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Session 10621: 1872-03-25 12:00:00

The House continues to consider H. R. 1647

Membership (at session start):

Ephraim L. Acker, George M. Adams, Jacob A. Ambler, Oakes Ames, Stevenson Archer, William E. Arthur, John T. Averill, Nathaniel P. Banks, J. Allen Barber, William H. Barnum, Henry W. Barry, John Beatty, James B. Beck, Samuel N. Bell, John L. Beveridge, John S. Bigby, Benjamin T. Biggs, John A. Bingham, John T. Bird, James G. Blaine, Austin Blair, James G. Blair, Thomas Boles, Elliott M. Braxton, John M. Bright, George M. Brooks, James Brooks, Charles W. Buckley, James Buffinton, Horatio C. Burchard, Samuel S. Burdett, Benjamin F. Butler, Roderick R. Butler, Robert P. Caldwell, Lewis D. Campbell, John M. Carroll, W. T. Clark, Freeman Clarke, Clinton L. Cobb, John Coburn, John M. Coghlan, Abram Comingo, Omar D. Conger, John C. Conner, Burton C. Cook, Aylett R. Cotton, Samuel S. Cox, John M. Crebs, John V. Creely, John Critcher, Alvah Crocker, Edward Crossland, Chester B. Darrall, John J. Davis, Henry L. Dawes, Robert C. De Large, Oliver J. Dickey, William G. Donnan, Peter M. Dox, Dudley M. Du Bose, R. Holland Duell, Richard T. W. Duke, Mark H. Dunnell, Benjamin T. Eames, John Edwards, Charles A. Eldredge, Robert B. Elliott, Smith Ely, Jr., John F. Farnsworth, Charles B. Farwell, Gustavus A. Finkelnburg, Samuel C. Forker, Charles Foster, Henry D. Foster, Wilder D. Foster, William P. Frye, James A. Garfield, Abraham E. Garrett, J. Lawrence Getz, Edward I. Golladay, Milo Goodrich, Samuel Griffith, Richard J. Haldeman, Eugene Hale, George A. Halsey, Samuel Hambleton, John Hancock, William A. Handley, James M. Hanks, Alfred C. Harmer, James C. Harper, George E. Harris, John T. Harris, Harrison E. Havens, John B. Hawley, Joseph R. Hawley, John B. Hay, Charles Hays, Gerry W. Hazelton, John W. Hazelton, Frank Hereford, William S. Herndon, Ellery A. Hibbard, John Hill, George F. Hoar, William S. Holman, Samuel Hooper, Sherman O. Houghton, William D. Kelley, Stephen W. Kellogg, Charles W. Kendall, Michael C. Kerr, John H. Ketcham, John W. Killinger, Andrew King, Thomas Kinsella, Charles N. Lamison, William H. Lamport, William E. Lansing, James M. Leach, Joseph H. Lewis, David P. Lowe, John Lynch, Mahlon D. Manson, Samuel S. Marshall, Horace Maynard, William McClelland, James M. McCormick, George W. McCrary, James C. McGrew, Henry D. McHenry, Archibald T. McIntyre, Ebenezer McJunkin, George C. McKee, John F. McKinney, Thompson W. McNeely, Ulysses Mercur, Clinton L. Merriam, William M. Merrick, Benjamin F. Meyers, Alexander Mitchell, James Monroe, Jesse H. Moore, Frank Morey, George W. Morgan, Joseph L. Morphis, Leonard Myers, James S. Negley, William E. Niblack, Jackson Orr, Jasper Packard, John B. Packer, Frank W. Palmer, Hosea W. Parker, Isaac C. Parker, Erasmus D. Peck, James M. Pendleton, Legrand W. Perce, Aaron F. Perry, Eli Perry, John A. Peters, James H. Platt, Jr., Luke P. Poland, Charles H. Porter, Clarkson N. Potter, William P. Price, Elizur H. Prindle, Joseph Rainey, Samuel J. Randall, William B. Read, Edward Y. Rice, John M. Rice, John Ritchie, Ellis H. Roberts, William R. Roberts, James C. Robinson, John Rogers, Robert B. Roosevelt, Jeremiah M. Rusk, Aaron A. Sargent, Philetus Sawyer, Glenni W. Scofield, John E. Seeley, Walter L. Sessions, John P. C. Shanks, Lionel A. Sheldon, Samuel Shellabarger, Henry Sherwood, Francis E. Shober, Lazarus D. Shoemaker, James H. Slater, Henry W. Slocum, Joseph H. Sloss, Horace Boardman Smith, John A. Smith, Worthington C. Smith, Henry Snapp, Oliver P. Snyder, R. Milton Speer, Thomas J. Speer, William P. Sprague, Charles St. John, Henry H. Starkweather, Bradford N. Stevens, Job E. Stevenson, John B. Storm, William L. Stoughton, William H. H. Stowell, Julius L. Strong, Jabez G. Sutherland, Thomas Swann, J. Hale Sypher, John Taffe, William Terry, Charles R. Thomas, Dwight Townsend, Washington Townsend, Benjamin S. Turner, Joseph H. Tuthill, Ginery Twichell, James N. Tyner, William H. Upson, Philadelph Van Trump, William W. Vaughan, Daniel W. Voorhees, Alfred M. Waddell, Seth Wakeman, Madison M. Walden, Henry Waldron, Alexander S. Wallace, Josiah T. Walls, Joseph M. Warren, Erastus Wells, William A. Wheeler, Richard H. Whiteley, Washington C. Whitthorne, Charles W. Willard, William Williams (IN), William Williams (NY), Jeremiah M. Wilson, John T. Wilson, Boyd Winchester, Fernando Wood, Pierce M. B. Young (244 total)

Representing 37 delegations:

Alabama Delegation, Arkansas Delegation, California Delegation, Connecticut Delegation, Delaware Delegation, Florida Delegation, Georgia Delegation, Illinois Delegation, Indiana Delgation, Iowa Delegation, Kansas Delegation, Kentucky Delegation, Louisiana Delegation, Maine Delegation, Maryland Delegation, Massachusetts Delegation, Michigan Delegation, Minnesota Delegation, Mississippi Delegation, Missouri Delegation, Nebraska Delegation, Nevada Delegation, New Hampshire Delegation, New Jersey Delegation, New York Delegation, North Carolina Delegation, Ohio Delegation, Oregon Delegation, Pennsylvania Delegation, Rhode Island Delegation, South Carolina Delegation, Tennessee Delegation, Texas Delegation, Vermont Delegation, Virginia Delegation, West Virginia Delegation, Wisconsin Delegation

No imported or exported documents

Resources (0):

Resource Collections (0):


Resource Items (0):


Summary of events in this session:


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List of people joining the committee

List of people leaving the committee

List of people elected to a position


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List of proposals created

List of proposals amended

List of proposals copied

List of proposals imported

List of proposals to be voted on

List of proposals debated


List of proposals adopted

List of proposals rejected

List of proposals dropped

List of proposals referred

List of postpone debate voted on

List of other proposals voted on


List of procedural motion

List of motions debated

Events (25)





Icon key

Person joining a committee

Person leaving a committee

Person elected to a position

A new document introduced

An amendment proposed

A document introduced from another committee

A revision of another document begun

Amendment imported from another committee

Proposal Debated

Drop a proposal

Refer a proposal

Adopt a proposal

Other vote (continue debate)

Reject a proposal

Postpone debate on a proposal

Procedural motion introduced

Procedural Motion Debated

Procedural motion with sub-decisions