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[Exact time unknown] According to the summary of the Sinn Féin/SDLP talks produced by Sinn Féin, Gerry Adams and John Hume met for the first time on 11 January 1988.
[Editorial session] This session has been created to show the first paper tabled by the SDLP under consideration in the formal process.
[Exact time unknown] The first Sinn Fein paper was tabled.
[Exact time unknown] The Sinn Féin and SDLP delegations met.
[Exact time unknown] The Sinn Féin and SDLP delegations met.
[Exact time unknown] The Sinn Féin and SDLP delegations met.
[Exact time unknown] A meeting of party leaders was held on this day, where it was agreed to review the situation to date.
[Editorial Session] Gerry Adams' letter of review was written and handed to John Hume.
[Exact time unknown] The two leaders met to review the talks between the SDLP and SInn Féin.
[Exact time unknown] John Hume met with Gerry Adams and later reported on his meeting to both the British and Irish governments.
[Exact date and time unknown] Since Hume was authorised to report his own impression of British Government engagement with the Joint Declaration back to the Provisionals, it seems likely that he may have done so via Gerry Adams at some point in January.
[Exact date and time unknown] The Sinn Féin version of the Joint Declaration [JD3] was passed to John Hume. Hume shared it with British officials before 21 February and with Irish officials on 24 February.
[Exact time unknown] John Hume and Gerry Adams met.
[Exact time unknown] A Hume/Adams Statement was issued.
[Exact time unknown] A statement which Hume planned to issue was shown to and discussed with the Irish Government on 22 September 1993. We have created it here although it probably existed prior to this.
[Exact time unknown] A joint statement was published summarising progress in the discussions and announcing that a report would be made to the Irish Government.
[Exact time unknown] A Hume/Adams Statement was issued.