South Dakota State Constitutional Convention 1889

Following the rejected 'Sioux Falls' Convention of 1885, the South Dakota Convention met and began the drafting process in July of 1889. They used the articles of the Sioux Falls Convention as starting propositions to begin the amendment process. The South Dakota Constitution was ratified in October 1889.

The Convention

To see the full record of a committee, click on the corresponding committee on the map below.

Session 16200: 1889-08-05 13:00:00

Various resolutions were presented and adopted. The President raised an order of business regarding the settlements of the accounts with the Secretary. The President addressed the Convention, thanking them for the portrait. The Convention adjourned sine die.

Membership (at session start):

R. C. Anderson, I. Atkinson, Andrew J. Berdahl, Lyman T. Boucher, S. F. Brott, Christian Buechler, E. W. Caldwell, E. E. Clough , Clark G. Coats , William Cook, George C. Cooper, Dighton Corson, Peter Couchman, Harry T. Craig, George H. Culver, J. G. Davies, W. G. Dickinson, T. F. Diefendorf, Joshua Downing, H. W. Eddy, A. J. Edgerton, Edward G. Edgerton, William Elliot , H. F. Fellows , J. A. Fowles, C. S. Gifford, W. H. Goddard, David Hall, C. J. B. Harris, C. G. Hartley, Martin R. Heninger, L. H. Hole, Charles A. Houlton, H. A. Humphrey, S. F. Huntley, S. D. Jeffries, John L. Jolley, A. G. Kellam, J. Kimball , T. W. P. Lee, R. F. Lyons , W. H. Matson, William McCusick, A. B. McFarland, Valentine T. McGillicuddy, W. H. Murphy, Henry Neill, William S. O'Brien, Sanford Parker , S. S. Peck, Chas. H. Price, S. A. Ramsey, A. O. Ringsrud, John Scollard, Carl G. Sherwood, Robert A. Smith , I. R. Spooner, Thomas Sterling, William Stoddard, M. P. Stroupe, Thomas W. Thompson, C. H. Van Tassel, S. B. VanBuskirk, William VanEps , C. R. Wescott, S. A. Wheeler, John F. Whitlock, William T. Williams, H. M. Williamson, J. V. Willis, Chauncey L. Wood, J. F. Wood, F. G. Young , Joseph Zitka (74 total)

Representing 25 delegations:

01. First District, 02. Second District, 03. Third District, 04. Fourth District, 05. Fifth District, 06. Sixth District, 07. Seventh District, 08. Eighth District, 09. Ninth District, 10. Tenth District, 11. Eleventh District, 12. Twelfth District, 13. Thirteenth District, 14. Fourteenth District, 15. Fifteenth District, 16. Sixteenth District , 17. Seventeenth District, 18. Eighteenth District , 19. Nineteenth District, 20. Twentieth District, 21. Twenty-first District, 22. Twenty-second District, 23. Twenty-third Delegation, 24. Twenty-fourth District, 25. Twenty-fifth District

Imported Documents

  • Report of the Committee on Securing the Publication of the Constitution and Schedule (e944473) imports from Committee of Five on Securing the Publication of the Constitution and Schedule,
    on Monday, 05 August 1889, at 13:00
  • Constitution of the State of South Dakota (e946174) imports from Committee on Engrossment and Enrollment,
    on Monday, 05 August 1889, at 13:00
  • Report of the Committee of Three to Meet with the Clerk of the Secretary of the Territory (e948715) imports from Committee of Three on Mileage,
    on Monday, 05 August 1889, at 16:30
  • Report of the Committe on Expenses of the Convention (e949326) imports from Committee on Expenses of the Convention,
    on Monday, 05 August 1889, at 13:00

Imported Amendments

Exported Documents

Exported Amendments

Resources (3):

Resource Collections (0):


Resource Items (3):

Summary of events in this session:


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List of people joining the committee

List of people leaving the committee

List of people elected to a position


0 0 0

List of proposals created

List of proposals amended

List of proposals copied

List of proposals imported

List of proposals to be voted on

List of proposals debated


List of proposals adopted

List of proposals rejected

List of proposals dropped

List of proposals referred

List of postpone debate voted on

List of other proposals voted on


List of procedural motion

List of motions debated

Events (105)



Icon key

Person joining a committee

Person leaving a committee

Person elected to a position

A new document introduced

An amendment proposed

A document introduced from another committee

A revision of another document begun

Amendment imported from another committee

Proposal Debated

Drop a proposal

Refer a proposal

Adopt a proposal

Other vote (continue debate)

Reject a proposal

Postpone debate on a proposal

Procedural motion introduced

Procedural Motion Debated

Procedural motion with sub-decisions