Search Results

Committee: The House of Representatives

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources
125756 Implied Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE [Implied Motion to Adjourn] Journal of the House
125763 Implied Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE [Implied Motion to Adjourn] Journal of the House
125768 Implied Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE [Implied Motion to Adjourn] Journal of the House
125771 Implied Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE [Implied Motion to Adjourn] Journal of the House
125774 Implied Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE [Implied Motion to Adjourn] Journal of the House
125778 Implied Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE [Implied Motion to Adjourn] Journal of the House
125781 Implied Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE [Implied Motion to Adjourn] Journal of the House
125785 Implied Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE [Implied Motion to Adjourn] Journal of the House
125789 Motion to Choose a Speaker of the House None 0 PROCEDURE Resolved, That this House will proceed to the choice of a Speaker by ballot. Journal of the House
125792 Motion to Appoint a Clerk None 0 PROCEDURE [Resolved, That this House proceed in the same manner to the appointment of a Clerk.] Journal of the House
125795 Motion that Members Present their Credentials at the Clerk's Table. None 0 PROCEDURE 'Ordered, That the members of this House do severally deliver in their credentials at the Clerk's table' Journal of the House
125797 Implied Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE [Implied Motion to Adjourn] Journal of the House
125800 Motion to Appoint a Rules Committee None 0 PROCEDURE 'Ordered, That a committee be appointed to prepare and report such standing rules and orders of proceeding as may be proper to be observed in this House' Journal of the House
125809 Motion to Appoint a Doorkeeper and Assistant Doorkeeper None 0 PROCEDURE 'Resolved, That a doorkeeper and an assistant doorkeeper be appointed for the service of this House.' Journal of the House
125811 Motion that Rules Committee Report the Duty of Sergeant at Arms None 0 PROCEDURE 'Ordered, That it be an instruction to the committee appointed to prepare and report such standing rules and orders of proceeding as may be proper to be observed in this House, that they also report the duty and services of a serjeant-at-arms, or other proper officer for enforcing the orders of the House.' Journal of the House
125813 Implied Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE [Implied Motion to Adjourn] Journal of the House
125816 Implied Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE [Implied Motion to Adjourn] Journal of the House
125821 Implied Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE [Implied Motion to Adjourn] Journal of the House
125826 Implied Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE [Implied Motion to Adjourn] Journal of the House
125830 Implied Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE [Implied Motion to Adjourn] Journal of the House
125834 Motion to Resolve into the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE [Resolved, that the House resolve into the Committee of the Whole.] Journal of the House
125836 Implied Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE [Implied Motion to Adjourn] Journal of the House
125843 Motion to Appoint a Conference Rules Committee None 0 PROCEDURE [Resolved, That a committee of five be now appointed, for the purposes expressed in the communication from the Member of the Senate] Journal of the House
125850 Motion to Resolve into Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE [Resolved, that the House resolve into Committee of the Whole.] Journal of the House
125852 Implied Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE [Implied Motion to Adjourn] Journal of the House
125887 Motion to Elect Committee of Elections None 0 PROCEDURE [Resolved, That the House proceed to ballot for a standing Committee of Elections] Journal of the House
125896 Implied Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE [Implied Motion to Adjourn] Journal of the House
125903 Motion to Resolve into Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE [Resolved, that the House resolve into the Committee of the Whole.] Journal of the House
125905 Implied Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE [Implied Motion to Adjourn] Journal of the House
125909 Implied Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE [Implied Motion to Adjourn] Journal of the House
125913 Implied Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE [Implied Motion to Adjourn] Journal of the House
125916 Motion to Resolve into Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE [Resolved, that the House resolve into the Committee of the Whole] Journal of the House
125920 Implied Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE [Implied Motion to Adjourn] Journal of the House
125924 Implied Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE [Implied Motion to Adjourn] Journal of the House
125928 Motion to Resolve into Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE [Resolved, that the House resolve into the Committee of the Whole] Journal of the House
