Search Results

Committee: Irish Government

Event Id Target Id Proposal Name Target Name Source Dependant Amendments Ultimate Decision Type
1060810 1055273 Annex A A New Approach to the Northern Ireland Problem? Dermot Nally Collection ADOPT_PROPOSAL
988219 976955 Annotations to JD6 Joint Declaration: JD6 Dermot Nally Collection No decision
985558 976961 Annotations to the Aide-Mémoire from the Irish Government Accompanying JD6 Aide-Mémoire from the Irish Government Accompanying JD6 Dermot Nally Collection No decision
1060523 1060356 Amendments Made within the Irish Government Delegation to Paragraph 4 of JD8 as Revised by Thomas and Ó hUiginn Paragraph 4 of JD8 as Revised by Thomas and Ó hUiginn Dermot Nally Collection 1 ADOPT_PROPOSAL
1068839 1068813 Tone Down European Union References Remove European Union References Dermot Nally Collection ADOPT_PROPOSAL
1068846 1068814 Tone This Down to a Reference to Abiding by Principles of 1985 Agreement Constitutional Guarantee in Terms of Article 1(a) of AIA The National Archives of the UK (TNA) ADOPT_PROPOSAL
1068865 1068812 Translation Joint Declaration: JD9 Dermot Nally Collection ADOPT_PROPOSAL
1069792 1069790 Final Draft of Statement Irish Government Line after Meeting John Hume Dermot Nally Collection ADOPT_PROPOSAL
1069809 1069801 Amendments Agreed ad Referendum and Made by the Taoiseach Joint Declaration: JD11 Dermot Nally Collection 1 ADOPT_PROPOSAL
1070822 1070817 Further Irish Government Amendments to Eames' Additions Joint Declaration: Eames' Additions The National Archives of the UK (TNA); Dermot Nally Collection ADOPT_PROPOSAL
1320531 1079391 Alternative Reaffirmation of Constitutional Guarantee in 2(3) Joint Declaration: JD14 Dermot Nally Collection No decision
1320535 1079391 Fall-Back Addition to Paragraph 4 Joint Declaration: JD14 Dermot Nally Collection No decision
1320544 1079391 Irish Government Amendment to 4(5) Joint Declaration: JD14 Dermot Nally Collection No decision
1320545 1320544 Fall-Back Irish Government Amendment to 4(5) Irish Government Amendment to 4(5) Dermot Nally Collection No decision
1320549 1079413 Irish Government Amendment to British Government Amendment to 5(2) British Government Amendment to 5(2) Dermot Nally Collection No decision
1320551 1079406 Irish Government Amendment to British Government Addition to 5 British Government Addition to 5 Dermot Nally Collection No decision
1320572 1079391 Fall-Back Irish Government Addition to 7 Joint Declaration: JD14 Dermot Nally Collection No decision
1320576 1320572 Fall-Back Irish Government Possibel Further Addition to 7 Fall-Back Irish Government Addition to 7 Dermot Nally Collection No decision
1320577 1079484 Irish Government Amendment to British Government Amendment to 9(1) British Government Amendment to 9(1) The National Archives of the UK (TNA) No decision
1320585 1079487 Irish Government Amendments to New British Government Paragraph British Government Deletion of 10 and 11 and Addition of New 10 Dermot Nally Collection No decision
1107521 1107517 Irish Amendment to Alternative Announcement of Irish Convention Alternative Announcement of Irish Convention The National Archives of the UK (TNA) REPORT_PROPOSAL
1107529 1107487 Meet on Tuesday 14 December 1993 Timing of a Meeting to Issue the Joint Declaration The National Archives of the UK (TNA) ADOPT_PROPOSAL
1288380 1107350 Inclusion of the Magee List Joint Declaration: JD15 The National Archives of the UK (TNA); The National Archives of the UK (TNA) REPORT_PROPOSAL
1288778 1288380 First Irish Government Amendment to the Magee List Inclusion of the Magee List The National Archives of the UK (TNA) ADOPT_PROPOSAL
1288431 1288380 Second Irish Government Amendment to the Magee List Inclusion of the Magee List The National Archives of the UK (TNA) ADOPT_PROPOSAL
1288780 1288380 Third Irish Government Amendment to the Magee List Inclusion of the Magee List The National Archives of the UK (TNA) ADOPT_PROPOSAL
1288319 1107350 Irish Government Amendment to 12(1) Joint Declaration: JD15 The National Archives of the UK (TNA); The National Archives of the UK (TNA) REPORT_PROPOSAL
1288349 1107350 Irish Government Amendment to 12(3) Joint Declaration: JD15 The National Archives of the UK (TNA); The National Archives of the UK (TNA) REPORT_PROPOSAL
1288357 1107350 Irish Government Amendment to 12(4) Joint Declaration: JD15 The National Archives of the UK (TNA); The National Archives of the UK (TNA) REPORT_PROPOSAL
1288770 1107350 New Final Paragraph Joint Declaration: JD15 The National Archives of the UK (TNA); The National Archives of the UK (TNA) REPORT_PROPOSAL
1414127 1288924 Irish Government Redraft of a British Government Amendment to 4(1) British Government Amendment to 4(1) The National Archives of the UK (TNA) REPORT_PROPOSAL
1291329 1107350 Irish Government Amendment to 12(5) Joint Declaration: JD15 The National Archives of the UK (TNA) REPORT_PROPOSAL
1413233 1308175 Editorial Amendment Joint Declaration: JD15 Editorial No decision
1316865 1308184 Amendment to Second Alternative Irish Government Amendment to British Government Deletion from 4(5/6) Second Alternative Irish Government Amendment to British Government Deletion from 4(5/6) Dermot Nally Collection ADOPT_PROPOSAL
1343601 1308175 First Pending 'Non-Paper' Amendment to Final Paragraph Joint Declaration: JD15 Dermot Nally Collection REJECT_PROPOSAL
1343602 1308175 Second Pending 'Non-Paper' Amendment to Final Paragraph Joint Declaration: JD15 Dermot Nally Collection No decision
1343603 1308175 Third Pending 'Non-Paper' Amendment to Final Paragraph Joint Declaration: JD15 Dermot Nally Collection No decision
1343617 1308175 Irish Government Amendment to 'Non-Paper' Final Paragraph Joint Declaration: JD15 Dermot Nally Collection REPORT_PROPOSAL
1344009 1343999 Irish Government Amendment to British Government Amendment to Second Alternative Irish Government Amendment to British Government Deletion from 4(5/6) British Government Amendment to Second Alternative Irish Government Amendment to British Government Deletion from 4(5/6) The National Archives of the UK (TNA) DROP_PROPOSAL
1344357 1343999 Alternative Irish Government Amendment to British Government Amendment to Second Alternative Irish Government Amendment to British Government Deletion from 4(5/6) British Government Amendment to Second Alternative Irish Government Amendment to British Government Deletion from 4(5/6) The National Archives of the UK (TNA) OTHER
1344364 1343999 Second Alternative Irish Government Amendment to British Government Amendment to Second Alternative Irish Government Amendment to British Government Deletion from 4(5/6) British Government Amendment to Second Alternative Irish Government Amendment to British Government Deletion from 4(5/6) The National Archives of the UK (TNA) OTHER

