Twelve articles of amendment to the Constitution, introduced in September 1789 by Congress.
Source material
Annals of Congress
Formerly referred to as The Debates and Proceedings in the Congress of the United States, the Annals of Congress contain a record of the First Congress through the first session of the Eighteenth Congress. The compiling of the Annals began in 1834 (ten years after the Eighteenth Congress's first session) and took roughly twenty years. It is compiled from various sources, such as newspaper accounts. One relevant source for the Annals's record of the First Congress is Thomas Lloyd's stenographic account of the proceedings, known as the Congressional Register, which itself relies, in part, on newspaper accounts to fill in the gaps in Lloyd's shorthand notes.
[Source: 'Annals of Congress', Library of Congress, available at]
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Committee: The House of Representatives
Implied Motion to Adjourn Thursday April 1789Committee: The House of Representatives
'This being the day on which the President of the United States was inaugurated no other business, of course, was attended to' (Annals of Congress, 1st. Cong., 1st sess., 241). Thursday April 1789Committee: The House of Representatives
Motion to Refer Virginia's Address Tuesday May 1789Committee: The House of Representatives
Motion to Adjourn Tuesday May 1789Committee: The House of Representatives
'[Bland] moved the adjournment, and the House agreed to it' (Annals of Congress, 1st Cong., 1st sess., 276). Tuesday May 1789Committee: The House of Representatives
Madison's Motion to Consider Amendments in the Committee of the Whole Monday June 1789Committee: The House of Representatives
Smith's Proposal for a Select Committee Monday June 1789Committee: The House of Representatives
Madison's Proposed Amendments Monday June 1789Committee: The House of Representatives
'Mr. JACKSON.—The more I consider the subject of amendments, the more I am convinced it is improper. I revere the rights of my constituents as much as any gentleman in Congress, yet I am against inserting a declaration of rights in the constitution,... Monday June 1789Committee: The House of Representatives
Motion to Defer Consideration of Amendments Until 1 July 1789 Monday June 1789Committee: The House of Representatives
Motion to Refer the Motion to Adopt Madison's Proposed Amendments as Resolutions to the Committee of the Whole Monday June 1789Committee: The House of Representatives
Boudinot's Motion to Appoint a Select Committee on Amendments Monday June 1789Committee: The House of Representatives
'Mr. JACKSON.—I am of the opinion we ought not to be in a hurry with respect to altering the constitution. For my part, I have no idea of speculating in this serious manner on theory. If I agree to alterations in the mode of administering this... Monday June 1789Committee: The House of Representatives
Jackson's Proposal to Postpone Discussion of Amendments to 1 March 1790 Monday June 1789Committee: The House of Representatives
[Editor's note: Gerry's motion to postpone consideration of amendments to 1 July does not seem to have received a second and was not taken up for discussion or vote (Annals of Congress, 1st Cong., 1st sess., 466).] Monday June 1789Committee: The House of Representatives
'Mr. BOUDINOT wished the appointment of a select committee, but afterwards withdrew his motion' (Annals of Congress, 1st Cong., 1st sess., 468). Monday June 1789Committee: The House of Representatives
'At length Mr. Lawrence's motion was agreed to, and Mr. Madison's propositions were ordered to be referred to a Committee of the whole' (Annals of Congress, 1st Cong. 1st sess., 468). *** 'A motion was made and seconded, that the House do come to a... Monday June 1789Committee: The House of Representatives
Gerry's Motion to Bring State Amendments Forward Tuesday July 1789Committee: The House of Representatives
'Mr. MADISON.—I am sorry to be accessary [sic] to the loss of a single moment of time by the House. If I had been indulged in my motion, and we had gone into a Committee of the whole, I think we might have rose and resumed the consideration of other... Monday June 1789Committee: The House of Representatives
Madison's Motion to Appoint a Select Committee on Amendments Monday June 1789Committee: The House of Representatives
Motion to Adopt Madison's Proposed Amendments as Resolutions Monday June 1789Committee: The House of Representatives
'At length Mr. LAWRENCE's motion was agreed to, and Mr. MADISON's propositions were ordered to be referred to a Committee of the whole' (Annals of Congress, 1st Cong., 1st sess., 468). *** 'After a few more observations the motion of Mr. LAWRANCE... Monday June 1789Committee: The House of Representatives
Madison's Motion to Go Into a Committee of the Whole on Amendments Tuesday July 1789Committee: The House of Representatives
'Mr. PAGE replied, that such motion would be out of order, until the present question was determined. A desultory conversation ensued, and it was questioned whether the subject generally was to be before the Committee of the whole, or those specific... Tuesday July 1789Committee: The House of Representatives
Motion to Appoint the Committee for Enrolled Bills Friday July 1789Committee: The House of Representatives
'Mr. PAGE hoped the House would agree to the motion of his colleague without hesitation, because he conceived it essentially necessary to proceed and finish the business as speedily as possible; for whatever might be the fact with respect to the... Thursday August 1789Committee: The House of Representatives
'The question was now put, and carried in the affirmative. The House then resolved itself into a Committee of the whole, Mr. BOUDINOT in the chair, and took the amendments under consideration' (Annals of Congress, 1st Cong., 1st sess.,... Thursday August 1789Committee: The House of Representatives
'The question was now put, and carried in the affirmative. The House then resolved itself into a Committee of the whole, Mr. BOUDINOT in the chair, and took the amendments under consideration' (Annals of Congress, 1st Cong., 1st sess.,... Thursday August 1789Committee: The House of Representatives
'Mr. SUMTER.—I consider the subject of amendments of such great importance to the Union, that I shall be glad to see it undertaken in any manner. I am not, Mr. Speaker disposed to sacrifice substance to form; therefore, whether the business shall... Monday June 1789Committee: The House of Representatives
Ames' Motion to Refer Amendments to a Select Committee Tuesday July 1789Committee: The House of Representatives
Motion to Call the Yeas and Nays on Ames' Motion Saturday August 1789Committee: The House of Representatives
'Mr. AMES withdrew his motion [to discharge the Committee of the Whole], and laid another on the table...' (Annals of Congress, 1st Cong., 1st sess., 778). Saturday August 1789Committee: The House of Representatives
Motion to Require a Two-Thirds Majority Saturday August 1789Committee: The House of Representatives
'Mr. AMES withdrew his motion, and laid another on the table, requiring two-thirds of the committee to carry a question; and, after some desultory conversation...' (Annals of Congress, 1st Cong., 1st sess., 778). Saturday August 1789Committee: The House of Representatives
Motion to Put the Previous Question Tuesday August 1789Committee: The House of Representatives
'Mr. SEDGWICK opposed the motion, for the reasons given by his colleague, observing that the members from the several States proposing amendments would no doubt drag the House through the consideration of every one, whatever their fate might be after... Tuesday July 1789Committee: The House of Representatives
Motion for the House to Resolve Itself into the Committee of the Whole on Amendments Thursday August 1789Committee: The House of Representatives
Motion to Discharge the Committee of the Whole Saturday August 1789Committee: The House of Representatives
'The yeas and nays being demanded by one-fifth of the members present, on this last motion, they were taken as follows: YEAS.—Messrs. Burke, Coles, Floyd, Gerry, Griffin, Grout, Hathorn, Livermore, Page, Parker, Van Rensselaer, Sherman, Stone,... Tuesday August 1789Committee: The House of Representatives
'Mr. VINING moved the previous question...and the question was Shall the main question, to agree to the motion, be now put?... YEAS.—...16 NAYS.—...34 So the motion was lost' (Annals of Congress, 1st Cong., 1st sess., 788). [Editor's note: The loss... Tuesday August 1789Committee: The House of Representatives
'Hereupon ensued a debates similar to what took place in the Committee of the whole...' (Annals of Congress, 1st Cong., 1st sess., 795). Wednesday August 1789Committee: The House of Representatives
