Northern Ireland Brooke/Mayhew Talks 1991-1992

IN THE FINAL STAGES OF EDITING A series of talks launched by Peter Brooke, Secretary of State for Northern in Ireland, which began in April 1991, and were carried on intermittently by Brooke and his successor, Patrick Mayhew, until November 1992.

Political Structures Sub-Committee

Editor's Note: This sub-Committee was initially commissioned by the Plenary to discuss proposals for new political structures in Northern Ireland. By 26 May, the Talks have run into difficulty and the Business Committee sets a fresh agenda and terms of reference for the sub-Committee. It is asked to focus on the impasse in the Talks, and it is agreed that minutes will not be taken or papers circulated beyond the membership of the sub-Committee and the Party Leaders. As there appears to be continuity within the Committee rather than a complete reconstitution, we model the sessions from 27 May as being part of the same sub-Committee. Records for this later period are, however, more scarce since formal minutes were no longer produced.

To see the full record of a committee, click on the corresponding committee on the map below.

Committee Document Library View

The list of documents under consideration by committee: Political Structures Sub-Committee at the end of its timeline.

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Brooke/Mayhew Talks 1991-1992, Date: 12 May 1992, 10:30

Business of the Structures Sub-Committee

People: Jeremy Hanley

Last decision:

Northern Ireland Brooke/Mayhew Talks 1991-1992, Date: 12 May 1992, 10:30

The Committee agreed to proceed on this basis.

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Brooke/Mayhew Talks 1991-1992, Date: 12 May 1992, 10:30

Sub-Committee Press Release

Last decision:

Northern Ireland Brooke/Mayhew Talks 1991-1992, Date: 12 May 1992, 10:30

[Editor's Note: The press release is agreed by all parties.]

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Brooke/Mayhew Talks 1991-1992, Date: 13 May 1992, 10:35

Structures Sub-Committee Minutes SC2

People: British Government Representative

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Brooke/Mayhew Talks 1991-1992, Date: 13 May 1992, 10:35

Structures Sub-Committee Minutes SC3

People: British Government Representative

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Brooke/Mayhew Talks 1991-1992, Date: 13 May 1992, 10:35

Structures Sub-Committee Minutes SC4

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Brooke/Mayhew Talks 1991-1992, Date: 13 May 1992, 10:35

Structures Sub-Committee Minutes SC5

Last decision:

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Brooke/Mayhew Talks 1991-1992, Date: 13 May 1992, 10:35

Sub-Committee Press Release

Last decision:

Northern Ireland Brooke/Mayhew Talks 1991-1992, Date: 13 May 1992, 10:35

[Editor's Note: The press release was agreed by all parties.]

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Brooke/Mayhew Talks 1991-1992, Date: 15 May 1992, 11:35

Structures Sub-Committee Minutes SC6

Last decision:

Northern Ireland Brooke/Mayhew Talks 1991-1992, Date: 15 May 1992, 11:35

Revised versions of these minutes are attached.

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Brooke/Mayhew Talks 1991-1992, Date: 15 May 1992, 11:35

Structures Sub-Committee Minutes SC7

Last decision:

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Brooke/Mayhew Talks 1991-1992, Date: 15 May 1992, 11:35

Structures Sub-Committee Minutes SC8

Last decision:

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Brooke/Mayhew Talks 1991-1992, Date: 15 May 1992, 11:35

Structures Sub-Committee Minutes SC9

Last decision:

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Brooke/Mayhew Talks 1991-1992, Date: 15 May 1992, 11:35

Structures Sub-Committee Minutes SC10

Last decision:

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Brooke/Mayhew Talks 1991-1992, Date: 05 Jun 1992, 10:00

New Political Institutions in Northern Ireland

Last decision:

Northern Ireland Brooke/Mayhew Talks 1991-1992, Date: 05 Jun 1992, 10:00

[Editor's Note: 'The meeting agreed'.]

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Brooke/Mayhew Talks 1991-1992, Date: 08 Jun 1992, 09:00

Westminster Links Sub-Group Report

People: John Chilcot

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Brooke/Mayhew Talks 1991-1992, Date: 10 Jun 1992, 09:00

Sub-Committee Report

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Brooke/Mayhew Talks 1991-1992, Date: 10 Jun 1992, 09:00

Code of Practice

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Brooke/Mayhew Talks 1991-1992, Date: 16 Jun 1992, 18:30

Human Rights, a Bill of Rights and Cultural Expression and Diversity

Last decision:

Northern Ireland Brooke/Mayhew Talks 1991-1992, Date: 16 Jun 1992, 18:30

[Editor's Note: 'their draft reports were agreed at a full sub-Committee meeting in late afternoon'.]

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Brooke/Mayhew Talks 1991-1992, Date: 16 Jun 1992, 18:30

Financial Arrangements for New Institutions

Last decision:

Northern Ireland Brooke/Mayhew Talks 1991-1992, Date: 16 Jun 1992, 18:30

[Editor's Note: 'their draft reports were agreed at a full sub-Committee meeting in late afternoon'.]

