United States Bill of Rights 1789 (2021 Edition)

Twelve articles of amendment to the Constitution, introduced in September 1789 by Congress.

The Senate

The upper chamber of the United States Congress

The Committee Secretary's View The Committee Secretary's View

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Document introduced in:

Session 4963: 1789-09-02 11:00:00

The Senate considers the House amendments

Document View:

Clause by Clause Consideration of the House's Proposed Amendments

Shown with amendment 'Amendment to Fifth Article' (e126911)

(Showing state at moment e126915)
There are 2 proposed amendments related to this document on which decisions have not been taken.
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After the first enumeration, required by the first Article of the Constitution, there shall be one Representative for every thirty thousand, until the number shall amount to one hundred, to which number one representative shall be added for every subsequent increase of forty thousand, until the representatives shall amount to two hundred, to which one representative shall be added for every subsequent increase of sixty thousand persons.


No law varying the compensation for the service of the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States shall take effect, until an election of Representatives shall have intervened.


Congress shall make no law establishing religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.


That Congress shall make no law, abridging the Freedom of Speech, or of the Press, or the right of the People peaceably to assemble and consult for their common good, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.


A well regulated militia, composed of the body of the People, being the best security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed, but no one religiously scrupulous of bearing arms, shall be compelled to render military service in person. That standing armies, in time of peace, being dangerous to liberty, should be avoided, as far as the circumstances and protection of the community will admit; and that in all cases the military should be under strict subordination to, and governed by, the civil power; that no standing army or regular troops shall be raised in time of peace, without the consent of two-thirds of the members present in both Houses; and that no soldier shall be enlisted for any longer term than the continuance of the war.

Decisions yet to be taken

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