "Letter from Jonathan Stephens to Roderic Lyne Regarding a Meeting Between John Major and Albert Reynolds in Brussels on 10 December 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23791"}, {"id": 23792, "title": "Enclosure: Joint Declaration Draft (JD15A) with British Amendments ", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23792"}, {"id": 23793, "title": "Incomplete Joint Declaration Draft (JD15) with Comments and Amendments ", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23793"}, {"id": 23794, "title": "Enclosure: Joint Declaration Draft (JD15B) with British and Irish Amendments ", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23794"}, {"id": 23795, "title": "Joint Declaration Draft (JD15) with British Proposed Amendments from 9 December 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23795"}, {"id": 23797, "title": "Enclosure: Annex A \u2013\u00a0Briefing Note for John Major for a Meeting with Albert Reynolds in Brussels on 10 December 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23797"}, {"id": 23800, "title": "Letter from Jonathan Stephens to Roderic Lyne Regarding a Meeting between John Major and Albert Reynolds in Brussels on 10 December 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23800"}, {"id": 23801, "title": "Enclosure: Possible British Amendments to JD15", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23801"}, {"id": 23802, "title": "Enclosure: Annex B \u2013 Briefing Note for John Major on the Joint Declaration Text for a Meeting with Albert Reynolds in Brussels on 10 December 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23802"}, {"id": 23805, "title": "Enclosure: Draft Paragraph for Jim Molyneaux by Michael Ancram", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23805"}, {"id": 23806, "title": "Enclosure: Joint Declaration Draft (JD15) from 7 December 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23806"}, {"id": 23807, "title": "Enclosure: Annex A \u2013 Speaking Note for John Major when Meeting Jim Molyneaux ", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23807"}, {"id": 23808, "title": "Enclosure: Minute to John Major from Patrick Mayhew Regarding Developments in the Joint Declaration Initiative", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23808"}, {"id": 23810, "title": "Enclosure: Annex A \u2013 Briefing Note for John Major for a Meeting with Albert Reynolds in Brussels on 10 December 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23810"}, {"id": 23811, "title": "Enclosure: Draft Letter from Jonathan Stephens to Roderic Lyne drafted by Quentin Thomas Regarding a Meeting between John Major and Albert Reynolds in Brussels on 10 December 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23811"}, {"id": 23813, "title": "Enclosure: Annex B \u2013 Briefing Note for John Major on the Joint Declaration Text for a Meeting with Albert Reynolds in Brussels on 10 December 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23813"}, {"id": 23814, "title": "Enclosure: Annex C \u2013 Joint Statement made by John Major and Albert Reynolds on 29 October 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23814"}, {"id": 23817, "title": "Enclosure: Joint Declaration Draft (JD15) Emerging from a Meeting of the Butler/Nally Group on 7 December 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23817"}, {"id": 23819, "title": "Fax from Robin Butler to Roderic Lyne Regarding a Meeting with Martin Mansergh on 9 December 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23819"}, {"id": 23820, "title": "Record of a Telephone Call between Roderic Lyne and Martin Mansergh on 8 December 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23820"}, {"id": 23821, "title": "Enclosure: Working Joint Declaration Draft (JD15A) with Comments and Amendments ", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23821"}, {"id": 23822, "title": "Joint Declaration Draft (JD15)", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23822"}, {"id": 23823, "title": "Joint Declaration Draft (JD15) as Considered during the Ministerial Meeting on 9 December 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23823"}, {"id": 23824, "title": "Enclosure: Joint Declaration Draft (JD15A) with British Amendments ", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23824"}, {"id": 23825, "title": "Enclosure: Joint Declaration Draft (JD15B) with British and Irish Amendments ", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23825"}, {"id": 23826, "title": "Joint Declaration Draft (JD15) with Comments and Amendments ", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23826"}, {"id": 23827, "title": "Enclosure: Joint Declaration Draft (JD15) with Comments and Amendments ", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23827"}, {"id": 23828, "title": "Enclosure: Joint Declaration Irish Draft (JD8) as Passed by Se\u00e1n \u00d3 hUiginn on 24 September 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23828"}, {"id": 23830, "title": "Enclosure: Joint Declaration Draft (JD12A) as Shown to Jim Molyneaux", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23830"}, {"id": 23833, "title": "Enclosure: Joint Declaration Irish Draft (JD12) as Conveyed on 8 October 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23833"}, {"id": 23837, "title": "Draft Contribution to John Major's Speech to the House on a Special Meeting of the European Council on 29 October 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23837"}, {"id": 23839, "title": "Letter