Search Results

Committee: The Convention

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Proposal Kind Ancestor Documents Source Additional Sources
690798 Enabling Act None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
690896 Resolution on Oldest Member [Resolution No. 1A] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
945621 Prayer by George Q. Cannon: 03-04-1895 None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
945671 List of Delegates with Certificates [Resolution 2B] None CREATE Journal of the Convention (Online Digital Record)
741264 Governor West Address MESSAGE CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
945694 Mr. Kimball's Speech as President Pro Tem. MESSAGE CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
690949 Report on Credentials [Resolution No. 3A] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895 Library of Congress: Chronicling America: The Salt Lake Herald: 1895
779535 Committee on Site and Furniture None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
690985 Report on Credentials [Resolution 3A] None CREATE_FROM Editorial Decisions
949353 Report on Credentials with Power to Investigate None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
779532 Committee to Determine Number and Kind of Standing Committees None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
949491 Mr. Smith's Address to the Convention None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
911470 Gavel Presentation to President Smith None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691054 Convention Permanent Officers [Resolution No. 7D] None CREATE Journal of the Convention (Online Digital Record) Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
949516 Appointements for Committee on Stenographer None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691178 Resolution on Adopting U.S. Constitution [Resolution No. 4A] None CREATE Resolution to Adopt Constitution [Resolution No. 9C] Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
949709 Resolution for Chaplain RESOLUTION CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691190 Majority Report on Standing Committees [Resolution No. 5B] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691191 Minority Report on Standing Committees [Resolution No. 6C] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
943643 Report on Site [Resolution No. 7A] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
943645 Report on Furniture [Resolution No. 7A] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691235 Resolution on Time of Sessions [Resolution No. 8B] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691250 Resolution to Adopt Constitution [Resolution No. 9C] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691257 Mr. Hart's Resolution on Constitutional References None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691276 List of Standing Committees [Resolution No. 11A] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
943660 Report on Site [Resolution No. 12B] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
943690 Report on Furniture [Resolution No. 12B] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691301 Bid for Desks None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691306 Resolution on Seating Members [Resolution No. 13C] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691332 Resolution on Granting Privileges to Governor, Etc. [Resolution No. 14D] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691335 Resolution on Sustaining Committee Appointments [Resolution No. 15E] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691343 Resolution on Accounts & Expenses [Resolution No. 16F] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691347 Resolution on Working Quickly and Efficiently and Citing Other State Constitutions [Resolution No. 17G] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691353 Resolution on Printing Slips [Resolution No. 18H] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691359 Resolution on Enabling Act [Resolution No. 19I] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691399 Committee Report on Rules and Methods of Procedure [Resolution No. 20A] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691409 Standing Rules of the Constitutional Convention of the Territory of Utah None CREATE_FROM Standing Rules Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691432 Report from the Committee of Printing [Resolution No. 21B] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691437 Report on the Committee on Stenographer [Resolution No. 22C] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691470 Evans (Weber) Proposition on Women's Suffrage [File No. 1] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895 Library of Congress: Chronicling America: The Salt Lake Herald: 1895, Files; 2, 4, 5-6, 9, 10; March 11, 1895
691473 Proposition on Manner of Voting [File No. 2] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895 Files; 2, 4, 5-6, 9, 10; March 11, 1895
691477 Proposition Relating to Election Franchise [File No. 3] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895 Library of Congress: Chronicling America: The Salt Lake Herald: 1895
691481 Proposition relating to the Declaration of Rights [File No. 4] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691487 Proposition on the Declaration of Rights [File No. 5] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691491 Proposition on Declaration of Rights [File No. 6] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691494 Proposition Relating to Free Passage [File No. 7] None CREATE Library of Congress: Chronicling America: The Salt Lake Herald: 1895
691497 Proposition Relating to Corporations [File No. 8] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691504 Proposition on Salaries and Fees [File No. 9] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691508 Proposition on City Charters [File No. 10] None CREATE Files; 2, 4, 5-6, 9, 10; March 11, 1895
691520 Report regarding Printing the Enabling Act [Resolution No. 23D] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691530 Report Regarding Printing the Enabling Act [Resolution No. 23D] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691543 Resolution on Printing None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691548 Resolution thanking Rio Grande Western Railway [Resolution No. 24E] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691579 Report on Conflict in Committees [Resolution No. 25A] None CREATE_FROM Corrected Report of Conflict with Committees [Resolution No. 25A] Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691583 Report of Committee on Printing [Resolution No. 27C] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691593 Corrected Report of Conflict with Committees [Resolution No. 25A] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691602 Report on Accounts & Expenses [Resolution No. 26B] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691614 Proposition on Counties and County Seats [File No. 11] None CREATE Files; 11–20; March 12, 1895
691621 Proposition Relating to the Declaration of Rights [File No. 12] None CREATE Files; 11–20; March 12, 1895
691625 Proposition on Providing for 'Pardoning Power' [File No. 13] None CREATE Files; 11–20; March 12, 1895
691629 Proposition on Homesteads and Exemptions [File No. 14] None CREATE Files; 11–20; March 12, 1895
691633 Proposition on Labor and Arbitration [File No. 15] None CREATE Files; 11–20; March 12, 1895
691637 Proposition on Insurance Companies [File No. 16] None CREATE Library of Congress: Chronicling America: The Salt Lake Herald: 1895
691641 Proposition relating to Protecting the Purity of Elections [File No. 17] None CREATE Files; 11–20; March 12, 1895
691647 Proposition on Public Corporations [File No. 18] None CREATE Files; 11–20; March 12, 1895
691651 Proposition on the Distribution of Powers in Legislative Departments [File No. 19] None CREATE Files; 11–20; March 12, 1895
691655 Proposition on the Adjustment of Difficulties between Labor and Capitol [File No. 20] None CREATE Files; 11–20; March 12, 1895
691660 Proposition on the Executive Department [File No. 21] None CREATE Files; 21–28; March 12, 1895
691664 Proposition on the duties of Probate Judges [File No. 22] None CREATE Files; 21–28; March 12, 1895
691668 Proposition on the Amending and Revising the Consitution [File No. 23] None CREATE Files; 21–28; March 12, 1895
691672 Proposition on Public Buildings [File No. 24] None CREATE Library of Congress: Chronicling America: The Salt Lake Herald: 1895
691676 Proposition on Preventing Blacklisting [File No. 25] None CREATE Library of Congress: Chronicling America: The Salt Lake Herald: 1895
691680 Proposition relative to Taxation for Public Purposes [File No. 26] None CREATE Files; 21–28; March 12, 1895
691684 Proposition on the Apportionment of Public Moneys [File No. 27] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691688 Proposition on the Benefits for the Infirm, Sick, and Dependent Poor [File No. 28] None CREATE Files; 21–28; March 12, 1895
691692 Proposition on Education [File No. 29] None CREATE Library of Congress: Chronicling America: The Salt Lake Herald: 1895
691697 Proposition on Impeachment [File No. 30] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691701 Proposition on Providing for the Executive Department [File No. 31] None CREATE Files; 31–39; March 12–14, 1895
691705 Proposition on the Distribution of Powers [File No. 32] None CREATE Files; 31–39; March 12–14, 1895
691709 Proposition on the Judiciary [File No. 33] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691714 Proposition on the Right to Recover Damages for Injuries Resulting in Death [File No. 35] None CREATE Library of Congress: Chronicling America: The Salt Lake Herald: 1895
691718 Proposition on the Rights of Suffrage, Elections, qualifications, and the Oath of Office [file no. 34] None CREATE Files; 31–39; March 12–14, 1895
691727 Resolution on Lockers [Resolution No. 28D] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691733 Instruction to Acquire a Clock [Resolution No. 29E] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691737 Resolution on Mayor [Resolution No. 30F] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691740 Resolution on Chairmen Meeting [Resolution No. 31G] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691827 Communication from Sainsbury and Johnson [Communication A] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691828 Communication regarding the Procurement of a Telephone [Communication B] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691849 Standing Rules None CREATE Editorial Decisions
692051 Memorial: Weber County Ladies None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692069 Petition: Wasatch County on Prohibition None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692080 Report on Accounts and Expenses [Resolution No. 32A] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692081 Henry Dinwoodey Furniture Co. None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692082 James, Spencer, Bateman & Co. None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692083 Mileage of Delegates None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692088 Report on Accounts and Expenses None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692210 Proposition on Salaries and Fees [File No. 9] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692212 Proposition Regarding Hours of Labor [File No. 36] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692220 Proposition Relating to Regulation of Elections [File No. 37] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692222 Proposition Authorizing Legislature to Classify and Fix Salaries of Public Officers [File No. 38] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692226 Proposition on Exemptions for the Constitution [File No. 39] None CREATE Files; 31–39; March 12–14, 1895
692229 Proposition on Limiting Powers of Corporations and Companies [File No. 40] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692231 Proposition Relative to Apportioning Representatives to Congress and Census [File No. 41] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692233 Proposition Article on Prohibition [File No. 42] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692242 Proposition Relating to Taxation of Mines [File No. 49] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692245 Proposition Relative to Changing County Lines and Creating New Counties [File. No. 43] None CREATE Files; 41–50; March 14, 1895
692250 Proposition Relative to Irrigation and Use of Water [File No. 44] None CREATE Files; 41–50; March 14, 1895
692255 Proposition Relative to Regulating or Affecting Boards of Officers Charged with Duties of Registering Voters [File No. 45] None CREATE Files; 41–50; March 14, 1895
692257 Proposition Relative to Organizing a Board of Arbitration between Employer and Employees and Board of Statisticians [File No. 46] None CREATE Files; 41–50; March 14, 1895
692259 Proposition Relative to Public Funds and Property, and Non-Exemption from Taxation [File No. 54] None CREATE Files; 51–59; March 14, 1895
692261 Proposition Relative to Manufacture and Sale of Liquors [File No. 47] None CREATE Files; 41–50; March 14, 1895
692263 Proposition Relative to Private Corporations [File No. 48] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692267 Proposition Relative to Providing for an Amendment of Constitutions and Calling for Constitutional Conventions [File No. 50] None CREATE Files; 41–50; March 14, 1895
692269 Proposition Relative to Providing for a Legislative Department [File No. 51] None CREATE Files; 51–59; March 14, 1895
692271 Proposition Article on Prohibition, Methods of Submitting Same to Vote of People [File No. 52] None CREATE Files; 51–59; March 14, 1895
692274 Proposition Relative to Inspection of Public Institutions [File No. 53] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692276 Proposition Relative to Community System [File No. 55] None CREATE Files; 51–59; March 14, 1895
692278 Proposition Relative to Taxation of Mines [File No. 56] None CREATE Files; 51–59; March 14, 1895
692280 Proposition Relative to the Judiciary [File No. 57] None CREATE Files; 51–59; March 14, 1895
692282 Proposition Relative to Public Lands [File No. 58] None CREATE Files; 51–59; March 14, 1895
692284 Proposition Relative to Finance and State Debt [File No. 59] None CREATE Files; 51–59; March 14, 1895
692286 Proposition Relative to a System of Education [File No. 60] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692288 Resolution on Per Diem and Mileage: 1895-03-14 None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692289 Resolution on Typewriting Machines: 1895-03-14 None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692300 Resolution on Per Diem and Mileage (1895-03-14) None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692361 Resolution on Expenses of Filling Up it All [Resolution No. 33B] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692386 Utah County Suffrage Petition [File No. 61a] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692392 Legislative Power on Special Charters and Special Acts of Incorporation [File No. 61] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692396 Proposition on the Incorporation of Cities [File No. 62] None CREATE Files; 61a–70; March 15, 1895
692400 Proposition Relating to Counties [File No. 63] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692404 Proposition Prohibiting Municipalities from Selling or Disposing of or Leasing the Water-Works, Water Rights, and Water Supplies [File No. 64] None CREATE Files; 61a–70; March 15, 1895
692408 Proposition on Districting and Apportionment of Legislative members [File No. 65] None CREATE Files; 61a–70; March 15, 1895
692412 Proposition on Militia [File No. 66] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692416 Relative to Protecting Livestock from Contagious Diseases [File No. 67] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692419 Proposition on Affecting the Employment of Labor [File No. 68] None CREATE Files; 61a–70; March 15, 1895
692424 Proposal Relative to Prohibiting the Taking of Private Property for Public Purposes Without Just Compensation [File No. 69] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692433 Proposition Relative to Boundaries [File No. 87] None CREATE Files; 81–88; March 15, 1895
692440 Proposition for Insertion in the Constitution of Utah Affecting the Wages of Employees [File No. 70] None CREATE Files; 61a–70; March 15, 1895
692446 Proposition Relative to Requiring Judges of the Supreme, District, and Superior Courts, to Report Defects in the Laws to the Attorney General [File No. 71] None CREATE Library of Congress: Chronicling America: The Salt Lake Herald: 1895
692450 Proposition Relative to Militia [File No. 72] None CREATE Files; 72–80; March 15, 1895
692454 Proposition Relative to Requirements for Judges of the Supreme Court [File No. 73] None CREATE Library of Congress: Chronicling America: The Salt Lake Herald: 1895
692458 Proposition Relative to Free Publication of Supreme Court Decisions [File No. 74] None CREATE Library of Congress: Chronicling America: The Salt Lake Herald: 1895
692462 Proposition Relative to County Organization [File No. 75] None CREATE Files; 72–80; March 15, 1895
692466 Proposition Relative to Requiring Judges to Decide Questions and Render Decisions Within Thirty Days After Argument, or Submission to Them [File No. 76] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692470 Proposition Relative to Protecting Settlers upon School Lands [File No. 77] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692474 Proposition Relative to Superintendence of District Schools and School Districts [File No. 78] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692478 Proposal Relative to Division of Counties [File No. 79] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692482 Proposition Relative to Forbidding Donations of Public Lands [File No. 80] None CREATE Library of Congress: Chronicling America: The Salt Lake Herald: 1895
692486 Proposition Relative to Municipal Corporations [File No. 81] None CREATE Files; 81–88; March 15, 1895
692490 Proposition Relative to Fixing the Basis of Taxation [File No. 82] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692494 Proposition Relative to Fixing State Boundaries [File No. 83] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692500 Proposition Relative to State Institutions Other Than Educational [File No.84] None CREATE Library of Congress: Chronicling America: The Salt Lake Herald: 1895
692504 Proposition Relative to Non-Partisan Election of School and Judicial Officers [File No. 85] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692508 Proposition Relative to Narcotics [File No. 86] None CREATE Files; 81–88; March 15, 1895
692521 Proposition Relative to Legislative Apportionment [File No. 88] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692566 Resolution on Bondedness [Resolution No. 34A] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692576 Announcements of Caucus and Committee Meetings Take Precedence of Motions to Adjourn None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692579 U. P. System Letter to Delegates None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692582 Refer Questions Relating to Apportionment and Boundaries to Committee on Apportionment and Boundaries [Resolution No. 35B] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692590 Resolution Determining the Number of Senators and Representatives [Resolution No. 36C] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692634 Printing Report on Sealed Bids from Publishing Houses [Resolution No. 37A] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692638 Report on Expenses of the Convention up to and Including Friday, March 15th, 1895 [Resolution No. 38B] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692642 Recommendations for File No's 83, 79, and 87 [Report No. 1] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692643 Proposal Relative to Division of Counties [File No. 79] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692644 Proposition Relative to Fixing State Boundaries [File No. 83] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692645 Proposition Relative to Boundaries [File No. 87] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692670 Proposition Relative to the Seat of Government [File No. 89] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692674 Proposition relative to corporations [File No. 90] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692678 Proposition relative to School lands of this State [File No. 91] None CREATE Library of Congress: Chronicling America: The Salt Lake Herald: 1895
692682 Proposition relative to forestry [File No. 92] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692686 Proposition relative to Legislative power [File No. 93] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692690 Proposition relative to regulating corporations [File No. 94] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692694 Strictures on Printing None CREATE Library of Congress: Chronicling America: The Salt Lake Herald: 1895
692727 Memorial: Woman's Suffrage: Salt Lake City None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692730 Memorial: Women's Suffrage: Suffrage Association: Utah Territory None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692733 Petition: Prohibit Trusts: Cache Valley None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692738 Report on Cover Bids from Bookbinders [Resolution No. 40A] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692740 Report on Preamble and Declaration of Rights None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692741 Article of the Committee on Preamble and Declaration of Rights [Article No. 2] None CREATE_FROM Library of Congress: Chronicling America: The Salt Lake Herald: 1895
692754 Proposition on Opinions of Justices of the Supreme Court [File No. 99] None CREATE Library of Congress: Chronicling America: The Salt Lake Herald: 1895
692758 Proposition Relating to System of Public Instruction [File No. 98] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692762 Proposition Relative to Exemptions of Homesteads and other Property to Heads of Families [File No. 100] None CREATE Files; 94–100; March 16–18, 1895
692769 Proposition Providing Liens of Mechanics and Others [File No. 101] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692773 Proposition Relative to Permanent Location of the Capital [File No. 102]. None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692776 Proposition Regarding Election of United States Senators [File No. 103] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692780 Proposition Relative to Exemption from Taxation [File No. 104] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692784 Proposition Relative to Taxation [File No. 105] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692788 Proposition relative to the veto power of mayors, [File No. 106] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692792 Proposition Relative to Indebtedness of Cities [File No. 107] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692797 Proposition Requiring County Officials to File Sworn Statements of Moneys Received and Disbursed [File No. 108] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692801 Proposition Relative to Poll Tax [File No. 109] None CREATE Library of Congress: Chronicling America: The Salt Lake Herald: 1895
692805 Proposition Relative to Equitable Arbitration to Settle Difficulties Between Employers and Employees [File No. 110] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692809 Proposition Relative to Irrigation [File No. 111] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692813 Proposition Relative to Use of Public Money [File No. 112] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692817 Proposition Relative to Sale and Rentals of Public Lands [File No. 113] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692821 Proposition Relative to Labor [File No. 114] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692825 Proposition Providing for Popular Initiative and Referendum [File No. 115] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692830 Proposition on Removal of County Seats, Division of Counties, County Officers and their Compensation [File No. 116] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692836 Proposition (by request) Relating to the Judiciary [File No. 117] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692841 Proposition Relative to Compact with United States [File No. 118] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692855 Article on Boundaries [Article No. 1] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692869 Resolution on Salaries of Officers [Resolution No. 43D] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692871 Resolution on Scope of the Constitution [Resolution No. 44E] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692881 Request Report on Amendment of the Standing Rules [Resolution No. 45F] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692887 Letter from Moses Thatcher [Resolution No. 46G] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692909 Memorial from the Women of Davis County [File No. 119] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692912 Petition from the Women of Juab County [File No. 120] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692917 Report: Education and School Lands: 1895-03-19 None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692930 Proposition on Irrigation [File No. 121] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692936 Proposition on Bills and Amendments of Laws [File No. 122] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692940 Proposal on Public Indebtedness [File No. 123] None CREATE Files; 121–129; March 19-20, 1895
