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Original Metadata: { "Foldername": "MMW18 Confidence Building (1) Sub-Committee Minutes 1997-1998", "Filename": "MMW18_8_Summary Record Of Liaison Sub-Committee Meeting On Confidence Building Measures On 1 December 1997 At 1500", "Title": "Summary Record Of Liaison Sub-Committee Meeting On Confidence Building Measures On 1 December 1997 At 1500", "Group": "Confidence Building", "Sub-Group": "Record of a Meeting", "Year": 1997.0, "Author": "Independent Chairmen Notetakers", "Author Affiliation": "Independent Chairmen Notetakers", "Date of Meeting or Event or Enclosure": "01/12/1997", "Date of Document Creation": "09/12/1997", "Original Document Type": "Scan of Original", "Length (scanned pages)": 27.0, "Length (physical sheets)": 27.0, "Content and Contextual Information": "The fourth meeting of the Committee. Titled fourth meeting, but seems as though it is probably the third meeting as the second meeting proposes discussing Prisoners at the following meeting. If there is a meeting between, we are currently missing the record. There are two identical copies of this record with a different date in the heading (Monday 1 December or Tuesday 2 December). The date of the meeting is not specified in the Business Committee, so we are not currently clear which is correct. However, later minutes reference a meeting on 1 December, so perhaps this is most likely.", "Keywords": "Prisoners; Paramilitary Activity (Loyalist); Paramilitary Activity (Republican); Military Activity (British); Victims", "Copyright Notes": "Green", "GDPR Notes": "Green", "Explanation": null }
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