from Roderic Lyne to Jonathan Stephens Enclosing a Text of the Brussels Joint Statement on 29 October 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23839"}, {"id": 23840, "title": "Enclosure: Text of the Joint Statement Made by Major and Reynolds on 29 October 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23840"}, {"id": 23842, "title": "Amended Draft of the 29 October 1993 Joint Statement (Annotated Copy)", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23842"}, {"id": 23845, "title": "Enclosure: Draft Joint Statement Emerging from a 29 October 1993 Meeting between John Major and Albert Reynolds", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23845"}, {"id": 23846, "title": "Enclosure: Amended Draft of the 29 October 1993 Joint Statement", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23846"}, {"id": 23848, "title": "Enclosure: Joint Statement Made by Reynolds and Major on 29 October 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23848"}, {"id": 23849, "title": "Enclosure: List of Points Emerging from 27 October 1993 Speeches in the D\u00e1il ", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23849"}, {"id": 23852, "title": "Enclosure: Six Principles Speech Made by Dick Spring during a D\u00e1il Debate on Northern Ireland on 27 October 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23852"}, {"id": 23855, "title": "Enclosure: Letter from Jonathan Stephens to Roderic Lyne on 28 October 1993 Enclosing Draft Documents for Upcoming Meeting between John Major and Albert Reynolds ", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23855"}, {"id": 23857, "title": "Enclosure: Draft Statement for John Major and Albert Reynolds", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23857"}, {"id": 23858, "title": "Enclosure: Draft Statement for John Major's Upcoming Meeting with Albert Reynolds on 29 October 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23858"}, {"id": 23859, "title": "Enclosure: Summary of Points from 27 October 1993 Speeches in the D\u00e1il by the Albert Reynolds and Dick Spring", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23859"}, {"id": 23877, "title": "Enclosure: Joint Declaration to be Shown to Jim Molyneaux [JD12A]", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23877"}, {"id": 23879, "title": "Enclosure: Annotated Copy of the Joint Declaration (JD12) for the Use of John Major ", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23879"}, {"id": 23882, "title": "Enclosure: Draft Letter from John Major to Albert Reynolds Concerning the Joint Declaration", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23882"}, {"id": 23887, "title": "Enclosure: Joint Declaration Text for Discussion by Ministers (JD12A)", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23887"}, {"id": 23888, "title": "Enclosure: Joint Declaration Draft to Show to Jim Molyneaux (JD12A)", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23888"}, {"id": 23900, "title": "Enclosure: Draft of John Major's Speech to the House on a Special Meeting of the European Council on 29 October 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23900"}, {"id": 23904, "title": "Enclosure: Draft Contribution to John Major's Speech to the House ", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23904"}, {"id": 23913, "title": "Record of Conversation between Robin Renwick and John Hume Regarding the Status of the Hume/Adams Talks", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23913"}, {"id": 23924, "title": "Record of a T\u00eate-\u00e0-T\u00eate on 16 June 1993 between John Major and Albert Reynolds Regarding the Joint Declaration", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23924"}, {"id": 23928, "title": "Record of UK-Irish Summit Working Supper on 16 June 1993 Regarding Political Development in Northern Ireland", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23928"}, {"id": 23937, "title": "Record of Press Conference Given by John Major and Albert Reynolds", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23937"}, {"id": 23938, "title": "Speaking Note for John Major for Meeting with Albert Reynolds Regarding the Joint Declaration Initiative", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23938"}, {"id": 23939, "title": "Enclosure: Speaking Note for John Major for His Meeting with Albert Reynolds Regarding the Joint Declaration Initiative", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23939"}, {"id": 23940, "title": "Speaking Notes for Anglo-Irish Talks: Northern Ireland", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23940"}, {"id": 23948, "title": "Enclosure: Talking Points for John Major's Talks with Albert Reynolds", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23948"}, {"id": 23954, "title": "Comprehensive Briefing and Talking Points for John Major's Meeting with Albert Reynolds", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23954"}, {"id": 23963, "title": "Record of a Telephone Call between Roderic Lyne and Martin Mansergh on 8 December 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23963"}, {"id": 23967, "title": "Joint Declaration \u2013 JD15B with Further Amendments", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23967"}, {"id": 23968, "title": "Enclosure: Annex A \u2013 Possible Further Amendments to JD15", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23968"}, {"id": 23972, "title": "Minute to John Major Regarding the Status of the Joint Declaration