692944 Proposition on Water and Water Rights [File No. 124] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692948 Proposition on Appropriations [File No. 125] None CREATE Files; 121–129; March 19-20, 1895
692956 Resolution on Last Day for Documents to be Inserted None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692968 Resolution Relating to Coray [Resolution No. 48B] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692998 Resolution Regarding Frank E. McGurrin [Resolution No. 49A] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693011 Standing Rules None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693015 Report from the Committee on Municipal Corporations [Report No. 4] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693019 Report from Committee on Miscellaneous [Resolution No. 52D] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693022 Proposition relative to regulating corporations [File No. 100] be referred to the committee on revenue, taxation and public debt. None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693024 Proposition Relative to Poll Tax [File No. 109] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693030 Proposition on Irrigation and Water Rights [File No. 126] None CREATE Files; 121–129; March 19-20, 1895
693034 Communication from Utah Metric Society [File No. 127] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693038 Proposition on Water Rights and Irrigation [File No. 128] None CREATE Files; 121–129; March 19-20, 1895
693042 Proposition on Referendums [File No. 129] None CREATE Files; 121–129; March 19-20, 1895
693061 Report relating to Committee Clerks [Resolution No. 53E] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693070 Resolution regarding consideration of the Report of the Committee on Education and School Lands by the Committee of the Whole:1895-03-20 None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693091 Resolution from YMCA [Resolution No. 55A] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693097 Report from the Committee on Rules [Resolution No. 57C] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693103 Report of the Committee on Schedule, Future Amendments and Miscellaneous [Report No. 5] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693108 Proposition [Unknown] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693113 Proposition Relating to Irrigation and Water Rights [File No. 130] None CREATE Library of Congress: Chronicling America: The Salt Lake Herald: 1895
693117 Proposition Against Lotteries [File No. 131] None CREATE Files; 131–138; March 18–22, 1895
693121 Proposition Providing Income Taxes [File No. 132] None CREATE Library of Congress: Chronicling America: The Salt Lake Herald: 1895
693125 Proposition on Salaries of Public Officers [File No. 133] None CREATE Library of Congress: Chronicling America: The Salt Lake Herald: 1895
693129 Proposition Relating to Election of Officers [File No. 134] None CREATE Files; 131–138; March 18–22, 1895
693139 Resolution on Time of Meeting [Resolution No. 58D] None CREATE Library of Congress: Chronicling America: The Salt Lake Herald: 1895
693150 Davis County Petition for Suffrage [File No. 135] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693151 Salt Lake County Petition on Prohibition [File No. 140] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693165 Reading of Article on Committee on Elections and Rights of Suffrage None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693182 Report from Committee on Rules regarding Adding Two Members to Committee [Resolution No. 60B] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693208 Proposition on Water Rights and Privileges; and State and County Water Commissioners [File No. 136] None CREATE Files; 131–138; March 18–22, 1895
693212 Proposition Relative to Water Rights [File No. 137] None CREATE Files; 131–138; March 18–22, 1895
693216 Proposition Relative to Fish and Game [File No. 138] None CREATE Files; 131–138; March 18–22, 1895
693220 Proposition Relative to the Preservation of Forests [File No. 139] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693235 Motion on Postage: 1895-03-22 None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693242 Resolution on Economy [Resolution No. 62D] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693244 Resolution Regarding Rule XX Amendment [Resolution No. 61C] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693275 Petition: Underground Labor: Summit County None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693277 Petition: 03-23-1895: Mr. Roberts None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693286 Report from Committee on Executive [Report No. 7] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693287 Proposition on the Executive Department [File No. 21] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693288 Proposition on Providing for the Executive Department [File No. 31] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693290 Report from the Committee on Schedule, Future Amendments, and Miscellaneous [Report No. 7B] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693291 Proposition Relative to Narcotics [File No. 86] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693292 Proposition Relative to Fish and Game [File No. 138] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693295 Report from Accounts and Expenses [Resolution No. 65C] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693303 Proposition on Metric System [File No. 144] None CREATE Files; 143–154; March 23, 1895
693304 Metric System Letter of Request None CREATE Files; 143–154; March 23, 1895
693308 Proposition on Prohibition [File No. 143] None CREATE Files; 143–154; March 23, 1895
693313 Proposition Relative to Raising Revenue [File No. 145] None CREATE Files; 143–154; March 23, 1895
693319 Proposition on Purity of Water for Domestic Purposes [File No. 146] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693323 Proposition Relating to Length of Day's Work [File No. 147] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693327 Proposition Relating to Manufacture, Sale, and Disposal of Imitations of Dairy Products [File No. 148] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693331 Proposition Relating to Stock and Contagious Diseases [File No. 149] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693335 Proposition Relating to Right of Way for Drainage and Other Purposes [File No. 150] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693343 Proposition Providing for Regulation of Water [File No. 151] None CREATE Files; 143–154; March 23, 1895
693347 Proposition for Taxation of Profession Men [File No. 152] None CREATE Files; 143–154; March 23, 1895
693354 Proposition Relative to the Liquor Habit [File No. 154] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693359 Proposition on Inebriety [File No. 155] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693365 Proposition Relative to Inspection of Public Institutions [File No. 53] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693366 Proposition relative to forestry [File No. 92] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693378 Resolution on the Coray Affair [Resolution No. 63A] None CREATE Library of Congress: Chronicling America: The Salt Lake Herald: 1895
693380 Resolution on $2.00 Fine [Resolution No. 64B] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693398 Petition from the Christian Endeavor Society of Springville [File No. 156] None CREATE Library of Congress: Chronicling America: The Salt Lake Herald: 1895
693400 Petition from the Citizens of Parowan [File No. 157] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693407 Report by Committee on Ordinance & Federal Relation [Report No. 8] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693413 Resolution on Sending Money to the Families of the Coal Miners at Red Canyon [Resolution No. 67B] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693431 Petition from the Fourth Ward of Provo [File No. 158] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693433 Petition from the Citizens of Provo [File No. 160] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693447 Resolution on Rules [Resolution No. 69A] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693460 Majority Report from Legislative Committee [Report No. 9A] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693461 Minority Report from Legislative Committee [Report No. 9B] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693462 Report from the Committee of Apportionment and Boundaries [Report No. 10] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693466 Article on Education & School Lands [Article No. 3.2] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693467 Article on Counties, Cities and Towns [Article No. 4.2] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693474 Article on Preamble and Declaration of Rights [Article No. 2.2] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693481 Article of the Committee on Schedule, Future Amendments, and Miscellaneous [Article No. 5.1] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693483 Minority Report from the Committee on Elections and Right of Suffrage [Report No. 6B] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693510 Petition on Prohibition [File No. 161] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693521 Report on Public Lands [Report No. 11] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693547 Memorial on Prohibition: Woman's Christian Union [File No. 162] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693548 Memorial on Prohibition: Mrs. Orr and 500 members [File No. 163] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693549 Memorial on Prohibition: Reverend E.M. Ross [File No. 164] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693553 Memorial on Prohibition: W.S. Hawkes [File No. 165] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693557 Report on Militia [Report No. 12] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693558 Article on Militia [Article No. 12.1] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693570 Article on Preamble and Declaration of Rights [Article No. 2.3] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693598 Memorial on Prohibition: Logan None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693600 Memorial on Prohibition: Weber County None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693602 Memorial on Prohibition: Sevier County None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693604 Memorial on Prohibition: Rev. E. H. Snow of Corinne None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693608 Article 2.3: Section 10 None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693626 Memorial on Prohibition [File No. 166 B] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693627 Report on Labor [Report No. 13] None CREATE_FROM Library of Congress: Chronicling America: The Salt Lake Herald: 1895
693628 Report on Revenue and Taxation [Report No. 14.1] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693648 Memorial on Prohibition None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693650 Memorial on Change of Venue [Resolution No. 71A] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693653 Report on Water Rights [Report No. 16] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693658 Resolution on Theater [Resolution No. 72B] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693666 Evening Session Resolution [Resolution No. 73C] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693676 Memorial on Prohibition [File No. 172] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693678 Memorial on Prohibition [File No. 173] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693683 Refer to Committee on Printing and Place on Calendar for the Committee of the Whole None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693768 Memorial on Prohibition [File No. 174] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693783 Article on Counties, Cities, and Towns [Article No. 4.2] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693784 Article on Counties, Cities, and Towns [Article No. 4.3] None CREATE Editorial Decisions
693809 Article on Amendments [Article No. 5.2] None CREATE_FROM Article on Amendments [Article No. 5.3] Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693810 Article on Amendments [Article No. 5.3] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693865 Article on Election Rights and Suffrage [Article No. 6.2] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693866 Article on Election Rights and Suffrage [Article No. 6.3] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693897 Memorial on Prohibition [File No. 175] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693898 Memorial on Suffrage [File No. 176] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693899 Memorial on Suffrage [File No. 178] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693900 Memorial on Suffrage [File No. 179] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693905 Memorial on Prohibition [File No. 177] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693907 Minority Report on Irrigation [Article No. 16B] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693909 Oral Report of the Committee on Accounts and Expenses None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694045 Memorial on Womans Suffrage [File No. 180] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694046 Memorial on Womans Suffrage [File No. 181] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694047 Memorial on Womans Suffrage [File No. 182] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694048 Memorial on Womans Suffrage [File No. 183] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694049 Memorial on Womans Suffrage [File No. 184] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694050 Memorial on Womans Suffrage [File No. 185] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694051 Memorial on Womans Suffrage [File No. 186] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694052 Memorial on Womans Suffrage [File No. 187] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694053 Memorial on Womans Suffrage [File No. 188] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694054 Memorial on Womans Suffrage [File No. 189] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694055 Memorial on Womans Suffrage [File No. 190] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694056 Memorial on Womans Suffrage [File No. 191] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694057 Memorial on Womans Suffrage [File No. 192] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694058 Memorial on Womans Suffrage [File No. 193] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694059 Memorial on Womans Suffrage [File No. 194] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694062 Memorial on Womans Suffrage [File No. 195] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694065 Petition on Prohibition [File No. 196] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694066 Petition on Prohibition [File No. 197] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694255 Memorial on Woman's Suffrage [File No. 198] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694256 Memorial on Woman's Suffrage [File No. 199] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694257 Memorial on Woman's Suffrage [File No. 200] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694258 Memorial on Woman's Suffrage [File No. 201] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694259 Memorial on Woman's Suffrage [File No. 202] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694260 Memorial on Woman's Suffrage [File No. 203] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694261 Memorial on Woman's Suffrage [File No. 204] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694262 Memorial on Woman's Suffrage [File No. 205] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694263 Memorial on Woman's Suffrage [File No. 206] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694264 Memorial on Woman's Suffrage [File No. 207] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694265 Memorial on Woman's Suffrage [File No. 208] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694266 Memorial on Woman's Suffrage [File No. 209] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694267 Memorial on Woman's Suffrage [File No. 210] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694268 Memorial on Woman's Suffrage [File No. 211] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694269 Memorial on Woman's Suffrage [File No. 212] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694270 Memorial on Woman's Suffrage [File No. 213] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694271 Memorial on Woman's Suffrage [File No. 214] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694272 Memorial on Woman's Suffrage [File No. 215] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694273 Memorial on Woman's Suffrage [File No. 216] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694274 Memorial on Woman's Suffrage [File No. 217] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694275 Memorial on Woman's Suffrage [File No. 218] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694276 Memorial on Woman's Suffrage [File No. 219] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694284 Article on Ordinance [Artice No. 8.2] None CREATE_FROM Article on Ordinance [Article No. 8.3] Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694285 Article on Ordinance [Article No. 8.3] None CREATE Editorial Decisions
694312 Article on Congressional and Legislative Apportionment [Article No. 10.2] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694313 Article on Congressional and Legislative Apportionment [Article No. 10.3] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694356 Petition for Woman's Suffrage to be Submitted as Separate Article [File No. 223] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694357 Petition for Woman's Suffrage to be Submitted as Separate Article [File No. 224] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694358 Petition for Woman's Suffrage to be Submitted as Separate Article [File No. 225] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694359 Petition for Woman's Suffrage to be Submitted as Separate Article [File No. 226] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694360 Petition for Woman's Suffrage to be Submitted as Separate Article [File No. 227] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694361 Petition for Woman's Suffrage to be Submitted as Separate Article [File No. 228] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694362 Petition for Woman's Suffrage to be Submitted as Separate Article [File No. 229] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694363 Petition for Woman's Suffrage to be Submitted as Separate Article [File No. 230] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694364 Petition for Woman's Suffrage to be Submitted as Separate Article [File No. 231] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694365 Petition for Woman's Suffrage to be Submitted as Separate Article [File No. 232] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694366 Petition for Woman's Suffrage to be Submitted as Separate Article [File No. 233] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694367 Petition for Woman's Suffrage to be Submitted as Separate Article [File No. 234] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694368 Petition for Woman's Suffrage to be Submitted as Separate Article [File No. 235] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694369 Petition for Woman's Suffrage to be Submitted as Separate Article [File No. 236] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694370 Petition for Woman's Suffrage to be Submitted as Separate Article [File No. 237] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694371 Petition for Woman's Suffrage to be Submitted as Separate Article [File No. 238] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694372 Petition for Woman's Suffrage to be Submitted as Separate Article [File No. 239] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694373 Petition for Woman's Suffrage to be Submitted as Separate Article [File No. 240] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694374 Petition for Woman's Suffrage to be Submitted as Separate Article [File No. 241] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694375 Petition for Woman's Suffrage to be Submitted as Separate Article [File No. 242] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694376 Petition for Woman's Suffrage to be Submitted as Separate Article [File No. 243] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694379 Petition on Women's Suffrage [No Signatures] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694383 Petition on Women's Suffrage [File No. 245] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694386 Petition for Woman's Suffrage Submitted as Separate Vote [W.W. Wiscomb] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694423 Article on Militia [Article No. 12.2] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694438 Petition for Woman's Suffrage to be Submitted as Separate Article [File No. 246] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694439 Petition for Woman's Suffrage to be Submitted as Separate Article [File No. 247] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694440 Petition for Woman's Suffrage to be Submitted as a Separate Article [File No. 248] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694441 Petition for Woman's Suffrage to be Submitted as Separate Article [File No. 249] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694442 Petition for Woman's Suffrage to be Submitted as Separate Article [File No. 250] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694443 Petition for Woman's Suffrage to be submitted as Separate Article [File No. 251] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694444 Petition for Woman's Suffrage to be Submitted as Separate Article [File No. 252] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694445 Petition for Woman's Suffrage to be Submitted as Separate Article [File No. 253] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694448 Petition for Equal Suffrage to be Placed in the Constitution [File No. 254] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694449 Petition for Equal Suffrage to be Placed in the Constitution [File No. 255] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694450 Petition for Equal Suffrage to be Placed in the Constitution [File No. 256] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694451 Petition for Equal Suffrage to be Placed in the Constitution [FIle No. 257] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694452 Petition for Equal Suffrage to be Placed in the Constitution [File No. 258] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694453 Petition for Equal Suffrage to be Placed in the Constitution [File No. 259] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694456 Petition Asking Prohibition be Submitted as Separate Article [File No. 260] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694458 Report on Education and School Lands [Report No. 17.1] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694473 Petition for Woman's Suffrage to be Submitted as Separate Article [File No. 261] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694474 Petition for Woman's Suffrage to be Submitted as Separate Article [File No. 262] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694475 Petition for Woman's Suffrage to be Submitted as Separate Article [File No. 263] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694476 Petition for Woman's Suffrage to be Submitted as Separate Article [File No. 264] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694477 Petition for Woman's Suffrage to be Submitted as Separate Article [File No. 265] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694478 Petition for Woman's Suffrage to be Submitted as Separate Article [File No. 266] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694479 Petition for Woman's Suffrage to be Submitted as Separate Article [File No. 267] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694480 Petition for Woman's Suffrage to be Submitted as Separate Article [File No. 268] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694481 Petition for Woman's Suffrage to be Submitted as Separate Article [File No. 269] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694482 Petition for Woman's Suffrage to be Submitted in Separate Article [File No. 270] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694483 Petition for Woman's Suffrage to be Submitted as Separate Article [File No. 271] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694484 Petition for Woman's Suffrage to be Submitted as Separate Article [File No. 272] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694485 Petition for Woman's Suffrage to be Submitted as Separate Article [File No. 273] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694486 Petition for Woman's Suffrage to be Submitted as Separate Article [File No. 274] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694487 Petition for Woman's Suffrage to be Submitted as Separate Article [File No. 275] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694488 Petition for Woman's Suffrage to be Submitted as Separate Article [File No. 276] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694491 Petition for a Constitutional Equal Suffrage Clause [File No. 277] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694492 Petition for a Constitutional Equal Suffrage Clause [File No. 278] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694493 Petition for a Constitutional Equal Suffrage Clause [File No. 279] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694494 Petition for a Constitutional Equal Suffrage Clause [File No. 280] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694495 Petition for a Constitutional Equal Suffrage Clause [File No. 281] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694496 Petition for a Constitutional Equal Suffrage Clause [File No. 282] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694499 Petition for the Question of Prohibition to be Submitted as a Separate Article to a Vote of the People [File No. 283] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694501 Article on the Legislative [Article No. 9.2] None CREATE_FROM Editorial Decisions
