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Northern Ireland Brooke/Mayhew Talks 1991-1992

Writing Peace

IN THE FINAL STAGES OF EDITING A series of talks launched by Peter Brooke, Secretary of State for Northern in Ireland, which began in April 1991, and were carried on intermittently by Brooke and his successor, Patrick Mayhew, until November 1992.

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Type Document Name Status Introduced Decision
Press Statement ADOPT_PROPOSAL Tuesday, 18 June 1991 Tuesday, 18 June 1991
Business for Week Beginning 24 June ADOPT_PROPOSAL Tuesday, 18 June 1991 Tuesday, 18 June 1991
Draft Press Statement 24 June ADOPT_PROPOSAL Monday, 24 June 1991 Monday, 24 June 1991
Press Statement ADOPT_PROPOSAL Tuesday, 25 June 1991 Tuesday, 25 June 1991
Proposal to Plenary: Recommendations of the Business Committee on Interactions with the Media ADOPT_PROPOSAL Tuesday, 25 June 1991 Tuesday, 25 June 1991
Press Release ADOPT_PROPOSAL Monday, 01 July 1991 Monday, 01 July 1991
Press Statement ADOPT_PROPOSAL Wednesday, 03 July 1991 Wednesday, 03 July 1991
Press Statement - 9 March 1992 ADOPT_PROPOSAL Monday, 09 March 1992 Monday, 09 March 1992
Basis for Talks NO_OBJECTION Monday, 09 March 1992 Monday, 09 March 1992
Amended Workplan for Talks Before Election ADOPT_PROPOSAL Monday, 09 March 1992 Monday, 09 March 1992
Report of Business Committee meeting 9.3.1992 NO_OBJECTION Wednesday, 29 April 1992 Wednesday, 29 April 1992
Press Release 29 April 1992 ADOPT_PROPOSAL Wednesday, 29 April 1992 Wednesday, 29 April 1992
Press Release 5 May 1992 ADOPT_PROPOSAL Tuesday, 05 May 1992 Tuesday, 05 May 1992
Draft Press Statement ADOPT_PROPOSAL Thursday, 07 May 1992 Thursday, 07 May 1992
Press Statement ADOPT_PROPOSAL Monday, 11 May 1992 Monday, 11 May 1992
Draft Press Release 15 May 1992 ADOPT_PROPOSAL Friday, 15 May 1992 Friday, 15 May 1992
Statement from Secretary of State on Tuesday Night's Leak (15 May 1992) ADOPT_PROPOSAL Friday, 15 May 1992 Friday, 15 May 1992
Draft Press Statement ADOPT_PROPOSAL Tuesday, 19 May 1992 Tuesday, 19 May 1992
Talks Statement ADOPT_PROPOSAL Wednesday, 20 May 1992 Wednesday, 20 May 1992
Government Proposal for Further Plenaries and Meetings with Party Leaders ADOPT_PROPOSAL Wednesday, 20 May 1992 Wednesday, 20 May 1992
Press Statement 26 May 1992 ADOPT_PROPOSAL Tuesday, 26 May 1992 Tuesday, 26 May 1992
Draft Press Statement ADOPT_PROPOSAL Wednesday, 03 June 1992 Wednesday, 03 June 1992
Proposal for Sub-Committee to Continue its Work (for Plenary Meeting on 3 June) ADOPT_PROPOSAL Wednesday, 03 June 1992 Wednesday, 03 June 1992
Press Release Regarding Transition to Strands II and III ADOPT_PROPOSAL Friday, 12 June 1992 Friday, 12 June 1992
Statement to the Plenary (12 June 1992) ADOPT_PROPOSAL Friday, 12 June 1992 Friday, 12 June 1992
Opening Strand 2 Plenary Meeting (6 July 1992) ADOPT_PROPOSAL Monday, 06 July 1992 Monday, 06 July 1992
Minute of Second Plenary Meeting of Strand 2, Held in Lancaster House, London, on Tuesday 7 July 1992 ADOPT_PROPOSAL Wednesday, 08 July 1992 Wednesday, 08 July 1992
Strand 2 Plenary Media Release (7 July 1992) ADOPT_PROPOSAL Tuesday, 07 July 1992 Tuesday, 07 July 1992
Minute of Third Plenary Meeting of Strand 2 Held in Lancaster House, London, on Wednesday 8 July 1992 ADOPT_PROPOSAL Wednesday, 15 July 1992 Wednesday, 15 July 1992