'Mr. SHERMAN's motion was carried by two-thirds of the House; in consequence it was agreed to' (Annals of Congress, 1st Cong., 1st sess, 795). *** 'Mr. SHERMAN bro't forward his motion for adding the amendments by way of supplement to the... Wednesday August 1789Committee: The House of Representatives
'The first proposition of amendment...was rejected, because two-thirds of the members present did not support it' (Annals of Congress, 1st Cong., 1st sess., 795). *** 'The first amendment being taken up, on the question to agree to the same, it was... Wednesday August 1789Committee: The House of Representatives
'Mr. SMITH, of South Carolina, was in favor of [Ames's] motion. Mr. GERRY thought that the object of the motion was to prevent such a thorough discussion of the business as the nature of it demanded. He called upon gentlemen to recollect the... Saturday August 1789Committee: The House of Representatives
‘Mr. TUCKER remarked, that many citizens expected that the amendments proposed by the conventions would be attended to by the House, and that several members conceived it to be their duty to bring them forward. If the House should decline taking them... Tuesday August 1789Committee: The House of Representatives
'Mr. AMES's proposition was taken up... After which, the House proceeded to the third amendment, and agreed to the same' (Annals of Congress, 1st Cong., 1st sess., 795-96). Thursday August 1789Committee: The House of Representatives
Amendment to the Fourth Proposition, Third Clause Thursday August 1789Committee: The House of Representatives
'Some further desultory conversation arose, and it was agreed to insert the words "in person" to the end of the clause; after which, it was adopted...' (Annals of Congress, 1st Cong., 1st sess., 796). *** 'The words in person were added after the... Thursday August 1789Committee: The House of Representatives
Sherman's Amendment to the House Report Wednesday August 1789Committee: The House of Representatives
Ames's Amendment the Second Proposition Wednesday August 1789Committee: The House of Representatives
'A desultory conversation took place, and several amendments of [Ames'] motion were attempted; but the House adjourned without coming to any determination' (Annals of Congress, 1st Cong., 1st sess., 795). *** 'The house spent the remainder of the day... Wednesday August 1789Committee: The House of Representatives
'Mr. AMES's proposition was taken up. Five or six other members introduced propositions on the same point, and the whole were, by mutual consent, laid on the table' (Annals of Congress, 1st Cong., 1st sess., 795-96; Gazette of the United States,... Thursday August 1789Committee: The House of Representatives
Gerry's Amendment to the Seventh Proposition, Second Clause Friday August 1789Committee: The House of Representatives
'Mr. GERRY then proposed to amend it by striking out these words, "public danger;" this being negatived...' (Annals of Congress, 1st Cong., 1s sess., 797). *** 'Mr. GERRY moved to strike out these words "public danger" to insert foreign invasion.... Friday August 1789Committee: The House of Representatives
Motion to Strike Out Final Clause of the Seventh Proposition, Second Clause Friday August 1789Committee: The House of Representatives
'Mr. AMES's proposition was taken up. Five or six other members introduced propositions on the same point, and the whole were, by mutual consent, laid on the table' (Annals of Congress, 1st Cong., 1st sess., 795-96; Gazette of the United States,... Thursday August 1789Committee: The House of Representatives
Report of the House - Third Proposition Thursday August 1789Committee: The House of Representatives
Ames's Amendment to the Fourth Proposition, First Clause Thursday August 1789Committee: The House of Representatives
'On motion of Mr. AMES, the fourth amendment was altered so as to read "Congress shall make no law establishing religion, or to prevent the free exercise thereof, or to infringe the rights of conscience." This being adopted...' (Annals of Congress, 1st... Thursday August 1789Committee: The House of Representatives
'The first proposition was agreed to' (Annals of Congress, 1st Cong., 1st sess., 796). [Editor's note: The Annals reports that 'The first proposition was agreed to', but then does not record the acceptance of the provision that could be variously... Thursday August 1789Committee: The House of Representatives
Report of the House - Seventh Proposition, Third Clause Friday August 1789Committee: The House of Representatives
'Mr. SCOTT objected to the clause in the sixth amendment, "No person religiously scrupulous shall be compelled to bear arms." He observed that if this becomes part of the constitution, such persons can neither be called upon for their services, nor... Thursday August 1789Committee: The House of Representatives
'Some further desultory conversation arose, and it was agreed to insert the words "in person" to the end of the clause; after which, it was adopted, as was the fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, and eighth clauses of the fourth proposition...' (Annals of... Thursday August 1789Committee: The House of Representatives
'[The third clause] was adopted, as was the fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, and eighth clauses of the fourth proposition...' (Annals of Congress, 1st Cong., 1st sess., 796). *** 'The 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th and 14th amendments without... Thursday August 1789Committee: The House of Representatives
'[The third clause] was adopted, as was the fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, and eighth clauses of the fourth proposition...' (Annals of Congress, 1st Cong., 1st sess., 796). *** 'The 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th and 14th amendments without... Thursday August 1789Committee: The House of Representatives
Report of the House - Eighth Proposition Friday August 1789Committee: The House of Representatives
'The House then took into consideration the third clause of the seventh proposition, which was adopted without debate. The eighth proposition was agreed to in the same manner' (Annals of Congress, 1st Cong., 1st sess., 797). [Editor's note: This is... Friday August 1789Committee: The House of Representatives
Report of the House - Ninth Proposition Friday August 1789Committee: The House of Representatives
Gerry's Amendment to the Ninth Proposition Friday August 1789Committee: The House of Representatives
Motion to Record the Yeas and Nays Friday August 1789Committee: The House of Representatives
'[The third clause] was adopted, as was the fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, and eighth clauses of the fourth proposition...' (Annals of Congress, 1st Cong., 1st sess., 796). *** 'The 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th and 14th amendments without... Thursday August 1789Committee: The House of Representatives
'[The third clause] was adopted, as was the fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, and eighth clauses of the fourth proposition...' (Annals of Congress, 1st Cong., 1st sess., 796). *** 'The 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th and 14th amendments without... Thursday August 1789Committee: The House of Representatives
'[T]hen the fifth, sixth, and seventh propositions were agreed to...' (Annals of Congress, 1st Cong., 1st sess., 796). *** 'The 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th and 14th amendments without any material alterations were agreed to' (Gazette of the... Thursday August 1789Committee: The House of Representatives
'[The third clause] was adopted, as was the fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, and eight clauses of the fourth proposition...' (Annals of Congress, 1st Cong., 1st sess., 796). *** 'The 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th and 14th amendments without any... Thursday August 1789Committee: The House of Representatives
Report of the House - Seventh Proposition, Second Clause Friday August 1789Committee: The House of Representatives
'[Gerry] requested the yeas and nays might be taken. He was supported in this by one-fifth of the members present; whereupon they were taken...' (Annals of Congress, 1st Cong., 1st sess., 797). *** '18th Amendment: In this Mr. GERRY proposed to... Friday August 1789Committee: The House of Representatives
'The ninth amendment Mr. GERRY proposed to amend by inserting the word "expressly,"...As he thought this an amendment of great importance, he requested the yeas and nays might be taken' (Annals of Congress, 1st Cong., 1st sess., 797). *** '18th... Friday August 1789Committee: The House of Representatives