125930 Implied Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE [Implied Motion to Adjourn] Journal of the House
125933 Motion to Resolve into Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE [Resolved, that the House resolve into the Committee of the Whole] Journal of the House
125935 Implied Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE [Implied Motion to Adjourn] Journal of the House
125938 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE Motion to Adjourn Gazette of the United States
125944 Implied Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE [Implied Motion to Adjourn] Journal of the House
125946 Motion to Elect a Chaplain None 0 PROCEDURE [Resolved, That the House appoint a chaplain on Friday next] New York Daily Gazette
125948 Implied Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE [Implied Motion to Adjourn] Journal of the House
125951 Implied Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE [Implied Motion to Adjourn] Annals of Congress
125954 Motion to Resolve into Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE [Resolved, that the House resolve into the Committee of the Whole] Journal of the House
125956 Motion to Elect a Chaplain None 0 PROCEDURE [Resolved, That the House proceed to the appointment of a Chaplain] New York Daily Gazette
125959 Implied Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE [Implied Motion to Adjourn] Journal of the House
125962 Motion to Assign a Date for the Discussion of Amendments None 0 PROCEDURE 'Ordered, That the 4th Monday in May be assigned for the consideration of the exercise of the powers vested in Congress by the 5th article of the Constitution relative to amendments.' New York Daily Gazette
125965 Implied Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE [Implied Motion to Adjourn] Journal of the House
125968 Motion to Refer Virginia's Address None 0 PROCEDURE [Resolved, That the application from the Legislature of Virginia for a convention of states to consider and report amendments to the Constitution be referred to a committee of the whole.] Annals of Congress
125970 Motion to File Virginia's Address None 0 PROCEDURE [Resolved, That Virginia's application be entered on the journal, and the original deposited in the office of the clerk.] Daily Advertiser (New York)
125973 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE [Motion to Adjourn] Annals of Congress
125977 Motion to File New York's Address None 0 PROCEDURE 'Ordered, That the application from the Legislature of New York for a convention of states to consider and report amendments to the Constitution be entered on the Journal, and carefully preserved by the Clerk of this House, among the files in his office.' Journal of the House
125979 Implied Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE [Implied Motion to Adjourn] Journal of the House
125981 Motion to Elect a Sergeant at Arms None 0 PROCEDURE 'Resolved, That this House will, on Tuesday next, proceed by ballot to the appointment of a Sergeant-at-Arms.' Journal of the House
125984 Motion to Resolve into Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE [Resolved, that the House resolve into the Committee of the Whole] Journal of the House
125986 Implied Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE [Implied Motion to Adjourn] Journal of the House
125989 Motion to Resolve into Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE [Resolved, that the House resolve into the Committee of the Whole] Journal of the House
125991 Implied Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE [Implied Motion to Adjourn] Journal of the House
125994 Implied Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE [Implied Motion to Adjourn] Journal of the House
125997 Motion to Resolve into Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE [Resolved, that the House resolve into the Committee of the Whole] Journal of the House
125999 Motion to Postpone Consideration of Amendments None 0 PROCEDURE [Resolved, That consideration of amendments be postponed until Monday, 8 June.] New York Daily Gazette
126001 Implied Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE [Implied Motion to Adjourn] Journal of the House
126008 Implied Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE [Implied Motion to Adjourn] Journal of the House
126011 Madison's Motion to Consider Amendments in the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE [Resolved, That the House now go into a committee of the whole to bring forward amendments to the constitution] Annals of Congress
126012 Smith's Proposal for a Select Committee None 0 PROCEDURE [Resolved, That the subject of amendments be referred to a select committee to take into consideration the amendments proposed by the several states.] Annals of Congress
126015 Jackson's Proposal to Postpone Discussion of Amendments to 1 March 1790 None 0 PROCEDURE [Resolved, That consideration of amendments be postponed until 1 March 1790.] Annals of Congress
126019 Madison's Motion to Appoint a Select Committee on Amendments None 0 PROCEDURE [Resolved, That the subject of amendments be referred to a select committee, with instructions to consider and report such amendments as are proper for Congress to propose to the Legislatures of the several States.] Annals of Congress
