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[Exact date and time unknown] The Taoiseach resolved to show JD12 to Archbishop Eames during a meeting with Robin Butler on 20 October 1993. On 22 October 1993, Eames reported to John Chilcot that he had been shown JD12 and met the Taoiseach twice. We can therefore infer that it is likely he met with Reynolds on 21 October 1993.
[Exact time unknown] The earliest draft of the Joint Declaration with Eames' additions that we have found, in Dermot Nally's papers, is dated 2 November 1993. We have shown the amendments being made in this committee for now, but hope to find a more detailed record of exactly when and how Eames made his suggestions.
[Exact time unknown] Archbishop Eames spoke to Albert Reynolds and persuaded him to make further changes to the text of the Joint Declaration, producing what the British would label JD14.
[Exact time unknown] Archbishop Eames met an Irish government delegation. Eames reported on his meeting with Major and stated that he himself "had fully backed Reynolds’ initiative".
[Exact time unknown] A meeting was held between Archbishop Robin Eames and Albert Reynolds on 1 December 1993.
[Exact time unknown] Robin Eames spoke to Martin Mansergh to discuss the Joint Declaration and particularly the paragraphs on the Forum.