Search Results

Committee: Irish Government

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources
985922 Martin Mansergh to Convey Gist of British Commentary None 0 PROCEDURE [That Martin Mansergh arrange for the gist of the British commentary to be conveyed to his interlocutor.] Dermot Nally Collection
1291288 Report JD15 to John Hume None 0 PROCEDURE [That John Hume be shown a copy of JD15 during a bilateral conversation.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)

Committee: British Government

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources
1056020 Contact with Alec Reid None 0 PROCEDURE [That McConnell should maintain phone contact with Alec Reid, but face to face contact might arouse suspicions.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1056544 Agreed Protocol for Mr McConnell's Meetings with Father Reid None 0 PROCEDURE That a protocol be agreed for Mr McConnell's meetings with Father Reid. The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1056558 Consideration of a Ceasefire Package None 0 PROCEDURE That some preliminary work should be put in hand to assess the implications for Government or possible components in any ceasefire package and that consideration should be given to ways in which pressure on the Republican movement to take a constructive route could be maximised. The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1056582 Approving Brief for John McConnell's Meeting with Alec Reid None 0 PROCEDURE That the brief for John McConnell's meeting with Alec Reid be produced for the Private Office in London by 5.00pm on Wednesday 23 August. The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1056479 The Labour Party's Stance on Northern Ireland AGENDA_ITEM 0 PROCEDURE That the Labour Party's stance on violence in Northern Ireland be discussed. The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1056491 British De-colonisation and Reactions to Violent Liberation Groups AGENDA_ITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That British de-colonisation and reactions to violent liberation groups be discussed.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1056501 Father Reid's Credentials None 0 PROCEDURE That the matter of Father Reid's credentials and status not be discussed. The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1056616 Approval of Steering Brief for Mr McConnell AGENDA_ITEM 0 PROCEDURE That it be noted SofS has approved the steering brief. The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1056664 Response to Sunday Times report that a video was circulating to refute rumours of doubts about the continuation of the armed struggle by the Provisionals AGENDA_ITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That the response to the reputedly circulating video be discussed.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1056464 John McConnell's Search for Advice About Strategy in Future Meetings With Father Reid None 0 PROCEDURE [John McConnell raised questions about Father Reid's motivations and position, and the implications of this for his use as a British contact] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1069412 Confidentiality of the Documents None 0 PROCEDURE That confidentiality be observed and that Mr McConnell pretend to be ignorant of the documents. The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1069415 Consideration of the Documents None 0 PROCEDURE That the civil servants consider what light this material sheds on the conversations Father Reid has been having with Mr McConnell. The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1070129 Action Required on Missing Paperwork None 0 PROCEDURE That Mr King should be approached about gaps in the paperwork. The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1070137 Response to Father Reid's Suggestion of Meeting with Gerry Adams None 0 PROCEDURE That a response be formulated in case Father Reid repeats the proposal to meet Gerry Adams in Armagh. The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1070796 Briefing on Northern Ireland Points for John Major's Meeting with Charles Haughey None 0 PROCEDURE [That John Major be briefed on two Northern Ireland points.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1070830 Response for Prospective Irish Proposal for Revival of the AIIC AGENDAITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That the Prime Minister respond to proposals to revive the AIIC by emphasising the British Government's commitment to the three-stranded approach and gesturing towards the Anglo-Irish Diner.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1070854 Announcement Regarding the Belfast-Dublin Railway Link AGENDAITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That John Major raise the topic of the Belfast-Dublin railway line with Charles Haughey and determine the timing for a public announcement.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1070028 Motion to Release a Joint Statement Following the Next Anglo-Irish Bilateral None 0 PROCEDURE [That the British and Irish Governments jointly release a statement using advice given by John Hume and based on Hume's discussions with Gerry Adams.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1070035 Reference to the Opportunity for Closer Cooperation in JD2 AGENDAITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That the Joint Declaration refer to the growing unity of Europe and the opportunity and obligation for closer cooperation to make the most of the opportunities for all the people of Ireland.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1070041 Motion to Include a Statement on Britain's Lack of Political or Economic Self-Interest in Northern Ireland None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Joint Declaration reiterate that Britain had no selfish economic or political interest which required it to insist on Northern Ireland remaining part of the United Kingdom.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1070044 Motion to Include a Statement Acknowledging the Right of Self-Determination for the People of Northern Ireland None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Joint Declaration incorporate a statement of acknowledgement by the Irish Government that change in the status of Northern Ireland could only happen as a result of a decision by the majority of the people of Northern Ireland.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1070045 Motion to Establish a new Irish Convention Involving all parties in North and South Ireland None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Joint Declaration mandate the creation of a new Irish Convention involving all parties in the North and the South working together for the good of all the people of Ireland.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1070046 Declaration of Refusal to Engage in Direct Talks with PIRA AGENDAITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That the British Government would not launch anything it could not publicly justify, and would not be willing to have any contact with PIRA in advance of their renouncing violence.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1068667 Request to Restrict the Circulation of JD2 None 0 PROCEDURE [That the attached draft declaration not be copied further.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1071972 Motion to Continue with the Scheduled Discussion with Dermot Nally Regarding the Future of the Joint Declaration Initiative AGENDAITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That, pending John Major's views, Dermot Nally be allowed to proceed with his visit to discuss the future of the Joint Declaration Initiative.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1073982 Note of Important Policy Objectives in Anglo-Irish Relations AGENDAITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That securing enhanced security cooperation with Ireland and negotiating favourable extradition legislation were crucial policy objectives for Britain.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1073992 Comment on the Opportunity Presented by the Appointment of Albert Reynolds as Taoiseach AGENDAITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That Albert Reynolds's appointment as Taoiseach provides the British Government with new opportunities to establish a better and more productive relationship.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
984903 Northern Ireland Office to Prepare a Commentary on JD6 and Aide-Mémoire None 0 PROCEDURE I will ask the Northern Ireland Office to prepare a commentary on the documents, which Ministers can discuss before the bilateral with the Irish. The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1066801 Consent Principle to Be Protected None 0 PROCEDURE [That the consent principle had to be protected.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1066807 Address Issues Relating to the Consequences of a Joint Declaration with the Irish Government None 0 PROCEDURE [That many questions about the consequences of making a Joint Declaration would need to be discussed with the Irish Government prior to committing to make one.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1066810 Quentin Thomas to Relay That the British Government Remains Unable to Adopt a Substantive Approach None 0 PROCEDURE [That Quentin Thomas would tell his Irish counterpart that we were not yet able to reply substantively to JD8.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1066833 Jim Molyneaux to Be Consulted on Privy Counsellor Terms None 0 PROCEDURE [That an approach should be made to the leader of the Ulster Unionist Party, Mr Jim Molyneaux, on Privy Counsellor terms.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1077948 Ministers to Retain Copies of the Joint Declaration None 0 PROCEDURE [That Ministers retain copies of the Joint Declaration with the revised paragraph 4.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1077951 NIO to Arrange for Further Copies for 18 October 1993 Meeting None 0 PROCEDURE We shall arrange to have copies available at the Prime Minister's resumed meeting with the wider group of Ministers on Monday 18 October. The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1071801 Progress Report on the JDI None 0 PROCEDURE [That Patrick Mayhew give a progress report on the Joint Declaration initiative.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1071803 PIRA Position on a Potential Ceasefire/Cessation AGENDAITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That the PIRA position on a potential ceasefire/cessation be discussed.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1071814 Need for Molyneaux's Acquiesence AGENDAITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That the joint declaration would need the support of the Taoiseach and the British Government, and the acquiescence of James Molyneaux.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1071816 Need to Take the Opportunity AGENDAITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That the consequences could be difficult if the British government were to reject the proposal outright.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1071818 Stumbling Blocks AGENDAITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That the issues with pursuing the Joint Declaration be discussed.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1071819 Postpone the Dublin Summit None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Anglo-Irish Summit on 3 December 1993 be postponed.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1071824 Meeting between John Major and Jim Molyneaux on the Alternative British Draft None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Prime Minister would have a further, entirely private, discussion with James Molyneaux M. P., to sound out his likely attitude to the form of joint statement which we were considering proposing to the Irish government as an alternative to their joint declaration.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1071831 Robin Butler and David Blatherwick to Convey Decision to Albert Reynolds with a Letter from John Major None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Cabinet Secretary meet the Taoiseach, with H. M. Ambassador, armed with a letter from the Prime Minister.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1071833 NIO to Circulate an Annotated Copy of Alternative British Draft None 0 PROCEDURE [That the NIO circulate an annotated version of the British draft joint statement.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1071837 NIO to Provide Draft Letter and Speaking Note for Meeting with Reynolds None 0 PROCEDURE [That the NIO would also provide a draft letter and speaking note for use by officials in presenting the Government's decision to the Taoiseach.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1071839 Contingency Planning for Rumours about Exchanges with Sinn Féin None 0 PROCEDURE [That further contingency work should be set in hand to refine the Government's response to stories in circulation among journalists and others in Northern Ireland about exchanges with Sinn Féin.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1108713 Update on a Meeting between Michael Ancram and Jim Molyneaux AGENDA_ITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That Michael Ancram give an update on his meeting of the previous day with Jim Molyneaux.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1108715 Update on Progress in Negotiations AGENDA_ITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That John Major and Sir Robin Butler give an update on negotiation of the Joint Declaration with the Irish government.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1287041 Proceed with the Joint Declaration if Amendments Accepted None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Government should proceed with the Joint Declaration if the amendments were accepted by the Irish Government.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1287043 Continue to Push Talks Process None 0 PROCEDURE [That the government emphasise that it would continue also to pursue vigorously the complementary process of political talks involving the constitutional parties.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1287056 NIO to Prepare Explanatory Material None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Northern Ireland Office would prepare explanatory material on the text for use with and by Ministers and Government representatives at the time the Joint Declaration was launched.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1287058 Major to Meet Molyneaux None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Prime Minister would hold a meeting later in the day with Mr. James Molyneaux, to take further soundings on the likely attitude of mainstream Unionists.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1287060 NIO to Advise on Scheduling None 0 PROCEDURE [That the NIO would submit advice on the timing of the meeting with the Taoiseach to launch the Joint Declaration.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1287063 NIO to Consult and Garner Support None 0 PROCEDURE [That public support for the Declaration be maximised through consultation with political and church leaders and others.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1287065 NIO to Develop Contingency Position None 0 PROCEDURE [That the NIO develop a contingency position to be immediately available to Ministers should PIRA reject the Joint Declaration.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1287067 Major and Mayhew to Report to Cabinet None 0 PROCEDURE [That your Secretary of State and the Prime Minister would give a general account of the state of play to Cabinet.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1287151 Put the Amendments to the Irish Government None 0 PROCEDURE [That the amendments by ministers and by Molyneaux be put to the Irish government delegation.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1316139 Report Further Amendments None 0 PROCEDURE [That Roderic Lyne bring the further amendments suggested in the minute to his meeting with Irish officials on 11 December 1993.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)