Burke's Addition to the Articles of Amendment Friday August 1789Committee: The House of Representatives
Sedgwick's Amendment to Burke's Motion Friday August 1789Committee: The House of Representatives
'[I]t was then moved to strike out the last clause, "and if it be committed." &c. to the end. This motion was carried, and the amendment was adopted' (Annals of Congress, 1st Cong., 1st sess., 797). *** 'It was then moved to strike out the last... Friday August 1789Committee: The House of Representatives
'[I]t was then moved to strike out the last clause, "and if it be committed." &c. to the end. This motion was carried, and the amendment was adopted' (Annals of Congress, 1st Cong., 1st sess., 797). *** 'It was then moved to strike out the last... Friday August 1789Committee: The House of Representatives
Sherman's Amendment to the Ninth Proposition Friday August 1789Committee: The House of Representatives
'Mr. SHERMAN moved to alter the last clause... [...] This motion was adopted without debate' (Annals of Congress, 1st Cong., 1st sess., 797). *** 'This motion was acceded to, and the clause was then adopted' (Gazette of the United States, edition of... Friday August 1789Committee: The House of Representatives
'The question on Mr. SEDGWICK's motion for amending Mr. BURKE's proposition was put and lost' (Annals of Congress, 1st Cong., 1st sess., 802). Friday August 1789Committee: The House of Representatives
Motion to Record Yeas and Nays Friday August 1789Committee: The House of Representatives
‘Mr. AMES thought this one of the most justifiable of all the powers of Congress; it was essential to a body representing the whole community, that they should have power to regulate their own elections, in order to secure a representation from every... Friday August 1789Committee: The House of Representatives
'The question was then put on Mr. BURKE's motion, and the yeas and nays being demanded by the constitutional number, they were taken...' (Annals of Congress, 1st Cong., 1st sess., 802). Friday August 1789Committee: The House of Representatives
'When, after some desultory conversation, it was agreed to...' (Annals of Congress, 1st Cong., 1st sess., 802). *** 'The following in substance, introduced by Mr. SMITH, of S.C. was adopted...' (Gazette of the United States, edition of 22 August 1789, 150). Friday August 1789Committee: The House of Representatives
‘Mr. SUMTER felt himself so sensibly impressed with the importance of the subject, that if he apprehended the proposition would not have a fair discussion at this time, he would second the motion of commitment, and had not a doubt but the House would... Saturday August 1789Committee: The House of Representatives
‘Mr. AMES said, that inadequate regulations were equally injurious as having none, and that such an amendment as was now proposed would alter the constitution; it would vest the supreme authority in places where it was never contemplated. Mr. SHERMAN... Friday August 1789Committee: The House of Representatives
[Editor's note: John Page's motion to recommit Tucker's proposed amendment to the Committee of Eleven does not seem to have received a second, despite Thomas Sumter's threat to do so. The motion was superseded by Elbridge Gerry's subsequent motion to... Saturday August 1789Committee: The House of Representatives
[Editor's note: Elbridge Gerry's motion to refer Tucker's proposed amendment to the Committee of Whole does not seem to have received a second, with Tucker taking the floor to object immediately, and it was superseded by Michael Jenifer Stone's and... Saturday August 1789Committee: The House of Representatives
Motion to put the previous question Saturday August 1789Committee: The House of Representatives
'The question was then put on Mr. BURKE's motion, and the yeas and nays being demanded by the constitutional number, they were taken as follows: YEAS.—Messrs. Burke, Coles, Floyd, Gerry, Griffin, Grout, Hathorn, Heister, Jackson, Livermore, Matthews,... Friday August 1789Committee: The House of Representatives
Smith's Amendment to Ames's Motion on the Second Proposition Friday August 1789Committee: The House of Representatives
Motion to Commit Tucker's Proposition to the Committee of the Whole Saturday August 1789Committee: The House of Representatives
‘Mr. PARTRIDGE, referring to his instructions, was solicitous that this amendment should not be too precipitately decided upon, and moved the previous question, which was negatived’ (Annals of Congress, 1st Cong., 1st sess., 807). *** 'Mr. PARTRIDGE,... Saturday August 1789Committee: The House of Representatives
'And on the question that the House do agree to the said amendment, it passed in the negative' (Annals of Congress, 1st Cong., 1st sess., 807). Saturday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
'On motion, the House resolved itself into a Committee of the Whole on the state of the Union...' (Annals of Congress, 1st Cong., 1st sess., 106). Wednesday April 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
'On motion, the House resolved itself into a Committee of the Whole on the state of the Union...' (Annals of Congress, 1st Cong., 1st sess., 106). Wednesday April 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
'On motion, the House resolved itself into a Committee of the Whole on the state of the Union...' (Annals of Congress, 1st Cong., 1st sess., 106). Wednesday April 1789Committee: The House of Representatives
‘Mr. PAGE said, that he hoped every amendment to the constitution would be considered separately in the manner this was proposed, but he wished them considered fully; it ought to have been referred to the Committee of eleven, reported upon, and then to... Saturday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
'On motion, the House resolved itself into a Committee of the Whole on the state of the Union...' (Annals of Congress, 1st Cong., 1st sess., 106). Wednesday April 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
'On motion, the House resolved itself into a Committee of the Whole on the state of the Union...' (Annals of Congress, 1st Cong., 1st sess., 106). Wednesday April 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
'On motion, the House resolved itself into a Committee of the Whole on the state of the Union...' (Annals of Congress, 1st Cong., 1st sess., 106). Wednesday April 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
'On motion, the House resolved itself into a Committee of the Whole on the state of the Union...' (Annals of Congress, 1st Cong., 1st sess., 106). Wednesday April 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
'On motion, the House resolved itself into a Committee of the Whole on the state of the Union...' (Annals of Congress, 1st Cong., 1st sess., 106). Wednesday April 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
'On motion, the House resolved itself into a Committee of the Whole on the state of the Union...' (Annals of Congress, 1st Cong., 1st sess., 106). Wednesday April 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
'On motion, the House resolved itself into a Committee of the Whole on the state of the Union...' (Annals of Congress, 1st Cong., 1st sess., 106). Wednesday April 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
'On motion, the House resolved itself into a Committee of the Whole on the state of the Union...' (Annals of Congress, 1st Cong., 1st sess., 106). Wednesday April 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
'On motion, the House resolved itself into a Committee of the Whole on the state of the Union...' (Annals of Congress, 1st Cong., 1st sess., 106). Wednesday April 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
'On motion, the House resolved itself into a Committee of the Whole on the state of the Union...' (Annals of Congress, 1st Cong., 1st sess., 106). Wednesday April 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
'On motion, the House resolved itself into a Committee of the Whole on the state of the Union...' (Annals of Congress, 1st Cong., 1st sess., 106). Wednesday April 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
'On motion, the House resolved itself into a Committee of the Whole on the state of the Union...' (Annals of Congress, 1st Cong., 1st sess., 106). Wednesday April 1789Committee: The House of Representatives
‘Mr. TUCKER.—I do not see the arguments in favor of giving Congress this power in so forcible a light as some gentlemen do. It will be to erect an imperium in imperio, which is generally considered to be subversive of all Government. At any time that... Saturday August 1789Committee: The House of Representatives