Committee: British Government

Event Id Target Id Proposal Name Target Name Source Dependant Amendments Ultimate Decision Type
1071517 1070941 Peter Brooke's Whitbread Speech Peter Brooke's Whitbread Speech The National Archives of the UK (TNA) ADOPT_PROPOSAL
1071025 1070376 Revised Draft Joint Communique Irish Draft Communiqué on the Meeting between John Major and Charles Haughey The National Archives of the UK (TNA) ADOPT_PROPOSAL
1071044 1070376 Draft Joint Communique with Pen Amendments Irish Draft Communiqué on the Meeting between John Major and Charles Haughey The National Archives of the UK (TNA) ADOPT_PROPOSAL
1071047 1071044 Joint Communique on Meeting between John Major and Charles Haughey Draft Joint Communique with Pen Amendments The National Archives of the UK (TNA) ADOPT_PROPOSAL
1071253 1070861 Draft Opening Statement for John Major for Dublin Press Conference - Printed Amendments Draft Opening Statement for John Major for Dublin Press Conference The National Archives of the UK (TNA) ADOPT_PROPOSAL
1071256 1070861 Draft Opening Statement for John Major for Dublin Press Conference - Pen Amendments Draft Opening Statement for John Major for Dublin Press Conference The National Archives of the UK (TNA) ADOPT_PROPOSAL
1071276 1070874 Notes for Supplementaries on Northern Ireland Matters - Pen Amendments Notes for Supplementaries on Northern Ireland Matters The National Archives of the UK (TNA) ADOPT_PROPOSAL
1071299 1071298 Lines to Take Regarding Bombing in Belfast - Pen Amendments Lines to Take Regarding Bombing in Belfast The National Archives of the UK (TNA) No decision
985054 977346 Annotations to the Joint Declaration Joint Declaration: JD6 The National Archives of the UK (TNA) No decision
985301 977347 Annotations to Aide-Mémoire from the Irish Government Accompanying JD6 Aide-Mémoire from the Irish Government Accompanying JD6 The National Archives of the UK (TNA) No decision
1052655 1052581 Pencil Amendments to Draft Letter to Roderic Lyne Briefing Letter to Roderic Lyne (27 September 1993) The National Archives of the UK (TNA) ADOPT_PROPOSAL
1052657 1052581 Pen Amendments to Draft Letter to Roderic Lyne Briefing Letter to Roderic Lyne (27 September 1993) The National Archives of the UK (TNA) ADOPT_PROPOSAL
1052660 1052657 Further Pen Amendments to Draft Letter to Roderic Lyne Pen Amendments to Draft Letter to Roderic Lyne The National Archives of the UK (TNA) No decision
1052904 1052581 Final Textual Amendments to Letter to Roderic Lyne Briefing Letter to Roderic Lyne (27 September 1993) The National Archives of the UK (TNA) ADOPT_PROPOSAL
1052908 1052581 Addition of Enclosures in Briefing Letter to Roderic Lyne (27 September 1993) Briefing Letter to Roderic Lyne (27 September 1993) The National Archives of the UK (TNA) No decision
1066824 1066814 Amendments to Draft Replacement Language for Paragraph 4 Annex A: Draft Replacement Language for Paragraph 4 The National Archives of the UK (TNA); The National Archives of the UK (TNA) ADOPT_PROPOSAL
1070469 1070466 Letter from Quentin Thomas to Robin Butler Briefing Letter from Quentin Thomas to Robin Butler The National Archives of the UK (TNA) No decision
1069236 1068822 Gentler Language Constitutional Guarantee as Qualifying Statement to No Strategic Interest The National Archives of the UK (TNA) ADOPT_PROPOSAL
1069610 1069607 Assumptions Concerning Wording Joint Declaration: JD11 The National Archives of the UK (TNA) ADOPT_PROPOSAL
1070438 1070389 Enclosure: Working Draft of a Minute to John Major Outlining Draft Key Considerations for the Joint Declaration Enclosure: Working Draft of a Minute to John Major Outlining Draft Key Considerations for the Joint Declaration The National Archives of the UK (TNA) ADOPT_PROPOSAL
1069987 1069900 British Amendments to Paragraph 4 Joint Declaration: JD12 The National Archives of the UK (TNA) No decision
1070456 1070438 Enclosure: Annex A – Annotated Draft Minute to John Major Outlining Key Considerations for the Joint Declaration Enclosure: Working Draft of a Minute to John Major Outlining Draft Key Considerations for the Joint Declaration The National Archives of the UK (TNA) ADOPT_PROPOSAL
1069994 1069987 Refinement of British Amendments to Paragraph 4 British Amendments to Paragraph 4 The National Archives of the UK (TNA) ADOPT_PROPOSAL
1070013 1069987 Further Refinement of British Amendments to Paragraph 4 British Amendments to Paragraph 4 The National Archives of the UK (TNA) ADOPT_PROPOSAL
1070553 1070534 Enclosure: Annex D – Background on the Joint Declaration Initiative Enclosure: Annex D – Background on the Joint Declaration Initiative Monica McWilliams Collection ADOPT_PROPOSAL
1070023 1069987 Final Confirmation of British Amendments to Paragraph 4 British Amendments to Paragraph 4 The National Archives of the UK (TNA); The National Archives of the UK (TNA) ADOPT_PROPOSAL
1070907 1070633 Speaking Note for Patrick Mayhew for a Meeting with the Prime Minister Speaking Note for Patrick Mayhew for a Meeting with the Prime Minister The National Archives of the UK (TNA) No decision
1071009 1071008 Handwritten Fragmentary Draft Notes for Patrick Mayhew Handwritten Fragmentary Draft Notes for Patrick Mayhew The National Archives of the UK (TNA) No decision
1071038 1071035 Draft Letter to Roderic Lyne Regarding Briefing Jim Molyneaux Draft Letter to Roderic Lyne Regarding Briefing Jim Molyneaux Monica McWilliams Collection No decision
1071046 1070907 Speaking Note for Prime Minister for a Meeting Speaking Note for Patrick Mayhew for a Meeting with the Prime Minister The National Archives of the UK (TNA) No decision
1070420 1070297 Omission of Paragraph 9 Revised Intelligence Assessment of PIRA Attitude to the Joint Declaration The National Archives of the UK (TNA) ADOPT_PROPOSAL
1078757 1078754 Revised Version at 9.00 on 12 November 1993 Reply from John Major to Albert Reynolds (12 November 1993) The National Archives of the UK (TNA) ADOPT_PROPOSAL
1078759 1078754 Formatting Changes and Signature Reply from John Major to Albert Reynolds (12 November 1993) The National Archives of the UK (TNA) ADOPT_PROPOSAL
1074071 1071252 Early 12 November 1993 Draft by Tony Beeton Joint Declaration: Alternative British Draft The National Archives of the UK (TNA) ADOPT_PROPOSAL
1071322 1071252 12 November Draft Joint Declaration: Alternative British Draft The National Archives of the UK (TNA) ADOPT_PROPOSAL
1071621 1071252 18 November Draft Joint Declaration: Alternative British Draft The National Archives of the UK (TNA) ADOPT_PROPOSAL
1071876 1071871 Pen Amendments Letter from John Major to Albert Reynolds (25 November 1993) The National Archives of the UK (TNA) ADOPT_PROPOSAL
1071882 1071871 23 November Briefing Material Draft Letter from John Major to Albert Reynolds (25 November 1993) The National Archives of the UK (TNA) ADOPT_PROPOSAL
1071861 1071252 23 November 1993 Draft Joint Declaration: Alternative British Draft The National Archives of the UK (TNA) ADOPT_PROPOSAL
1072049 1071252 25 November 1993 Draft Joint Declaration: Alternative British Draft The National Archives of the UK (TNA) ADOPT_PROPOSAL
1072058 1071871 Final Draft Letter from John Major to Albert Reynolds (25 November 1993) The National Archives of the UK (TNA) ADOPT_PROPOSAL
1072801 1072800 Further British Government Amendments Joint Declaration: JD14A The National Archives of the UK (TNA) ADOPT_PROPOSAL
1107891 1107349 British Government Addition to 3 Joint Declaration: JD15 The National Archives of the UK (TNA) ADOPT_PROPOSAL
1107930 1107349 British Government Amendment to 4(2/3) Joint Declaration: JD15 The National Archives of the UK (TNA) ADOPT_PROPOSAL
1107916 1107349 British Government Deletion from 4(5/6) Joint Declaration: JD15 The National Archives of the UK (TNA) OTHER
1107939 1107349 British Government Amendment to 4(6/7) Joint Declaration: JD15 The National Archives of the UK (TNA) DROP_PROPOSAL
1107934 1107349 British Government Amendment to 4(7/8) Joint Declaration: JD15 The National Archives of the UK (TNA) OTHER
1107946 1107349 British Government Amendment to 7(8) Joint Declaration: JD15 The National Archives of the UK (TNA) DROP_PROPOSAL
1107926 1107349 British Government Amendment to 12(5) Joint Declaration: JD15 The National Archives of the UK (TNA) OTHER
1108577 1107349 British Government Amendment to 4(1) Joint Declaration: JD15 The National Archives of the UK (TNA) OTHER
1108635 1107939 British Government Amendment to 4(6/7): Word Reordering British Government Amendment to 4(6/7) The National Archives of the UK (TNA) ADOPT_PROPOSAL
1108728 1107352 British Government Amendment to Alternative Reaffirmation of Constitutional Guarantee in 2(3) Alternative Reaffirmation of Constitutional Guarantee in 2(3) The National Archives of the UK (TNA) ADOPT_PROPOSAL
1286558 1108577 Additional Wording in British Government Amendment to 4(1) British Government Amendment to 4(1) The National Archives of the UK (TNA) ADOPT_PROPOSAL
1287005 1107349 Further British Government Amendment to 4(7/8) Joint Declaration: JD15 The National Archives of the UK (TNA) OTHER
1287011 1107349 British Government Amendment to 12(4) Joint Declaration: JD15 The National Archives of the UK (TNA) ADOPT_PROPOSAL
1291669 1288899 British Government Amendment to 13(2) New Final Paragraph The National Archives of the UK (TNA) REPORT_PROPOSAL
1291670 1288899 British Government Amendment to 13(6) New Final Paragraph The National Archives of the UK (TNA) REPORT_PROPOSAL
1291671 1288899 British Government Amendment to 13(8) New Final Paragraph The National Archives of the UK (TNA) REPORT_PROPOSAL
1290468 1107349 Deletion of 'as of right' Joint Declaration: JD15 The National Archives of the UK (TNA) REPORT_PROPOSAL
1413234 1308149 Editorial Amendment Joint Declaration: JD15 Editorial No decision
1308551 1308548 British Government Counter to John Hume Amendment to British Government Amendment to 4(1) John Hume Amendment to British Government Amendment to 4(1) The National Archives of the UK (TNA) No decision
1308562 1308158 Inclusion of 'Facilitate' to Replace 'Assist' Molyneaux's Deletion of 'Assist' from 4 The National Archives of the UK (TNA) No decision
1310367 1308649 Insertion of 'Legitimately' Deletion of 'as of right' The National Archives of the UK (TNA) No decision
1310372 1308159 British Government Amendment to British Government Deletion from 4(5/6) British Government Deletion from 4(5/6) The National Archives of the UK (TNA) No decision
1310374 1308161 British Government Amendment to Second Alternative Irish Government Amendment to British Government Deletion from 4(5/6) Second Alternative Irish Government Amendment to British Government Deletion from 4(5/6) The National Archives of the UK (TNA) No decision
1310574 1308172 British Government Amendment to Further Irish Government Amendment to 12(5) Further Irish Government Amendment to 12(5) The National Archives of the UK (TNA) No decision
1310577 1308167 Alternative British Government Amendment to 13(2) British Government Amendment to 13(2) The National Archives of the UK (TNA) No decision
1310578 1308167 Second Alternative British Government Amendment to 13(2) British Government Amendment to 13(2) The National Archives of the UK (TNA) No decision
1310604 1308165 Further British Government Amendment to 13(8) New Final Paragraph The National Archives of the UK (TNA) No decision
1310606 1310604 Alternative Further British Government Amendment to 13(8) Further British Government Amendment to 13(8) The National Archives of the UK (TNA) No decision
1310612 1308165 Second Alternative Further British Government Amendment to 13(8) New Final Paragraph The National Archives of the UK (TNA) No decision

Committee: Prime Minister-Taoiseach Meetings

Event Id Target Id Proposal Name Target Name Source Dependant Amendments Ultimate Decision Type
987464 987199 British Government Commentary on JD6: Include an Explicit Reference to Northern Irish Consent in Paragraph 4 British Commentary on JD6 Dermot Nally Collection No decision
987466 987199 British Government Commentary on JD6: British Government Not to Persuade British Commentary on JD6 Dermot Nally Collection No decision
987465 987199 Principles for a British-Irish Joint Declaration: No Specification of Time-Scale British Commentary on JD6 Dermot Nally Collection No decision
1060866 1060865 Pen Amendments to the Draft Communiqué Communiqué Dermot Nally Collection ADOPT_PROPOSAL
1060868 1060865 Further Typed Amendments to the Communiqué Communiqué Dermot Nally Collection ADOPT_PROPOSAL
1076152 1072077 British Government Amendment to 2(4) Joint Declaration: JD14 Dermot Nally Collection; The National Archives of the UK (TNA) No decision
1076158 1072077 Irish Government Amendment to 2(4) Joint Declaration: JD14 Dermot Nally Collection; The National Archives of the UK (TNA) No decision
1076163 1072077 British Government Amendment to 5(1) Joint Declaration: JD14 Dermot Nally Collection; The National Archives of the UK (TNA) No decision
1076169 1072077 British Government Addition to 5 Joint Declaration: JD14 Dermot Nally Collection; The National Archives of the UK (TNA) No decision
1076227 1072077 British Government Amendment to 5(2) Joint Declaration: JD14 Dermot Nally Collection; The National Archives of the UK (TNA), The National Archives of the UK (TNA) No decision
1076231 1072077 Irish Government Amendment to 7(1) Joint Declaration: JD14 Dermot Nally Collection; The National Archives of the UK (TNA), The National Archives of the UK (TNA) No decision
1076237 1076231 Irish Government Amendment to 7(1): Wording Change Irish Government Amendment to 7(1) Dermot Nally Collection POSTPONE_DEBATE
1076247 1072077 British Government Amendment to 7(1) Joint Declaration: JD14 Dermot Nally Collection; The National Archives of the UK (TNA) No decision
1076249 1072077 British Government Addition to 7 Joint Declaration: JD14 Dermot Nally Collection; The National Archives of the UK (TNA) No decision
1076252 1072077 British Government Amendment to 9(1) Joint Declaration: JD14 Dermot Nally Collection; The National Archives of the UK (TNA) No decision
1076258 1072077 British Government Deletion of 10 and 11 and Addition of New 10 Joint Declaration: JD14 Dermot Nally Collection; The National Archives of the UK (TNA) OTHER
1076270 1072077 British Government Amendment to 4(1) Joint Declaration: JD14 Dermot Nally Collection; The National Archives of the UK (TNA) No decision
1076278 1072077 British Government Amendment to 4(3) Joint Declaration: JD14 Dermot Nally Collection; The National Archives of the UK (TNA) No decision
1076280 1072077 British Government Amendment to 4(4) Joint Declaration: JD14 Dermot Nally Collection; The National Archives of the UK (TNA) No decision
1076286 1072077 British Government Amendment to 4(5) Joint Declaration: JD14 Dermot Nally Collection; The National Archives of the UK (TNA) No decision
1076289 1072077 British Government Amendment to 4(6) Joint Declaration: JD14 Dermot Nally Collection; The National Archives of the UK (TNA) No decision
1310652 1310648 Issue the Joint Declaration on 15 December 1993 Timing of a Meeting to Issue the Joint Declaration The National Archives of the UK (TNA) ADOPT_PROPOSAL

Committee: Anglo-Irish Liaison Group

Event Id Target Id Proposal Name Target Name Source Dependant Amendments Ultimate Decision Type
977389 977385 Paragraph 1 Framework Agreement [First British Draft as Discussed in Liaison Group on 1 October 1993] The National Archives of the UK (TNA) NO_OBJECTION
977465 977389 Changes to Paragraph 1 to Clarify Purpose and Intention Paragraph 1 The National Archives of the UK (TNA) NO_OBJECTION
977468 977385 Paragraph 2 Framework Agreement [First British Draft as Discussed in Liaison Group on 1 October 1993] The National Archives of the UK (TNA) NO_OBJECTION
977471 977468 Changes to 'Complement' in Paragraph 2 Paragraph 2 The National Archives of the UK (TNA) NO_OBJECTION
977474 977385 Paragraph 3 Framework Agreement [First British Draft as Discussed in Liaison Group on 1 October 1993] The National Archives of the UK (TNA) NO_OBJECTION
977476 977385 Paragraph 4 Framework Agreement [First British Draft as Discussed in Liaison Group on 1 October 1993] The National Archives of the UK (TNA) NO_OBJECTION
977478 977385 Paragraph 5 Framework Agreement [First British Draft as Discussed in Liaison Group on 1 October 1993] The National Archives of the UK (TNA) NO_OBJECTION
977479 977478 Changes to Paragraph 5 to Decouple Governmental Relationship from Views of Constitutional NI Parties Paragraph 5 The National Archives of the UK (TNA) NO_OBJECTION
977492 977385 Paragraphs 6-11 Framework Agreement [First British Draft as Discussed in Liaison Group on 1 October 1993] The National Archives of the UK (TNA) NO_OBJECTION
977502 977492 Examine Paragraphs 6-11 alongside 9 October 1992 Principles Paper Paragraphs 6-11 The National Archives of the UK (TNA) NO_OBJECTION
977503 977502 Examine Paragraphs 6-11 alongside 9 October 1992 Principles Paper whilst Considering Unionist Reception Examine Paragraphs 6-11 alongside 9 October 1992 Principles Paper The National Archives of the UK (TNA) NO_OBJECTION
977512 977385 Paragraph 12 Framework Agreement [First British Draft as Discussed in Liaison Group on 1 October 1993] The National Archives of the UK (TNA) NO_OBJECTION
977515 977512 Changes to Paragraph 12 to Distinguish between Individuals and Groups Paragraph 12 The National Archives of the UK (TNA) NO_OBJECTION
977517 977512 Changes to Paragraph 12 to Confine Rights Language to Northern Ireland Paragraph 12 The National Archives of the UK (TNA) REJECT_PROPOSAL
977519 977512 Changes to Paragraph 12 to Consider Reciprocity Further Paragraph 12 The National Archives of the UK (TNA) NO_OBJECTION
977554 977385 Paragraph 13 Framework Agreement [First British Draft as Discussed in Liaison Group on 1 October 1993] The National Archives of the UK (TNA) NO_OBJECTION
977562 977385 Paragraph 14 Framework Agreement [First British Draft as Discussed in Liaison Group on 1 October 1993] The National Archives of the UK (TNA) NO_OBJECTION
977568 977562 Changes to Paragraph 14 to Afford Less Prominence to Devolution Paragraph 14 The National Archives of the UK (TNA) ADOPT_PROPOSAL
1050579 977562 Include Reference to Power-Sharing Paragraph 14 The National Archives of the UK (TNA) NO_OBJECTION
1050584 1050579 Include Implicit Reference to Power-Sharing Include Reference to Power-Sharing The National Archives of the UK (TNA) No decision
1050588 977562 Redraft 'sufficient electoral support' Paragraph 14 The National Archives of the UK (TNA) NO_OBJECTION
1050602 977385 Paragraph 15 Framework Agreement [First British Draft as Discussed in Liaison Group on 1 October 1993] The National Archives of the UK (TNA) NO_OBJECTION
1050603 1050602 Reference to Westminster Paragraph 15 The National Archives of the UK (TNA) DROP_PROPOSAL
1050607 977385 Paragraph 16 Framework Agreement [First British Draft as Discussed in Liaison Group on 1 October 1993] The National Archives of the UK (TNA) NO_OBJECTION
1050609 1050607 Redraft of the Last Clause as a Separate Paragraph Paragraph 16 The National Archives of the UK (TNA) ADOPT_PROPOSAL
1050619 977385 North/South Institutions Framework Agreement [First British Draft as Discussed in Liaison Group on 1 October 1993] The National Archives of the UK (TNA) NO_OBJECTION
1050666 1050619 Key Irish Considerations North/South Institutions The National Archives of the UK (TNA) NO_OBJECTION
1050668 1050666 Insufficiency of the Foyle Fisheries Agreement Key Irish Considerations The National Archives of the UK (TNA) No decision
1050670 1050666 Arrangements for Scrutiny and Recall of Powers Key Irish Considerations The National Archives of the UK (TNA) NO_OBJECTION
1050621 1050619 Amend Paragraph 22 to Give More Prominence to the European Dimension North/South Institutions The National Archives of the UK (TNA) NO_OBJECTION
1050622 1050619 Improve Paragraph 25 North/South Institutions The National Archives of the UK (TNA) NO_OBJECTION
1050623 1050622 Include 'Bond of Union' Improve Paragraph 25 The National Archives of the UK (TNA) REJECT_PROPOSAL
1050680 1050670 Use of the Intergovernmental Conference Arrangements for Scrutiny and Recall of Powers The National Archives of the UK (TNA) NO_OBJECTION
1050683 1050680 Alternatives to the Use of the Intergovernmental Conference Use of the Intergovernmental Conference The National Archives of the UK (TNA) NO_OBJECTION
1050634 1050619 Paragraph 27 North/South Institutions The National Archives of the UK (TNA) NO_OBJECTION
1050635 977385 Agreement to Leave the Remainder of the Text for the Next Meeting Framework Agreement [First British Draft as Discussed in Liaison Group on 1 October 1993] The National Archives of the UK (TNA) ADOPT_PROPOSAL
1050800 1050714 Delay Document Deadline Framework Agreement The National Archives of the UK (TNA) ADOPT_PROPOSAL
1050804 1050714 Incorporation of 9 October 1992 Strand 3 Paper 'Possible Principles for a New Agreement' Framework Agreement The National Archives of the UK (TNA) REPORT_PROPOSAL
1050909 1050908 Expansion of Paragraphs 12 and 13 Irish Delegation Comments on the Draft Framework Document (14 October 1993) The National Archives of the UK (TNA) NO_OBJECTION
1051092 1050908 Revision of Paragraph 14 Irish Delegation Comments on the Draft Framework Document (14 October 1993) The National Archives of the UK (TNA) NO_OBJECTION
1051112 1050908 Use of the IGC for Scrutiny Irish Delegation Comments on the Draft Framework Document (14 October 1993) The National Archives of the UK (TNA) No decision