Committee: Prime Minister-Taoiseach Meetings

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources
1054902 Welcome None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Prime Minister and the Taoiseach exchange pleasantries.] Dermot Nally Collection
1054913 Maastricht Treaty AGENDA_ITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That the Prime Minister discuss his situation in relation to Parliament.] Dermot Nally Collection The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1054927 Make a Joint Declaration on Northern Ireland None 0 PROCEDURE [That the two Governments bring forward a strong statement to exercise enormous pressure on the IRA and its cohorts and allow Gerry Adams to get out.] Dermot Nally Collection The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1055098 Broaden the Remit of the Intergovernmental Conference None 0 PROCEDURE [That the remit of the Intergovernmental Conference be broadened to admit other ministers.] Dermot Nally Collection The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1069342 Broaden the Remit of the Intergovernmental Conference None 0 PROCEDURE [That the remit of the Intergovernmental Conference be extended within the limits defined by the existing framework.] Dermot Nally Collection
1055100 Return to Question of Further Bilateral Contacts at the Plenary None 0 PROCEDURE [That the question of further meetings of Ministers to discuss bilateral Anglo-Irish matters be returned to at plenary.] Dermot Nally Collection The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1055102 Nally and Butler to Consult on a Possible Joint Declaration None 0 PROCEDURE [That Nally and Butler relate together on the statement in question.] Dermot Nally Collection
1055104 Agenda for Plenary Meeting None 0 PROCEDURE [That the agenda for the plenary meeting be briefly discussed.] Dermot Nally Collection
1055131 Welcome None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Prime Minister and the Taoiseach exchange pleasantries.] Dermot Nally Collection
1055261 Violence in Northern Ireland AGENDA_ITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That violence in Northern Ireland be discussed.] Dermot Nally Collection The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1055262 Northern Ireland Talks Process None 0 PROCEDURE [That the talks process in Northern Ireland be discussed.] Dermot Nally Collection The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1055134 Hold a General Review of Anglo-Irish Relations on Northern Ireland None 0 PROCEDURE [That a general review of the whole situation in Anglo-Irish relations, including the talks, take place.] Dermot Nally Collection The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1055136 Creation of a Garda Anti-Terrorist Squad None 0 PROCEDURE [That a Garda Anti-Terrorist Squad be created dedicated wholly to anti-terrorist work.] Dermot Nally Collection The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1055137 Improved Co-operation on Finger Printing None 0 PROCEDURE [That the British and Irish Government co-operate on common automatic finger printing arrangements.] Dermot Nally Collection The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1055264 Increase in Gardai Covert Surveillance None 0 PROCEDURE [That the covert surveillance work of the Gardai be increased.] Dermot Nally Collection The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1055139 Direct Army to Gardai Radio Contact None 0 PROCEDURE [That the British and Irish Governments revisit the question of direct Army to Gardai radio contact.] Dermot Nally Collection The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1055144 Examine Ideas on Security Co-operation Further None 0 PROCEDURE [That the delegations examine some of the ideas Major mentioned on security co-operation.] Dermot Nally Collection
1055145 Hold Regular Anglo-Irish Meetings in the Margin of the European Council None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Prime Minister and the Taoiseach agree to hold regular Anglo-Irish meetings in the margins of the European Council.] Dermot Nally Collection
1055147 Fix a Date for the First Such Meeting None 0 PROCEDURE [That it be decided when the first such meeting will be held.] Dermot Nally Collection The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1055152 GATT AGENDA_ITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That GATT be discussed.] Dermot Nally Collection The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1055154 Libya AGENDA_ITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That Libya be discussed.] Dermot Nally Collection The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1071770 Exchange of Christmas Wishes and Sympathy Regarding the Firebombing in London AGENDA_ITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That Major accept Haughey's good wishes and sympathy regarding the firebombing in London.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1073927 Proposal to Set a Date and Venue for the Next Meeting None 0 PROCEDURE [That Reynolds and Major consider when and where to hold the next meeting.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1073931 Proposal to Hold Discussions on EC-related Issues None 0 PROCEDURE [That Reynolds and Major discuss EC related issues, including future financing, the CAP and enlargement.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1073936 Discussion on Political Developments in Northern Ireland AGENDA_ITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That Reynolds and Major exchange comments on the situation in Northern Ireland.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1073937 Advice on the British Government's Approach to the Internment Issue AGENDA_ITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That Major accept Reynolds's advice on the internment issue.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1073265 General Discussion on Politics AGENDAITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That a general discussion on politics commence.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1073267 Motion to Meet Twice in a Year None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Prime Minister and the Taoiseach agree to meet twice a year.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1073446 Discussion on Political Developments in Northern Ireland AGENDA_ITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That a discussion commence on the political developments in Northern Ireland.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1073471 Motion to Undertake Confidence-Building Measures in Northern Ireland None 0 PROCEDURE [That the British and Irish Governments carry out confidence-building initiatives in parallel with political talks.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1073491 Motion to Resume Discussions on the Draft Joint Declaration None 0 PROCEDURE [That the British and Irish Governments resume discussions with the aim of releasing a Joint Declaration.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1073544 Query Regarding the Appropriate Channel for Discussing Security Issues AGENDA_ITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That Albert Reynolds clarify which channel should be used to discuss security-related issues.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1073547 Proposal Regarding the Creation of Jointly-Manned Border Posts None 0 PROCEDURE [That there might be some advantage in creating joint border posts manned by the Garda and the RUC.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1073570 Query Regarding the Taoiseach's Vision for the Solution to the Problems in Northern Ireland AGENDA_ITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That Albert Reynolds clarify what sort of solution he envisaged for the problems in Northern Ireland.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1073588 Motion to Refer to Issue of the Government of Ireland Act 1920 in Front of the Press None 0 PROCEDURE [That Albert Reynolds mention to the press that the issue of the Government of Ireland Act 1920 would be discussed during the summit.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA) National Archives of Ireland
1073697 Briefing on the Status of the Three-Stranded Talks AGENDA_ITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That Peter Brooke give an account of the British Government's approach to the three-stranded talks and its prospects.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1073699 Expression of Hope that the British and Irish Governments can Expedite the Peace Process AGENDA_ITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That the British and Irish Governments be allowed to contribute to the peace efforts.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1073784 Explanation of Peter Brooke's Vision for the End Product of the Talks AGENDAITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That Peter Brooke set out what he saw as the end product of the talks.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1073790 Comment on Cooperation on Security Issues AGENDAITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That Pádraig Flynn and Brian Mawhinney provide an overview of their discussion on security issues.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1073809 Discussion on European Community Issues and the Delors package AGENDA_ITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That a discussion commence on the positions of the British and Irish Governments on EC issues, including the Delors package.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1074669 Discussion on the Postponement of the Inter-Governmental Conference AGENDAITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That Major and Reynolds talk about the political implications of the IGC.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1074753 Discussion on Recent Events on Foreign Exchanges AGENDA_ITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That Major and Reynolds have a discussion on foreign exchange controls.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1074783 Discussion on the Status of the Northern Ireland Talks None 0 PROCEDURE [That the talks in Northern Ireland had progressed, and could be accelerated with the view of reaching heads of agreement by the end of November.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1074788 Motion to Fix the Date for the Next Inter-Governmental Conference None 0 PROCEDURE [That Major and Reynolds decide on a date for the next IGC.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1074862 Debate on the Viability of Achieving Unambiguous Consensus on Constitutional Issues AGENDA_ITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That Reynolds and Major decide whether achieving unambiguous consensus on constitutional issues was viable and desirable.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1074878 Motion to Schedule the Next Inter-Governmental Conference on 6 November None 0 PROCEDURE [That the next IGC take place on 6 November.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1074894 Motion to Schedule the Next Inter-Governmental Conference for 16 November None 0 PROCEDURE [That the next IGC take place on 16 November.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1074938 Comment on Loyalist Violence AGENDA_ITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That the Reynolds and Major comment on security concerns relating to Loyalist violence.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1075009 Remark on the Status of Security Cooperation between Britain and Ireland AGENDA_ITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That the British Government was appreciative of the security cooperation between the two countries and the stance taken by Flynn.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1075102 Proposition to Use the Secretariat to Discuss Northern Ireland Issues AGENDA_ITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That during the period of IGC's inactivity, the Irish and British Governments should use the Secretariat to discuss important issues.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1075114 Proposal to Remove Permanent Vehicle Checkpoints on the Border None 0 PROCEDURE [That the British Government replace PVCs with mobile patrols.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1075140 Discussions on the Desired Outcomes of Talks as Envisioned by the Irish AGENDA_ITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That the Irish Government clarify the outcomes they anticipated out of the negotiations.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
985367 Comment on Opinion Poll Ratings of World Leaders AGENDA_ITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That the rating of different world leaders in opinion polls be discussed.] Dermot Nally Collection
985371 Unemployment, Aer Lingus, and Political Issues AGENDA_ITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That various things be discussed.] Dermot Nally Collection
985511 Update on Northern Ireland None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Taoiseach provide an update on Northern Ireland.] Dermot Nally Collection
985513 Talks AGENDA_ITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That the talks be discussed.] Dermot Nally Collection
985526 Include John Chilcot in the Negotiating Team None 0 PROCEDURE [That John Chilcot be brought into the negotiating team.] Dermot Nally Collection
985527 Role of John Hume AGENDA_ITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That the Hume/Adams talks be discussed.] Dermot Nally Collection
985530 Include Seán Ó hUiginn in the Negotiating Team None 0 PROCEDURE [That John Chilcot and Seán Ó hUiginn be brought into the negotiating team.] Dermot Nally Collection
985533 Negotiate on JD6 None 0 PROCEDURE [That JD6 should be developed into a joint declaration to be made by both governments.] Dermot Nally Collection
1070597 Taoiseach to Obtain Archbishop Eames' Assessment of JD12 None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Irish delegation try the present draft of the Joint Declaration on Archbishop Eames in confidence and obtain his assessment.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1070603 Discuss Next Steps on 27 and 29 October None 0 PROCEDURE [That next steps be discussed between the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland and the Tanaiste on 27 October, and between the Prime Minister and the Taoiseach on 29 October.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1070624 Neither Government to Brief Hume None 0 PROCEDURE [That neither Government give Mr Hume any indication of the point which discussions have reached.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1070630 Brief the PIRA after Meeting in Brussels on 29 October 1993 None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Provisionals would have to know that the Joint Declaration had been rejected.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1078945 Butler/Nally Meeting on 10 November 1993 AGENDAITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That the Butler/Nally meeting on 10 November 1993 be discussed.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA) The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1078956 Negotiate on JD13 None 0 PROCEDURE [That JD13 be taken as a basis for discussion and the opportunity for peace be seized.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA) The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1078961 Unionist Attitudes to a Joint Declaration AGENDA_ITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That Unionist attitudes to the Joint Declaration be discussed.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA) The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1078963 Possibility of a Unilateral Irish Statement AGENDA_ITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That the Taoiseach would go it alone if he had to.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA) The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1078964 Consider Offering Sinn Féin Entry to Talks in Exchange for a PIRA Cessation None 0 PROCEDURE [That the best deal might be one which accepted PIRA/Sinn Féin into the dialogue in exchange for a cessation of violence.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1078970 Use the Joint Declaration to Smoke Out the PIRA None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Taoiseach consider the possibility of using the rejection of the Joint Declaration to smoke out the PIRA.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1078975 PIRA Ceasefire to Precede Joint Declaration None 0 PROCEDURE [That PIRA be persuaded to stop fighting before a Joint Declaration was made.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1078998 British Concern Over Indirect Negotiation with PIRA AGENDA_ITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That Roderic Lyne suggest that British Ministers could not be in the position of bargaining through the Irish Government with Sinn Fein/PIRA.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1079000 Accusations of Hostile Press Briefings AGENDAITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That the Irish government take the British government to task over hostile press briefings.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1072072 Opening Remarks None 0 PROCEDURE [That the delegations exchange greetings.] Dermot Nally Collection
1072075 Robin Butler to Set Out British Government Position None 0 PROCEDURE [That Sir Robin Butler set out the position for him.] Dermot Nally Collection
1072081 Revelation of British Government Contacts with PIRA AGENDA_ITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That Robin Butler report ongoing British government contacts with the PIRA and the fact that the messages were about to leak.] Dermot Nally Collection
1072082 Molyneaux's Veto on British Government Policy AGENDAITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That Molyneaux's role in British government policy in view of Parliamentary arithmetic be discussed.] Dermot Nally Collection
1072085 British Misreading of Situation in Northern Ireland AGENDAITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That the question of whether the British government was misreading the situation in Northern Ireland be discussed.] Dermot Nally Collection
1072099 Taoiseach's Dissatisfaction with Brussels Summit AGENDAITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That the Taoiseach was not happy with the use which had been made of the Brussels Summit.] Dermot Nally Collection
1072102 Leak of Irish Draft Framework Document AGENDAITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That the leak of the Irish draft framework document be discussed.] Dermot Nally Collection
1072111 Probability of Continued Violence AGENDAITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That the probability of continued PIRA violence be acknowledged.] Dermot Nally Collection
1072117 Patrick Mayhew's Position on the Peace Process AGENDAITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That Patrick Mayhew's position on the peace process be questioned.] Dermot Nally Collection
1072118 British Mistakes AGENDAITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That British mistakes be discussed.] Dermot Nally Collection
1072122 Negotiate on JD14 None 0 PROCEDURE [Were they saying the text was dead in the water?] Dermot Nally Collection
1072125 Need for an Explicit Recognition of New Constitutional Position AGENDAITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That it would not be possible to achieve a solution either without such a change in balance or without its being explicit.] Dermot Nally Collection
1072126 Unionist Fears AGENDAITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That Unionist concerns be discussed.] Dermot Nally Collection
1072131 Cancel the Anglo-Irish Summit None 0 PROCEDURE [That there would be no need for a summit if there was no work to be done.] Dermot Nally Collection
1072141 British to Report to John Major None 0 PROCEDURE [That the British delegation report the position to the Prime Minister.] Dermot Nally Collection
1074886 Objective: Lasting Cessation of Violence None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Taoiseach agree that the first common objective was a lasting cessation of violence.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA) Dermot Nally Collection, The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1074887 Objective: Lasting Political Settlement None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Taoiseach agree that the second common objective was a lasting political settlement.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA) Dermot Nally Collection, The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1074891 Need to Carry Both Sides None 0 PROCEDURE [That both sides of the community be carried.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA) Dermot Nally Collection, The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1074899 Need for Agreement to Be Politically Viable None 0 PROCEDURE [That an agreement would need to be politically viable for both governments.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA) Dermot Nally Collection, The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1074902 Acknowledgement of Recent Difficulties None 0 PROCEDURE [That things had not gone well in recent days.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1074919 Separate Governmental Peace Initiative from Hume/Adams None 0 PROCEDURE [That it would be useful to emphasise that he and the Taoiseach had embarked on their objective from the time of their first meeting at Downing Street – well before the Hume/Adams dialogue.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA) Dermot Nally Collection, The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1074952 Press Briefing by the Irish Government AGENDA_ITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That the British government was very frustrated by the Irish government's press briefing.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA) Dermot Nally Collection, The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1075240 British Government Frustration at American Intervention AGENDAITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That American intervention be discussed.] Dermot Nally Collection
1074987 Irish Contacts with Loyalist Paramilitaries AGENDAITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That Irish government contacts with Loyalist paramilitaries via Reverend McGee be discussed.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA) Dermot Nally Collection
1074989 Irish Contacts with PIRA AGENDAITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That the Irish report on their contacts with the PIRA and their assessment of their position.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA) Dermot Nally Collection, The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1075027 Do Not Negotiate on Final Joint Declaration with the PIRA None 0 PROCEDURE [That any agreed document could not be negotiable with PIRA.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1075053 Discuss and Amend the Joint Declaration after Lunch None 0 PROCEDURE [That the two delegations meet collectively after lunch to go paragraph by paragraph through the draft Joint Declaration.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA) Dermot Nally Collection, The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1075320 Identify Remaining Points of Difference in Brussels Next Week None 0 PROCEDURE [That the remaining points of difference be identified in Brussels next week.] Dermot Nally Collection
1075548 Assessment of Current PIRA Attitudes towards a Ceasefire AGENDA_ITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That both delegations give their assessments of the prospects for an end to PIRA violence.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1075602 Position of Loyalist Paramilitaries AGENDAITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That the position of the Loyalist paramilitaries be discussed.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1076139 Take Time to Assess the Possibility of a Cessation None 0 PROCEDURE [That time be taken to get a sense of the mood surrounding a possible cessation of violence.] Dermot Nally Collection The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1076146 Agree a Text Today None 0 PROCEDURE [That a text be agreed today.] Dermot Nally Collection
1076293 Adjournment for Half an Hour None 0 PROCEDURE Let's adjourn for half an hour. Dermot Nally Collection
1076928 Continue the Meeting until Agreement Is Reached None 0 PROCEDURE [That this meeting continue for as long as it takes to reach an agreement.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1076930 Commission Officials to Work on the Text Next Week None 0 PROCEDURE [That officials be commissioned to meet next week and report back.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1076931 Success Unattainable None 0 PROCEDURE [That attempts to agree on a text be abandoned.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1076938 Unilateral Irish Statement AGENDAITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That the possibility of a unilateral Irish statement be raised.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1076941 Unilateral British Statement AGENDAITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That the possibility of a unilateral British statement be raised.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1076942 Press Line to Take None 0 PROCEDURE [That there be no further negative briefing or attribution of blame.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1310623 Dissatisfaction with the Morning's Negotiations AGENDA_ITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That the Taoiseach express his dissatisfaction with the morning's negotiations and the line taken by Roderic Lyne.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1310641 Political Constraints on John Major AGENDA_ITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That the Prime Minister describe the difficult political environment he was facing.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1310670 Maintain Confidentiality None 0 PROCEDURE [That both sides stick closely to the agreed press line and not reveal details unattributably.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1310673 Report of Agreement on Procedural Details None 0 PROCEDURE [That the procedural agreements reached during the meeting be reported back to both sides.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)

