Proceedings and Debates of the Convention Assembled to Adopt a Constitution for the State of Utah
Source material
Journal of the Convention (Online Digital Record)
The Journal of the Convention can be accessed online at the Utah Division of Archives and Records Service in the Digital Archives, a digital collection of microfilm preserved at the Utah State Archives building (Series 3212). It is incomplete and therefore not our main source. However, it includes a more precise record of the whereabouts of files and is used when the Day to Day Transcriptions fail to give enough information.
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Committee: The Convention
Motion to Adjourn: 1895-03-04 Monday March 1895Committee: The Convention
Carried. And at 1 p.m. the Convention stood adjourned until Tuesday, March 5, 1895, at 10:30 a.m. Monday March 1895Committee: The Convention
Convention Permanent Officers [Resolution No. 7D] Wednesday March 1895Committee: The Convention
Standing Rules: Rule Thirty-Four Wednesday March 1895Committee: The Convention
The question being taken on the amendment, the Convention divided and by a vote of 38 ayes (noes not counted) the amendment was rejected. Friday April 1895Committee: The Convention
Ordered Filed. Monday April 1895Committee: Committee on Credentials
Report on Credentials Monday March 1895Committee: Committee on Rules and Methods of Procedure
Standing Rules of the Constitutional Convention of the Territory of Utah Monday March 1895Committee: Committee of the Whole
Article on Public Debt [Article No. 15.1] Wednesday April 1895Committee: The Convention
List of Delegates with Certificates [Resolution 2B] Monday March 1895Committee: The Convention
The oath was then administered to Messrs. Jolley and Christianson. [Editor's Note: The Proceedings and Debates (online) say that Messrs. Tatcher, Hammond were also sworn in at this time, but that record is redundant. The Journal of the Convention... Tuesday March 1895Committee: The Convention
The Secretary announced as follows: Total number of delegates-elect, certified as per list, 102. Present, 96. Absent, 6, as follows: Moses Thatcher of Cache County, Jasper Robertson of Emery County, F. A. Hammond of San Juan County, J. L. Jolly of... Monday March 1895Committee: Committee on Credentials
Report on Credentials with Power to Investigate Tuesday March 1895