Initiative", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23972"}, {"id": 23975, "title": "Joint Declaration (JD15) \u2013\u00a0Copy with Typed Annotations", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23975"}, {"id": 23978, "title": "Enclosure: Joint Declaration (JD15)", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23978"}, {"id": 23981, "title": "Draft Minute to the Prime Minister Briefing Him on the Status of the Joint Declaration", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23981"}, {"id": 23982, "title": "Enclosure: Letter from Albert Reynolds to John Major Following the Anglo-Irish Summit", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23982"}, {"id": 23983, "title": "Record of a Meeting between Patrick Mayhew and John Hume on 2 December 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23983"}, {"id": 23986, "title": "Joint Declaration (JD15) with Handwritten Annotations", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23986"}, {"id": 23988, "title": "Joint Declaration (JD15)", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23988"}, {"id": 23989, "title": "Joint Declaration (JD15 \u2013 7 December 1993)", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23989"}, {"id": 23990, "title": "Letter from Quentin Thomas to Robin Butler Enclosing Briefing Material for a Butler/Nally Meeting on 7 December 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23990"}, {"id": 23992, "title": "Enclosure: Annex A \u2013\u00a0Alternative Language on Self-Determination", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23992"}, {"id": 23993, "title": "Enclosure: Annex B \u2013\u00a0Articles 2 & 3 and Consent", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23993"}, {"id": 23994, "title": "List of Amendments Proposed to JD14 in Dublin on 3 December 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23994"}, {"id": 23996, "title": "Enclosure: Briefing on Current British Objectives and the Text of JD14B", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23996"}, {"id": 23998, "title": "Enclosure: Joint Declaration (JD14B)", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23998"}, {"id": 24000, "title": "Record of the Afternoon Plenary Session of the Anglo-Irish Summit on 3 December 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24000"}, {"id": 24004, "title": "Record of the Resumed Plenary Session of the Anglo-Irish Summit on 3 December 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24004"}, {"id": 24005, "title": "Record of the T\u00eate-\u00e0-T\u00eate Session of the Anglo-Irish Summit on 3 December 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24005"}, {"id": 24006, "title": "Joint Declaration \u2013\u00a0JD14A as Amended by Hand in Dublin on 3 December 1993 to Become JD14B", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24006"}, {"id": 24007, "title": "Record of a Butler/Nally Meeting on 7 December 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24007"}, {"id": 24019, "title": "Enclosure: Note on the Government of Ireland Act 1920 for John Major in Advance of His Meeting with Albert Reynolds", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24019"}, {"id": 24020, "title": "Photocopy Record of Tete-\u00e0-Tete Meeting between John Major and Albert Reynolds 26 February 1992", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24020"}, {"id": 24022, "title": "Transcript of David Andrews' Interview with the Today Programme on 26 February 1992", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24022"}, {"id": 24024, "title": "Record of Tete-\u00e0-Tete Meeting between John Major and Albert Reynolds 26 February 1992", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24024"}, {"id": 24030, "title": "Telegram from David Blatherwick Regarding Dealings with the New Irish Government", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24030"}, {"id": 24039, "title": "Memo from Stephen Wall to Robin Butler Providing Instructions for the Butler-Nally Meeting on 7 February 1992", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24039"}, {"id": 24040, "title": "Memo from Stephen Wall to John Major Providing a Briefing on the Joint Declaration (JD2) and Recommending Its Rejection", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24040"}, {"id": 24046, "title": "Enclosure: Joint Declaration (JD2) with Robin Butler's Handwritten Annotations", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24046"}, {"id": 24050, "title": "Record of Meeting between Robin Butler and Dermot Nally on 7 February 1992", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24050"}, {"id": 24051, "title": "Enclosure: NIO Commentary on Joint Declaration (JD2)", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24051"}, {"id": 24062, "title": "Letter from Stephen Wall to William Fittall Regarding The Anglo-Irish Summit on 26 February 1992", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24062"}, {"id": 24064, "title": "Telegram from David Blatherwick Recording Irish Media Reactions to the Anglo-Irish Summit on 26 February 1992", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24064"}, {"id": 24066, "title": "Briefing Note from Stephen Wall to John Major for the Working Dinner with the Irish Government on 26 February 1992", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24066"}, {"id": 24067, "title": "Telegram from David Blatherwick with Pointers from Dermot Nally on Likely Taoiseach Lines at the Anglo-Irish Summit on 26 February 1992", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24067"}, {"id": 