Committee: Anglo-Irish Liaison Group

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources
977373 Ancram Talks AGENDA_ITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That progress on the Ancram round of talks be discussed.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
977374 Assurances of Confidentiality None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Irish delegation assure the confidentiality of discussion on the Ancram round.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
977381 Barry White Interview AGENDA_ITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That the Barry White interview be discussed.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
977387 Any Use of Papers Must Be Agreed by Both Governments None 0 PROCEDURE [That the British government agree that the work done together would not be used by either government with others without explicit agreement by both governments.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1050636 Irish Paper to Follow ASAP None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Irish would let the British side have their comments on the paper in good time, whether in the form of specific amendments or a new paper.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1050638 Next Meeting on 14 October 1993 None 0 PROCEDURE [That the liaison group hold their next meeting on 14 October 1993.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1050639 Next Meeting Planned for London (TBC) None 0 PROCEDURE [That the group plan to meet in London, although the meeting could be held in either country.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1050798 UUP Position on Sinn Féin AGENDAITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That the official UUP line on talks with Sinn Féin be discussed.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1050799 Irish Government Contact with UUP AGENDAITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That the possibility of Irish Government contact with Molyneaux and the UUP be discussed.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1051132 Next Meeting at 10.20 on 21 October 1993 None 0 PROCEDURE [That Liaison Group should next meet at 10.20am on 21 October in Dublin.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1050936 Irish Draft of the Framework Document AGENDAITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That the absence of ministerial authority to table the Irish draft be acknowledged.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1050939 Confidentiality AGENDAITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That the issue of confidentiality and leaks be discussed.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1050942 Taoiseach's Bodenstown Speech AGENDAITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That the Taoiseach's recent Bodenstown speech be discussed.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1050943 Parliamentary Debate on Northern Ireland AGENDAITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That various items of debate on Northern Ireland in the Westminster Parliament be discussed.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1050948 IGC Handling Plan AGENDAITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That an IGC handling plan be discussed.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1051015 Consider Request by Gerry Adams for Meeting with IFI Chairman None 0 PROCEDURE [That both delegations consider Gerry Adams' request for a meeting with the IFI chairman.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1051017 Provide the Chairman with a Dual Briefing and Let Him Decide None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Chairman of the IFI be provided with a dual briefing from the British and Irish sides whilst making it clear that the ultimate decision would be for him to take.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1051018 Allow Chairman to Choose between Joint Oral Briefing and Letter None 0 PROCEDURE [That it be ascertained whether the Chairman would prefer a joint oral briefing or a letter.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1051021 Joint Briefing of the Commission and European Parliament None 0 PROCEDURE [That the British and Irish Governments prepare a joint briefing for the European Commission and Parliament on the Sinn Féin Office in Brussels.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1051023 Return to Joint Briefing Discussion when Appropriate None 0 PROCEDURE [That the two sides should return to this subject later when more was known about whether there was anything in it.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)

