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The Forum

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue

The Northern Ireland (Entry to Negotiation, etc) Act 1996 provided for a Forum constituted by delegates elected in elections under the same Act to consider and examine issues relevant to promoting dialogue and understanding within Northern Ireland. The Forum met at the Interpoint Centre, York Street, Belfast from 14 June 1996 to 24 April 1998.

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The list of documents under consideration by committee: The Forum at the end of its timeline.

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 14 Jun 1996, 14:10

Consolidated Motion on Rules Committee

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 05 Jul 1996, 10:05

New Motion on Education Administration

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 08 Jul 1996, 10:05

Business Plan for 8 July 1996

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 19 Jul 1996, 10:03

Advertisement Seeking Views from the Public

Last decision:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 19 Jul 1996, 10:03

It was so decided.

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 19 Jul 1996, 10:03

Amendment to the Advertisement Seeking Views from the Public

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 19 Jul 1996, 10:03

Mechanics for Committees

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 26 Jul 1996, 10:05

Business Committee Report: Forum Committees

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 26 Jul 1996, 10:05

Motion on Health Care

Last decision:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 26 Jul 1996, 10:05

Question, as amended, put and agreed to. Resolved: [...]

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 06 Sep 1996, 10:00

Motion on Boycotting

Last decision:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 06 Sep 1996, 10:00

Question, as amended, put and agreed to. Resolved: [...]

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 13 Sep 1996, 10:02

Motion on BSE

Last decision:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 13 Sep 1996, 10:02

Question, as amended, put and agreed to. [...]

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 20 Sep 1996, 10:03

Request from Parades Committee to Extend Remit

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 27 Sep 1996, 10:00

Letter from the Secretary of State Concerning the Rules of Procedure Agreed by the Forum - 19 September 1996

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 04 Oct 1996, 10:00

Interim Report on Education Administration

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 11 Oct 1996, 10:03

Motion on the Economy

Last decision:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 11 Oct 1996, 10:03

Main question put and agreed to. Resolved: [...]

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 18 Oct 1996, 10:08

Motion on Jobseeker's Allowance

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 25 Oct 1996, 10:00

Business Committee Preliminary Recommendations on Operation of Standing Committees.

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 25 Oct 1996, 10:00

Request from Standing Committee B to Extend Term of Reference

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 25 Oct 1996, 10:00

Motion on the Queen's Speech for the State Opening of Parliament

Last decision:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 25 Oct 1996, 10:00

Question put and agreed to. Resolved: [...]

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 25 Oct 1996, 10:00

Motion on Waste Products

Last decision:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 25 Oct 1996, 10:00

Question put and agreed to. Resolved: [...]

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 01 Nov 1996, 10:02

Review of the Beef Industry Crisis in Northern Ireland (Interim Report)

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 01 Nov 1996, 10:02

Motion on the Neil Latimer Case

Last decision:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 01 Nov 1996, 10:02

Question put and agreed to. Resolved: [...]

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 01 Nov 1996, 10:02

Motion on European Union (Political Integration)

Last decision:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 08 Nov 1996, 10:05

Resolved: [...]

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 08 Nov 1996, 10:05

Motion to Approve Standing Committee E Membership

Last decision:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 08 Nov 1996, 10:05


Creator event:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 08 Nov 1996, 10:05

Investigation into the Proposed Fluoridation of Water Supplies in Northern Ireland (Interim Report)

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 22 Nov 1996, 10:05

Review of Education Administration in Northern Ireland (Education and Library Boards)

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 22 Nov 1996, 10:05

Review of Fisheries Issues in Northern Ireland

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 22 Nov 1996, 10:05

Motion on the Elderly

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 13 Dec 1996, 10:04

Public Expenditure (Cuts) Motion

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 10 Jan 1997, 10:00

Address Invitations Motion

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 31 Jan 1997, 10:02

Letter to Baroness Denton regarding ACE scheme cuts

Last decision:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 31 Jan 1997, 10:02

[Editor's Note: The letter is sent.]

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 07 Feb 1997, 10:02

Investigation into Cancer Care in Northern Ireland: Report

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 14 Feb 1997, 10:02

Letter to the family of Stephen Restorick

Last decision:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 14 Feb 1997, 10:02

The Chairman: I shall be very happy to do exactly that.