694502 Article on the Legislative [Article No. 9.3] None CREATE Editorial Decisions
694627 Petition on Woman's Suffrage [File No. 284] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694628 Petition on Women's Suffrage [File No. 285] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694629 Petition on Woman's Suffrage [File No. 286] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694630 Petition on Woman's Suffrage [File No. 287] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694631 Petition on Woman's Suffrage [File No. 288] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694632 Petition on Woman's Suffrage [File No. 289] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694633 Petition on Women's Suffrage [File No. 290] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694634 Petition on Woman's Suffrage [File No. 291] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694635 Petition on Woman's Suffrage [File No. 292] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694638 Petition on Woman's Suffrage [File No. 293] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694641 Petition for Woman's Suffrage be Submitted as Separate Article None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694645 Report on Judiciary [Report No. 18] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694659 Petition for Woman's Suffrage to be Submitted as Separate Article [File No. 294] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694660 Petition for Woman's Suffrage to be Submitted as Separate Article [File No. 295] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694661 Petition for Woman's Suffrage to be Submitted at Separate Article [File No. 296] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694662 Petition for Woman's Suffrage to be Submitted as Separate Article [File No. 297] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694665 Petition for Equal Suffrage to be Placed in the Constitution [File No. 298] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694666 Petition for Equal Suffrage to be Placed in the Constitution [File No. 299] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694667 Petition for Equal Suffrage to be Placed in the Constitution [File No. 300] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694668 Petition for Equal Suffrage to be Placed in the Constitution [File No. 301] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694669 Petition for Equal Suffrage to be Placed in the Constitution [File No. 302] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694670 Petition for Equal Suffrage to be Placed in the Constitution [File No. 303] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694671 Petition for Equal Suffrage to be Placed in the Constitution [File No. 304] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694672 Petition for Equal Suffrage to be Placed in the Constitution [File No. 305] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694675 Petition Opposing Woman's Suffrage None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694677 Petition for Prohibition to be Submitted as a Separate Article None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694699 Resolution to Amend Rules [Resolution No. 74A] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694700 Resolution to Amend Rules [Resolution No. 75B] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694723 Petition on Woman's Suffrage [File No. 309] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694724 Petition on Woman's Suffrage [File No. 310] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694725 Petition on Woman's Suffrage [File No. 311] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694726 Petition on Woman's Suffrage [File No. 312] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694727 Petition on Woman's Suffrage [File No. 313] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694728 Petition on Woman's Suffrage [File No. 314] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694729 Petition on Equal Suffrage [File No. 315] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694730 Petition on Equal Suffrage [File No. 316] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694731 Petition on Equal Suffrage [File No. 317] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694732 Petition on Equal Suffrage [File No. 318] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694739 Report from the Committee on Accounts and Expenses [Resolution No. 76A] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694749 Memorial on Woman's Suffrage (File No. 319) None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694750 Memorial on Woman's Suffrage (File No. 320) None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694751 Memorial on Woman's Suffrage (File No. 321) None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694752 Memorial on Woman's Suffrage (File No. 322) None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694753 Memorial on Woman's Suffrage (File. No 323) None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694754 Memorial on Woman's Suffrage (File No. 324) None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694755 Memorial on Woman's Suffrage (File. No 325) None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694756 Memorial on Woman's Suffrage (File No. 326) None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694759 Petition on Equal Suffrage (File No. 327) None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694760 Petition on Equal Suffrage (File No. 328) None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694763 Communication from B. B. Quinn [File No. 321b] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694767 Report on Mines and Mining [Report No. 19] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694786 Petition on Woman's Suffrage [File No. 329] None CREATE Library of Congress: Chronicling America: The Deseret Evening News: 1895
694787 Petition on Woman's Suffrage [File No. 330] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694788 Petition on Woman's Suffrage [File No. 331] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694789 Petition on Woman's Suffrage [File No. 332] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694790 Petition on Woman's Suffrage [File No. 333] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694791 Petition on Woman's Suffrage [File No. 334] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694792 Petition on Woman's Suffrage [File No. 335] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694793 Petition on Woman's Suffrage [File No. 336] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694794 Petition on Woman's Suffrage [File No. 337] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694795 Petition on Woman's Suffrage [File No. 338] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694796 Petition on Woman's Suffrage [File No. 339] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694797 Petition on Woman's Suffrage [File No. 340] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694798 Petition on Woman's Suffrage [File No. 341] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694799 Petition on Woman's Suffrage [File No. 342] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694800 Petition on Woman's Suffrage [File No. 343] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694801 Petition on Woman's Suffrage [File No. 344] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694802 Petition on Woman's Suffrage [File No. 345] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694803 Petition on Woman's Suffrage [File No. 346] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694804 Petition on Woman's Suffrage [File No. 347] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694805 Petition on Woman's Suffrage [File No. 348] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694806 Petition on Woman's Suffrage [File No. 349] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694809 Petition for Equal Suffrage to be Placed in the Constitution [File No. 350] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694810 Petition for Equal Suffrage to be Placed in the Constitution [File No. 351] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694811 Petition for Equal Suffrage to be Placed in the Constitution [File No. 352] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694812 Petition for Equal Suffrage to be Placed in the Constitution [File No. 353] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694813 Petition for Equal Suffrage to be Placed in the Constitution [File No. 354] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694814 Petition for Equal Suffrage to be Placed in the Constitution [File No. 355] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694815 Petition for Equal Suffrage to be Placed in the Constitution [File No. 356] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694816 Petition for Equal Suffrage to be Placed in the Constitution [File No. 357] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694817 Petition for Equal Suffrage to be Placed in the Constitution [File No. 358] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694818 Petition for Equal Suffrage to be Placed in the Constitution [File No. 359] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694819 Petition for Equal Suffrage to be Placed in the Constitution [File No. 360] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694820 Petition for Equal Suffrage to be Placed in the Constitution [File No. 361] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694821 Petition for Equal Suffrage to be Placed in the Constitution [File No. 362] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694822 Petition for Equal Suffrage to be Placed in the Constitution [File No. 363] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694855 Motion to Adjourn: 1895-04-15 None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694856 Article No. 7 None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694919 Motion to Adjourn: 1895-04-16 None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694920 Article No. 13 None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694967 Committee on Rules Report (1895-04-19) None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694972 Article on Revenue and Taxation (Article No. 14) None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694973 Article No. 14.3 None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695022 Petition for Woman's Suffrage to be Submitted to a Vote of the People [File No. 364] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695023 Petition for Woman's Suffrage to be Submitted to a Vote of the People [File No. 365] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695024 Petition for Equal Suffrage to be Placed in the Constitution [File No. 366] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695025 Petition for Equal Suffrage to be Placed in the Constitution [File No. 367] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695026 Petition for Equal Suffrage to be Placed in the Constitution [368] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695027 Petition for Prohibition to be Submitted as Separate Article [File No. 369] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695028 Petition for Prohibition to be Submitted as Separate Article [File No. 370] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695029 Petition for Prohibition to be Submitted as Separate Article [File No. 371] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695036 Report from Committees on Public Lands and Education [Report No. 22] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695038 Majority Report on Prohibition [Report No. 20A] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695039 Minority Report on Prohibition [Report No. 20B] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695053 Article on Public Debt [Article No. 15.2] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695054 Article on Public Debt [Article No. 15.3] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695125 Resolution from Committee on Accounts and Expenses [Resolution No. 77] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695148 Memorial on Prohibition [File No. 372] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695149 Memorial on Prohibition [File No. 373] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695150 Memorial on Prohibition [File No. 374] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695151 Petition on Equal Suffrage [File No. 375] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695154 Article on Water Rights [Article No. 16.2] None CREATE_FROM Article No. 16.3 Editorial Decisions
695155 Article No. 16.3 None CREATE Editorial Decisions
695185 Petition for Woman's Suffrage to be Submitted as Separate Article [File No. 376] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695205 Article on Education and School Lands [Article No. 17.2] None CREATE_FROM Article on Education and School Lands [Article No. 17.3] Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695206 Article on Education and School Lands [Article No. 17.3] None CREATE Editorial Decisions
695303 Petition for Woman's Suffrage to be Submitted as a Separate Article [File No. 377] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695305 Report from Committee on Manufactures and Commerce [Report No. 23] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695323 Excursion to Saltair [Resolution No. 78A] None CREATE Library of Congress: Chronicling America: The Salt Lake Herald: 1895
695325 Resolution to Set Apart San Juan County [Resolution No. 79B] None CREATE Library of Congress: Chronicling America: The Salt Lake Herald: 1895
695328 Resolution to Survey San Juan County [Resolution No. 80C] None CREATE Library of Congress: Chronicling America: The Salt Lake Herald: 1895
695380 Article on Judiciary [Article No. 18.2] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695381 Article on Judiciary [Article No. 18.3] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695510 Report on Schedule [Report No. 25] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695516 Report on Salaries of Public Officers [Report No. 24] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695528 Article on Mines and Mining [Article No. 19] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695556 Letter from N.W. Clayton [Resolution No. 81A] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695561 Report on Public Buildings and State Institutions [Report No. 26] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695628 Memorial on Woman's Suffrage Clause [File No. 378] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695630 Memorial on Equal Suffrage [File No. 379] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695632 Final Adoption of Constitution [Resolution No. 82A] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695644 Resolution that Absentees be Reproved [Resolution No. 83B] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695647 Resolution to Record Absentees [Resolution No. 84C] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695673 Invitation from the Women of Utah [1895-04-29] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695679 Invitation to Salt Lake City Fire Department Exhibition [1895-04-29] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695681 Articles on Corporations other than Municipal [Article 21.3] None CREATE Editorial Decisions
695826 Communication from J. G. Sutherland and Others [1895-04-30] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695832 Article on Miscellaneous [Article No. 27] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695846 Article on Public Lands [Article No. 11.2] None CREATE_FROM Article on Public Lands [Article No. 11.3] Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695847 Article on Public Lands [Article No. 11.3] None CREATE Editorial Decisions
695906 Article on Salaries of Public Officers [Article No. 24.2] None CREATE_FROM Editorial Decisions
695908 Article on Public Buildings and State Institutions [Article No. 26.2] None CREATE_FROM Article on Public Buildings and State Institutions [Article No. 26.3] Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695909 Article on Public Buildings and State Institutions [Article No. 26.3] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695960 Article on Declaration of Rights [Article I] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695993 Article on State Boundaries [Article II] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695995 Article on Ordinance [Article III] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696023 Article on Elections and Right of Suffrage [Article IV] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696057 Communication from the Ladies of Salt Lake City [1895-04-30] None CREATE Library of Congress: Chronicling America: The Salt Lake Herald: 1895
696100 Article on Salaries of Public Officers [Article No. 24.2] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696101 Article on Salaries of Public Officers [Article No. 24.3] None CREATE Editorial Decisions
696107 Article on Schedule [Article No. 25.2] None CREATE_FROM Article on Schedule [Article No. 25.3] Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696108 Article on Schedule [Article No. 25.3] None CREATE Editorial Decisions
696194 Resolution on Engrossment [Resolution No. 85A] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696208 Resolution on Engrossment [Resolution 85A] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696222 Article on Distribution of Powers [Article V] None CREATE_FROM Editorial Decisions
696226 Article on the Legislative Department [Article VI] None CREATE_FROM Editorial Decisions
696274 Article on Executive [Article VII] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696322 Article on Miscellaneous [Article No. 27.2] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696323 Article on Miscellaneous [Article No. 27.3] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696414 Article on Judicial Department [Article VIII] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696449 Article on Education [Article X] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696473 Article on Counties, Cities, and Towns [Article XI] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696488 Article on Congressional and Legislative Apportionment [Article IX] None CREATE_FROM Editorial Decisions
696527 Convention Request None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696542 Resolution on Attestation None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696544 Report on Arrangement of Proposed Articles None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696564 Article on Corporations other than Municipal [Article XII] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696629 Resolution on Enrollment and Engrossment None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696653 Article on Revenue and Taxation [Article XIII] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696683 Resolution on Employing Help None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696688 Article XIV None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696702 Article on Militia [Article XV] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696713 Article on Labor [Article XVI] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696714 Article on Water Rights [Article XVII] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696715 Article on Forestry [Article XVIII] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696720 Resolution on Printed Constitution Copies None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696764 Article on Public Buildings and State Institutions [Article XIX] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696766 Article on Public Lands [Article XX] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696775 Article on Salaries of Public Officers [Article XXI] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696777 Article on Miscellaneous [Article XXII] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696804 Article on Future Amendments [Article XXIII] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696806 Article on Schedule [Article XXIV] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696866 Attestation Clause None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696875 Report on printing 1895-05-06 None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696890 Address to the People None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696895 Resolution on Compilation of Journal None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696925 Resolution on Copies of the Constitution None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696935 Resolution on Memorial to Congress None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696940 Resolution on Printing Bids None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696959 Report of the Committee on Engrossment and Enrollment None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696963 Address to the People None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696966 Resolution on Vote of Thanks [1895-05-08] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696971 Resolution on Flag [1895-05-08] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696974 Constitution of the State of Utah None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696987 Report from the Committee on Account and Expenses [1895-05-08] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696995 Resolution on Delivery of the Constitution [1895-05-08] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696997 Resolution on the Preservation of Files and Documents [1895-05-08] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895

