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Northern Ireland Downing Street Joint Declaration (1993)

Writing Peace

This project models the series of formal and informal negotiations which led to the publication, in December 1993, of a declaration issued jointly by the British and Irish Governments. The Joint Declaration was a critical policy document which paved the way for a ceasefire and the entry of Sinn Féin into formal talks. It also laid out a shared set of principles – including, crucially, self-determination for the people of Ireland subject to the consent of the people of Northern Ireland – which would come to underpin the Belfast Good Friday Agreement and provide a framework for its ratification.

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Type Document Name Status Introduced Decision
Speaking Notes on JD6 No decision Sunday, 06 June 1993 -
Some Briefing Points on the Draft Declaration No decision Tuesday, 29 June 1993 -
British Government: Ten Principles No decision Wednesday, 14 July 1993 -
British Commentary on JD6 No decision Wednesday, 14 July 1993 -
Principles for Inclusion in a Joint Declaration No decision Wednesday, 14 July 1993 -
Notes on Recent Meeting No decision Friday, 23 July 1993 -
Reflections on Possible Constitutional Change No decision Wednesday, 15 September 1993 -
Principles for Inclusion in a Joint Declaration No decision Wednesday, 01 September 1993 -
Constitutional Issues No decision Wednesday, 01 September 1993 -
Resolution to Mandate the Liaison Group to Create a Joint Framework Document No decision Friday, 10 September 1993 -
Resolution to Use the Language from the Joint Framework Document to Solve Paragraph 4 No decision Friday, 10 September 1993 -
Hume/Adams Statement (2) No decision Wednesday, 22 September 1993 -
Hume-Adams Statement (25 September 1993) No decision Saturday, 25 September 1993 -
Framework Agreement [First British Draft as Discussed in Liaison Group on 1 October 1993] No decision Friday, 01 October 1993 -
Reply from John Major to Albert Reynolds (24 September 1993) No decision Friday, 01 October 1993 -
Questions Surrounding the Joint Declaration Initiative as Discussed by Thomas and Ó hUiginn on 1 October 1993 No decision Friday, 01 October 1993 -
Briefing Points on the Joint Declaration (JD13) No decision Tuesday, 09 November 1993 -
A New Approach to the Northern Ireland Problem? No decision Tuesday, 20 April 1993 -
Four Building Blocks for a Joint Declaration (Paragraph 4) No decision Friday, 24 September 1993 -
Framework Agreement No decision Friday, 24 September 1993 -
Joint Declaration: Early Draft No decision Monday, 29 March 1993 -
Note on Possible Institutional Arrangements between North and South No decision Wednesday, 10 March 1993 -
Note on the Joint Declaration Initiative (30 September 1993) No decision Thursday, 30 September 1993 -
Letter by Cardinal Tomás Ó Fiaich for the Proposal Document "Pastoral Response to the Present Conflict" by Father Alec Reid and Father Raymon Murray No decision Saturday, 25 November 1989 -
Letter from Father Alec Reid and Father Raymond Murray to John Hume Regarding Their Proposal Document "Pastoral Response to the Present Conflict" on the 23 October 1989 No decision Saturday, 25 November 1989 -
Proposal for a Democratic Over-all Political and Diplomatic Strategy No decision Saturday, 25 November 1989 -
Letter from John Major to Albert Reynolds Outlining His Decision Not to Proceed with JD12 No decision Wednesday, 20 October 1993 -
Joint Declaration: JD14 No decision Tuesday, 16 November 1993 -
Joint Declaration: Alternative British Draft No decision Friday, 26 November 1993 -
Joint Declaration: JD14 No decision Friday, 03 December 1993 -
Joint Statement by the Taoiseach and the Prime Minister (29 October 1993) No decision Friday, 29 October 1993 -
Joint Declaration: JD15 OTHER Tuesday, 07 December 1993 Friday, 10 December 1993
Alternative Announcement of Irish Convention No decision Tuesday, 07 December 1993 -
Loyalist List of Rights and Principles No decision Wednesday, 08 December 1993 -
Joint Declaration: JD15 No decision Friday, 10 December 1993 -
Timing of a Meeting to Issue the Joint Declaration No decision Friday, 10 December 1993 -
Secure Civil and Ecclesiastic Support for the Joint Declaration No decision Friday, 10 December 1993 -
Press Line No decision Friday, 10 December 1993 -
Type Document Name Status Introduced Decision
Joint Declaration: JD6 REPORT_PROPOSAL Sunday, 06 June 1993 Sunday, 06 June 1993
Aide-Mémoire from the Irish Government Accompanying JD6 REPORT_PROPOSAL Sunday, 06 June 1993 Sunday, 06 June 1993
Resolution to Negotiate on JD6 as an Irish Government Proposal REPORT_PROPOSAL Friday, 23 July 1993 Friday, 23 July 1993
Letter from Albert Reynolds to John Major (7 September 1993) REPORT_PROPOSAL Tuesday, 07 September 1993 Tuesday, 07 September 1993
Joint Declaration: JD8 REPORT_PROPOSAL Friday, 24 September 1993 Friday, 01 October 1993
Possible Reference in Paragraph 3 to Abiding by All Principles of the 1985 Agreement REPORT_PROPOSAL Monday, 04 October 1993 Monday, 04 October 1993
Joint Declaration REPORT_PROPOSAL Thursday, 07 October 1993 Thursday, 07 October 1993
Speech by Dick Spring in the Dáil Debate on Northern Ireland (27 October 1993) REPORT_PROPOSAL Wednesday, 27 October 1993 Wednesday, 27 October 1993
Joint Declaration: JD9 REPORT_PROPOSAL Friday, 01 October 1993 Wednesday, 06 October 1993
Joint Declaration: Eames' Additions REPORT_PROPOSAL Tuesday, 02 November 1993 Tuesday, 09 November 1993
Updated Paragraph 4 (28 September 1993) REPORT_PROPOSAL Tuesday, 28 September 1993 Tuesday, 28 September 1993
Irish Government Line after Meeting John Hume REPORT_PROPOSAL Tuesday, 05 October 1993 Wednesday, 06 October 1993
Discussion Paper Outlining Principles for a Solution and Proposals for a Peace Forum REPORT_PROPOSAL Sunday, 01 January 1989 Sunday, 01 January 1989
Irish Draft Communiqué for Meeting between John Major and Charles Haughey REPORT_PROPOSAL Tuesday, 03 December 1991 Tuesday, 03 December 1991
Joint Declaration: JD12 REPORT_PROPOSAL Wednesday, 20 October 1993 Wednesday, 20 October 1993
Letter from Albert Reynolds to John Major (11 November 1993) REPORT_PROPOSAL Thursday, 11 November 1993 Thursday, 11 November 1993
Letter from Albert Reynolds to Jim Molyneaux REPORT_PROPOSAL Tuesday, 16 November 1993 Tuesday, 16 November 1993
Letter from Albert Reynolds to John Major (6 December 1993) REPORT_PROPOSAL Monday, 06 December 1993 Monday, 06 December 1993
Timing of a Meeting to Issue the Joint Declaration REPORT_PROPOSAL Tuesday, 07 December 1993 Tuesday, 07 December 1993
Joint Declaration: JD2 REPORT_PROPOSAL Monday, 16 December 1991 Monday, 16 December 1991