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A selection of material relating to the Northern Irish Peace Process scanned at The National Archives of the UK. The files are mainly taken from the CJ 4 series (Northern Ireland Office records) and the PREM series (Office of the Prime Minister...
An amendment to the Constitution of the United States that granted citizenship and equal rights, both civil and legal, to Black Americans, including those who had been emancipated by the thirteenth amendment.
A series of talks launched by Peter Brooke, Secretary of State for Northern in Ireland, which began in April 1991, and were carried on intermittently by Brooke and his successor, Patrick Mayhew, until November 1992.
Monica McWilliams is Emeritus Professor in the Transitional Justice Institute at Ulster University, and has campaigned tirelessly for peace and human rights in both Northern Ireland and the wider world for more than four decades. As co-founder of...
A selection of mini-models designed to provide an insight into the ongoing work of 'Writing Peace' and to demonstrate Quill's approach to visualising the archive material and tracking the process of negotiation. This collection is still under...
Idaho's Constitutional Convention went from July 4, 1889 - August 6, 1889. Using the work that began in the standing committees, drafted reports or articles became the ratified Idaho Constitution in November 1889.
{"230": {"top_level_match": "false", "events": [{"id": 952012, "title": "CREATE", "description": "Joint Declaration: Published Version", "url": "/m2/session/16456#952012", "type": "CREATE", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-subtype-script-add.svg", "session_id": 16456}, {"id": 954019, "title": "CREATE", "description": "Joint Declaration: JD6 \u2013 6 June", "url": "/m2/session/16452#954019", "type": "CREATE", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-subtype-script-add.svg", "session_id": 16452}, {"id": 976730, "title": "CREATE", "description": "Joint Declaration: JD12 (Quentin Thomas'", "url": "/m2/session/17193#976730", "type": "CREATE", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-subtype-script-add.svg", "session_id": 17193}, {"id": 1072306, "title": "CREATE", "description": "Discussion Paper Outlining Principles for a Solution and Proposals for a Peace", "url": "/m2/session/21838#1072306", "type": "CREATE", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-subtype-script-add.svg", "session_id": 21838}], "committees": [], "delegations": [], "people": [], "sessions": [{"id": 17193, "title": "1993-10-08 12:00:00 in the Downing Street Joint Declaration (1993)", "url": "/m2/session/17193"}], "session_ids_for_event_results": [16456, 16452, 17193, 21838], "session_data_for_event_results": {"16456": {"committee_name": "Downing Street Joint Declaration (1993)", "session_date": "15 Dec 1993, 12:00"}, "16452": {"committee_name": " Evolution of the Human Rights Language in the Good Friday Agreement", "session_date": "10 Apr 1998, 12:00"}, "17193": {"committee_name": "Downing Street Joint Declaration (1993)", "session_date": "08 Oct 1993, 12:00"}, "21838": {"committee_name": "Downing Street Joint Declaration (1993)", "session_date": "01 Feb 1989, 12:00"}}}, "145": {"top_level_match": "false", "sessions": [], "committees": [], "delegations": [], "people": [], "events": [{"id": 126543, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. TUCKER.\u2014I presume these propositions are brought forward under the idea of being amendments to the constitution; but can this be esteemed an amendment of the constitution? If I understand what is", "url": "/m2/session/4931#126543", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 4931}], "session_ids_for_event_results": [4931], "session_data_for_event_results": {"4931": {"committee_name": "House: Committee of the Whole", "session_date": "14 Aug 1789, 11:00"}}}, "184": {"top_level_match": "false", "sessions": [], "committees": [], "delegations": [], "people": [], "events": [{"id": 485871, "title": "ADOPT_PROPOSAL", "description": "The Secretary proceeded to call the roll. \n\nMr. BAKER (when his name was called) said: Is the question on granting leave to read the paper? \n\nThe PRESIDING OFFICER. Yes, sir. \n\nMr. BAKER If I", "url": "/m2/session/14049#485871", "type": "ADOPT_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-decision-adopt.svg", "session_id": 14049}, {"id": 822134, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. PUGH. Mr. President, I did not intend to utter one word in regard to this resolution, ex-cept to vote for its but I cannot permit the speech of the Senator from Mississippi [Mr. Brown] to pass", "url": "/m2/session/12010#822134", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 12010}, {"id": 822615, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "The PRESIDING OFFICER. Does the Senator from Texas yield to the Senator from Mississippi? \n\nMr. DAVIS. I was merely going to say that I hope the Senator will be permitted to proceed. I think we are", "url": "/m2/session/12011#822615", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 12011}, {"id": 823477, "title": "DEBATE_MOTION", "description": "STATE OF THE UNION. \n\n \n\nSPEECH OF HON. S. A. DOUGLAS, \nOF ILLINOIS, \nIn the Senate, January 3, 1861. \n\n \n\nThe Senate having under consideration the following resolution reported by the select", "url": "/m2/session/12398#823477", "type": "DEBATE_MOTION", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-procedure-debate.svg", "session_id": 12398}, {"id": 826548, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. WILSON. Mr. President, Bancroft, in the last volume of his History of the United States, has drawn, with graphic pen, the character of George Mason, one of the noblest of that illustrious band of", "url": "/m2/session/12519#826548", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 12519}, {"id": 829185, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "STATE OF THE UNION. \n\nSPEECH OF HON. THOS. CORWIN, of Ohio, \n\nIn the House of Representatives, \n\nJanuary 21, 1861. \n\nThe House having under consideration the report of the select committee of", "url": "/m2/session/11969#829185", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 11969}, {"id": 834171, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. POTTLE. Mr. Speaker, in a time like this, when the foundations of the Government are shaken, and the spirit of revolution already em-braces so large a portion of our country, I shall try and", "url": "/m2/session/12621#834171", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 12621}, {"id": 834466, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. WINSLOW. When I took service upon the committee of the States, to which position you had kindly assigned me, I confess I did so with but slight hope that its efforts would avail to the", "url": "/m2/session/12624#834466", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 12624}, {"id": 835058, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. CONKLING. Mr. Speaker, with this view of our predicament, its origin, its history, and its authors, I saw little, from the outset, that we could do, except to abide the issue. On the President of", "url": "/m2/session/12625#835058", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 12625}, {"id": 835069, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. HOWARD, of Ohio. Mr. Speaker, we have arrived at a period in the history of our country which was never even dreamed of by the gallant and far-seeing men who signed the Declaration of", "url": "/m2/session/12625#835069", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 12625}, {"id": 835357, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "STATE OF THE UNION. \n\nSPEECH OF HON. C. F. ADAMS, OF MASSACHUSETTS, \n\nIn the House of Representatives, January 31, 1861. \n\nThe House having under consideration the report from the select committee of", "url": "/m2/session/12626#835357", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 12626}, {"id": 835422, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. KILLINGER obtained the floor. \n\nThe SPEAKER stated that, the hour of four o\u2019clock having arrived, under the order of the House there would be a recess taken until seven o\u2019clock, p. m. \n\nEVENING", "url": "/m2/session/12627#835422", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 12627}, {"id": 835504, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "STATE OF THE UNION. \n\nSPEECH OF HON. C. A. TRIMBLE, Of Ohio, \nIn the House of Representatives, \n \nFebruary 5, 1861. \nThe House having under consideration the report from the select committee of", "url": "/m2/session/12628#835504", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 12628}, {"id": 836226, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "STATE OF THE UNION. \n\nSPEECH OF HON. JOHN T. HARRIS, OF VIRGINIA, \n\nIn the House of Representatives, February 6, 1861. \n\nThe House having under consideration the report from the select committee of", "url": "/m2/session/12629#836226", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 12629}, {"id": 836300, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "STATE OF THE UNION. \n\nSPEECH OF HON. WILLIAM ALLEN, OF OHIO, \n\nIn the House of Representatives, February 7, 1861. \n\nThe House having under consideration the report from the select committee of", "url": "/m2/session/12630#836300", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 12630}, {"id": 837047, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. BEALE. Mr. Speaker, the great question which has for the last twelve years agitated the country is that of human freedom and slavery. Increasing year by year, and election after election, in", "url": "/m2/session/12634#837047", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 12634}, {"id": 837108, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "STATE OF THE UNION. \n\nSPEECH OF HON. ALFRED ELY, OF NEW YORK, \n\nIn the House of Representatives, February 18, 1861. \n\nThe House having under consideration the report from the select committee of", "url": "/m2/session/12635#837108", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 12635}, {"id": 837304, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. BARRET. I decline yielding. the floor. I say most prominent among this Abolition class, are preachers of the Gospel, men making pretense of much true piety and Christian charity. \n\n\u201cWhen devils", "url": "/m2/session/12638#837304", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 12638}, {"id": 837317, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "STATE OF THE UNION. \n\nSPEECH OF HON. S. S. BLAIR, \n\nOF PENNSYLVANIA, \n\nIn the House of Representatives, February 23, 1861. \n\nThe House having under consideration the report from the select committee", "url": "/m2/session/12639#837317", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 12639}, {"id": 837875, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "STATE OF THE UNION. \n\nSPEECH OF HON. ALBERT RUST, Of Arkansas, \nIn the House of Representatives, \nJanuary 24, 1861. \n\nThe House having under consideration the report from the select committee of", "url": "/m2/session/12620#837875", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 12620}, {"id": 839451, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "SPEECH OF HON. S. CLEMENS, Of Virginia, \nIn the House of Representatives, \nJanuary 22, 1861. \n \nThe House having under consideration the report from the select committee of thirty-three\u2014 \n \nMr.", "url": "/m2/session/12618#839451", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 12618}, {"id": 850079, "title": "LEAVE", "description": "Mr. TAYLOR. Mr. Speaker, and gentlemen of the House of Representatives, the act which it is my purpose to perform, of withdrawing from this assemblage of the Representatives of the American people,", "url": "/m2/session/12628#850079", "type": "LEAVE", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-people-leave.svg", "session_id": 12628}, {"id": 861391, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. RICE. Mr. President, I have heard a great deal about the obstruction of the navigation of the Mississippi river. I wish merely to say that I believe the people of the Northwest know their rights", "url": "/m2/session/13851#861391", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 13851}, {"id": 861430, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. CRITTENDEN. Mr. President, it is an admitted fact that our Union, to some extent, has already been dismembered; and that further dismemberment is impending and threatened. It is a fact that the", "url": "/m2/session/13855#861430", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 13855}, {"id": 899320, "title": "DEBATE_MOTION", "description": "Mr. SEWARD. Mr. President, Congress adjourned last summer amid auspices of national abundance, contentment, tranquillity, and happiness. It was reassembled this winter in the presence of derangement", "url": "/m2/session/14263#899320", "type": "DEBATE_MOTION", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-procedure-debate.svg", "session_id": 14263}, {"id": 900052, "title": "DEBATE_MOTION", "description": "Mr. CLINGMAN. I ask the Senator, when he concludes, to move to postpone it in the manner I have indicated. \n\nMr. HEMPHILL. Yes, sir. \n\nThe PRESIDING OFFICER. The question now is on ordering an extra", "url": "/m2/session/12019#900052", "type": "DEBATE_MOTION", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-procedure-debate.svg", "session_id": 12019}], "session_ids_for_event_results": [14049, 12010, 12011, 12398, 12519, 11969, 12621, 12624, 12625, 12626, 12627, 12628, 12629, 12630, 12634, 12635, 12638, 12639, 12620, 12618, 13851, 13855, 14263, 12019], "session_data_for_event_results": {"14049": {"committee_name": "The Senate", "session_date": "09 Jan 1861, 00:00"}, "12010": {"committee_name": "The Senate", "session_date": "10 Dec 1860, 12:00"}, "12011": {"committee_name": "The Senate", "session_date": "12 Dec 1860, 12:00"}, "12398": {"committee_name": "The Senate", "session_date": "03 Jan 1861, 12:00"}, "12519": {"committee_name": "Senate Committee of the Whole", "session_date": "21 Feb 1861, 12:00"}, "11969": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "21 Jan 1861, 12:00"}, "12621": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "25 Jan 1861, 12:00"}, "12624": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "29 Jan 1861, 12:00"}, "12625": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "30 Jan 1861, 12:00"}, "12626": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "31 Jan 1861, 12:00"}, "12627": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "01 Feb 1861, 12:00"}, "12628": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "05 Feb 1861, 12:00"}, "12629": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "06 Feb 1861, 12:00"}, "12630": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "07 Feb 1861, 12:00"}, "12634": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "16 Feb 1861, 12:00"}, "12635": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "18 Feb 1861, 12:00"}, "12638": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "21 Feb 1861, 12:00"}, "12639": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "23 Feb 1861, 12:00"}, "12620": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "24 Jan 1861, 12:00"}, "12618": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "22 Jan 1861, 12:00"}, "13851": {"committee_name": "Senate Committee of the Whole", "session_date": "02 Mar 1861, 00:00"}, "13855": {"committee_name": "Senate Committee of the Whole", "session_date": "03 Mar 1861, 07:00"}, "14263": {"committee_name": "The Senate", "session_date": "12 Jan 1861, 00:00"}, "12019": {"committee_name": "The Senate", "session_date": "28 Jan 1861, 00:00"}}}, "162": {"top_level_match": "false", "sessions": [], "committees": [], "delegations": [], "people": [], "events": [{"id": 698765, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. ROBERTS. Mr. Chairman, I shall not detain the committee so long, perhaps as they anticipated had not the rules been changed this morning. I shall not detain the committee so long as I expected", "url": "/m2/session/7650#698765", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 7650}, {"id": 698770, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. CHIDESTER. Mr. Chairman and gentlemen of the committee, I do not deem it necessary to enter into a full discussion of this question now, for the reason that I believe that the question has been", "url": "/m2/session/7651#698770", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 7651}, {"id": 700273, "title": "DEBATE_MOTION", "description": "Mr. ROBERTS. I ask the gentleman if he does not recollect a petition that I myself introduced, signed by more than two thousand people from this city, asking that prohibition be neither put in the", "url": "/m2/session/7668#700273", "type": "DEBATE_MOTION", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-procedure-debate.svg", "session_id": 7668}], "session_ids_for_event_results": [7650, 7651, 7668], "session_data_for_event_results": {"7650": {"committee_name": "Committee of the Whole", "session_date": "28 Mar 1895, 10:40"}, "7651": {"committee_name": "Committee of the Whole", "session_date": "28 Mar 1895, 14:00"}, "7668": {"committee_name": "Committee of the Whole", "session_date": "24 Apr 1895, 09:35"}}}, "143": {"top_level_match": "false", "sessions": [], "committees": [], "delegations": [], "people": [], "events": [{"id": 739096, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. RAYMOND. Mr. Dana says on this subject:\n\n\"In closing, I offer the following synopsis of what I understand the court did and did not decide.\"\n\n\"What the court did not decide:\"\n\"1. The court did", "url": "/m2/session/5525#739096", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 5525}, {"id": 739137, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. SUMNER. Mr. President, in opening this great question, I begin by expressing a heartfelt aspiration that the day may soon come, when the States lately in rebellion may be received again into the", "url": "/m2/session/5679#739137", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 5679}, {"id": 739152, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. LANE, of Indiana. Mr. President, I need not assure you that I approach the investigation of the grave subjects now before the Senate with constraint and embarrassment. No graver subjects have", "url": "/m2/session/5681#739152", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 5681}, {"id": 739255, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. SUMNER. Mr. President, I hesitate to intrude again into this debate, which now, after the interjection of another debate on another question, is again renewed. I do it with unfeigned reluctance,", "url": "/m2/session/5690#739255", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 5690}, {"id": 839522, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. KELLEY obtained the floor. \n\nMr. STEVENS. If my colleague will yield to me, I will move an adjournment. \n\nMr. KELLEY. I would be obliged if the gentleman would permit me to go on this afternoon.", "url": "/m2/session/5467#839522", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 5467}, {"id": 839712, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. DAVIS. Mr. Speaker, I rise to-day to make no remarks derogatory to the character or the rights of the black man of America. I desire to consider the subject before us in reference not only to the", "url": "/m2/session/13004#839712", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 13004}, {"id": 839781, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "SUFFRAGE IN THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. \n\nMr. KASSON. Mr. Speaker, when the gentleman from Pennsylvania, [Mr. Kelley,] who introduced the bill regulating suffrage in the District of Columbia, spoke the", "url": "/m2/session/5469#839781", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 5469}, {"id": 839983, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. THAYER. Mr. Speaker, the measure before the House is of so much importance that, notwithstanding the length of the discussion to which it has given rise, I am unwilling that it should close", "url": "/m2/session/5478#839983", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 5478}, {"id": 847585, "title": "DEBATE_MOTION", "description": "Mr. ROGERS. Mr. Speaker, I, as one of the committee from which this bill was reported, deem it my duty, as I have had probably more opportunity to investigate the character of it than some other", "url": "/m2/session/5583#847585", "type": "DEBATE_MOTION", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-procedure-debate.svg", "session_id": 5583}, {"id": 869277, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. WILLEY. Mr. President, the discussions which the bill now under consideration has excited, both in Congress and in the country, have embraced a wider range of thought and argument than was", "url": "/m2/session/13105#869277", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 13105}, {"id": 889095, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. WRIGHT. Mr. Speaker, I had intended to have remained a silent spectator of the stirring scenes which we are witnessing in this Hall upon the important subject under consideration. But silence has", "url": "/m2/session/5513#889095", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 5513}, {"id": 896909, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. ECKLEY. Mr. Speaker, any question affecting the fundamental law of the land demands careful and mature deliberation; and it is only when the necessity is great that such changes can be justified.", "url": "/m2/session/5610#896909", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 5610}, {"id": 896913, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. FARNSWORTH. Mr. Speaker, in my half hour I shall confine myself to the amendments of the Constitution now under consideration. When the bill reported by the committee of fifteen comes up for", "url": "/m2/session/5610#896913", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 5610}, {"id": 898882, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "RECONSTRUCTION.\n\nMr. WELKER. Mr. Chairman, nearly ninety years, with their great events, their grand progressions in science, the arts, and in society and Governments, have passed away since our", "url": "/m2/session/14241#898882", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 14241}, {"id": 898929, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. WILLIAMS. Mr. Speaker, nearly two years ago, and while the war was flagrant, I felt it my duty as a member of this body to look into the question of the relations that had been produced by it,", "url": "/m2/session/14243#898929", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 14243}, {"id": 899067, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "RECONSTRUCTION.\nMr. NEWELL. Mr. Speaker, I propose to submit some remarks upon the annual message of the President of the United States.\n \nI may premise that my acquaintance with the President", "url": "/m2/session/14247#899067", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 14247}, {"id": 899166, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. BEAMAN. Mr. Speaker, in the adoption of ordinances of secession, and in the formation of a pretended confederacy with pretensions to sovereignty\u2014steps preliminary to the war\u2014the seceding States", "url": "/m2/session/14254#899166", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 14254}, {"id": 899172, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. BROMWELL. Mr. Speaker, as there seems to be an opportunity at this time, I beg leave to submit a few remarks upon some of the matters which at present are pressing upon the attention of this", "url": "/m2/session/14254#899172", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 14254}, {"id": 899196, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "SPEECH OF HON. B.F. LOAN\n\nOf Missouri\n\nIn the House of Representatives\n\nMarch 3, 1866,\n\nMr. LOAN said:\n\nMr. Speaker: The absorbing question that demands the attention of national authority at this", "url": "/m2/session/14257#899196", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 14257}, {"id": 899829, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. PHELPS. Mr. Speaker, on the 1st of May, 1865, the Union Army numbered one million five hundred and sixteen men. After a struggle, unprecedented in ancient or in modern history, the purpose for", "url": "/m2/session/14293#899829", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 14293}, {"id": 899852, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. HART. I yield to the gentleman from Iowa, [Mr. Wilson.]\n\nMr. WILSON, of Iowa. Mr. Speaker, it is apparent that this House is not prepared to seize upon the full measure of the opportunity now", "url": "/m2/session/8669#899852", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8669}, {"id": 899862, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. LAWRENCE, of Pennsylvania, obtained the floor.\n\nMr. RANDALL, of Pennsylvania. Will my colleague yield to me for a few moments?\n\nMr. LAWRENCE, of Pennsylvania. For how long?\n\nMr. RANDALL, of", "url": "/m2/session/14293#899862", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 14293}, {"id": 899900, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. WINDOM. Mr. Speaker, after the thorough discussion this question has received I can hardly expect to add anything new. But at a time like this silence is akin to cowardice; indifference is", "url": "/m2/session/5617#899900", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 5617}, {"id": 899995, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. VAN HORN, of New York. Mr. Speaker, theories are all very well. We may have plans in relation to reconstruction as with reference to other matters of public interest, but if not put into", "url": "/m2/session/8743#899995", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8743}, {"id": 900007, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. STEVENS. In the present state of my health a few words must suffice for what I have to say at this time. Besides my physical inability, I feel a moral depression, possibly without sufficient", "url": "/m2/session/8743#900007", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8743}, {"id": 900074, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "RECONSTRUCTION.\n\nMr. VAN AERNAM. Mr. Speaker, I need not assure this House that I approach the investigation of the subject under consideration with hesitation and embarrassment. With hesitation,", "url": "/m2/session/14301#900074", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 14301}, {"id": 900084, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "RECONSTRUCTION.\n\nMr. JULIAN. Mr. Speaker, the conflict going on to-day between Conservatism and Radicalism is not a new one. It only presents new phases, and more decided characteristics in its", "url": "/m2/session/14308#900084", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 14308}, {"id": 900181, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "The PRESIDING OFFICER. The question is on the amendment of the Senator from Massachusetts to the amendment of the Senator from Maryland.\n\nMr. DOOLITTLE. We have on several occasions, in conversation", "url": "/m2/session/8755#900181", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8755}, {"id": 900214, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. SAULSBURY. Mr. President, the formation of one Confederacy or Federal Union did not prevent the manifestation of a disposition on the part of the northern people which was predicted by Mr. Jay in", "url": "/m2/session/8762#900214", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8762}, {"id": 900392, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. DAWSON again resumed the floor, and addressed the House as follows:\n\nMr. Speaker, I have watched the proceedings of this body with deep interest. No one has been a more attentive listener or more", "url": "/m2/session/8673#900392", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8673}, {"id": 900677, "title": "CREATE", "description": "President Johnson's H. R. 1143 Veto", "url": "/m2/session/14317#900677", "type": "CREATE", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-subtype-script-add.svg", "session_id": 14317}, {"id": 900694, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. DIXON. Mr. President, it is not my purpose at this time to go into this discussion at any length. I desire merely to state in the briefest possible terms some of the reasons that compel me to", "url": "/m2/session/8854#900694", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8854}, {"id": 900910, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. DONNELLY. Mr. Speaker, I desire to express myself in favor of the main purposes of the bill now under consideration.\n\nThrough the clouds of a great war and the confusion of a vast mass of", "url": "/m2/session/8675#900910", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8675}, {"id": 900911, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. ELDRIDGE. Mr. Speaker, it is of little avail, idle perhaps, to attempt any resistance of a caucus measure of the majority of this House. But it is hard, sad to stand Silently by and see the", "url": "/m2/session/8675#900911", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8675}, {"id": 901111, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. LATHAM. Mr. Chairman, in the discussion of the important issues now under consideration, it may be well for us to recur briefly to first principles; and I feel gratified that the honorable and", "url": "/m2/session/14337#901111", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 14337}, {"id": 901160, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "RECONSTRUCTION\n\nMr. SHELLABARGER. Mr. Chairman, I shall inquire whether the Constitution deals with States. I shall discuss the question whether an organized rebellion against a Government is an", "url": "/m2/session/14337#901160", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 14337}, {"id": 904134, "title": "OTHER", "description": "GOVERNMENT OF REBEL STATES.\n\nThe SPEAKER also laid before the House the following veto message of the President of the United States:\n\nTo the House of Representatives:\n\nI have examined the bill \u201cto", "url": "/m2/session/8849#904134", "type": "OTHER", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-decision-forward.svg", "session_id": 8849}, {"id": 904153, "title": "OTHER", "description": "The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The message of the President of the United States will be read.\n\nThe Secretary read the message, as follows: To the House of Representatives:\n\nI have examined the bill \u201cto", "url": "/m2/session/8854#904153", "type": "OTHER", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-decision-forward.svg", "session_id": 8854}], "session_ids_for_event_results": [5525, 5679, 5681, 5690, 5467, 13004, 5469, 5478, 5583, 13105, 5513, 5610, 14241, 14243, 14247, 14254, 14257, 14293, 8669, 5617, 8743, 14301, 14308, 8755, 8762, 8673, 14317, 8854, 8675, 14337, 8849], "session_data_for_event_results": {"5525": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "29 Jan 1866, 12:00"}, "5679": {"committee_name": "Senate Committee of the Whole ", "session_date": "06 Feb 1866, 00:00"}, "5681": {"committee_name": "Senate Committee of the Whole ", "session_date": "08 Feb 1866, 00:00"}, "5690": {"committee_name": "Senate Committee of the Whole ", "session_date": "07 Mar 1866, 00:00"}, "5467": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "10 Jan 1866, 12:00"}, "13004": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "12 Jan 1866, 12:00"}, "5469": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "15 Jan 1866, 12:00"}, "5478": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "17 Jan 1866, 12:00"}, "5583": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "01 Mar 1866, 12:00"}, "13105": {"committee_name": "Senate Committee of the Whole ", "session_date": "27 Jun 1866, 12:00"}, "5513": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "26 Jan 1866, 12:00"}, "5610": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "10 May 1866, 12:00"}, "14241": {"committee_name": "Committee of the Whole on the State of the Union of the House of Representatives", "session_date": "07 Feb 1866, 19:30"}, "14243": {"committee_name": "Committee of the Whole on the State of the Union of the House of Representatives", "session_date": "10 Feb 1866, 12:00"}, "14247": {"committee_name": "Committee of the Whole on the State of the Union of the House of Representatives", "session_date": "15 Feb 1866, 19:30"}, "14254": {"committee_name": "Committee of the Whole on the State of the Union of the House of Representatives", "session_date": "24 Feb 1866, 12:00"}, "14257": {"committee_name": "Committee of the Whole on the State of the Union of the House of Representatives", "session_date": "03 Mar 1866, 12:00"}, "14293": {"committee_name": "Committee of the Whole on the State of the Union of the House of Representatives", "session_date": "05 May 1866, 12:00"}, "8669": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "04 Jun 1866, 12:00"}, "5617": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "14 Jun 1866, 12:00"}, "8743": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "13 Feb 1867, 12:00"}, "14301": {"committee_name": "Committee of the Whole on the State of the Union of the House of Representatives", "session_date": "09 Jun 1866, 12:00"}, "14308": {"committee_name": "Committee of the Whole on the State of the Union of the House of Representatives", "session_date": "16 Jun 1866, 12:00"}, "8755": {"committee_name": "Senate Committee of the Whole ", "session_date": "15 Feb 1867, 12:00"}, "8762": {"committee_name": "Senate Committee of the Whole ", "session_date": "16 Feb 1867, 12:00"}, "8673": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "16 Jan 1867, 12:00"}, "14317": {"committee_name": "President Andrew Johnson", "session_date": "02 Mar 1867, 00:00"}, "8854": {"committee_name": "The Senate", "session_date": "02 Mar 1867, 11:00"}, "8675": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "18 Jan 1867, 12:00"}, "14337": {"committee_name": "Committee of the Whole on the State of the Union of the House of Representatives", "session_date": "08 Jan 1866, 12:00"}, "8849": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "02 Mar 1867, 11:00"}}}, "193": {"top_level_match": "false", "sessions": [], "committees": [], "delegations": [], "people": [], "events": [{"id": 797811, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "5.\tThe DUP delegation then asked a series of questions:\na.\tWould the Alliance party describe their stance on the Union as \"Unionist\"?\nb.\tWhat was the Alliance Party's view on limits to the", "url": "/m2/session/11405#797811", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 11405}, {"id": 797813, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "6. The Alliance Party said that the people of Northern Ireland had the right to look at and vote on alternatives to the present system of Government. While the DUP suggestion that this might result", "url": "/m2/session/11405#797813", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 11405}, {"id": 798431, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "11. The SDLP asked whether the UUP really regarded Northern Ireland as being \"as British as Finchley\", as suggested in paragraph 10, and what implications this had for devolution. The UUP replied", "url": "/m2/session/11572#798431", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 11572}, {"id": 798617, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "The Government Team also sought clarification of points in the UUP's opening statement. The main matters of discussion were:\n\nParagraph 4. The UUP said that if English people were to come to respect", "url": "/m2/session/11572#798617", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 11572}, {"id": 798691, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "(ii) page 3, last sentence: The UDUP confirmed that they were concerned about the present status of some of the agreed positions having been entered into with both Governments at the beginning of the", "url": "/m2/session/11572#798691", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 11572}, {"id": 799508, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "3. Responding (as might be expected to this red rag) Dr Paisley quoted from Section 1 of the 1973 Northern Ireland Constitution Act and proposed that it should be truncated to read \"Northern Ireland", "url": "/m2/session/11411#799508", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 11411}, {"id": 799516, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "6. Mr McGimpsey said that, before the teabreak, the meeting had discussed the constitutional position and had then gone on to refer to self-determination. Since then, Mr Hume had raised the question", "url": "/m2/session/11411#799516", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 11411}, {"id": 801916, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Repeating qualifications like \"as long as people wanted\" gave encouragement and hope to those who wished to destroy Northern Ireland. He had heard it from the SDLP, the old Liberal Party, the Labour", "url": "/m2/session/11411#801916", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 11411}, {"id": 801923, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "14. The Minister of State observed that the fact was that every piece of legislation since 1920 had contained some element of conditionality; the origin of the current formulation lay in the 1949", "url": "/m2/session/11411#801923", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 11411}, {"id": 801925, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "17. Mr Hume intervened to say that all this was at the heart of the problem. The SDLP wanted to get the problem defined. Some parties reinforced their own views; this was fair enough but did not", "url": "/m2/session/11411#801925", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 11411}, {"id": 815065, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "(d) Paragraph 11. The concept of modern Unionism was acceptance of the existence of a separate Republic of Ireland, coupled with the aims of removing the ambiguities which had grown up over the", "url": "/m2/session/11572#815065", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 11572}, {"id": 836431, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "13. Dr Paisley referred to the Secretary of State's remarks about the status of Northern Ireland in his statement of 5 July 1990. What he had said then was correct, but it was also necessary to take", "url": "/m2/session/11409#836431", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 11409}, {"id": 836476, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "10. Dr Alderdice commented that like the Unionists his predecessor had not been consulted in any way prior to the signing of the Anglo Irish Agreement. He asked unionists to think about why the", "url": "/m2/session/11409#836476", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 11409}, {"id": 837166, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "39. Mr Robinson, resuming his earlier line of questioning, said that Mr Hume had argued that Unionists were not pro-British but rather against joining the Irish Republic. The Sinn Fein identity was", "url": "/m2/session/11409#837166", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 11409}, {"id": 837222, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "7. Mr Maginnis said that he was worried that the SDLP were drawing away from the core issue of Articles 2 and 3. The question had become more acute as a result of the Irish Government being given an", "url": "/m2/session/11410#837222", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 11410}, {"id": 837535, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "10. Mr Hume said that he regarded this discussion on security as central to the Talks process. Agreement across the political divide was very important in the fight against terrorism. Over the", "url": "/m2/session/11410#837535", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 11410}, {"id": 837840, "title": "DEBATE_MOTION", "description": "(At this point Mr Sammy Wilson left the meeting.) Mr McCrea added that clarification was necessary. The Government genuinely owed it to people to come up with answers; it was time that realities were", "url": "/m2/session/11411#837840", "type": "DEBATE_MOTION", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-procedure-debate.svg", "session_id": 11411}], "session_ids_for_event_results": [11405, 11572, 11411, 11409, 11410], "session_data_for_event_results": {"11405": {"committee_name": "All-Party Negotiations", "session_date": "17 Jun 1991, 12:56"}, "11572": {"committee_name": "All-Party Negotiations", "session_date": "19 Jun 1991, 10:36"}, "11411": {"committee_name": "All-Party Negotiations", "session_date": "01 Jul 1991, 14:20"}, "11409": {"committee_name": "All-Party Negotiations", "session_date": "25 Jun 1991, 10:40"}, "11410": {"committee_name": "All-Party Negotiations", "session_date": "26 Jun 1991, 14:21"}}}, "186": {"top_level_match": "false", "sessions": [], "committees": [], "delegations": [], "people": [], "events": [{"id": 798900, "title": "CREATE_FROM", "description": "Motion on the Queen's Speech for the State Opening of", "url": "/m2/session/11593#798900", "type": "CREATE_FROM", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-subtype-script-import.svg", "session_id": 11593}, {"id": 801831, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr McMichael: This motion deals with the fundamentals upon which we must concentrate when looking for a peaceful settlement in Northern Ireland, because central to the search for a new settlement is", "url": "/m2/session/11659#801831", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 11659}, {"id": 802161, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr Shannon: The proposal before us today is one that I have been quite anxious to bring before the Forum for a long time. I am glad that we now have the opportunity to set the record straight. It is", "url": "/m2/session/11669#802161", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 11669}, {"id": 802331, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "11.00 am\n\nMr McCartney: There are elements in the motion that I would be happy to support, but aspects of both amendments too raise interesting and worthwhile points. I think that one should attempt", "url": "/m2/session/11673#802331", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 11673}, {"id": 802336, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr Gregory Campbell: I wish to congratulate those Members who have drawn attention to and analysed the political will of the present Government and their lack of determination.\n\nThat was very clearly", "url": "/m2/session/11673#802336", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 11673}, {"id": 804010, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "The Chairman: We will resume with Prof Alcock, whom I cut off in his prime the last time he spoke. I hope I can make amends today.\n\nMr Alcock: Two years ago the Dublin Forum \u2014 except Sinn Fein \u2014", "url": "/m2/session/11705#804010", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 11705}, {"id": 804391, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr Brewster: Mr Chairman, as a part of the weak link, may I thank you for inviting me to speak. I hope that you are enjoying your new involvement in the process.\n\nI am quite happy to welcome warmly", "url": "/m2/session/11711#804391", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 11711}, {"id": 804874, "title": "DEBATE_MOTION", "description": "Mr Jim Rodgers: We heard so much from the Labour Party when they were in Opposition about their plans for training and education. One realizes that we are at a very early stage in the life of this", "url": "/m2/session/11713#804874", "type": "DEBATE_MOTION", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-procedure-debate.svg", "session_id": 11713}, {"id": 809197, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr McCartney: When the Prime Minister made his speech at the Royal Ulster Agricultural Society earlier this month, many people were alarmed at the suggestion that officials of the Government would", "url": "/m2/session/11840#809197", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 11840}, {"id": 828478, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr Jim Rodgers: Northern Ireland, and Belfast, is a rather sad place today. Like most Members, I am most certainly relieved at the decision taken last night by the Orange Institution. I speak today", "url": "/m2/session/12593#828478", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 12593}, {"id": 829318, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "This is a very appropriate motion, particularly in view of yesterday's developments, and the Business Committee is to be congratulated on its prescience in choosing it. It is also very appropriate", "url": "/m2/session/12645#829318", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 12645}, {"id": 829323, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr Donaldson: In supporting the motion moved by the Ulster Unionist Party, I want to look briefly at the whole issue of the principle of consent. It is our clear understanding that it is underlined", "url": "/m2/session/12645#829323", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 12645}, {"id": 829325, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr Weir: This week we heard one of the least surprising announcements in the history of Northern Ireland \u2014 that the IRA was not committed to non-violence and, indeed, intended to hand in not a single", "url": "/m2/session/12645#829325", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 12645}, {"id": 829455, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Rev William McCrea: In winding up for the Ulster Democratic Unionist Party, Iwish to indicate our support for the motion. The future governance of Northern Ireland should be determined by the people", "url": "/m2/session/12645#829455", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 12645}, {"id": 829515, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "[Rev Trevor Kirkland:] There is a touch of irony in this debate. The Ulster Unionist Party, including MrBrewster, supports a bill of rights, but, as MrMaginnis said on 'Newsnight' this week, the IRA", "url": "/m2/session/12648#829515", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 12648}, {"id": 831846, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "[Rev Dr Ian Paisley:] During the first talks, there was a meeting at Downing Street which was attended by the Leader of the Official Unionist Party \u2014 then Mr Molyneaux \u2014 the Leader of the Alliance", "url": "/m2/session/12720#831846", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 12720}, {"id": 831854, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr McMichael: I will not spend much time going over the many technical aspects that have been referred to in relation to articles 2 and 3. I just want to reiterate some of them.\n\nIt is true that", "url": "/m2/session/12720#831854", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 12720}, {"id": 833034, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Ms Sagar: I too rise to support the motion. It is a very general motion, so, Mr Chairman, you will be pleased to know that I will not be repeating what everybody else has said.\nConsultation and", "url": "/m2/session/12754#833034", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 12754}, {"id": 833212, "title": "DEBATE_MOTION", "description": "12.15 pm\n\nMrs I Robinson: I would like to use my five minutes to make a sincere and honest plea to the Prime Minister regarding his Government's plans for the future of Northern Ireland:\n\n\"Mr Blair,", "url": "/m2/session/12761#833212", "type": "DEBATE_MOTION", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-procedure-debate.svg", "session_id": 12761}, {"id": 841239, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr Morrow: I want to speak on the DUP amendment to the motion on the iniquitous Agreement signed last Friday.\n\nWhen I got the hold of the Agreement I thought to myself \"Let's see what is in it.\"", "url": "/m2/session/13086#841239", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 13086}, {"id": 987441, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr Dodds: I welcome the withdrawal of the Ulster Unionist Party's amendment. Mr Nesbitt referred to his dislike of the term \"Anglo-Irish\", though I see that it was the amendment. Maybe that is one of", "url": "/m2/session/11614#987441", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 11614}], "session_ids_for_event_results": [11593, 11659, 11669, 11673, 11705, 11711, 11713, 11840, 12593, 12645, 12648, 12720, 12754, 12761, 13086, 11614], "session_data_for_event_results": {"11593": {"committee_name": "The Forum", "session_date": "25 Oct 1996, 10:00"}, "11659": {"committee_name": "The Forum", "session_date": "06 Dec 1996, 10:03"}, "11669": {"committee_name": "The Forum", "session_date": "10 Jan 1997, 10:00"}, "11673": {"committee_name": "The Forum", "session_date": "17 Jan 1997, 10:04"}, "11705": {"committee_name": "The Forum", "session_date": "07 Mar 1997, 10:03"}, "11711": {"committee_name": "The Forum", "session_date": "06 Jun 1997, 10:03"}, "11713": {"committee_name": "The Forum", "session_date": "13 Jun 1997, 10:03"}, "11840": {"committee_name": "The Forum", "session_date": "27 Jun 1997, 10:06"}, "12593": {"committee_name": "The Forum", "session_date": "11 Jul 1997, 10:04"}, "12645": {"committee_name": "The Forum", "session_date": "12 Sep 1997, 10:04"}, "12648": {"committee_name": "The Forum", "session_date": "19 Sep 1997, 10:04"}, "12720": {"committee_name": "The Forum", "session_date": "03 Oct 1997, 10:04"}, "12754": {"committee_name": "The Forum", "session_date": "10 Oct 1997, 10:04"}, "12761": {"committee_name": "The Forum", "session_date": "24 Oct 1997, 10:02"}, "13086": {"committee_name": "The Forum", "session_date": "17 Apr 1998, 10:01"}, "11614": {"committee_name": "The Forum", "session_date": "15 Nov 1996, 10:04"}}}, "129": {"top_level_match": "false", "sessions": [], "committees": [], "delegations": [], "people": [], "events": [{"id": 819653, "title": "DEBATE_MOTION", "description": "Mr. ORTH. Mr. Speaker, we are still grappling with treason and rebellion. Four years of war, desolating, destructive war, with all its attendant sacrifice of life, health, and treasure, have not yet", "url": "/m2/session/3534#819653", "type": "DEBATE_MOTION", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-procedure-debate.svg", "session_id": 3534}, {"id": 819662, "title": "DEBATE_MOTION", "description": "LOYALTY. \n\nMr. YEAMAN. Mr. Speaker, our Government being based upon the idea of the right and the capacity of the people to govern themselves, and the whole scheme being but a mean to ascertain and", "url": "/m2/session/3536#819662", "type": "DEBATE_MOTION", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-procedure-debate.svg", "session_id": 3536}, {"id": 819663, "title": "DEBATE_MOTION", "description": "Mr, MORRILL. Mr. Speaker, if the vote on this question had been taken on Saturday, I should have said nothing, and to-day I intend only to occupy a few minutes in what may prove a fruitless attempt", "url": "/m2/session/3536#819663", "type": "DEBATE_MOTION", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-procedure-debate.svg", "session_id": 3536}, {"id": 819665, "title": "DEBATE_MOTION", "description": "ABOLITION OF SLAVERY\u2014AGAIN.\nMr. WARD. Mr. Speaker, it is not my intention to discuss at this time and place the causes which have inaugurated the terrible rebellion which has already cost the", "url": "/m2/session/3536#819665", "type": "DEBATE_MOTION", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-procedure-debate.svg", "session_id": 3536}, {"id": 819720, "title": "DEBATE_MOTION", "description": "Mr. HERRICK. Mr. Speaker, the joint resolution now before the House submitting to the Legislatures of the several States an amendment to the Constitution of the United States, comes before us under", "url": "/m2/session/3543#819720", "type": "DEBATE_MOTION", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-procedure-debate.svg", "session_id": 3543}, {"id": 859298, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "LIBERATION AND RESTORATION OF THE SOUTH.\n\nMr. ASHLEY. Mr. Speaker, the hour has come in which Congress must deal with the great crime of the nineteenth century. The leading conspirators must be", "url": "/m2/session/8580#859298", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8580}, {"id": 859574, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. ARNOLD. Mr. Chairman, in June, 1858, a comparatively unknown man uttered in the Statehouse at Springfield, Illinois, a sentiment which is already historical. Its philosophy, its profound", "url": "/m2/session/8506#859574", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8506}, {"id": 859837, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "RECONSTRUCTION\n\nMr. EDEN. Mr. Chairman, I propose to state some of the reasons why I dissent from the views of the President, as expressed in his recent message, and especially some reasons why I", "url": "/m2/session/8569#859837", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8569}, {"id": 859853, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "STATE SOVEREIGNTY AND TREASON.\n\nMr. BALDWIN, of Massachusetts. Mr. Chairman, I have listened with profound interest to what has been uttered in these discussions touching the present state of the", "url": "/m2/session/8573#859853", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8573}, {"id": 859854, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "AMNESTY PROCLAMATION.\n\nMr. BOYD. Mr. Chairman, some time since my very censorious colleague took occasion, while 'speaking to the confiscation bill then pending in this House, to address a portion of", "url": "/m2/session/8573#859854", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8573}, {"id": 859897, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "ABOLITION OF SLAVERY.\n\nMr. WILSON. Mr. Chairman, on the first day of the present session of Congress I gave notice of my intention to introduce a joint resolution submitting to the Legislatures of", "url": "/m2/session/8578#859897", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8578}, {"id": 859909, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "POLICY OF THE ADMINISTRATION. \n\nMr. HERRICK. Mr. Chairman, in the remarks I design to make upon the President\u2019s message, I do not propose to dwell upon the manifold crimes of the present", "url": "/m2/session/8579#859909", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8579}, {"id": 859917, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "VIOLATED PLEDGES. \n\nMr. HARRINGTON. Mr. Chairman, I address the committee to-day with feelings far from buoyant for the future of the country. At the time I took my seat in this Hall it was not my", "url": "/m2/session/8579#859917", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8579}, {"id": 866678, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. SHERMAN. Mr. President, I shall support this proposed amendment to the Constitution, but I have already said all that I intend to say on that subject. My purpose now is to reply to a most", "url": "/m2/session/8442#866678", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8442}, {"id": 866775, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. HENDERSON. Mr. President, I dislike very much at present to undertake to argue the question that is now before the body, for the simple reason that Senators must be tired of its discussion. At", "url": "/m2/session/3561#866775", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 3561}, {"id": 867188, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. KELLOGG, of New York. Mr. Speaker, of all the various measures this Congress has in hand and upon which it must act, the most important in my judgment are those which most directly bear upon the", "url": "/m2/session/3528#867188", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 3528}, {"id": 867194, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. FERNANDO WOOD. Mr. Speaker, this is a proposition to provide by an amendment to the Constitution for the abolition of slavery without compensation in all of the States in the Union. It will be,", "url": "/m2/session/3530#867194", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 3530}, {"id": 867220, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. KELLOGG, of Michigan. Mr. Speaker, I have had no time to prepare remarks for this occasion that would be worthy of a subject of such importance to the people of this country as that which we have", "url": "/m2/session/3530#867220", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 3530}, {"id": 867232, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. EDGERTON. Mr. Speaker, having on the question of its second reading voted for the rejection of the joint resolution now before the House, and intending to vote against it when put upon its", "url": "/m2/session/3531#867232", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 3531}, {"id": 868962, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "THE REBELLIOUS STATES.\n\nThe SPEAKER. The House resumes the consideration of the bill in regard to the Rebellious States, upon which the gentleman from Pennsylvania [Mr. Thayer] is entitled to the", "url": "/m2/session/8392#868962", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8392}, {"id": 868981, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. STROUSE. Mr. Speaker, I do not clearly understand what is meant by \u201creconstruction,\u201d but I do know that some immediate healing panacea is demanded of those who have sworn to be the defenders and", "url": "/m2/session/8393#868981", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8393}, {"id": 868990, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. FERNANDO WOOD. Mr. Speaker, I had not designed to trouble the House with any remarks upon the bill, but, being compelled to leave Washington in the morning, and understanding that the question is", "url": "/m2/session/8394#868990", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8394}, {"id": 869526, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. CARLILE. Mr. President, the Senate will bear in mind that the bill now under consideration, in those provisions to which I have already invited the attention of the body, is not and cannot be", "url": "/m2/session/8873#869526", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8873}, {"id": 901199, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. CRESWELL. Mr. Chairman, the result of the recent election expresses the deliberate purpose of the American people that slavery shall be abolished. Slowly and painfully, but yet surely, has the", "url": "/m2/session/14340#901199", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 14340}, {"id": 902248, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. KELLEY. Mr. Speaker, these are indeed terrible times for timid people. Use and wont no longer serve us. The guns traitorously fired upon Fort Sumter threw us all out of the well-beaten ruts of", "url": "/m2/session/14389#902248", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 14389}], "session_ids_for_event_results": [3534, 3536, 3543, 8580, 8506, 8569, 8573, 8578, 8579, 8442, 3561, 3528, 3530, 3531, 8392, 8393, 8394, 8873, 14340, 14389], "session_data_for_event_results": {"3534": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "06 Jan 1865, 12:00"}, "3536": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "09 Jan 1865, 12:00"}, "3543": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "31 Jan 1865, 12:00"}, "8580": {"committee_name": "Committee of the Whole on the State of the Union of the House of Representatives", "session_date": "30 Mar 1864, 12:00"}, "8506": {"committee_name": "Committee of the Whole on the State of the Union of the House of Representatives", "session_date": "06 Jan 1864, 00:00"}, "8569": {"committee_name": "Committee of the Whole on the State of the Union of the House of Representatives", "session_date": "27 Feb 1864, 00:00"}, "8573": {"committee_name": "Committee of the Whole on the State of the Union of the House of Representatives", "session_date": "05 Mar 1864, 00:00"}, "8578": {"committee_name": "Committee of the Whole on the State of the Union of the House of Representatives", "session_date": "19 Mar 1864, 00:00"}, "8579": {"committee_name": "Committee of the Whole on the State of the Union of the House of Representatives", "session_date": "26 Mar 1864, 00:00"}, "8442": {"committee_name": "Senate Committee of the Whole", "session_date": "28 Mar 1864, 12:00"}, "3561": {"committee_name": "The Senate", "session_date": "07 Apr 1864, 12:00"}, "3528": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "31 May 1864, 12:00"}, "3530": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "14 Jun 1864, 12:00"}, "3531": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "15 Jun 1864, 12:00"}, "8392": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "30 Apr 1864, 12:00"}, "8393": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "02 May 1864, 12:00"}, "8394": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "03 May 1864, 12:00"}, "8873": {"committee_name": "Senate Committee of the Whole", "session_date": "01 Jul 1864, 00:00"}, "14340": {"committee_name": "Committee of the Whole on the State of the Union of the House of Representatives", "session_date": "05 Jan 1865, 12:00"}, "14389": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "16 Jan 1865, 12:00"}}}, "158": {"top_level_match": "false", "sessions": [], "committees": [], "delegations": [], "people": [], "events": [{"id": 849693, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. STEVENS, of Pennsylvania. I had promised to allow the gentleman from Wisconsin [Mr. Eldridge] fifteen minutes of my time, but having been so encroached upon in several ways I shall ask him to be", "url": "/m2/session/8140#849693", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8140}, {"id": 849955, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. ROBINSON addressed the House. [His remarks will be published in the Appendix.]\n\nReconstruction.\n\nSPEECH OF HON. W. E. ROBINSON,\n\nOF NEW YORK,\n\nIn the House of Representatives,\n\nJuly 12,", "url": "/m2/session/8204#849955", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8204}, {"id": 851064, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "RECONSTRUCTION\u2014AGAIN.\n\nMr. ROSS obtained the floor.\n\nMr. KERR. I ask the gentleman from Illinois to yield to me to move to adjourn.\n\nThe SPEAKER. That will not give the gentleman the floor on Monday,", "url": "/m2/session/8488#851064", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8488}, {"id": 851070, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "RECONSTRUCTION.\n\nMr. PHELPS resumed the floor upon House bill No. 439, additional and supplementary to an act entitled \u201cAn act to provide for the more efficient government of the rebel States,\u201d", "url": "/m2/session/6468#851070", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 6468}, {"id": 851268, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. HENDRICKS. Mr. President, the policy and measures of Congress in relation to the South are maintained in this debate upon two propositions: first, that at the end of the war there were no", "url": "/m2/session/8497#851268", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8497}, {"id": 851271, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. FERRY. Mr. President, it will perhaps be well to recur for a moment to the origin of this debate in order to obtain a clear apprehension of the issue which is now under consideration. A few days", "url": "/m2/session/8499#851271", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8499}, {"id": 851286, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. STEWART obtained the floor.