Committee: Butler-Nally Meetings

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources
1069599 Motion to Restrict Disclosure of Information Regarding the Joint Declaration Initiative AGENDA_ITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That the number of people involved in the discussions on the Joint Declaration be limited in number.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1069604 Assertion that the Irish Government Relied Solely on John Hume for Information about PIRA AGENDA_ITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That the Irish Government only source for information about the motives and state of PIRA was the conversations between John Hume and Gerry Adams.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA) The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1069619 Suggestion to Incorporate a Confirmation that a Change in Northern Ireland's Status Requires the Consent of Its People AGENDA_ITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That the Joint Statement confirm that the status of Northern Ireland would only change with the consent of the people of Northern Ireland.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1069624 Proposal to Establish a New Irish Convention to Encourage Dialogue between Parties from Across Ireland AGENDA_ITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That a convention be established where all parties could work together to make most of the opportunities for all the people of Ireland.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA) The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1290137 Robin Butler to Receive a Copy of JD2 None 0 PROCEDURE [That a copy of JD2 be left with Robin Butler for him to report back to the British government delegation.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1072460 Motion to Temporarily Halt the Joint Declaration Initiative None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Joint Declaration Initiative be brought to a halt until the new Taoiseach is in office and after the conclusion of the British General Elections.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1072486 Expressing Conditional Interest in the Joint Declaration Solely Contingent on the Renunciation of Violence None 0 PROCEDURE [That the British Government would only advance with the Joint Declaration Initiative if it lead to a secure and deliverable renunciation of violence.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1072502 Expression of Confidence in Political Talks Involving the Unionist Perspective AGENDAITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That the British Government believed that engaging in substantive talks that involved Unionist parties was the best way forward.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1072663 Expression of Hope for Irish Government's Support Given the Seriousness of the Security Situation in Northern Ireland AGENDA_ITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That the Irish Government offer support to the British Government in light of the serious security situation in Northern Ireland.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
985321 Irish Government Contacts AGENDA_ITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That Nally reassure Butler regarding Irish Government contact with men of violence.] Dermot Nally Collection
985325 Talks AGENDA_ITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That Nally reassure Butler regarding the importance of the Talks.] Dermot Nally Collection
985326 Articles 2 & 3 AGENDA_ITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That Nally state the Irish Government position on Articles 2 & 3.] Dermot Nally Collection
985343 Role of John Hume AGENDA_ITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That the role of John Hume in the process be discussed.] Dermot Nally Collection
985904 Not a Drafting Session AGENDA_ITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That the British government was unable to draft or negotiate on JD6.] Dermot Nally Collection Dermot Nally Collection
985572 Confidentiality AGENDA_ITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That the strictest confidentiality be observed.] Dermot Nally Collection Dermot Nally Collection
985573 Irish Government Not Representing the IRA None 0 PROCEDURE [That everyone acknowledge that the Irish Government was not negotiating on behalf of the IRA.] Dermot Nally Collection Dermot Nally Collection
988229 Integrate the Joint Declaration with Strand 3 AGENDA_ITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That the Joint Declaration might be integrated with Strand 3.] Dermot Nally Collection
988230 Managing the Unionist Response AGENDA_ITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That ways of managing the unionist response to a Joint Declaration be discussed.] Dermot Nally Collection
988257 British Government to Move from Their Position to Secure a Ceasefire None 0 PROCEDURE [That a cessation could only be secured with some genuine movement on the British side.] Dermot Nally Collection
985851 Report on the Meeting AGENDA_ITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That the delegations discuss how the meeting might be presented.] Dermot Nally Collection
985875 Convey Objections None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Irish convey to their interlocutors the sense of the British commentary.] Dermot Nally Collection
985854 Timing AGENDA_ITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That timing be discussed.] Dermot Nally Collection Dermot Nally Collection
985855 Hold a Further Meeting between Parliamentary Recess and Butler's Holidays None 0 PROCEDURE [That a further meeting might be envisaged between Parliamentary recess and Butler's holidays.] Dermot Nally Collection
986105 Proceed with JD6 None 0 PROCEDURE [That the British suggest amendments to JD6.] Dermot Nally Collection
986097 Maastricht Vote AGENDA_ITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That recent circumstances at Westminster be discussed.] Dermot Nally Collection Dermot Nally Collection
986098 Select Committee AGENDA_ITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That the idea of a select committee be discussed.] Dermot Nally Collection
986121 Suggest Amendments to JD6 Now None 0 PROCEDURE [That the British delegation suggest amendments to JD6.] Dermot Nally Collection Dermot Nally Collection
986131 Irish Government to Continue Drafting None 0 PROCEDURE It would be easier if the Irish Government did the drafting. Dermot Nally Collection
986280 Thomas to Elaborate on JD6 None 0 PROCEDURE [That Quentin Thomas elaborate in great detail in relation to the text.] Dermot Nally Collection Dermot Nally Collection
986284 British Government to Confirm that Positive Reaction from Unionism Cannot Be Expected None 0 PROCEDURE [That the British government confirm that active unionist approval would not be a filter for future developments.] Dermot Nally Collection
986287 Hold a Further Meeting on 10 September 1993 None 0 PROCEDURE [That a further meeting take place in London on Friday, 10th September.] Dermot Nally Collection John Alderdice Collection
990007 Confidentiality AGENDA_ITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That the confidentiality of the initiative be discussed.] Dermot Nally Collection
990016 Possible Review Meeting on 7 October 1993 None 0 PROCEDURE [That they would consult later about a further meeting of the Butler-Nally group around 7 October 1993 to review matters.] Dermot Nally Collection
1049730 Brief Molyneaux on the Joint Declaration on a Privy Council Basis None 0 PROCEDURE [That they float the idea of a Joint Declaration by Molyneaux on a privy-Council basis if the present exercise resulted in a text which Ministers could accept.] Dermot Nally Collection Dermot Nally Collection, The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1049533 Coordinate Presentation of Joint Declaration None 0 PROCEDURE [That if agreement were reached, machinery would need to be put in place to ensure compatible replies be given by both Governments to the various difficult questions which would arrive.] Dermot Nally Collection The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1049540 Possibility of IRA Split AGENDA_ITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That the possibility of a split in the IRA be discussed.] Dermot Nally Collection The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1069260 Leave the Brooke Text as Originally Pronounced None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Brooke text be left as it had been pronounced, omitting both the word "political" and the proposed addition.] Dermot Nally Collection
1049777 Both Sides to Consider the New Text and Consult via Thomas-Ó'hUiginn None 0 PROCEDURE [That both sides consider the new text and consult via Thomas/O hUiginn very shortly as to whether it was thought useful for the Taoiseach to use that text as the basis for further exploration with intermediaries. ] Dermot Nally Collection Dermot Nally Collection, The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1049780 Taoiseach to Formally Convey Text to Prime Minster None 0 PROCEDURE [That, if that process proved successful, the Taoiseach write to the Prime Minister and send him the text so that he be formally seized of it.] Dermot Nally Collection The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1069473 Need for Close Consultation in the Event of a Failure to Agree a Text None 0 PROCEDURE [That there would be need for close consultation if it became clear at any point that the JDI would not prosper.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1069481 Loyalist Violence AGENDA_ITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That the possibility of an increase in Loyalist violence be discussed.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1049782 Iron Out Problems at European Council and Hold Anglo-Irish Summit in November None 0 PROCEDURE [That the European Council at the end of October give cover for substantive discussion between the Heads of Government and the Joint Declaration then issue from an Anglo-Irish Summit to be held in November.] Dermot Nally Collection The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1069485 Put an Agreed Text to HMG Only If a Temporary Ceasefire Had Been Established with PIRA None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Irish Government consider the proposal that if the initiative reached the point where the Taoiseach put a text to the Provisionals might he do it on the basis that he would, assuming the text was accepted by the Provisionals, put it to HMG only if a ceasefire had already taken effect.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1049514 Law Society Debate AGENDA_ITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That the proposed Law Society debate in Dublin be discussed.] Dermot Nally Collection The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1051941 British Delegation to Be Led by Chilcot and Thomas None 0 PROCEDURE [That, as far as textual matters went, Butler would leave the running to Mr. Chilcot and Mr. Thomas.] Dermot Nally Collection Dermot Nally Collection
1070978 Necessity of Action before the Anglo-Irish Summit None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Irish delegation urge the necessity of action in advance of the Anglo-Irish summit, scheduled for 3 December 1993.] Dermot Nally Collection The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1070981 Commitment to the Joint Declaration as a Proposal None 0 PROCEDURE [That the British delegation give a firm indication that the proposal was "on" in principle, so that they could go on to properly address the drafting.] Dermot Nally Collection Dermot Nally Collection, The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1070996 Distancing the Declaration from Hume/Adams But Not Hume AGENDA_ITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That the Joint Declaration be distanced from the Hume/Adams demarche without abandoning Hume.] Dermot Nally Collection The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1071011 Consider Alternative Options None 0 PROCEDURE [That all possibilities be considered.] Dermot Nally Collection Dermot Nally Collection, The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1071012 British to Confirm Their Refusal Unchanged by Brussels Summit None 0 PROCEDURE [That the British delegation formally confirm that the basic message to be conveyed to the Irish Government was that the Brussels Summit had not changed in any way the message which had earlier been conveyed by Butler to Dublin.] Dermot Nally Collection The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1071017 Fallout from a Failure to Agree a Text AGENDAITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That damage and damage limitation be discussed.] Dermot Nally Collection The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1071022 British Delegation to Confirm Whether or Not They Had Briefed Molyneaux None 0 PROCEDURE [That the British delegation confirm whether or not they had shown any version of the Joint Declaration to Molyneaux.] Dermot Nally Collection Dermot Nally Collection, The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1071034 Irish Government to Submit a Framework Paper None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Irish Government indicate whether they would, as indicated, be submitting a framework paper.] Dermot Nally Collection The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1071040 British Government to Get in Touch If Necessary None 0 PROCEDURE [That a meeting could be organised at the shortest notice.] Dermot Nally Collection Dermot Nally Collection, The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1080830 Not Issue Joint Declaration in Brussels None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Brussels meeting would not be an appropriate time to issue a finalised Joint Declaration.] Dermot Nally Collection The National Archives of the UK (TNA), The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1080835 Downplay the Brussels Meeting to Avoid Speculation None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Brussels meeting be kept short to avoid giving the impression of difficulties.] Dermot Nally Collection The National Archives of the UK (TNA), The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1093659 All Amendments ad Referendum None 0 PROCEDURE [That all amendments to the text be ad referendum to the Prime Minister and the Taoiseach.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA) The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1093673 Irish Government Contacts with Reverend Magee AGENDA_ITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That the Irish Government involve the reverend Magee.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1339608 British to Drop Objection to 'as of right' None 0 PROCEDURE [That if paragraphs 10-12 are agreed and the British delegation receive confirmation that the Joint Declaration is to be a political rather than legal statement they will drop their objection to the 'as of right' clause.] Dermot Nally Collection The National Archives of the UK (TNA)