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 14 Feb 1997, 10:02

Association of Local Authorities of Northern Ireland (ALANI) Motion

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 14 Feb 1997, 10:02

Pollution (Rivers, Streams and Beaches) Motion

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 21 Feb 1997, 10:02

Progress Report: Standing Committee E

Last decision:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 21 Feb 1997, 10:02

Question put and agreed to. Resolved: The Forum notes the work undertaken to date by Standing Committee E.

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 21 Feb 1997, 10:02

St Patrick's Day Motion

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 21 Feb 1997, 10:02

Letter to the Department for Agriculture

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 28 Feb 1997, 10:07

Copy of the Debate

Last decision:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 28 Feb 1997, 10:07

[Editor's Note: The Chairman undertakes to send the copy of the debate to McClure]

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 07 Mar 1997, 10:03

Review of the Current State of the Northern Ireland Potato Industry

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 07 Mar 1997, 10:03

Letter to Baroness Denton forwarding the report on the Potato Industry

Last decision:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 07 Mar 1997, 10:03

It was so decided.

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 13 Jun 1997, 10:03

Election Irregularities Motion

Last decision:

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 27 Jun 1997, 10:06

Summer Recess Recommendation

Last decision:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 27 Jun 1997, 10:06

It was so decided.

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 27 Jun 1997, 10:06

Message to the Minister for Education

Last decision:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 27 Jun 1997, 10:06

[Editor's Note: This letter is therefore sent.]

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 27 Jun 1997, 10:06

Motion on the Prime Minister's Statement about political development talks

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 04 Jul 1997, 10:05

Letter to SDLP Leader encouraging them to engage with the committee]

Last decision:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 04 Jul 1997, 10:05

[Editor's Note: The phrasing 'I trust' suggests the letter was sent. No Objections are raised.]

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 18 Jul 1997, 10:03

Interim Report on Long-Term Unemployment

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 25 Jul 1997, 10:02

Report on Evidence about the Performance of the Northern Ireland Economy given to Standing Committee E

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 12 Sep 1997, 10:04

Motion on the future governance of Northern Ireland

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 19 Sep 1997, 10:04

Motion to invite the European Commissioner for Regional Policy

Last decision:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 19 Sep 1997, 10:04

Members indicated assent.

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 26 Sep 1997, 10:04

Letter to the British team who set a new world land-speed record

Last decision:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 26 Sep 1997, 10:04

The Chairman: Do Members agree to our doing that? It was so decided.

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 26 Sep 1997, 10:04

Report on the operation of the health service in Northern Ireland

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 26 Sep 1997, 10:04

Motion on Integrated Transport Policy

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 10 Oct 1997, 10:04

Christmas Recess Recommendation 1997

Last decision:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 10 Oct 1997, 10:04

Members indicated assent.

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 10 Oct 1997, 10:04

Motion on local government working groups

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 31 Oct 1997, 10:00

Final Report on Long-Term Unemployment by Standing Committee E

Last decision:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 31 Oct 1997, 10:00

[Editor's Note: As a result of the motion, this report is adopted]

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 31 Oct 1997, 10:00

Report by the Committee on Electoral Reform

Last decision:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 31 Oct 1997, 10:00

[Editor's Note: This report is adopted as a result of the motion]

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 07 Nov 1997, 10:03

Motion on Coats Viyella poppy controversy

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 14 Nov 1997, 00:00

Response of Committee E to the Developing an Integrated Transport Policy document by DETR

Last decision:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 14 Nov 1997, 00:00

[Editor's Note: The response document is therefore adopted]

Creator event:

Last decision:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 05 Dec 1997, 10:03

[Editor's Note: As a result of the motion passing, the report is adopted]

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 09 Jan 1998, 10:02

Motion on recent events (political/security situation)

Last decision:

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 16 Jan 1998, 10:01

Addition of Adjournment Debates weekly

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 23 Jan 1998, 10:03

Clarification of Quorum Rules

Creator event:

Last decision:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 23 Jan 1998, 10:03

[Editor's Note: As a result of the procedural motion being passed, this report is adopted]

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 23 Jan 1998, 10:03

Motion on Police (Northern Ireland) Bill

Last decision:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 23 Jan 1998, 10:03

Question put and agreed to. Resolved: This Forum takes note of the Police (Northern Ireland) Bill.