126022 Motion to Defer Consideration of Amendments Until 1 July 1789 None 0 PROCEDURE [Resolved, That consideration of amendments to the Constitution be postponed until 1 July 1789, and be made a special order of the day.] Annals of Congress
126025 Motion to Adopt Madison's Proposed Amendments as Resolutions None 0 PROCEDURE [Resolved, That the proposed amendments to the Constitution as stated before the House be adopted.] Annals of Congress
126027 Motion to Refer the Motion to Adopt Madison's Proposed Amendments as Resolutions to the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE [Resolved, That certain specific amendments proper to be proposed by Congress to the Legislatures of the States, to become, if ratified by three-fourths thereof, part of the Constitution of the United States be referred to the Committee of the Whole.] Annals of Congress
126029 Boudinot's Motion to Appoint a Select Committee on Amendments None 0 PROCEDURE [Resolved, That consideration of proposed amendments to the Constitution be referred to a select committee consisting of a member from each state.] Annals of Congress
126035 Gerry's Motion to Table the States' Ratifications and Proposed Amendments None 0 PROCEDURE [Resolved, That the ratifications of the several states, and the amendments accompanying the same, be laid on the clerk's table, for the information of the members.] Daily Advertiser (New York)
126049 Implied Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE [Implied Motion to Adjourn] Journal of the House
126055 Motion to Resolve into Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE [Resolved, that the House resolve into the Committee of the Whole.] Journal of the House
126057 Implied Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE [Implied Motion to Adjourn] Journal of the House
126061 Implied Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE [Implied Motion to Adjourn] Journal of the House
126064 Motion to Resolve into Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE [Resolved, that the House resolve into the Committee of the Whole] Journal of the House
126066 Implied Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE [Implied Motion to Adjourn] Journal of the House
126068 Motion to Resolve into Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE [Resolved, that the House resolve into the Committee of the Whole] Journal of the House
126070 Implied Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE [Implied Motion to Adjourn] Journal of the House
126072 Madison's Motion to Go Into a Committee of the Whole on Amendments None 0 PROCEDURE [Resolved, That the House go into a Committee of the Whole for the consideration of amendments to the Constitution.] Annals of Congress
126073 Ames' Motion to Refer Amendments to a Select Committee None 0 PROCEDURE [Resolved, That the Committee of the Whole be discharged, and the proposed amendments as stated before the House on 8 June, together with the proposed amendments of the several states, be referred to a select committee consisting of a member from each state.] Annals of Congress
126076 Gerry's Motion to Bring State Amendments Forward None 0 PROCEDURE [Resolved, that the amendments proposed by the states be brought forward.] Annals of Congress
126097 Instruction to the Committee to Consider Amendments to the Constitution None 0 PROCEDURE [Resolved, that the committee be instructed generally to take the subject of amendments to the constitution of the United States into consideration, and report.] Gazette of the United States
126099 Instruction that the Committee Report as Expeditiously as Possible None 0 PROCEDURE [Ordered, that the Committee report as expeditiously as possible.] Gazette of the United States
126101 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE [Motion to Adjourn] Gazette of the United States
126105 Motion to Distribute Copies of the Report of the Committee of Eleven None 0 PROCEDURE [Resolved, That one hundred copies of the report of the Committee of Eleven be struck off for the accommodation of the members.] Gazette of the United States
126107 Implied Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE [Implied Motion to Adjourn] Journal of the House
126109 Motion to Appoint the Committee for Enrolled Bills None 0 PROCEDURE 'Resolved, That a standing committee be appointed to examine the enrolled bills, and to present the same to the President for his approbation and signature.' Annals of Congress
126113 Implied Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE [Implied Motion to Adjourn] Journal of the House
126115 Motion to Make the Report of the Committee of Eleven the Order of the Day None 0 PROCEDURE 'Resolved, That this House will, on Wednesday se'nnight, resolve itself into a Committee of the Whole House to take into consideration the report from the committee of eleven, to whom it was referred to take the subject of amendments to the Constitution of the United States, generally, into their consideration, and to report thereupon' Journal of the House
126117 Implied Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE [Implied Motion to Adjourn] Journal of the House
126119 Motion for the House to Resolve Itself into the Committee of the Whole on Amendments None 0 PROCEDURE [Resolved, That the House now resolve itself into a Committee of the Whole on the report of the Committee of Eleven.] Annals of Congress