Strand 2 Plenary Media Release (15 July 1992) ADOPT_PROPOSAL Wednesday, 15 July 1992 Wednesday, 15 July 1992
Plenary Timetable and Further Meeting Schedule NO_OBJECTION Wednesday, 15 July 1992 Wednesday, 15 July 1992
Minute of Fourth Plenary Meeting of Strand 2 Held at Parliament Buildings, Belfast, on Wednesday 15 July 1992 ADOPT_PROPOSAL Thursday, 16 July 1992 Thursday, 16 July 1992
Strand 2 Plenary Session Media Release (16 July 1992) ADOPT_PROPOSAL Thursday, 16 July 1992 Thursday, 16 July 1992
Minute of Fifth Plenary Meeting of Strand 2 Held at Parliament Buildings, Belfast, on Thursday 16 July 1992 ADOPT_PROPOSAL Friday, 17 July 1992 Friday, 17 July 1992
Strand 2 Plenary Session (17 July 1992) ADOPT_PROPOSAL Friday, 17 July 1992 Friday, 17 July 1992
Schedule for Future Plenary Meetings NO_OBJECTION Friday, 17 July 1992 Friday, 17 July 1992
Minute of Seventh Plenary Meeting of Strand 2 Held at Parliament Buildings, Belfast, on Wednesday 21 July 1992 ADOPT_PROPOSAL Thursday, 23 July 1992 Thursday, 23 July 1992
Strand 2 Media Release (23 July 1992) ADOPT_PROPOSAL Thursday, 23 July 1992 Thursday, 23 July 1992
Strand 2 Draft Media Release (24 July 1992) ADOPT_PROPOSAL Friday, 24 July 1992 Friday, 24 July 1992
Suggested Future Work Program 24.07.1992 ADOPT_PROPOSAL Friday, 24 July 1992 Friday, 24 July 1992
Minute of Sixth Plenary Meeting of Strand 2 Held at Parliament Buildings, Belfast, on Friday 17 July 1992 ADOPT_PROPOSAL Wednesday, 22 July 1992 Wednesday, 22 July 1992
Strand 2 Media Release (22 July 1992) ADOPT_PROPOSAL Wednesday, 22 July 1992 Wednesday, 22 July 1992
Chairman's Statement on Confidentiality ADOPT_PROPOSAL Wednesday, 22 July 1992 Wednesday, 22 July 1992
Minute of Ninth Plenary Meeting of Strand 2 Held at Parliament Buildings, Belfast, Friday 24 July 1992 ADOPT_PROPOSAL Wednesday, 02 September 1992 Wednesday, 02 September 1992
Strand 2 Media Release (2 September 1992) ADOPT_PROPOSAL Wednesday, 02 September 1992 Wednesday, 02 September 1992
Plenary Proposals Concerning Committee on Agenda Item 6 (02.09.1992) ADOPT_PROPOSAL Wednesday, 02 September 1992 Wednesday, 02 September 1992
Minute of Tenth Plenary Meeting of Strand 2 Held at Parliament Buildings, Belfast, Wednesday 2 September 1992 ADOPT_PROPOSAL Thursday, 10 September 1992 Thursday, 10 September 1992
Strand 2 Media Release (10 September 1992) ADOPT_PROPOSAL Thursday, 10 September 1992 Thursday, 10 September 1992
Committee Progress Report on Agenda Item 6 ADOPT_PROPOSAL Thursday, 10 September 1992 Thursday, 10 September 1992
Minute of Eleventh Plenary Meeting of Strand 2 Held at Parliament Buildings, Belfast, Thursday 10 September 1992 ADOPT_PROPOSAL Monday, 21 September 1992 Monday, 21 September 1992
Draft Media Release: Strand 2: Plenary Session: Day 12: 21 September 1992 ADOPT_PROPOSAL Monday, 21 September 1992 Monday, 21 September 1992
Second Progress Report on Agenda Item 6, Covering Sub-Items 2 and 3 (18-09-1992) ADOPT_PROPOSAL Monday, 21 September 1992 Monday, 21 September 1992
Press Statement ADOPT_PROPOSAL Wednesday, 19 June 1991 Wednesday, 19 June 1991
Talks Statement (19 June 1992) ADOPT_PROPOSAL Friday, 19 June 1992 Friday, 19 June 1992
Strand 2 Agenda ADOPT_PROPOSAL Friday, 19 June 1992 Monday, 06 July 1992
