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The Convention

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Approved Documents (33)

Type Document Name Status Introduced Decision
Credentials for the State of New York NO_OBJECTION Friday, 25 May 1787 Friday, 25 May 1787
Credentials for the State of New Jersey NO_OBJECTION Friday, 25 May 1787 Friday, 25 May 1787
Credentials for the State of Pennsylvania NO_OBJECTION Friday, 25 May 1787 Friday, 25 May 1787
Credentials for the State of Delaware NO_OBJECTION Friday, 25 May 1787 Friday, 25 May 1787
Credentials for the State of Virginia NO_OBJECTION Friday, 25 May 1787 Friday, 25 May 1787
Credentials for the State of North Carolina NO_OBJECTION Friday, 25 May 1787 Friday, 25 May 1787
Credentials for the State of South Carolina NO_OBJECTION Friday, 25 May 1787 Friday, 25 May 1787
Credentials for the State of Massachusetts NO_OBJECTION Monday, 28 May 1787 Monday, 28 May 1787
Credentials for the State of Connecticut NO_OBJECTION Monday, 28 May 1787 Monday, 28 May 1787
Credentials for the State of Maryland NO_OBJECTION Monday, 28 May 1787 Monday, 28 May 1787
Rules and Standing Orders of the Convention ADOPT_PROPOSAL Monday, 28 May 1787 Wednesday, 22 August 1787
Letter from Gentlemen of Rhode Island NO_OBJECTION Monday, 28 May 1787 Monday, 28 May 1787
Credentials for the State of Georgia NO_OBJECTION Thursday, 31 May 1787 Thursday, 31 May 1787
Credential of William Houstoun NO_OBJECTION Friday, 01 June 1787 Friday, 01 June 1787
Credential of William Livingston NO_OBJECTION Tuesday, 05 June 1787 Tuesday, 05 June 1787
Credential of William Blount NO_OBJECTION Wednesday, 20 June 1787 Wednesday, 20 June 1787
Credential of Jonathan Dayton NO_OBJECTION Thursday, 21 June 1787 Thursday, 21 June 1787
Report of the First Committee on Representation (Amended) ADOPT_PROPOSAL Thursday, 05 July 1787 Monday, 16 July 1787
Report of the Third Committee on Representation (None) ADOPT_PROPOSAL Tuesday, 10 July 1787 Tuesday, 10 July 1787
Credentials for the State of New Hampshire NO_OBJECTION Monday, 23 July 1787 Monday, 23 July 1787
Report of the Committee on State Debts and Militia (Amended) ADOPT_PROPOSAL Wednesday, 22 August 1787 Thursday, 23 August 1787
Instructions of the Committee on Slave Trade and Navigation (None) NO_OBJECTION Friday, 24 August 1787 Wednesday, 29 August 1787
Report of the Committee on Slave Trade and Navigation (Amended) ADOPT_PROPOSAL Saturday, 25 August 1787 Wednesday, 29 August 1787
Report of the Committee on Commercial Discrimination (Amended) ADOPT_PROPOSAL Friday, 31 August 1787 Friday, 31 August 1787
Report of the Committee on Interstate Comity and Bankruptcy (Amended) ADOPT_PROPOSAL Monday, 03 September 1787 Monday, 03 September 1787
First Report of the Committee on Postponed Matters (Amended) ADOPT_PROPOSAL Monday, 03 September 1787 Monday, 03 September 1787
Second Report of the Committee on Postponed Matters (Amended) ADOPT_PROPOSAL Tuesday, 04 September 1787 Saturday, 08 September 1787
Third Report of the Committee on Postponed Matters (Amended) ADOPT_PROPOSAL Wednesday, 05 September 1787 Saturday, 08 September 1787
Resolution and Order on Costs of Convention ADOPT_PROPOSAL Wednesday, 05 September 1787 Wednesday, 05 September 1787
Letter to Congress ADOPT_PROPOSAL Wednesday, 12 September 1787 Monday, 17 September 1787
Constitution Drafted by the Committee of Style and Arrangement (Amended) ADOPT_PROPOSAL Friday, 14 September 1787 Saturday, 15 September 1787
Constitution of the United States ADOPT_PROPOSAL Monday, 17 September 1787 Monday, 17 September 1787
Resolutions of Transmittal to Congress ADOPT_PROPOSAL Monday, 17 September 1787 Monday, 17 September 1787

Draft Documents (9)

Referred Documents (20)

