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Handwritten Notes: Minutes Of Saturday Meeting - [November 1997?]

Writing Peace: Monica McWilliams Collection


Meeting notes made on the back of other documents. Headings include 'Big Public Meetings' 'Agree Lifespan' 'Timetable Nov-June', 'Action Points', 'Political Development' and 'Confidential Paper'. From timetable and the fact that all the documents which have been written on date from October/November 1997, have included that (very provisional!) date. Have also included a scan of the document on the reverse of p.3 (an annotated agenda, item 28) at the end of scan in case they are related, since the annotations are in the same pen and the same handwriting. None of the dates on the agenda seem to be a Saturday though.


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Queen's University Belfast
MMW10 NIWC Internal Talks Papers 1996-2000
49 101 - 2000
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Monica McWilliams Papers, The McClay Libray, Queen's University Belfast, ditigized by the Quill Project at

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