Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889

Washington's first constitutional convention met between July and August 1889 to draft the state's foundational text.

The Convention

To see the full record of a committee, click on the corresponding committee on the map below.

Committee Document Library View

The list of documents under consideration by committee: The Convention at the end of its timeline.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 04 Jul 1889, 16:00

Resolution on the Temporary Chairman of the Convention

People: John P. Hoyt

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 05 Jul 1889, 10:00

Report of the Committee on Credentials

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 05 Jul 1889, 10:00

Communication of Pay for Convention Officers

People: O. C. White

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 05 Jul 1889, 10:00

J. R. Kinnear's Resolution

People: John R. Kinnear

Last decision:

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 05 Jul 1889, 10:00

W. F. Prosser's Resolution to Appoint a Committee on Rules

People: William F. Prosser

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 05 Jul 1889, 10:00

[Editors' Note: Prosser's resolution, as amended by Griffitts, was adopted.]

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 05 Jul 1889, 10:00

T. P. Dyer's Resolution on a Committee to Confer with Reporters

People: Trusten P. Dyer

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 05 Jul 1889, 10:00

T. P. Dyer offered the following which was adopted.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 05 Jul 1889, 10:00

C. A. Bowen's Resolution on the Press

People: Ozra A. Bowen

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 05 Jul 1889, 10:00

C. A. Bowen introduced the following which was adopted.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 05 Jul 1889, 10:00

Telegram from the Montana Constitutional Convention

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 05 Jul 1889, 10:00

J. Z. Moore submitted the following telegram from the Montana Constitutional Convention.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 05 Jul 1889, 10:00

Message from the Territorial Secretary Concerning Printing

People: O. C. White

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 05 Jul 1889, 10:00

The following communications from the Territorial Secretary were read and filed.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 05 Jul 1889, 10:00

Message from the Comptroller on Delegate Salaries

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 05 Jul 1889, 10:00

The following communications from the Territorial Secretary were read and filed.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 06 Jul 1889, 10:00

Resolution Thanking the Temporary Officers

People: James Power

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 06 Jul 1889, 10:00


Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 06 Jul 1889, 10:00

Report of the Committee on Rules and Order of Business

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 06 Jul 1889, 10:00

Report of the Committee on Official Stenographers

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 06 Jul 1889, 10:00

The report was adopted by a rising vote.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 06 Jul 1889, 10:00

Resolution that the Sergeant-at-Arms Order Ice

People: Addison A. Lindsley

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 06 Jul 1889, 10:00


Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 06 Jul 1889, 10:00

Resolution Authorizing the President to Appoint Members of Committees

People: William F. Prosser

Last decision:

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 06 Jul 1889, 10:00

Telegram from Ellensburg

People: John P. Hoyt

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 09 Jul 1889, 14:00

Standing Committee Appointments

People: John P. Hoyt

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 09 Jul 1889, 14:00

The President then named the standing committees as follows: [...]

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 09 Jul 1889, 14:00

Report from the Committee on Rules and Order of Business [Committee of the Whole]

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 09 Jul 1889, 14:00

Telegram from the Mayor of Ellensburg

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 09 Jul 1889, 14:00

While the ballot was being counted up the following telegram was read:

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 10 Jul 1889, 13:30

Request of the Judiciary Committee

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 10 Jul 1889, 13:30

Minority Report from the Committee on Corporations other than Municipal

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 10 Jul 1889, 13:30

Resolution on Trusts

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 10 Jul 1889, 13:30

Resolution Regarding Floor Privileges

People: John F. Gowey

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 10 Jul 1889, 13:30


Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 10 Jul 1889, 13:30

Request from the Committee on Appointment and Representation to Appoint a Clerk

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 10 Jul 1889, 13:30

Request from the Committee on Agriculture to Appoint a Clerk

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 11 Jul 1889, 13:30

Communication Requesting Travel Details

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 11 Jul 1889, 13:30

Which was done.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 11 Jul 1889, 13:30

Resolution on the Proper Form of Propositions

People: Trusten P. Dyer

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 11 Jul 1889, 13:30

Request from the Committee on Elections to Employ a Clerk

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 11 Jul 1889, 13:30

Request from the Committee on Engrossment to Appoint a Clerk

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 13 Jul 1889, 09:00

Rules of the Convention [Committee on Rules and Order of Business]

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 13 Jul 1889, 09:00

Report from the Committee on Rules and Order of Business

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 13 Jul 1889, 09:00

Resolution on Notices of Committee Meetings

People: Thomas M. Reed

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 13 Jul 1889, 09:00

Resolution on Printing the Report of the Committee on Rules

People: Daniel Buchanan

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 13 Jul 1889, 09:00

Mr. Reed moved to amend by making it three hundred and the resolution as amended carried.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 15 Jul 1889, 13:00

Telegram from Mr. Dyer

People: Trusten P. Dyer

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 15 Jul 1889, 13:00


Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 15 Jul 1889, 13:00

Report of the Committee on Judicial Department

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 15 Jul 1889, 13:00

Report on Mileage of Members

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 15 Jul 1889, 13:00

Resolution on State Boundaries

People: George Comegys

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 15 Jul 1889, 13:00

Report of the Committee on Judicial Department on the Resolution by Mr. Eshelman

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 16 Jul 1889, 09:00

Personal Statement by Mr. Moore

People: James Z. Moore

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 16 Jul 1889, 09:00

Mr. Moore then made a personal statement to the Convention.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 16 Jul 1889, 09:00

Resolution on Offering L.B. Andrews a Seat within the Bar

People: Trusten P. Dyer

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 16 Jul 1889, 09:00


Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 17 Jul 1889, 09:00

Resolution to Extend the Floor to John Allen

People: James Z. Moore

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 17 Jul 1889, 09:00


Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 17 Jul 1889, 09:00

Resolution on Printing of Articles

People: Thomas M. Reed

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 20 Jul 1889, 09:00

Communication From the Olympia Board of Trade Inviting Convention Members to a Clam Bake

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 22 Jul 1889, 13:30

Resolution by Mr. Minor

People: Thomas T. Minor

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 22 Jul 1889, 13:30

Consent given and adopted.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 22 Jul 1889, 13:30

Report from Mr. Prosser

People: William F. Prosser

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 22 Jul 1889, 13:30


Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 22 Jul 1889, 13:30

Telegram from Hon. George H. Williams

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 24 Jul 1889, 09:00

Minority Report of the Committee on Miscellaneous Subjects, Schedule and Future Amendments

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 30 Jul 1889, 09:00

Telegram from the Mayor of Yakima

People: John P. Hoyt

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 30 Jul 1889, 09:00

[Editor's Note: askjnkjsanvkjafnvkafjvnkf]

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 30 Jul 1889, 09:00

Telegram from the Board of Trade of Yakima

People: John P. Hoyt

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 30 Jul 1889, 09:00

[Editor's Note: asnvkjanvnnn]

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 01 Aug 1889, 09:00

Letter on a Monument to the Pilgrims

People: John P. Hoyt

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 06 Aug 1889, 08:00

Telegram from Mayor Furth of Spokane Falls

People: John P. Hoyt

Last decision:

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 08 Aug 1889, 09:00

Resolution to Present all Reports of Standing Committees before August 10th

People: Thomas T. Minor

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 08 Aug 1889, 09:00

And resolution adopted.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 08 Aug 1889, 09:00

Resolution from Stevens Post No. 1

People: John P. Hoyt

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 08 Aug 1889, 09:00

President Hoyt presented the following, which was read and ordered spread on the minutes.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 14 Aug 1889, 09:00

Article XV [Harbors and Tidewaters, Convention]

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 14 Aug 1889, 09:00

Report from Committee on Revision

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 14 Aug 1889, 09:00

The report was read and it was so ordered.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 19 Aug 1889, 09:00

Resolution Regarding Compensation for Clerks

People: Ozra A. Bowen

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 21 Aug 1889, 09:00

Resolution from the Committee on State, School and Granted Lands

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 21 Aug 1889, 09:00


Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 21 Aug 1889, 09:00

Resolution from the Committee on Corporations other than Municipal

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 21 Aug 1889, 09:00

Mr. Crowley's Resolution

People: Daniel J. Crowley

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 21 Aug 1889, 09:00

Mr. J. Z. Moore's Resolution

People: James Z. Moore

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 21 Aug 1889, 09:00

Mr. E. H. Sullivan's Resolution

People: E. H. Sullivan

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 21 Aug 1889, 09:00

Mr. Kinnear's Resolution

People: John R. Kinnear

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 21 Aug 1889, 09:00

Mr. Joy's Resolution

People: Oliver H. Joy

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 21 Aug 1889, 09:00

Resolution by Mr. Dunbar

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 22 Aug 1889, 09:00

Resolution of Thanks to the Reporters

People: S. H. Manly

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 22 Aug 1889, 09:00

Unanimously adopted.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 22 Aug 1889, 09:00

Resolution on the Affairs after the Convention Adjourns 'Sine Die'

People: Allen Weir

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 22 Aug 1889, 09:00

It was adopted.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 22 Aug 1889, 09:00

Resolution of Thanks to the Citizens of Olympia and the Song 'The Old Settler'

People: George Turner

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 22 Aug 1889, 09:00

And it was unanimously adopted.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 04 Jul 1889, 16:00

Telegram of Greetings to Washington

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 04 Jul 1889, 16:00

Telegram of Greetings to Washington

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 15 Jul 1889, 13:00

Proposition by Mr. Eshelman (Elections)

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 17 Jul 1889, 09:00

Majority Report of the Committee on Miscellaneous Subjects, etc.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 17 Jul 1889, 09:00

Petition to Ban the Sale of Alcohol

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 17 Jul 1889, 09:00

Petition From the People of Yakima to Ban the Sale of Alcohol

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 17 Jul 1889, 09:00

Memorial for the Prohibition of Alcoholic Liquors

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 17 Jul 1889, 09:00

Petition on Liquor Traffic

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 17 Jul 1889, 09:00

Minority Report of the Committee on Miscellaneous Subjects, etc.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 17 Jul 1889, 09:00

Minority Proposition on Prohibition

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 19 Jul 1889, 09:00

Report from the Committee on Printing, Mileage and Contingent Expenses

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 19 Jul 1889, 09:00

Article on Judicial Department [Judiciary Department]: Section 3: Substitute

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 23 Jul 1889, 09:00

Report of the Committee on Executive Department and Pardoning Power

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 25 Jul 1889, 09:00

Petition Relative to the Suffrage of Women

People: J. F. Van Name

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 25 Jul 1889, 09:00

Report of the Committee on Preamble and Bill of Rights

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 29 Jul 1889, 09:00

Minority Report from the Committee on Corporations Other Than Municipal

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 29 Jul 1889, 09:00

And on the question shall the report lie on the table and be printed it was so ordered.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 31 Jul 1889, 09:00

Substitute for Section 21 of the Article of the Committee on Corporations Other Than Municipal

People: Daniel Buchanan

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 02 Aug 1889, 09:00

Minority Report Relative to the State, School and Granted Lands

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 03 Aug 1889, 09:00

Report from the Committee on Miscellaneous Subjects, Schedule and Future Amendments

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 03 Aug 1889, 09:00

Read, ordered to lie over one day and be printed.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 05 Aug 1889, 09:00

Telegram Protesting Against Selling Tidelands

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 05 Aug 1889, 09:00

Read and ordered to lie on the table for information.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 05 Aug 1889, 09:00

Telegram from Tom W. Wampler

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 05 Aug 1889, 09:00

Telegram from Tom W. Wampler, read and ordered to lie upon the table.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 05 Aug 1889, 09:00

Minority Report From Mr. Buchanan

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 05 Aug 1889, 09:00

Proposition of Hon. H. E. Allen Concerning Compensation of Public Officers

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 05 Aug 1889, 09:00

Ordered to lie on the table.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 05 Aug 1889, 09:00

Proposition of Hon. J. M. Reed Concerning Legal Holidays

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 05 Aug 1889, 09:00

Ordered to lie on the table.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 05 Aug 1889, 09:00

Proposition of Hon. H. E. Allen Concerning Statutes of Limitations

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 05 Aug 1889, 09:00

Also adverse report on proposition of Hon. H. E. Allen concerning statutes of limitations.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 05 Aug 1889, 09:00

Report of the Committee on Miscellaneous Subjects, Schedule and Future Amendments: Prohibition

People: Trusten P. Dyer

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 05 Aug 1889, 09:00

Telegram from S. C. Herron in Relation to Railroad Privileges

People: John P. Hoyt

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 05 Aug 1889, 09:00

Minority Report from the Committee on State, School and Granted Lands

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 05 Aug 1889, 09:00

Article XII [Corporations Other Than Municipal, Convention]

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 06 Aug 1889, 08:00

Minority Report from the Committee on State, School and Granted Lands

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 06 Aug 1889, 08:00

Which was read first and second time and ordered printed.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 06 Aug 1889, 08:00

Article I [Preamble and Bill of Rights]

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 07 Aug 1889, 09:00

Communication From the Board of Trade of Colfax

People: John P. Hoyt

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 07 Aug 1889, 09:00

Read and laid on the table.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 08 Aug 1889, 09:00

Communication from Allen C. Mason Regarding Tidelands

People: John P. Hoyt

Last decision:

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 08 Aug 1889, 09:00

Communication from Henry Drum regarding tidelands

People: Henry M. Lillis

Last decision:

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 08 Aug 1889, 09:00

Petition from Otis Sprague of Tacoma

People: P. C. Sullivan

Last decision:

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 08 Aug 1889, 09:00

Petition from Henry M. Ball of Tacoma

People: Theodore L. Stiles

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 08 Aug 1889, 09:00

Mr. Stiles presented similar petition from Henry M. Ball and others from Tacoma. Ordered to lie on the table.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 08 Aug 1889, 09:00

Petition from C. U. Masterson of Tacoma

People: Charles T. Fay

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 08 Aug 1889, 09:00

Mr. Fay presented similar petition from C. U. Masterson and others of Tacoma. Ordered to lie on the table.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 08 Aug 1889, 09:00

Telegram from J. E. Clarke

People: John P. Hoyt

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 08 Aug 1889, 09:00

Telegram of Greetings from Idaho

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 08 Aug 1889, 09:00

Telegram from Idaho Constitutional Convention

People: John P. Hoyt

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 09 Aug 1889, 09:00

Article [Not Accepted] (Mines and Mining, Committee on Mines and Mining Interests): Majority Report

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 09 Aug 1889, 09:00

Article [Not Accepted] (Mines and Mining, Committee on Mines and Mining Rights): Minority Report

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 10 Aug 1889, 09:00

Adverse Report on the Proposition of Mr. Kinnear on Warehouses

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 10 Aug 1889, 09:00

Minority Report from Committee on Harbors

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 13 Aug 1889, 09:00

Telegram from S. T. Armstrong

People: Ozra A. Bowen

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 14 Aug 1889, 09:00

Article I [Declaration of Rights, Convention]

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 15 Aug 1889, 09:00

Petition Relative to School Lands, Tidelands, etc.

People: Allen Weir

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 15 Aug 1889, 09:00

Ordered to lie on the table.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 15 Aug 1889, 09:00

Second Petition Relative to School Lands, Tidelands, etc.

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 15 Aug 1889, 09:00

Read and ordered to lie on the table.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 15 Aug 1889, 09:00

Third Petition Relative to School Lands, Tidelands, etc.

People: John P. Hoyt

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 15 Aug 1889, 09:00

Read and ordered to lie on the table.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 15 Aug 1889, 09:00

Communication from the Carpenters' Union of Tacoma

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 16 Aug 1889, 09:00

Petition Relative to Women's Suffrage

People: John P. Hoyt

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 16 Aug 1889, 09:00

Read and ordered to lie on the table.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 17 Aug 1889, 09:00

Report from the Committee on State Seal

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 17 Aug 1889, 09:00

Ordered to lie over one day and be printed.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 17 Aug 1889, 09:00

Article XVI [Schools and Granted Lands, Convention]

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 19 Aug 1889, 09:00

Protest on the Article Concerning Corporations

People: George Turner

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 20 Aug 1889, 09:00

Article XI [County, City, Township Organization, Committee on Revision, Adjustment and Enrollment]

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 21 Aug 1889, 09:00

Mr. Bowen's Resolution

People: Ozra A. Bowen

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 22 Aug 1889, 09:00

Report from the Committee of the Judicial Department

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 22 Aug 1889, 09:00

Article XXVII [Schedule, Committee on Judicial Department]

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 22 Aug 1889, 09:00

Separate Article on Titles to Shore Lands

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 22 Aug 1889, 09:00

Mr. Mires' Article (Tidelands)

People: Austin Mires

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 22 Aug 1889, 09:00

Protest Against the Sale of School Lands

People: Thomas C. Griffitts William F. Prosser Nelson Gates Blalock George H. Jones

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 22 Aug 1889, 09:00

Resolution of Thanks to the Convention Officers

People: William F. Prosser

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 04 Jul 1889, 16:00

Response to the South Dakota Constitutional Convention

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 04 Jul 1889, 16:00

Telegram of Greetings to Montana

People: James Z. Moore

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 05 Jul 1889, 10:00

Telegram to the Montana Constitutional Convention

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 05 Jul 1889, 10:00

Sullivan's Resolution on the Appointment of Committees

People: P. C. Sullivan

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 06 Jul 1889, 10:00

Resolution to Proceed to the Election of a Journal Clerk and Doorkeeper

People: Allen Weir

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 09 Jul 1889, 14:00

Report from the Committee on Rules and Order of Business

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 09 Jul 1889, 14:00

Rules of the Convention

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 09 Jul 1889, 14:00

Resolution on Trusts

People: John R. Kinnear

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 10 Jul 1889, 13:30

Knight's Bid for Printer

People: Thomas C. Griffitts

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 10 Jul 1889, 13:30

Referred to committee on printing.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 10 Jul 1889, 13:30

Memorial on Women's Suffrage

Last decision:

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 10 Jul 1889, 13:30

Petition to Ban the Sale of Alcohol

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 10 Jul 1889, 13:30

Petition From the People of Yakima to Ban the Sale of Alcohol

People: James Power Jacob T. Eshelman

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 10 Jul 1889, 13:30

Petition in Favor of Women's Suffrage

People: John M. Reed

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 10 Jul 1889, 13:30

Mr. J. M. Reed presented petition in favor of women’s suffrage, referred to Committee on Elections.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 10 Jul 1889, 13:30

Proposition No. 1 (School and Granted Lands)

People: Thomas C. Griffitts

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 10 Jul 1889, 13:30

Was read first and second time and referred to the Committee on State, School and Granted Lands.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 10 Jul 1889, 13:30

Proposition No. 2 (Land Ownership)

People: Thomas C. Griffitts

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 10 Jul 1889, 13:30

Was read a first and second time and referred to the Committee on State, School and Granted Lands.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 10 Jul 1889, 13:30

Proposition No. 3 (Corporations other than Municipal)

People: Thomas C. Griffitts

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 10 Jul 1889, 13:30

Was read first and second time and referred to the Committee on State, County and Municipal Corporations.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 10 Jul 1889, 13:30

Proposition No. 4 (Legislative Department)

People: Thomas C. Griffitts

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 10 Jul 1889, 13:30

Read first and second times and referred to the Committee on Legislative Department.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 10 Jul 1889, 13:30

Proposition No. 5 (Water Rights)

People: William F. Prosser

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 10 Jul 1889, 13:30

Read first and second time and referred to Committee on Water and Water Rights.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 10 Jul 1889, 13:30

Proposition No. 6 (Tidelands)

People: William F. Prosser

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 10 Jul 1889, 13:30

Was read a first and second time and referred to Committee on State, School and Granted Lands.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 10 Jul 1889, 13:30

Proposition No. 7 (Corporations other than Municipal)

People: B. L. Sharpstein

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 10 Jul 1889, 13:30

Read first and second time and referred to the Committee on Corporations Other Than Municipal.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 10 Jul 1889, 13:30

Proposition No. 8 (Tidelands)

People: James Power

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 10 Jul 1889, 13:30

Read first and second time and referred to the Committee on State, School and Granted Lands.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 10 Jul 1889, 13:30

Letter from N. W. Harris on Limiting Municipal Indebtedness

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 10 Jul 1889, 13:30

Referred to the committee on state, county and municipal debt.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 10 Jul 1889, 13:30

Proposition No. 9 (Corporations other than Municipal)

People: Melvin M. Godman

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 10 Jul 1889, 13:30

Referred to committee on corporations other than municipal.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 11 Jul 1889, 13:30

Remonstrance Against Women's Suffrage

People: Francis Henry

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 11 Jul 1889, 13:30

Memorial for the Prohibition of Alcoholic Liquors

People: Jacob T. Eshelman

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 11 Jul 1889, 13:30

Referred to Committee on Miscellaneous, Schedule and Future Amendments.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 11 Jul 1889, 13:30

Affidavit of E.B. Sutton

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 11 Jul 1889, 13:30

Referred to Committee on Miscellaneous, Schedule and Future Amendments.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 11 Jul 1889, 13:30

Partial Report from the Committee on Legislative Department

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 11 Jul 1889, 13:30

Resolution on the First House and Senate

People: James Z. Moore

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 11 Jul 1889, 13:30

Preamble and Article I by Mr. Weir (Preamble and Bill of Rights)

People: Allen Weir

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 11 Jul 1889, 13:30

Read second time and referred to Committee on Preamble and Bill of Rights.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 11 Jul 1889, 13:30

Article I by Mr. Suksdorf (Bill of Rights)

People: H. F. Suksdorf

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 11 Jul 1889, 13:30

Article II by Mr. Suksdorf (State Lands)

People: H. F. Suksdorf

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 11 Jul 1889, 13:30

Article III by Mr. Suksdorf (Executive Department)

People: H. F. Suksdorf

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 11 Jul 1889, 13:30

Proposition by Mr. Kinnear (Streets and Alleys)

People: John R. Kinnear

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 11 Jul 1889, 13:30

Read a second time and referred to Committee on State, School and Granted Lands.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 11 Jul 1889, 13:30

Proposition by Mr. Buchanan (Railroad Commissioners)

People: Daniel Buchanan

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 11 Jul 1889, 13:30

Read a second time and referred to Committee on Revenue and Taxation.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 11 Jul 1889, 13:30

Proposition No. 29 (Taxation)

People: Albert Schooley

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 11 Jul 1889, 13:30

Read a second time and referred to Committee on Revenue and Taxation.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 11 Jul 1889, 13:30

Proposition No. 30 (Taxation)

People: George Turner

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 11 Jul 1889, 13:30

Read a second time and referred to the Committee on Revenue and Taxation.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 11 Jul 1889, 13:30

Proposition by Mr. Turner (Sectarian Schools)

People: George Turner

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 11 Jul 1889, 13:30

Read a second time and referred to the Committee on Education and Educational Institutions.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 11 Jul 1889, 13:30

Proposition No. 32 (Laborers)

People: George Turner

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 11 Jul 1889, 13:30

Read a second time and referred to the Committee on Legislative Department.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 11 Jul 1889, 13:30

Proposition No. 33 (Sale of Granted Lands)

People: Silvius A. Dickey

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 11 Jul 1889, 13:30

Read a second time and referred to the Committee on State, School and Granted Lands.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 11 Jul 1889, 13:30

Proposition No. 34 (Eminent Domain)

People: Jacob T. Eshelman

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 11 Jul 1889, 13:30

Read a second time and referred to the Committee on State and Granted Lands.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 11 Jul 1889, 13:30

Proposition No. 35 (Prohibiting Credit Loaning)

People: George H. Stevenson

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 11 Jul 1889, 13:30

Read a second time and referred to the Committee on County, City and Township Organization.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 11 Jul 1889, 13:30

Proposition No. 36 (Taxation)

People: Jacob T. Eshelman George H. Stevenson

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 11 Jul 1889, 13:30

Read a second time and referred to the Committee on Revenue and Taxation.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 11 Jul 1889, 13:30

Proposition No. 37 (Suffrage)

People: J. J. Weisenburger

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 11 Jul 1889, 13:30

Read a second time and referred to the Commitee on Election and Elective Rights.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 11 Jul 1889, 13:30

Proposition by Mr. Cosgrove (Tidelands)

People: Samuel G. Cosgrove

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 11 Jul 1889, 13:30

Read a second time and referred to the Committee on State, School and Granted Lands.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 11 Jul 1889, 13:30

Proposition by Mr. Godman (Banking)

People: Melvin M. Godman

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 11 Jul 1889, 13:30

Read a second time and referred to the Committee on Corporations Other Than Municipal.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 12 Jul 1889, 13:30

Petition on Liquor Traffic

People: Ralph Oregon Dunbar

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 12 Jul 1889, 13:30

Treatise on State Constitutions

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 12 Jul 1889, 13:30

Petition Relating to Oysters and Oyster Beds

People: James A. Burk

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 12 Jul 1889, 13:30

Petition Relating to Women's Suffrage

People: Oliver H. Joy

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 12 Jul 1889, 13:30

Majority Report from the Committee on Printing, Mileage and Contingent Expenses

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 12 Jul 1889, 13:30

Minority Report from the Committee on Printing, Mileage and Contingent Expenses

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 12 Jul 1889, 13:30

Knight's Bid for Printer

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 12 Jul 1889, 13:30

Proposition No. 34 (Eminent Domain): Sections 1 and 2

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 12 Jul 1889, 13:30

Proposition No. 34 (Eminent Domain): Section 3

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 12 Jul 1889, 13:30

Proposition by Mr. Jones (Divorce)

People: George H. Jones

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 12 Jul 1889, 13:30

Read a second time and referred to the Committee on Preamble and Bill of Rights.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 12 Jul 1889, 13:30

Proposition by Mr. Joy (Appointment to Civil Service)

People: Oliver H. Joy

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 12 Jul 1889, 13:30

Read a second time and referred to the Committee on Miscellaneous Subjects, Schedule and Future Amendment.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 12 Jul 1889, 13:30

Proposition by Mr. Griffitts (Days' Work)

People: Thomas C. Griffitts

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 12 Jul 1889, 13:30

Read a second time and referred to the Committee on Mines and Mining.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 12 Jul 1889, 13:30

Proposition by Mr. Griffitts (Mines and Mining)

People: Thomas C. Griffitts

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 12 Jul 1889, 13:30

Read a second time and referred to the Committee on Mines and Mining.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 12 Jul 1889, 13:30

Proposition by Mr. Kinnear (Home for Disabled Soldiers)

People: John R. Kinnear

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 12 Jul 1889, 13:30

Read second time and referred to the Committee on Military Affairs.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 12 Jul 1889, 13:30

Proposition by Mr. Buchanan (Judicial Department)

People: Daniel Buchanan

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 12 Jul 1889, 13:30

Read second time and referred to Committee on Judicial Department.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 12 Jul 1889, 13:30

Proposition by Mr. Dyer (Banking Institutions)

People: Trusten P. Dyer

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 12 Jul 1889, 13:30

Read a second time and referred to Committee on Corporations Other Than Municipal.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 12 Jul 1889, 13:30

Proposition by Mr. Eshelman (Elections)

People: Jacob T. Eshelman

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 12 Jul 1889, 13:30

Read a second time and referred to the Committee on Judicial Department.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 12 Jul 1889, 13:30

Proposition by Mr. Lillis (Protection of Life)

People: Henry M. Lillis

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 12 Jul 1889, 13:30

Read a second time and referred to the Committee on Corporations Other Than Municipal.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 12 Jul 1889, 13:30

Proposition by Mr. Prosser (Elective Rights)

People: William F. Prosser

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 12 Jul 1889, 13:30

Read a second time and referred to the Committee on Elections and Elective Rights.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 12 Jul 1889, 13:30

Proposition by Mr. Prosser (School Lands)

People: William F. Prosser

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 12 Jul 1889, 13:30

Read second time and referred to the Committee on State, School and Granted Lands.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 12 Jul 1889, 13:30

Proposition by Mr. Newton (Mines and Mining)

People: W. L. Newton

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 12 Jul 1889, 13:30

Read a second time and referred to the Committee on Mines and Mining.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 12 Jul 1889, 13:30

Proposition by Mr. Hicks (Sumptuary Laws)

People: Gwin Hicks

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 12 Jul 1889, 13:30

Read a second time and referred to the Committee on Legislative Department.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 12 Jul 1889, 13:30

Proposition by Mr. Hicks (School Lands)

People: Gwin Hicks

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 12 Jul 1889, 13:30

Read a second time and referred to the Committee on State, School and Granted Lands.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 12 Jul 1889, 13:30

Proposition by Mr. Weir (Shore Lands)

People: Allen Weir

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 12 Jul 1889, 13:30

Resolution on the Rules by Mr. Stiles

People: Theodore L. Stiles

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 13 Jul 1889, 09:00

Proposition by Mr. Durie (Tidelands)

People: David E. Durie

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 13 Jul 1889, 09:00

Referred to the Committee on State, School and Granted Lands.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 13 Jul 1889, 09:00

Proposition by Mr. Durie (Division of Counties and Removal of County Seats)

People: David E. Durie

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 13 Jul 1889, 09:00

Referred to the Committee on County, City and Township Organization.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 13 Jul 1889, 09:00

Proposition by A. Mires (Irrigation)

People: Austin Mires

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 13 Jul 1889, 09:00

Referred to the Committee on Water and Water Rights.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 13 Jul 1889, 09:00

Proposition by Mr. Dyer (Duties of Office Holders)

People: Trusten P. Dyer

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 13 Jul 1889, 09:00

Referred to the Committee on Miscellaneous Subjects, Schedule and Future Amendments.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 13 Jul 1889, 09:00

Proposition by Mr. Dyer (Child Labor)

People: Trusten P. Dyer

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 13 Jul 1889, 09:00

Referred to the Committee on Mines and Mining.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 13 Jul 1889, 09:00

Proposition by Mr. Power (Veto Power)

People: James Power

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 13 Jul 1889, 09:00

Referred to the Committee on Executive Department and Pardoning Power.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 13 Jul 1889, 09:00

Proposition by Mr. Power (Scaling of Logs)

People: James Power

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 13 Jul 1889, 09:00

Referred to the Committee on Miscellaneous Subjects, Schedule and Future Amendments.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 13 Jul 1889, 09:00

Proposition by Mr. Schooley (The Legislature)

People: Albert Schooley

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 13 Jul 1889, 09:00

Referred to the Committee on Legislative Department.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 13 Jul 1889, 09:00

Proposition by Mr. Kinnear (Coal Mines)

People: John R. Kinnear

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 13 Jul 1889, 09:00

Referred to the Committee on Mines and Mining.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 13 Jul 1889, 09:00

Proposition by Mr. Jones (Exemption of Property of Municipal Corporations from Execution)

People: George H. Jones

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 13 Jul 1889, 09:00

Referred to Committee on Legislative Department.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 13 Jul 1889, 09:00

Proposition by Mr. Weir (Executive Department)

People: Allen Weir

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 13 Jul 1889, 09:00

Read a second time and referred to the Committee on Executive Department and Pardoning Power.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 13 Jul 1889, 09:00

Proposition by Mr. Gowey (Legislative Department)

People: John F. Gowey

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 13 Jul 1889, 09:00

Read a second time and referred to Committee on Legislative Department.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 13 Jul 1889, 09:00

Proposition by Mr. Berry (Senate)

People: Samuel H. Berry

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 13 Jul 1889, 09:00

Referred to the Committee on Legislative Department.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 13 Jul 1889, 09:00

Proposition by Mr. Berry (Embezzlement and Defalcation of Public Funds)

People: Samuel H. Berry

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 13 Jul 1889, 09:00

Referred to Committee on Legislative Department.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 13 Jul 1889, 09:00

Proposition by Mr. T. M. Reed (Salaries of State Officers)

People: Thomas M. Reed

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 13 Jul 1889, 09:00

Referred to the Committee on Legislative Department.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 13 Jul 1889, 09:00

Proposition by Mr. Hicks (Minority Representation)

People: Gwin Hicks

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 13 Jul 1889, 09:00

Referred to the Committee on Legislative Department.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 13 Jul 1889, 09:00

Proposition by Mr. Hicks (Tidelands)

People: Gwin Hicks

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 13 Jul 1889, 09:00

Referred to Committee on State, School and Granted Lands.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 13 Jul 1889, 09:00

Proposition by Mr. Hicks (Habeas Corpus)

People: Gwin Hicks

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 13 Jul 1889, 09:00

Referred to Committee on Military Affairs.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 13 Jul 1889, 09:00

Proposition by Mr. Turner (School Fund)

People: George Turner

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 13 Jul 1889, 09:00

Read a second time and referred to the Committee on Educational Institutions.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 13 Jul 1889, 09:00

Proposition by Mr. Dyer (Commissioner of Public Printing)

People: Trusten P. Dyer

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 13 Jul 1889, 09:00

Read a second time and referred to the Committee on Printing, Mileage and Contingent Expenses.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 13 Jul 1889, 09:00

Proposition by Mr. Sohns (Sale of School Lands)

People: Louis Sohns

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 13 Jul 1889, 09:00

Read a second time and referred to the Committee on State, School and Granted Lands.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 13 Jul 1889, 09:00

Report on Mileage of Members

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 15 Jul 1889, 13:00

Letter and Pamphlet Relating to the Question of Women's Suffrage

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 15 Jul 1889, 13:00

The letter (and the pamphlet, when received) referred to the Committee on Elections and Elective Rights.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 15 Jul 1889, 13:00

Proposition by Mr. Schooley (School Lands)

People: Albert Schooley

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 15 Jul 1889, 13:00

Read a second time and referred to the Committee on State, School and Granted Lands.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 15 Jul 1889, 13:00

Proposition by Mr. Joy (Submitting Special and Local Laws to Voters for Approval or Rejection)

People: Oliver H. Joy

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 15 Jul 1889, 13:00

Read a second time and referred to the Committee on Legislative Department.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 15 Jul 1889, 13:00

Proposition by Mr. Kinnear (Public Printer)

People: John R. Kinnear

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 15 Jul 1889, 13:00

Read a second time and referred to the Committee on Printing, Mileage and Contingent Expenses.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 15 Jul 1889, 13:00

Proposition by Mr. Kinnear (Armed Detectives)

People: John R. Kinnear

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 15 Jul 1889, 13:00

Read a second time and referred to the Committee on Legislative Department.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 16 Jul 1889, 09:00

Memorial from the Common Council of the City of Seattle

People: David E. Durie

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 16 Jul 1889, 09:00

Referred to Committee on State, County and Municipal Indebtedness.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 16 Jul 1889, 09:00

Memorial on Agricultural Education

People: Samuel G. Cosgrove

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 16 Jul 1889, 09:00

Referred to Committee on Education and Educational Institutions.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 16 Jul 1889, 09:00

Article on Judicial Department

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 16 Jul 1889, 09:00

Proposition by Mr. Jones (Cession to U.S. of Jurisdiction over Military and Naval Reservations)

People: George H. Jones

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 16 Jul 1889, 09:00

Referred to Committee on Federal Relations, Boundaries and Immigration.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 16 Jul 1889, 09:00

Proposition by Mr. Suksdorf (Education)

People: H. F. Suksdorf

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 16 Jul 1889, 09:00

Referred to Committee on Education and Educational Institutions.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 16 Jul 1889, 09:00

Proposition by Mr. Suksdorf (State Roads)

People: H. F. Suksdorf

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 16 Jul 1889, 09:00

Referred to Committee on Miscellaneous Subjects, etc.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 16 Jul 1889, 09:00

Proposition by Mr. Kinnear (Secret Ballot)

People: John R. Kinnear

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 16 Jul 1889, 09:00

Referred to Committee on Elections and Elective Rights.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 16 Jul 1889, 09:00

Proposition by Mr. Dyer (Holding Office by Appointment or Otherwise)

People: Trusten P. Dyer

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 16 Jul 1889, 09:00

Referred to Committee on Miscellaneous Subjects, etc.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 16 Jul 1889, 09:00

Proposition by Mr. Hicks (Secret Ballots)

People: Gwin Hicks

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 16 Jul 1889, 09:00

Referred to Committee on Elections and Elective Rights.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 16 Jul 1889, 09:00

Proposition by Mr. Hicks (Right to Bear Arms)

People: Gwin Hicks

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 16 Jul 1889, 09:00

Referred to Committee on Military Affairs.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 16 Jul 1889, 09:00

Proposition by Mr. Tibbetts (Voting by Australian System)

People: George W. Tibbetts

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 16 Jul 1889, 09:00

Referred to Committee on Elections and Elective Rights.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 16 Jul 1889, 09:00

Proposition by Mr. Allen (Time within which Action May Be Begun by States Against Persons)

People: Hiram E. Allen

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 16 Jul 1889, 09:00

Referred to Committee on Judicial Department.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 16 Jul 1889, 09:00

Proposition by Mr. Allen (Compensation of Public Officers by Salary and of Fees)

People: Hiram E. Allen

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 16 Jul 1889, 09:00

Referred to Committee on Judicial Department.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 16 Jul 1889, 09:00

Proposition by Mr. Allen (Qualification of Electors)

People: Hiram E. Allen

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 16 Jul 1889, 09:00

Referred to Committee on Elections and Elective Rights.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 16 Jul 1889, 09:00

Proposition by Mr. Weisenberger (Alien Ownership of Land)

People: J. J. Weisenburger

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 16 Jul 1889, 09:00

Referred to Committee on State, School, and Granted Lands.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 16 Jul 1889, 09:00

Proposition by Mr. Berry (Military Affairs)

People: Samuel H. Berry

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 16 Jul 1889, 09:00

Referred to Committee on Military Affairs.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 17 Jul 1889, 09:00

Letter from R. L. Carpenter

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 17 Jul 1889, 09:00

Letter from Lucinda Hastings, C. C. Bartlett & Co.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 17 Jul 1889, 09:00

Resolution on Tidelands

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 17 Jul 1889, 09:00

Read and referred to Committee on State, School, and Granted Lands.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 17 Jul 1889, 09:00

Proposition Relating to Corporations

People: John J. Browne

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 17 Jul 1889, 09:00

Referred to the Committee on Corporations Other Than Municipal.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 17 Jul 1889, 09:00

Proposition Prohibiting Lotteries

People: Trusten P. Dyer

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 17 Jul 1889, 09:00

Referred to the Committee on Miscellaneous Subjects, etc.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 17 Jul 1889, 09:00

Proposition Relating to Bribery of Officers

People: Hanford Wentworth Fairweather

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 17 Jul 1889, 09:00

Referred to Committee on Legislative Department.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 17 Jul 1889, 09:00

Proposition Relative to the Right of a Citizen to Sue the State

People: Theodore L. Stiles

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 17 Jul 1889, 09:00

Referred to Committee on Preamble and Bill of Rights.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 17 Jul 1889, 09:00

Article on Registration

People: John M. Reed

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 17 Jul 1889, 09:00

Referred to Committee on Elections and Elective Rights.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 17 Jul 1889, 09:00

Article on Nonjudicial Days and Legal Holidays

People: John M. Reed

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 17 Jul 1889, 09:00

Referred to Committee on Judicial Department.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 17 Jul 1889, 09:00

Proposition Relative to Liens

People: W. L. Newton

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 17 Jul 1889, 09:00

Referred to Committee on Legislative Department.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 17 Jul 1889, 09:00

Memorial on Women's Suffrage

People: Daniel J. Crowley

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 17 Jul 1889, 09:00

The memorial was read and referred to the Committee on Elections and Elective Rights.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 18 Jul 1889, 09:00

Communication Regarding Taxing Church Property

People: John R. Kinnear

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 18 Jul 1889, 09:00

Read and referred to the Committee on Revenue and Taxation.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 18 Jul 1889, 09:00

Memorial Relating to Women's Suffrage

People: Daniel J. Crowley

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 18 Jul 1889, 09:00

Read and referred to the Committee on Elections and Elective Rights.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 18 Jul 1889, 09:00

Memorial Relating to Women's Suffrage (2)

People: Daniel J. Crowley

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 18 Jul 1889, 09:00

Read and referred to the Committee on Elections and Elective Rights.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 18 Jul 1889, 09:00

Memorial Relating to Prohibition

People: Jacob T. Eshelman

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 18 Jul 1889, 09:00

Memorial Relating to Irrigation

People: Oliver H. Joy

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 18 Jul 1889, 09:00

Read and referred to the Committee on Water and Water Rights.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 18 Jul 1889, 09:00

Memorial Relating to Women's Suffrage (3)

People: Joshua Philander T. McCroskey

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 18 Jul 1889, 09:00

Read and referred to the Committee on Elections and Elective Rights.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 18 Jul 1889, 09:00

Memorial Relating to Women's Suffrage (4)

People: Oliver H. Joy

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 18 Jul 1889, 09:00

Referred to Committee on Elections and Elective Rights.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 18 Jul 1889, 09:00

Memorial Relating to Women's Suffrage (5)

People: Joshua Philander T. McCroskey

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 18 Jul 1889, 09:00

Read and referred to the Committee on Elections and Elective Rights.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 18 Jul 1889, 09:00

Memorial on Prohibition of Alcoholic Liquors

People: Joshua Philander T. McCroskey

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 18 Jul 1889, 09:00

Read and referred to the Committee on Miscellaneous Subjects, Schedule and Future Amendments.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 18 Jul 1889, 09:00

Memorial Relating to Women's Suffrage (6)

People: Addison A. Lindsley

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 18 Jul 1889, 09:00

Read and referred to the Committee on Elections and Elective Rights.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 18 Jul 1889, 09:00

Memorial Relating to Women's Suffrage (7)

People: W. B. Gray

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 18 Jul 1889, 09:00

Memorial Relating to the Manufacture and Sale of Liquor

People: John F. Gowey

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 18 Jul 1889, 09:00

Read and referred to the Committee on Miscellaneous Subjects, Schedule and Future Amendments.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 18 Jul 1889, 09:00

Memorial on the Manufacture and Sale of Alcoholic Liquors

People: George W. Tibbetts

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 18 Jul 1889, 09:00

Read and referred to the Committee on Miscellaneous Subjects, Schedule and Future Amendments.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 18 Jul 1889, 09:00

Memorial Relating to Women's Suffrage (8)

People: Albert Schooley

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 18 Jul 1889, 09:00

Read and referred to Committee on Elections and Elective Rights.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 18 Jul 1889, 09:00

Memorial Relating to Women's Suffrage (9)

People: Jacob T. Eshelman

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 18 Jul 1889, 09:00

Read and referred to the Committee on Elections and Elective Rights.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 18 Jul 1889, 09:00

Proposition Prohibiting Lotteries

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 18 Jul 1889, 09:00

Granted. Received and referred to the Committee on Legislative Department.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 18 Jul 1889, 09:00

Report of the Committee on Federal Relations, Boundaries and Immigration

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 18 Jul 1889, 09:00

Article on Judicial Department: Section 3

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 19 Jul 1889, 09:00

Memorial by the Board of Trade of the City of Olympia Relative to Corporations

People: Francis Henry

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 19 Jul 1889, 09:00

Referred to the Committee on Corporations Other Than Municipal.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 19 Jul 1889, 09:00

Petition: Relating to Equal Suffrage

People: Charles T. Fay

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 19 Jul 1889, 09:00

Referred to the Committee on Elections and Elective Rights.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 19 Jul 1889, 09:00

Petition: Relating to Prohibition

People: George W. Tibbetts

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 19 Jul 1889, 09:00

Referred to the Committee on Miscellaneous Subjects, Schedule and Future Amendments.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 20 Jul 1889, 09:00

Affidavit Regarding Women's Suffrage

People: Jacob T. Eshelman

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 20 Jul 1889, 09:00

Ordered received, read and referred to the Committee on Elections and Elective Rights.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 20 Jul 1889, 09:00

Petition Relative to Women's Suffrage

People: Joshua Philander T. McCroskey

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 20 Jul 1889, 09:00

Received, read and referred to the Committee on Elections and Elective Rights.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 20 Jul 1889, 09:00

Petition Relative to Women's Suffrage (2)

People: Henry Winsor

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 20 Jul 1889, 09:00

Received, read and referred to Committee on Elections and Elective Rights.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 20 Jul 1889, 09:00

Petition Relative to Women's Suffrage (3)

People: Joshua Philander T. McCroskey

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 20 Jul 1889, 09:00

Received read and referred to Committee on Elections and Elective Rights.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 20 Jul 1889, 09:00

Petition Relative to Women's Suffrage (4)

People: Joshua Philander T. McCroskey

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 20 Jul 1889, 09:00

Received, read and referred to Committee on Elections and Elective Rights.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 22 Jul 1889, 13:30

Resolution from the Teachers of the Fourth Judicial District

People: John J. Browne

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 22 Jul 1889, 13:30

Read and referred to the Committee on Education and Educational Institutions.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 22 Jul 1889, 13:30

Petition by Mr. Gowey: Taxation of Church Property

People: John F. Gowey

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 22 Jul 1889, 13:30

Read and referred to the Committee on Revenue and Taxation.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 22 Jul 1889, 13:30

Article on Organization of Counties, Cities and Township

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 22 Jul 1889, 13:30

Proposition Relative to Passes over any Railroad or Steamboat Line

People: Trusten P. Dyer

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 22 Jul 1889, 13:30

Read and referred to the Committee on Corporations Other Than Municipal.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 22 Jul 1889, 13:30

Article IV [The Judiciary, Convention]

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 23 Jul 1889, 09:00

Proposition Relative to State Institutions & Public Buildings

People: Robert F. Sturdevant

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 24 Jul 1889, 09:00

Telegram Relating to the Observance of the Sabbath

People: John P. Hoyt

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 24 Jul 1889, 09:00

Read and referred to the Committee on Preamble and Bill of Rights.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 24 Jul 1889, 09:00

Proposition Relative to Prohibition

People: Jacob T. Eshelman

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 24 Jul 1889, 09:00

Read and referred to the Committee on Miscellaneous Subjects, Schedule and Future Amendments.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 24 Jul 1889, 09:00

Proposition Relative to State, County and Municipal Indebtedness

People: Ralph Oregon Dunbar

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 24 Jul 1889, 09:00

Read and referred to the Committee on State, County and Municipal Indebtedness.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 24 Jul 1889, 09:00

Article XI [County, City, Township Organization, Convention]

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 25 Jul 1889, 09:00

Telegram From Seattle Chamber of Commerce

People: John P. Hoyt

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 25 Jul 1889, 09:00

Read and referred to Committee on Corporations Other Than Municipal.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 25 Jul 1889, 09:00

Petition From Dr. H. T. Turner

People: John P. Hoyt

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 25 Jul 1889, 09:00

Read and referred to the Committee on County, City and Township Organization.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 25 Jul 1889, 09:00

Petition From a K. of L. Assembly Number 115: First, Second, Third, and Fourth Sections

People: W. L. Newton

Last decision:

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 25 Jul 1889, 09:00

Petition From a K. of L. Assembly Number 115: Sixth Section

People: W. L. Newton

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 25 Jul 1889, 09:00

Petition From a K. of L. Assembly Number 115: Tenth Section

People: W. L. Newton

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 25 Jul 1889, 09:00

Petition From a K. of L. Assembly Number 115: Eleventh Section

People: W. L. Newton

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 25 Jul 1889, 09:00

Report of the Committee on State, County, and Municiple Indebtedness: Majority

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 25 Jul 1889, 09:00

Report of the Committee on State, County, and Municiple Indebtedness: Minority

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 25 Jul 1889, 09:00

Petitions Relative to the Taxation of Church Property

People: John F. Gowey

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 25 Jul 1889, 09:00

Read and referred to the Committee on Revenue and Taxation.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 26 Jul 1889, 09:00

Letter from Robert A. Connell concerning Agricultural Education

People: Samuel G. Cosgrove

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 26 Jul 1889, 09:00

Read and referred to the Committee on Education and Educational Institutions.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 26 Jul 1889, 09:00

Memorial from Lewis County Bar on Probate Matters

People: Samuel H. Berry

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 26 Jul 1889, 09:00

Read and referred to the Committee on Judicial Department.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 26 Jul 1889, 09:00

Petitions on the Taxation of Church Property

People: Samuel H. Berry

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 26 Jul 1889, 09:00

Read and referred to the Committee on Revenue and Taxation.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 26 Jul 1889, 09:00

Memorial from Lewis County Bar on Probate Matters: Mr. Joy

People: Oliver H. Joy

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 26 Jul 1889, 09:00

Read and referred to the Committee on Judicial Department.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 26 Jul 1889, 09:00

Rev. W. F. Crafts on the Sunday Rest Movement

People: Hiram E. Allen

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 26 Jul 1889, 09:00

Read and referred to the Committee on Preamble and Bill of Rights.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 26 Jul 1889, 09:00

Petition from the Typographical Union No. 202

People: James Power

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 26 Jul 1889, 09:00

Read and referred to the Committee on Printing, Mileage and Contingent Expenses.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 26 Jul 1889, 09:00

Petition Relating to the Taxation of Church Property

People: Matt J. McElroy

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 26 Jul 1889, 09:00

Read and referred to the Committee on Revenue and Taxation.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 26 Jul 1889, 09:00

Report of the Committee on Corporations Other Than Municipal

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 26 Jul 1889, 09:00

Telegram from Secretary Wheelwright

People: John P. Hoyt

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 26 Jul 1889, 09:00

Read and referred to the Committee on Corporations Other Than Municipal

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 27 Jul 1889, 09:00

Resolution from Columbia Council in Clark County

People: Addison A. Lindsley

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 27 Jul 1889, 09:00

Report of the Committee on Military Affairs

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 27 Jul 1889, 09:00

Proposition to Board of Health

People: H. C. Willison

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 27 Jul 1889, 09:00

Read and referred to the Committee on State Medical and Public Health.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 27 Jul 1889, 09:00

Memorial from American Sabbath Union

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 27 Jul 1889, 09:00

Read and referred to the Committee on Preamble and Bill of Rights.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 27 Jul 1889, 09:00

Article III [The Executive Department]

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 29 Jul 1889, 09:00

Petition as to Women's Suffrage

People: Henry Winsor

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 29 Jul 1889, 09:00

Referred to the Committee on Election and Elective Rights.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 29 Jul 1889, 09:00

Propositions on Sunday Observance

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 29 Jul 1889, 09:00

So ordered.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 29 Jul 1889, 09:00

Communication From Ex Chief Justice Roger S. Greene: Relation to Tidelands

People: John P. Hoyt

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 29 Jul 1889, 09:00

Read and referred to the Committee on State, School and Granted Lands.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 29 Jul 1889, 09:00

Article I [Preamble, Convention]

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 30 Jul 1889, 09:00

Petition Relative to Practice of Medicine

People: Henry Winsor

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 30 Jul 1889, 09:00

Read and referred to the Committee on State Medicine and Public Health.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 30 Jul 1889, 09:00

Proposition Relative to Warehouses

People: John R. Kinnear

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 30 Jul 1889, 09:00

Read and referred to the Committee on Agriculture, Manufactures, Fishing and Commerce.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 30 Jul 1889, 09:00

Telegram from Harry Krutz

People: B. L. Sharpstein

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 30 Jul 1889, 09:00

Telegram from H. A. Carney

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 30 Jul 1889, 09:00

Read and referred to the Committee on Corporations Other Than Municipal.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 30 Jul 1889, 09:00

Communication from M. Z. Goodell

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 30 Jul 1889, 09:00

Read and referred to the Committee on Corporations Other Than Municipal.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 31 Jul 1889, 09:00

Communication Relative to the Employment of Labor of Public Works

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 31 Jul 1889, 09:00

Referred to the Committee on Legislative Department.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 31 Jul 1889, 09:00

Communication from Superintendent of Seattle Public Schools

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 31 Jul 1889, 09:00

Petition Relating to the Sale of Tide Flat and Shore lands

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 31 Jul 1889, 09:00

Petition from Pierce County Medical Society

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 31 Jul 1889, 09:00

Read and referred to the Committee on State Medicine and Public Health.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 31 Jul 1889, 09:00

Telegram from O. E. Williams

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 31 Jul 1889, 09:00

Read and referred to the Committee on Corporations Other Than Municipal.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 31 Jul 1889, 09:00

Petition Relative to the Sunday Rest Article

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 31 Jul 1889, 09:00

Read and referred to the Committee on Preamble and Bill of Rights.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 31 Jul 1889, 09:00

Minority Report from the Committee on Preamble and Bill of Rights

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 31 Jul 1889, 09:00

Received and ordered referred to the committee of the whole, having the article under consideration:

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 31 Jul 1889, 09:00

Majority Report from the Committee on Preamble and Bill of Rights

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 31 Jul 1889, 09:00

Received and ordered referred to the committee of the whole, having the article under consideration:

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 31 Jul 1889, 09:00

Article I [Preamble and Declaration of Rights, Convention]

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 01 Aug 1889, 09:00

Report of the Committee on Water and Water Rights

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 01 Aug 1889, 09:00

Report of the Committee on State, School and Granted Lands

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 01 Aug 1889, 09:00

Article VIII [State, County and Municipal Indebtedness, Convention]

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 02 Aug 1889, 09:00

Telegram From the Board of Trade of the City of Ellensburg

People: John P. Hoyt

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 02 Aug 1889, 09:00

Read and referred to the Committee on Corporations Other Than Municipal.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 02 Aug 1889, 09:00

Telegram From the Board of Trade of Spokane Falls

People: John P. Hoyt

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 02 Aug 1889, 09:00

Read and referred to the Committee on Corporations Other Than Municipal.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 02 Aug 1889, 09:00

Telegram From the City Council of Spokane Falls

People: John P. Hoyt

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 02 Aug 1889, 09:00

Read and referred to the Committee on Corporations Other Than Municipal.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 02 Aug 1889, 09:00

Communication From the Tacoma Typographical Union No. 170

People: John P. Hoyt

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 02 Aug 1889, 09:00

Read and referred to the Committee on Legislative Department.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 02 Aug 1889, 09:00

Communication From Eesinger, Forest Commissioner of Colorado

People: John P. Hoyt

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 02 Aug 1889, 09:00

Read and referred to the Committee on Miscellaneous Subjects, Schedule and Future Amendments.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 02 Aug 1889, 09:00

Message from Whitman County Farmers' Alliance

People: John P. Hoyt

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 02 Aug 1889, 09:00

Read and referred to the Committee on Revenue and Taxation.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 02 Aug 1889, 09:00

Memorial From the Board of Trade of Vancouver

People: Louis Sohns

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 02 Aug 1889, 09:00

Read and referred to the Committee on Corporations Other Than Municipal.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 02 Aug 1889, 09:00

Memorial Relating to Public Health and Hygiene

People: George H. Jones

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 02 Aug 1889, 09:00

Read and referred to the Committee on State Medicine and Public Health.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 03 Aug 1889, 09:00

Communication from the Tacoma Chamber of Commerce

People: Thomas M. Reed

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 03 Aug 1889, 09:00

...read [and] referred to the committee of the whole now having the matter under consideration.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 03 Aug 1889, 09:00

Communication from the Old Settlers

People: Thomas M. Reed

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 05 Aug 1889, 09:00

Telegram Regarding Telegraph Companies

Last decision:

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 05 Aug 1889, 09:00

Petitions Relative to a Board of Health

People: H. C. Willison

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 05 Aug 1889, 09:00

Petition Relative to Women's Suffrage

Last decision:

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 05 Aug 1889, 09:00

Proposition by Mr. Prosser Relating to Forests on Granted Lands

People: William F. Prosser

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 05 Aug 1889, 09:00

Read and referred to Committee on State, School and Granted Lands.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 05 Aug 1889, 09:00

Article on Eminent Domain for Drains, Ditches, Etc

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 05 Aug 1889, 09:00

Article XXI [Water and Water Rights, Convention]

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 05 Aug 1889, 09:00

Report from the Committee on Legislative Department

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 06 Aug 1889, 08:00

Petition from James J. Walsh

People: John P. Hoyt

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 06 Aug 1889, 08:00

Referred to Committee on Federal Relations, Boundaries and Immigration.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 06 Aug 1889, 08:00

Communication from W. H. Galvani Relative to State Printer and Commissioner of Labor.

People: Thomas C. Griffitts

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 06 Aug 1889, 08:00

Referred to Committee on Printing, Mileage and Contingent Expenses.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 06 Aug 1889, 08:00

Report from Committee on State Institutions and Public Buildings [State Institutions and Public Buildings]

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 06 Aug 1889, 08:00

Report from Committee on State Institutions and Public Buildings [Seat of Government]

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 06 Aug 1889, 08:00

Article XII [Corporations other than Municipal]

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 07 Aug 1889, 09:00

Article on Homesteads and Property Exemptions

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 07 Aug 1889, 09:00

Article on Federal Relations, Boundaries and Immigration

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 07 Aug 1889, 09:00

Article on Education and Educational Institutions

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 08 Aug 1889, 09:00

Communication from C. D. Potter relating to Sunday law

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 08 Aug 1889, 09:00

Compact with the United States

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 08 Aug 1889, 09:00

Second Report of the Committee on Water and Water Rights

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 08 Aug 1889, 09:00

Article XIII [State Institutions and Public Buildings, Convention]

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 08 Aug 1889, 09:00

Article XIV [Seat of Government, Convention]

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 08 Aug 1889, 09:00

Report of the Committee on Elections and Elective Rights

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 12 Aug 1889, 09:00

And the Convention proceeded as in committee of the whole to consider the report.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 08 Aug 1889, 09:00

Minority Report from Committee on Legislative Department

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 09 Aug 1889, 09:00

Article XXII [Legislative Apportionment, Convention]

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 09 Aug 1889, 09:00

Article XX [Public Health and Vital Statistics, Convention]

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 09 Aug 1889, 09:00

Article II [Legislative Department, Convention]

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 10 Aug 1889, 09:00

Communication in Relation to State Seal

People: John P. Hoyt

Last decision:

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 10 Aug 1889, 09:00

Report on Committee on Harbor, Tidewaters and Navigable Streams

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 10 Aug 1889, 09:00

Article IX [Education and Educational Institutions, Convention]

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 10 Aug 1889, 09:00

[Editor's Note: Reprint of Article as agreed upon up to this point.]

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 12 Aug 1889, 09:00

Article VI [Elections and Elective Rights, Convention]

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 14 Aug 1889, 09:00

Report from Committee on Miscellaneous Subjects, Schedule and Future Amendments

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 14 Aug 1889, 09:00

Report of the Committee on Federal Relations, Boundaries, and Immigration

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 14 Aug 1889, 09:00

Article I [Declaration of Rights, Convention]

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 15 Aug 1889, 09:00

Memorial Relative to Equal Suffrage

People: William F. Prosser

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 15 Aug 1889, 09:00

Read and referred to Committee on Elections and Elective Rights.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 15 Aug 1889, 09:00

Second Memorial Relative to Equal Suffrage

People: Oliver H. Joy

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 15 Aug 1889, 09:00

Read and referred to Committee on Elections and Elective Rights.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 17 Aug 1889, 09:00

Article XVI [School and Granted Lands, Convention]

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 19 Aug 1889, 09:00

Article IV [The Judiciary, Convention]

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 19 Aug 1889, 09:00

Article V [Impeachment, Convention]

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 19 Aug 1889, 09:00

Article from Mr. Turner

People: George Turner

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 19 Aug 1889, 09:00

Article from Mr. Dunbar

People: Henry Winsor

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 19 Aug 1889, 09:00

Mr. Power's Resolution

People: James Power

Last decision:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 19 Aug 1889, 09:00

And the motion was lost and the resolution referred to Committee on State, School and Granted Lands.

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 19 Aug 1889, 09:00

Article XXVII [Schedule, Convention]

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 20 Aug 1889, 09:00

Article III [The Executive Department, Committee on Revision, Adjustment and Enrollment]

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 20 Aug 1889, 09:00

Article VI [Elections and Elective Rights, Committee on Revision, Adjustment and Enrollment]

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 20 Aug 1889, 09:00

Article VII [Revenue and Taxation, Committee on Revision, Adjustment and Enrollment]

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 20 Aug 1889, 09:00

Article VIII [State, County and Municipal Indebtedness, Committee on Revision, Enrollment and Adjustment]

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 20 Aug 1889, 09:00

Article IX [Education and Educational Institutions], Convention

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 20 Aug 1889, 09:00

Article X [Militia, Committee on Revision, Adjustment and Enrollment]

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 20 Aug 1889, 09:00

Article XVII [Tidelands, Convention]

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 20 Aug 1889, 09:00

Article XVI [School and Granted Lands, Convention]

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 21 Aug 1889, 09:00

Article XI [County, City, Township Organization]

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 21 Aug 1889, 09:00

Article XII [Corporations Other Than Municipal]

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 21 Aug 1889, 09:00

Article XIII [State Institutions and Public Buildings]

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 21 Aug 1889, 09:00

Article XIV [Seat of Government]

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 21 Aug 1889, 09:00

Article XXIII [Amendments]

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 21 Aug 1889, 09:00

Article XXII [Legislative Apportionment]

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 21 Aug 1889, 09:00

Article XXI [Water and Water Rights]

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 21 Aug 1889, 09:00

Article XIX [Exemptions]

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 21 Aug 1889, 09:00

Article XX [Public Health and Vital Statistics]

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 21 Aug 1889, 09:00

Article XXVI [Compact with the United States]

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 22 Aug 1889, 09:00

Article XV [Harbors and Tidewaters, Committee on Revision, Adjustment and Enrollment]

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 22 Aug 1889, 09:00

Article XVI [School and Granted Lands, Committee on Revision, Adjustment and Enrollment]

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 22 Aug 1889, 09:00

Article XXV [Jurisdiction, Committee on Revision, Adjustment and Enrollment]

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 22 Aug 1889, 09:00

Article XVIII [State Seal]

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 22 Aug 1889, 09:00

Report of the Committee on Federal Relations, Boundaries, and Immigration

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 22 Aug 1889, 09:00

Article XVII [Tidelands, Committee on Judicial Department]

Creator event:

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Date: 22 Aug 1889, 09:00

Article XXVII [Schedule, Committee on Judicial Department]