‘Mr. SEDGWICK said, that he believed his mind was as strongly impressed with the force of the instructions he had received from his constituents, as that of other gentlemen. But, sir, a Government entrusted with the freedom and the very existence of... Saturday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
'On motion, the House resolved itself into a Committee of the Whole on the state of the Union...' (Annals of Congress, 1st Cong., 1st sess., 106). Wednesday April 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
'On motion, the House resolved itself into a Committee of the Whole on the state of the Union...' (Annals of Congress, 1st Cong., 1st sess., 106). Wednesday April 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
'On motion, the House resolved itself into a Committee of the Whole on the state of the Union...' (Annals of Congress, 1st Cong., 1st sess., 106). Wednesday April 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
'On motion, the House resolved itself into a Committee of the Whole on the state of the Union...' (Annals of Congress, 1st Cong., 1st sess., 106). Wednesday April 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
'On motion, the House resolved itself into a Committee of the Whole on the state of the Union...' (Annals of Congress, 1st Cong., 1st sess., 106). Wednesday April 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
'On motion, the House resolved itself into a Committee of the Whole on the state of the Union...' (Annals of Congress, 1st Cong., 1st sess., 106). Wednesday April 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
'On motion, the House resolved itself into a Committee of the Whole on the state of the Union...' (Annals of Congress, 1st Cong., 1st sess., 106). Wednesday April 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
'On motion, the House resolved itself into a Committee of the Whole on the state of the Union...' (Annals of Congress, 1st Cong., 1st sess., 106). Wednesday April 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
'On motion, the House resolved itself into a Committee of the Whole on the state of the Union...' (Annals of Congress, 1st Cong., 1st sess., 106). Wednesday April 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
'On motion, the House resolved itself into a Committee of the Whole on the state of the Union...' (Annals of Congress, 1st Cong., 1st sess., 106). Wednesday April 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
'On motion, the House resolved itself into a Committee of the Whole on the state of the Union...' (Annals of Congress, 1st Cong., 1st sess., 106). Wednesday April 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
'On motion, the House resolved itself into a Committee of the Whole on the state of the Union...' (Annals of Congress, 1st Cong., 1st sess., 106). Wednesday April 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
'On motion, the House resolved itself into a Committee of the Whole on the state of the Union...' (Annals of Congress, 1st Cong., 1st sess., 106). Wednesday April 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
'On motion, the House resolved itself into a Committee of the Whole on the state of the Union...' (Annals of Congress, 1st Cong., 1st sess., 106). Wednesday April 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
'On motion, the House resolved itself into a Committee of the Whole on the state of the Union...' (Annals of Congress, 1st Cong., 1st sess., 106). Wednesday April 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
'On motion, the House resolved itself into a Committee of the Whole on the state of the Union...' (Annals of Congress, 1st Cong., 1st sess., 106). Wednesday April 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
'On motion, the House resolved itself into a Committee of the Whole on the state of the Union...' (Annals of Congress, 1st Cong., 1st sess., 106). Wednesday April 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
'On motion, the House resolved itself into a Committee of the Whole on the state of the Union...' (Annals of Congress, 1st Cong., 1st sess., 106). Wednesday April 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
'On motion, the House resolved itself into a Committee of the Whole on the state of the Union...' (Annals of Congress, 1st Cong., 1st sess., 106). Wednesday April 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
'On motion, the House resolved itself into a Committee of the Whole on the state of the Union...' (Annals of Congress, 1st Cong., 1st sess., 106). Wednesday April 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
'On motion, the House resolved itself into a Committee of the Whole on the state of the Union...' (Annals of Congress, 1st Cong., 1st sess., 106). Wednesday April 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
Motion to Rise and Report Progress Thursday April 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
'On motion of Mr. LEE, the committee rose and reported progress...' (Annals of Congress, 1st Cong., 1st sess., 120). Thursday April 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
Motion to Rise and Report Progress Tuesday April 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
'On motion of Mr. BLAND, the committee rose and reported progress' (Annals of Congress, 1st Cong., 1st sess., 148). Tuesday April 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
Implied Motion to Rise and Report Progress Friday May 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
'The House accordingly resolved itself into a Committee of the whole, Mr. PAGE in the chair. And after adopting the following resolution, the committee rose...' (Annals of Congress, 1st Cong., 1st sess., 242). Friday May 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
Motion to Rise and Report Progress Tuesday May 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
'The motion being changed for the rising of the committee, it was agreed to' (Annals of Congress, 1st Cong., 1st sess., 399). Tuesday May 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
Implied Motion to Rise and Report Progress Tuesday June 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
'The committee then rose and reported progress, and the House adjourned' (Annals of Congress, 1st Cong., 1st sess., 468). Tuesday June 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
Motion to Rise and Report Progress Tuesday June 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
'On motion, the committee rose and reported progress' (Annals of Congress, 1st Cong., 1st sess., 498). Tuesday June 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
Motion to Rise and Report Progress Wednesday June 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
'On motion, the committee then rose, and the Speaker resumed the chair' (Annals of Congress, 1st Cong., 1st sess., 533). Wednesday June 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
Implied Motion to Rise and Report Progress Wednesday July 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
'The House then resolved itself into a Committee of the whole House on the state of the Union, Mr. BOUDINOT in the chair; and, after some time spent therein, the committee rose and reported that they had had the state of the Union under... Wednesday July 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
Report of the Committee of Eleven Thursday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
Report of the Committee of the Whole - First Proposition Thursday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
Point of Order Thursday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
[Editor's note: Tucker's point of order – to get the sense of the House as to whether the Committee of the Whole was limited to consideration of the amendments proposed in the Committee of Eleven's report – apparently went unnoticed, as the debate... Thursday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
'The question on Mr. Sherman's motion was now put and lost' (Annals of Congress, 1st Cong., 1st sess., 744). *** 'The question at length was carried in the negative' (New-York Daily Advertiser, edition of 14 August 1789). *** 'The question on Mr.... Thursday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
Implied Motion to Rise and Report Progress Thursday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
Sherman's Amendment to the First Proposition Thursday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
Point of Order on Voting Procedure Thursday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