Secretary of State's Statement to Plenary (1 July 1992) ADOPT_PROPOSAL Wednesday, 01 July 1992 Wednesday, 01 July 1992
Sub-Committee Report (16 June 1992) ADOPT_PROPOSAL Wednesday, 01 July 1992 Wednesday, 01 July 1992
Talks Statement (1 July 1992) ADOPT_PROPOSAL Wednesday, 01 July 1992 Wednesday, 01 July 1992
Record of Plenary Meeting on 1 July at 15:52 ADOPT_PROPOSAL Wednesday, 01 July 1992 Wednesday, 01 July 1992
Joint Press Statement (30 June 1992) ADOPT_PROPOSAL Tuesday, 30 June 1992 Tuesday, 30 June 1992
Strand 3 Agenda ADOPT_PROPOSAL Tuesday, 30 June 1992 Tuesday, 30 June 1992
Type Document Name Status Introduced Decision
John Hume Opening Statement No decision Monday, 17 June 1991 -
Press Statement No decision Monday, 17 June 1991 -
UUP Opening Statement No decision Tuesday, 18 June 1991 -
Business for the Afternoon of 24 June No decision Monday, 24 June 1991 -
Workplan Item 6: General Principles and Perceived Political Realities and Requirements No decision Tuesday, 25 June 1991 -
Alliance Party Proposals for an Amended Programme No decision Tuesday, 25 June 1991 -
Checklist No decision Wednesday, 26 June 1991 -
The Requirements for a Solution: An Alliance Paper 28 June 1991 No decision Monday, 01 July 1991 -
UUP Paper of 28 June 1991 No decision Monday, 01 July 1991 -
DUP Paper of 28 June 1991 No decision Monday, 01 July 1991 -
SDLP Paper of 28 June 1991 No decision Monday, 01 July 1991 -
Workplan for Talks Before Election No decision Monday, 09 March 1992 -
Opening Remarks by Government Delegation at Plenary Session 29.4.92 No decision Wednesday, 29 April 1992 -
Alliance Party Presentation to Plenary Session 29.4.92 No decision Wednesday, 29 April 1992 -
SDLP Presentation to Plenary Session 29.4.92 No decision Wednesday, 29 April 1992 -
UUP Presentation to Plenary Session 29.4.92 No decision Wednesday, 29 April 1992 -
DUP Presentation to Plenary Session 29.4.92 No decision Wednesday, 29 April 1992 -
Northern Ireland: Options for New Political Institutions 28.4.92 No decision Tuesday, 05 May 1992 -
Alliance Party Paper on Principles of a New Framework of Government 4.5.92 No decision Tuesday, 05 May 1992 -
DUP Paper on Underlying Principles 4.5.92 No decision Tuesday, 05 May 1992 -
Political Talks: Common Principles (5 May 1992) No decision Tuesday, 05 May 1992 -
Political Talks: Realities (1 May) No decision Tuesday, 05 May 1992 -
Political Talks: Common Themes (4 May) No decision Tuesday, 05 May 1992 -
Recommendations of the Business Committee 5 May 1992 No decision Tuesday, 05 May 1992 -
Agenda - 7 May 1992 No decision Thursday, 07 May 1992 -
Agenda for 7 May and the Following Week No decision Thursday, 07 May 1992 -
Conclusions of the Identities Sub-Committee Meeting 7 May 1415 No decision Monday, 11 May 1992 -
Report from the Sub-Committee Established on 11 May No decision Monday, 18 May 1992 -
Sub-Committee Proposals 29 May 1992 18.25 No decision Monday, 01 June 1992 -
Press Release 1 June 1992 No decision Monday, 01 June 1992 -
Chairman's Opening Statement to Strand 2 No decision Monday, 06 July 1992 -
Message from the Taoiseach and the Prime Minister No decision Monday, 06 July 1992 -
Report on Progress in Strand 1 No decision Monday, 06 July 1992 -
Alliance: Opening Statement to Strand 2 No decision Monday, 06 July 1992 -