Committee: Committee on Credentials

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Proposal Kind Ancestor Documents Source Additional Sources
697018 Report on Credentials None CREATE Journal of the Convention (Online Digital Record) Library of Congress: Chronicling America: The Salt Lake Herald: 1895
697021 Report on Credentials [Resolution No. 3A] None CREATE_FROM Report on Credentials with Power to Investigate Editorial Decisions
949351 Report on Credentials with Power to Investigate None CREATE Journal of the Convention (Online Digital Record)

Committee: Committee on Site and Furniture

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Proposal Kind Ancestor Documents Source Additional Sources
943630 Report on Site RESOLUTION CREATE Editorial Decisions Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
943639 Report on Furniture RESOLUTION CREATE Editorial Decisions Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
943655 Report on Site [Resolution No. 7A] None CREATE_FROM Editorial Decisions
943657 Report on Furniture [Resolution No. 7A] None CREATE_FROM Editorial Decisions
697041 Henry Dinwoodey Furniture Co. None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895

Committee: Committee on Standing Committees

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Proposal Kind Ancestor Documents Source Additional Sources
697070 Majority Report on Standing Committees None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697072 Minority Report on Standing Committees None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895

Committee: Committee on Stenographer

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Proposal Kind Ancestor Documents Source Additional Sources
697080 Report on the Committee on Stenographer None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895

Committee: Committee on Rules and Methods of Procedure

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Proposal Kind Ancestor Documents Source Additional Sources
697088 Rules and Methods of Procedures None CREATE_FROM Rules and Methods of Procedure, Committee Report on Rules and Methods of Procedure Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697089 Refer Motion on Extending Convention of Courtesy to Committee on Rules. None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697090 Rules and Methods of Procedure None CREATE Committee Report on Rules and Methods of Procedure Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697091 Sub Committee Report on Rules and Procedures None CREATE Committee Report on Rules and Methods of Procedure Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697092 Committee Report on Rules and Methods of Procedure None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697094 Standing Rules of the Constitutional Convention of the Territory of Utah None CREATE Journal of the Convention (Online Digital Record)
697096 Refer "Standing Rules of the Convention" to the Committee on Rules None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697103 Refer: "Request Report on Amendment of the Standing Rules" to the Committee on Rules None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697110 Refer "Committee on Miscellaneous Report: 1895-03-20" to the Committee on Rules None CREATE_FROM Committee Report: "Committee on Miscellaneous Report: 1895-03-20" Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697111 Committee Report: "Committee on Miscellaneous Report: 1895-03-20" None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697113 Resolution on Time of Meeting [Resolution No. 58D] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697114 Refer "Standing Rules of the Convention" to the Committee on Rules None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697117 Resolution regarding Rule XX Amendment [Resolution No. 61C] None CREATE_FROM Editorial Decisions
697118 Refer "Standing Rules of the Convention" to the Committee on Rules None CREATE_FROM Editorial Decisions
697123 Evening Session Resolution [Resolution No. 73C] None CREATE_FROM Editorial Decisions
697124 Point of order: Resolution No. 75B Non-debatable None CREATE_FROM Committee on Rules Report (1895-04-19) Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697125 Point of order: Resolution No. 75B Non-debatable None CREATE_FROM Committee on Rules Report (1895-04-19) Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697126 Committee on Rules Report (1895-04-19) None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697128 Resolution on Engrossment [Resolution 85A] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895