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Brooke/Mayhew Talks 1991-1992, Date: 12 May 1992, 10:30

Papers on Institutional Structures

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Brooke/Mayhew Talks 1991-1992, Date: 27 May 1992, 10:30

Terms of Reference for Sub-Committee (26 May 1992)

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Brooke/Mayhew Talks 1991-1992, Date: 27 May 1992, 10:30

Proposals for Breaking Impasse: Go Straight to Strand II

People: SDLP Representative

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Brooke/Mayhew Talks 1991-1992, Date: 27 May 1992, 10:30

Proposals for Breaking Impasse: Robinson Approach

People: Peter Robinson

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Brooke/Mayhew Talks 1991-1992, Date: 29 May 1992, 10:30

SDLP Paper: Progressing Beyond Strand I

People: SDLP Representative

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Brooke/Mayhew Talks 1991-1992, Date: 01 Jun 1992, 12:30

The Role of a Head of Department 1 June 1992

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Brooke/Mayhew Talks 1991-1992, Date: 05 Jun 1992, 10:00

Checklist of Points Touched on in the Sub-Committee 1 June 1992

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Brooke/Mayhew Talks 1991-1992, Date: 05 Jun 1992, 10:00

HMG Papers for Sub-Committee on Finance, EC, Human Rights and Legislative Procedures

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Brooke/Mayhew Talks 1991-1992, Date: 05 Jun 1992, 10:00

HMG Code of Practice Paper

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Brooke/Mayhew Talks 1991-1992, Date: 05 Jun 1992, 10:00

HMG Westminster Links Paper

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Brooke/Mayhew Talks 1991-1992, Date: 08 Jun 1992, 09:00

Annotated Agenda for the Westminster Links Sub-Committee

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Brooke/Mayhew Talks 1991-1992, Date: 08 Jun 1992, 09:00

HMG Code of Practice Supplementary Paper

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Brooke/Mayhew Talks 1991-1992, Date: 09 Jun 1992, 09:00

Pre-Briefing for Sub-Committee Meetings on 9 June

Creator event:

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Brooke/Mayhew Talks 1991-1992, Date: 10 Jun 1992, 09:00

Alliance Paper: Weighted Majorities and Thresholds

People: Alliance Representative

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Brooke/Mayhew Talks 1991-1992, Date: 10 Jun 1992, 09:00

SDLP Paper: A Possible Form of Weighted Voting

People: SDLP Representative

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Brooke/Mayhew Talks 1991-1992, Date: 10 Jun 1992, 09:00

DUP Paper: Weighted Majorities and Thresholds

People: DUP Representative

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Brooke/Mayhew Talks 1991-1992, Date: 10 Jun 1992, 09:00

UUP Paper: Possible Safeguard Mechanisms

People: UUP Representative

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Brooke/Mayhew Talks 1991-1992, Date: 12 May 1992, 10:30

Alliance Proposals for a New System of Government

People: Seamus Close

Last decision:

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Brooke/Mayhew Talks 1991-1992, Date: 12 May 1992, 10:30

SDLP Paper 'Agreeing New Political Structures'

People: SDLP Representative

Last decision:

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Brooke/Mayhew Talks 1991-1992, Date: 13 May 1992, 10:35

UUP Paper 'Arrangements for the Internal Government and Administration of Northern Ireland'

People: UUP Representative

Last decision:

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Brooke/Mayhew Talks 1991-1992, Date: 13 May 1992, 10:35

DUP Paper 'A Sure Advance'

People: DUP Representative

Last decision:

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Brooke/Mayhew Talks 1991-1992, Date: 13 May 1992, 10:35

Report from the Sub-Committee Established on 11 May

People: British Government Representative

Last decision:

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Brooke/Mayhew Talks 1991-1992, Date: 27 May 1992, 10:30

Identifying the Obstacles

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Brooke/Mayhew Talks 1991-1992, Date: 27 May 1992, 10:30

Getting Round the Obstacles 27.05.1992 18:15

People: David Fell

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Brooke/Mayhew Talks 1991-1992, Date: 29 May 1992, 10:30

Sub-Committee Proposals 29 May 1992 18.25

People: UUP Representative DUP Representative SDLP Representative Alliance Representative

Last decision:

Northern Ireland Brooke/Mayhew Talks 1991-1992, Date: 29 May 1992, 10:30

[Editor's Note: The edited version of the report is circulated.]

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Brooke/Mayhew Talks 1991-1992, Date: 01 Jun 1992, 12:30

Checklist of Points Touched on in the Sub-Committee 1 June 1992

Last decision:

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Brooke/Mayhew Talks 1991-1992, Date: 01 Jun 1992, 12:30

New Political Institutions in Northern Ireland

Last decision:

Northern Ireland Brooke/Mayhew Talks 1991-1992, Date: 03 Jun 1992, 10:00

[Editor's Note: The paper is available to delegates at the plenary meeting.]

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Brooke/Mayhew Talks 1991-1992, Date: 05 Jun 1992, 10:00

Annotated Agenda for the Westminster Links Sub-Committee

People: British Government Representative

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Brooke/Mayhew Talks 1991-1992, Date: 05 Jun 1992, 10:00

HMG Code of Practice Supplementary Paper

People: British Government Representative

Last decision:

Last decision:

Northern Ireland Brooke/Mayhew Talks 1991-1992, Date: 08 Jun 1992, 09:00

[Editor's Note: The letters have been received at the time the minute is written on 9 June.]

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Brooke/Mayhew Talks 1991-1992, Date: 10 Jun 1992, 09:00

Sub-Committee Report 10 June 1992

Last decision:

Northern Ireland Brooke/Mayhew Talks 1991-1992, Date: 10 Jun 1992, 09:00

[Editor's Note: The compiled report is made to the Plenary meeting.]

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Brooke/Mayhew Talks 1991-1992, Date: 16 Jun 1992, 18:30

Sub-Committee Report (16 June 1992)

Last decision: