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Document introduced in:

Session 12009: 1860-12-06 12:00:00

More Senators join the Senate; Mr. Powell presents a resolution to create a Committee of Thirteen to consider the conflict within the Union.

Document View:

Resolution to Create a Committee of Thirteen

Shown with amendment 'None' (e822132)

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Resolved, That so much of the President's message as relates to the present agitated and distracted condition of the country, and the grievances between the slaveholding and the non-slaveholding States, be referred to a special committee of thirteen members; and that said committee be instructed to inquire whether any additional legislation within the sphere of Federal authority be necessary for the protection and security of property in the States and Territories of the United States; and it so, that they re-port by bill. And that said committee be also instructed to consider and report upon the expediency of proposing such an amendment or amendments to the Constitution of the United States as may be necessary to give certain, prompt, and full protection to the rights of property of the citizens of every State and Territory of the United States and insure the equality of the States, and the equal rights of all the citizens aforesaid, under the Federal Constitution.

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