Committee: Committee on Federal Relations

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Proposal Kind Ancestor Documents Source Additional Sources
697140 Proposition Relative to Compact with United States [File No. 118] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697141 Report by Committee on Ordinance & Federal Relation [Article No. 8] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697143 Report by Committee on Ordinance & Federal Relation [Report No. 8] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895

Committee: Committee on the Preamble and Declaration of Rights

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Proposal Kind Ancestor Documents Source Additional Sources
697157 Proposition relating to the Declaration of Rights [File No. 4] None CREATE_FROM Article on Preamble and Declaration of Rights [Article No. 2] Editorial Decisions
697158 Proposition on the Declaration of Rights [File No. 5] None CREATE_FROM Article on Preamble and Declaration of Rights [Article No. 2] Editorial Decisions
697159 Motion to Suspend the Rules None CREATE_FROM Editorial Decisions
697160 Proposition Relating to the Declaration of Rights [File No. 12] None CREATE_FROM Report on Preamble and Declaration of Rights [Report No. 2], Article on Preamble and Declaration of Rights [Article No. 2] Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697161 Proposition on the Right to Recover Damages for Injuries Resulting in Death [file no. 35] None CREATE_FROM Report on Preamble and Declaration of Rights [Report No. 2], Article on Preamble and Declaration of Rights [Article No. 2] Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697162 Proposal Relative to Prohibiting the Taking of Private Property for Public Purposes Without Just Compensation [File No. 69] None CREATE_FROM Report on Preamble and Declaration of Rights [Report No. 2] Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697164 Article on Preamble and Declaration of Rights [Article No. 2] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697165 Report on Preamble and Declaration of Rights [Report No. 2] None CREATE Library of Congress: Chronicling America: The Salt Lake Herald: 1895

Committee: Legislative Committee

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Proposal Kind Ancestor Documents Source Additional Sources
697184 Proposition on Homesteads and Exemptions [File No. 14] None CREATE_FROM Majority Article on Legislative [Article No. 9A], Minority Article on Legislative [Article No. 9B] Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697185 Proposition on the Distribution of Powers in Legislative Departments [File No. 19] None CREATE_FROM Majority Article on Legislative [Article No. 9A], Minority Article on Legislative [Article No. 9B] Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697186 Proposition on the Benefits for the Infirm, Sick, and Dependent Poor [File No. 28] None CREATE_FROM Majority Article on Legislative [Article No. 9A], Minority Article on Legislative [Article No. 9B] Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697187 Proposition on the Distribution of Powers [File No. 32] None CREATE_FROM Majority Article on Legislative [Article No. 9A], Minority Article on Legislative [Article No. 9B] Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697188 Proposition on the Apportionment of Public Moneys [File No. 27] None CREATE_FROM Majority Article on Legislative [Article No. 9A], Minority Article on Legislative [Article No. 9B] Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697189 Refer "Proposition Authorizing Legislature to Classify and Fix Salaries of Public Officers [File No. 38]" to Committee on Legislative None CREATE_FROM Majority Article on Legislative [Article No. 9A], Minority Article on Legislative [Article No. 9B] Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697190 Refer "Proposition on Exemptions for the Constitution [File No. 39]" to Committee on Legislature None CREATE_FROM Majority Article on Legislative [Article No. 9A], Minority Article on Legislative [Article No. 9B] Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697191 Proposition Relative to Providing for a Legislative Department [File No. 51] None CREATE_FROM Majority Article on Legislative [Article No. 9A], Minority Article on Legislative [Article No. 9B] Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697192 Proposition Relative to Community System [File No. 55] None CREATE_FROM Majority Article on Legislative [Article No. 9A], Minority Article on Legislative [Article No. 9B] Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697193 Proposition relative to regulating corporations [File No. 94] None CREATE_FROM Majority Article on Legislative [Article No. 9A], Minority Article on Legislative [Article No. 9B] Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697194 Proposition Regarding Election of United States Senators [File No. 103] None CREATE_FROM Majority Article on Legislative [Article No. 9A], Minority Article on Legislative [Article No. 9B] Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697195 Refer "File No. 115 " to Committee on Legislative None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697196 Proposition on Bills and Amendments of Laws [File No. 122] None CREATE_FROM Majority Article on Legislative [Article No. 9A], Minority Article on Legislative [Article No. 9B] Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697197 Proposition relative to regulating corporations [File No. 100] be referred to the committee on revenue, taxation and public debt. None CREATE_FROM Majority Article on Legislative [Article No. 9A], Minority Article on Legislative [Article No. 9B] Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697198 Proposition on Referendums [File No. 129] None CREATE_FROM Majority Article on Legislative [Article No. 9A], Minority Article on Legislative [Article No. 9B] Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697199 Proposition Against Lotteries [File No. 131] None CREATE_FROM Editorial Decisions
697200 Proposition Relative to Fish and Game [File No. 138] None CREATE_FROM Majority Article on Legislative [Article No. 9A], Minority Article on Legislative [Article No. 9B] Editorial Decisions
697201 Proposition on Purity of Water for Domestic Purposes [File No. 146] None CREATE_FROM Editorial Decisions
697202 Refer "File No. 154" to Committee on Legislative None CREATE_FROM Majority Article on Legislative [Article No. 9A] Editorial Decisions
697203 Majority Report on Legislative [Report No. 9A] None CREATE Committee Reports; 6-10; March 22-27, 1895
697204 Minority Report on Legislative [Report No. 9B] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697205 Majority Article on Legislative [Article No. 9A] None CREATE Library of Congress: Chronicling America: The Salt Lake Herald: 1895
697206 Minority Article on Legislative [Article No. 9B] None CREATE Library of Congress: Chronicling America: The Salt Lake Herald: 1895

Committee: Judiciary Committee

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Proposal Kind Ancestor Documents Source Additional Sources
697227 Proposition on the duties of Probate Judges [File No. 22] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697228 Proposition on the Judiciary [File No. 33] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697229 Proposition Relative to the Judiciary [File No. 57] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697230 Proposition Relative to Requiring Judges of the Supreme, District, and Superior Courts, to Report Defects in the Laws to the Attorney General [File No. 71] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697231 Proposition Relative to Requirements for Judges of the Supreme Court [File No. 73] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697232 Proposition Relative to Free Publication of Supreme Court Decisions [File No. 74] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697233 Proposition Relative to Requiring Judges to Decide Questions and Render Decisions Within Thirty Days After Argument, or Submission to Them [File No. 76] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697234 Proposition on Opinions of Justices of the Supreme Court [File No. 99] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697235 Proposition (by request) Relating to the Judiciary [File No. 117] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697236 Article 2.2: Section 10 None CREATE Editorial Decisions
697240 Report on Judiciary [Report No. 18] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697241 Article on Judiciary [Article No. 18] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895

Committee: Executive Committee

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Proposal Kind Ancestor Documents Source Additional Sources
697260 Motion to be Read Twice by Title Before Referring to Committee None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697261 Proposition on the Executive Department [File No. 21] None CREATE_FROM Report on Executive [Report No. 7], Article on Executive [Article No. 7] Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697262 Proposition on Impeachment [File No. 30] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697263 Proposition on Providing for the Executive Department [File No. 31] None CREATE_FROM Report on Executive [Report No. 7], Article on Executive [Article No. 7] Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697264 Report on Executive [Report No. 7] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697268 Article on Executive [Article No. 7] None CREATE Committee Reports; 6-10; March 22-27, 1895

Committee: Committee on Elections and Right of Suffrage

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Proposal Kind Ancestor Documents Source Additional Sources
697286 Proposition on Women's Suffrage[File No. 1] None CREATE_FROM Article on Elections and Rights of Suffrage [Article No. 6.1], Report on Elections and Rights of Suffrage [Report No. 6] Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697287 Proposition relating to Election Franchise[File No. 3] None CREATE_FROM Article on Elections and Rights of Suffrage [Article No. 6.1], Report on Elections and Rights of Suffrage [Report No. 6] Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697288 Proposition on Method of Voting Otherwise than by Ballot [File No. 2] None CREATE_FROM Article on Elections and Rights of Suffrage [Article No. 6.1], Report on Elections and Rights of Suffrage [Report No. 6] Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697289 Proposition relating to Protecting the Purity of Elections [File No. 17] None CREATE_FROM Article on Elections and Rights of Suffrage [Article No. 6.1], Report on Elections and Rights of Suffrage [Report No. 6] Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697290 Proposition on the Rights of Suffrage, Elections, qualifications, and the Oath of Office [file no. 34] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697291 Memorial from the Ladies of Weber County None CREATE_FROM Article on Elections and Rights of Suffrage [Article No. 6.1], Report on Elections and Rights of Suffrage [Report No. 6] Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697292 Proposition Relating to Regulation of Elections [File No. 37] None CREATE_FROM Article on Elections and Rights of Suffrage [Article No. 6.1], Report on Elections and Rights of Suffrage [Report No. 6] Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697293 Proposition Relative to Regulating or Affecting Boards of Officers Charged with Duties of Registering Voters [File No. 45] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697294 Proposition Relative to Organizing a Board of Arbitration between Employer and Employees and Board of Statisticians [File No. 46] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697295 Utah County Suffrage Petition [File No. 61a] None CREATE_FROM Article on Elections and Rights of Suffrage [Article No. 6.1], Report on Elections and Rights of Suffrage [Report No. 6] Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697296 Proposition Relative to Non-Partisan Election of School and Judicial Officers [File No. 85] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697297 Read "Memorial: Woman's Suffrage: Salt Lake City" in Full and Refer to Committee on Elections and Rights of Suffrage None CREATE_FROM Article on Elections and Rights of Suffrage [Article No. 6.1], Report on Elections and Rights of Suffrage [Report No. 6] Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697298 Read "Memorial: Women's Suffrage: Suffrage Association: Utah Territory"in Full and Refer to Committee on Elections and Rights of Suffrage None CREATE_FROM Article on Elections and Rights of Suffrage [Article No. 6.1], Report on Elections and Rights of Suffrage [Report No. 6] Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697299 Memorial from the women of Davis County to be read and referred None CREATE_FROM Article on Elections and Rights of Suffrage [Article No. 6.1], Report on Elections and Rights of Suffrage [Report No. 6] Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697300 The petition from Juab County be read and referred to the Committee on Elections and Rights of Suffrage None CREATE_FROM Article on Elections and Rights of Suffrage [Article No. 6.1], Report on Elections and Rights of Suffrage [Report No. 6] Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697301 Proposition Relative to Poll Tax [File No. 109] None CREATE_FROM Article on Elections and Rights of Suffrage [Article No. 6.1], Report on Elections and Rights of Suffrage [Report No. 6] Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697302 Proposition on Public Buildings [File No. 24] None CREATE_FROM Article on Elections and Rights of Suffrage [Article No. 6.1], Report on Elections and Rights of Suffrage [Report No. 6] Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697303 Proposal Relative to Prohibiting the Taking of Private Property for Public Purposes Without Just Compensation [File No. 69] None CREATE_FROM Article on Elections and Rights of Suffrage [Article No. 6.1], Report on Elections and Rights of Suffrage [Report No. 6] Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697304 Report on Elections and Rights of Suffrage [Report No. 6] None CREATE Library of Congress: Chronicling America: The Salt Lake Herald: 1895
697306 Article on Elections and Rights of Suffrage [Article No. 6.1] None CREATE Library of Congress: Chronicling America: The Salt Lake Herald: 1895
697308 Minority Report from the Committee on Elections and Right of Suffrage [Report No. 6B] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895

Committee: Committee on Apportionment and Boundaries

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Proposal Kind Ancestor Documents Source Additional Sources
697338 Proposition Relative to Apportioning Representatives to Congress and Census [File No. 41] None CREATE_FROM Report on Congressional and Legislative Apportionment [Report No. 10] , Article on Congressional and Legislative Apportionment [Article No. 10] Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697339 Proposition on Districting and Apportionment of Legislative members [File No. 65] None CREATE_FROM Report on Congressional and Legislative Apportionment [Report No. 10] , Article on Congressional and Legislative Apportionment [Article No. 10] Files; 61a–70; March 15, 1895
697340 Proposal Relative to Division of Counties [File No. 79] None CREATE_FROM Files; 72–80; March 15, 1895
697341 Proposition Relative to Fixing State Boundaries [File No. 83] None CREATE_FROM Report on Boundaries [Report No. 1], Article on Boundaries [Article No. 1.1] Library of Congress: Chronicling America: The Salt Lake Herald: 1895
697342 Proposition Relative to Boundaries [File No. 87] None CREATE_FROM Files; 81–88; March 15, 1895
697343 Proposition Relative to Legislative Apportionment [File No. 88] None CREATE_FROM Report on Congressional and Legislative Apportionment [Report No. 10] , Article on Congressional and Legislative Apportionment [Article No. 10] Files; 81–88; March 15, 1895
697347 Report on Boundaries [Report No. 1] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697349 Article on Boundaries [Article No. 1.1] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697351 Subcommittee Report on Fixing Senatorial and Representative Districts None CREATE Library of Congress: Chronicling America: The Deseret Evening News: 1895
697352 Proposition Relating to Election of Officers [File No. 134] None CREATE_FROM Editorial Decisions
697353 Report on Congressional and Legislative Apportionment [Report No. 10] None CREATE Committee Reports; 6-10; March 22-27, 1895
697356 Article on Congressional and Legislative Apportionment [Article No. 10] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895