'Mr. HARTLEY mentioned, that in Pennsylvania, they had a council of censors who were authorized to call a convention to amend the constitution when it was thought necessary, but two-thirds were required for that purpose. He had been a member of that... Thursday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
'An appeal being made from the opinion of the chair, it was, after some observations, confirmed by the committee. After which the committee rose and reported progress' (Annals of Congress, 1st Cong., 1st sess., 744). *** 'The committee rose and... Thursday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
Smith's Amendment to the First Proposition Friday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
'The question on inserting the words "of right" was put, and determined in the negative' (Annals of Congress, 1st Cong., 1st sess., 745). *** 'The first article of the report being read, Mr. GERRY rose and objected to the sentence, "Government being... Friday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
Report of the Committee of the Whole - Second Proposition Friday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
'[Vining's] motion was negatived without a division' (Annals of Congress, 1st Cong., 1st sess., 747; see also Gazette of the United States, edition of 19 August 1789, 146). *** 'This was negatived without a division' (New-York Daily Advertiser,... Friday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
'Mr. MADISON—Form, sir, is always of less importance than the substance; but on this occasion, I admit that form is of some consequence, and it will be well for the House to pursue that which, upon reflection, shall appear the most eligible. Now it... Thursday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
'Mr. MADISON.—l cannot concur in sentiment with the gentleman last up, that one representative for forty thousand inhabitants will conciliate the minds of those to the Government, who are desirous of amendments; because they have rather wished for an... Friday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
Sedgwick's Amendment to the Second Proposition Friday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
'Mr. SEDGWICK suspended his motion until [Livermore's motion] was determined...' (Annals of Congress, 1st Cong., 1st sess., 756). Friday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
'Mr. SEDGWICK suspended his motion until this question was determined; whereupon [Livermore's motion] was put and lost, there being twenty-two in favor of, and twenty-seven against it' (Annals of Congress, 1st Cong., 1st sess., 756). Friday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
'Mr. SEDGWICK's motion was then put, and carried in the affirmative' (Annals of Congress, 1st Cong., 1st sess., 756). *** 'On motion of Mr. SEDGWICK, the words "one hundred and seventy-five" were struck out, and "two hundred" inserted.—And then the... Friday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
'Some desultory conversation took place on this subject, when it was decided by the chairman of the committee [Boudinot] that a majority of the committee were sufficient to form a report' (Annals of Congress, 1st Cong., 1st sess., 744). *** 'This... Thursday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
Gerry's Amendment to the First Propsition Friday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
'The question on the first paragraph of the report was put and carried in the affirmative, twenty-seven to twenty-three' (Annals of Congress, 1st Cong., 1st sess., 746-47). *** 'Some progress was made in the discussion of the report of the select... Friday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
'The question on the second proposition of the report, as amended, was now put and carried, being twenty-seven for, and twenty-two against it' (Annals of Congress, 1st Cong., 1st sess., 756). Friday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
Report of the Committee of the Whole - Third Proposition Friday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
'Mr. SYLVESTER [Silvester] had some doubts of the propriety of the mode of expression used in this paragraph. He apprehended that it was liable to a construction different from what had been made by the committee. He feared it might be thought to have... Saturday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
Mr. TUCKER.—I presume these propositions are brought forward under the idea of being amendments to the constitution; but can this be esteemed an amendment of the constitution? If I understand what is meant by the introductory paragraph, it is the... Friday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
Vining's Amendment to the Second Proposition Friday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
Sherman's Amendment to the Fourth Proposition Saturday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
[Editor's note: Roger Sherman's proposal to strike out the provision does not seem to have received a second, and, after Daniel Carroll's statements in support of the provision, the discussion on the floor proceeded to other considerations.... Saturday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
Madison's Amendment to the Fourth Proposition Saturday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
'Mr. MADISON withdrew his motion, but observed that the words “no national religion shall be established by law,” did not imply that the Government was a national one...' (Annals of Congress, 1st Cong., 1st sess., 759). [Editor's note: In response to... Saturday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
Ames's Amendment to the Second Proposition Friday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
'[T]he question was then taken on Mr. Livermore's motion, and passed in the affirmative, thirty-one for, and twenty against it' (Annals of Congress, 1st Cong., 1st sess., 759). *** 'Mr[.] LIVERMORE moved to strike out this clause and to substitute... Saturday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
'Mr. Ames's motion was now put, and lost by a large majority' (Annals of Congress, 1st Cong., 1st sess., 753). [Editor's note: Ames's motion stirred up an extended debate on the floor, with every speaker against the motion citing a variety of reasons.... Friday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
Livermore's Amendment to the Second Proposition Friday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
'Mr. LIVERMORE wished to amend the clause of the report in such a manner as to prevent the power of Congress from deciding the rate of increase. He thought the constitution had better fix it, and let it be gradual until it arrived at two hundred. After... Friday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
'Mr. SEDGWICK thought much inconvenience and but very little good would result from this amendment; it might serve as a tool for designing men; they might reduce the wages very low, much lower than it was possible for any gentleman to serve without... Friday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
[Editor's note: With the passage of Samuel Livermore's amendment, the Committee adopted this amendment in its entirety. The sources do not indicate further discussion or a separate vote. Discussion proceeded to the next of the Committee of Eleven's... Saturday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
'Mr. SHERMAN said, if they were now forming a constitution, he should be in favor of one representative for forty thousand, other than thirty thousand…So far was he from thinking a hundred and seventy-five insufficient, that he was about to move for a... Friday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
Report of the Committee of the Whole - Fourth Proposition, Second Clause Saturday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
'The question being put on the [third] proposition, it was carried in the affirmative, twenty-seven for, and twenty against it' (Annals of Congress, 1st Cong., 1st sess., 757). *** 'Third amendment. Art. 1. Sec. 2. par. 3. [sic] Strike out all... Friday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
Report of the Committee of the Whole - Fourth Proposition, First Clause Saturday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
'Mr. CARROLL.—As the rights of conscience are, in their nature, of peculiar delicacy, and will little bear the gentlest touch of governmental hand; and as many sects have concurred in opinion that they are not well secured under the present... Saturday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
'The question was now put upon Mr. SEDGWICK’s motion, and lost by a considerable majority' (Annals of Congress, 1st Cong., 1st sess., 761). *** 'Mr. SEDGWICK moved to strike out the words "assemble and"...This motion was opposed by Mr. GERRY, Mr[.]... Saturday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
