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Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue

Writing Peace

The Forum for Political Dialogue met between 1996 and 1998 in Belfast as part of the negotiations that led to the Good Friday Agreement.

Cite as: Isabel Fleming, Ruth Murray, Harriet Carter, Ian McBride and Nicholas P. S. Cole, Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Quill Project at Pembroke College (Oxford, 2024).

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People Icon164 People
Procedures Icon836 Procedures
Documents Icon204 Documents
Decisions Icon1301 Decisions

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Negotiation Statistics


11 historical records used for this dataset.


9 committees met in 207 sessions.

Average 18.82 sessions each.


Dates from Friday, 14 June 1996 to Friday, 24 April 1998.


164 people in 12 voting delegations.

Top 5 most active people are:

Summary of person events:

  • Person join icon 232 join a committee.
  • Person leave icon 10 leave a committee.
  • Person elect icon 14 elections to a position.


836 procedural motions considered.

Summary of procedural events:

  • Procedural motion icon 836 procedural motion proposed.
  • Debate motion icon 672 motions debated.


204 documents considered with 213 amendments presented.

Summary of document events:

  • Create a new document proposal 204 new documents created.
  • Document copied 205 documents passed from another committee.
  • Document amended 213 amendments to a document proposed.
  • Debate a document proposal 1240 debates on a proposal.


1301 number of decisions made.

Summary of decision made:

  • Vote adopt icon 665 proposals adopted.
  • Vote reject icon 81 proposals rejected.
  • Vote refer icon 199 proposals referred to another committee.
  • Postpone debate icon 39 debate of a proposal postponed.
  • Vote drop icon 104 proposal dropped from discussion without a formal vote.
  • Vote drop icon 12 some other decision on a proposal.

List of proposals by delegation

List of proposals by person

Writing Peace: Record of Debates in the Forum for Political Dialogue

The Forum for Political Dialogue met between 1996 and 1998 in Belfast alongside the negotiations that led to the Good Friday Agreement. The Records of Debate were originally posted on the Forum's website, which has since been archived. Lord...

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