Committee: Informal British-Irish Bilaterals

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources
986445 Chilcot to Confirm Butler-Nally Meeting on 4 August 1993 None 0 PROCEDURE [That he endeavour to confirm a meeting on 4th August for a further Nally-Butler meeting.] Dermot Nally Collection
986449 Talks AGENDAITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That the talks be discussed.] Dermot Nally Collection
986450 Select Committee AGENDA_ITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That a select committee be discussed.] Dermot Nally Collection
986451 Meeting Between Dick Spring and Patrick Mayhew in September None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Tanaiste and Mr. Mayhew should have a full discussion, possibly on a one-to-one basis in the meeting envisaged in early September.] Dermot Nally Collection
986452 Hold a Summit in October None 0 PROCEDURE [That the next Summit might take place in October rather than December.] Dermot Nally Collection
990245 Hume/Adams Talks AGENDA_ITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That the Hume/Adams talks be discussed.] Dermot Nally Collection
990255 Prisoners AGENDA_ITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That the issue of prisoners be discussed.] Dermot Nally Collection
990256 Mayhew's Family Background AGENDA_ITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That small talk be made.] Dermot Nally Collection
1048963 Thomas to Discuss the Text in Detail None 0 PROCEDURE [That Thomas discuss the revised text of JD8 in detail.] Dermot Nally Collection
1048964 Note that Thomas is Acting in a Personal Capacity None 0 PROCEDURE [That it be noted that Thomas had no formal clearance to discuss drafting changes.] Dermot Nally Collection
1048975 Proceed with the Declaration None 0 PROCEDURE [That they to get on with the Declaration and seek to finalise it and realise its objectives as quickly as possible, without seeking to integrate it fully into the various other dimensions of the problem.] Dermot Nally Collection
1048976 Seek to Integrate the Declaration with the Talks Process None 0 PROCEDURE [That they seek to integrate the declaration with the talks process since the issue of 'constitutional balance' is fundamental to both.]] Dermot Nally Collection
1049115 Negotiate Informally on JD8 None 0 PROCEDURE [That Thomas go through the paragraph 4 text of JD8 and offer textual suggestions on an informal basis.] Dermot Nally Collection
1049153 Further Consultation on 1 October 1993 None 0 PROCEDURE [That Thomas and Ó hUiginn agree to consult privately in the margin of the Liaison Group meeting as to whether to reconvene the Butler/Nally Group to discuss JD8 or to address further British difficulties.] Dermot Nally Collection The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1049155 Keep the Declaration Secret from the Liaison Group None 0 PROCEDURE [That the drafting of the Declaration should be kept out of the Liaison Group.] Dermot Nally Collection
1049159 Managing the Unionist Response AGENDA_ITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That ways of managing the unionist response to a Joint Declaration be discussed.] Dermot Nally Collection
1049163 DUP 'Breaking the Logjam' Paper AGENDA_ITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That the DUP paper be discussed.] Dermot Nally Collection
1066731 Not Talking to Terrorists None 0 PROCEDURE [That the position be maintained that the Governments would not talk to terrorists.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1053780 British Delegation to Respond by Friday None 0 PROCEDURE [That the British delegation respond through Quentin Thomas in the margins of the Liaison Group on Friday.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1061672 Hurd to Give His View on the Joint Declaration Initiative None 0 PROCEDURE [That Spring hear how the Foreign Secretary saw things before hand.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1061680 Timing AGENDA_ITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That the timing of intergovernmental contacts be discussed and the importance of seizing the opportunity be emphasized.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1067250 Hold a Butler/Nally Meeting Next Week None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Butler/Nally group meet the following week, subject to agreement on dates.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1068292 Maintain and Build on the Relationship between the Two Governments None 0 PROCEDURE [That at the end of these exchanges, whether they led to the declaration being made or not, relationships between the two Governments be enhanced and at least not damaged.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1077925 Taoiseach to Highlight the Urgency of the Situation to the Prime Minister None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Taoiseach seek to speak to the Prime Minister.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1077920 Include an Explicit Reference to the Constitutional Guarantee None 0 PROCEDURE [The one point on which I thought the British side might insists was the need for some more explicit reference to the constitutional guarantee.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1077922 Fallout in the Event of Failure AGENDAITEM 0 PROCEDURE [Unless the Joint Declaration be brought to fruition it would be difficult for the Governments to remain aligned.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1078039 Taoiseach's Reaction to British Government Position AGENDAITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That Seán Ó hUiginn give his assessment of the Taoiseach's reaction to the British government briefing by Robin Butler.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1078040 Consequences for the PIRA of Government Failure to Agree a Joint Declaration AGENDAITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That the possible consequences of the failure to agree a joint declaration on the PIRA be discussed.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1078042 Irish Government to Show JD12 to Archbishop Eames None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Irish government privately and confidentially sound out Archbishop Eames and show him the Joint Declaration text.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1078045 Accept the Probable Transience of a PIRA Cessation None 0 PROCEDURE [That Ó hUiginn accept that a Loyalist backlash would make it difficult for the PIRA to sustain any cessation.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1078047 Irish Government to Issue a Unilateral Statement AGENDAITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That the possibility of the Irish government issuing a unilateral declaration be discussed.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1078048 Leak of Joint Declaration Text AGENDAITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That the possibility of the leaking of versions of the Joint Declaration text be discussed.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1078050 Exclusion Order against Gerry Adams AGENDAITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That the exclusion order against Gerry Adams be discussed.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1078052 Appeal to US Intervention AGENDAITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That the possibility of various different appeals for US intervention in the situation be discussed.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1078058 Briefing of John Hume and PIRA on British Government Rejection of the Joint Declaration AGENDAITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That the timing of the briefing of John Hume and the PIRA on the British government rejection of the Joint Declaration be discussed.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1078061 Alternatives to the Joint Declaration Including Possible Speech None 0 PROCEDURE [That certain positions from the Joint Declaration could be articulated by the British government in further speeches.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1078339 Joint Declaration Initiative to Smoke Out PIRA and Potentially Secure Peace None 0 PROCEDURE [That PIRA be smoked out on their attitude to a peace formula.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1078342 Agree a Joint Declaration by 3 December 1993 Summit None 0 PROCEDURE [That the question of peace be got out of the way by the time of the Summit on 3 December 1993.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1078346 Negotiate on JD13 None 0 PROCEDURE [That HMG give their general blessing to JD13 as a basis for discussion, but without commitment.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1078350 Split Hume from Adams None 0 PROCEDURE [That Hume needed to be split from Adams in the event of a failure to agree a text.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1078352 PIRA Issues with JD12 None 0 PROCEDURE [That the PIRA position on JD12 be discussed.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1078371 Irish Draft Framework Paper AGENDA_ITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That the British government express frustration over the Irish government's continued refusal to present a draft Framework paper to the Liaison Group.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1071267 Irish Government Avoidance of Talks Based on Understanding That Molyneaux Has a Veto AGENDAITEM 0 PROCEDURE [The Irish government view is that all decisions on Northern Ireland, whether related to the JDI or the Talks, are subject to Molyneaux's approval.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1078432 Spring to Affirm His Support for Showing JD13 to Molyneaux None 0 PROCEDURE [That Spring confirm that he considered that the latest draft of the Joint Declaration should be shown to Mr Molyneaux.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1078433 Confirm Whether JD13 Would Be Acceptable to the PIRA None 0 PROCEDURE [That Spring confirm whether he was confident that the latest draft would be acceptable to the PIRA.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1078434 Spring to Acknowledge Necessity for Constitutional Guarantee None 0 PROCEDURE [That Spring acknowledge that the British delegation had repeatedly emphasised the need for a reference to the constitutional guarantee.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1078519 Molyneaux's Position AGENDAITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That Molyneaux's position be discussed.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1078520 HMG to Put Pressure on Molyneaux to Respond Positively None 0 PROCEDURE [That HMG put some pressure on Molyneaux to respond more positively to Spring, and accept that there was scope for a peace process which would not threaten Unionists.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1107466 Constitutional Guarantee in Second Paragraph None 0 PROCEDURE [That the constitutional guarantee be reiterated in the second, rather than the fourth, paragraph.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1107962 Notice of a New Irish Government Final Paragraph AGENDA_ITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That the Irish government would draft and propose a new "high sounding" final paragraph.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1107537 Notification of Further British Amendments AGENDA_ITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That further unspecified British amendments be referred to.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1107538 Report on a Meeting between Martin Mansergh and Roy Magee AGENDA_ITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That Martin Mansergh report on a meeting between himself and Reverend Roy Magee.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1107539 Notification of a Meeting between Albert Reynolds, John Hume and Seamus Mallon AGENDA_ITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That Martin Mansergh notify Roderic Lyne of a meeting between the Taoiseach and the SDLP.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1107540 Meeting between John Major and John Hume None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Prime Minister also speak to Hume.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1107542 Ask John Hume to Stop Attacking the Proposal for a Select Committee None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Irish government ask John Hume to stop attacking the proposal for a Select Committee, as it could help Unionist MPs to accept a Joint Declaration.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1107545 Confidentiality AGENDA_ITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That confidentiality be discussed.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1288858 Report to the Dáil None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Taoiseach might leave three or four days before reporting to the Dáil, perhaps on 21 December 1993.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1288860 Report on Irish Bilateral with John Hume None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Irish had had a talk with Hume, which had gone very well, and they thought that there was a good prospect that Hume would be supportive.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1288888 Motion to Report Amendments Back None 0 PROCEDURE [That the amendments given notice of during the meeting be reported back to their respective delegations.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1291350 Discuss the Pending Amendments to JD15 None 0 PROCEDURE [That the pending amendments to JD15 be discussed.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1308118 Motion to Report JD15 Back None 0 PROCEDURE [That JD15 be reported back as amended.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1311017 Aim to Finalise Text None 0 PROCEDURE [That the aim be to achieve the maximum degree of agreement on the text so that it could be put to the Prime Ministers over the weekend and launched on Wednesday.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1316174 Address Minor Issues First None 0 PROCEDURE [That the meeting deal first with a list of points which did not seem to present major difficulties.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA) The National Archives of the UK (TNA), CAIN Web Service
1316135 Accept Current 4(5) and Finalise the Text None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Irish delegation would be ready to discuss other parts of the text if the Irish side's formulation for 4(5) were accepted.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1316152 Trade on Paragraph 4 None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Irish amendments to the first sentence be accepted on condition that the second sentence remain unchanged and the fifth sentence be agreed.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1316843 Report Amendments Made During Brussels None 0 PROCEDURE [That the amendments made during the Brussels meetings be reported back to both delegations.] Dermot Nally Collection