126123 Motion for the House to Again Resolve Itself into a Committee of the Whole on Amendments None 0 PROCEDURE 'Resolved, That this House will, to-morrow, again resolve itself into a Committee of the Whole House on the said report.' Journal of the House
126125 Implied Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE [Implied Motion to Adjourn] Journal of the House
126128 Motion for the House to Resolve Itself into a Committee of the Whole on Amendments None 0 PROCEDURE [Resolved, That the House resolve itself into a Committee of the Whole House on the report of the Committee of Eleven.] Journal of the House
126130 Motion for the House to Again Resolve Itself into a Committee of the Whole on Amendments None 0 PROCEDURE 'Resolved, That this House will, to-morrow, again resolve itself into a Committee of the Whole House on the said report.' Journal of the House
126132 Motion for the House to Resolve Itself into a Committee of the Whole on Amendments None 0 PROCEDURE [Resolved, That the House resolve itself into a Committee of the Whole on the report of the Committee of Eleven.] Journal of the House
126134 Motion to Discharge the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE [Resolved, That the Committee of the Whole be discharged from any further proceeding.] Annals of Congress
126136 Motion to Call the Yeas and Nays on Ames' Motion None 0 PROCEDURE [Resolved, That the yeas and nays on Ames' motion be called.] Annals of Congress
126140 Motion to Require a Two-Thirds Majority None 0 PROCEDURE [Resolved, That two-thirds of the committee be required to carry a question.] Annals of Congress
126143 Motion for the House to Again Resolve Itself into a Committee of the Whole on Amendments None 0 PROCEDURE 'Resolved, That this House will, on Monday next, again resolve itself into a Committee of the Whole House on the said report.' Journal of the House
126145 Implied Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE [Implied Motion to Adjourn] Journal of the House
126147 Motion for the House to Resolve Itself into a Committee of the Whole on Amendments None 0 PROCEDURE [Resolved, That the House resolve itself into a Committee of the Whole on the report of the Committee of Eleven.] Journal of the House
126149 Motion for the House to Again Resolve Itself into a Committee of the Whole on Amendments None 0 PROCEDURE 'Resolved, That this House will, to-morrow, again resolve itself into a Committee of the Whole House on the said report.' Journal of the House
126151 Implied Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE [Implied Motion to Adjourn] Journal of the House
126153 Motion to Refer the States' Amendments to a Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE [Resolved, 'That such of the amendments to the constitution proposed by the several States as are not in substance comprised in the report of the select committee appointed to consider amendments, be referred to a Committee of the whole House; and that all amendments which shall be agreed to by the committee last mentioned be included in one report.'] Journal of the House
126155 Motion to Put the Previous Question None 0 PROCEDURE [Resolved, That the main question be now put.] Annals of Congress
126158 Motion for the House to Resolve Itself into a Committee of the Whole on Amendments None 0 PROCEDURE [Resolved, That the House resolve itself into a Committee of the Whole on the report of the Committee of Eleven.] Journal of the House
126163 Implied Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE [Implied Motion to Adjourn] Journal of the House
126165 Motion to Consider Amendments None 0 PROCEDURE [Resolved, That the House proceed to consider the amendments made by the Committee of the Whole to the report from the Committee of Eleven.] Journal of the House
126176 Motion to Put Off Consideration of Amendments None 0 PROCEDURE 'Ordered, That the farther consideration of the said amendments be put off until to-morrow.' Journal of the House
126178 Implied Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE [Implied Motion to Adjourn] Journal of the House
126180 Motion to Appoint Vining to the Committee for Enrolled Bills None 0 PROCEDURE 'Ordered, That Mr. Vining be added to the Committee for Enrolled Bills, in the room of Mr. White, who has obtained leave of absence.' Journal of the House
126183 Motion to Resume Consideration of Amendments None 0 PROCEDURE [Resolved, That the House resume its consideration of the report of the Committee of the Whole.] Journal of the House
126224 Motion to Put Off Consideration of Amendments None 0 PROCEDURE 'Ordered, That the farther consideration of the said amendments be put off until to-morrow.' Journal of the House
126226 Implied Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE [Implied Motion to Adjourn] Journal of the House
126228 Motion to Resume Consideration of the Amendments None 0 PROCEDURE [Resolved, That the House resume consideration of the amendments made by the Committee of the Whole House to the Report of the Committee of Eleven] Journal of the House
126242 Motion to Record the Yeas and Nays None 0 PROCEDURE [Resolved, That the Yeas and Nays be Recorded] Annals of Congress
126253 Motion to Record Yeas and Nays None 0 PROCEDURE [Resolved, That the yeas and nays be recorded on Mr. Burke's motion] Annals of Congress
