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Document introduced in:

Session 13851: 1861-03-02 00:00:00

The Senate, as in Committee of the Whole, takes up H. Res. 80.

Document View:

H. Res. 80

Shown with amendment 'None' (e862156)

(Showing state at moment e862164)
There are 3 proposed amendments related to this document on which decisions have not been taken.

Be it resolved that the provisions of the Constitution are ample for the preservation of the Union, and the protection of all the material interests of the country; that it needs to be obeyed rather than amended; and that an extrication from our present dangers is to be looked for in strenuous efforts to preserve the peace, protect the public property, and enforce the laws, rather than in new guarantees for particular interests, compromises for particular difficulties, or concessions to unreasonable demands.

Resolved, That all attempts to dissolve the present Union, or overthrow or abandon the present Constitution, with the hope or expectation of constructing a new one, are dangerous, illusory, and destructive; that in the opinion of the Senate of the United States no such reconstruction is practicable; and, therefore, to the maintenance of the existing Union and Constitution should be directed all the energies of all the departments of the Government, and the efforts of all good citizens.

Decisions yet to be taken

  • H. Res. 80 (introduced on 1861-03-02 00:00:00 - CREATE_FROM - e860803) [This document]
  • Motion for the Senate to Take a Recess (introduced on 1861-03-03 07:00:00 - PROCEDURE - e861417)
  • Motion for the Yeas and Nays on Motion to Lay H. Res. 80 on the Table (introduced on 1861-03-03 07:00:00 - PROCEDURE - e862132)

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