U.S. Constitutional Convention 1787 (2021 Edition)

Grand Convention at Philadelphia, May to September, 1787, Quill Project 2021 Edition.

The Convention

The main chamber of the Constitutional Convention, consisting of all delegates.

The Committee Secretary's View The Committee Secretary's View

To see the full record of a committee, click on the corresponding committee on the map below.

Document introduced in:

Session 6250: 1787-08-07 11:00:00

Report of Committee of Detail considered. First three articles agreed. Qualifications of electors debated.

Document View:

Constitution Proposed by the Committee of Detail (Amended)

Shown with amendment 'C.C. Pinckney's Amendment for South Carolina to have Six Representatives' (e673291)

(Showing state at moment e673295)
There are 3 proposed amendments related to this document on which decisions have not been taken.
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[Constitution Reported from the Committee of Detail as Amended by the Convention]

WE the People of the States of New-Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode-Island and Providence Plantations, Connecticut, New-York, New-Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North-Carolina, South-Carolina, and Georgia, do ordain, declare and establish the following Constitution for the Government of Ourselves and our Posterity.


The stile of this Government shall be, “The United States of America.”


The Government shall consist of supreme legislative, executive and judicial powers.


The legislative power shall be vested in a Congress, to consist of two separate and distinct bodies of men, a House of Representatives, and a Senate. The Legislature shall meet at least once in every year; and such meeting shall be on the first Monday in December unless a different day shall be appointed by law.


Sect. 1. The Members of the House of Representatives shall be chosen every second year, by the people of the several States comprehended within this Union. The qualifications of the electors shall be the same, from time to time, as those of the electors in the several States, of the most numerous branch of their own legislatures.

Sect. 2. Every Member of the House of Representatives shall be of the age of twenty-five years at least; shall have been a citizen of the United States for at least seven years before his election; and shall be, at the time of his election, an inhabitant of the State in which he shall be chosen.

Sect. 3. The House of Representatives shall, at its first formation, and until the number of citizens and inhabitants shall be taken in the manner herein after described, consist of sixty-five members, of whom three shall be chosen in New-Hampshire, eight in Massachusetts, one in Rhode-Island and Providence Plantations, five in Connecticut, six in New-York, four in New-Jersey, eight in Pennsylvania, one in Delaware, six in Maryland, ten in Virginia, five in North-Carolina, sixfive in South-Carolina, and three in Georgia.

Decisions yet to be taken

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