Type Document Name Status Introduced Decision
Additional Instructions to the Rules Committee REPORT_PROPOSAL Monday, 28 May 1787 Monday, 28 May 1787
Virginia Plan REPORT_PROPOSAL Tuesday, 29 May 1787 Tuesday, 29 May 1787
Pinckney's Plan REPORT_PROPOSAL Tuesday, 29 May 1787 Tuesday, 24 July 1787
Virginia Plan as Reported by the Committee of the Whole House (None) REPORT_PROPOSAL Wednesday, 13 June 1787 Friday, 15 June 1787
New Jersey Plan REPORT_PROPOSAL Friday, 15 June 1787 Tuesday, 24 July 1787
Proposals for the Consideration of the First Committee on Representation REPORT_PROPOSAL Monday, 02 July 1787 Monday, 02 July 1787
Proposition for the Second Committee on Representation REPORT_PROPOSAL Friday, 06 July 1787 Friday, 06 July 1787
Proposition for the Third Committee on Representation REPORT_PROPOSAL Monday, 09 July 1787 Monday, 09 July 1787
Constitution Proposed by the Committee of Detail (Amended) REPORT_PROPOSAL Tuesday, 07 August 1787 Monday, 10 September 1787
Additional Powers Proposed for the Legislature of the United States REPORT_PROPOSAL Saturday, 18 August 1787 Saturday, 18 August 1787
Proposals for the Committee on State Debts REPORT_PROPOSAL Saturday, 18 August 1787 Saturday, 18 August 1787
Proposals for the Committee on Slave Trade and Navigation REPORT_PROPOSAL Wednesday, 22 August 1787 Wednesday, 22 August 1787
Second Report of the Committee of Detail (None) REPORT_PROPOSAL Wednesday, 22 August 1787 Friday, 31 August 1787
Propositions for the Committee on Commercial Discrimination REPORT_PROPOSAL Saturday, 25 August 1787 Saturday, 25 August 1787
Propositions for the Committee on Interstate Comity and Bankruptcy REPORT_PROPOSAL Wednesday, 29 August 1787 Wednesday, 29 August 1787
Postponed Parts of the Constitution Proposed by the Committee of Detail REPORT_PROPOSAL Friday, 31 August 1787 Friday, 31 August 1787
Mason's Propositions for the Committee on Postponed Matters REPORT_PROPOSAL Friday, 31 August 1787 Friday, 31 August 1787
Instruction to Devise a Plan to Defray Costs of Convention REPORT_PROPOSAL Tuesday, 04 September 1787 Tuesday, 04 September 1787
Instruction to Prepare an Address to the People REPORT_PROPOSAL Monday, 10 September 1787 Monday, 10 September 1787
Instruction to Devise a Motion on Pardons in Cases of Treason REPORT_PROPOSAL Monday, 10 September 1787 Monday, 10 September 1787

Rules Committee

The Committee Document Library View The Committee Secretary's View

No Approved Documents to display.

Draft Documents (1)

Type Document Name Status Introduced Decision
Additional Instructions to the Rules Committee (None) No decision Monday, 28 May 1787 -

Referred Documents (2)

Committee of the Whole House

The Committee Document Library View The Committee Secretary's View

First Committee on Representation

The Committee Document Library View The Committee Secretary's View

No Approved Documents to display.

Draft Documents (1)

Referred Documents (1)

Second Committee on Representation

The Committee Document Library View The Committee Secretary's View

No Approved Documents to display.

Draft Documents (1)

Type Document Name Status Introduced Decision
Proposition for the Second Committee on Representation (None) No decision Saturday, 07 July 1787 -

Referred Documents (1)

Third Committee on Representation

The Committee Document Library View The Committee Secretary's View

No Approved Documents to display.

Draft Documents (1)

Type Document Name Status Introduced Decision
Proposition for the Third Committee on Representation (None) No decision Monday, 09 July 1787 -

Referred Documents (1)

Committee on State Debts and Militia

The Committee Document Library View The Committee Secretary's View

No Approved Documents to display.

Draft Documents (1)

Type Document Name Status Introduced Decision
Proposals for the Committee on State Debts and Militia (None) No decision Monday, 20 August 1787 -

Referred Documents (1)

Committee on Slave Trade and Navigation

The Committee Document Library View The Committee Secretary's View

No Approved Documents to display.

Draft Documents (1)

Type Document Name Status Introduced Decision
Proposals for the Committee on Slave Trade and Navigation (None) No decision Thursday, 23 August 1787 -

Referred Documents (2)

Committee on Commercial Discrimination

The Committee Document Library View The Committee Secretary's View

No Approved Documents to display.

Draft Documents (1)

Type Document Name Status Introduced Decision
Propositions for the Committee on Commercial Discrimination (None) No decision Monday, 27 August 1787 -

Referred Documents (1)

Committee on Interstate Comity and Bankruptcy

The Committee Document Library View The Committee Secretary's View

No Approved Documents to display.

Draft Documents (1)

Referred Documents (1)

Committee on Sumptuary Legislation

The Committee Document Library View The Committee Secretary's View

No Approved Documents to display.

No Draft Documents to display.

No Referred Documents to display.