Committee: Committee on Education and School Lands

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Proposal Kind Ancestor Documents Source Additional Sources
697373 Proposition on Education [file no. 29] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697374 Proposition Relative to a System of Education [File No. 60] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697375 Proposition Relative to Protecting Settlers upon School Lands [File No. 77] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697376 Proposition Relative to Superintendence of District Schools and School Districts [File No. 78] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697377 Proposition relative to School lands of this State [File No. 91] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697378 Proposition Relating to System of Public Instruction [File No. 98] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697379 Report on Education & School Lands [Report No. 3] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697381 Article on Education & School Lands [Article No. 3.1] None CREATE Committee Reports; 1-5; March 16-21, 1895
697383 Report on Education and School Lands [Report No. 17] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697385 Article on Education and School Lands [Article No. 17] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697387 Article on Public Lands [Article No. 11] None CREATE_FROM Editorial Decisions
697388 Report from Committees on Public Lands and Education [Report No. 22] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895

Committee: Committee on Public Buildings and State Institutions

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Proposal Kind Ancestor Documents Source Additional Sources
697403 Number of Members for standing committees None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697405 Proposition on Public Buildings [File No. 24] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697406 Proposition Relative to State Institutions Other Than Educational [File No.84] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697407 Point of Order: Rule 19 None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697408 Proposition Relative to Permanent Location of the Capital [File No. 102]. None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697410 Report on Public Buildings and State Institutions [Report No. 26] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697411 Article on Public Buildings and State Institutions [Article No. 26] None CREATE Committee Reports; 21-27; April 19-30, 1895

Committee: Committee on Water Rights, Irrigation, and Agriculture

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Proposal Kind Ancestor Documents Source Additional Sources
697430 Proposition Relative to Irrigation and Use of Water [File No. 44] None CREATE_FROM Report on Water Rights [Report No. 16], Article on Water Rights [Article No. 16.1] Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697431 Relative to Protecting Livestock from Contagious Diseases [File No. 67] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697432 Proposition Relative to Irrigation [File No. 111] None CREATE_FROM Report on Water Rights [Report No. 16], Article on Water Rights [Article No. 16.1] Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697433 Proposition on Irrigation [File No. 121] None CREATE_FROM Report on Water Rights [Report No. 16], Article on Water Rights [Article No. 16.1] Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697434 Proposition on Water and Water Rights [File No. 124] None CREATE_FROM Report on Water Rights [Report No. 16], Article on Water Rights [Article No. 16.1] Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697435 Proposition on Irrigation and Water Rights [File No. 126] None CREATE_FROM Report on Water Rights [Report No. 16], Article on Water Rights [Article No. 16.1] Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697436 Proposition on Water Rights and Irrigation [File No. 128] None CREATE_FROM Report on Water Rights [Report No. 16], Article on Water Rights [Article No. 16.1] Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697437 Proposition Relating to Irrigation and Water Rights [File No. 130] None CREATE_FROM Editorial Decisions
697438 Proposition Relative to Fish and Game [File No. 138] None CREATE_FROM Editorial Decisions
697439 Proposition Relative to Water Rights [File No. 137] None CREATE_FROM Report on Water Rights [Report No. 16], Article on Water Rights [Article No. 16.1] Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697440 Proposition Relating to Stock and Contagious Diseases [File No. 149] None CREATE_FROM Editorial Decisions
697441 Proposition Providing for Regulation of Water [File No. 151] None CREATE_FROM Report on Water Rights [Report No. 16], Article on Water Rights [Article No. 16.1] Editorial Decisions
697442 Report on Water Rights [Report No. 16] None CREATE Committee Reports; 16-20; April 2-19, 1895
697443 Article on Water Rights [Article No. 16.1] None CREATE Committee Reports; 16-20; April 2-19, 1895
697446 Minority Report on Irrigation [Article No. 16B] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895

Committee: Committee on Municipal Corporations

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Proposal Kind Ancestor Documents Source Additional Sources
697458 Proposition on City Charters [File No. 10] None CREATE_FROM Article on Counties, Cities and Towns [Article No. 4.1] Editorial Decisions
697459 Proposition on Public Corporations [File No. 18] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697460 Proposition on Changing County Lines, Creating New Counties and Removing County Seats [File No. 43] None CREATE_FROM Article on Counties, Cities and Towns [Article No. 4.1] Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697461 Proposition on the Incorporation of Cities {File No. 62] None CREATE_FROM Article on Counties, Cities and Towns [Article No. 4.1] Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697462 A Proposition Relating to Counties [File No. 63] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697463 Prohibiting Municipalities from Selling or Disposing of or Leasing the Water-Works, Water Rights, and Water Supplies [File No. 64] None CREATE_FROM Article on Counties, Cities and Towns [Article No. 4.1] Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697464 Proposition Relative to County Organization [File No. 75] None CREATE_FROM Article on Counties, Cities and Towns [Article No. 4.1] Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697465 Proposition Relative to Municipal Corporations [File No. 81] None CREATE_FROM Article on Counties, Cities and Towns [Article No. 4.1] Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697466 Adopt and refer file no. 79 to the committee on municipal corporations. None CREATE_FROM Article on Counties, Cities and Towns [Article No. 4.1] Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697467 Proposition relative to the veto power of mayors, [File No. 106] None CREATE_FROM Article on Counties, Cities and Towns [Article No. 4.1] Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697468 Proposition Relative to Indebtedness of Cities [File No. 107] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697469 Proposition Requiring County Officials to File Sworn Statements of Moneys Received and Disbursed [File No. 108] None CREATE_FROM Article on Counties, Cities and Towns [Article No. 4.1] Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697470 Proposition on Removal of County Seats, Division of Counties, County Officers and their Compensation [File No. 116] None CREATE_FROM Article on Counties, Cities and Towns [Article No. 4.1] Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697471 Article on Counties, Cities and Towns [Article No. 4.1] None CREATE Library of Congress: Chronicling America: The Salt Lake Herald: 1895
697474 Report from the Committee on Municipal Corporations [Report No. 4] None CREATE Committee Reports; 1-5; March 16-21, 1895

Committee: Committee on Corporations other than Municipal

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Proposal Kind Ancestor Documents Source Additional Sources
697493 Proposition Relating to Free Passage [File No. 7] None CREATE_FROM Editorial Decisions
697494 Motion to Suspend the Rules None CREATE_FROM Editorial Decisions
697495 Proposition on Insurance Companies [File No. 16] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697496 Proposition on Preventing Blacklisting [File No. 25] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697497 Proposition on Limiting Powers of Corporations and Companies [File No. 40] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697498 Proposition Relative to Inspection of Public Institutions [File No. 53] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697499 Legislative Power on Special Charters and Special Acts of Incorporation [File No. 61] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697500 Proposition relative to corporations [File No. 90] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697501 Proposition relative to Legislative power [File No. 93] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697502 Read "Petition: Prohibit Trusts: Cache Valley " in Full and Refer to Committee on Corporations other than Municipal None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697504 Article on Corporations other than Municipal [Article No. 21] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895

Committee: Committee on Public Lands

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Proposal Kind Ancestor Documents Source Additional Sources
697514 Proposition Relative to Public Lands [File No. 58] None CREATE_FROM Article on Public Lands [Article No. 11.1], Report on Public Lands [Report No. 11] Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697515 Proposition Relative to Forbidding Donations of Public Lands [File No. 80] None CREATE_FROM Article on Public Lands [Article No. 11.1], Report on Public Lands [Report No. 11] Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697516 Proposition relative to forestry [File No. 92] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697517 Proposition Relative to Sale and Rentals of Public Lands [File No. 113] None CREATE_FROM Article on Public Lands [Article No. 11.1], Report on Public Lands [Report No. 11] Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697519 Report on Public Lands [Report No. 11] None CREATE Committee Reports; 11-15; March 28-April 1, 1895
697520 Article on Public Lands [Article No. 11.1] None CREATE Committee Reports; 11-15; March 28-April 1, 1895
697523 Report from Committees on Public Lands and Education [Report No. 22] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895

Committee: Committee on Revenue, Taxation, and Public Debt

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Proposal Kind Ancestor Documents Source Additional Sources
697543 Proposition on Salaries and Fees [File No. 9] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697544 Proposition relative to Taxation for Public Purposes [File No. 26] None CREATE_FROM Article on Revenue and Taxation [Article No. 14], Report on Revenue and Taxation [Report Nos. 14&15], Article on Public Debt [Article No. 15] Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697546 Proposition Relating to Taxation of Mines [File No. 49] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697547 Proposition Relative to Public Funds and Property, and Non-Exemption from Taxation [File No. 54] None CREATE_FROM Article on Revenue and Taxation [Article No. 14], Report on Revenue and Taxation [Report Nos. 14&15], Article on Public Debt [Article No. 15] Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697548 Proposition Relative to Taxation of Mines [File No. 56] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697549 Proposition Relative to Finance and State Debt [File No. 59] None CREATE_FROM Article on Revenue and Taxation [Article No. 14], Report on Revenue and Taxation [Report Nos. 14&15], Article on Public Debt [Article No. 15] Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697550 Proposition Relative to Fixing the Basis of Taxation [File No. 82] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697551 Proposition relative to regulating corporations [File No. 100] be referred to the committee on revenue, taxation and public debt. None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697552 Proposition Relative to Exemption from Taxation [File No. 104] None CREATE_FROM Report on Revenue and Taxation [Report Nos. 14&15] Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697553 Proposition Relative to Taxation [File No. 105] None CREATE_FROM Article on Revenue and Taxation [Article No. 14], Report on Revenue and Taxation [Report Nos. 14&15], Article on Public Debt [Article No. 15] Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697554 Proposition Relative to Poll Tax [File No. 109] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697555 Proposition Relative to Use of Public Money [File No. 112] None CREATE_FROM Article on Public Debt [Article No. 15], Report on Revenue and Taxation [Report Nos. 14&15] Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697556 Proposition Relative to Labor [File No. 114] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697557 Proposition on Public Indebtedness [File No. 123] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697558 Proposition on Appropriations [File No. 125] None CREATE_FROM Article on Revenue and Taxation [Article No. 14], Report on Revenue and Taxation [Report Nos. 14&15], Article on Public Debt [Article No. 15] Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697561 Proposition Providing Income Taxes [File No. 132] None CREATE_FROM Editorial Decisions
697562 Refer "File No. 152" to Committee on Revenue, Taxation and Public Debt None CREATE_FROM Article on Revenue and Taxation [Article No. 14], Report on Revenue and Taxation [Report Nos. 14&15], Article on Public Debt [Article No. 15] Editorial Decisions
697563 Report on Revenue and Taxation [Report Nos. 14&15] None CREATE Committee Reports; 11-15; March 28-April 1, 1895
697564 Article on Revenue and Taxation [Article No. 14] None CREATE Committee Reports; 11-15; March 28-April 1, 1895
697565 Article on Public Debt [Article No. 15] None CREATE Committee Reports; 11-15; March 28-April 1, 1895

Committee: Committee on Salaries of Public Officers

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Proposal Kind Ancestor Documents Source Additional Sources
697578 Proposition on Salaries and Fees [File No. 9] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697579 Proposition on Salaries of Public Officers [File No. 133] None CREATE_FROM Editorial Decisions
697580 Report on Salaries of Public Officers [Report No. 24] None CREATE Committee Reports; 21-27; April 19-30, 1895
697581 Article on Salaries of Public Officers [Article No. 24] None CREATE Committee Reports; 21-27; April 19-30, 1895

Committee: Committee on Mines and Mining

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Proposal Kind Ancestor Documents Source Additional Sources
697600 Report on Mines and Mining [Report No. 19] None CREATE Editorial Decisions
697602 Article on Mines and Mining [Article No. 19.1] None CREATE Editorial Decisions

