No resource collections are available for this committee.
No resource items are available for this committee.
The committee was appointed.
A Resolution Relating to the Salaries of the Judges was referred to the committee.
File No. 18 was referred to the committee.
File No. 3: Compact with the United States and Files No. 8, 10, and 18 were referred to the committee.
File No. 22 was referred to the committee. Reports of the committee and the relevant files were referred to the Convention.
File No. 52: Probate Courts and Files No. 53 and 54 were referred to the committee.
File No. 92: Oath of Office and File No. 87 were referred to the committee.
Files No. 96 and 97 were referred to the committee.
The article on Judicial Department was referred to the Convention.
The minority report of the committee on the Article on Judicial Department was referred to the Convention.
A communication from Brigadier-General Commanding Thomas H. Ruger was referred to the committee.
A report of the committee on section 2 of the Compact with the United States was referred to the Convention.