'Mr. TUCKER then moved to insert these words, “to instruct their Representatives.” Mr. HARTLEY wished the motion had not been made, for gentlemen acquainted with the circumstances of this country, and the history of the country from which we... Saturday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
Motion to Call the Question Saturday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
[Editor's note: The Annals indicate that no vote was taken on the motion at this time, as Elbridge Gerry took the floor immediately, calling to continue the debate (Annals of Congress, 1st Cong., 1st sess., 768).] Saturday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
'Mr. GERRY did not like the term national, proposed by the gentleman from Virginia, and he hoped it would not be adopted by the House. It brought to his mind some observations that had taken place in the conventions at the time they were considering... Saturday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
Livermore's Amendment to the Fourth Proposition Saturday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
Sedgwick's Amendment to the Fourth Proposition Saturday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
Tucker's Amendment to the Fourth Proposition Saturday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
'Mr. GERRY.—Gentlemen seem in a great hurry to get this business through. I think, Mr. Chairman, it requires a further discusion [sic]; for my part, I had rather do less business and do it well, then precipitate measures before they are fully... Saturday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
Motion to Call the Question Saturday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
[Editor's note: The Annals indicate that no vote was taken on the motion at this time, as John Page took the floor immediately, calling to continue the debate (Annals of Congress, 1st Cong., 1st sess., 772).] Saturday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
Point of Order Saturday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
[Editor's note: Sinnickson's point of order -– to clarify the question and refocus debate – apparently went unnoticed, as the debate continued in a desultory and seemingly contentious manner (Annals of Congress, 1st Cong., 1st sess., 774).] Saturday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
'The question was now called for from several parts of the House; but a desultory conversation took place before the question was put. At length, the call becoming general, it was stated from the chair, and determined in the negative, 10 rising in... Saturday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
'The question was now taken on the second clause of the fourth proposition, as originally reported and agreed to' (Annals of Congress, 1st Cong., 1st sess., 776). *** 'The question on the amendment was then put, and carried in the affirmative'... Saturday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
Motion to Rise and Report Progress Saturday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
'Mr. BENSON.—The committee who framed this report proceeded on the principle that these rights belonged to the people; they conceived them to be inherent; and all that they meant to provide against was their being infringed by the Government. Mr.... Saturday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
Report of the Committee of the Whole - Fourth Proposition, Third Clause Monday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
Gerry's Amendment to the Fourth Proposition Monday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
Jackson's Amendment to the Fourth Resolution Monday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
Smith's Amendment to the Fourth Proposition Monday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
Stone's Amendment to the Fourth Proposition Monday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
[Editor's note: It does not seem that Stone offered his proposal as a formal motion. It was not taken up for further discussion, and further debate on the floor was overtaken by Egbert Benson's subsequent motion (Annals of Congress, 1st Cong., 1st... Monday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
'Mr. PAGE was sorry to see gentlemen so impatient; the more so, as he saw there was very little attention paid to any thing that was said; but he would express his sentiments if he was only heard by the Chair. He discovered clearly, notwithstanding... Saturday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
'Mr. AMES moved the committee to rise and report progress; which being agreed to, Mr. SPEAKER having resumed the chair...' (Annals of Congress, 1st Cong., 1st sess., 776). *** 'The committee rose and the chairman reported progress' (Gazette of the... Saturday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
'Mr. LAWRENCE was averse to entering on the business at first; but since they had proceeded so far, he hoped they would finish it. He said, if gentlemen would confine themselves to the question when they were speaking, that the business might be done... Saturday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
Mr. GERRY.—This declaration of rights, I take it, is intended to secure the people against the mal-administration of the Government; if we could suppose that, in all cases, the rights of the people would be attended to, the occasion for guards of this... Monday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
Gerry's Amendment to the Fourth Proposition Monday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
'Mr. GERRY's motion not being seconded, the question was put on the clause as reported [by the Committee of Eleven]...' (Annals of Congress, 1st Cong., 1st sess., 780). Monday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
'Mr. GERRY's motion not being seconded, the question was put on the clause as reported; which being adopted...' (Annals of Congress, 1st Cong., 1st sess., 780). *** 'The 6th and 7th amendments were agreed to without alteration' (Gazette of the United... Monday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
'The question on Mr. BURKE's motion was put, and lost by a majority of thirteen' (Annals of Congress, 1st Cong., 1st sess., 781). *** ''Mr. BURKE moved to add a clause to the last paragraph... This amendment was negatived' (New-York Daily... Monday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
Report of the Committee of the Whole - Fourth Proposition, Fourth Clause Monday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
'Mr. SHERMAN conceived it difficult to modify the clause and make it better. It is well known that those who are religiously scrupulous of bearing arms, are equally scrupulous of getting substitutes or paying an equivalent. Many of them would rather... Monday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
Benson's Amendment to the Fourth Proposition Monday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
Burke's Amendment to the Fourth Proposition Monday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
'Mr. BURKE proposed to add to the clause just agreed to, an amendment to the following effect: "A standing army of regular troops in time of peace is dangerous to public liberty, and such shall not be raised or kept up in time of peace but from... Monday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
'Mr. SUMTER's motion being put, was lost by a majority of sixteen' (Annals of Congress, 1st Cong., 1st sess., 781). *** 'Mr. SUMPTER moved to strike out the words "in time of peace" and also the last words of the paragraph from the word "owner." ... Monday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
'Mr. HARTLEY said those things ought to be entrusted to the Legislature; that cases might arise where the public safety would be endangered by putting it in the power of one person to keep a division of troops standing in the inclemency of the weather... Monday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
'On putting the question [of Gerry's amendment], thirteen rose in favor of the motion, thirty-five against it; and then the clause was carried as reported' (Annals of Congress, 1st Cong., 1st sess., 781). *** 'The 6th and 7th amendments were agreed... Monday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
Sumter's Amendment to the Fourth Proposition Monday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