Committee: Butler-Nally Meetings

Event Id Target Id Proposal Name Target Name Source Dependant Amendments Ultimate Decision Type
1290173 1290136 Joint Declaration: JD2 Joint Declaration: JD2 The National Archives of the UK (TNA) No decision
988222 987461 Separate Northern Irish Right to Self-Determination British Commentary on JD6 Dermot Nally Collection No decision
988223 987461 No Legislation before Agreement British Commentary on JD6 Dermot Nally Collection No decision
988224 987461 Clarification of Language Re 'Measures' British Commentary on JD6 Dermot Nally Collection No decision
988225 987461 Removal of 'Independent' and 'Unity' British Commentary on JD6 Dermot Nally Collection No decision
988226 987461 Subsidiary British Issues with JD6 British Commentary on JD6 Dermot Nally Collection No decision
988234 988227 Self-Determination Principles for Inclusion in a Joint Declaration Dermot Nally Collection REPORT_PROPOSAL
988235 988227 Consent Principle Principles for Inclusion in a Joint Declaration Dermot Nally Collection No decision
988241 988234 Self-Determination and Consent to Balance One Another Self-Determination Dermot Nally Collection No decision
988286 988234 Replace Self-Determination with Agreed Inter-Irish Mechanisms Self-Determination Dermot Nally Collection REPORT_PROPOSAL
988254 988227 British Government Not to Join the Persuaders for Unity Principles for Inclusion in a Joint Declaration Dermot Nally Collection NO_OBJECTION
988255 988254 British Government to Encourage Unspecified Inter-Irish Agreement British Government Not to Join the Persuaders for Unity Dermot Nally Collection No decision
988620 988227 Importance of Joint Declaration as Balancing Gesture Principles for Inclusion in a Joint Declaration Dermot Nally Collection REJECT_PROPOSAL
989824 989649 Paragraph 4 to Be Open to Amendment Principles for Inclusion in a Joint Declaration Dermot Nally Collection; The National Archives of the UK (TNA) ADOPT_PROPOSAL
989828 989649 Articles 2 and 3 to Be Open to Change Principles for Inclusion in a Joint Declaration Dermot Nally Collection ADOPT_PROPOSAL
989832 989649 Include Reassurance to the Unionist Community Principles for Inclusion in a Joint Declaration Dermot Nally Collection ADOPT_PROPOSAL
989865 989650 Self-Determination via Dual Referendum Self-Determination Dermot Nally Collection No decision
990005 989649 Text Could Not Be Expected to Attract Unionist Approval Principles for Inclusion in a Joint Declaration Dermot Nally Collection NO_OBJECTION
1069147 1069129 Refinement of Irish Constitution Reference Joint Declaration: JD11 Dermot Nally Collection; The National Archives of the UK (TNA) ADOPT_PROPOSAL
1069242 1069129 Reference to Articles 2 & 3 Joint Declaration: JD11 Dermot Nally Collection; Dermot Nally Collection, The National Archives of the UK (TNA) ADOPT_PROPOSAL
1069598 1069129 Remove European Union References Joint Declaration: JD11 The National Archives of the UK (TNA) ADOPT_PROPOSAL
1069600 1069598 Heavily Tone Down European Union References Remove European Union References The National Archives of the UK (TNA) ADOPT_PROPOSAL
1069247 1069129 Reference 'Guarantees' in Paragraph 3 Joint Declaration: JD11 Dermot Nally Collection; The National Archives of the UK (TNA) ADOPT_PROPOSAL
1069249 1069247 Refinement of Wording Reference 'Guarantees' in Paragraph 3 Dermot Nally Collection; The National Archives of the UK (TNA) ADOPT_PROPOSAL
1069255 1069129 Remove 'political' Joint Declaration: JD11 Dermot Nally Collection; The National Archives of the UK (TNA) No decision
1069256 1069129 Qualify 'interest' Joint Declaration: JD11 Dermot Nally Collection No decision
1069357 1069129 Amendment of Self-Determination Sentence to Include Concurrent Consent Joint Declaration: JD11 Dermot Nally Collection; The National Archives of the UK (TNA) ADOPT_PROPOSAL
1069359 1069129 Remove 'freely and collectively' Joint Declaration: JD11 Dermot Nally Collection; The National Archives of the UK (TNA) ADOPT_PROPOSAL
1069361 1069129 Replace 'encourage' with 'enable' Joint Declaration: JD11 Dermot Nally Collection; The National Archives of the UK (TNA) ADOPT_PROPOSAL
1069264 1069242 Oblique Reference to Articles 2 & 3 Reference to Articles 2 & 3 Dermot Nally Collection; The National Archives of the UK (TNA) ADOPT_PROPOSAL
1069268 1069129 Remove 'all' Joint Declaration: JD11 Dermot Nally Collection; The National Archives of the UK (TNA) ADOPT_PROPOSAL
1069786 1069785 Annotations with Robin Butler's Advice Irish Government Line after Meeting John Hume Dermot Nally Collection REPORT_PROPOSAL
1093675 1079398 British Government Amendment to Irish Government Amendment to 2(4) Irish Government Amendment to 2(4) Dermot Nally Collection REJECT_PROPOSAL
1093678 1079392 New Insertion of 'Generation' in 2(1) Joint Declaration: JD14 Dermot Nally Collection; The National Archives of the UK (TNA) ADOPT_PROPOSAL
1101986 1079394 Punctuation Change in British Government Amendment to 2(4) British Government Amendment to 2(4) Dermot Nally Collection NO_OBJECTION
1100420 1079392 Alternative Reaffirmation of Constitutional Guarantee in 2(3) Joint Declaration: JD14 Dermot Nally Collection; The National Archives of the UK (TNA), The National Archives of the UK (TNA) REPORT_PROPOSAL
1100426 1100420 Addition to Alternative Reaffirmation of Constitutional Guarantee in 2(3) Alternative Reaffirmation of Constitutional Guarantee in 2(3) Dermot Nally Collection; Dermot Nally Collection, The National Archives of the UK (TNA), The National Archives of the UK (TNA) ADOPT_PROPOSAL
1100463 1079392 Amendment to 3 Joint Declaration: JD14 Dermot Nally Collection ADOPT_PROPOSAL
1100465 1100463 British Government Amendment to Amendment to 3 Amendment to 3 Dermot Nally Collection; The National Archives of the UK (TNA) ADOPT_PROPOSAL
1100471 1079392 Reaffirmation of Constitutional Guarantee in 4(1) Joint Declaration: JD14 The National Archives of the UK (TNA); Dermot Nally Collection, Dermot Nally Collection, The National Archives of the UK (TNA), The National Archives of the UK (TNA) REPORT_PROPOSAL
1100483 1079392 British Government Addition to 4 Joint Declaration: JD14 Dermot Nally Collection; Dermot Nally Collection, The National Archives of the UK (TNA), The National Archives of the UK (TNA) ADOPT_PROPOSAL
1100514 1100510 Irish Government Amendment to British Government Amendment to 4(3) British Government Amendment to 4(3) Dermot Nally Collection; Dermot Nally Collection, The National Archives of the UK (TNA) ADOPT_PROPOSAL
1100524 1079443 Irish Government Amendment to British Government Amendment to 4(4) British Government Amendment to 4(4) Dermot Nally Collection; Dermot Nally Collection, The National Archives of the UK (TNA) ADOPT_PROPOSAL
1101240 1079392 Irish Government Amendment to 4(5) Joint Declaration: JD14 The National Archives of the UK (TNA); The National Archives of the UK (TNA), The National Archives of the UK (TNA) ADOPT_PROPOSAL
1101242 1101240 British Government Amendment to Irish Government Amendment to 4(5) Irish Government Amendment to 4(5) The National Archives of the UK (TNA); The National Archives of the UK (TNA), Dermot Nally Collection, The National Archives of the UK (TNA) ADOPT_PROPOSAL
1101246 1079407 Irish Government Amendment to British Government Addition to 5 British Government Addition to 5 Dermot Nally Collection; Dermot Nally Collection, The National Archives of the UK (TNA), The National Archives of the UK (TNA) ADOPT_PROPOSAL
1101265 1079417 Irish Government Amendment to British Government Amendment to 5(2) British Government Amendment to 5(2) Dermot Nally Collection; Dermot Nally Collection, The National Archives of the UK (TNA) ADOPT_PROPOSAL
1101299 1079423 British Government Amendment to Irish Government Amendment to 7(1) Irish Government Amendment to 7(1) Dermot Nally Collection; Dermot Nally Collection, The National Archives of the UK (TNA) ADOPT_PROPOSAL
1101382 1079392 Alternative Irish Government Addition to 7 Joint Declaration: JD14 The National Archives of the UK (TNA); The National Archives of the UK (TNA) ADOPT_PROPOSAL
1101386 1101382 British Government Amendment to Alternative Irish Government Addition to 7 Alternative Irish Government Addition to 7 The National Archives of the UK (TNA); Dermot Nally Collection, The National Archives of the UK (TNA) REJECT_PROPOSAL
1101390 1101382 Second British Amendment to Alternative Irish Government Addition to 7 Alternative Irish Government Addition to 7 Dermot Nally Collection; The National Archives of the UK (TNA) ADOPT_PROPOSAL
1101391 1101390 Irish Government Amendment to Second British Amendment to Alternative Irish Government Addition to 7 Second British Amendment to Alternative Irish Government Addition to 7 Dermot Nally Collection; The National Archives of the UK (TNA) ADOPT_PROPOSAL
1101447 1101446 Irish Government Amendment to British Government Amendment to 9(1) British Government Amendment to 9(1) Dermot Nally Collection; Dermot Nally Collection, The National Archives of the UK (TNA) ADOPT_PROPOSAL
1101719 1079392 British Government Additional Paragraph Joint Declaration: JD14 The National Archives of the UK (TNA) ADOPT_PROPOSAL
1101720 1101719 Irish Government Amendment to British Government Additional Paragraph British Government Additional Paragraph Dermot Nally Collection; The National Archives of the UK (TNA) ADOPT_PROPOSAL
1101723 1079392 British Government Amendment to Strike Out Paragraphs 10 and 11 Joint Declaration: JD14 Dermot Nally Collection; The National Archives of the UK (TNA) REPORT_PROPOSAL
1101724 1079392 Typographical Errors Joint Declaration: JD14 Dermot Nally Collection REJECT_PROPOSAL
1101726 1079392 Consent Principles Joint Declaration: JD14 Dermot Nally Collection REJECT_PROPOSAL
1101728 1100420 Constitutional Guarantees Alternative Reaffirmation of Constitutional Guarantee in 2(3) Dermot Nally Collection REJECT_PROPOSAL
1101730 1079392 Mistranscription of Addition to 5 Joint Declaration: JD14 Dermot Nally Collection REJECT_PROPOSAL
1101732 1079392 Addition to 7(8) Joint Declaration: JD14 Dermot Nally Collection NO_OBJECTION
1101734 1079392 Amendment to 5(2) Joint Declaration: JD14 Dermot Nally Collection ADOPT_PROPOSAL
1101736 1079392 Amendment to 8(2) Joint Declaration: JD14 Dermot Nally Collection ADOPT_PROPOSAL
1101738 1079392 Irish Government Amendment to 12(5) Joint Declaration: JD14 Dermot Nally Collection ADOPT_PROPOSAL
1101981 1079392 Removal of 'British' before 'Prime Minister' Joint Declaration: JD14 Dermot Nally Collection ADOPT_PROPOSAL
1102232 1079392 Punctuation Changes Joint Declaration: JD14 Dermot Nally Collection ADOPT_PROPOSAL
1102236 1079392 Consistent Spelling of 'Recognise' Joint Declaration: JD14 Dermot Nally Collection NO_OBJECTION
1107356 1101723 British Government Amendment to Strike Out Paragraphs 10 and 11 British Government Amendment to Strike Out Paragraphs 10 and 11 Editorial No decision
1414268 1316888 Accidental Change British Government Amendment to 4(1) Editorial No decision
1316916 1316883 Deletion of 'Consistent with this,' Joint Declaration: JD15 Dermot Nally Collection; Dermot Nally Collection, The National Archives of the UK (TNA) ADOPT_PROPOSAL
1339621 1316894 Rewording of Second Alternative Irish Government Amendment to British Government Deletion from 4(5/6) Second Alternative Irish Government Amendment to British Government Deletion from 4(5/6) The National Archives of the UK (TNA) NO_OBJECTION
1339626 1316894 British Government Amendment to Second Alternative Irish Government Amendment to British Government Deletion from 4(5/6) Second Alternative Irish Government Amendment to British Government Deletion from 4(5/6) The National Archives of the UK (TNA); Dermot Nally Collection No decision
1339637 1339636 Robin Butler's Changes to the British Government Amendment to Further Irish Government Amendment to 12(5) British Government Amendment to Further Irish Government Amendment to 12(5) Dermot Nally Collection; The National Archives of the UK (TNA) ADOPT_PROPOSAL
1343592 1316883 First Pending 'Non-Paper' Amendment to Final Paragraph Joint Declaration: JD15 Dermot Nally Collection REJECT_PROPOSAL
1343595 1316883 Second Pending 'Non-Paper' Amendment to Final Paragraph Joint Declaration: JD15 Dermot Nally Collection REJECT_PROPOSAL
1343596 1316883 Third Pending 'Non-Paper' Amendment to Final Paragraph Joint Declaration: JD15 Dermot Nally Collection ADOPT_PROPOSAL
1343628 1316883 Alternative Amendment to Final Paragraph Joint Declaration: JD15 Dermot Nally Collection; Dermot Nally Collection, The National Archives of the UK (TNA) ADOPT_PROPOSAL
1414263 1316883 Test Joint Declaration: JD15 Editorial No decision
1344308 1344305 Addition of 'Irish Government' to 10(1) Alternative Paragraphs 10-12 Dermot Nally Collection 1 ADOPT_PROPOSAL
1344311 1344305 Addition of 'with any party' to 10(2) Alternative Paragraphs 10-12 Dermot Nally Collection 1 ADOPT_PROPOSAL
1344388 1316891 Replacement of 'assist and enable' with 'facilitate' Molyneaux's Deletion of 'assist' from 4 The National Archives of the UK (TNA); The National Archives of the UK (TNA) No decision