Irish Government: Opening Statement to Strand 2 No decision Monday, 06 July 1992 -
SDLP: Opening Statement to Strand 2 No decision Monday, 06 July 1992 -
British Government: Opening Statement to Strand 2 No decision Monday, 06 July 1992 -
Strand 2 Plenary Media Release (8 July 1992) No decision Wednesday, 08 July 1992 -
Minute of First Plenary Meeting of Strand 2 in Lancaster House, London, on Monday 6 July 1992 No decision Tuesday, 07 July 1992 -
DUP: Opening Statement to Strand 2 No decision Tuesday, 07 July 1992 -
UUP: Opening Statement to Strand 2 No decision Tuesday, 07 July 1992 -
SDLP: Response to Strand 2 Opening Statements No decision Friday, 24 July 1992 -
British Government: Response to Strand 2 Opening Statements No decision Friday, 24 July 1992 -
Irish Government: Response to Strand 2 Opening Statements No decision Friday, 24 July 1992 -
Alliance: Response to Strand 2 Opening Statements No decision Friday, 24 July 1992 -
DUP: Response to Strand 2 Opening Statements No decision Friday, 24 July 1992 -
UUP: Response to Strand 2 Opening Statements No decision Friday, 24 July 1992 -
Business Committee Report No decision Wednesday, 22 July 1992 -
Business Committee Report on Consideration of Agenda Item 6 (01.09.1992) No decision Wednesday, 02 September 1992 -
Alliance: Agenda Item 6 No decision Wednesday, 02 September 1992 -
British Government: Agenda Item 6 No decision Wednesday, 02 September 1992 -
DUP: Agenda Item 6 No decision Wednesday, 02 September 1992 -
Irish Government: Agenda Item 6 (1): Identity, Allegiance and Underlying Realities No decision Wednesday, 02 September 1992 -
Irish Government: Agenda Item 6 (2): Constitutional Issues No decision Wednesday, 02 September 1992 -
SDLP: Agenda Item 6 No decision Wednesday, 02 September 1992 -
UUP: Agenda Item 6 No decision Wednesday, 02 September 1992 -
British Government: Strand 2 Agenda No decision Friday, 19 June 1992 -
Irish Government: Strand 2 Agenda No decision Friday, 19 June 1992 -
Alliance: Strand 2 Agenda No decision Friday, 19 June 1992 -
SDLP: Statement to Strand 2 Agenda-Setting Meeting No decision Friday, 19 June 1992 -
SDLP: Strand 2 Agenda No decision Friday, 19 June 1992 -
DUP: Statement to Strand 2 Agenda-Setting Meeting No decision Friday, 19 June 1992 -
UUP: Statement to Strand 2 Agenda-Setting Meeting No decision Friday, 19 June 1992 -
Sub-Committee Report 10 June 1992 No decision Thursday, 11 June 1992 -
Proposal to Move to Strand II No decision Thursday, 11 June 1992 -
Talks Statement (1 July 1992) No decision Wednesday, 01 July 1992 -
Alliance: Statement to Strand Three Agenda-Setting Meeting No decision Tuesday, 30 June 1992 -
SDLP: Statement to Strand Three Agenda-Setting Meeting No decision Tuesday, 30 June 1992 -
DUP: Statement to Strand 3 Agenda-Setting Meeting No decision Tuesday, 30 June 1992 -
UUP: Statement to Strand 3 Agenda-Setting Meeting No decision Tuesday, 30 June 1992 -
Political Talks: Practical Issues Concerning Strands Two and Three No decision Tuesday, 30 June 1992 -
British Government: Strand 3 Agenda No decision Tuesday, 30 June 1992 -
Irish Government: Strand 3 Agenda No decision Tuesday, 30 June 1992 -
SDLP: Strand 3 Agenda No decision Tuesday, 30 June 1992 -
Irish Government: Strand 3 No decision Tuesday, 30 June 1992 -