126260 Motion to Postpone Further Consideration of Amendments to the Constitution until To-morrow None 0 PROCEDURE 'Ordered, That the farther consideration of amendments to the Constitution of the United States be postponed until to-morrow.' Journal of the House
126262 Implied Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE [Resolved, That the House Adjourn until To-morrow Morning Eleven O'clock] Journal of the House
126264 Motion to Resume Consideration of Amendments to the Constitution of the United States. None 0 PROCEDURE [Resolved, That the House resume consideration of amendments to the Constitution of the United States.] Journal of the House
126268 Motion that Tucker's Proposed Amendment be Referred to the Committee of Eleven None 0 PROCEDURE [Resolved, That Mr. Tucker's proposed amendment be referred to the Committee of Eleven.] Gazette of the United States
126271 Motion to Commit Tucker's Proposition to the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE [Resolved, That Mr. Tucker's proposition be referred to a Committee of the Whole, to consider and report to the House.] Annals of Congress
126274 Motion to Table Mr. Tucker's Amendment None 0 PROCEDURE [Ordered, That Mr. Tucker's Amendment Lie upon the Table.] Daily Advertiser (New York)
126276 Motion to put the previous question None 0 PROCEDURE [The Previous Question Now be put] Annals of Congress
126279 Motion to Record the Yeas and Nays None 0 PROCEDURE [Resolved, That the yeas and nays be recorded] Daily Advertiser (New York)
126292 Implied Motion to Elect a Committee of Three None 0 PROCEDURE 'Ordered, That it be referred to a committee of three, to prepare and report a proper arrangement of, and introduction to, the articles of amendment to the Constitution of the United States, as agreed to by the House.' Journal of the House
126298 Implied Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE [Implied Motion to Adjourn] Journal of the House
126301 Motion to Refer the Proposed Articles to the Senate None 0 PROCEDURE 'Ordered, That the Clerk of this House do carry to the Senate a fair engrossed copy of the said proposed articles of amendment, and desire their concurrence’ Journal of the House
126304 Implied Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE [Implied Motion to Adjourn] Journal of the House
126306 Motion to Add Brown to the Committee for Enrolled Bills None 0 PROCEDURE 'Ordered, That Mr. Brown be added to the Committee for Enrolled Bills.' Journal of the House
126309 Implied Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE Implied Motion to Adjourn Journal of the House
126312 Implied Motion to Table the Amendments Proposed by the Senate None 0 PROCEDURE [Resolved, That the House table the amendments proposed by the Senate] Journal of the House
126316 Implied Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE [Implied Motion to Adjourn] Journal of the House
126319 Motion to Make Copies of the Senate Amendments for the House Members None 0 PROCEDURE 'Ordered that it lie on the table, and that copies of those amendments be printed for the use of the members' Gazette of the United States
126321 Implied Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE [Implied Motion to Adjourn] Journal of the House
126323 Implied Motion to Consider Amendments Proposed by the Senate None 0 PROCEDURE [Resolved, That the House consider the amendments proposed by the Senate to the several articles of amendment to the Constitution of the United States, agreed to by this House, and sent to the Senate for their concurrence.] Journal of the House
126325 Motion to Postpone Consideration of Amendments None 0 PROCEDURE 'Ordered, That the farther consideration of the said amendments be postponed until Monday next.' Journal of the House
126327 Implied Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE [Implied Motion to Adjourn] Journal of the House
126382 Motion to Form a Conference Committee with the Senate None 0 PROCEDURE 'Resolved, That a conference be desired with the Senate on the subject matter of the amendments disagreed to.' Journal of the House
126387 Motion to Inform the Senate about the Conference Committee None 0 PROCEDURE 'Ordered, That the Clerk of this House do acquaint the Senate therewith, and desire their concurrence.' Journal of the House
126389 Implied Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE [Implied Motion to Adjourn] Journal of the House
126392 Motion that the Report Lay on the Table None 0 PROCEDURE [Resolved, That the report of the conference committee lie on the table.] Journal of the House
126395 Implied Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE [Implied Motion to Adjourn] Journal of the House
126397 Motion to Take Up Conference Committee Report None 0 PROCEDURE [Resolved, That the House take up consideration of the report of the conference committee] Journal of the House
126405 Motion to Record the Yeas and Nays None 0 PROCEDURE [Resolved, That the Clerk record the yeas and nays] Journal of the House
126416 Implied Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE [Implied Motion to Adjourn] Journal of the House
126420 Implied Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE [Implied Motion to Adjourn] Journal of the House
126423 Implied Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE [Implied Motion to Adjourn] Journal of the House