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 30 Jan 1998, 10:03

Response of Committee B on Government's consultation paper on pre-school education

Last decision:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 30 Jan 1998, 10:03

[Editor's Note: As the result of the adoption of the motion, this document is adopted]

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 30 Jan 1998, 10:03

Motion on the Northern Ireland Community

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 06 Feb 1998, 10:03

Report on the European Union Special Support Programme for Peace and Reconciliation (Standing Committee E)

Last decision:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 06 Feb 1998, 10:03

[Editor's Note: As a result of the passing of the motion to adopt the report, the report is adopted]

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 06 Feb 1998, 10:03

Motion on 'Shaping our Future' Consultation Document

Last decision:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 06 Feb 1998, 10:03

Question put and agreed to. Resolved: This Forum notes the Consultation Document 'Shaping Our Future'.

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 13 Feb 1998, 10:03

Men's Health in Northern Ireland: An Examination by Standing Committee C

Last decision:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 13 Feb 1998, 10:03

[Editor's Note: as a result of the adoption of the motion to accept the report, this report is accepted]

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 13 Feb 1998, 10:03

Response of Committee B to the draft Education (Northern Ireland) Order 1998

Last decision:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 13 Feb 1998, 10:03

[Editor's Note: As a result of the passing of the previous motion, the response is adopted]

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 13 Feb 1998, 10:03

Motion on Government funding for sport in Northern Ireland

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 20 Feb 1998, 10:00

Priority for Committee Reports

Last decision:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 20 Feb 1998, 10:00

[Editor's Note: This functions as the Forum being made aware rather than making a choice]

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 20 Feb 1998, 10:00

Response of Committee D to the consultative paper on Fisheries Department's proposals

Last decision:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 20 Feb 1998, 10:00

[Editor's Note: As a result of the motion to adopt it being adopted, this document is adopted.]

Creator event:

Last decision:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 13 Mar 1998, 10:04

[Editor's Note: As a result of the motion being passed, this response document is adopted]

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 13 Mar 1998, 10:04

The Electoral Committee's Report on an electoral system from a Northern Ireland Assembly

Last decision:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 13 Mar 1998, 10:04

[Editor's Note: As a result of the previous motion being adopted, this report is adopted]

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 20 Mar 1998, 10:00

Motion on the Chancellor's Budget Statement

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 27 Mar 1998, 10:03

The Northern Ireland Ambulance Service: A Review by Standing Committee C

Last decision:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 27 Mar 1998, 10:03

[Editor's Note: As a result of the passing of the previous motion, this document is adopted]

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 27 Mar 1998, 10:03

Motion on European Union Common Agricultural Policy

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 03 Apr 1998, 10:01

Transport in Rural Areas: A Report by Standing Committee E

Last decision:

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 03 Apr 1998, 10:01

Electoral System for Westminster Elections: A Report by Committee On Electoral Reform

Last decision:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 03 Apr 1998, 10:01

[Editor's result: as a result of the passing of the previous motion, this report is adopted]

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 10 Apr 1998, 10:01

Motion on Fair Employment Commission Report

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 10 Apr 1998, 10:01

Recommendation for rest of day's business

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 24 Apr 1998, 10:02

Northern Ireland Agriculture - Preparing for the Future: Standing Committee D report

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 24 Apr 1998, 10:02

Willow Biomass and Renewable Energy: Report by Standing Committee D

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 24 Apr 1998, 10:02

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue: Activities and Achievements

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 14 Jun 1996, 14:10

Location of First Meeting of the Forum - Schedule 2(2)(1) Northern Ireland Act (1996)

Creator event:

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 14 Jun 1996, 14:10

Northern Ireland Forum: First Meeting, Friday 14 June 1996 Agenda

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 21 Jun 1996, 11:10

First Business Committee Report

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 21 Jun 1996, 11:10

Agenda for Forum 21/06/1996

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 28 Jun 1996, 10:06

Draft Rules of Procedure [as Amended in the Forum]

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 05 Jul 1996, 10:05

Letter From the Lord Mayor of Manchester on 1 July 1996

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 05 Jul 1996, 10:05

Rules Committee Report 2/07/1996

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 05 Jul 1996, 10:05

Letter from Northern Ireland Public Service Alliance Representative

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 19 Jul 1996, 10:03

Fifth Draft of Amended Rules

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 26 Jul 1996, 10:05

Health Care Resolution

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 20 Sep 1996, 10:03

Document for Housing Debate

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 20 Sep 1996, 10:03

Motion on Housing Policy Review

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 25 Oct 1996, 10:00

WRONG OLD Business Committee Recommendations on Operation of Standing Committees.