Committee: Anglo-Irish Intergovernmental Conference: Plenary Sessions

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources
989713 Talks AGENDA_ITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That the three-stranded Talks process be discussed.] Dermot Nally Collection
989754 Maastricht Vote AGENDA_ITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That the Maastricht vote and the concept of a UUP deal be discussed.] Dermot Nally Collection
989759 US Peace Envoy AGENDA_ITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That the idea of a US Peace Envoy to Northern Ireland be discussed.] Dermot Nally Collection
989762 Loyalist Paramilitary Threat to the Republic AGENDA_ITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That the loyalist paramilitary threat to the Republic of Ireland be discussed.] Dermot Nally Collection
1078311 Continue Work on the Joint Declaration Initiative None 0 PROCEDURE [That the two Governments reflect further on the Joint Declaration initiative in parallel with the political Talks.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1078315 Separate the Joint Declaration Initiative from Hume/Adams None 0 PROCEDURE [That Mr Hume not be left swinging in the wind, but without tainting the document which the two Governments might produce with the whiff of Hume/Adams.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1078323 Reassure Hume in Private to Restrain Him in Public None 0 PROCEDURE [That Hume needed a formula through which he could see the process developing in order to be helpful in his public stance.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)

Committee: British-Hume Bilaterals

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources
1069905 No Strategic Interest Speech None 0 PROCEDURE That the Secretary of State make a speech stating that the British government has no strategic interest in Northern Ireland at a time to be agreed with the SDLP leader. The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1055879 Have a meeting later in the week. None 0 PROCEDURE I therefore suggested... that we needed to have a further word about all this: the fuller conversation may take place later this week The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1101430 Hume to discuss the strategy with the leader of the opposition None 0 PROCEDURE That Hume should talk to Mr Kinnock about the proposed meeting. The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1101433 Update on Redemptorist activity None 0 PROCEDURE That Hume report news from the Redemptorists. The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1101436 Use of 'human bombs' by the PIRA None 0 PROCEDURE That Hime report on the use of "human bombs" was viewed within the Provisional movementThat Hume report on how The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1093580 Simultaneous Referendums North and South AGENDA_ITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That simultaneous referendums be held North and South on any new agreement.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1048074 Hume/Adams Talks AGENDA_ITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That the Hume/Adams talks be discussed.] Dermot Nally Collection
1048511 Self-Determination AGENDA_ITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That the concept of self-determination be discussed.] Dermot Nally Collection
1048512 Decommissioning AGENDA_ITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That the issue of decommissioning be raised.] Dermot Nally Collection
1048513 Talks AGENDA_ITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That the talks process be discussed.] Dermot Nally Collection
1048514 Hume to Assist in the Drafting of JD6 None 0 PROCEDURE [That Hume be allowed to sort out any difficulty related to the wording of a declaration.] Dermot Nally Collection
1048516 Chilcot to Fix a Time to Meet with Hume to Discuss JD6 None 0 PROCEDURE [That Mr. Chilcot fix a time to discuss JD6 with Hume.] Dermot Nally Collection
1066717 Possibility of a Ceasefire AGENDAITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That the possibility of a ceasefire be discussed.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1078101 Line to Take on Meeting None 0 PROCEDURE [That John Hume and John Chilcot, together with Mr Wood, agree a line to take if news of the meeting were to emerge in the press.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1078104 Hume to Confirm No New Text in Hume/Adams Report None 0 PROCEDURE [That Hume confirm that what he had said to the Taoiseach yesterday in preparation for the meeting of the Irish Cabinet today was no more that a repetition and continuation of his Joint Declaration initiative. There were no hidden aspects to it and there was no new text.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1078127 Confirm Next Steps on the Joint Declaration None 0 PROCEDURE [That the next steps on the Joint Declaration initiative be confirmed.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1078132 Fallout in the Event of Failure AGENDAITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That the consequences of a failure to agree a Joint Declaration be discussed.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1078134 Cross-Community Support for Peace AGENDAITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That the cross-community support for peace and John Hume's initiative be discussed.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1078135 US Intervention AGENDAITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That the possibility of US intervention in the situation be discussed.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1078203 Irish Contacts with the PIRA AGENDAITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That the efficacy of Irish intermediaries with the PIRA be discussed.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1078204 Patrick Mayhew's Speech to the House of Commons on 25 October 1993 AGENDAITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That Patrick Mayhew's speech to the House of Commons on Monday 25 October 1993 be discussed.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA) Editorial
1078205 Assassination Attempts AGENDAITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That John Hume discuss attempts on his life.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1078211 Gerry Adams' Interview with the BBC on Sunday AGENDAITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That Hume highlight certain elements of Gerry Adams' interview with the BBC on Sunday 24 October 1993.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1078264 Private Conversation between Hume and Mayhew or Major None 0 PROCEDURE [That John Hume have a private conversation with the Secretary of State or the Prime Minister.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1078265 Confidentiality AGENDAITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That the confidentiality of any meetings on the Hume/Adams initiative be discussed.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1078268 Possible Speech by Mayhew None 0 PROCEDURE [That a renewed speech or statement by the Secretary of State be made to give those who were looking for a path to peace the sense that Saturday's event had not finally and completely slammed the door.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1093582 Anglo-Irish Summit AGENDA_ITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That the Anglo-Irish Summit on 3 December 1993 be discussed.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1093584 Alternative British Draft of the Joint Declaration AGENDA_ITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That the alternative British draft be discussed.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1093586 Unionist Position AGENDA_ITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That the Unionist position be discussed.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1093600 British Government Contacts with PIRA AGENDA_ITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That the leak of the British government contacts with the PIRA be discussed.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)

Committee: Irish-Hume Bilaterals

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources
1101415 Private meeting between Hume and the Taoiseach None 0 PROCEDURE That Hume brief the Taoiseach on his discussions with Adams in private National Archives of Ireland
1048565 Take No Action until Approval from the Taoiseach None 0 PROCEDURE I urged that no measure whatever should be taken except after the closest consultation with, and clearance by, the Taoiseach. Dermot Nally Collection
1048591 Reynolds to Report to Hume on the Meeting None 0 PROCEDURE [That Reynolds come back to Hume after the meeting with the British on Friday.] Dermot Nally Collection
1048596 Drop Proposal if British Agree to Negotiate on JD6 None 0 PROCEDURE [That Hume will hold off on issuing the statement if he receives a message that the British delegation are considering the draft in a positive light.] Dermot Nally Collection
1048585 No Statement to Be Published before Report on Friday Meeting None 0 PROCEDURE [That Hume do nothing about a statement until he had had a further discussion with the Taoiseach after Friday.] Dermot Nally Collection

Committee: Hume-Adams

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources
1066226 SDLP Clarification on Devolution None 0 PROCEDURE That the SDLP clarify its position on the question of devolution. Linen Hall Library
1064959 Preparation of Written Responses to Papers None 0 PROCEDURE That the parties prepare written responses to the papers that were tabled. Cardinal Tomás Ó Fiaich Library & Archive
1064972 One More Meeting None 0 PROCEDURE That one more meeting be held which would assess the need for future meetings. Linen Hall Library
1064973 SDLP to Clarify 'Unity by Consent' None 0 PROCEDURE That [the SDLP] clarify in writing what you mean by 'unity by consent'; Linen Hall Library
1064974 Sinn Féin Prepare Proposal on the British Role and a Conference None 0 PROCEDURE That [Sinn Féin] would look at the possibility of bringing back a proposal on the British role and a conference. Linen Hall Library
1064975 SDLP Clarify Attitude to the British Role and Devolution None 0 PROCEDURE That [the SDLP] would clarify in writing questions 4 and 5 put to you in 'Towards a Strategy for Peace' on your attitude to the British role and on devolution. Linen Hall Library
1066443 Sinn Féin and SDLP to Call for Joint Statement by the Governments None 0 PROCEDURE That Sinn Fein and the SDLP jointly issue a call to the Dublin and London governments for them to consult together to seek agreement on the policy objective of Irish reunification. Having agreed this both Governments would issue a public statement outlining the steps they intend taking to bring about a peaceful and orderly British political and military withdrawal from Ireland within a specified period. Linen Hall Library
1067295 Agree to Review Progress AGENDA_ITEM 0 PROCEDURE That the party leaders review the situation to date. Cardinal Tomás Ó Fiaich Library & Archive
1101396 Discuss an alternative strategy to violence with the Irish government None 0 PROCEDURE That Hume discuss the possibility with the Irish government, after which Adams would take it to PAC National Archives of Ireland
1101678 Adams feedback directly to the British on the Whitbread speech None 0 PROCEDURE That Adams should send a copy of his remarks on the Whitbread speech directly to the Secretary of State. The National Archives of the UK (TNA)