Committee: Committee on Labor and Arbitration

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Proposal Kind Ancestor Documents Source Additional Sources
697612 Proposition on Labor and Arbitration [File No. 15] None CREATE_FROM Article on Labor [Article No. 13], Report on Labor [Report No. 13] Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697613 Proposition on the Adjustment of Difficulties between Labor and Capitol [File No. 20] None CREATE_FROM Article on Labor [Article No. 13], Report on Labor [Report No. 13] Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697614 Proposition Regarding Hours of Labor [File No. 36] None CREATE_FROM Article on Labor [Article No. 13], Report on Labor [Report No. 13] Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697615 Proposition on Affecting the Employment of Labor [File No. 68] None CREATE_FROM Article on Labor [Article No. 13], Report on Labor [Report No. 13] Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697616 Proposition for Insertion in the Constitution of Utah Affecting the Wages of Employees [File No. 70] None CREATE_FROM Article on Labor [Article No. 13], Report on Labor [Report No. 13] Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697617 Proposition Providing Liens of Mechanics and Others [File No. 101] None CREATE_FROM Article on Labor [Article No. 13], Report on Labor [Report No. 13] Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697618 Proposition Relative to Equitable Arbitration to Settle Difficulties Between Employers and Employees [File No. 110] None CREATE_FROM Article on Labor [Article No. 13], Report on Labor [Report No. 13] Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697619 Proposition Relative to Labor [File No. 114] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697620 Petition: Underground Labor: Summit County None CREATE_FROM Editorial Decisions
697621 Proposition Relating to Length of Day's Work [File No. 147] None CREATE_FROM Editorial Decisions
697622 Report on Labor [Report No. 13] None CREATE Committee Reports; 11-15; March 28-April 1, 1895
697623 Article on Labor [Article No. 13] None CREATE Committee Reports; 11-15; March 28-April 1, 1895

Committee: Committee on Printing

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Proposal Kind Ancestor Documents Source Additional Sources
697630 Initial report on printing None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697632 Report on Bids None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697634 Printing Report on Sealed Bids from Publishing Houses None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697636 Proposition Relative to Boundaries [File No. 87] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697638 Printing Report on Cover Bids from Bookbinders None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697640 Article from Committee on Apportionment and Boundaries [Article No. 1.1] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697642 Report on Preamble and Declaration of Rights [Report No. 2] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697644 Article on Education & School Lands [Article No. 3.1] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697646 Refer "Article regarding Counties, Cities and Towns" to the Committee on Printing None CREATE_FROM Editorial Decisions
697648 Article of the Committee on Schedule, Future Amendments, and Miscellaneous [Article No. 5.1] None CREATE_FROM Editorial Decisions
697650 Article on Elections and Rights of Suffrage [Article No. 6.1] None CREATE_FROM Editorial Decisions
697652 Article from the Committee on Apportionment and Boundaries [Article No. 10.1] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697654 Article on Executive [Article No. 7] None CREATE_FROM Editorial Decisions
697656 Report by Committee on Ordinance & Federal Relation [Article No. 8] None CREATE_FROM Editorial Decisions
697658 Majority Article from the Committee on Legislative [Article No. 9A] None CREATE_FROM Editorial Decisions
697659 Minority Article from the Committee on Legislative [Article No. 9B] None CREATE_FROM Editorial Decisions
697662 Article on Preamble and Declaration of Rights [Article No. 2] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697666 Report by Committee on Ordinance & Federal Relation [Article No. 8] None CREATE_FROM Report by Committee on Ordinance & Federal Relation [Article No. 8] Editorial Decisions
697667 Report by Committee on Ordinance & Federal Relation [Article No. 8] None CREATE Editorial Decisions
697669 Article on Public Lands [Article No. 11] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697671 Article of the Committee on Schedule, Future Amendments, and Miscellaneous [Article No. 5] None CREATE_FROM Editorial Decisions
697673 Article on Militia [Article No. 12] None CREATE_FROM Editorial Decisions
697675 Article on Revenue and Taxation [Article No. 14] None CREATE_FROM Committee Reports; 11-15; March 28-April 1, 1895
697677 Article on Public Debt [Article No. 15] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697679 Refer to Committee on Printing and Place on Calendar for the Committee of the Whole None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697681 Article on Labor [Article No. 13] None CREATE_FROM Editorial Decisions
697683 Article on Water Rights [Article No. 16.1] None CREATE_FROM Editorial Decisions
697685 Motion to Adjourn: 1895-04-02 None CREATE_FROM Editorial Decisions
697686 Article on Election Rights and Suffrage [Article No. 6] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697688 Article on Ordinance [Artice No. 8.2] None CREATE_FROM Editorial Decisions
697690 Article on Education and School Lands [Article No. 17] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697691 Motion to report Article No. 12 to the Convention None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697692 Article on Militia [Article No. 12] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697694 Motion to Adjourn: 1895-04-11 None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697695 Article on the Legislative [Article No. 9] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697697 Article on Education and School Lands [Article No. 17] None CREATE_FROM Editorial Decisions
697699 Article on Judiciary [Article No. 18] None CREATE_FROM Editorial Decisions
697701 Motion to Adjourn: 1895-04-15 None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697703 Final Article on Mines and Mining [Article No. 19] None CREATE_FROM Editorial Decisions
697705 Motion to Adjourn: 1895-04-16 None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697707 Motion to Adjourn: 1895-04-17 None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697709 Motion to Adjourn: 1895-04-17 None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697710 Article on Public Debt [Article No. 15] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697712 Minority Article on Prohibition No. [20B] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697714 Article on Corporations other than Municipal [Article No. 21] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697716 Motion to Adjourn None CREATE_FROM Article on Water Rights [Article No. 16] Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697717 Article on Water Rights [Article No. 16] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697719 Article on Education and School Lands [Article No. 17] None CREATE_FROM Article on Education and School Lands [Article No. 17 (f)] Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697720 Article on Education and School Lands [Article No. 17 (f)] None CREATE Editorial Decisions
697722 Report from Committee on Manufactures and Commerce [Report No. 23] None CREATE_FROM Editorial Decisions
697724 Motion to Adjourn: 1895-04-23 None CREATE_FROM Editorial Decisions
697725 Article on Judiciary [Article No. 18.2] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697727 Article on Schedule [Article No. 25] None CREATE_FROM Editorial Decisions
697729 Article on Salaries of Public Officers [Article No. 24] None CREATE_FROM Article on Salaries of Public Officers [Article No. 24.2] Editorial Decisions
697731 Motion to Rise and Report Progress None CREATE_FROM Editorial Decisions
697732 Article on Mines and Mining [Article No. 19] None CREATE Editorial Decisions
697734 Article on Public Buildings and State Institutions [Article No. 26] None CREATE_FROM Editorial Decisions
697736 Article on Salaries of Public Officers [Article No. 24.2] None CREATE_FROM Editorial Decisions
697737 Article on Salaries of Public Officers [Article No. 24.2] None CREATE Editorial Decisions
697739 Article on Public Lands [Article No. 11] None CREATE_FROM Article on Public Lands [Article No. 11] Editorial Decisions
697740 Article on Public Lands [Article No. 11] None CREATE Editorial Decisions
697742 Article on Salaries of Public Officers [Article No. 24.2] None CREATE_FROM Article on Salaries of Public Officers [Article No. 24.2] Editorial Decisions
697743 Article on Salaries of Public Officers [Article No. 24.2] None CREATE Editorial Decisions
697745 Article on Public Buildings and State Institutions [Article No. 26.2] None CREATE_FROM Article on Public Buildings and State Institutions [Article No. 26.2] Editorial Decisions
697746 Article on Public Buildings and State Institutions [Article No. 26.2] None CREATE Editorial Decisions
697748 Article on Declaration of Rights [Article I] None CREATE_FROM Editorial Decisions
697750 Article on State Boundaries [Article II] None CREATE_FROM Editorial Decisions
697752 Article on Ordinance [Article III] None CREATE_FROM Editorial Decisions
697754 Article on Elections and Right of Suffrage [Article IV] None CREATE_FROM Editorial Decisions
697756 Article on Miscellanious [Article No. 27] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697758 Article on Schedule [Article No. 25.2] None CREATE_FROM Article on Schedule [Article No. 25.2] Editorial Decisions
697759 Article on Schedule [Article No. 25.2] None CREATE Editorial Decisions
697761 Article on Distribution of Powers [Article V] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697763 Article on the Legislative Department [Article VI] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697765 Article on Executive [Article VII] None CREATE_FROM Editorial Decisions
697767 Article on Education [Article X] None CREATE_FROM Editorial Decisions
697769 Article on Judicial Department [Article VIII] None CREATE_FROM Editorial Decisions
697771 Article on Congressional and Legislative Apportionment [Article IX] None CREATE_FROM Editorial Decisions
697773 Article on Militia [Article XV] None CREATE_FROM Editorial Decisions
697775 Article on Labor [Article XVI] None CREATE_FROM Editorial Decisions
697777 Article on Water Rights [Article XVII] None CREATE_FROM Editorial Decisions
697779 Article on Forestry [Article XVIII] None CREATE_FROM Editorial Decisions
697781 Refer to Committee on Printing: Resolution on Printed Constitution Copies None CREATE_FROM Report on printing 1895-05-06 Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697782 Report on printing 1895-05-06 None CREATE Editorial Decisions

Committee: Committee on the Militia

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Proposal Kind Ancestor Documents Source Additional Sources
697790 Proposition on Militia [File No. 66] None CREATE_FROM Article on Militia [Article No. 12], Report on Militia [Report No. 12] Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697791 Proposition Relative to Militia [File No. 72] None CREATE_FROM Article on Militia [Article No. 12], Report on Militia [Report No. 12] Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697792 Report on Militia [Report No. 12] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697794 Article on Militia [Article No. 12] None CREATE Library of Congress: Chronicling America: The Salt Lake Herald: 1895

Committee: Committee on Manufactures and Commerce

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Proposal Kind Ancestor Documents Source Additional Sources
697804 Proposition Relative to Manufacture and Sale of Liquors [File No. 47] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697805 Report from Committee on Manufactures and Commerce [Report No. 23] None CREATE Committee Reports; 21-27; April 19-30, 1895

Committee: Committee on Ordinance

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Proposal Kind Ancestor Documents Source Additional Sources
697815 Report on Ordinance [Report No. 8] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697816 Article on Ordinance [Article No. 8] None CREATE Committee Reports; 6-10; March 22-27, 1895

Committee: Committee on Schedule, Future Amendments, Miscellaneous

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Proposal Kind Ancestor Documents Source Additional Sources
697828 Proposition on the Amending and Revising the Consitution [File No. 23] None CREATE_FROM Article on Future Amendments [Article No. 5.1], Report on Future Amendments [Report No. 5] Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697829 Refer "Proposition Article on Prohibition [File No. 42]" to Committee on Schedule, Future Amendments and Miscellaneous None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697830 Proposition Relative to Providing for an Amendment of Constitutions and Calling for Constitutional Conventions [File No. 50] None CREATE_FROM Article on Future Amendments [Article No. 5.1], Report on Future Amendments [Report No. 5] Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697831 Proposition Article on Prohibition, Methods of Submitting Same to Vote of People [File No. 52] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697832 Proposition Relative to Narcotics [File No. 86] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697833 Committee on Miscellaneous Report None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697835 Report on Future Amendments [Report No. 5] None CREATE Committee Reports; 1-5; March 16-21, 1895
697837 Article on Future Amendments [Article No. 5.1] None CREATE Library of Congress: Chronicling America: The Salt Lake Herald: 1895
697841 Proposition Relative to Fish and Game [File No. 138] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697842 Report from the Committee on Schedule, Future Amendments, and Miscellaneous [Report No. 7B] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697846 Petition: 03-23-1895: Mr. Roberts None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697847 Petition for the Question of Prohibition to be Submitted as a Separate Article to a Vote of the People [File No. 283] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697848 Majority Report on Prohibition [Report No. 20A] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697849 Minority Report on Prohibition [Report No. 20B] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697850 Minority Article on Prohibition [Article No. 20B] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697854 Report on Schedule [Report No. 25] None CREATE Committee Reports; 21-27; April 19-30, 1895
697855 Article on Schedule [Article No. 25] None CREATE Committee Reports; 21-27; April 19-30, 1895
697858 Article on Miscellaneous [Article No. 27] None CREATE Committee Reports; 21-27; April 19-30, 1895

Committee: Committee on Accounts and Expenses

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Proposal Kind Ancestor Documents Source Additional Sources
697864 Accounts and Expenses report None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697866 James, Spencer, Bateman & Co. None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697867 Instruction to Acquire a Clock None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697868 Henry Dinwoodey Furniture Co. None CREATE_FROM Report: Accounts and Expenses: 1895-03-14 Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697869 Report: Accounts and Expenses: 1895-03-14 None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697873 Mileage of Delegates None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697875 Expenses of Convention up to and Including Friday, March 15th, 1895 None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697877 Report from Accounts and Expenses [03-23-1895] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697879 Report from the Committee on Accounts and Expenses [Resolution No. 76A] None CREATE Editorial Decisions
697881 Resolution from Committee on Accounts and Expenses [Resolution No. 77A] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697883 Report from the Committee on Account and Expenses [1895-05-08] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895

