Twelve articles of amendment to the Constitution, introduced in September 1789 by Congress.
A standing committee, consisting of seven members, whose duties were to 'examine and report upon the certificates of election, or other credentials of the members returned to serve in this House, and to take into their consideration all such matters as shall or may come in question, and be referred to them by the House, touching returns and elections, and to report their proceedings, with their opinion thereupon, to the House.'
To see the full record of a committee, click on the corresponding committee on the map below.
The Committee's report is referred to the House
Membership (at session start):
Fisher Ames, Egbert Benson, Daniel Carroll, George Clymer, Nicholas Gilman, Benjamin Huntington, Alexander White (7 total)
Representing 7 delegations:
Connecticut Delegation, Maryland Delegation, Massachusetts Delegation, New Hampshire Delegation, New York Delegation , Pennsylvania Delegation, Virginia Delegation
Imported Documents
Imported Amendments
Exported Documents
Exported Amendments
Resources (1):
Resource Collections (0):
Resource Items (1):
Summary of events in this session:
0 0 0 0
List of people joining the committee
List of people leaving the committee
List of people elected to a position
0 0 0
List of proposals created
List of proposals amended
List of proposals copied
List of proposals imported
List of proposals to be voted on
List of proposals debated
List of proposals adopted
List of proposals rejected
List of proposals dropped
List of proposals referred
List of postpone debate voted on
List of other proposals voted on
List of procedural motion
List of motions debated
Icon key
Person joining a committee
Person leaving a committee
Person elected to a position
A new document introduced
An amendment proposed
A document introduced from another committee
A revision of another document begun
Amendment imported from another committee
Proposal Debated
Drop a proposal
Refer a proposal
Adopt a proposal
Other vote (continue debate)
Reject a proposal
Postpone debate on a proposal
Procedural motion introduced
Procedural Motion Debated
Procedural motion with sub-decisions