Twelve articles of amendment to the Constitution, introduced in September 1789 by Congress.
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Committee: The House of Representatives
[Editor's note: As the Senate's message was observed by the House and required no further action, it will be represented as dropped.] Monday April 1789Committee: The House of Representatives
[Editor's note: The Additional Rules and Standing Orders are read again and debated individually. To mimic this procedure, the original document entitled 'Additional Rules and Standing Orders' are represented as dropped and each rule as a new proposed... Monday April 1789Committee: The House of Representatives
[Editor's note: Though the House orders that Resolution 2 lie on the table, effectively postponing its consideration, they never discuss it again within the context of the House rules. As a result, this proposed rule will here be represented as... Monday April 1789Committee: The House of Representatives
[Editor's note: As the Rules and Standing Orders were agreed on 7 April, the original document must be brought back into consideration in order to attach the newly-agreed additional rules.] Monday April 1789Committee: The House of Representatives
[Editor's note: The agreed additional rules were taken into the original rules document.] Monday April 1789Committee: The House of Representatives
Recommitted Clauses Tuesday April 1789Committee: The House of Representatives
[Editor's note: The Recommitted Clauses as amended and agreed by the House are taken into the Rules and Standing Orders.] Tuesday April 1789Committee: The House of Representatives
[Editor's note: There was no separate vote taken on the Rules and Standing Orders document as a whole following the agreement of the Recommitted Clauses, as the original proposed rules were agreed previously. However, in order to represent a motion to... Tuesday April 1789Committee: The House of Representatives
[Editor's note: As all the points in the Senate's letter were considered, this letter will be represented as dropped.] Friday April 1789Committee: The House of Representatives
James Madison's Notice Monday May 1789Committee: The House of Representatives
[Editor's note: As the House agreed to assign a day to consider amendments to the Constitution, it is clear that Madison's notice was accepted.] Monday May 1789Committee: The House of Representatives
[Editorial note: The decision to file Virginia's Address means that Bland's motion to refer it to a Committee of the Whole was effectively dropped.] Tuesday May 1789Committee: The House of Representatives
[Editor's note: After White's motion is rejected, the House does not take a second vote on the Rules as a whole, as they were agreed upon previously. However, in order to represent White's motion to amend a closed proposal (the Rules and Standing... Friday May 1789Committee: The House of Representatives
[Editor's note: It is not clear if Jackson offered his proposal to postpone consideration of amendments to the Constitution as a formal motion. Notwithstanding, the motion does not seem to have received a second and was not taken up for discussion or vote.] Monday June 1789Committee: The House of Representatives
[Editor's note: As Madison's amendments were, by the end of the discussion, referred to the Committee of the Whole, his motion that the House adopt the amendments as resolutions was effectively dropped.] Monday June 1789Committee: The House of Representatives
Amendments Proposed by the Virginia Convention Monday June 1789Committee: The House of Representatives
[Elbridge Gerry's motion (seconded by Aedanus Burke) to record the yeas and nays on Fisher Ames's motion to discharge the Committee of the Whole from consideration of amendments was dropped upon Ames's withdrawal of that motion (Annals of Congress, 1st... Saturday August 1789Committee: The House of Representatives
House Report Following the Committee of the Whole Report Wednesday August 1789Committee: The House of Representatives
Report of the House - Fourth Proposition, Fourth Clause Thursday August 1789Committee: The House of Representatives
Report of the House - Fourth Proposition, Fifth Clause Thursday August 1789Committee: The House of Representatives
Report of the House - Fourth Proposition, Sixth Clause Thursday August 1789Committee: The House of Representatives
Report of the House - Fourth Proposition, Seventh Clause Thursday August 1789Committee: The House of Representatives
[Editor's note: After the House adopted Smith's amendment to Ames's motion, the second proposition is considered agreed and adopted.] Friday August 1789Committee: The House of Representatives
[Editor's note: After the House amended the articles, the document was sent back to the Senate for approval.] Thursday September 1789Committee: The House of Representatives
[Editor's note: As the House received the Senate's message, and no decision was required on it, it will here be represented as dropped.] Friday September 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
[Editor's note: In the previous session, Trumbull requested and was granted a two-week leave of absence, and as a result, Boudinot assumed the position of chairman of the Committee of the Whole. Though the Committee does not discuss any topic relevant... Monday July 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