Committee: Committee on Engrossment and Enrollment

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Proposal Kind Ancestor Documents Source Additional Sources
697891 Article on Declaration of Rights [Article I] None CREATE_FROM Constitution of the State of Utah Editorial Decisions
697892 Article on State Boundaries [Article II] None CREATE_FROM Constitution of the State of Utah Editorial Decisions
697893 Article on Ordinance [Article III] None CREATE_FROM Constitution of the State of Utah Editorial Decisions
697894 Article on Elections and Right of Suffrage [Article IV] None CREATE_FROM Constitution of the State of Utah Editorial Decisions
697895 Article on Distribution of Powers [Article V] None CREATE_FROM Constitution of the State of Utah Editorial Decisions
697896 Article on the Legislative Department [Article VI] None CREATE_FROM Constitution of the State of Utah Editorial Decisions
697897 Article on Executive [Article VII] None CREATE_FROM Constitution of the State of Utah Editorial Decisions
697898 Article on Judicial Department [Article VIII] None CREATE_FROM Constitution of the State of Utah Editorial Decisions
697899 Motion to Refer Article to Committee on Enrollment None CREATE_FROM Constitution of the State of Utah Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697900 Article on Education [Article X] None CREATE_FROM Constitution of the State of Utah Editorial Decisions
697901 Article on Corporations other than Municipal [Article XII] None CREATE_FROM Constitution of the State of Utah Editorial Decisions
697902 Adopt Article XIII None CREATE_FROM Constitution of the State of Utah Editorial Decisions
697903 Article XIV None CREATE_FROM Constitution of the State of Utah Editorial Decisions
697904 Article on Militia [Article XV] None CREATE_FROM Constitution of the State of Utah Editorial Decisions
697905 Article on Labor [Article XVI] None CREATE_FROM Constitution of the State of Utah Editorial Decisions
697906 Article on Water Rights [Article XVII] None CREATE_FROM Constitution of the State of Utah Editorial Decisions
697907 Article on Forestry [Article XVIII] None CREATE_FROM Constitution of the State of Utah Editorial Decisions
697908 Resolution on Attestation None CREATE_FROM Constitution of the State of Utah Editorial Decisions
697909 Article on Public Buildings and State Institutions [Article XIX] None CREATE_FROM Constitution of the State of Utah Editorial Decisions
697910 Article on Public Lands [Article XX] None CREATE_FROM Constitution of the State of Utah Editorial Decisions
697911 Article on Salaries of Public Officers [Article XXI] None CREATE_FROM Constitution of the State of Utah Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697912 Article on Miscellaneous [Article XXII] None CREATE_FROM Constitution of the State of Utah Editorial Decisions
697913 Article on Future Amendments [Article XXIII] None CREATE_FROM Constitution of the State of Utah Editorial Decisions
697914 Article on Schedule [Article XXIV] None CREATE_FROM Constitution of the State of Utah Editorial Decisions
697915 Report of the Committee on Engrossment and Enrollment None CREATE Constitution of the State of Utah Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697917 Constitution of the State of Utah None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895

Committee: Committee on Compilation and Arrangement

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Proposal Kind Ancestor Documents Source Additional Sources
697925 Article on Boundaries [Article No. 1.3] None CREATE_FROM Article on State Boundaries [Article II] Editorial Decisions
697926 Article on Preamble and Declaration of Rights [Article No. 2.3] None CREATE_FROM Article on Declaration of Rights [Article I] Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697927 Article on Counties, Cities, and Towns [Article No. 4.3] None CREATE_FROM Article on Counties, Cities, and Towns [Article XI] Editorial Decisions
697928 Article on Amendments [Article No. 5.3] None CREATE_FROM Article on Future Amendments [Article XXIII] Editorial Decisions
697929 Article on Elections and Rights of Suffrage [Article No. 6.3] None CREATE_FROM Article on Elections and Right of Suffrage [Article IV] Editorial Decisions
697930 Article on Ordinance [Article No. 8.3] None CREATE_FROM Article on Ordinance [Article III] Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697931 Article on Congressional and Legislative Apportionment [Article No. 10.3] None CREATE_FROM Article on Congressional and Legislative Apportionment [Article IX] Editorial Decisions
697932 Article on Militia [Article No. 12.2] None CREATE_FROM Article on Militia [Article XV] Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697933 Article on the Legislative [Article No. 9.3] None CREATE_FROM Article on the Legislative Department [Article VI] Editorial Decisions
697934 Article on Executive [Article No. 7.3] None CREATE_FROM Article on Executive [Article VII] Editorial Decisions
697935 Article on Labor [Article No. 13.3] None CREATE_FROM Article on Labor [Article XVI] Editorial Decisions
697936 Article on Revenue and Taxation [Article No. 14.3] None CREATE_FROM Article on Revenue and Taxation [Article XIII] Editorial Decisions
697937 Article on Public Debt [Article No. 15.3] None CREATE_FROM Editorial Decisions
697938 Article No. 16.3 None CREATE_FROM Article on Forestry [Article XVIII], Article on Water Rights [Article XVII] Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697939 Article on Education and School Lands [Article No. 17.3] None CREATE_FROM Article on Education [Article X] Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697940 Article on Declaration of Rights [Article I] None CREATE Recreated Documents
697944 Article on State Boundaries [Article II] None CREATE Recreated Documents
697948 Article on Ordinance [Article III] None CREATE Recreated Documents
697952 Article on Elections and Right of Suffrage [Article IV] None CREATE Article XIV Recreated Documents
697956 Articles on Corporations other than Municipal [Article 21.3] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697957 Article on Distribution of Powers [Article V] None CREATE Recreated Documents
697961 Article on the Legislative Department [Article VI] None CREATE Recreated Documents
697965 Article on Public Buildings and State Institutions [Article No. 26.3] None CREATE_FROM Article on Public Buildings and State Institutions [Article XIX] Editorial Decisions
697966 Article on Public Lands [Article No. 11] None CREATE_FROM Article on Public Lands [Article XX] Editorial Decisions
697967 Article on Executive [Article VII] None CREATE Editorial Decisions
697971 Article on Salaries of Public Officers [Article No. 24.3] None CREATE_FROM Article on Salaries of Public Officers [Article XXI] Editorial Decisions
697972 Article on Counties, Cities, and Towns [Article XI] None CREATE Recreated Documents
697976 Article on Judiciary [Article No. 18.3] None CREATE_FROM Article on Judicial Department [Article VIII] Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697977 Article on Judicial Department [Article VIII] None CREATE Recreated Documents
697981 Article on Schedule [Article No. 25.3] None CREATE_FROM Article on Schedule [Article XXIV] Editorial Decisions
697982 Article on Education [Article X] None CREATE Recreated Documents
697986 Article on Congressional and Legislative Apportionment [Article IX] None CREATE Recreated Documents
697990 Report on Arrangement of Proposed Articles None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697992 Article on Corporations other than Municipal [Article XII] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697996 Article on Revenue and Taxation [Article XIII] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698000 Article XIV None CREATE Editorial Decisions
698004 Article on Militia [Article XV] None CREATE Recreated Documents
698008 Article on Labor [Article XVI] None CREATE Recreated Documents
698012 Article on Water Rights [Article XVII] None CREATE Editorial Decisions
698016 Article on Forestry [Article XVIII] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698020 Article on Miscellaneous [Article No. 27.3] None CREATE_FROM Article on Miscellaneous [Article XXII] Editorial Decisions
698021 Article on Miscellaneous [Article XXII] None CREATE Editorial Decisions
698022 Article on Salaries of Public Officers [Article XXI] None CREATE Recreated Documents
698026 Article on Public Buildings and State Institutions [Article XIX] None CREATE Recreated Documents
698030 Article on Public Lands [Article XX] None CREATE Recreated Documents
698034 Article on Future Amendments [Article XXIII] None CREATE Recreated Documents
698038 Article on Schedule [Article XXIV] None CREATE Recreated Documents
698042 Article on Miscellaneous [Article XXII] None CREATE Recreated Documents
698046 Resolution on Attestation None CREATE_FROM Attestation Clause Editorial Decisions
698047 Attestation Clause None CREATE Recreated Documents

Committee: Committee of the Whole

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Proposal Kind Ancestor Documents Source Additional Sources
698159 Article from Committee on Apportionment and Boundaries [Article No. 1.2] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698183 Report on Preamble and Declaration of Rights [Report No. 2.1] None CREATE_FROM Article on Preamble and Declaration of Rights [Article No. 2.2] Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698187 Article on Preamble and Declaration of Rights [Article No. 2.2] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698644 Article on Education & School Lands [Article No. 3.1] None CREATE_FROM Article on Education & School Lands [Article No. 3.2] Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698645 Article on Education & School Lands [Article No. 3.2] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698676 Article on Counties, Cities and Towns [Article No. 4.1] None CREATE_FROM Article on Counties, Cities and Towns [Article No. 4.2] Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698677 Article on Counties, Cities and Towns [Article No. 4.2] None CREATE Editorial Decisions
698733 Article of the Committee on Schedule, Future Amendments, and Miscellaneous [Article No. 5.1] None CREATE_FROM Article of the Committee on Schedule, Future Amendments, and Miscellaneous [Article No. 5.2] Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698734 Article of the Committee on Schedule, Future Amendments, and Miscellaneous [Article No. 5.2] None CREATE Editorial Decisions
698754 Article on Elections and Rights of Suffrage [Article No. 6.1] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698755 Article on Elections and Rights of Suffrage [Article No. 6.2] None CREATE Article No. 6.2: Section 1 Editorial Decisions
698777 Article No. 6.2: Section 1 None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
699010 Article on Executive [Article No. 7.1] None CREATE_FROM Article on Executive [Article No. 7.2] Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
699011 Article on Executive [Article No. 7.2] None CREATE Editorial Decisions
699087 Report by Committee on Ordinance & Federal Relation [Article No. 8.1] None CREATE_FROM Article on Ordinance [Article No. 8.2] Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
699088 Article on Ordinance [Article No. 8.2] None CREATE Editorial Decisions
699103 Article from the Committee on Apportionment and Boundaries [Article No. 10.1] None CREATE_FROM Article on Congressional and Legislative Apportionment [Article No. 10.2] Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
699104 Article on Congressional and Legislative Apportionment [Article No. 10.2] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
699113 Article on Public Lands [Article No. 11.1] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
699114 Article on Public Lands [Article No. 11.2] None CREATE Editorial Decisions
699136 Article on Militia [Article No. 12.2] None CREATE_FROM Article on Militia [Article No. 12.3] Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
699137 Article on Militia [Article No. 12.3] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
699165 Majority Article from the Committee on Legislative [Article No. 9A] None CREATE_FROM Article on Legislative [Article No. 9.2] Editorial Decisions
699166 Article on Legislative [Article No. 9.2] None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
699341 Minority Article from the Committee on Legislative [Article No. 9B] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
699516 Article on Labor [Article No. 13.1] None CREATE_FROM Article on Labor [Article No. 13.2] Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
699517 Article on Labor [Article No. 13.2] None CREATE Editorial Decisions
699662 Article on Revenue and Taxation [Article No. 14.1] None CREATE_FROM Article on Revenue and Taxation [Article No. 14.2] Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
699663 Article on Revenue and Taxation [Article No. 14.2] None CREATE Editorial Decisions
699742 Article on Public Debt [Article No. 15.1] None CREATE_FROM Article on Public Debt [Article No. 15.2] Journal of the Convention (Online Digital Record)
699743 Article on Public Debt [Article No. 15.2] None CREATE Editorial Decisions
699819 Article on Water Rights [Article No. 16.1] None CREATE_FROM Article on Water Rights [Article 16.2] Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
699820 Article on Water Rights [Article 16.2] None CREATE Editorial Decisions
699823 Minority Report on Irrigation [Article No. 16B] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
699876 Article on Education and School Lands [Article No. 17.1] None CREATE_FROM Article on Education and School Lands [Article No. 17.2] Editorial Decisions
699877 Article on Education and School Lands [Article No. 17.2] None CREATE Editorial Decisions
700068 Article on Judiciary [Article No. 18.1] None CREATE_FROM Article on Judiciary [Article No. 18.2] Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
700069 Article on Judiciary [Article No. 18.2] None CREATE Editorial Decisions
700230 Final Article on Mines and Mining [Article No. 19.1] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
700231 Article on Mines and Mining [Article No. 19.2] None CREATE Editorial Decisions
700259 Minority Article on Prohibition [Article No. 20B] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
700276 Article on Corporations other than Municipal [Article No. 21.1] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
700278 Article on Corporations other than Municipal [Article No. 21] None CREATE Editorial Decisions
700576 Article on Public Lands [Article No. 11] None CREATE_FROM Article on Public Lands [Article No. 11.2] Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
700577 Article on Public Lands [Article No. 11.2] None CREATE Editorial Decisions
700625 Article on Salaries of Public Officers [Article No. 24] None CREATE_FROM Article on Salaries of Public Officers [Article No. 24.2] Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
700626 Article on Salaries of Public Officers [Article No. 24.2] None CREATE Editorial Decisions
700656 Article on Public Buildings and State Institutions [Article No. 26] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
700657 Article on Public Buildings and State Institutions [Article No. 26.2] None CREATE Editorial Decisions
700714 Article on Schedule [Article No. 25] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
700715 Article on Schedule [Article No. 25.2] None CREATE Editorial Decisions
700786 Article on Miscellaneous [Article No. 27] None CREATE_FROM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
700787 Article on Miscellaneous [Article No. 27.2] None CREATE Editorial Decisions

Committee: Committee on Address

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Proposal Kind Ancestor Documents Source Additional Sources
700877 Address to the People None CREATE Address to the People Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
700879 Address to the People None CREATE Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895