Northern Ireland Downing Street Joint Declaration (1993)

This project models the series of formal and informal negotiations which led to the publication, in December 1993, of a declaration issued jointly by the British and Irish Governments. The Joint Declaration was a critical policy document which paved the way for a ceasefire and the entry of Sinn Féin into formal talks. It also laid out a shared set of principles – including, crucially, self-determination for the people of Ireland subject to the consent of the people of Northern Ireland – which would come to underpin the Belfast Good Friday Agreement and provide a framework for its ratification.

British Government

This committee has been created to model internal British Government documents and meetings.

To see the full record of a committee, click on the corresponding committee on the map below.

Session 21283: 1993-11-12 09:00:00

[Exact time unknown] Jonathan Stephens sent a letter to Roderic Lyne including an assessment of the present position and next steps on the Joint Declaration Initiative. Attached at Annex B was an updated version of the Alternative British Draft of the Joint Declaration (12 November Draft).

Imported Documents

Imported Amendments

Exported Documents

  • Reply from John Major to Albert Reynolds (12 November 1993) (e1078754)

Exported Amendments

Resources (17):

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Resource Items (17):

Enclosure: Alternative British Draft of the Joint Declaration (12 November 1993 Draft) - (file)

An illustrative draft statement that includes the language of JD13 with the British addition of a constitutional guarantee.

Enclosure: Alternative British Draft of the Joint Declaration (12 November 1993 Draft) - (file)

A British draft of the Joint Declaration which includes a specific reference to the constitutional guarantee, unlike the Dublin JD13. This aims to bridge the perceived gap with unionist opinion. The rest of the language is taken from JD13. One page in the middle is repeated (6 and 7 of 10 are duplicates)

Enclosure: Annex A – Joint Declaration Draft (JD13) - (file)

Draft 13 of the Joint Declaration. Includes underlining and marginal annotations.

Enclosure: Annex B – Alternative British Draft of the Joint Declaration (Early Beeton 12 November 1993 Draft) - (file)

An updated copy of the alternative British draft of the Joint Declaration, submitted by Tony Beeton for approval by Jonathan Stephens.

Enclosure: Draft Letter for 10 Downing Street Offering an Assessment of the Current Position of the Joint Declaration Initiative and Enclosing a Copy of JD13 - (file)

Letter covers the main contextual points of the Hume/Adams talks, the state of JD13 in light of Archbishop Eames's conversations with Unionists. It proposes that a text be agreed that satisfies the Irish (and potentially the PIRA through them) and Jim Molyneaux. The possibility of tabling a British draft of the Joint Declaration was also discussed.

Enclosure: Draft Passage on Northern Ireland for the Guildhall Speech on 15 November 1993 - (file)

Draft passage with annotations that reaffirms the British commitment to peace and makes strong statement that a political path is open to Sinn Fein should they renounce violence.

Enclosure: Draft Reply to Albert Reynolds' Letter of 11 November 1993 - (file)

John Major's principal concern is to maintain the united front with the Irish government decided upon at Brussels in October. He explains the difficulties that Hume/Adams poses to the JDI and reminds Reynolds that the Brussels agreement was to end violence and find a new basis for talks (with one not being conditional on the other). He also reminds Reynolds of his principal concern: not taking a line which potentially increases violence (i.e. one that is unnacceptable to the majority unionist community). He notes that the Irish side are holding up the parallel talks process, contravening the spirit of the Brussels agreement (as Major understands it).

Enclosure: Revised Draft of a Letter from John Major to Albert Reynolds - (file)

The letter has been significantly revised in light of the letter received from Reynolds in the intervening time, and the various negative reports of his attitude towards the British Government in light of their approach to the Joint Declaration.

Fax from Tony Beeton to Jonathan Stephens Enclosing a Draft Letter for Roderic Lyne Assessing the Joint Declaration Initiative - (file)

Letter from Northern Ireland Office to Jonathan Stephens at 10 Downing Street enclosing an assessment of the Joint Declaration Initiative and possible future options.

Joint Declaration: Alternative British Draft (12 November 1993 Draft) - (file)

Annex B to an unknown document. Handwritten annotation indicating 'Possible British [Test]' 'As sent to No. 10 12.11.93' A separate statement on Constitutional Issues.

Letter from John Major to Albert Reynolds in Reply to His Letter of 11 November 1993 - (file)

Major seeks to repair relationship and affirm their shared goal.

Letter from Jonathan Stephens to Roderic Lyne Enclosing an Alternative British Draft of the Joint Declaration (12 November 1993 Draft) - (file)

Although both Annex A and B are mentioned as enclosures in the fax, only Annex B is included in the documents. Focus was on the Hume/Adams talks and their impact on British policy towards the Joint Declaration Initiative. This reflects Britain's consistent concern about unionist reaction to a document that is too reminiscent of the Hume/Adams initiative. There is particular concern over the absence of explicit reference to the constitutional guarantee in JD13, which the enclosed British draft includes.

Letter from Jonathan Stephens to Roderic Lyne Regarding an Assessment of the Present Position and Next Steps on the Joint Declaration Initiative - (file)

Gives an assessment of the present position on the JDI relating to the following: Hume/Adams, JDI, testing out JD13, a British draft Joint Declaration. Encloses an illustrative draft statement that includes the language of JD13 with the British addition of a constitutional guarantee.

Letter from Robert Sawers to Roderic Lyne Including Additional Points Proposed by Douglas Hurd for the Upcoming Guildhall Speech - (file)

Additional points proposed by Douglas Hurd to be included in John Major's Speech at the Lord Mayor's Banquet on 15th November. Particular emphasis on tying together political talks and the cessation of violence (in contradiction to the Irish position).

Letter from Roderic Lyne to Jonathan Stephens Enclosing a Draft Reply to the Taoiseach - (file)

Encloses draft response from PM to Taoiseach.

Letter from Roderic Lyne to Jonathan Stephens Enclosing a Revised Draft of a Reply to Albert Reynolds and a Section of the Guildhall Speech - (file)

Letter enclosing a draft reply to Albert Reynolds and a revised passage of the Prime Minister's upcoming Guildhall speech, both for comment from the Northern Ireland office

Transcript of Downtown Radio Report by Eamon Mallie Alleging Secret Meetings between Sinn Féin and the British Government - (file)

Reports that there is evidence to corroborate a NI MP's claim that the British government have held secret talks with senior republicans, despite their outright denials of these meetings. It is alleged that these talks were cleared at the highest level. The British stuck to their line that they do not and have never spoken to those who use violence for political purposes.

Summary of events in this session:


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List of people joining the committee

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List of people elected to a position


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List of proposals amended

List of proposals copied

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List of proposals to be voted on

List of proposals debated


List of proposals adopted

List of proposals rejected

List of proposals dropped

List of proposals referred

List of postpone debate voted on

List of other proposals voted on


List of procedural motion

List of motions debated

Events (9)





Icon key

Person joining a committee

Person leaving a committee

Person elected to a position

A new document introduced

An amendment proposed

A document introduced from another committee

A revision of another document begun

Amendment imported from another committee

Proposal Debated

Drop a proposal

Refer a proposal

Adopt a proposal

Other vote (continue debate)

Reject a proposal

Postpone debate on a proposal

Procedural motion introduced

Procedural Motion Debated

Procedural motion with sub-decisions