Proceedings and Debates of the Convention Assembled to Adopt a Constitution for the State of Utah
Source material
Committee Reports; 11-15; March 28-April 1, 1895
Each Committee Report was created first in the respective committee and then read in the Convention. After leaving the committee, the report is (generally) given a report number and put on the calendar for the Convention and recorded in the dockets. There are no existing committee minutes to model the creation of a committee report. A few reports are recorded verbatim in the Journal of the Convention and Day to Day Transcripts, a few are missing, and a number can be found in the committee report files of microfilm.
Committee Reports; 11-15; March 28-April 1, 1895 can be accessed online at the Utah Division of Archives and Records Service in the Digital Archives, a digital collection of microfilm preserved at the Utah State Archives building (Series 3212) (3212-134761-0787).
Associated with
Resource Collections (0):
Committee: Committee on Public Lands
Report on Public Lands [Report No. 11] Wednesday March 1895Committee: Committee on Public Lands
Article on Public Lands [Article No. 11.1] Wednesday March 1895Committee: Committee on Revenue, Taxation, and Public Debt
Report on Revenue and Taxation [Report Nos. 14&15] Saturday March 1895Committee: Committee on Revenue, Taxation, and Public Debt
Article on Revenue and Taxation [Article No. 14] Saturday March 1895Committee: Committee on Revenue, Taxation, and Public Debt
Article on Public Debt [Article No. 15] Saturday March 1895Committee: Committee on Labor and Arbitration
Report on Labor [Report No. 13] Monday April 1895Committee: Committee on Labor and Arbitration
Article on Labor [Article No. 13] Monday April 1895Committee: Committee on Printing
Article on Revenue and Taxation [Article No. 14] Monday April 1895Committee: Committee on Printing
Article No. 15 was referred to the Committee of the Whole Monday April 1895