Committee: Irish-Magee Bilaterals

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources
1049482 Maze Talks Initiative AGENDA_ITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That the peace talks initiative between the UDA and the IRA in the Maze prison be discussed.] Dermot Nally Collection
1107448 Politicans Inciting Paramilitaries AGENDA_ITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That many of the Unionist politicians were very deliberately fanning the flames and trying to incite the loyalist paramilitaries into action.] Dermot Nally Collection
1049485 Irish Government's Commitment to Peace AGENDA_ITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That the Irish government's commitment to peace be discussed.] Dermot Nally Collection
1049486 Irish Government Not Seeking Joint Authority or Guarantee of a United Ireland AGENDA_ITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That the Irish government acknowledge that the political future of Northern Ireland could not be predetermined.] Dermot Nally Collection
1049488 Consent Principle and Unionist Participation AGENDA_ITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That the Irish government accepted the principle of consent and any new agreement would involve Unionist participation.] Dermot Nally Collection
1049489 Recognition of Unionist Consensus None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Irish government in its public statements pay more attention to the Unionist consensus as well as Nationalist ones.] Dermot Nally Collection
1107449 British Contacts with the PIRA AGENDA_ITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That British government contacts with the PIRA be discussed.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)

Committee: Irish-Eames Bilaterals

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources

Committee: British-Molyneaux Bilaterals

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources
1057114 Willingness to Consider a Dublin Proposal AGENDA_ITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That the British Government would not rule out looking at a proposal made by Dublin.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1066311 Molyneaux to Discuss Hume/Adams with Party Officers None 0 PROCEDURE [That Molyneaux was coming under some pressure to comment and would be discussing the situation with his party officers this morning.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1057123 Northern Ireland as the Unit of Self-Determination None 0 PROCEDURE [That there was no weakening in the Government's position that the unit of self-determination which mattered was Northern Ireland.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1066324 Joint Rererenda None 0 PROCEDURE [That the question of joint referenda be discussed.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1066329 Molyneaux to Welcome British Government's Comments None 0 PROCEDURE [That Molyneaux welcome the Government's insistence that Northern Ireland would not cease to be part of the UK, save by the self-determination of the people of Northern Ireland.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1057127 Further Call between Molyneaux and Mayhew None 0 PROCEDURE [That Molyneaux would ring back after he had met with his party officers.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1057128 Lack of Support for John Hume within the SDLP AGENDA_ITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That lack of support for John Hume within the SDLP be discussed.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1066779 Talks AGENDA_ITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That the political talks be discussed.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1066769 British Government to Frame the Consent Principle in a Way Reassuring to Unionists None 0 PROCEDURE [That the British Government repeat that it would stand by the democratically-expressed wishes of the people of Northern Ireland.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA) The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1066781 Mention Northern Ireland in the Prime Minister's Speech to the Conservative Party Conference None 0 PROCEDURE [That Northern Ireland not be omitted from the Prime Minister's speech to the Conservative Party conference.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1066784 UUP to Continue to Participate in Bilaterals with Michael Ancram None 0 PROCEDURE [That the UUP continue to participate in the exploratory discussions being undertaken by Michael Ancram.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1066787 British Government to State in Advance the Principles They Would Use to Assess the Hume/Adams Report None 0 PROCEDURE [That the British Government emphasise in advance the principles which they would use to assess any such document.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1066788 Jim Molyneaux to Meet with Dick Spring None 0 PROCEDURE [That Jim Molyneaux agree to a meeting with Dick Spring.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1066789 Jim Molyneaux to Meet Privately with Dick Spring None 0 PROCEDURE [That a private meeting might be arranged between Jim Molyneaux and Dick Spring.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1070307 Confidentiality: Privy Council Terms None 0 PROCEDURE [That the meeting be held on Privy Council terms and not publicised.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1070310 Cessation of PIRA Violence AGENDAITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That the cessation of PIRA violence be discussed.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1070331 Molyneaux to Communicate Any Further Thoughts None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Prime Minister would be glad to receive any further thoughts from Mr. Molyneaux.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1056988 29 October 1993 Brussels Joint Statement AGENDA_ITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That the Prime Minister and the Taoiseach's recent joint statement be discussed.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1071060 Albert Reynolds' "On the Record" Remarks AGENDAITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That Reynolds' remarks be discussed.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1071062 Prime Minister to Confirm No Reward for the IRA None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Prime Minister confirm that the IRA were not being offered anything.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1071075 Inclusion of Sinn Féin in the Political Process Following an IRA Ceasefire None 0 PROCEDURE [That if there was a cessation and a fire-break period, the way could be open for Sinn Féin to join a democratic political process as a party that had foresworn violence.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1071077 Reynolds' Contacts with Eames AGENDAITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That Reynolds' contacts with Eames be discussed.] Monica McWilliams Collection
1071227 Intensify Bilateral Talks None 0 PROCEDURE [That the bilateral talks could yield significant benefits, and should be intensified.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1071229 Do Not Go Public with Strand 1 None 0 PROCEDURE [That it be too soon to lay out the Government's position in public.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1071231 Prime Minister to Confirm No Amnesties for IRA Prisoners None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Prime Minister confirm that the IRA would not be offered amnesties in exchange for a cessation.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1071235 Stances of Other UK Politicians on Northern Ireland AGENDAITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That the positions of various UK politicians on Northern Ireland be discussed.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1071236 Position of Loyalist Paramilitaries AGENDAITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That the attitude of the loyalist paramilitaries be discussed.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1071241 Return to Formal Talks None 0 PROCEDURE [That formal talks begin again at some point.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1057045 Press Line None 0 PROCEDURE [That the line to be taken with the press be discussed.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1057130 Major to Re-assure Molyneaux Concerning Mail on Sunday Story None 0 PROCEDURE [That Major re-assure Molyneaux concerning the Mail on Sunday story.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1106289 Molyneaux to Let Major Know if Stories Caused Concern None 0 PROCEDURE [That Molyneaux let Major know if any stories caused concern.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1057131 Jim Molyneaux to Clarify UUP Statement None 0 PROCEDURE [That Molyneuax reassure John Major that a recent UUP statement was not critical of him.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1057134 Molyneaux to Comment on Irish Press Leak None 0 PROCEDURE [That the recent Irish Press leak be discussed.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1057137 Future Meeting Between Molyneaux and John Major None 0 PROCEDURE [That Molyneaux and Major convene again after 23 November 1993.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1072032 Molyneaux to Confirm Tacit Acceptance of the Alternative British Draft None 0 PROCEDURE [That Molyneaux confirm whether something along these lines would meet with his tacit acceptance, or would cause him to expostulate.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1072034 Possible Briefing of Ian Paisley None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Prime Minister set the scene for Dr Paisley in a personal meeting.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1057146 Possible Options for Summit AGENDA_ITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That possible options for the summit be discussed.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1057151 Amendments to the Joint Declaration AGENDA_ITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That amendments to the Joint Declaration be discussed.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1106454 Molyneaux to Meet with Ancram and British Government to Consider Documents None 0 PROCEDURE [That a meeting be arranged with Mr Ancram on 30 November 1993 while the British government team considered the Joint Declaration and British draft.].] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1057153 Consider Progress in Strand One AGENDA_ITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That progress in Strand One of the talks process be discussed and the possibility of announcing agreement on an assembly be considered.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1072686 Molyneaux to Discuss JD14 None 0 PROCEDURE [That Mr Molyneaux continue with discussions on the Joint Declaration.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1072793 Revelation of British Government Contacts with PIRA AGENDAITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That the British government contacts with PIRA be discussed.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1072794 Molyneaux to Confirm Non-Expostulation None 0 PROCEDURE [That Molyneaux confirm that a text on the lines discussed would meet the "non-expostulation" test.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)

Committee: British-Reid Bilaterals

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources
1055601 Life Sentence Review Board Discussion AGENDA_ITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That unfair treatment of Republican prisoners by the Life Sentence Review Board be discussed.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1055612 Arrangements for Further Call AGENDA_ITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That Father Alec Reid ring J.E.McConnell at his home on the night of Thursday 11 February.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1055665 Participation of Republican Prisoners in the Life Sentence Review System AGENDA_ITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That the participation of Republican prisoners in the Life Sentence Review system be discussed.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1055670 The Position of Sinn Féin AGENDA_ITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That the political position of Sinn Fein be discussed.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1055869 Fr Reid Update on Prison Situtation AGENDA_ITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That the campaign against the prison systems be discussed.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1055887 Disturbances in West Belfast AGENDA_ITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That the disturbances in West Belfast be discussed.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1055946 Role of Gerry Adams AGENDA_ITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That Gerry Adams' views on the political role of Sinn Féin and others be discussed.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1055953 Gibraltar Killings AGENDA_ITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That the involvement of British Intelligence in the Gibraltar operation be discussed.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1055625 Reid Summary of the PIRA Position AGENDA_ITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That Alec Reid summarise the current PIRA position on a ceasefire.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1055637 A Possible Dialogue Between Gerry Adams and the British Government None 0 PROCEDURE [That the British government enter into discussions with Gerry Adams on the basis that he was an elected MP.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1069478 Alec Reid to Prepare Ground for Talks with Gerry Adams None 0 PROCEDURE [That Alec Reid could come to J McConnell with points for clarification.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1055656 A Possible Future Meeting between Alec Reid and John McConnell None 0 PROCEDURE [That Alec Reid come back to John McConnell towards the end of the following week.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1069568 Father Reid's Credentials and Status AGENDAITEM 0 PROCEDURE That it be noted Fr Reid Was Speaking for Himself The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1055693 Conditions for a Ceasefire AGENDA_ITEM 0 PROCEDURE That consideration be given to the challenges for the Republican movement of calling for a ceasefire. The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1055703 Issuing of a Gun for Gerry Adams None 0 PROCEDURE That Gerry Adams be issued with a gun because of the threat of a loyalist attack. The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1056264 An Implied Encouragement that John McConnell Speak More Regularly With Alec Reid None 0 PROCEDURE [Alec Reid implied that John McConnell was ignoring him and in the future could be more responsive to telephone calls] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1056275 A Future Meeting Between Father Reid And John McConnell None 0 PROCEDURE [Alec Reid proposed a potential future telephone call] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1056230 Reid and McConnell to meet on the 22 November None 0 PROCEDURE Reid and McConnell to meet on the 22 November The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1056154 Reid working on a proposal for a ceasefire AGENDA_ITEM 0 PROCEDURE Proposal would be a means of bringing an end to violence The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1056199 Reid Update Hume and Adams AGENDA_ITEM 0 PROCEDURE That Reid update McConnell and discussions with Hume and Adams. The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1056211 Difference between Hume and Adams AGENDA_ITEM 0 PROCEDURE That Reid outline what he sees as a difference between Hume and Adams in their diagnoses of what is stalling negotiations. The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1056215 Further Meeting None 0 PROCEDURE That Reid bring himself up to date on local issues and meet with McConnell in approximately ten days. The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1056242 Hold a meeting between McConnell and Reid None 0 PROCEDURE Hold a meeting between McConnell and Reid The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1056279 Declaration of British Neutrality in Return for a Ceasefire AGENDA_ITEM 0 PROCEDURE That Reid review the Hume proposals on British neutrality in return for a ceasefire. The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1070052 Irish Peace Conference Proposal AGENDAITEM 0 PROCEDURE That Reid try to enable dialogue through an Irish Peace Conference. The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1070054 Earlier Reid Ceasefire Proposal AGENDAITEM 0 PROCEDURE That Reid explain his earlier proposals for a ceasefire. The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1056287 McConnell to Meet Cardinal Ó Fiaich and Gerry Adams None 0 PROCEDURE That McConnell meet Cardinal Ó Fiaich and Gerry Adams. The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1070175 Meeting Between Father Reid and John McConnell on 6 March. None 0 PROCEDURE That Father Reid and John McConnell meet on 6 March in John McConnell's office. The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1070173 Follow Up Call None 0 PROCEDURE That Father Reid call John McConnell on Sunday evening. The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1070293 Father Reid to Ring J E McConnell None 0 PROCEDURE That Father Reid ring J E McConnell in two weeks. The National Archives of the UK (TNA)