'Mr. SHERMAN observed that it was absolutely necessary that marching troops should have quarters, whether in time of peace or war, and that it ought not to be put in the power of an individual to obstruct the public service; if quarters were not to be... Monday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
Gerry's Amendment to the Fourth Proposition Monday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
'Mr. SHERMAN approved of the motion. He said, that as the clause now stood, a person found guilty could not arrest the judgment, and obtain a second trial in his own favor. He thought that the courts of justice would never think of trying and... Monday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
'The question on Mr. BENSON's motion being put, was lost by a considerable majority' (Annals of Congress, 1st Cong., 1st sess., 782). *** 'Mr. BENSON moved to strike out the words "One trial or" [sic] This was negatived' (New-York Daily Advertiser,... Monday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
Partridge's Amendment to the Fourth Proposition Monday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
'Mr. PARTRIDGE moved to insert...the words "by any law of the United States." This amendment was lost also' (Annals of Congress, 1st Cong., 1st sess., 782). *** 'Resolved in the negative' (New-York Daily Advertiser, edition of 18 August 1789;... Monday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
'[T]he clause as amended was unanimously agreed to by the committee, who then proceeded to the sixth clause of the fourth proposition...' (Annals of Congress, 1st Cong., 1st sess., 782). Monday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
Report of the Committee of the Whole - Fourth Proposition, Sixth Clause Monday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
Laurance's Amendment to the Fourth Proposition Monday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
Smith's Amendment to the Fourth Proposition Monday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
Mr. LIVERMORE.—The clause seems to express a great deal of humanity, on which account I have no objection to it; but as it seems to have no meaning in it, I do not think it necessary. What is meant by terms excessive bail? Who are to be the judges?... Monday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
[Editor's note: Smith's proposal, or that of Livermore, who opposed the entirety of the clause, does not seem to have received much, if any, support from the Committee of the Whole, as the Committee proceeded to a vote on the clause as reported by the... Monday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
'The question was put on the clause, and it was agreed to by a considerable majority' (Annals of Congress, 1st Cong., 1st sess., 783). *** 'The 9th [amendment] was adopted without alteration' (Gazette of the United States, edition of 19 August 1789,... Monday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
Report of the Committee of the Whole - Fourth Proposition, Seventh Clause Monday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
Livermore's Amendment to the Fourth Proposition Monday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
'Mr. LIVERMORE objected to the words "and not"...He moved to strike them out, in order to make it an affirmative proposition. But the motion passed in the negative' (Annals of Congress, 1st Cong., 1st sess., 783). Monday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
Gerry's Amendment to the Fourth Proposition Monday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
'Mr. GERRY said, it ought to be "deny or impair," for the word "disparage" was not of plain import; he therefore moved to make that alteration, but not being seconded, the question was taken on the clause...' (Annals of Congress, 1st Cong., 1st sess., 783). Monday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
'...the question was taken on the clause, and it passed in the affirmative...' (Annals of Congress, 1st Cong., 1st sess, 783). *** 'This was agreed to without amendment' (New-York Daily Advertiser, edition of 18 August 1789; New-York Daily Gazette,... Monday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
Livermore's Amendment to the Fifth Proposition Monday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
'Mr. GERRY said that he presumed there was a mistake in the wording of this clause; it ought to be "the right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable seizures and searches," and therefore moved... Monday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
Benson's/Gerry's Amendment to the Fourth Proposition Monday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
'The question was put on this motion, and lost by a considerable majority' (Annals of Congress, 1st Cong., 1st sess., 783). *** 'This was negatived' (Gazette of the United States, edition of 22 August 1789, 149). [Editor’s note: The sources differ... Monday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
Report of the Committee of the Whole - Fourth Proposition, Eighth Clause Monday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
Benson's Amendment to the Sixth Proposition Monday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
'Mr. SEDGWICK moved to insert three thousand dollars, instead of one thousand; but on the question, this motion was rejected, and the proposition accepted in its original form' (Annals of Congress, 1st Cong., 1st sess., 784). *** 'Mr. SEDGWICK moved... Monday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
'Mr. SEDGWICK moved to insert three thousand dollars, instead of one thousand; but on the question, this motion was rejected, and the proposition accepted in its original form' (Annals of Congress, 1st Cong., 1st sess., 784). *** 'The amendment was... Monday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
Report of the Committee of the Whole - Fifth Proposition Monday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
Tucker's Amendment to the Fifth Proposition Monday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
'Mr. MADISON conceived this to be the most valuable amendment in the whole list. If there was any reason to restrain the Government of the United States from infringing upon these essential rights, it was equally necessary that they should be secured... Monday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
Report of the Committee of the Whole - Sixth Proposition Monday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
'Mr. MADISON.—If the gentleman will propose any restriction to answer his purpose, and for avoiding the inconvenience he apprehends, I am willing to agree to it; but it will be improper to strike out the clause without a substitute. There is little... Monday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
Burke's Amendment to the Seventh Proposition Monday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
'Mr. HARTLEY said, that in securing him the right of compulsory process, the Government did all it could; the remainder must lie in the discretion of the court. Mr. SMITH, of South Carolina, thought the regulation would come properly in, as part of... Monday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
'The question on Mr. BURKE's motion was taken and lost; ayes 9, noes 41' (Annals of Congress, 1st Cong., 1st sess., 785). Monday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
Livermore's Amendment to the Seventh Proposition Monday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
Sedgwick's Amendment to the Sixth Proposition Monday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
Report of the Committee of the Whole - Seventh Proposition, First Clause Monday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
'Mr. STONE observed that full provision was made on the subject in the subsequent clause' (Annals of Congress, 1st Cong., 1st sess., 785). Monday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
'On the question, Mr. LIVERMORE's motion was adopted' (Annals of Congress, 1st Cong., 1st sess., 785). *** 'Several amendments to this article were proposed, some of them were withdrawn and others negatived; and one only obtained, which respected the... Monday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
Burke's Amendment to the Seventh Proposition Monday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
'Mr. HARTLEY only requested the gentleman to look to the clause, and he would see the impropriety of inserting it in this place. A desultory conversation arose, respecting the foregoing motion...' (Annals of Congress, 1st Cong., 1st sess., 785). Monday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
'A desultory conversation arose, respecting the foregoing motion, and after some time, Mr. BURKE withdrew it for the present' (Annals of Congress, 1st Cong., 1st sess., 785). Monday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