Committee: House: Committee of the Whole

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources
126461 Implied Motion to Appoint a Chair of the Committee None 0 PROCEDURE [Implied Motion to Appoint a Chair of the Committee] Journal of the House
126464 Implied Motion to Rise and Report Progress None 0 PROCEDURE [Implied Motion to Rise and Report Progress] Journal of the House
126468 Motion to Rise and Report Progress None 0 PROCEDURE [Resolved, that the Committee rise and report progress] Annals of Congress
126476 Motion to Rise and Report Progress None 0 PROCEDURE [Resolved, that the Committee rise and report progress.] Annals of Congress
126479 Implied Motion to Rise and Report Progress None 0 PROCEDURE [Resolved, that the Committee rise and report progress.] Journal of the House
126483 Implied Motion to Rise and Report Progress None 0 PROCEDURE [Resolved, that the Committee rise and report progress.] Journal of the House
126486 Implied Motion to Rise and Report Progress None 0 PROCEDURE [Resolved, that the Committee rise and report progress.] Journal of the House
126491 Implied Motion to Rise and Report Progress None 0 PROCEDURE [Resolved, that the Committee rise and report progress.] Annals of Congress
126494 Implied Motion to Rise and Report Progress None 0 PROCEDURE [Resolved, that the Committee rise and report progress.] Journal of the House
126497 Implied Motion to Rise and Report Progress None 0 PROCEDURE [Resolved, that the Committee rise and report progress.] Journal of the House
126500 Motion to Rise and Report Progress None 0 PROCEDURE [Resolved, that the Committee rise and report progress.] Annals of Congress
126503 Implied Motion to Rise and Report Progress None 0 PROCEDURE [Resolved, that the Committee rise and report progress.] Journal of the House
126507 Implied Motion to Rise and Report Progress None 0 PROCEDURE [Resolved, that the Committee rise and report progress.] Annals of Congress
126511 Motion to Rise and Report Progress None 0 PROCEDURE [Resolved, that the Committee rise and report progress.] Annals of Congress
126514 Motion to Rise and Report Progress None 0 PROCEDURE [Resolved, that the Committee rise and report progress.] Annals of Congress
126517 Implied Motion to Rise and Report Progress None 0 PROCEDURE [Resolved, that the Committee rise and report progress.] Journal of the House
126520 Implied Motion to Rise and Report Progress None 0 PROCEDURE [Resolved, that the Committee rise and report progress.] Annals of Congress
126527 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE [Point of Order, Are the deliberations of the committee confined to the propositions contained in the Committee of Eleven's report that is currently on the table?] Annals of Congress
126531 Point of Order on Voting Procedure None 0 PROCEDURE [Point of Order, Must two-thirds of members agree in order to carry a motion in committee?] Annals of Congress
126534 Appeal of Chairman's Decision None 0 PROCEDURE [Resolved, that the House appeal the decision of the chair.] Journal of the House
126536 Implied Motion to Rise and Report Progress None 0 PROCEDURE [Resolved, That the committee rise and report progress.] Annals of Congress
126565 Implied Motion to Rise and Report None 0 PROCEDURE [Resolved, That the Committee rise and report progress.] Editorial
126585 Motion to Call the Question None 0 PROCEDURE [Resolved, That Chair call the question.] Annals of Congress
126588 Motion to Call the Question None 0 PROCEDURE [Resolved, That the Chair call the question.] Annals of Congress
126591 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE [Point of Order, Mr. Chairman, what is the question before the committee? The debate has become so desultory that it has lost sight of the question before the House.] Annals of Congress
126596 Motion to Rise and Report Progress None 0 PROCEDURE [Resolved, That the Committee rise and report progress.] Annals of Congress
126675 Motion to Rise and Report Progress None 0 PROCEDURE [Resolved, That the Committee rise and report progress.] Annals of Congress
126698 Motion to Rise and Report Progress None 0 PROCEDURE [Resolved, That the Committee rise and report progress.] Editorial

Committee: House: Committee of Eleven

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources
126720 [Implied Motion to Rise] None 0 PROCEDURE [Resolved, that the Committee rise.] Editorial
126723 Implied Motion to Rise and Report on Amendments None 0 PROCEDURE [Resolved, That the committee rise and report.] Journal of the House
126726 Implied Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [Resolved, that the Committee rise.] Editorial

Committee: Joint: Committee for Enrolled Bills

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources
126731 Implied Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [Resolved, that the Committee rise.] Editorial
126734 Implied Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [Resolved, that the Committee rise.] Editorial
126737 Implied Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [Resolved, that the Committee rise.] Editorial
126743 Implied Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [Resolved, that the Committee rise.] Editorial