Committee: Sinn Féin

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources
1059364 Establishment of a Monitoring Sub-committee None 0 PROCEDURE That a monitoring sub-committee be established. Linen Hall Library

Committee: SDLP

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources

Committee: Reid-Ó Fiaich-Murray

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources

Committee: Irish-Reid Bilaterals

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources

Committee: Reid-Hume Bilaterals

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources

Committee: Reid-Adams Bilaterals

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources

Committee: Anglo-Irish Intergovernmental Conference: Tête-à-Tête Meetings

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources

Committee: British-Maze Chaplains

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources
1070567 Report from Maze Chaplains on Opportunity for Dialogue None 0 PROCEDURE That the IRA were willing to seek an alternative to the campaign of violence and, with this objective in mind, were prepared to enter exploratory discussions with the British Government. National Archives of Ireland
1070651 Names of the Army Council Personnel None 0 PROCEDURE That the names of the Army Council personnel might be conveyed to them in order to help authenticate the proposal. National Archives of Ireland
1070660 Further and More Detailed Meeting None 0 PROCEDURE That a further and more detailed meeting take place involving Bishop Daly, Sir John Blelloch and the then head of the Political Affairs Department of the NIO (John McConnell). National Archives of Ireland
1070877 Urgent Response from the British Required None 0 PROCEDURE That the signals coming from the Provisionals were sufficiently serious as to require a response from the British. National Archives of Ireland
1070913 The Role of the Chaplains: Not Intermediaries None 0 PROCEDURE That the RC Church (and the Church of Ireland) does not wish these two men to be regarded as intermediaries. They were merely men who felt it their duty to try to assist those willing to consider a more moral route. The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1071530 Relationship between PIRA and Sinn Féin AGENDAITEM 0 PROCEDURE That the priests elaborate on their interlocutors and the relationship between the PIRA and Sinn Féin. The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1071533 Meeting Between Civil Servant and PIRA None 0 PROCEDURE That if a civil servant were to be authorised to talk or pass on the message to the contacts such as - Government can't talk to your organisation while violence goes on but, if violence were to cease (and this was added following the conversation about the concept of condemnation) without Government requiring a condemnation of previous violence, then Government at political level would be prepared to meet Sinn Fein representatives to discuss issues of concern to Sinn Fein, then violence would cease. The National Archives of the UK (TNA)

Committee: British-Eames Bilaterals

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources
1078077 Report on Eames' Contacts with the Taoiseach AGENDAITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That Archbishop Eames report on his discussions of the Joint Declaration initiative with the Taoiseach.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1078078 Eames to Help Contain the Protestant Reaction None 0 PROCEDURE [That Archbishop Eames do anything he can to help contain the Protestant reaction.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1078079 British Government to Confirm No Compromise of Principle None 0 PROCEDURE [That the British government reassure Eames that the Joint Declaration involves no compromise of basic principles.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1078083 Eames to Meet with Mayhew and/or Major None 0 PROCEDURE [That Eames have a conversation with the Secretary of State and perhaps even with the Prime Minister on an entirely private basis both to report his own assessment of the mood and feeling in the Protestant community, the possible reaction of that community to any developments, and most particularly his concerns at Loyalist plans.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1078084 Loyalist Paramilitary Activity AGENDAITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That Loyalist paramilitary activity and plans be discussed.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1071543 Report on the British Government's Approach to the Joint Declaration AGENDA_ITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That Patrick Mayhew outline the British Government approach to the Joint Declaration so far.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1071544 Report on Archbishop Eames' Meetings with the Taoiseach AGENDA_ITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That Archbishop Eames give an account of his meetings with the Taoiseach to discuss the Joint Declaration.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1071549 Eames' Assessment of Irish Attitudes towards the JDI AGENDAITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That Archbishop Eames give his assessment of Irish government attitudes towards the JDI.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1071556 Loyalist Violence AGENDAITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That the possibility of the JDI provoking increased Loyalist violence be discussed.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1071553 Talks Process AGENDAITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That the British Government express its disappointment at Irish attitudes to the political Talks process.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1071568 Eames to Discuss the Text with Molyneaux Later None 0 PROCEDURE [That if and when the British Government considered the time right to sound out Mr Molyneaux, Eames would be happy to talk to him.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1071610 Archbishop Eames to Bring Revised Text to Bilateral on 18 November 1993 None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Archbishop would be bringing a revised text with him tomorrow.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1071718 Prime Minister's Focus on Northern Ireland AGENDAITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That Eames comment on the Prime Minister's high priority approach to Northern Ireland.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1071720 Report of a Meeting between Archbishop Eames and Jim Molyneaux None 0 PROCEDURE [That Archbishop Eames report on a meeting between him and Jim Molyneaux.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1071738 Molyneaux and Reynolds Should Not Meet None 0 PROCEDURE [That Eames and Major agree that, for the time being at least, it might be for the best if Molyneaux and Reynolds did not meet.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1071742 Protection of Molyneaux's Position None 0 PROCEDURE [That Molyneaux's advice and the protection of his position were important, and that he should not be pushed into an exposed stance.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1071746 Assessment of Ian Paisley's Position AGENDAITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That Eames give an assessment of Ian Paisley's position.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1071748 No Amnesty to Be Offered None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Prime Minister would not be prepared to offer an amnesty.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1079376 Report of a Meeting between Eames and Molyneaux on 19 November 1993 AGENDA_ITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That Archbishop Robin Eames give a report of his meeting with Jim Molyneaux on 19 November 1993.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1079385 Mayhew to Reassure Molyneaux on Points Surrounding Eames' Involvement in the Process None 0 PROCEDURE [That Patrick Mayhew reassure Jim Molyneaux that Eames had intervened only by invitation, that he had no knowledge of the Irish framework paper prior to its being leaked, and that Eames did not consider himself a competitor to Molyneaux.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1079388 Mayhew to Reassure Molyneaux of His Importance to the Government None 0 PROCEDURE [That it was very important that Patrick Mayhew should reassure Molyneaux of his central role in the process and of his importance to the Government.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1083570 Seriousness of British Government Approach to the Initiative AGENDA_ITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That the British government stress how seriously they were treating the drafting exercise and how much they wanted to reach agreement.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1083572 Necessity of Keeping the Unionist Majority Online None 0 PROCEDURE [That the need to keep the majority of unionists onside be acknowledged.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1083577 Upcoming Meeting between Reynolds and Eames AGENDA_ITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That the meeting between Reynolds and Eames to be held on 1 December 1993 be discussed.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1083581 Eames to Wait for Reynolds' Response to Alternative Draft None 0 PROCEDURE [That Eames wait for Reynolds' response to the alternative British draft.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1083584 Eames to Convey the Seriousness of the British Government's Approach to the Initiative None 0 PROCEDURE [That Eames convey the seriousness of the British government's approach to the drafting initiative to Reynolds.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1083607 Tension in British-Irish Relations AGENDA_ITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That the tension in relationships between the British and Irish governments following the alternative British draft be discussed.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1083616 Eames to Attempt to Reconcile the Irish government to the British government None 0 PROCEDURE [That Eames attempt to contain Irish reactions to media leaks.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1083617 Eames to Emphasise the Necessity of Distancing the Process from Hume/Adams None 0 PROCEDURE [That Eames emphasise the necessity of distancing the joint declaration initiative from Hume/Adams.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1083620 Eames to Be Frank about Unionist Concerns None 0 PROCEDURE [That Eames give the frankest possible view of feelings among the Unionists.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1083623 Eames to Report back on His Meeting with Reynolds None 0 PROCEDURE [That Eames let Lyne know about the outcome of his meeting with Reynolds.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1083643 Leaks AGENDA_ITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That the parallel leaks of the Irish draft framework papers and the British contacts with the PIRA be discussed.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1083646 Comment on Meeting with Reynolds AGENDA_ITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That Eames comment on his meeting with Reynolds.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1083647 Major to Quote Eames' Views to Reynolds None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Prime Minister be permitted to quote Eames' own views to the Taoiseach. The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1093383 Report on Joint Declaration Discussions with the Irish Government None 0 PROCEDURE [That Roderic Lyne give a report of discussions with the Irish government on the Joint Declaration.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1093385 Continue to Argue for the Removal of a Convention None 0 PROCEDURE [That the British government delegation should continue to argue for the removal of the proposal for a convention from the Joint Declaration.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1093387 Irish Government Involvement in PIRA/Loyalist Paramilitary Contacts AGENDA_ITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That Irish government involvement in efforts to promote contacts between PIRA and Loyalist paramilitaries be discussed.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)

Committee: Maze Chaplains

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources

Committee: Archbishop Eames

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources

Committee: Eames-Molyneaux Bilaterals

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources
1071687 Eames and Molyneaux to Discuss His Alternative Draft and Eames to Convey It to Dublin None 0 PROCEDURE [That Molyneaux and Eames would discuss his alternative draft on 19 November, and Eames might then try Molyneaux's version on Dublin.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1071702 Concerns about Reynolds' Approach AGENDAITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That Eames express his concerns about Reynolds' approach.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1083556 Unionist Pressure on Molyneaux AGENDA_ITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That the questioning of Molyneaux and his involvement with the Declaration by other unionists be discussed.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)
1083558 Irish Press Leak AGENDA_ITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That the Irish press leak of the draft framework paper be discussed.] The National Archives of the UK (TNA)

Committee: Magee-Loyalist Bilaterals

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources