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[Exact date and time unknown] John Hume received a letter from Alec Reid, inviting him to meet with Gerry Adams.
[Exact time unknown] John Hume wrote to Gerry Adams, outlining the SDLP position.
[Editorial session: exact date and time unknown] The SDLP prepared two papers in response to the Sinn Féin documents which are tabled on 12 June 1988.
[Exact date and time unknown] The SDLP prepared a written response to the discussions at previous meetings.
[Editorial session] John Hume received the letter of review from Gerry Adams.
[Exact time unknown] The SDLP wrote a statement marking the end of the talks with SInn Féin. It was not released until 5 September.
The SDLP statement on the end of talks with Sinn Féin was released.
[Exact time unknown] John Hume received the Reid/Murray proposals.
[Editorial session: exact date and time unknown] The SDLP rejected the Reid/Murray proposals and communicated this decision to Reid.
[Exact date and time unknown] On 8 June 1993, John Hume mentioned the existence of his alternative to JD6 (JD7), although he did not show him a draft until 9 July 1993. This is the earliest evidence we have for the existence of JD7, so the editors have chosen to create it here for now.
[Exact time unknown] John Hume wrote a letter to John Major expressing concern at the possible loss of an opportunity for peace.