Committee: Informal British-Irish Bilaterals

Event Id Target Id Proposal Name Target Name Source Dependant Amendments Ultimate Decision Type
989549 989515 Self-Determination as Current Legal Position Self-Determination Dermot Nally Collection No decision
989568 989510 British Neutrality to Develop from Passive to Proactive Principles for Inclusion in a Joint Declaration Dermot Nally Collection REPORT_PROPOSAL
989574 989510 Joint Declaration as Strand 3 Position Principles for Inclusion in a Joint Declaration Dermot Nally Collection NO_OBJECTION
1048989 988595 Inclusion of the British Guarantee Self-Determination Dermot Nally Collection No decision
1049112 1049110 Stronger Language on Self-Determination Four Building Blocks for a Joint Declaration (Paragraph 4) Dermot Nally Collection; The National Archives of the UK (TNA) ADOPT_PROPOSAL
1049124 1049123 Sentence 1 Paragraph 4 of JD8 as Revised by Thomas and Ó hUiginn Dermot Nally Collection ADOPT_PROPOSAL
1049125 1049124 Take 'Political' Out Again Sentence 1 Dermot Nally Collection DROP_PROPOSAL
1049129 1049123 Sentence 2 Paragraph 4 of JD8 as Revised by Thomas and Ó hUiginn Dermot Nally Collection ADOPT_PROPOSAL
1049131 1049123 Sentence 3 Paragraph 4 of JD8 as Revised by Thomas and Ó hUiginn Dermot Nally Collection ADOPT_PROPOSAL
1049133 1049131 Change 'freely agreed' to 'secures agreement' Sentence 3 Dermot Nally Collection; The National Archives of the UK (TNA) ADOPT_PROPOSAL
1049136 1049123 Sentence 4 Paragraph 4 of JD8 as Revised by Thomas and Ó hUiginn Dermot Nally Collection ADOPT_PROPOSAL
1049138 1049123 Sentence 5 Paragraph 4 of JD8 as Revised by Thomas and Ó hUiginn Dermot Nally Collection ADOPT_PROPOSAL
1049139 1049138 Remove 'joint' Sentence 5 Dermot Nally Collection ADOPT_PROPOSAL
1049141 1049139 Bracket 'joint' for Further Consideration Remove 'joint' Dermot Nally Collection ADOPT_PROPOSAL
1049144 1049123 Sentences 6 and 7 Paragraph 4 of JD8 as Revised by Thomas and Ó hUiginn Dermot Nally Collection ADOPT_PROPOSAL
1049147 1049144 Swap Sentences 6 and 7 Sentences 6 and 7 Dermot Nally Collection ADOPT_PROPOSAL
1049149 1049144 Replace 'unity' with an Appropriate Alternative Sentences 6 and 7 Dermot Nally Collection ADOPT_PROPOSAL
1067310 1067289 Irish Government to Defer Making Any Report to the British Government Questions Surrounding the Joint Declaration Initiative as Discussed by Thomas and Ó hUiginn on 1 October 1993 The National Archives of the UK (TNA) NO_OBJECTION
1067344 1067310 Irish Government Unable to Report to the British Government at this Stage Irish Government to Defer Making Any Report to the British Government The National Archives of the UK (TNA) REJECT_PROPOSAL
1067347 1067310 Irish Government to Persuade Hume That Further Work Was Needed Irish Government to Defer Making Any Report to the British Government The National Archives of the UK (TNA) REJECT_PROPOSAL
1067352 1067310 British Government to Repudiate the Initiative Unless Something Was Clearly Acceptable Irish Government to Defer Making Any Report to the British Government The National Archives of the UK (TNA) No decision
1067377 1067289 Irish Government Plan to Put the Text to the Provisionals Questions Surrounding the Joint Declaration Initiative as Discussed by Thomas and Ó hUiginn on 1 October 1993 The National Archives of the UK (TNA) NO_OBJECTION
1068097 1067289 Cessation of Violence Questions Surrounding the Joint Declaration Initiative as Discussed by Thomas and Ó hUiginn on 1 October 1993 The National Archives of the UK (TNA) ADOPT_PROPOSAL
1068101 1068097 Cessation of Violence Including Decommissioning Cessation of Violence The National Archives of the UK (TNA) REJECT_PROPOSAL
1068106 1067289 Watershed Shift in the Political Posture of the PIRA Questions Surrounding the Joint Declaration Initiative as Discussed by Thomas and Ó hUiginn on 1 October 1993 The National Archives of the UK (TNA) NO_OBJECTION
1068111 1067289 Irish Government to Consider Formally Advising That the Declaration Would Lead to a Cessation of Violence Questions Surrounding the Joint Declaration Initiative as Discussed by Thomas and Ó hUiginn on 1 October 1993 The National Archives of the UK (TNA) ADOPT_PROPOSAL
1068114 1067289 Clarity Regarding Resumption of Violence Questions Surrounding the Joint Declaration Initiative as Discussed by Thomas and Ó hUiginn on 1 October 1993 The National Archives of the UK (TNA) ADOPT_PROPOSAL
1068123 1067289 Amnesty for Prisoners Questions Surrounding the Joint Declaration Initiative as Discussed by Thomas and Ó hUiginn on 1 October 1993 The National Archives of the UK (TNA) REJECT_PROPOSAL
1068127 1067289 Proposal Might Emerge to Consider Decommissioning and Amnesty in Parallel Questions Surrounding the Joint Declaration Initiative as Discussed by Thomas and Ó hUiginn on 1 October 1993 The National Archives of the UK (TNA) NO_OBJECTION
1068131 1067289 Compatibility of the Joint Declaration Initiative with the Talks Process Questions Surrounding the Joint Declaration Initiative as Discussed by Thomas and Ó hUiginn on 1 October 1993 The National Archives of the UK (TNA) ADOPT_PROPOSAL
1068144 1068131 Joint Declaration Initiative as Decontamination Chamber to Bring in the Provisionals Compatibility of the Joint Declaration Initiative with the Talks Process The National Archives of the UK (TNA) ADOPT_PROPOSAL
1068147 1068144 Sinn Féin Would Need to Wait for Admission to Talks Joint Declaration Initiative as Decontamination Chamber to Bring in the Provisionals The National Archives of the UK (TNA) ADOPT_PROPOSAL
1068151 1067289 Participation in the Convention Would Be Uncertain Questions Surrounding the Joint Declaration Initiative as Discussed by Thomas and Ó hUiginn on 1 October 1993 The National Archives of the UK (TNA) ADOPT_PROPOSAL
1068157 1067289 Convention to Be Used to Bring Sinn Féin into Talks Questions Surrounding the Joint Declaration Initiative as Discussed by Thomas and Ó hUiginn on 1 October 1993 The National Archives of the UK (TNA) ADOPT_PROPOSAL
1068167 1067289 Acknowledgement of the Taoiseach's View That Articles 2 & 3 Should Be Parked Questions Surrounding the Joint Declaration Initiative as Discussed by Thomas and Ó hUiginn on 1 October 1993 The National Archives of the UK (TNA) NO_OBJECTION
1068205 1067289 British Sticking Points with the Text Questions Surrounding the Joint Declaration Initiative as Discussed by Thomas and Ó hUiginn on 1 October 1993 The National Archives of the UK (TNA) NO_OBJECTION
1068233 1067256 Constitutional Guarantee in Terms of Article 1(a) of AIA Joint Declaration: JD9 The National Archives of the UK (TNA) REPORT_PROPOSAL
1068245 1067256 Constitutional Guarantee as Qualifying Statement to No Strategic Interest Joint Declaration: JD9 The National Archives of the UK (TNA) REPORT_PROPOSAL
1068250 1067256 Drop First Self-Determination Sentence Joint Declaration: JD9 The National Archives of the UK (TNA) REPORT_PROPOSAL
1068260 1067256 Claims of Rights to Self-Determination Joint Declaration: JD9 The National Archives of the UK (TNA) REPORT_PROPOSAL
1068265 1067256 Concurrent Consent Joint Declaration: JD9 The National Archives of the UK (TNA) REPORT_PROPOSAL
1068271 1067289 Use of 'Self-Determination' Questions Surrounding the Joint Declaration Initiative as Discussed by Thomas and Ó hUiginn on 1 October 1993 The National Archives of the UK (TNA) REJECT_PROPOSAL
1068286 1067256 Remove European Union References Joint Declaration: JD9 The National Archives of the UK (TNA) REPORT_PROPOSAL
1069888 1069836 Accidental Re-ordering of Self-Determination Sentence Joint Declaration: JD12 The National Archives of the UK (TNA) REPORT_PROPOSAL
1107525 1107524 Roderic Lyne's Amendment to the Irish Amendment to Alternative Announcement of Irish Convention Irish Amendment to Alternative Announcement of Irish Convention The National Archives of the UK (TNA) NOTED
1107999 1107997 Irish Government Amendment to British Government Deletion from 4(5/6) British Government Deletion from 4(5/6) The National Archives of the UK (TNA) DROP_PROPOSAL
1288809 1107351 Notice of Inclusion of the Magee List Joint Declaration: JD15 The National Archives of the UK (TNA) POSTPONE_DEBATE
1291286 1288813 New Final Paragraph: Transmission Errors New Final Paragraph The National Archives of the UK (TNA); The National Archives of the UK (TNA), The National Archives of the UK (TNA) NO_OBJECTION
1288822 1107351 Second Irish Government Amendment to 12(3) Joint Declaration: JD15 The National Archives of the UK (TNA) DROP_PROPOSAL
1288841 1107532 Possible Meeting on Thursday Timing of a Meeting to Issue the Joint Declaration The National Archives of the UK (TNA) ADOPT_PROPOSAL
1291394 1288281 Irish Government Amendment to British Government Deletion from 4(5/6) British Government Deletion from 4(5/6) The National Archives of the UK (TNA) No decision
1291396 1288281 Second Alternative Irish Government Amendment to British Government Deletion from 4(5/6) British Government Deletion from 4(5/6) The National Archives of the UK (TNA) No decision
1291417 1107351 Alternative Amendment to 12(1) Joint Declaration: JD15 The National Archives of the UK (TNA) ADOPT_PROPOSAL
1291420 1288810 British Government Amendment to Irish Government Amendment to 12(3) Irish Government Amendment to 12(3) The National Archives of the UK (TNA) ADOPT_PROPOSAL
1308117 1107351 British Government Amendment to Strike Out Paragraphs 10 and 11 Joint Declaration: JD15 Editorial No decision
1291660 1107351 Further Irish Government Amendment to 12(5) Joint Declaration: JD15 The National Archives of the UK (TNA) POSTPONE_DEBATE
1291662 1288813 First Irish Government Correction of Transmission Error New Final Paragraph The National Archives of the UK (TNA) No decision
1291678 1288813 Second Irish Government Correction of Transmission Error New Final Paragraph The National Archives of the UK (TNA) No decision
1291680 1291679 Amendment to British Government Amendment to 13(6) British Government Amendment to 13(6) The National Archives of the UK (TNA) ADOPT_PROPOSAL
1291686 1291683 Compromise Proposal for British Government Amendment to 13(8) British Government Amendment to 13(8) The National Archives of the UK (TNA) ADOPT_PROPOSAL
1311055 1107351 Insert the Names of the Principals Joint Declaration: JD15 The National Archives of the UK (TNA) No decision
1316143 1291385 Insertion of 'Properly' Deletion of 'as of right' The National Archives of the UK (TNA) No decision
1316144 1291385 Insertion of 'without further impediment' Deletion of 'as of right' The National Archives of the UK (TNA) No decision
1316149 1107351 British Government Reversion to JD14 Joint Declaration: JD15 The National Archives of the UK (TNA) No decision
1316155 1288289 Irish Substitution of 'Help' for 'Assist' Molyneaux's Deletion of 'Assist' from 4 The National Archives of the UK (TNA) REPORT_PROPOSAL
1316165 1288813 Roderic Lyne's "Non-Paper" New Final Paragraph The National Archives of the UK (TNA) No decision
1412872 1412861 Replacement of 'assist' with 'facilitate' DELETE Molyneaux's Deletion of 'assist' from 4 The National Archives of the UK (TNA) ADOPT_PROPOSAL
1412882 1412867 Further Amendment to Second Alternative Irish Government Amendment to British Government Amendment to Second Alternative Irish Government Amendment to British Government Deletion from 4(5/6) Second Alternative Irish Government Amendment to British Government Amendment to Second Alternative Irish Government Amendment to British Government Deletion from 4(5/6) The National Archives of the UK (TNA) ADOPT_PROPOSAL
1412893 1412860 Amendment to Paragraph 10 and Additional Paragraph 11 DELETE Joint Declaration: JD15 The National Archives of the UK (TNA) ADOPT_PROPOSAL
1412906 1412860 Amendments to Paragraph 12 DELETE Joint Declaration: JD15 The National Archives of the UK (TNA) ADOPT_PROPOSAL
1412916 1412860 Advisory Role for the Forum DELETE Joint Declaration: JD15 The National Archives of the UK (TNA) OTHER
1413347 1412860 Editorial Amendment DELETE Joint Declaration: JD15 Editorial No decision
1413353 1412860 Addition of Names DELETE Joint Declaration: JD15 The National Archives of the UK (TNA) ADOPT_PROPOSAL