Committee: House: Committee of Three

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources
126749 Implied Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [Resolved, that the Committee rise.] Editorial
126753 Implied Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [Resolved, that the Committee rise.] Editorial

Committee: The Senate

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources
126763 Implied Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE [Implied Motion to Adjourn] Journal of the Senate
126766 Implied Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE [Implied Motion to Adjourn] Journal of the Senate
126769 Implied Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE [Implied Motion to Adjourn] Journal of the Senate
126772 Implied Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE [Implied Motion to Adjourn] Journal of the Senate
126775 Motion to Read and File State Credentials None 0 PROCEDURE [Resolved that the credentials of the afore-mentioned members be read and filed] Journal of the Senate
126777 Motion to Elect a President pro tempore None 0 PROCEDURE [Resolved, that the Senate proceed by ballot to the choice of a President pro tempore] Journal of the Senate
126780 Motion to Elect a Doorkeeper None 0 PROCEDURE [Resolved, that the Senate proceed to elect a door-keeper.] Annals of Congress
126783 Implied Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE [Implied Motion to Adjourn] Journal of the Senate
126785 Motion to Appoint a Rules Committee None 0 PROCEDURE 'Ordered, That the same committee prepare a system of rules for conducting business in the Senate.' Annals of Congress
126792 Implied Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE [Implied Motion to Adjourn] Journal of the Senate
126794 Motion to Elect a Secretary None 0 PROCEDURE [Resolved, that the Senate proceed by ballot to the choice of a Secretary.] Journal of the Senate
126797 Motion to Elect a Messenger None 0 PROCEDURE [Resolved, that the Senate proceed to elect a Messenger.] Journal of the Senate
126800 Implied Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE [Implied Motion to Adjourn] Journal of the Senate
126807 Implied Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE [Implied Motion to Adjourn] Journal of the Senate
126811 Implied Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE [Implied Motion to Adjourn] Journal of the Senate
126817 Implied Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE [Implied Motion to Adjourn] Journal of the Senate
126820 Implied Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE [Implied Motion to Adjourn] Journal of the House
126826 Implied Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE [Implied Motion to Adjourn] Journal of the Senate
126830 Implied Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE [Implied Motion to Adjourn] Journal of the Senate
126832 Motion to Appoint a Chaplain None 0 PROCEDURE [Resolved, that the Senate proceed to the appointment of a Chaplain.] Journal of the Senate
126835 Implied Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE [Implied Motion to Adjourn] Journal of the Senate
126838 Implied Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE [Implied Motion to Adjourn] Journal of the Senate
126841 Implied Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE [Implied Motion to Adjourn] Journal of the Senate
126844 Implied Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE [Implied Motion to Adjourn] Journal of the Senate
126847 Implied Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE [Implied Motion to Adjourn] Journal of the Senate
126849 Implied Motion to Appoint a Member to the Committee for Enrolled Bills None 0 PROCEDURE [Resolved, that the Senate appoint a member to the Committee for Enrolled Bills] Journal of the Senate
126852 Implied Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE [Implied Motion to Adjourn] Journal of the Senate
126855 Motion to Postpone Consideration of Amendments until Next Session None 0 PROCEDURE [Resolved, That the Senate postpone consideration of the articles of amendment until the next session of Congress] Journal of the Senate
126857 Motion to Assign Consideration of Amendments to 31 August None 0 PROCEDURE 'Ordered, That Monday next be assigned to take them under consideration.' Journal of the Senate
126859 Implied Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE [Implied Motion to Adjourn] Journal of the Senate
126865 Motion to Record the Yeas and Nays None 0 PROCEDURE [Resolved, That the Clerk record the yeas and nays] Journal of the Senate
126871 Implied Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE [Implied Motion to Adjourn] Journal of the Senate
126880 Motion to Reconsider Previous the Previous Question None 0 PROCEDURE [Resolved, That the Senate reconsider the previous question.] Journal of the Senate
126896 Motion to Record the Yeas and Nays None 0 PROCEDURE [Resolved that the Secretary record the yeas and nays] Journal of the Senate
126903 Motion to Postpone Further Consideration of the Fourth Article None 0 PROCEDURE [Ordered, That the further consideration of this article be postponed.] Journal of the Senate
126905 Implied Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE [Implied Motion to Adjourn] Journal of the Senate
126912 Motion to Record Yeas and Nays None 0 PROCEDURE [Resolved, That the Secretary record the yeas and nays] Journal of the Senate
