The Dakotas Joint Committee for the Division of Property 1889

The Dakotas Joint Committee for the Division of Property began on July 16, 1889 and dissolved on July 31, 1889. It allowed for delegates from both the North and South Conventions to meet in Bismarck and negotiate the splitting of the Territory of Dakota.

The Joint Commission

The Committee Secretary's View The Committee Secretary's View

To see the full record of a committee, click on the corresponding committee on the map below.

Document introduced in:

Session 14910: 1889-07-22 10:00:00

The Committee on the Public Records of the Territory presented their report; however, a quorum not being present, the Commission adjourned until the afternoon.

Document View:

Resolution on the Disposition of the Public Records of the Territory of Dakota

Shown with amendment 'None' (e911112)

There is 1 proposed amendment related to this document on which a decision has not been taken.

Resolved, That it is the sense of this Joint Commission that in execution of the duty imposed upon it by the Act of Congress under which it was created relating to the disposition of the public records, it should provide for copies of such records as will, in its judgment, be required and necessary for the proposed States of North Dakota and South Dakota to inaugurate and continue such States respectively in their several departments, and that an agreement be made by this Commission as to the desposition of both original and copies, and that such agreement shall be reported by the committees from North Dakota and South Dakota to their respective Conventions, with the recommendation that the same be made a part of the Schedule and Ordinance to be submitted with the proposed Constitution for ratification by the people of North Dakota and South Dakota respectively.

Decisions yet to be taken

Document Timeline