Committee: Anglo-Irish Intergovernmental Conference: Plenary Sessions

Event Id Target Id Proposal Name Target Name Source Dependant Amendments Ultimate Decision Type
990043 990036 Resolution to Secure Peace Resolution to Mandate the Liaison Group to Create a Joint Framework Document Dermot Nally Collection ADOPT_PROPOSAL

Committee: British-Hume Bilaterals

Event Id Target Id Proposal Name Target Name Source Dependant Amendments Ultimate Decision Type

Committee: Irish-Hume Bilaterals

Event Id Target Id Proposal Name Target Name Source Dependant Amendments Ultimate Decision Type
1291305 1291296 First John Hume Amendment to British Government Amendment to Alternative Reaffirmation of Constitutional Guarantee in 2(3) British Government Amendment to Alternative Reaffirmation of Constitutional Guarantee in 2(3) The National Archives of the UK (TNA) REPORT_PROPOSAL
1291306 1291296 Second Alternative John Hume Amendment to British Government Amendment to Alternative Reaffirmation of Constitutional Guarantee in 2(3) British Government Amendment to Alternative Reaffirmation of Constitutional Guarantee in 2(3) The National Archives of the UK (TNA) REPORT_PROPOSAL
1291310 1291298 John Hume Amendment to British Government Amendment to 4(1) British Government Amendment to 4(1) The National Archives of the UK (TNA) REPORT_PROPOSAL

Committee: Hume-Adams

Event Id Target Id Proposal Name Target Name Source Dependant Amendments Ultimate Decision Type
1066474 1066465 SDLP to Retract Statement on Unionist Veto SDLP/Sinn Féin 13 June 1988 Linen Hall Library No decision
1067332 1067331 Remove 'Since February 1988' Proposed Joint Statement Cardinal Tomás Ó Fiaich Library & Archive ADOPT_PROPOSAL
1102213 1101394 Revulsion at the use of 'human bombs' An alternative strategy to violence The National Archives of the UK (TNA) DROP_PROPOSAL

Committee: Irish-Magee Bilaterals

Event Id Target Id Proposal Name Target Name Source Dependant Amendments Ultimate Decision Type

Committee: Irish-Eames Bilaterals

Event Id Target Id Proposal Name Target Name Source Dependant Amendments Ultimate Decision Type
1070807 1070799 Eames' Additions Joint Declaration: JD12 Dermot Nally Collection ADOPT_PROPOSAL
1082416 1071586 Addition to Paragraph 6 Joint Declaration: JD13 The National Archives of the UK (TNA) ADOPT_PROPOSAL

