United States Fourteenth Amendment & The Civil Rights Act of 1866

An amendment to the Constitution of the United States that granted citizenship and equal rights, both civil and legal, to Black Americans, including those who had been emancipated by the thirteenth amendment.

The House of Representatives

The House of Representatives of the Thirty-Ninth Session of Congress

The Committee Secretary's View The Committee Secretary's View

To see the full record of a committee, click on the corresponding committee on the map below.

Document introduced in:

Session 5595: 1866-03-26 12:00:00

Mr. Roger's Resolution on rebel debt is taken up

Document View (with components):

Resolutions on the Contested Election of Dodge vs. Brooks

Shown with amendment 'Resolutions on the Contested Election of Dodge vs. Brooks: Minority Substitute: Mr. Garfield's Amendment' (e863556)

(Showing state at moment e863557)
There are 5 proposed amendments related to this document on which decisions have not been taken.

Resolved, That [-e863545]the testimony taken as to Hon. James Brooks be recommitted to the Committee of Elections, with instructions to report especially the facts as to the custom under[+e863556]the Hon. James Brooks is not entitled to a se[-e863556]at in[-e863545]laws of New York of[+e863556] this[-e863556] h[-e863545]ppoi[+e863556]residing in[+e863817]ntin[+e863556 -e863817]g inspector[+e863556]ou[-e863545]of the [+e863556]se as[-e863556] a[-e863545]gi[+e863556] [-e863545]try of [+e863556]r[-e863545]lectio[+e863556]e[-e863545]s no[+e863556]act[+e863817]p[-e863817] from[+e863556 -e863817] the p[+e863556] that[+e863817]r[-e863817]r[+e863556]es[-e863545]cu[+e863556]contestant and sit[+e863817]lar election[+e863556 -e863817] dist[+e863556]member be permitted to make proof[+e863817]ricts[+e863556 -e863817]entati[-e863817]which [+e863556 -e863817]ve [-e863817]y resi[+e863556 -e863817]de; also[+e863556]casting of legal vote[+e863817],[+e863556 -e863817]in [-e863817]e facts res[+e863556 -e863817]pect[+e863556]the t[-e863556]15[+e863817]hir[-e863817]g [+e863556 -e863817]ty[-e863817]e verificat[+e863556] of the 18th ward, and that the committee be authorized[+e863817]ion by Brooks of the vot[+e863556 -e863817]-ninth Cong[-e863817]or B[+e863556 -e863817]re[-e863817]oks in[+e863556 -e863817]ss fro[-e863817]f[+e863556 -e863817]ifte[+e863556]p[+e863817]en[+e863556]scribe the time and manner of tak[+e863817]m the eighth di[-e863817], with power to se[+e863556 -e863817]nd[+e863556]g[+e863817] [+e863556]the neces[+e863817]fo[+e863556]ry testimony[+e863817]r persons a[+e863556 -e863817]nd papers, and power to reinstitute judicial reëxamination in said district[+e863556]strict in Ne[-e863556]w York. [-e863545]


Resolved, That William E. Dodge is not [+e863545]entitled to a seat in the H[+e863545]is h[-e863545]ouse as a R[+e863545]r[-e863545]epresentative in the thirty-ninth Congress from the eighth district in New York.

Decisions yet to be taken

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