24068, "title": "Defensive Briefing on Northern Ireland", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24068"}, {"id": 24073, "title": "Record of Working Dinner Attended by the British and Irish Delegations on 26 February 1992", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24073"}, {"id": 24074, "title": "Briefing for John Major's Meeting with Albert Reynolds on 26 February 1992", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24074"}, {"id": 24090, "title": "Enclosure: Minute from Robin Butler on His Meeting with Dermot Nally on 16 December 1991 and a Note on How to Proceed Forward", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24090"}, {"id": 24101, "title": "Enclosure: Record of Meeting between Robin Butler and Dermot Nally on 16 December 1991", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24101"}, {"id": 24122, "title": "Annotated Briefing by Stephen Wall for John Major on the Points to Cover in His Meeting with Charles Haughey on 4 December 1991", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24122"}, {"id": 24155, "title": "Points to Make on Political Movement and Development for a Meeting between John Major and Albert Reynolds on 25 September 1992", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24155"}, {"id": 24184, "title": "Draft Broadcast Prefacing the Joint Declaration", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24184"}, {"id": 24186, "title": "Draft Brief for Prime Minister Q and A", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24186"}, {"id": 24188, "title": "Enclosure: Briefing Lines for the Government Whip Office", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24188"}, {"id": 24191, "title": "Enclosure: Briefing Document for the Joint Declaration", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24191"}, {"id": 24194, "title": "Enclosure: Final Joint Declaration with Some Annotations", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24194"}, {"id": 24196, "title": "Briefing Note on the Talks Process", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24196"}, {"id": 24198, "title": "Briefing Note for a Meeting between John Major and Albert Reynolds on 3 December 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24198"}, {"id": 24200, "title": "Annotated Irish Press Clipping on the Leak of a Draft Framework Document from 19 November 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24200"}, {"id": 24209, "title": "Cover Letter from Roderic Lyne to Simon Rogers Enclosing a Letter from Ian Paisley to John Major", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24209"}, {"id": 24210, "title": "Enclosure: Letter from Ian Paisley to John Major Regarding the Joint Declaration", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24210"}, {"id": 24211, "title": "Final Joint Declaration: Transcript for the Press", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24211"}, {"id": 24213, "title": "Annotated Letter from Simon Rogers to Roderic Lyne Regarding the IRA Response to the Joint Declaration", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24213"}, {"id": 24215, "title": "Enclosure: Brief for Lines to Take on the IRA Response to the Joint Declaration", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24215"}, {"id": 24228, "title": "Enclosure: Article by the Prime Minister For \"Sunday Life\" with Proposed Amendments ", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24228"}, {"id": 24233, "title": "Record of a Meeting between John Major and Jim Molyneaux on 16 December 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24233"}, {"id": 24235, "title": "Enclosure: Note of Congratulations from Roderic Lyne to Martin Mansergh", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24235"}, {"id": 24237, "title": "Enclosure: Draft Brief for Lines on the 16 December 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24237"}, {"id": 24238, "title": "Enclosure: Extracts from Public Statements about the Joint Declaration, 16 December 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24238"}, {"id": 24241, "title": "Fax From Juliet Wheldon to Robin Butler Regarding the Attorney General's Concerns over Paragraph 4", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24241"}, {"id": 24242, "title": "Enclosure: Side Letter Regarding Legal Clarity and Paragraph 4", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24242"}, {"id": 24243, "title": "Letter from Roderic Lyne to the Prime Minister Regarding a Meeting with the Taoiseach", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24243"}, {"id": 24244, "title": "Enclosure: Briefing Lines for the 16 December 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24244"}, {"id": 24246, "title": "Statement by President Bill Clinton", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24246"}, {"id": 24254, "title": "Letter from Simon Rodgers to Mark Adams Regarding a Meeting between the Prime Minister and Andrew Hunter", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24254"}, {"id": 24259, "title": "Enclosure: Briefing Note on the Joint Declaration", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24259"}, {"id": 24261, "title": "Enclosure: Text of the Joint Declaration Sent to the Bishop of Liverpool", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24261"}, {"id": 24263, "title": "Enclosure: Briefing Note on the Joint Declaration", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24263"}, {"id": 24264, "title": "Enclosure: Text of the Joint Declaration Sent to the Archbishop of Liverpool", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24264"}, {"id": 24265, "title": "Letter from Ian Paisley to John Major Outlining his Opposition to the Joint Declaration", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24265"}, {"id": 24266, "title": "Enclosure: Revised Supplementary Briefing Lines", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24266"}, {"id": 24267, "title": "Enclosure: Positive Bull Points for the Joint Declaration", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24267"}, {"id": 24268, "title": "Enclosure: Joint Declaration", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24268"}, {"id": 24273, "title": "Briefing Letter from Roderic Lyne to Cabinet Ministers on the Joint Declaration, 14 December 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24273"}, {"id": 24274, "title": "Enclosure: Joint Declaration (JD19) \u2013 14 December 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24274"}, {"id": 24277, "title": "Record of a Butler/Nally Meeting on 13 December 1993 at 15.45", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24277"}, {"id": 24278, "title": "Record of a Butler/Nally Meeting on 13 December 1993 at 18.00", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24278"}, {"id": 24279, "title": "Record of a Meeting between John Major, Michael Ancram and Jim Molyneaux on 13 December 1993 at 21.30", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24279"}, {"id": 24280, "title": "Briefing Note from Roderic Lyne to John Major Noting Jim Molyneaux's Objections, 13 December 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24280"}, {"id": 24281, "title": "Enclosure: Text of the Joint Declaration (JD20) as Sent to Ministers on 14 December 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24281"}, {"id": 24282, "title": "Record of a Phone Call between Roderic Lyne and Robin Eames on 13 December 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24282"}, {"id": 24283, "title": "Working Copy of the Joint Declaration (JD15 \u2013 7 December 1993) as Amended in the Butler/Nally Meeting on 13 December 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24283"}, {"id": 24286, "title": "Follow-up Memo from Quentin Thomas to John Major Conveying Patrick Mayhew's Comments, 12 December 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24286"}, {"id": 24287, "title": "Memo from Robin Butler to John Major Commenting on Quentin Thomas' Memo, 12 December 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24287"}, {"id": 24288, "title": "Enclosure: Joint Declaration New Paragraph 11 (Non-Paper)", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24288"}, {"id": 24289, "title": "Summary Record of Joint Declaration Meetings in Brussels on 10 and 11 December 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24289"}, {"id": 24291, "title": "Record of a Meeting between John Major and Albert Reynolds on 10 December 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24291"}, {"id": 24293, "title": "Enclosure: Record of a Meeting to Discuss the Joint Declaration on 11 December 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24293"}, {"id": 24301, "title": "Briefing Note from Jonathan Stephens to Roderic Lyne, 10 December 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24301"}, {"id": 24302, "title": "Enclosure: NIO Briefing for Discussion of the Joint Declaration on 11 December 1993 in Brussels", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24302"}, {"id": 24303, "title": "Record of a Meeting between Roderic Lyne, Se\u00e1n \u00d3 hUiginn, Martin Mansergh and Noel Dorr on 10 December 1993 at 11.30", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24303"}, {"id": 24304, "title": "Briefing Note from Roderic Lyne to John Major Outlining His Strategy for Meetings on 11 December 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24304"}, {"id": 24305, "title": "Letter from DUP MPs to John Major Opposing the Signing of Any Joint Declaration, 10 December 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24305"}, {"id": 24311, "title": "Briefing Note for a Telephone Call between John Major and Albert Reynolds on 13 December 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24311"}, {"id": 24312, "title": "Enclosure: Letter from Patrick Mayhew to John Alderdice Regarding the Joint Declaration", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24312"}, {"id": 24314, "title": "Route Map for John Major for a Meeting with James Molyneaux on 9 December 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24314"}, {"id": 24316, "title": "Briefing Letter from Jonathan Stephens to Roderic Lyne Regarding the Meeting between John Major and Albert Reynolds at the EC Summit on 10/11 December 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24316"}, {"id": 24328, "title": "Enclosure: Joint Declaration (JD15) \u2013\u00a07 December 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24328"}, {"id": 24329, "title": "Record of a Meeting between John Major, Michael Ancram and Jim Molyneaux on 9 December 1993 at 13.15", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24329"}, {"id": 24331, "title": "Record of a Ministerial Meeting on the Joint Declaration Initiative on 9 December 1993 at 09.00", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24331"}, {"id": 24333, "title": "Enclosure: Joint Declaration (JD14A) as Amended Following the Meeting with James Molyneaux on 30 November 