Idaho State Constitutional Convention 1889

Idaho's Constitutional Convention went from July 4, 1889 - August 6, 1889. Using the work that began in the standing committees, drafted reports or articles became the ratified Idaho Constitution in November 1889.

Committee of the Whole

To see the full record of a committee, click on the corresponding committee on the map below.

Session 17073: 1889-07-25 00:00:00

The Committee considered Article VI.

Membership (at session start):

George Ainslie, W. C. B. Allen, Robert Anderson, Norman I. Andrews, Henry Armstrong, James W. Ballentine, Orlando B. Batten, Frank W. Beane, James H. Beatty, A. D. Bevan, Henry B. Blake, John W. Brigham, Fred Campbell, Frank P. Cavanah, A. S. Chaney, William H. Claggett, Charles A. Clark, Isaac N. Coston, Abraham J. Crook, James I. Crutcher, Stephen S. Glidden, John S. Gray, Albert Hagan, William M. Hammell, H. S. Hampton, Henry O. Harkness, Frank Harris, Solomon Hasbrouck, Charles Marshall Hays, Wilbur A. Hendryx, Weldon B. Heyburn, John Hogan, Jonathan M. Howe, Edward S. Jewell, George W. King, Harry B. Kinport, James W. Lamoreaux, Robert Larimer, John Lemp, John Lewis, William C. Maxey, Alex E. Mayhew, William J. McConnell, Patrick M. McMahon, Henry Melder, John T. Morgan, Albert B. Moss, John H. Myer, T. F. Nelson, Aaron F. Parker, Peter J. Pefley, Abel J. Pierce, Adoniram J. Pinkham, James W. Poe, Samuel J. Pritchard, Thomas Pyeatt, James W. Reid, Warren D. Robbins, Orange J. Salisbury, William H. Savidge, James M. Shoup, Augustine M. Sinnott, Drew W. Standrod, Frank M. Steunenberg, Homer Stull, Willis Sweet, Samuel F. Taylor, John L. Underwood, Lycurgus Vineyard, J. S. Whitton, Edgar Wilson, William W. Woods (72 total)

Representing 18 delegations:

Ada County, Alturas County, Bear Lake County, Bingham County, Boise County, Cassia County, Custer County, Elmore County, Idaho County, Kootenai County, Latah County, Lemhi County, Logan County, Nez Perce County, Oneida County, Owyhee County, Shoshone County, Washington County

Imported Documents

Imported Amendments

Exported Documents

  • Report of the Committee of the Whole: 1889-07-25, Morning (e975200)
  • Report of the Committee of the Whole: 1889-07-25, Afternoon (e975259)
  • Article VI [Election & Suffrage, Committee of the Whole] (e975117)

Exported Amendments

Resources (1):

Resource Collections (0):


Resource Items (1):

Summary of events in this session:


0 0 0 0

List of people joining the committee

List of people leaving the committee

List of people elected to a position


0 0 0

List of proposals created

List of proposals amended

List of proposals copied

List of proposals imported

List of proposals to be voted on

List of proposals debated


List of proposals adopted

List of proposals rejected

List of proposals dropped

List of proposals referred

List of postpone debate voted on

List of other proposals voted on


List of procedural motion

List of motions debated

Events (151)





Icon key

Person joining a committee

Person leaving a committee

Person elected to a position

A new document introduced

An amendment proposed

A document introduced from another committee

A revision of another document begun

Amendment imported from another committee

Proposal Debated

Drop a proposal

Refer a proposal

Adopt a proposal

Other vote (continue debate)

Reject a proposal

Postpone debate on a proposal

Procedural motion introduced

Procedural Motion Debated

Procedural motion with sub-decisions