[Editor's note: With the adoption of the first proposition of the report, Smith's motion to amend the first proposition is effectively dropped.] Friday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
Implied Motion to Rise and Report Friday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
'The committee then rose and reported progress...' (Annals of Congress, 1st Cong., 1st sess., 757). *** 'Committee rose...' (New-York Daily Advertiser, edition of 15 August 1789). Friday August 1789Committee: The House of Representatives
Amendment to the Fourth Proposition, Seventh Clause Thursday August 1789Committee: The House of Representatives
[Editor's note: The tenth amendment came under the House's consideration at this point. None of the available sources specifically record the House taking up discussion, nor do any record debate on this provision. The sources, however, record that the... Thursday August 1789Committee: The House of Representatives
Report of the House - Fourth Proposition, Eighth Clause Thursday August 1789Committee: The House of Representatives
'[The third clause] was adopted, as was the fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, and eighth clauses of the fourth proposition...' (Annals of Congress, 1st Cong., 1st sess., 796). *** 'The 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th and 14th amendments without... Thursday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
[Editor's note: Gerry's proposal to alter the Committee of Eleven's proposed amendment by limiting the exemption for bearing arms to those 'persons belonging to a religious sect scrupulous of bearing arms' did not receive a second, and discussion was... Monday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
Motion to Rise and Report Progress Tuesday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of Eleven
[Implied Motion to Rise] Tuesday July 1789Committee: House: Committee of Eleven
[Editor's note: As it seems to have been standard procedure for a committee member to make a motion to rise in order to end a committee meeting, the editors have represented such a motion here.] Tuesday July 1789Committee: House: Committee of Eleven
Implied Motion to Rise Tuesday July 1789Committee: The House of Representatives
Report of the House - Fifth Proposition Thursday August 1789Committee: The House of Representatives
Amendment to the Fifth Proposition Thursday August 1789Committee: The House of Representatives
[Editor's note: The twelfth amendment came under the House's consideration at this point. None of the available sources specifically record the House taking up discussion, nor do any record debate on this provision. The sources, however, record that... Thursday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of Eleven
[Editor's note: As it seems to have been standard procedure for a committee member to make a motion to rise in order to end a committee meeting, the editors have represented such a motion here.] Tuesday July 1789Committee: Joint: Committee for Enrolled Bills
Implied Motion to Rise Friday July 1789Committee: Joint: Committee for Enrolled Bills
[Editor's note: As it seems to have been standard procedure for a committee member to make a motion to rise in order to end a committee meeting, the editors have represented such a motion here.] Friday July 1789Committee: Joint: Committee for Enrolled Bills
Implied Motion to Rise Thursday August 1789Committee: Joint: Committee for Enrolled Bills
[Editor's note: As it seems to have been standard procedure for a committee member to make a motion to rise in order to end a committee meeting, the editors have represented such a motion here.] Thursday August 1789Committee: Joint: Committee for Enrolled Bills
Implied Motion to Rise Thursday August 1789Committee: The House of Representatives
'[T]hen the fifth, sixth, and seventh propositions were agreed to...' (Annals of Congress, 1st Cong., 1st sess., 796). *** 'The 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th and 14th amendments without any material alterations were agreed to' (Gazette of the... Thursday August 1789Committee: The House of Representatives
Report of the House - Sixth Proposition Thursday August 1789Committee: The House of Representatives
Amendment to the Sixth Proposition Thursday August 1789Committee: The House of Representatives
[Editor's note: The thirteenth amendment came under the House's consideration at this point. None of the available sources specifically record the House taking up discussion, nor do any record debate on this provision. The sources, however, record that... Thursday August 1789Committee: Joint: Committee for Enrolled Bills
[Editor's note: As it seems to have been standard procedure for a committee member to make a motion to rise in order to end a committee meeting, the editors have represented such a motion here.] Thursday August 1789Committee: Joint: Committee for Enrolled Bills
The Bill of Rights as Proposed Monday September 1789Committee: Joint: Committee for Enrolled Bills
[Editor's note: As the Committee for Enrolled Bills considered the amendments 'truly enrolled', they are here represented as agreed. The Bill of Rights as proposed would then be sent to the states for ratification.] Monday September 1789Committee: Joint: Committee for Enrolled Bills