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24333"}, {"id": 24334, "title": "Enclosure: Joint Declaration (JD15) with Annotations Highlighting Jim Molyneaux's Contribution to the Text", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24334"}, {"id": 24336, "title": "Briefing Letter from Jonathan Stephens to Roderic Lyne Regarding the Meeting between John Major and Albert Reynolds at the EC Summit on 10/11 December 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24336"}, {"id": 24340, "title": "Hand Annotated Copy of Joint Declaration (JD15B) \u2013\u00a09 December 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24340"}, {"id": 24342, "title": "Joint Declaration (JD15B) \u2013\u00a09 December 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24342"}, {"id": 24344, "title": "Enclosure: Joint Declaration (JD15B) \u2013\u00a09 December 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24344"}, {"id": 24346, "title": "Enclosure: Joint Declaration (JD15) \u2013\u00a07 December 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24346"}, {"id": 24353, "title": "Briefing Minute from Patrick Mayhew to John Major in Preparation for a Ministerial Meeting on 9 December 1993, 8 December 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24353"}, {"id": 24354, "title": "Enclosure: Joint Declaration (JD15) with Amendments Indicated", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24354"}, {"id": 24355, "title": "Enclosure: Joint Declaration (JD15) \u2013\u00a07 December 1993 with Annex A of Further Amendments Proposed by the NIO, 8 December 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24355"}, {"id": 24360, "title": "Minute from Roderic Lyne to John Major on the Joint Declaration, 7 December 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24360"}, {"id": 24361, "title": "Record of a Butler/Nally Meeting on 7 December 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24361"}, {"id": 24362, "title": "Record of a Telephone Call between Roderic Lyne and Martin Mansergh on 8 December 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24362"}, {"id": 24364, "title": "Enclosure: Joint Declaration (JD15) with Amendments Incorporated", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24364"}, {"id": 24365, "title": "Enclosure: Joint Declaration (JD15) as as prepared for the Ministerial meeting on 9 December 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24365"}, {"id": 24366, "title": "Transcript of an Interview with Albert Reynolds for Sky News, 8 December 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24366"}, {"id": 24370, "title": "Enclosure: Amendments Proposed to JD14 in Dublin on 3 December 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24370"}, {"id": 24372, "title": "Enclosure: Joint Declaration JD14B ", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24372"}, {"id": 24375, "title": "Record of Afternoon Plenary Session on 3 December 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24375"}, {"id": 24379, "title": "Enclosure: Briefing on Current British Objectives and the Text of JD14B", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24379"}, {"id": 24380, "title": "Summary of Irish Press Reactions to the Anglo-Irish Summit on 3 December 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24380"}, {"id": 24382, "title": "Comment on the Implications of the Concept of Irish Self-Determination", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24382"}, {"id": 24384, "title": "Enclosure: Record of T\u00eate-\u00e0-T\u00eate between John Major and Albert Reynolds on 3 December 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24384"}, {"id": 24386, "title": "Detailed Record of T\u00eate-\u00e0-T\u00eate Meeting between John Major and Albert Reynolds on 3 December 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24386"}, {"id": 24389, "title": "Enclosure: Record of Resumed Plenary Meeting between the British and Irish Delegations on 3 December 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24389"}, {"id": 24398, "title": "Objectives of the British Government in the Anglo-Irish Talks of 3 December 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24398"}, {"id": 24405, "title": "Brief on the Mood of the Northern Ireland Parties Regarding the Talks", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24405"}, {"id": 24406, "title": "Transcript of Joint Press Conference by John Major and Albert Reynolds on 3 December 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24406"}, {"id": 24407, "title": "Incomplete Paper with Statements by the British Government Responding to Questions on its Exchanges with the IRA", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24407"}, {"id": 24412, "title": "Briefing on the Schedule and Agenda of the Anglo-Irish Talks on 3 December 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24412"}, {"id": 24415, "title": "Briefing on Tom King's Visit to Dublin", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24415"}, {"id": 24416, "title": "Transcript of Joint Press Conference by John Major and Albert Reynolds on 3 December 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24416"}, {"id": 24420, "title": "Transcript of Joint Press Conference by John Major and Albert Reynolds on 3 December 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24420"}, {"id": 24421, "title": "Comment on the Irish Position on the Eve of the Anglo-Irish Talks on 3 December 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24421"}, {"id": 