126938 Implied Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE [Implied Motion to Adjourn] Journal of the Senate
126970 Motion to Amend the Preamble of the Resolve None 0 PROCEDURE [Resolved, That the Senate amend the Preamble of the resolve of the House of Representatives] Journal of the Senate
126971 Motion to Postpone Consideration of the Preamble until Tomorrow None 0 PROCEDURE [Ordered, That the the further consideration of the preamble be postponed until tomorrow.] Journal of the Senate
126973 Implied Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE [Implied Motion to Adjourn] Journal of the Senate
127021 Motion to Postpone Consideration of Resolve until To-morrow. None 0 PROCEDURE 'Ordered, That the further consideration of the resolve of the House of Representatives, on the articles of amendment, be postponed until to-morrow.' Journal of the Senate
127023 Implied Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE [Implied Motion to Adjourn] Journal of the Senate
127048 Motion to Record the Yeas and Nays None 0 PROCEDURE [Resolved, That the Secretary record the yeas and nays] Journal of the Senate
127058 Motion that the Secretary Carry a Message to the House None 0 PROCEDURE 'Ordered, That the Secretary do carry a message to the House of Representatives accordingly.' Journal of the Senate
127060 Implied Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE [Implied Motion to Adjourn] Journal of the Senate
127063 Motion to Recede from Third Amendment but Insist on All Others None 0 PROCEDURE 'Resolved, That the Senate recede from their third amendment, and insist on all the others.' Journal of the Senate
127065 Motion to Appoint a Conference Committee None 0 PROCEDURE 'Resolved, That the Senate do Concur with the House of Representatives in a Conference on the Subject Matter of Disagreement on the Said Articles of Amendment' Journal of the Senate
127071 Implied Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE [Implied Motion to Adjourn] Journal of the Senate
127076 Motion to Table the Conference Committee Report None 0 PROCEDURE 'Ordered, That the report lie for consideration.' Journal of the Senate
127080 Implied Motion to Table the House's Amendments None 0 PROCEDURE [Ordered, That the amendments to the 'Articles to be proposed to the legislatures of the several states...' transmitted by the House lie on the table.] Journal of the Senate
127082 Implied Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE [Implied Motion to Adjourn] Journal of the Senate
127086 Implied Motion to Consider the Message from the House None 0 PROCEDURE [Resolved, That the Senate take up consideration of the message from the House of Representatives to concur in the House's request that the President transmit copies of the amendments proposed by Congress to the executives of the severals states that have ratified the Constitution, and like copies to the executives of the states of Rhode Island and North Carolina.] Journal of the Senate
127090 Motion to Carry a Message of Concurrence to the House None 0 PROCEDURE 'Ordered, That the Secretary do carry a message to the House of Representative[s] accordingly.' Journal of the Senate
127092 Implied Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE [Implied Motion to Adjourn] Journal of the Senate
127095 Motion to Carry a Message of Concurrence to the House None 0 PROCEDURE 'Ordered, That the Secretary do carry a message to the House of Representatives accordingly.' Journal of the Senate
127097 Implied Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE [Implied Motion to Adjourn] Journal of the Senate

Committee: Joint: Conference Committee

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources
127107 Implied Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [Resolved, that the Committee rise.] Editorial

Committee: House: Rules Committee

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources
127120 Implied Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [Resolved, that the Committee rise.] Editorial
127124 Implied Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [Resolved, that the Committee rise.] Editorial
127128 Implied Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [Resolved, that the Committee rise.] Editorial
127138 Implied Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [Resolved, that the Committee rise.] Editorial

Committee: Joint: Conference Rules Committee

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources
127145 Implied Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [Resolved, that the Committee rise.] Editorial
127152 Implied Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [Resolved, that the Committee rise.] Editorial
127156 Implied Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [Resolved, that the Committee rise.] Editorial

Committee: House: Committee of Elections

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources
127165 Implied Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [Resolved, that the Committee rise.] Editorial
127169 Implied Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [Resolved, that the Committee rise.] Editorial

Committee: Senate: Rules Committee

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources
127176 Implied Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [Resolved, that the Committee rise.] Editorial
127180 Implied Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [Resolved, that the Committee rise.] Annals of Congress