Implied Motion to Rise Monday September 1789Committee: The House of Representatives
Report of the House - Seventh Proposition, First Clause Thursday August 1789Committee: The House of Representatives
Amendment to the Seventh Proposition, First Clause Thursday August 1789Committee: The House of Representatives
[Editor's note: The fourteenth amendment came under the House's consideration at this point. None of the available sources specifically record the House taking up discussion, nor do any record debate on this provision. The sources, however, record that... Thursday August 1789Committee: Joint: Committee for Enrolled Bills
[Editor's note: As it seems to have been standard procedure for a committee member to make a motion to rise in order to end a committee meeting, the editors have represented such a motion here.] Monday September 1789Committee: House: Committee of Three
Implied Motion to Rise Saturday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of Three
[Editor's note: As it seems to have been standard procedure for a committee member to make a motion to rise in order to end a committee meeting, the editors have represented such a motion here.] Saturday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of Three
[Editor's note: After arranging and redrafting the amendments adopted by the House, the Committee of Three rose and reported to the House on 24 August 1789 (U.S. House Journal, 1st Cong., 1st sess., 24 August 1789; Annals of Congress, 1st Cong., 808-09).] Monday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of Three
Implied Motion to Rise Monday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
[Editor's note: No source directly indicates that Jackson's proposal, as amended by Smith of South Carolina, was adopted at this point. The record seems to indicate that after the comments in opposition offered by Sherman and Vining, the motion was... Monday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of Three
[Editor's note: As it seems to have been standard procedure for a committee member to make a motion to rise in order to end a committee meeting, the editors have represented such a motion here.] Monday August 1789Committee: The Senate
[Editor's note: Because the Rules and Standing Orders had been adopted previously, it was necessary that the editors bring back the entire agreed document in order to make the proposed amendment. The amendment was adopted, and another vote was not... Saturday April 1789Committee: The Senate
Clause by Clause Consideration of the House's Proposed Amendments Wednesday September 1789Committee: The Senate
Amendments Proposed by the Senate Wednesday September 1789Committee: The Senate
[Editor's note: As the Senate observed the message from the House, it will here be represented as dropped.] Monday September 1789Committee: The Senate
[Editor's note: Upon the Senate's agreement to the amendments proposed by the House, the document is referred to the Committee for Enrolled Bills.] Friday September 1789Committee: Joint: Conference Committee
[Editor's note: The report was then sent to the House.] Monday September 1789Committee: Joint: Conference Committee
Implied Motion to Rise Monday September 1789Committee: Joint: Conference Committee
[Editor's note: As it seems to have been standard procedure for a committee member to make a motion to rise in order to end a committee meeting, the editors have represented such a motion here.] Monday September 1789Committee: House: Rules Committee
Implied Motion to Rise Thursday April 1789Committee: House: Rules Committee
[Editor's note: As it seems to have been standard procedure for a committee member to make a motion to rise in order to end a committee meeting, the editors have represented such a motion here.] Thursday April 1789Committee: House: Rules Committee
Proposed Rules and Standing Orders Tuesday April 1789Committee: House: Rules Committee
[Editor's note: On 7 June, Boudinot presented this report to the House.] Tuesday April 1789Committee: House: Rules Committee
Implied Motion to Rise Tuesday April 1789Committee: House: Rules Committee
[Editor's note: As it seems to have been standard procedure for a committee member to make a motion to rise in order to end a committee meeting, the editors have represented such a motion here.] Tuesday April 1789Committee: House: Rules Committee
[Editor's note: The Additional Rules and Standing Orders are presented to the House in the following session.] Wednesday April 1789Committee: House: Rules Committee
Implied Motion to Rise Wednesday April 1789Committee: House: Rules Committee
[Editor's note: As it seems to have been standard procedure for a committee member to make a motion to rise in order to end a committee meeting, the editors have represented such a motion here.] Wednesday April 1789Committee: House: Rules Committee
[Editor's note: As Boudinot presents amended versions of the recommitted clauses in the following House session, it is clear that the Rules Committee made amendments to the clauses some time between 13 April and 14 April. Given the House's habit of... Monday April 1789Committee: House: Rules Committee