Committee: British-Molyneaux Bilaterals

Event Id Target Id Proposal Name Target Name Source Dependant Amendments Ultimate Decision Type
1071983 1071982 Paragraph 5 of the Communiqué Molyneaux's Comments on the Alternative British Draft of the Joint Declaration The National Archives of the UK (TNA) 1 ADOPT_PROPOSAL
1071991 1071982 Amend 'a majority' to Read 'a greater number' Molyneaux's Comments on the Alternative British Draft of the Joint Declaration The National Archives of the UK (TNA) 1 ADOPT_PROPOSAL
1071994 1071982 2(b)(i) Hackneyed Molyneaux's Comments on the Alternative British Draft of the Joint Declaration The National Archives of the UK (TNA) 1 ADOPT_PROPOSAL
1071996 1071994 Rephrase 2(b)(i) to Open on a Positive Note 2(b)(i) Hackneyed The National Archives of the UK (TNA) 1 ADOPT_PROPOSAL
1072002 1071982 Add 'in accordance with normal democratic principles' Molyneaux's Comments on the Alternative British Draft of the Joint Declaration The National Archives of the UK (TNA) 1 ADOPT_PROPOSAL
1072005 1071982 No All-Ireland Referendum Molyneaux's Comments on the Alternative British Draft of the Joint Declaration The National Archives of the UK (TNA) 1 ADOPT_PROPOSAL
1072010 1071982 2(d) Acceptable Molyneaux's Comments on the Alternative British Draft of the Joint Declaration The National Archives of the UK (TNA) 1 ADOPT_PROPOSAL
1072013 1071982 2(c) Remove 'encourage' Molyneaux's Comments on the Alternative British Draft of the Joint Declaration The National Archives of the UK (TNA) 1 ADOPT_PROPOSAL
1072015 1072013 Addition to 2(c) 2(c) Remove 'encourage' The National Archives of the UK (TNA) 1 ADOPT_PROPOSAL
1072019 1071982 Add 'new' Molyneaux's Comments on the Alternative British Draft of the Joint Declaration The National Archives of the UK (TNA) 1 ADOPT_PROPOSAL
1072022 1071982 Non-Essential Concessions Molyneaux's Comments on the Alternative British Draft of the Joint Declaration The National Archives of the UK (TNA) 1 ADOPT_PROPOSAL
1072025 1071982 Penultimate Sentence of 3(b) and Opening Sentence of 4 Harmless Molyneaux's Comments on the Alternative British Draft of the Joint Declaration The National Archives of the UK (TNA) 1 ADOPT_PROPOSAL
1072029 1071982 Drop Reference to Irish Convention Molyneaux's Comments on the Alternative British Draft of the Joint Declaration The National Archives of the UK (TNA) 1 ADOPT_PROPOSAL
1072690 1072680 Amendment A: Bring 2(4) Closer to Three-Stranded Talks Joint Declaration: JD14 as Amended to Be Shown to Molyneaux The National Archives of the UK (TNA) ADOPT_PROPOSAL
1072772 1072680 Amendment B: Qualify Brooke Formula Joint Declaration: JD14 as Amended to Be Shown to Molyneaux The National Archives of the UK (TNA) ADOPT_PROPOSAL
1072774 1072680 Amendment C: Avoid HMG Joining the Persuaders Joint Declaration: JD14 as Amended to Be Shown to Molyneaux The National Archives of the UK (TNA) ADOPT_PROPOSAL
1072775 1072774 Amendment C: Insert "the process of reaching" Amendment C: Avoid HMG Joining the Persuaders The National Archives of the UK (TNA) ADOPT_PROPOSAL
1072778 1072680 Amendment D: Delete 'independent' Joint Declaration: JD14 as Amended to Be Shown to Molyneaux The National Archives of the UK (TNA) ADOPT_PROPOSAL
1072780 1072680 Amendment E: Remove 'the people of the island of Ireland alone' Joint Declaration: JD14 as Amended to Be Shown to Molyneaux The National Archives of the UK (TNA) ADOPT_PROPOSAL
1072781 1072780 Amendment E: Reorder the Sentences Amendment E: Remove 'the people of the island of Ireland alone' The National Archives of the UK (TNA) ADOPT_PROPOSAL
1072784 1072680 Amendment F: Insert 'new' Joint Declaration: JD14 as Amended to Be Shown to Molyneaux The National Archives of the UK (TNA) ADOPT_PROPOSAL
1072786 1072680 Amendment G: 6(2) and 6(4) Non-Essential Negotiating Fat Joint Declaration: JD14 as Amended to Be Shown to Molyneaux The National Archives of the UK (TNA) ADOPT_PROPOSAL
1072788 1072680 Amendment H: Amendment of Articles 2 and 3 Non-Essential Joint Declaration: JD14 as Amended to Be Shown to Molyneaux The National Archives of the UK (TNA) DROP_PROPOSAL
1072790 1072680 Amendment I: Include Further Reference to Talks Process Joint Declaration: JD14 as Amended to Be Shown to Molyneaux The National Archives of the UK (TNA) ADOPT_PROPOSAL
1287120 1287118 Molyneaux's Amendment to the British Government Amendment to 4(1) Joint Declaration: JD15 The National Archives of the UK (TNA) REPORT_PROPOSAL
1287124 1287118 Molyneaux's Deletion of 'Assist' from 4 Joint Declaration: JD15 The National Archives of the UK (TNA) REPORT_PROPOSAL
1411657 1411633 Additional Language Joint Declaration: JD15C The National Archives of the UK (TNA) DROP_PROPOSAL

Committee: British-Reid Bilaterals

Event Id Target Id Proposal Name Target Name Source Dependant Amendments Ultimate Decision Type

Committee: Sinn Féin

Event Id Target Id Proposal Name Target Name Source Dependant Amendments Ultimate Decision Type

Committee: SDLP

Event Id Target Id Proposal Name Target Name Source Dependant Amendments Ultimate Decision Type

Committee: Reid-Ó Fiaich-Murray

Event Id Target Id Proposal Name Target Name Source Dependant Amendments Ultimate Decision Type
1069234 1069233 Reid Amendments: Discussion Paper Outlining Principles for a Solution and Proposals for a Peace Forum Discussion Paper Outlining Principles for a Solution and Proposals for a Peace Forum Cardinal Tomás Ó Fiaich Library & Archive ADOPT_PROPOSAL
1069270 1055604 Proposals for a Democratic Over-all Political and Diplomatic Strategy for Justice and Peace Proposal for a Democratic Over-all Political and Diplomatic Strategy Cardinal Tomás Ó Fiaich Library & Archive ADOPT_PROPOSAL
1069273 1055604 Proposal for a Democratic Over-all Political and Diplomatic Strategy Proposal for a Democratic Over-all Political and Diplomatic Strategy Cardinal Tomás Ó Fiaich Library & Archive ADOPT_PROPOSAL
1069276 1055604 Proposal for a Democratic Over-all Political and Diplomatic Strategy Proposal for a Democratic Over-all Political and Diplomatic Strategy Cardinal Tomás Ó Fiaich Library & Archive ADOPT_PROPOSAL
1069279 1055604 Proposal for a Democratic Over-all Political and Diplomatic Strategy for Justice, Peace and Reconciliation Proposal for a Democratic Over-all Political and Diplomatic Strategy Cardinal Tomás Ó Fiaich Library & Archive ADOPT_PROPOSAL

Committee: Irish-Reid Bilaterals

Event Id Target Id Proposal Name Target Name Source Dependant Amendments Ultimate Decision Type

Committee: Reid-Hume Bilaterals

Event Id Target Id Proposal Name Target Name Source Dependant Amendments Ultimate Decision Type

Committee: Reid-Adams Bilaterals

Event Id Target Id Proposal Name Target Name Source Dependant Amendments Ultimate Decision Type

Committee: Anglo-Irish Intergovernmental Conference: Tête-à-Tête Meetings

Event Id Target Id Proposal Name Target Name Source Dependant Amendments Ultimate Decision Type

Committee: British-Maze Chaplains

Event Id Target Id Proposal Name Target Name Source Dependant Amendments Ultimate Decision Type

Committee: British-Eames Bilaterals

Event Id Target Id Proposal Name Target Name Source Dependant Amendments Ultimate Decision Type
1071560 1071559 JD13 Not Acceptable Points for Archbishop Eames to Relay to the Taoiseach The National Archives of the UK (TNA) ADOPT_PROPOSAL
1071561 1071559 Inclusion of Constitutional Guarantee Points for Archbishop Eames to Relay to the Taoiseach The National Archives of the UK (TNA) ADOPT_PROPOSAL
1071562 1071559 Commitment to Amend Articles 2 & 3 Points for Archbishop Eames to Relay to the Taoiseach The National Archives of the UK (TNA) ADOPT_PROPOSAL
1071606 1071603 Restatement of Consent Principle Restatement of Consent Principle The National Archives of the UK (TNA) No decision
1071608 1071607 Wording Change Second Restatement of the Consent Principle The National Archives of the UK (TNA) No decision
1083589 1083567 Eames' Amendment to Clarify 'Talks' Joint Declaration: Alternative British Draft The National Archives of the UK (TNA) No decision

Committee: Maze Chaplains

Event Id Target Id Proposal Name Target Name Source Dependant Amendments Ultimate Decision Type

Committee: Archbishop Eames

Event Id Target Id Proposal Name Target Name Source Dependant Amendments Ultimate Decision Type
1071576 1071573 Restatement of Consent Principle Joint Declaration: JD13 The National Archives of the UK (TNA) REPORT_PROPOSAL
1071577 1071573 Second Restatement of the Consent Principle Joint Declaration: JD13 The National Archives of the UK (TNA) REPORT_PROPOSAL
1071578 1071573 Explicit Reference to Articles 2 and 3 Joint Declaration: JD13 The National Archives of the UK (TNA) REPORT_PROPOSAL

Committee: Eames-Molyneaux Bilaterals

Event Id Target Id Proposal Name Target Name Source Dependant Amendments Ultimate Decision Type
1071674 1071672 Rewording of the Second Restatement of the Constitutional Guarantee in Paragraph 7 Joint Declaration: JD14 The National Archives of the UK (TNA) REPORT_PROPOSAL

Committee: Magee-Loyalist Bilaterals

Event Id Target Id Proposal Name Target Name Source Dependant Amendments Ultimate Decision Type