Motion to Rise and Report Progress Monday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
'The committee then rose and reported progress, after which the House adjourned' (Annals of Congress, 1st Cong., 1st sess., 785). *** 'The committee then rose, and the house adjourned' (Gazette of the United States, edition of 19 August 1789, 147;... Monday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
'Mr. LEE thought the word "vicinage" was more applicable than that of "district, or county," it being a term well understood by every gentleman of legal knowledge' (Annals of Congress, 1st Cong., 1st sess., 789). *** 'Mr. GERRY objected to the word... Tuesday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
'The question on Mr. BURKE's motion being put was negatived' (Annals of Congress, 1st Cong., 1st sess., 789). *** 'The motion was negatived' (Gazette of the United States, edition of 22 August 1789, 150). Tuesday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
Burke's Amendment to the Seventh Proposition Tuesday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
Report of the Committee of the Whole - Seventh Proposition, Second Clause Tuesday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
Burke's Amendment to the Seventh Proposition Tuesday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
'Mr. BURKE then revived his motion for preventing prosecutions upon information, but on the question this was also lost' (Annals of Congress, 1st Cong., 1st sess., 789). *** 'This motion was lost' (Gazette of the United States, edition of 22 August... Tuesday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
'The clause was now adopted without amendment' (Annals of Congress, 1st Cong., 1st sess., 789). *** 'And then the paragraph was adopted' (Gazette of the United States, edition of 22 August 1789, 150). Tuesday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
Report of the Committee of the Whole - Seventh Proposition, Third Clause Tuesday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
'The 3d clause of the 7th proposition, as follows, "In suits at common law, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved," was considered and adopted' (Annals of Congress, 1st Cong., 1st sess., 789). *** 'This amendment was adopted' (Gazette of the... Tuesday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
Report of the Committee of the Whole - Eighth Proposition Tuesday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
'On the motion being put, the proposition was carried' (Annals of Congress, 1st Cong., 1st sess., 790). *** 'Mr. SEDGWICK, Mr. BENSON, and Mr. GERRY were in favor of this amendment, which was finally carried' (Gazette of the United States, edition of... Tuesday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
Report of the Committee of the Whole - Ninth Proposition Tuesday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
Tucker's Amendment to the Ninth Proposition Tuesday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
'Mr. SHERMAN conceived this amendment to be altogether unnecessary, inasmuch as the constitution assigned the business of each branch of the Government to a separate department. Mr. MADISON supposed the people would be gratified with the amendment, as... Tuesday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
'Mr. MADISON objected to this amendment, because it was impossible to confine a Government to the exercise of express powers; there must necessarily be admitted powers by implication, unless the constitution descended to recount every minutia. He... Tuesday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
'Mr. TUCKER's motion being negatived...' (Annals of Congress, 1st Cong., 1st sess., 790). *** 'This motion was negatived' (Gazette of the United States, edition of 22 August 1789, 150). Tuesday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
Gerry's/Carroll's Amendment to the Ninth Proposition Tuesday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
Report of the Committee of the Whole - Tenth Proposition Tuesday August 1789Committee: House: Committee of the Whole
'The 10th proposition, "Art. 7 to be made Art. 8," agreed to' (Annals of Congress, 1st Cong., 1st sess., 790). *** 'The five remaining amendments were agreed to by the committee, with some little variation' (Gazette of the United States, edition of... Tuesday August 1789Committee: The Senate
Motion to Elect a Doorkeeper Monday April 1789Committee: The Senate
'James Mathews was elected door-keeper' (Annals of Congress, 1st Cong., 1st sess., 18). Monday April 1789Committee: The Senate
'James Mathews was elected door-keeper' (Annals of Congress, 1st Cong., 1st sess., 18). Monday April 1789Committee: The Senate
Motion to Appoint a Rules Committee Tuesday April 1789Committee: The Senate
'Messrs. ELLSWORTH, LEE, STRONG, MACLAY, and BASSETT, were appointed a committee to prepare rules for the government of the two Houses in cases of conference, and to take under consideration the manner of electing chaplains, and to confer thereupon... Tuesday April 1789Committee: House: Committee of Eleven
Madison's Proposed Amendments Tuesday July 1789Committee: The Senate
'Messrs. ELLSWORTH, LEE, STRONG, MACLAY, and BASSETT, were appointed a committee to prepare rules for the government of the two Houses in cases of conference, and to take under consideration the manner of electing chaplains, and to confer thereupon... Tuesday April 1789Committee: The Senate
'Messrs. ELLSWORTH, LEE, STRONG, MACLAY, and BASSETT, were appointed a committee to prepare rules for the government of the two Houses in cases of conference, and to take under consideration the manner of electing chaplains, and to confer thereupon... Tuesday April 1789Committee: The Senate
'Messrs. ELLSWORTH, LEE, STRONG, MACLAY, and BASSETT, were appointed a committee to prepare rules for the government of the two Houses in cases of conference, and to take under consideration the manner of electing chaplains, and to confer thereupon... Tuesday April 1789Committee: The Senate
'Messrs. ELLSWORTH, LEE, STRONG, MACLAY, and BASSETT, were appointed a committee to prepare rules for the government of the two Houses in cases of conference, and to take under consideration the manner of electing chaplains, and to confer thereupon... Tuesday April 1789Committee: The Senate
'Messrs. ELLSWORTH, LEE, STRONG, MACLAY, and BASSETT, were appointed a committee to prepare rules for the government of the two Houses in cases of conference, and to take under consideration the manner of electing chaplains, and to confer thereupon... Tuesday April 1789Committee: The Senate
Amendment to Third Article Thursday September 1789Committee: Senate: Rules Committee
'Messrs. ELLSWORTH, LEE, STRONG, MACLAY, and BASSETT, were appointed a committee to prepare rules for the government of the two Houses in cases of conference, and to take under consideration the manner of electing chaplains, and to confer thereupon... Tuesday April 1789Committee: Senate: Rules Committee
'Messrs. ELLSWORTH, LEE, STRONG, MACLAY, and BASSETT, were appointed a committee to prepare rules for the government of the two Houses in cases of conference, and to take under consideration the manner of electing chaplains, and to confer thereupon... Tuesday April 1789Committee: Senate: Rules Committee
'Messrs. ELLSWORTH, LEE, STRONG, MACLAY, and BASSETT, were appointed a committee to prepare rules for the government of the two Houses in cases of conference, and to take under consideration the manner of electing chaplains, and to confer thereupon... Tuesday April 1789Committee: Senate: Rules Committee
'Messrs. ELLSWORTH, LEE, STRONG, MACLAY, and BASSETT, were appointed a committee to prepare rules for the government of the two Houses in cases of conference, and to take under consideration the manner of electing chaplains, and to confer thereupon... Tuesday April 1789Committee: Senate: Rules Committee
'Messrs. ELLSWORTH, LEE, STRONG, MACLAY, and BASSETT, were appointed a committee to prepare rules for the government of the two Houses in cases of conference, and to take under consideration the manner of electing chaplains, and to confer thereupon... Tuesday April 1789Committee: Senate: Rules Committee
Rules and Standing Orders Monday April 1789Committee: Senate: Rules Committee
'The report of the committee appointed the 7th instant, upon a system of rules for conducting business in the Senate, was read, and ordered to lie until to-morrow, for consideration.' Monday April 1789Committee: Senate: Rules Committee
Implied Motion to Rise Monday April 1789