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Wednesday, 12 December 1860, at 12:00

The House of Representatives

The Road to Civil War

More members join the House. Various members present Resolutions to instruct the Committee of Thirty-Three on the slavery question.

Cite as: Erica Croft, Kiana McAllister, Annabel Harris, Lauren Davis, Elizabeth Green, Louise Navarro-Cann, Mary Nelson-Hill, Mizuki Hassell, Grace Penn, Paul Calica, Matt Rands, and Nicholas P. S. Cole, The Road to Civil War, Quill Project at Pembroke College (Oxford, 2024), Session 11907.

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Session 11907
Wednesday, 12 December 1860, at 12:00
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Membership (at session start) (228 total)
Representing 33 delegations:

Imported Documents

Imported Amendments

Exported Documents

  • Resolutions on Slavery and the Union (e 811892)
  • Joint Resolution to Amend the Constitution on the Slavery Question (e 811894)
  • Resolutions on Slavery Rights and Interstate Relations (e 811896)
  • Resolution on the Constitution and Fugitive Slave Law (e 811900)
  • Resolution on Constitutional Rights and the Federal Union (e 811902)
  • Resolution on the Protection of Domestic Slavery (e 811905)
  • Resolution on Declaring Members Out of the union (e 811907)
  • Resolution on Improving the Fugitive Slave Laws (e 811909)
  • Resolution on the Enforcement of the Fugitive Slave Clause (e 811916)
  • Resolution on the Slavery Question and Slavery Rights (e 811961)
  • Resolutions on Constitutional Slavery and Interstate Relations (e 811963)
  • Resolution on Suppression of the Armed Rebellion (e 811968)
  • Resolution on Slavery and Congressional Interference (e 811970)
  • Resolution on Amending the Fugitive Slave Law (e 811992)
  • Resolution on Sectional Controversy and Slavery (e 811998)
  • Resolution on Fugitive Slave Law (e 812000)
  • Resolutions on the State of the Union and Slavery (e 812010)
  • Memorial on the Constitutional Guarantee of Slavery (e 812025)
  • Resolution on the Payment for Rescued Fugitive Slaves (e 812090)
  • Resolution on the Enforcement of Slavery Rights (e 812092)
  • Resolutions on Executive Power and Slavery (e 812094)
  • Resolution on the Right of Property in Slaves (e 812100)
  • Resolution on a Convention of States (e 812102)

Exported Amendments

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