\n\nMr. BUCKALEW. Will the Senator permit me to say one word in explanation?\n\nMr. STEWART. Certainly.\n\nMr. BUCKALEW. I did not wish to interrupt the Senator from", "url": "/m2/session/8499#851286", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8499}, {"id": 851289, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. DAVIS proceeded to address the Senate on the general subject of reconstruction, but, without concluding, gave way to Mr. MORRILL, of Maine, who moved that the Senate proceed to the consideration", "url": "/m2/session/8505#851289", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8505}, {"id": 851298, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. SAULSBURY. Mr. President, the bill under consideration and the act of which it is amendatory are, in my judgment, measures which, if administered in accordance with their intent and meaning, will", "url": "/m2/session/8377#851298", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8377}, {"id": 851306, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. WARD. Mr. Speaker, I have examined with some degree of care the important bill under consideration, and have come to the conclusion it will become my duty to support it. One thing is evident,", "url": "/m2/session/8487#851306", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8487}, {"id": 866922, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. WARNER. Mr. President, I have proposed an amendment to the joint resolution now before the Senate, in the following words:\n\nThat the following article be proposed to the Legislatures of the", "url": "/m2/session/6610#866922", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 6610}, {"id": 866953, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. DAVIS. Mr. President, I feel too much indisposed to discuss the subject under consideration, and I therefore decline to make any speech upon it. \n\nMr. DOOLITTLE. Mr. President, I do not intend to", "url": "/m2/session/6612#866953", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 6612}, {"id": 866984, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. FOWLER proceeded to address the Senate at length. [See Appendix.] \n\n(Vol. 40, Part 2, Pg. 985)\n\nSuffrage Constitutional Amendment.\n\nSPEECH OF HON. J. S. FOWLER,\n\nOF TENNESSEE,\n\nIn the Senate of", "url": "/m2/session/6613#866984", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 6613}, {"id": 866987, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The question is on the amendment offered by the Senator from Oregon to the amendment of the committee.\n\nMr. HOWARD. What is the amendment? Let it be read.\n\nThe Chief Clerk.", "url": "/m2/session/6613#866987", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 6613}, {"id": 867057, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The question now is on the amendment offered by the Senator from Massachusetts [Mr. Wilson] to the amendment reported by the committee.\n\nMr. HOWARD. I wish to call the", "url": "/m2/session/6614#867057", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 6614}, {"id": 901066, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "RECONSTRUCTION. \n\n[Mr. BURT VAN HORN.] We enter the field at the close of the war, leaving the great conflict and its result an accomplished fact. No one can deny that the people of the rebel States", "url": "/m2/session/14334#901066", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 14334}], "session_ids_for_event_results": [8140, 8204, 8488, 6468, 8497, 8499, 8505, 8377, 8487, 6610, 6612, 6613, 6614, 14334], "session_data_for_event_results": {"8140": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "09 Jul 1867, 12:00"}, "8204": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "12 Jul 1867, 12:00"}, "8488": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "17 Jan 1868, 12:00"}, "6468": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "20 Jan 1868, 12:00"}, "8497": {"committee_name": "The Senate", "session_date": "30 Jan 1868, 12:00"}, "8499": {"committee_name": "The Senate", "session_date": "03 Feb 1868, 12:00"}, "8505": {"committee_name": "The Senate", "session_date": "11 Feb 1868, 12:00"}, "8377": {"committee_name": "The Senate", "session_date": "26 Feb 1868, 12:00"}, "8487": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "16 Jan 1868, 12:00"}, "6610": {"committee_name": "Senate Committee of the Whole ", "session_date": "04 Feb 1869, 12:00"}, "6612": {"committee_name": "Senate Committee of the Whole ", "session_date": "06 Feb 1869, 12:00"}, "6613": {"committee_name": "Senate Committee of the Whole ", "session_date": "08 Feb 1869, 12:00"}, "6614": {"committee_name": "Senate Committee of the Whole ", "session_date": "09 Feb 1869, 12:00"}, "14334": {"committee_name": "Committee of the Whole on the State of the Union of the House of Representatives", "session_date": "16 Jul 1868, 00:00"}}}, "180": {"top_level_match": "false", "sessions": [], "committees": [], "delegations": [], "people": [], "events": [{"id": 858818, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "CIVIL-RIGHTS BILL.\n\nThe call of committees having been completed,\n\nThe House resumed the consideration of the bill (H. R. No. 796) to protect all citizens in their civil and legal rights.\n\nThe", "url": "/m2/session/10633#858818", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 10633}, {"id": 860031, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "[Mr. WHITE addressed the House. His remarks will appear in the Appendix.]\n\n\nCivil Rights.\n\nSPEECH OF HON. A. WHITE,\n\nOF ALABAMA,\n\nIn the House of Representatives,\n\nFebruary 4, 1875.\n\nThe House having", "url": "/m2/session/10638#860031", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 10638}, {"id": 860033, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. ELDREDGE obtained the floor and said: I yield three minutes to the gentleman from Alabama. [Mr. Caldwell.]\n\nMr. CALDWELL. Mr. Speaker, I am very much indebted to the courtesy of the gentleman", "url": "/m2/session/10638#860033", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 10638}, {"id": 860657, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. SUMNER. Mr. President, in opening this great question, one of the vastest ever presented to the Senate, I have had but one hesitation, and that is, merely with regard to the order of treatment.", "url": "/m2/session/10485#860657", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 10485}, {"id": 860722, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. SAULSBURY addressed the Senate. [His speech, withheld for revision, will be published in the Appendix.]\n\nRemoval of Political Disabilities.\n\nSPEECH OF HON. ELI SAULSBURY,\n\nOF DELAWARE,\n\nIn the", "url": "/m2/session/10664#860722", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 10664}, {"id": 861110, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. DAVIS, of Kentucky. Mr. President, I listened with much pleasure to the able Senator from Wisconsin, and I concur in most of what he has said; but in some essential features of his argument 1", "url": "/m2/session/10666#861110", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 10666}, {"id": 861197, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. STEVENSON. Mr. President, I have voted against every amendment but one to this bill, because I thought they tended to embarrass the great subject of amnesty, the success of which I have had so", "url": "/m2/session/10670#861197", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 10670}, {"id": 861631, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. NORWOOD. Mr. President\u2014\n\nMr. FENTON. Mr. President, I inquire of the honorable Senator from Georgia if he is desirous of going on at this time to conclude his remarks this morning? If so, I will", "url": "/m2/session/10675#861631", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 10675}, {"id": 861658, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. SAULSBURY. Mr. President, I am fully aware of the unfavorable circumstances under which I rise to discuss this question. We have already been in session fully nine hours, and human nature cannot", "url": "/m2/session/10681#861658", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 10681}, {"id": 861903, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. ELLIOTT. Mr. Speaker, the argument upon the pending bill has proceeded thus far upon a question of constitutional law and a question of fact. The opponents of the bill deny that its provisions", "url": "/m2/session/11763#861903", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 11763}, {"id": 861915, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. ELLIS H. ROBERTS. Three facts combine to show the necessity for a bill substantially like that now under consideration. First, the violence and lawlessness, for which it is proposed to provide a", "url": "/m2/session/11764#861915", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 11764}, {"id": 861918, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. BRIGHT. Mr. Speaker, in rising to address this honorable body for the first time, I labor under the double misfortune of having to speak to an exhausted patience and to travel over a burnt", "url": "/m2/session/11764#861918", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 11764}, {"id": 861919, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. CRITCHER was granted unanimous consent to have printed in the Globe some remarks he had prepared on the pending bill. [See Appendix.]\n\n\nEnforcement of Fourteenth Amendment.\n\nSpeech of Hon. John", "url": "/m2/session/11764#861919", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 11764}, {"id": 861942, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. STEVENSON addressed the House. [His remarks will appear in the Appendix.]\n\n\nKu Klux Klan.\n\nSPEECH OF HON. JOB E. STEVENSON,\n\nOF OHIO,\n\nIn the House of Representatives, April 4, 1871.\n\nThe House", "url": "/m2/session/11765#861942", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 11765}, {"id": 861944, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. PLATT addressed the House. [His remarks will appear in the Appendix.]\n\n\nEnforcement of Fourteenth Amendment.\n\nSPEECH OF HON. JAMES H. PLATT, OF VIRGINIA,\n\nin the House of Representatives.\n\nApril", "url": "/m2/session/11765#861944", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 11765}, {"id": 861958, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Enforcement of Fourteenth Amendment.\n\nSPEECH OF HON. H. W. BARRY,\n\nOF MISSISSIPPI,\n\nIn the House of Representatives, April 5, 1871.\n\nThe House having under consideration the bill (H. R. No. 320) to", "url": "/m2/session/11766#861958", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 11766}, {"id": 862331, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. WILSON. Mr. President\u2014\n\nMr. BLAIR rose.\n\nThe VICE PRESIDENT. Does the Senator from Massachusetts yield to the Senator from Missouri?\n\nMr. BLAIR. For a moment.\n\nMr. WILSON. For a moment.\n\nMr.", "url": "/m2/session/11778#862331", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 11778}, {"id": 862355, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. SCHURZ. Mr. President, I have followed the debate which was called forth by this bill, and by the resolution of the Senator from Ohio, [Mr. Sherman,] which preceded it, with intense solicitude,", "url": "/m2/session/11779#862355", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 11779}, {"id": 864725, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Enforcement of Fourteenth Amendment. \n\nSPEECH OF HON. M. C. KERR, \n\nOF INDIANA, \n\nIn the House of Representatives, March 28, 1871. \n\nThe House having under consideration the bill (H. R. No. 320) to", "url": "/m2/session/11759#864725", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 11759}, {"id": 864726, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Enforcement of Fourteenth Amendment. \n\nSPEECH OF HON. S. SHELLABARGER, of Ohio, \n\nIn the House of Representatives, March 28, 1871. \n\nThe House having under consideration the bill (H. R. No. 320) to", "url": "/m2/session/11759#864726", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 11759}], "session_ids_for_event_results": [10633, 10638, 10485, 10664, 10666, 10670, 10675, 10681, 11763, 11764, 11765, 11766, 11778, 11779, 11759], "session_data_for_event_results": {"10633": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "19 Dec 1873, 12:00"}, "10638": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "04 Feb 1875, 12:00"}, "10485": {"committee_name": "The Senate", "session_date": "15 Jan 1872, 12:00"}, "10664": {"committee_name": "The Senate", "session_date": "30 Jan 1872, 12:00"}, "10666": {"committee_name": "The Senate", "session_date": "01 Feb 1872, 12:00"}, "10670": {"committee_name": "The Senate", "session_date": "09 Feb 1872, 12:00"}, "10675": {"committee_name": "The Senate", "session_date": "04 May 1874, 12:00"}, "10681": {"committee_name": "The Senate", "session_date": "22 May 1874, 11:00"}, "11763": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "01 Apr 1871, 12:00"}, "11764": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "03 Apr 1871, 12:00"}, "11765": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "04 Apr 1871, 11:00"}, "11766": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "05 Apr 1871, 12:00"}, "11778": {"committee_name": "Senate Committee of the Whole", "session_date": "13 Apr 1871, 11:00"}, "11779": {"committee_name": "Senate Committee of the Whole", "session_date": "14 Apr 1871, 10:00"}, "11759": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "28 Mar 1871, 12:00"}}}, "240": {"top_level_match": "false", "sessions": [], "committees": [], "delegations": [], "people": [], "events": [{"id": 970262, "title": "CREATE", "description": "Resolution on Women's", "url": "/m2/session/17046#970262", "type": "CREATE", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-subtype-script-add.svg", "session_id": 17046}], "session_ids_for_event_results": [17046], "session_data_for_event_results": {"17046": {"committee_name": "The Convention", "session_date": "16 Jul 1889, 10:00"}}}}
{"295": {"top_level_match": "false", "id": 295, "name": "Writing Peace: Monica McWilliams Collection", "items": [{"id": 16787, "title": "Downing Street Declaration, 15 December 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/16787"}, {"id": 16788, "title": "Frameworks for the Future: A Summary, 1995", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/16788"}, {"id": 16791, "title": "NIWC briefing document on the framework documents, 8 June 1996", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/16791"}, {"id": 16794, "title": "Frameworks for the Future: A Summary", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/16794"}, {"id": 16850, "title": "Meeting Invitation Enclosing New Agenda Discussion Paper - 4 September 1997", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/16850"}, {"id": 16867, "title": "Letter To Monica McWilliams From Bertie Ahern Regarding Reconvention Of The Forum And Enclosing Background Documents - 27 November 1997", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/16867"}, {"id": 16877, "title": "New Agenda Seminar Report: Record Of Meetings On 26 And 27 November 1997 - January 1998", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/16877"}, {"id": 17277, "title": "Labour Paper: Principles And Requirements Strand 1 - 10 October 1997", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17277"}, {"id": 17330, "title": "Summary Record Of Strand 2 Meeting On 28 October 1997 At 1012", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17330"}, {"id": 17331, "title": "Summary Record Of Strand 2 Meeting On 28 October 1997 At 1012. Duplicate", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17331"}, {"id": 18014, "title": "NIWC Press Release - 14 July 2001. First Draft", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/18014"}]}, "351": {"top_level_match": "false", "id": 351, "name": "Writing Peace: The National Archives of the UK (TNA)", "items": [{"id": 22726, "title": "Record of Meeting between John McConnell and Alec Reid on 26 February 1990", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/22726"}, {"id": 22731, "title": "Record of Meeting between John McConnell and Alec Reid on 11 August 1989", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/22731"}, {"id": 22737, "title": "Memo from R O Miles To Jim Daniell with Additional Text for John McConnell's Briefing for His Meeting with Alec Reid", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/22737"}, {"id": 22769, "title": "Extract from a Joint Statement by John Hume and Gerry Adams Reprinted in the Irish Times", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/22769"}, {"id": 22773, "title": "Enclosure: Alternative British Draft of the Joint Declaration (9 November 1993 Draft)", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/22773"}, {"id": 22790, "title": "Record of Meeting between British Officials Regarding Political Movement and PIRA", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/22790"}, {"id": 22804, "title": "Letter from Anthony Pawson to Charles Powell Regarding Gerry Adams' Letter to John Major Dated 28 November 1990", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/22804"}, {"id": 22805, "title": "Enclosure: Cover Letter from E C Hallett to Quentin Thomas Enclosing Note on Amnesties Granted by the British Government in the Context of Negotiations for Independence", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/22805"}, {"id": 22877, "title": "Enclosure: Alternative British Draft of the Joint Declaration (12 November 1993 Draft)", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/22877"}, {"id": 22886, "title": "Enclosure: Speaking Note for John Major for a Meeting with Jim Molyneaux in October 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/22886"}, {"id": 22891, "title": "Record of a Phone Call between Quentin Thomas and Se\u00e1n \u00d3 hUiginn", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/22891"}, {"id": 22893, "title": "Enclosure: Joint Declaration Draft Eight Passed To Quentin Thomas by Se\u00e1n \u00d3 hUiginn on 27 September 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/22893"}, {"id": 22899, "title": "Enclosure: Commentary by Quentin Thomas on Draft Eight of the Joint Declaration Submitted by the Irish Government and Record of Discussion with Se\u00e1n \u00d3 hUiginn ", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/22899"}, {"id": 22989, "title": "Record of a Meeting between Robin Butler and Dermot Nally on 13 December 1993 and Enclosing JD15 as Discussed during the Meeting", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/22989"}, {"id": 23247, "title": "Record of Meeting between John McConnell and Alec Reid on 12 February 1990", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23247"}, {"id": 23249, "title": "Transcript of a Segment of Charles Haughey's Speech on Northern Ireland from 15 November 1989", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23249"}, {"id": 23264, "title": "Memo from Danny McNeill to Anthony Pawson Summarizing a Press Article by Anthony Coughlan", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23264"}, {"id": 23274, "title": "Handwritten Notes Titled \"Political Movement: Key Questions\" Dated 23 January 1991", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23274"}, {"id": 23546, "title": "Enclosure: Annex C \u2013\u00a0Suggested Sequence of Events for the Joint Declaration Initiative", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23546"}, {"id": 23550, "title": "Enclosure: Annex A \u2013 Background on the Joint Declaration Initiative ", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23550"}, {"id": 23552, "title": "Telegram From David Blatherwick Regarding a Gerry Adams Press Conference in Dublin on the 12 October 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23552"}, {"id": 23567, "title": "Enclosure: Annex D \u2013\u00a0Background on the Joint Declaration Initiative ", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23567"}, {"id": 23593, "title": "Letter to Roderic Lyne Regarding a Meeting between John Major and Jim Molyneaux", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23593"}, {"id": 23594, "title": "Enclosure: Speaking Note for Meeting between John Major and Jim Molyneaux", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23594"}, {"id": 23595, "title": "Enclosure: Draft Letter to Roderic Lyne Regarding a Meeting between John Major and Jim Molyneaux", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23595"}, {"id": 23596, "title": "Enclosure: Draft Speaking Note for Meeting between John Major and Jim Molyneaux", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23596"}, {"id": 23601, "title": "Enclosure: Lines to Take for Patrick Mayhew for an Interview with the Sunday Telegraph", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23601"}, {"id": 23602, "title": "Letter from Quentin Thomas to Robin Butler Regarding a Meeting with Se\u00e1n \u00d3 hUiginn and the Joint Declaration", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23602"}, {"id": 23613, "title": "Fax from Tony Beeton to Jonathan Stephens Providing Lines to Take for Patrick Mayhew's Interview with the Sunday Telegraph", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23613"}, {"id": 23617, "title": "Enclosure: British Draft of Paragraph 4 of the Joint Declaration as Amended on 30 September 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23617"}, {"id": 23623, "title": "Enclosure: Record of a Meeting between Quentin Thomas and Se\u00e1n \u00d3 hUiginn on 1 October 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23623"}, {"id": 23624, "title": "Fax from Tony Beeton to Jonathan Stephens Regarding a Meeting between John Major and Jim Molyneaux", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23624"}, {"id": 23705, "title": "Enclosure: Speaking Note for Patrick Mayhew", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23705"}, {"id": 23706, "title": "Enclosure: Letter from Albert Reynolds to John Major", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23706"}, {"id": 23710, "title": "Fax from John Dew to John McKervill Regarding a Meeting with Geraldine Kennedy of the Irish Times to Discuss her Meeting with Albert Reynolds", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23710"}, {"id": 23712, "title": "Fax from Robin Butler to Prime Minister John Major Regarding a Meeting of the Butler/Nally Group and JD15", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23712"}, {"id": 23716, "title": "Enclosure: Annex A: British Wording of a Draft Paragraph on Self-Determination for the Joint Declaration", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23716"}, {"id": 23720, "title": "Enclosure: Annex B: British Wording of a Draft Section on Articles Two and Three and Consent for the Joint Declaration", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23720"}, {"id": 23727, "title": "Speaking Note for Patrick Mayhew for a Cabinet Meeting", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23727"}, {"id": 23728, "title": "Record of a Meeting between Douglas Hurd and Dick Spring on 2 December 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23728"}, {"id": 23730, "title": "Enclosure: Briefing for a Meeting of the Butler/Nally Group on 7 December 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23730"}, {"id": 23734, "title": "Enclosure: Speaking Note for Robin Butler on the Alternative British Draft of the Joint Declaration", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23734"}, {"id": 23738, "title": "Enclosure: Constitutional Issues Section of the Alternative British Draft of the Joint Declaration", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23738"}, {"id": 23740, "title": "Enclosure: Alternative British Draft of the Joint Declaration (18 November 1993 Draft)", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23740"}, {"id": 23751, "title": "Enclosure: Briefing Note \u2013 Lines to Take on the Joint Declaration in Brussels on 10 December 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23751"}, {"id": 23754, "title": "Letter from Jonathan Stephens to Roderic Lyne Regarding a Briefing Note for a Response to the Irish Government's Last Minute Negotiations", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23754"}, {"id": 23757, "title": "Enclosure: Draft Opening Statement for John Major", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23757"}, {"id": 23759, "title": "Record of a Meeting between Roderic Lyne and Martin Mansergh, Noel Dorr and Se\u00e1n \u00d3 hUiginn on 10 December 1993 at 11.30 ", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23759"}, {"id": 23763, "title": "Enclosure: Annex C \u2013\u00a0Joint Statement made by John Major and Albert Reynolds on 29 October 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23763"}, {"id": 23764, "title": "Enclosure: Annex B \u2013 Briefing Note for John Major on the Joint Declaration Text for a Meeting with Albert Reynolds in Brussels on 10 December 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23764"}, {"id": 23766, "title": "Joint Declaration Draft (JD15) with Amendments Proposed by Both Sides and Annotations in Pen from 12 December 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23766"}, {"id": 