[Editor's note: As Boudinot presents amended versions of the recommitted clauses in the following House session, it is clear that the Rules Committee made amendments to the clauses some time between 13 April and 14 April. Given the House's habit of... Monday April 1789Committee: House: Rules Committee
[Editor's note: As Boudinot presents amended versions of the recommitted clauses in the following House session, it is clear that the Rules Committee made amendments to the clauses some time between 13 April and 14 April. Given the House's habit of... Monday April 1789Committee: House: Rules Committee
[Editor's note: As Boudinot presents amended versions of the recommitted clauses in the following House session, the document will be represented as being referred.] Monday April 1789Committee: House: Rules Committee
Implied Motion to Rise Monday April 1789Committee: House: Rules Committee
[Editor's note: As it seems to have been standard procedure for a committee member to make a motion to rise in order to end a committee meeting, the editors have represented such a motion here.] Monday April 1789Committee: Joint: Conference Rules Committee
Implied Motion to Rise Tuesday April 1789Committee: Joint: Conference Rules Committee
[Editor's note: As it seems to have been standard procedure for a committee member to make a motion to rise in order to end a committee meeting, the editors have represented such a motion here.] Tuesday April 1789Committee: Joint: Conference Rules Committee
Implied Motion to Rise Thursday April 1789Committee: Joint: Conference Rules Committee
[Editor's note: As it seems to have been standard procedure for a committee member to make a motion to rise in order to end a committee meeting, the editors have represented such a motion here.] Thursday April 1789Committee: Joint: Conference Rules Committee
Conference Rules Committee Report Wednesday April 1789Committee: Joint: Conference Rules Committee
[Editor's note: As Boudinot presents a report in the House session on this day, it is clear that a report was drafted by the Conference Rules Committee some time between 9 April, when members were appointed, and 15 April.] Wednesday April 1789Committee: Joint: Conference Rules Committee
Implied Motion to Rise Wednesday April 1789Committee: Joint: Conference Rules Committee
[Editor's note: As it seems to have been standard procedure for a committee member to make a motion to rise in order to end a committee meeting, the editors have represented such a motion here.] Wednesday April 1789Committee: House: Committee of Elections
Implied Motion to Rise Monday April 1789Committee: House: Committee of Elections
[Editor's note: As it seems to have been standard procedure for a committee member to make a motion to rise in order to end a committee meeting, the editors have represented such a motion here.] Monday April 1789Committee: House: Committee of Elections
[Editor's note: As White delivered a report from the Committee of Elections in the 18 April House session, it is clear that the Committee drafted a report some time in between 13 April, when the members were appointed, and 18 April.] Saturday April 1789Committee: House: Committee of Elections
Implied Motion to Rise Saturday April 1789Committee: House: Committee of Elections
[Editor's note: As it seems to have been standard procedure for a committee member to make a motion to rise in order to end a committee meeting, the editors have represented such a motion here.] Saturday April 1789Committee: Senate: Rules Committee
Implied Motion to Rise Tuesday April 1789Committee: Senate: Rules Committee
[Editor's note: As it seems to have been standard procedure for a committee member to make a motion to rise in order to end a committee meeting, the editors have represented such a motion here.] Tuesday April 1789Committee: Senate: Rules Committee
[Editor's note: As it seems to have been standard procedure for a committee member to make a motion to rise in order to end a committee meeting, the editors have represented such a motion here.] Monday April 1789Committee: The House of Representatives
Constitution of the United States Monday June 1789Committee: House: Committee of Eleven
Constitution of the United States Tuesday July 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
Constitution of the United States Tuesday June 1789Committee: House: Committee of Three
Constitution of the United States Saturday August 1789Committee: The Senate
Constitution of the United States Tuesday August 1789Committee: The House of Representatives
House of Representatives' Consideration of the Amendments Proposed by the Senate Monday September 1789Committee: Joint: Conference Committee
Articles of Amendment Agreed to by the Senate Monday September 1789Committee: Joint: Conference Committee
Amendments Proposed by the Senate Monday September 1789Committee: The House of Representatives
Proposed Amendment to Article Three Thursday September 1789Committee: The House of Representatives
[Editor's note: The House adopts the recommendation of the Conference Committee Report to adopt the Senate's proposed amendments.] Thursday September 1789Committee: The House of Representatives
[Editor's note: According to the document's final form, the Conference Committee agreed to adopt the House version of the First Article, and it was this version of the article that the Conference Committee amended.] Thursday September 1789