24448, "title": "Cover Letter from Simon Rogers to Alex Allan Enclosing Documents Released by Sinn F\u00e9in on 2 December 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24448"}, {"id": 24551, "title": "Memo from Robert Alston to Quentin Thomas Regarding Political Movement and PIRA Dated 30 August 1991", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24551"}, {"id": 24579, "title": "Briefing from John Chilcot for Peter Brooke's Meeting with John Major on 13 February 1991", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24579"}, {"id": 24585, "title": "Minute from Danny McNeill on Gerry Adams' Address at the Sinn F\u00e9in Ard Fheis Dated 5 February 1991", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24585"}, {"id": 24598, "title": "Note from Peter Brooke to John Major on Political Movement and PIRA Dated 30 January 1991", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24598"}, {"id": 24599, "title": "Record of Meeting between Nicholas Fenn and Dermot Nally Regarding the Political Development Talks on 28 January 1991", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24599"}, {"id": 24602, "title": "Enclosure: Draft Minute from John Chilcot to John Major Regarding Political Movement and PIRA, Subject to Peter Brooke's Approval", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24602"}, {"id": 25062, "title": "Opening statement by the British Government", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/25062"}, {"id": 25093, "title": "Draft of 'Opening statement by the British Government'", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/25093"}, {"id": 25147, "title": "Address by John Bruton at the opening of all-party negotiations on 10 June 1996", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/25147"}, {"id": 25160, "title": "British government record of meetings on 27 June 1996", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/25160"}, {"id": 25167, "title": "Internal summary record of an informal meeting on procedural guidelines and agenda on 17 June 1996 ", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/25167"}, {"id": 29750, "title": "Note from Julie Mapstone enclosing a paper on the constitutional issue by the British Government, 22 July 1996", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/29750"}, {"id": 30358, "title": "Note from Robert Crawford regarding a bilateral meeting that took place between John Bruton and John Major on 22 July, 1 July 1996", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/30358"}, {"id": 30413, "title": "News clipping of News Letter article by Roy Bradford, 19 August 1996", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/30413"}, {"id": 30415, "title": "News clipping of News Letter article by Roy Bradford, 19 August 1996", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/30415"}, {"id": 30417, "title": "Alliance submission on agenda item 2 regarding constitutional issues, 3 August 1996", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/30417"}]}, "341": {"top_level_match": "false", "id": 341, "name": "Writing Peace: Dermot Nally Collection", "items": [{"id": 23401, "title": "Joint Declaration, early draft, 29 March 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23401"}, {"id": 23407, "title": "Rough outline draft of a possible agreement", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23407"}, {"id": 23411, "title": "Briefing and speaking notes for an Anglo-Irish Diner on 9 June 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23411"}, {"id": 23413, "title": "Meeting of the Nally/Butler Group on 13 June 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23413"}, {"id": 23415, "title": "Meeting between Albert Reynolds and John Major on 16 June 1993: T\u00eate-\u00e0-T\u00eate", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23415"}, {"id": 23434, "title": "A new approach to the Northern Ireland problem?", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23434"}, {"id": 23514, "title": "Radio Ulster: Interview with Martin Smyth, 6 December 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23514"}]}, "290": {"top_level_match": "false", "id": 290, "name": "Writing Peace: Treaties and Agreements", "items": [{"id": 23701, "title": "(1973) Sunningdale Agreement", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23701"}]}, "353": {"top_level_match": "false", "id": 353, "name": "Writing Peace: The National Archives of Ireland (NAI)", "items": [{"id": 29610, "title": "Summary report of informal meetings on 1 July 1996", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/29610"}, {"id": 30542, "title": "Record of a meeting between John Bruton and John Hume on 1 November 1996", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/30542"}, {"id": 30560, "title": "SDLP proposal for the comprehensive agenda with the subjects that might be covered under each item, dated 12 September 1996", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/30560"}, {"id": 30562, "title": "Record of a meeting between Michael Ancram and the SDLP on 4 September 1996", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/30562"}, {"id": 30567, "title": "Duplicate record of a meeting between Michael Ancram and the SDLP on 4 September 1996", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/30567"}]}}
{"33": {"top_level_match": "false", "id": 33, "name": "Bilder and Doubts Over Madison's Notes", "items": [{"id": 286, "title": "25 June - Editing Pinckney's Speech?", "url": "/m2/commentary_item/286"}]}}