23768, "title": "Enclosure: Joint Declaration Draft (JD15) Emerging from a Meeting of the Butler/Nally Group on 7 December 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23768"}, {"id": 23774, "title": "Fax from Martin Williams to Jonathan Stephens Regarding Potential Unionist Opposition to a Joint Declaration", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23774"}, {"id": 23778, "title": "Enclosure: Joint Declaration Draft (JD15) dated 7 December 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23778"}, {"id": 23779, "title": "Fax from David Fell to Jonathan Stephens Regarding the Handling Plan for the Joint Declaration", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23779"}, {"id": 23785, "title": "Note from Nicholas Lyell to John Major Regarding the Joint Declaration Initiative, 9 December 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23785"}, {"id": 23786, "title": " Record of a Ministerial Meeting on the Joint Declaration Initiative on 9 December 1993 at 09.00", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23786"}, {"id": 23787, "title": " Record of a Meeting between John Major, Michael Ancram and Jim Molyneaux on 9 December 1993 at 13.15", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23787"}, {"id": 23789, "title": "Enclosure: Annex B \u2013 Briefing Note for John Major on the Joint Declaration Text for a Meeting with Albert Reynolds in Brussels on 10 December 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23789"}, {"id": 23792, "title": "Enclosure: Joint Declaration Draft (JD15A) with British Amendments ", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23792"}, {"id": 23793, "title": "Incomplete Joint Declaration Draft (JD15) with Comments and Amendments ", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23793"}, {"id": 23794, "title": "Enclosure: Joint Declaration Draft (JD15B) with British and Irish Amendments ", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23794"}, {"id": 23795, "title": "Joint Declaration Draft (JD15) with British Proposed Amendments from 9 December 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23795"}, {"id": 23802, "title": "Enclosure: Annex B \u2013 Briefing Note for John Major on the Joint Declaration Text for a Meeting with Albert Reynolds in Brussels on 10 December 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23802"}, {"id": 23806, "title": "Enclosure: Joint Declaration Draft (JD15) from 7 December 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23806"}, {"id": 23808, "title": "Enclosure: Minute to John Major from Patrick Mayhew Regarding Developments in the Joint Declaration Initiative", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23808"}, {"id": 23813, "title": "Enclosure: Annex B \u2013 Briefing Note for John Major on the Joint Declaration Text for a Meeting with Albert Reynolds in Brussels on 10 December 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23813"}, {"id": 23814, "title": "Enclosure: Annex C \u2013 Joint Statement made by John Major and Albert Reynolds on 29 October 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23814"}, {"id": 23817, "title": "Enclosure: Joint Declaration Draft (JD15) Emerging from a Meeting of the Butler/Nally Group on 7 December 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23817"}, {"id": 23821, "title": "Enclosure: Working Joint Declaration Draft (JD15A) with Comments and Amendments ", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23821"}, {"id": 23822, "title": "Joint Declaration Draft (JD15)", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23822"}, {"id": 23823, "title": "Joint Declaration Draft (JD15) as Considered during the Ministerial Meeting on 9 December 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23823"}, {"id": 23824, "title": "Enclosure: Joint Declaration Draft (JD15A) with British Amendments ", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23824"}, {"id": 23825, "title": "Enclosure: Joint Declaration Draft (JD15B) with British and Irish Amendments ", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23825"}, {"id": 23826, "title": "Joint Declaration Draft (JD15) with Comments and Amendments ", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23826"}, {"id": 23827, "title": "Enclosure: Joint Declaration Draft (JD15) with Comments and Amendments ", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23827"}, {"id": 23992, "title": "Enclosure: Annex A \u2013\u00a0Alternative Language on Self-Determination", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23992"}, {"id": 24030, "title": "Telegram from David Blatherwick Regarding Dealings with the New Irish Government", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24030"}, {"id": 24040, "title": "Memo from Stephen Wall to John Major Providing a Briefing on the Joint Declaration (JD2) and Recommending Its Rejection", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24040"}, {"id": 24064, "title": "Telegram from David Blatherwick Recording Irish Media Reactions to the Anglo-Irish Summit on 26 February 1992", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24064"}, {"id": 24093, "title": "Briefing for Approaching Telephone Conversation between Charles Haughey and John Major", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24093"}, {"id": 24184, "title": "Draft Broadcast Prefacing the Joint Declaration", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24184"}, {"id": 24188, "title": "Enclosure: Briefing Lines for the Government Whip Office", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24188"}, {"id": 24191, "title": "Enclosure: Briefing Document for the Joint Declaration", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24191"}, {"id": 24194, "title": "Enclosure: Final Joint Declaration with Some Annotations", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24194"}, {"id": 24196, "title": "Briefing Note on the Talks Process", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24196"}, {"id": 24198, "title": "Briefing Note for a Meeting between John Major and Albert Reynolds on 3 December 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24198"}, {"id": 24211, "title": "Final Joint Declaration: Transcript for the Press", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24211"}, {"id": 24224, "title": "Letter from Roderic Lyne to Jonathan Stephens Regarding the IRA Response to the Joint Declaration", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24224"}, {"id": 24228, "title": "Enclosure: Article by the Prime Minister For \"Sunday Life\" with Proposed Amendments ", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24228"}, {"id": 24235, "title": "Enclosure: Note of Congratulations from Roderic Lyne to Martin Mansergh", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24235"}, {"id": 24241, "title": "Fax From Juliet Wheldon to Robin Butler Regarding the Attorney General's Concerns over Paragraph 4", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24241"}, {"id": 24242, "title": "Enclosure: Side Letter Regarding Legal Clarity and Paragraph 4", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24242"}, {"id": 24243, "title": "Letter from Roderic Lyne to the Prime Minister Regarding a Meeting with the Taoiseach", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24243"}, {"id": 24244, "title": "Enclosure: Briefing Lines for the 16 December 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24244"}, {"id": 24259, "title": "Enclosure: Briefing Note on the Joint Declaration", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24259"}, {"id": 24261, "title": "Enclosure: Text of the Joint Declaration Sent to the Bishop of Liverpool", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24261"}, {"id": 24263, "title": "Enclosure: Briefing Note on the Joint Declaration", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24263"}, {"id": 24264, "title": "Enclosure: Text of the Joint Declaration Sent to the Archbishop of Liverpool", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24264"}, {"id": 24265, "title": "Letter from Ian Paisley to John Major Outlining his Opposition to the Joint Declaration", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24265"}, {"id": 24267, "title": "Enclosure: Positive Bull Points for the Joint Declaration", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24267"}, {"id": 24268, "title": "Enclosure: Joint Declaration", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24268"}, {"id": 24273, "title": "Briefing Letter from Roderic Lyne to Cabinet Ministers on the Joint Declaration, 14 December 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24273"}, {"id": 24274, "title": "Enclosure: Joint Declaration (JD19) \u2013 14 December 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24274"}, {"id": 24277, "title": "Record of a Butler/Nally Meeting on 13 December 1993 at 15.45", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24277"}, {"id": 24278, "title": "Record of a Butler/Nally Meeting on 13 December 1993 at 18.00", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24278"}, {"id": 24279, "title": "Record of a Meeting between John Major, Michael Ancram and Jim Molyneaux on 13 December 1993 at 21.30", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24279"}, {"id": 24280, "title": "Briefing Note from Roderic Lyne to John Major Noting Jim Molyneaux's Objections, 13 December 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24280"}, {"id": 24281, "title": "Enclosure: Text of the Joint Declaration (JD20) as Sent to Ministers on 14 December 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24281"}, {"id": 24282, "title": "Record of a Phone Call between Roderic Lyne and Robin Eames on 13 December 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24282"}, {"id": 24283, "title": "Working Copy of the Joint Declaration (JD15 \u2013 7 December 1993) as Amended in the Butler/Nally Meeting on 13 December 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24283"}, {"id": 24286, "title": "Follow-up Memo from Quentin Thomas to John Major Conveying Patrick Mayhew's Comments, 12 December 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24286"}, {"id": 24287, "title": "Memo from Robin Butler to John Major Commenting on Quentin Thomas' Memo, 12 December 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24287"}, {"id": 24301, "title": "Briefing Note from Jonathan Stephens to Roderic Lyne, 10 December 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24301"}, {"id": 24302, "title": "Enclosure: NIO Briefing for Discussion of the Joint Declaration on 11 December 1993 in Brussels", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24302"}, {"id": 24303, "title": "Record of a Meeting between Roderic Lyne, Se\u00e1n \u00d3 hUiginn, Martin Mansergh and Noel Dorr on 10 December 1993 at 11.30", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24303"}, {"id": 24304, "title": "Briefing Note from Roderic Lyne to John Major Outlining His Strategy for Meetings on 11 December 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24304"}, {"id": 24305, "title": "Letter from DUP MPs to John Major Opposing the Signing of Any Joint Declaration, 10 December 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24305"}, {"id": 24311, "title": "Briefing Note for a Telephone Call between John Major and Albert Reynolds on 13 December 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24311"}, {"id": 24312, "title": "Enclosure: Letter from Patrick Mayhew to John Alderdice Regarding the Joint Declaration", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24312"}, {"id": 24318, "title": "Enclosure: Annex B \u2013\u00a0Explanatory Note on the Text of JD15 and JD15B", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24318"}, {"id": 24338, "title": "Enclosure: Annex B \u2013\u00a0Explanatory Note on the Text of JD15 and JD15B", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24338"}, {"id": 24361, "title": "Record of a Butler/Nally Meeting on 7 December 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24361"}, {"id": 24373, "title": "Summary of Statements made by Irish Politicians Following the Anglo-Irish Summit on 3 December 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24373"}, {"id": 24382, "title": "Comment on the Implications of the Concept of Irish Self-Determination", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24382"}, {"id": 24387, "title": "Minute from Roderic Lyne Regarding the Arrangements for the Anglo-Irish Talks on 3 December 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24387"}, {"id": 24409, "title": "Minute from Roderic Lyne Regarding the Arrangements for the Anglo-Irish Talks on 3 December 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24409"}, {"id": 24551, "title": "Memo from Robert Alston to Quentin Thomas Regarding Political Movement and PIRA Dated 30 August 1991", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24551"}]}}