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 01 Nov 1996, 10:02

Statement from Neil Latimer

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 08 Nov 1996, 10:05

Letter From Malcolm Moss, Minister Responsible for Housing

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 15 Nov 1996, 10:04

Letter From Baroness Denton in Response to the Forum's Resolution on the Economy

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 06 Dec 1996, 10:03

Letter from Neil Latimer to the Chairman

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 21 Feb 1997, 10:02

Garvaghy Road Resident's Coalition address motion

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 21 Jun 1996, 11:10

First Draft of Amended Rules of Procedure - Created by the Rules Committee

Last decision:

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 28 Jun 1996, 10:06

Second Draft of Amended Rules of Procedure

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 28 Jun 1996, 10:06

Motion to Forum on Education Administration

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 28 Jun 1996, 10:06

Proposal by Education Minister Michael Ancram Regarding Education Administration

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 28 Jun 1996, 10:06

Third Draft of Amended Rules of Procedure

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 28 Jun 1996, 10:06

Business Committee Report 28/06/1996

Last decision:

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 05 Jul 1996, 10:05

Fourth Draft of Amended Rules

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 26 Jul 1996, 10:05

Annex I - Parades Committee

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 26 Jul 1996, 10:05

Annex II - Education Committee

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 26 Jul 1996, 10:05

Annex III - Health Committee

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 26 Jul 1996, 10:05

Annex IV - Agriculture Committee

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 06 Sep 1996, 10:00

Letter from the Secretary of State Concerning the Rules of Procedure Agreed by the Forum

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 06 Sep 1996, 10:00

Letter from Michael Ancram Regarding Education Boards

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 20 Sep 1996, 10:03

Forum Appointment of Four Committees (Parades Committee)

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 18 Oct 1996, 10:08

Introduction of Order Papers

Last decision:

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 01 Nov 1996, 10:02

Motion on Standing Committees

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 13 Jun 1997, 10:03

Standing Committees: designations, remits and terms of reference

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 27 Jun 1997, 10:06

Standing Committees: designations, remits and terms of reference

Last decision:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 27 Jun 1997, 10:06

[Editor's Note: This document always returns to the business committee]

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 11 Jul 1997, 10:04

Chairman's guidelines for the use of rule 13.1

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 26 Sep 1997, 10:04

Standing Committees: designations, remits and terms of reference

Last decision:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 26 Sep 1997, 10:04

[Editor's Note: This document returns to the Business Committee]

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 26 Sep 1997, 10:04

Message to the Business committee regarding committee consideration of transport policy

Last decision:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 26 Sep 1997, 10:04

The Chairman: I suggest that the Business Committee should discuss how best to progress this.

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 03 Oct 1997, 10:04

Standing Committees: designations, remits and terms of reference

Last decision:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 03 Oct 1997, 10:04

[Editor's Note: This document returns to the business committee]

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 10 Oct 1997, 10:04

Members appointed to Standing Committee A

Last decision:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 10 Oct 1997, 10:04

[Editor's Note: represented as referred to be enacted in Standing Committee A]

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 21 Nov 1997, 00:00

Motion on Community Action Groups

Last decision:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 28 Nov 1997, 10:02

[Editor's Note: as a result, this motion is referred to the Business committee]

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 05 Dec 1997, 10:03

Standing Committees: designations, remits and terms of reference

Last decision:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 05 Dec 1997, 10:03

[Editor's Note: The document returns to the business committee]

Creator event:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 12 Dec 1997, 10:03

Standing Committees: designations, remits and terms of reference

Last decision:

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue, Date: 12 Dec 1997, 10:03

[Editor's Note: This document returns to the Business committee as they make changes to it]